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Dane Wigington

Tennessee Governor Bill Lee has now signed legislation into law that bans any form of climate engineering operations over the State of Tennessee. Courageous Tennessee lawmakers in the Senate and House had previously passed the legislation which put it on the governor's desk, it has now been signed into law. Though other states have tried, Tennessee has succeeded due to their solid, straightforward and simple bill. Now other states can follow suit by utilizing the Tennessee legislation as a template for their own. The following is an excerpt from the legislation that is now the law:

"Prohibits the intentional injection, release, or dispersion, by any means, of chemicals, chemical compounds, substances, or apparatus within the borders of this state into the atmosphere with the express purpose of affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight."

We need every state in America to follow what Tennessee has now successfully accomplished.

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard.

Must view, THE DIMMING, our most comprehensive climate engineering documentary:​

For Geoengineering Watch awareness materials shown below, click the image to order.

      GW flyer packet 300   GeoengineeringWatch.org booklets, DVD

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49 Responses

  1. I live in TN and have been emailing the governor regarding the fact that they are definitely still spraying and today emailed Steve Southerland who sponsored the bill. Here was his response. 

    Thank you for reaching out about SB 2691. The Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation has notified us that they will not be enforcing this law. I recommend that you reach out to Governor Lee’s office to voice your support for the bill. This is his office number: (615) 741-2001.
    I would say unbelievable, but I can't say that I'm surprised. I knew it seemed too good to be true. 

  2. I live in TN and they are still spraying, day and night, almost constantly. Greeneville and surrounding area. Who do we report this to?

  3. I live in Tennessee. They are still spraying over Cookeville and Sparta.

    Who can we contact or upload pictures. Posting date 7/2/24.

    1. I live in Tennessee, they are still spraying over Greeneville and surrounding area. They are doing it almost constantly, day and night. I would love to know who to report this to. 

    1. Although Tennessee has outlawed climate engineering AKA chemical spraying/poisoning of our skys, the fucking bastards are still at it. If anything they are spraying more frequently. Criminals do not obey the laws and Tennessee will be required to actively stop these idiots from destroying the planet and killing everything on it. 

  4. Vicki, yes it is . was there in 2012 and 2013. WASHINGTON too. have a friend in Wasington they as in them spary his humble ranch and he has had chickens fall over and die, sad and very true


  5. Dane  I have been on your journey with you since day one when I found you having grown up next to airforce base watching planes take off and land.  As a child and adult i'm always looking up.  I am also into astrology so i'm looking up at night also.  The planes that spray at night have a red beacon that flashes faster unlike normal planes that blink like heart rate.  I've trained my eyes to see them.  You, sir, are a true patriot and my number one hero.  Best regards and keep up the good work.  PS for those that are with the collective please dont stand idle, dont be scared, make everday count.  Gods speed.

  6. The science of "Nanotechnology" has enabled the creation of organic and non-organic nanoparticles that have been used and are still being used in just about every human industrial activity imaginable. Due to their extremely small size and their varying degrees of toxicity they are a major "problem" to say the least!  

    The amounts of toxic nanoparticles in the environment are nearly incomprehensible. The citizenry are unaware of this major problem because nanoparticles are INVISIBLE! Out of sight, out of mind!  

    The scientific/corporate/government controlled media does everything possible to keep the masses unaware of this major problem which is clearly evident in the narratives they create and present.

    As I sit here in my modest RV not far from Santa Clarity the fog came in. What's in the fog? Stupid question huh!      

    1. Am north of Santa Clarita, CA, not Clarity, though the accidental pun seems appropriate based on the info presented. Air pollution over Santa Clarita is thick today. Was thick yesterday too. Over LA its just plain crazy how bad the air pollution is there! By the way, the high temperature was supposed to be 78F today. My trucks thermometer reads 84F and its not even the hottest part of the day. Direct sunlight feels hotter than it should. Stings the skin. Can get a sunburn in less than 30 min. without sunscreen, but advanced sunscreens contain nanoparticles that are absorbed into the skin. They migrate to other parts of the body including the brain!   

    2. Lance keep posting brother. you are saying everything that i would say, but do;nt give up hope, We do have friends that care

      BE WELL

    3. You mentioned the sun in a comment and it's heat? Just like the white lines behind planes. Up in years now and when I was knee high to a tractor never seen white lines in the sky then occasional as I got older and funny I noticed them around the time of La Nina and El Nino and the sun was yellow in day and orange at sunset and spherical …Today it's white Hot! and a glare, is it a ball?. They have …Call me crazy and old but somehow obscured the Sun and intensified the heat, it apparently is no longer healthy to be in uncovered, it's crazy, but everything seems so fabricated under a grayish(Silver) blue sky

  7. The weapons of war that exist today are far more advanced than every before. Those who use them, those who believe in "eye for and eye, tooth for a tooth", do not represent Jesus Christ, nor do they represent his "Father", nor the Holy Spirit. War and desolation's will continue until the end.

  8. https://www.hindawi.com/journals/jt/2021/9954443/tab3/

    Nanoparticles Toxic effects

    Carbon nanotubes – Inflammation in the olfactory bulb. Promotes ROS formation, increases oxidative stress, inhibits cell proliferation, apoptosis.
    Silver NPs – Increases oxidative stress and decreases the anti-oxidation capacity of the antioxidative enzymes in frontal cortex and hippocampus of mice.
    Titanium oxide NPs -Induces oxidative stress, neuroinflammation, genotoxicity, neurotransmitters dysregulation, disrupted signaling pathways, and plasticity of the synapse.
    Iron oxide NPs – Neuroinflammation, apoptosis, and immune cell infiltration have been reported as a side effect of exposure to iron oxide nanoparticles.
    Silica – Cognitive dysfunction impairment, synaptic changes, an increase in oxidative stress, and microglial function alteration.
    Organic NPs – Dose-dependent inflammation, oxidative stress, neuronal apoptosis, and accumulation in the frontal cortex.


  9. For those who are so inclined, you may want to consider running for your state Legislature, specifically your state House of Representatives. It will be much easier to get legislation introduced if you're already a part of the group.

  10. I just forwarded this to my county sheriff, 2 house legislators, my state senator and a county commissioner asking them to research this topic- and please follow suit in Georgia as quickly as possible. This is groundbreaking news- and I THANK the brilliant and courageous statesmen of Tennessee for leading the way. THANK YOU Governor Lee and the people of Tennessee! YAY!!

  11. Southern CA Report

    Aircraft Spray ops again in this area after being absent for a few days.  Geoengineers making Artificial Cirrus Clouds.

    Looks like end of rain finally.  We have had well over 4 FEET of rain in past 18 months.  Why so much rain?  El Nino partly but most the result of Cloud Seeding ops for the purpose of refilling reservoirs.

    Rain diverted from Mexico or Canada or elsewhere.  Now they have drought.

    Geoengineers say "How much rain do you want and where do you want it"

    1. We're staying at an RV park not far from Santa Clarita, CA. Have also seen numerous aerosol releases going on over this area of southern CA. High level aerosol "stuff" flowed over the area all day Wed. 4/17. Cloudy this morning due to a flow of moisture moving up from the SW off of the Pacific Ocean. Odd smell in the air. Aerosol releases continuing above the low cloud cover. But, hey, just keep on watching the narratives online or on TV and the smiling faces who continue to NOT tell the truth! 

  12. Sorry to go on a rant but I long for the days when our political leaders were true statesman. They cared collectively for the people of their state regardless of their political leanings. Guys like Scoop Jaskson, Magnuson, Tom Mcall. These guys were true Americans. I'm neither right nor left, I don't fall intoo that trap but these guys were democrats and I was a Republican back the.

  13. Cudos Congrats and "Waytogoes" to our fearless, and ultimately effective leader. All my brothers/sisters here seeking Truth & Beauty and the prim and proper followers of the 'road most traveled' Here We Are

    we've been in OH since late summer, early fall, and so were here for the horizontal ice material delivery. Ran out to get my fair share of snowblower abuse and got one with  . Me and our outdoor Tx calico, now more marble cake have been reasonably patient waiting  for warmer, welcoming weather. even if it's noit hands-off Natural. still there's hope to wake-up to with Tn makin'it illegal to "Mess With Ohio 

    This is the Best Fight to be in for people like Us Be Renewed Stay Strong

  14. Great work here. 

    Where are all the so called environmental groups on this?   

    They are all a zero and say that it is just a proposal and bad for the planet.  It would be nice to get them on board too because some of them have alot of $$ and could help support this cause too.

  15. I just received confirmation, from senate assistant Jared, that my photo fact catalog is being well used!!  I hadn't received any response.  I know Minnesota state legislators are tied up with lot's to do.

    A second and third senate authors (one of them- the bills sponsor) are using that catalog of 22 pages filled with Dane's works.  I've walked the halls of senate and rep office building handing out a letter/photo sheet. etc. with senate bill SF 4630 & house bill HF 4687.  They follow Tennessee.

    I've been told by rep. author Pam, my close contact, that the bills were not considered in committee due to democrats holding majority power.  So, in spite of the difficulty, these bills will be heard on the floor of the senate for sure & maybe the house.  Yeh!! Tennessee!!  My cheers to all of you for the gathering of courage, as we help each other.  I would be a basket case if it weren't for y'all.



  16. I do not believe that mankind is going to change what's coming upon this earth. Mankind has messed with the natural world so much its not going to recover. Many even believe that through their own scientific and technological efforts (works) they're going to save themselves and this world. Not going to happen.

  17. When I read this article this morning I was overwhelmed with gratitude and so very happy for the people of Tennessee. I live in Texas and I was working in my yard this past weekend and we had almost two beautiful days except for the constant spraying of chemtrails all day (dawn till dusk). When I was a little girl the sky was a deep blue and we had white puffy clouds…I really miss that when I look up. I miss the bees and all the butterflies..does anyone else? People put down your devices , look up and wake up!

    1. YES, Gwen.. I too miss them. We are working to restore things to where the Earth itself will be able to heal from what has been done to it, to where blue skies and white clouds once again are seen by everyone. 

    2. Gwen,I read that to get thru to the woke,you have to text them an overhead pic of the mess that was our skies…Clown World.

  18. Geoengineering/cloud seeding is INSANE to mess with nature as we will all suffer the consequences !!! Thank you to all who stood up to this EVIL to MANKIND!




  19. God bless Bill Lee! I live in Oregon, just outside of Portland, things are pretty bad here… Wish Governor Tina Kotek would follow suit.

  20. how do we get this in my state of Wisconsin? we have a leftist governor,,,so i need to know who to go to.

    1. I'm your neighbor in MN.  I took this issue to my State Rep, and a few weeks later he had coauthored a bill, delivered to Senate, House, and Select Committee.  Dems are totally in control here with Comrad Walz as governor, so not holding out too much hope. It may be past the fixing point.  It's easy to get this started if your Rep is conservative.  Go for it!

  21. Dane – This is more than exciting … I am over the freaking moon!!!

    Somebody in Tennessee is paying attention! Now ARKANSAS …

  22. I question all news but the Tennessee bill appears legitimate.

    So far this news appears on BBC & NBC with 'chemtrails' in the headlines.

    I looked up that word in the Oxford English Dictionary and Merriam-Webster: America's Most Trusted Dictionary. Both immediately explain this as a conspiracy theory.

    I suspect the corporate media will keep applying the misleading language at their whim.

  23. Thank you thank you, thank you. I have four to this information to the Senate majority leader of the state legislature of North Carolina. And to many other people. 

    It's time for everyone to discover and to embrace their purpose here in life. 

    I pray to the Creator that for each of us, the path we are to walk day by day, moment by moment as we go through life, may be made ever clear to us, and that we may have the discernment and the wisdom to recognize that. Whether it's talking to your state legislators, helping someone who is in need, perhaps a homeless person, getting a turtle out of the road safely, whatever it may be. Let us be the hands and feet, the eyes and ears of the Creator. 

    May everyday our lives be a prayer.

    1. Dziękuję, 💓 tak robię każdego dnia i te ciemne szatańskie hybrydostwory usuwam mocą miłości mojego serca do ich piekielnej podziemnej ciemnej otchłani czyli krainy nory.

  24. Dane, This is great news and a very good short video about it. The fact that you consider this bill to be "in the most effective and straight forward form" means that all of us US citizens in other states can and should recommend it to our state lawmakers as a good guide. It would be wonderful see this swell into a nationwide movement!  Thank you for this information and for producing the video.

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