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There is no hiding from the toxic brew of heavy metals and chemicals (from global climate engineering programs) floating down through the atmosphere forcing us all to inhale it with every breath. Aluminum is the primary element named in numerous geoengineering patents. Extreme quantities of this highly toxic heavy metal is showing up in lab tests of precipitation from around the globe. If it’s in the rain, it’s in the air.  Aluminum has been connected to Alzheimer’s disease by peer reviewed studies, how is it that the “Alzheimer’s Association” refuses to acknowledge this fact? Who is pulling the strings in the Alzheimer’s Association? Why do they want to hide the aluminum/Alzheimer’s connection? The article below is a very complete summary of the dangers aluminum poses to the human neurological system and the body as a whole. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org


By Rebel Siren

Alzheimer’s Disease Now Fastest-Growing Threat To U.S. Health, Report Finds

Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/03/06/alzheimers-health-united-states-america-threat_n_2820887.html

Can Aluminum Cause Alzheimer’s Disease? by Melvyn R. Werbach, M.D.

“Studies have discovered a direct association between the level of aluminum in municipal drinking water and the risk of Alzheimer’s dementia.” Source:  http://www.laleva.cc/environment/aluminium_alzheimer2.html

Scientific Studies Concluding The Connection Of Aluminum To Alzheimer’s

Functional and morphological changes in cultured neurons of rat cerebral cortex induced by long-term application of aluminum –

“Aluminum is an environmental neurotoxin and a suspected risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease. The neurotoxicity of aluminum on cultured neurons of rat cerebral cortex was investigated using an assay system for synapse formation and immunohistochemistry. The frequency of spontaneous oscillations of intracellular Ca2+, which is correlated to the number of synapses, was decreased after exposure to 100 μM of aluminum chloride for 22 days. Long-term application of aluminum (48 days) caused aggregation of cell bodies and fasciculation of processes. Processes and cell bodies were strongly stained by antibody to tau protein, which is one of the main components of Alzheimer’s neurofibrillary tangles. It is suggested that the characteristics of the degeneration of cultured neurons induced by aluminum show some similarities to the pathology observed in brains with Alzheimer’s disease.” Source:  http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0006291X92902179

Elevated brain aluminium and early onset Alzheimer’s disease in an individual occupationally exposed to aluminium: a case report:

By Chris Exley, Biologist (University of Stirling) with a PhD in the ecotoxicology of aluminium

Chis Exley ProfessorClick Photo for Dr. Exley’s Profile at Keele University, Staffordshire, UK

Professor in Bioinorganic Chemistry Honorary Professor, UHI Millennium Institute

“Introduction: Aluminium is a known neurotoxin and occupational exposure to aluminium has been implicated in neurological disease including Alzheimer’s disease. Here we present the first comprehensive and unequivocal data demonstrating significantly elevated brain aluminium content in an individual occupationally exposed to aluminium.” Source: http://www.jmedicalcasereports.com/content/pdf/1752-1947-8-41.pdf

Connecting The Dots

Below is a detailed and referenced article, Making Sense of Science – Aluminum, originally published July 2, 2014 by The Liberty Beacon, helping connect the dots, exposing corporate media lies (disinformation / propaganda) and its resulting status quo “denial” (via the bidding of corporate profiteers), that has gone on throughout history to this day, at the expense of our collective health and global environment.

liberty beacon logoClick Photo For Article

Making Sense of Science – Aluminum

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 Published July 2, 2014, filed under HEALTH

Whats your Poison

By TLB Contributor: Anna Rodgers

On 10 May, a full page article was featured in the Sun Newspaper, on page 6 about my forthcoming book, Toxic World Toxic People – The Essential Guide To Health, Happiness, Parenting and Conscious Living. Journalist Helen Gilbert pulled facts from it to write her article.

Helen had written about 4 dangerous common toxins in her article titled ‘Whats Your Poision’. – She focused on lead, mercury, cadmium, aluminium (known as aluminum in the USA) that are all around us – not only in the environment but which are now found in some of the foods we eat, the medicines we take, the products we put on our skin and what we build our homes and other structures with. Even many infant formulas contain concerning levels of multiple toxic chemicals, including aluminum. I have written about these 4, fairly extensively in one of the chapters in my book. Helen pulled some facts from that chapter.

By Tuesday afternoon, I had discovered that one of the UK’s largest Science websites “Sense About Science” had completely discredited the article. They wrote a counter article called ‘Tackling Misconceptions About Toxins’

Judging by some pretty major events throughout history, mainstream Science doesn’t always seem to want the public knowing about certain dangerous chemicals because usually they were the organisations that said they were safe from the start, only to be proven otherwise years later.

Does anyone remember the huge lies we were told about smoking, DDT, Lead, Thalidomide, Vioxx to name just a small few? All of these were promoted as safe, healthy, and good for us by these sorts of ‘science’ organisations.

Now we all know the real truth.


These were not just a little lie but were in fact big big lies, with billions upon billions of pounds being made by many corporations. But more important than that, think about all the people that were harmed because of these lies, the lack of proper testing, and how they were marketed to the public. Deaths, disease and cancers were caused directly because of these lies. And it could actually be in the millions. In all of these cases, studies were falsified, people were paid off to keep quiet or paid to tell lies so that they could continue to sell their product. It wasn’t an easy task to get them to take responsibility for the harm they caused. And in each of these instances, Doctors and Scientists were speaking on behalf of these companies for their medicines, pesticides and cigarettes saying to the public ‘you can trust us we are experts’

Yet look at what we now know. They lied.


Most of you reading this will know that we are now living in a world where our authorities are being bought more than ever before, to do what powerful companies want them to do. Congressmen are being bought to vote on things that interest companies, our Governments tell lies constantly and don’t ever seem to do what they promise and pharmaceutical companies are being sued for fraud and misconduct left right and center. This is pretty much a fact. And its not on a small scale – its rampant abuse.


To those who are aware of this, nowadays when mainstream science ridicule something, it usually is because they are trying to squash the truth from being brought to light to the majority of the public. They try desperately to pull the wool over the eyes of the people by using the same old routine ‘trust me, I’m a expert’


In these situations, I often remind myself of this very famous quote:

All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

Arthur Schopenhauer, German philosopher (1788 – 1860)

Yep. Damn straight. The concerns about DDT, Lead, Smoking, Vioxx and Thalidomide were all at first ridiculed, violently opposed, but now, are self evident.


Sence About Science pulled apart Helen’s article saying that every statement I had made, was not true and that I was alarming the public.

But little do they realise that how they wrote their article (see the very badly written PDF, see here) was an absolute joke and I can show you why. There are so many holes in what they have written that its almost laughable.

Its immediate to see, that they basically want the public to believe that natural chemicals are far more dangerous than manmade ones, and that no disease or cancer is ever caused to anyone by being exposed to chemicals! Whilst it’s true, some natural chemicals can harm in certain amounts or in those that are sensitive to them, but most of them do not as they don’t have the chemical compositions that synthetic chemicals do. And a good point to make about chemicals in general is, how do we know that some individuals won’t be sensitive to them or worse, seriously harmed by them? Something that is not harmful to one person may in fact be very harmful to someone else! If you have a system in your body that is already suffering from something else, for instance your endocrine system (hormones) aren’t perhaps working efficiently, then a chemical that is proven to harm the endocrine system may very likely make you worse!

It is therefore highly likely that synthetic chemicals are causing cancers (and in this case, causing Alzheimer’s) because we know in the studies that have been done on some of the concerning chemicals that this is where the evidence is pointing! Many man made chemicals are known carcinogens! That is a fact. Yet what is more worrying is that some of the chemicals these organisations support, and say are safe, have been put onto the market before being effectively tested for safety over the long term, or if they are safe when mixed with other chemicals!

So these science bodies are making statements that have not been proven at all to be true in the first place!

They do not know that their chemicals DO NOT CAUSE harm. The statements they make to the public are not based on real facts. They twist words around very cleverly and are relying on gullible people coming to their site who think that what they say is always 100% scientifically and ethically correct. Often these sorts of science websites mix truth in amongst their lies, so that the average person won’t be able to read into the real lies!

They said I am alarming the public with my information but that is GOOD, I want people to be alarmed, we are facing an epidemic with toxicity, like never before seen in the world.

Now, onto the topic of this blog post.

Does Aluminum exposure cause Alzheimer’s?

Well, what is Aluminum?

Aluminum is a natural metal that is found in the earth’s crust. Its now around us in ways we can’t quite even comprehend. Its basically everywhere. Now the science community like to say this that it is indeed everywhere too, but they forget that it wasn’t as prevalent as this 100 years ago! It was always in the soil and some was found in the air, but now its also found in our foods, cosmetics, medicines, and homes.

Many power plants and other industries put loads of aluminium particles into the air. And whilst we do ingest a lot of it through what we eat, we now are also having aluminum added to many everyday items! This is where the problem lies, that its not just found naturally its being added on purpose to cosmetics, food and medicines. Some are saying there’s now also huge levels of extra aluminum in the air, due to ‘GEO-ENGINEERING’.

Most of the public simply do not know this stuff!

When something is found around us so much, its only natural our bodies will also then contain these metals and chemicals. Whilst some levels of course is normal, increased levels is not always safe for an individual, and many studies are showing this to be very true. As you will soon discover, studies have been done on deceased Alzheimer brains and high levels of aluminum have been found in their tissues.

When you understand that aluminum is a proven neurotoxin (which even the scientists don’t deny) and that its found in so many aspects of our lives, then you can perhaps understand that there comes a point when a high level of aluminum becomes a problem (for some people) because the brain just can’t handle anymore of it. Its like slowly drinking alcohol, you might not feel the effects at first, but the more you have, the more likely you are going to behave strangely and eventually feel unwell.

Whilst our body can naturally detox things to a degree, we are not like bottomless garbage bins that can handle having chemicals piled into us. There comes a time when its too much. And many people now have bodies that are already struggling to cope with the amount of chemicals in their bodies.

Lets look at what Sense about Science said in relation to aluminium contributing to causing Alzheimer’s.

Alzheimer’s Society says:

“There is no evidence that aluminium causes Alzheimer’s disease. Aluminium is found in protein build-ups associated with Alzheimer’s disease, but that doesn’t mean that this is due to too much aluminium being present in the body – the same is true of other metals.”

I love how they made such a sweeping and ‘final’ statement to really throw people off the scent. ‘The same is true of other metals’. Oh really. Have you studied all the other metals in relation to Alzheimer’s then and have you studied the effects other chemicals have with several other ones, or what about the thousands of others we have in our environment and therefore in our bodies?

Lets now exam what the ‘other side of science’ is saying about whether or not Alzheimer’s is being contributed to by Aluminum.

A study published on the highly esteemed peer reviewed medical journal site, pub med stated in the abstract of a study by Professor Chris Exley (who by the way seems to be doing a lot of research into the effects aluminum and other metals are having in regards to causing Alzheimer’s and other health problems – so he’s one to pay attention to i’d say – click on his name to read his further studies!):

Aluminium is neurotoxic. Its free ion, Al3+ (aq), is highly biologically reactive and uniquely equipped to do damage to essential cellular (neuronal) biochemistry. This unequivocal fact must be the starting point in examining the risk posed by aluminium as a neurotoxin in humans. Aluminium is present in the human brain and it accumulates with age. The most recent research demonstrates that a significant proportion of individuals older than 70 years of age have a potentially pathological accumulation of aluminium somewhere in their brain. What are the symptoms of chronic aluminiumintoxication in humans? What if neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease are the manifestation of the risk of aluminium as a neurotoxin? How might such an (outrageous) hypothesis be tested? You can see the link for this study here:

And its also very interesting to note that when you type the following keywords Aluminum Alzheimer’s into pub med, 988 studies come up! Of course not all are going to support the hypothesis that Aluminum can cause Alzheimer’s but if you have the time, check out how many actually do! Looks like there’s a lot of concerned people (Scientists!) with some compelling proof, right? And, from what I have been reading their have been scientists that have been very concerned about Aluminium for the last 100 years!

Now it’s also worth saying, am I the only person in the world saying that aluminium could be causing alzheimer’s? No, of course not! Could it be that I have read books, and studies on the same subject matter, and that I also listened to Doctors and Scientists speak out about this very valid health concern in the world today? Yes! Am I lone horse, saying something that no one else knows? Of course not. The numbers on ‘this side’ are increasing every day. And its purely because of Science! The medical studies that have proven certain things in relation to chemicals to be true!

In an article appearing in the Townsend Letter for Doctors (November 1993), Dr. Michael A. Weiner, executive director of the Alzheimer’s Research Institute summarized our present understanding of the dangers of aluminum exposure when he stated:

“aluminum has been known as a neurotoxic substance for nearly a century.The scientific literature on its toxic effects has now grown to a critical mass. It is not necessary to conclude that aluminum causes Alzheimer’s disease to recommend that it be reduced or eliminated as a potential risk. It is the only element noted to accumulate in the tangle-bearing neurons characteristic of the disease and is also found in elevated amounts in four regions of the brain of Alzheimer’s patients.”

In the past, there hasn’t been many definitive studies that proved this link but last month, a study came out that was undertaken by Professor Exley from Keele University in the UK which showed that they had found ‘unequivocally’, high levels of aluminum in the brain of a deceased Alzheimer’s sufferer. The deceased had been exposed to aluminum at work. (1)

Another subject in the study, also a British woman, who had died of Alzheimer’s was also found to have high levels of aluminum in her tissues. Approximately 16 years before her death, there had been an industrial accident near where she lived where 20 metric tons of aluminum sulphate had gone into the local water supply. So its highly likely the lady literally drank herself to developing Alzheimer’s.


Interesting to note in this image that the ‘alzheimer’ brain reduces greatly in size and looks like its been eaten by something. What could do this? Hmmm perhaps something that eats away at nerves and tissues? What has been shown to do this? Aluminium! It is a selective neurotoxin that attacks the nerves.

And in a story seen in the Daily Mail article titled Top Scientist Links Disabilities with mother’s exposure to mass poisoning in 1988 Professor Exley, (mentioned previously in this article) has been investigating other concerns associated to this massive spill of aluminum sulphate (in case you are wondering why its added to our water supplies it’s to make it appear clear) which happened in Camelford North Cornwall back in 1988. Instead of this chemical going into a storage tank, it was added directly into the water supply without the publics knowledge.

Many locals then went on to drinking this highly toxic water. One of them was Sarah Matta, now a mother to 7 children. After being unsure as to why so many of her children were seriously unwell, Sarah got in contact with Professor Exley (who is one of the UK’s top Scientists in relation to bioinorganic chemistry) to tell him what had happened to her and her family.

6 of her 7 children have disabilities which sound suspiciously to me, like problems that can occur from toxicity. Between them they have: possible autism, developmental problems, speech problems, and anxiety. Sarah herself had blood tests taken and was found to have aluminium levels 20 times higher than is normal.

Professor Exley is extremely concerned that others who were also in contact with the poisoned water supply may have harmed themselves, including their children through their exposure. He told the Daily Mail:

”Aluminium is toxic. Studies in animals show that if you feed mothers aluminium in the water supply, the offspring will exhibit developmental problems.”

I find it interesting we have Science bodies (with very dubious funding connections) talking about Aluminium as being ‘nothing to worry about’ yet a highly esteemed scientist who is an expert in his field has been studying this chemical for many years and is discovering many alarming connections. And it’s interesting to note that he is not gaining anything out of saying Aluminium is dangerous! Yet as you will read below, could it be that Pharmaceutical companies and chemical companies have a lot more to lose?

A Film maker also became so concerned about Aluminum and how it has invaded our lives, that he made the film The Age Of Aluminum – you can see the full movie below this post, I highly recommend you take a look. The film exposes environmental disasters that have happened in the UK, South Africa and Hungary due to the Aluminum Industry. The film features an interview with Christopher Shaw who is a well known neuroscientist. He shares his concerns about the effects Aluminum is having on human health:

“Many researchers are beginning to accept that aluminum has some sort of role to play in neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s. Whether it does in others is still an open question, but Alzheimer’s is really coming into focus and it’s fairly clear that the body burden of aluminum from all the sources to which humans are exposed may be contributing to Alzheimer’s disease.”

And Dr Joseph Mercola stated in his article First Case Study To Show Direct Link Between Alzheimer’s and Aluminum Toxicity that Aluminum heads straight to your brain:

Aluminum is to your central nervous system as cigarette smoke is to your lungs. Scientists are clear that toxic metals damage brain tissue and lead to degenerative disease by producing oxidative stress—and aluminum is one of the worst offenders. With Alzheimer’s rates skyrocketing, today’s multiple avenues of aluminum exposure are of great concern. Just as with particles in the environment, once aluminum is in your tissues, your body has a difficult time releasing it. This toxic metal serves absolutely no biological purpose, so the less of it you ingest, the better.

Once in your body, it travels around easily, unimpeded, piggybacking on your iron transport system. It crosses biological barriers that normally keep other types of toxins out, such as your blood-brain barrier. Over time, aluminum can accumulate in your brain and do serious damage your neurological health—regardless of your age. Aluminum toxicity may be doing as much damage to our children as to our seniors.

I could continue on and on about this subject. I could link to the studies proving the concerns. I spent about an hour writing this, I don’t have time to go into it more, but oh boy, I easily could. All that I would urge you to do is, do your own research, look for non government, non pharmaceutical, non chemical company funded studies. That’s where the truth lies. I’ve written a fair bit more about this subject in my book.

Many Alzheimer’s organisations are often funded by the drug companies who make the medications for the treatment of this awful disease. And many of these drug companies also add aluminum to their medicines.

People like myself are simply trying to educate people about decreasing their exposure to Aluminum, and to encourage them to detox their body with proven metal chelators. If the public started doing this on a huge scale, then perhaps its worth considering, would the Alzheimer’s drug industry fall apart? Is this why there is such a huge denial amongst the mainstream Science industry? Whilst some say Aluminium accumulation is not the only cause of this brain disease, it is quite possibly a huge factor.

Another area where a lot of aluminium is also found, is in the vaccine industry as its used as an adjuvant. When you take a look at the chart below, and see how much money is tied up with vaccinations, you can quickly understand that the purchase of Aluminium for just these medicines alone, is actually quite hard to fathom, and therefore, if someone is threatening that industry for fears around its safety, there’s going to be people fighting very hard to keep it all quiet.


Chart 2

And, Alzheimer’s is not the only neurological problem Aluminium can cause. It is now also being linked to causing Autism and other neurological problems. Christina England, investigative journalist for Vactruth writes:

A recent study conducted by Canadian scientists Professor Christopher Shaw and Dr. Lucija Tomljenovic revealed that the more vaccines that children receive containing the adjuvant aluminum, the greater their chance is of developing autism, autoimmune diseases and neurological problems in the future.

In 2013, in their paper, published by Springer Science+Business Media, titled Aluminum in the Central Nervous System: Toxicity in Humans and Animals, Vaccine Adjuvants, and Autoimmunity, they revealed that during a 17-year period, the rates of autism had increased significantly in countries that had the most vaccinations containing the adjuvant aluminum. [2]

And in another study titled Aluminum Vaccine Adjuvants: Are They Safe? also by Canadian scientists Professor Christopher Shaw and Dr. Lucija Tomljenovic their abstract states:

Aluminum is an experimentally demonstrated neurotoxin and the most commonly used vaccine adjuvant. Despite almost 90 years of widespread use of aluminum adjuvants, medical science’s understanding about their mechanisms of action is still remarkably poor. There is also a concerning scarcity of data on toxicology and pharmacokinetics of these compounds. In spite of this, the notion that aluminum in vaccines is safe appears to be widely accepted. Experimental research, however, clearly shows that aluminum adjuvants have a potential to induce serious immunological disorders in humans. In particular, aluminum in adjuvant form carries a risk for autoimmunity, long-term brain inflammation and associated neurological complications and may thus have profound and widespread adverse health consequences.

So it seems that Aluminum exposure and harm, can come from many different ways, and is very much something to seriously have concerns about. And its alarming if you look a bit deeper at other medicines such as common antacids, taken by millions of people around the world for indigestion, calls for even more concern. Talcid, which is made by Bayer which contains an aluminum derivative clearly states on the insert that:

‘long-term use of high dosage may lead to aluminum deposits in bone and nerve tissue. This may lead to brain damage (dementia) and anaemia. In the case of renal insufficiency and long term use of Talcid necessitates regular check of patient’s aluminum levels’

WOW, right from the horses mouth. The drug company is clearly stating that aluminum can cause dementia! Yep, now you know that they know.

It’s a little bit sinister isn’t it, that these ‘Science’ websites are trying to discredit little old me – who receives no funding from anyone I want to ad, yet they don’t even know what they are talking about. Have they read the package insert of antacids and other medications containing Aluminium derivatives I wonder?

And if anyone wants to dispute that Vaccines aren’t proven to cause autism and mentions Dr Wakefield being a fraud, then why are these 28 studies published in highly esteemed medical journals showing the same findings as his? Sense About Science are the type of organisation that say there’s no link, yet LOOK right here, there’s proof that it is true.

Here is a list of 28 studies from around the world that support Dr. Wakefield’s research:

  1. The Journal of Pediatrics November 1999; 135(5):559-63
  2. The Journal of Pediatrics 2000; 138(3): 366-372
  3. Journal of Clinical Immunology November 2003; 23(6): 504-517
  4. Journal of Neuroimmunology 2005
  5. Brain, Behavior and Immunity 1993; 7: 97-103
  6. Pediatric Neurology 2003; 28(4): 1-3
  7. Neuropsychobiology 2005; 51:77-85
  8. The Journal of Pediatrics May 2005;146(5):605-10
  9. Autism Insights 2009; 1: 1-11
  10. Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology February 2009; 23(2): 95-98
  11. Annals of Clinical Psychiatry 2009:21(3): 148-161
  12. Journal of Child Neurology June 29, 2009; 000:1-6
  13. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders March 2009;39(3):405-13
  14. Medical Hypotheses August 1998;51:133-144.
  15. Journal of Child Neurology July 2000; ;15(7):429-35
  16. Lancet. 1972;2:883–884.
  17. Journal of Autism and Childhood Schizophrenia January-March 1971;1:48-62
  18. Journal of Pediatrics March 2001;138:366-372.
  19. Molecular Psychiatry 2002;7:375-382.
  20. American Journal of Gastroenterolgy April 2004;598-605
  21. Journal of Clinical Immunology November 2003;23:504-517.
  22. Neuroimmunology April 2006;173(1-2):126-34.
  23. Prog. Neuropsychopharmacol Biol. Psychiatry December 30 2006;30:1472-1477
  24. Clinical Infectious Diseases September 1 2002;35(Suppl 1):S6-S16
  25. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2004;70(11):6459-6465
  26. Journal of Medical Microbiology October 2005;54:987-991
  27. Archivos venezolanos de puericultura y pediatría 2006; Vol 69 (1): 19-25.
  28. Gastroenterology. 2005:128 (Suppl 2);Abstract-303

This where I found writing this article so much fun! For those that are interested in Sense About Science; they say they are a charity and pretty much rely on outside funding and guess where most of it looks like it comes from? Pharmaceutical and chemical companies. And, yes, I’m being a bit lazy here, as I’m just cutting and pasting this next section from wikipedia and it is a bit out of date, but I think you will see what I found is enough to prove my point!

Funding for the trust has been increasing. Some is derived from industrial organizations engaged in scientific dispute, clinical trials and research for which SAS is supportive (e.g. genetically modified crops) as well as major publishing houses. For example for the fiscal year ending 5 April 2008, the trust received £145,902 in donations. Disclosed corporate donations comprised £88,000 with pharmaceutical company Astra Zeneca donating £35,000. Previous donations included other pharmaceutical industries such as Pfizer. This dependency has now been diminished since for the fiscal year ending April 2010, the trust received £183,971 in donations of which only £17,500 was derived from the pharmaceutical industry (Unilever and G E Healthcare), in 2011 the amount diminished further to less than 6% funding derived from industry sources (the trust received £268,184 in donations with £15,000 from industry) with the rest derived from Science Bodies and individuals.

And, I’ve also now found the direct link to Sense about Science’s funding, please check out their huge list…” — (END QUOTE) Source: http://www.thelibertybeacon.com/2014/07/02/making-sense-of-science-aluminum/

Who Can We Trust?

The corporations that profit at the expense of our health and environment? Who can forget hearing about the historical ad, “DDT Is Good For Me-e-e!”? Despite what corporate profiteers would like us to believe, why would we trust them after their continual duplicitous marketing “spins”? Why would we think that present day aluminum being put into vaccines and our global atmosphere via geoengineering research projects (mass aerial spraying of aluminum, barium, strontium & sulphuric acid nanoparticles), is any different? Let’s keep connecting the dots until the pattern is clear for all to see, trust your own eyes.

Link between Aluminum and the Pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s Disease: The Integration of the Aluminum and Amyloid Cascade Hypotheses: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3056430/

Alzheimer’s Association is associated with biotech/vaccines/Gates/Monsanto etc., and as we know, Gates is simultaneously funding GEOENGINEERING RESEARCH. If we look closely, the conflict of interest is glaring –  http://www.biotech-now.org/health/2014/06/alzheimers-association-offers-part-the-cloud-translational-research-grant-program#

Following the money always leads to where the truth lies. Gates plays Bridge for Alzheimer’s Research 6/2014, and has a vested interest in Geoengineering Research, a.k.a. ALUMINUM (with sulfate, barium, strontium) NANOPARTICLES AERIALLY SPRAYED INTO THE ATMOSPHERE. Given the scientific research concluding aluminum and Alzheimer’s, isn’t that a “conflict of interest” AND perhaps the reason Alzheimer’s Association suddenly denies an aluminum connection?

Source: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20140606005865/en/Bridge-Players-Nationwide-Unite-Raise-Money-Alzheimer%E2%80%99s#.VEgvrleCCnU

Establishing the connection of BIOTECH to Alzheimer’s research: http://dhmri.org/assets/NCRCSolutionstoGlobalChallenges.pdf

International Science Leaders

National Science Foundation

National Institutes of Health

American Cancer Society

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation ** GATES FUNDS GEOENGINEERING (and ALZHEIMER’S RESEARCH) http://news.sciencemag.org/2010/01/bill-gates-funding-geoengineering-research )

United States Agency for International Development (USAID)

Alzheimer’s Association; advance Alzheimer’s research

 Full list: https://lsn.osu.edu/funding

Conflict of Interest in Medical Research, Education, and Practice. Institutional Conflicts of Interest an ongoing problem.


Intentional obfuscation in the mainstream at will of its funders, furthering the agenda of the controlling powers, and conflict of interest in medical research, and all facets of our world, is evident if we simply dare to pay attention and think outside the box. ~Rebel Siren – Exposing Corruption and Crimes Against Humanity

Additional References

For more information on aluminum hydroxide in vaccines: 

Aluminum hydroxide – Vaccine information

In the video below, Dr. Chris Shaw discusses the toxic effects of aluminum in vaccines and the severe rise in neurological disorders among the population such as Autism, Alzheimer’s, ALS & more. His extensive research concludes that Aluminum, which is present in most of our vaccines, (as well as our global atmosphere via geoengineering), is the main culprit causing ALS and Alzheimer’s symptoms in laboratory mice. Dr. Shaw’s professional profile; education, experience, qualifications: http://www.neuraldynamicsubc.ca/profiles/shaw.html

More Information On Aluminum Toxicity


Aluminum Toxicity (Aluminum Poisoning) by Krisha McCoy, MS

Aluminum toxicity occurs when a person breathes in high levels of aluminum from the air, or stores high levels of aluminum in the body.

Eat foods containing high levels of aluminum Breath aluminum dust in workplace air (AND OUTDOORS IN THE FORM OF NANOPARTICLES IN OUR GLOBAL ATMOSPHERE WHEN IT IS SPRAYED AERIALLY FROM PLANES) Live in dusty environments Live where aluminum is mined or processed Live near certain hazardous waste sites Live where aluminum is naturally high Receive vaccinations containing aluminum.”

More Information On Aluminum Nanoparticle Toxicity In Our Global Atmosphere

Alumina nanoparticles may cause coronary disease as well as being a contributing factor of dementia/Alzheimer’s

Nanotechnology is a rapidly growing industry that has elicited much concern because of the lack of available toxicity data. Exposure to ultrafine particles may be a risk for the development of vascular diseases due to dysfunction of the vascular endothelium.” Source: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18456438

Geoengineering Is Big Business

NOVIM – Climate Engineering (decade long SWCE short wave climate engineering research including field experiments beginning in 2009), pay special attention to their site photo entitled, “comtrails” and notice how it matches what we often see in our global skies: http://www.novim.org/projects/climate-engineering

NOAA – A Bibliometric Analysis of Climate Engineering Research: http://www.arl.noaa.gov/documents/JournalPDFs/Belter_Seidel.WIREsClimateChange2013.wcc229.pdf

Council On Foreign Relations – Workshop On Unilateral Planetary Scale Geoengineering 2008http://www.cfr.org/projects/world/geoengineering-workshop-on-unilateral-planetary-scale-geoengineering/pr1364 Briefing Notes – http://www.cfr.org/content/thinktank/GeoEng_041209.pdf

NASA – Von Karman Lecture with Riley Duren, Principal Engineer and Chief Systems Engineer for the Earth Science Directorate at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory discusses at length, the hazards of GEOENGINEERING: http://youtu.be/EsKfD0-sFzA

CLICK HERE for Integrated Assessment of Geoengineering Proposals UK, associated with UCSB (University of California Santa Barbara) Nanotech Department, associated with Novim Climate Engineering Research.

For More Information On The Dangers Of Geoengineering And To Get Involved

Geoengineering Watch

Global Skywatch

Agriculture Defense Coalition

Geo-Engineering | Thrive

Aluminum Oxide Particles – Chemtrails Spraying in California


Chemtrails Project UK – Campaign to Ban Chemtrails and Geoengineering

Article Source: Rebel Siren

14 Responses

  1. Thank you Dane for this post.  The information that Aluminum is a causal factor of Alzheimer's needs to be mainstream!  I am beyond passionate about getting this information to the world.  My husband Dennis N Crouse PhD from Harvard University has written an evidenced based book on this connection.  He learned about the connection when he was researching ways to help his mother who has Alzheimer's and he was compelled to write a book.   There are over 700 scientific references in the book.  We have also made videos so we can reach a wider audience.  The title of the book is Prevent Alzheimer's Autism and Stroke with 7 Supplements, 7 Lifestyle Choices and a Dissolved Mineral and is available on Amazon.  The first chapter is available at our website, prevent-alzheimers-austim-stroke.com.  The videos are on you tube Brain Fitness in the Aluminum Age.   Silica water is the hero/heroin in the fight against Alzheimer's.  

  2. Last summer I was watching the lightning during a distant storm. I’ve enjoyed doing this for the most part of my 60 years of my life. I observed 4 things I’ve never noticed before.
    1) The lightning is straighter and less forks. Three forks tops.
    2) I seen a lightning bolt come down out of the sky, do a right angle turn, ran some distance, then another right angle turn and went back into the clouds.
    3) I seen what I can only decribe as balls of plasma. Reminded me of a transformer blowing up, or a flashbulb that keeps getting brighter. This was actually hard on the eyes.This would eventually emit a bolt of lightning. Several times there was more than one of these balls, and when they did emit a bolt, they usually joined together.
    4) I also observed these plasma balls flsh behind clouds (I assume) which left a giant circle on the clouds infront of it.

    Robert Bowman was the DARPA heading the SDI aka Star Wars Project.
    “We now have a weaponized atmosphere”

    Back in the 60’s when the “all new aluminum can” came out, there were those that spoke up about the dangErs of aluminum leaching into the beverage.

    Today aluminum is in everything! Our food, air, water, drugs and vaccines, and the so-called health care products.

    What this tells me is those worthless alphabit agencies along with the congress, presidents, and SCOTUS, is corporate bought and paid for whores! The presstitutes that are our so-called watchdog to protect our liberties are also in the scam.

    Those to braindead to know, we had a coup in 22 Nov. 1963! The crooked self serving polliticians, bankers, organized crime, the FBI, and Al-CIA-duh murdered JFK. 4 of then conspiring rats became president. LBJ, Nixon, Ford, and HW Bush. One was VP, and a presidential candidate (HHH)!

    To refresh your memories about Madeine Brown. Who was she? She was LBJ’s mistress, who also had a bastard son with him. Why would she know anything? She was with LBJ the night of 11/21/1963 at the meeting at the Clint Murchison ranch in Dallas. Why would she now finally come out with this story? Remember when LBJ died and this guy came out saying he was LBJ’s bastard son? Was claiming some of the inheritence, then poof, dissapeared. Well Madeleine kept quiet to protect her son. Well he was abducted, tortured, and died from the torture. It’s been years since I’ve heard this interview. It used to have a full version that I couldn’t find. There are about 15 parts to this. Here’s part 1, you can work your way through it from there.


  3. Here in my community, 4 of us are organizing a public presentation at our local library. We will display photos that I have taken documenting this nasty problem. One speaker is a natural health provider, one and English teacher one a music teacher and I am a remodel contractor and audio engineer. We will teach and explain what we know and have learned from Dane and so many others. Just facts and the truth, without fear, shame or embarassment. Two years ago, I assembled 200 information packets and to date have personally passed out 142 of these packets to people that I know and to many I do not. No one has run me off, no one has laughed at me and months later, many have come back to me to say they now have knowledge because I took action. The packets cost me $2250.00. No ,I am not wealthy and no I did not ask for any money. I simply did what was obviously needed and absolutely necessary. This is not about me. It’s about you doing the same or similar things in your community. Dane of course is a warrior and an excellent example. Take his example and mine, and get out there NOW, TODAY and TALK about it to EVERYONE. Blogging makes us feel connected and it is important. However commentary is more feel good than do good. When we blog we are mostly preaching to the choir. Get out now and show people the sky, the trees,the finches and bees IF you can find any. Be a warrior not a worrier. In love and in peace, Chris Amend

  4. Stefan is right ; satanist plan to depopulate by using the UN or by any other means; however they do not know that they are victims of there own demise. As far as population after world war 2 we had the baby boomers. I believe people in the United States have common sense not to do so: people in Asia don’t, they have 60 percent of the entire global population. our birth rate has decreased drastically. The less people they have to control the better they like it; because they are control freaks.

  5. Yes again thank you Dane for such comprehensive research into the subject matter, your an inspiration! I’m sitting on top of a mountain in southern France looking at the geoengineering going on behind the clouds that nobody knows is happening. That’s just it populations visiions are clouded in more ways than the obvious. Those of us who know will never stop fighting the rest, well… last night my friends which includes a scientist from your neck of the woods told me to stop my activism and relax. NO I WON’T RELAX PERIOD, these evil manipulators must be brought to justice and until they do keep up the fight everyone……

  6. There is no doubt about Aluminum being THE major cause of Alzheimers; just click on this – an NIH database – publication:

    Why is all this phony science-fact denying – – El Toro Poopoing of the public – – happening?
    Due to the influence of special interests – $$$ – “we the people” is rapidly being replaced by “we the special interests,” and honest scientific findings are maligned when they interfere with special interest’s profits.
    In medicine, instead of looking for cures, the pharmaceutical interests focus on disease management to maintain a lucrative cash flow for drug industry profits.
    Independent Science News recently demonstrated how the GMO industry triggers orchestrated campaigns of harassment against scientists who published risks of GMOs. But this is nothing new. Here in the US, Berkeley professor Peter Duesberg, formerly of Max Planck Institute, Germany, discoverer of oncogenes, was maligned when he dared to expose the pseudo-science of HIV=AIDS and which threatened the multi-billion antiviral drug business. For details click on “HIV=AIDS? Think again!” at http://www.antiagingforme.org, or http://www.DrHans.org
    And the special interest disease keeps spreading, now into the field of Climate-Change. Covert Government programs—Geoengineering; spraying of mega-tons of toxic, endocrine-disrupting, chemicals into high levels of the atmosphere to manage solar radiation—are, so obviously, under the influence of oil, coal, and gas interests, and aimed solely at maintaining carbon sales/profits. Your tax dollars are footing the bill at the rate of $ 10 -15 Billion/year (minimum), while ingenious US energy discoveries are being delayed in favor of carbon profits. There is not one iota of scientific support for the spraying; even worse: if you invested in installing solar panels on your house, the spraying will reduce the effectiveness of the solar panels. Meanwhile, we have a Global Emergency on our hands: check out the Emergency announcement by AMEG, the Arctic Methane Emergency Group.
    For more of this poisoning of earth and it’s people: http://www.DrHans.org

  7. I’ve been researching supplements that remove aluminum from the body / dna / brain. heres my list
    Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth (amazon – get the book as well, its amazing stuff)
    Magnesum Citramate
    B12 B6 Folate
    Vit. C – careful with the C as if you have aluminum in the system it will further absorb it into the body. so do your cleanse – then take Vit. C.
    There are plants that also absorb aluminum / heavy metals – we will be planting them on our land to clean up what we can.
    this is no easy task, but we have to fight back in every way possible.
    love and light to all.

  8. The next step would be for us to meet in person as a community. I would like to learn how to test for aluminium and other metals in the environment. I need more hands on hard evidence to present to people, sometimes its easier to learn how from another individual then online.

  9. Victims, denialists and the willfully ignorant alike, continue in their state of pseudo-blissful ignorance, until they ‘lose their minds’. Once lost, they won’t miss it at all, but instead just be a terrible loss and burden to their loved ones and to society, left to deal w the consequences.
    Right now, under pretense of “public safety”, the proposed “Food Safety & Modernisation Act”, seeks to quietly delegate the last bits of autonomy one has over one’s health and wellbeing to Big Pharma,FDA & Gov. by regulating all food supplements/vitamins to be approved/made available exclusively via the above, thereby ensuring pple cannot independently implement a chelating regimen [ Vit C, potassium iodide, EDTA, D3, etc] in support of their own immune system and to help rid the body of heavy metals, in sofar as that is even possible. Whether or not this IS a component of UN Agenda 21 & Codex Alimentaris, the intentions behind such legislation should be clear for all to see!

  10. Thank you Dane, I’ll share this and also send it to one of our newspaper and see if any serious journalist is serious enough to read this and maybe do something,

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