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Source: SuperStation95

UPDATE: IT WAS DELIBERATE! Yellowstone Public Seismographs Taken OFF-line – Wait 'til you see why!

The seismographs monitoring earthquakes around the Yellowstone super-volcano have been deliberately taken OFFLINE from public view.  This is a confirmed deliberate act and will stay this way  so the public is not able to see seismic activity there.  (This story has been UPDATED as of 10:14 AM EDT on April 6, 2016)

Being able to see what is taking place in and around Yellowstone is of great interest to many people because if there is a sudden flurry of earthquake activity, it COULD — but not necessarily — signal a pending eruption.

Since Yellowstone is the only "super volcano" on the North American continent, and is VERY geologically active, if an eruption were to actually take place, the western two-thirds of the United States would POTENTIALLY be hit with volcanic ash and a severe disruption of life.

So why were the public feeds taken OFFLINE for the public?  No one is providing any answers. Even more peculiar, the privately-funded seismographs from the University of Utah . . . are also OFFLINE to the public.  WE NOW HAVE AN ANSWER:

The images of seismograms that appeared on SuperStation95 have always come from from the University of Utah, a.k.a. the UUSS. Sometime on the evening of April 4th, 2016, they suddenly got rid of those images. No one is able to archive them anymore or present them to you in the efficient fashion you've come to know and love.

From what we can tell so far about their changes, seismographic images have now become just "seismographic image." Every seismogram now shows only and exactly the past 24 hours of its life, as if they don't want anyone having the ability to look at its history even two days later.

The filenames don't even have anything in them anymore but the station's ID. The only way for anyone to compensate for this is to manually download each station's image once a day and then stick it in the archives. That means they'd never be live again. You'd have to go use their site to get live images. They couldn't have invented a better way to break third-party sites if they tried.

After poking around to various folks involved in the University of Utah Seismic Center, one person at that facility "quietly" e-mailed us a single graphic image which gave us pause:

In the image below, the Green Colored line represents the border of Yellowstone National Park.  The (barely visible) gold line represents the mouth of the super-volcano, known as the Caldera.  The red dots in the image below show all the earthquakes that have recently taken place at the Yellowstone super-volcano.  This is why the public seismographs are suddenly OFFLINE to the general public:

Courtesy: University of Utah Seismic Center

We are not seismologists, but it looks (to us) as though something is happening at Yellowstone.  We're seeking out professionals to interpret what we're seeing and will update this story when that info becomes available.

In the meantime, as untrained laymen, the red dots in the image above tell us something "not good" seems to be taking place at Yellowstone.


Established on March 1, 1872, Yellowstone National Park is America's first national park. The park was dedicated by President Ulysses S. Grant.

Yellowstone National Park was established 20 years before Montana, Idaho and Wyoming were granted statehood.

Yellowstone National Park is 63 miles long and 54 miles wide. 

Yellowstone National Park is larger than the states of Rhode Island and Delaware combined.

The Super-Volcano

Far beneath the ground in Yellowstone National Park, is something called a "Hot Spot."  It is a place where the molten core of the earth is closer to the surface than at other places.

 As the vast North American Continental Plate shifts over the years, different parts of the surface end-up being above the "hot spot."

The image below shows the location of the "hot spot" over millions-of-years:

Location of Hot Spot expressed in MILLIONS-OF-YEARS

Geologists were able to pinpoint these locations by analyzing soil, where they found volcanic-related materials and melted rock buried under various layers of dirt.


From time to time, the "hot-spot" bursts through the surface with an eruption. These are extremely RARE occurrences, which take place – on average – every 600,000 years or so.  As of today, Geologists claim it has been about 640,000 years since the last big eruption, so by some standards, we may be a bit overdue.

Volcanoes erupting is nothing new, but Yellowstone is not a typical volcano; it is a super-volcano. There are only thirty (30) super-volcanoes on earth and Yellowstone is the ONLY one on land.  All the rest are beneath the oceans of the world.

The image below explains the utterly terrifying difference between a "typical" volcano and Yellowstone.  

At the top left of the USA map, the gold-colored area over Oregon, Washington and Idaho shows the famous "Mount St. Helens eruption" of 1980 and how far ash was ejected from that (typical) volcano.

Lower and to the right, shows the horrifying power of Yellowstone eruptions dating back as far as two+ million years (or so) ago. The ash covered two-thirds of the USA!

The ash is only a small part of the story.  When Yellowstone erupts, there will be an enormous "kill zone."  Inside this "kill zone" nothing . . . . absolutely NOTHING . . . . will survive. The ash in this area is known as a pyroclastic flow.  It will be so hot that anything it touches will be incinerated on contact.  Humans, animals, trees, grass, cars, trucks, buildings.  All destroyed immediately.

The next, even larger area, is called the "hot ash" zone.  Most things in this area will be ignited by the hot ash and will burn.  People, animals, cars, buildings.  There will be so much fire and so much horror, that very little will survive.

Beyond the Kill Zone and the Hot Ash Zone is the "raining ash zone."  In this area, volcanic ash with rain down for weeks!   But what is commonly called "ash" is not really "ash" at all; it is pulverized ROCK.  If a human inhales it, the rock turns into a mud-like substance in the lungs, suffocating the person to death. 

The ash also clogs vehicle air filters, stalling vehicles because they cannot get air into the fuel injection systems.  When stranded motorists exit their vehicles to see what's wrong, they breath the ash, and that's usually the end of them, too.  

Anyone in the raining ash zone without a NIOSH filter mask rated at N-95 or N-100 will be dead in minutes; for lack of an $8 mask!

The image below shows  how deep the ash is expected to be in various locations.  Bear in mind that one inch equals 25.4 millimeters, click image to enlarge.

"Scare" in June, 2015

Yellowstone National Park was hastily evacuated in June, 2015 due to concerns that the super volcano could erupt sooner than expected. Researchers on-site claimed that the 640,000 year-old Yellowstone Caldera had exhibited a sudden spike in activity which indicated the volcano could erupt in as little as two weeks. They pointed out that an eruption of the volcano could very well throw all of United States into a 200-year-long volcanic winter, with ash blotting out the sun, and pyroclastic flow irreparably damaging the surrounding ecosystem.

Also in 2015, several roads through Yellowstone were closed after the pavement began to melt and bubble due to extreme temperatures rising beneath the earth’s surface. No one has yet been able to pinpoint what triggered this sudden surge of volcanic action. Officials monitoring the volcano were primarily concerned with keeping curious thrill-seekers out of the park, as well as safely vacating surrounding areas to prevent potential casualties.
At the time Senior Volcanologist, Richard Dunn, gave the following report in regards to the volcano’s alarming activity. “This is something which could have never been accurately predicted ahead of time. This unforeseen flux of activity is quite concerning, and flies in the face of all our previous studies regarding this particular volcano. Our chief concern at this point are getting people to safety.”

DO NOT PANIC; Just Be Aware


Please don't go off, half-cocked, and start calling authorities about this report because there is absolutely no need to do that; if they feel there is anything the public needs to know, they will tell us. 

We are simply reporting the OFFLINE status of the public seismographs and now (April 6) confirming the change was DELIBERATE.

Of course, there is that very first graphic image above with all the red dots showing the HUGE amount of earthquakes taking place at Yellowstone, but even though it was quietly sent to us, we do not know how to properly INTERPRET that graphic; it might be nothing out of the ordinary at all.

The purpose of this article and the intent of the authors is merely to report news of an unusual outage of important public information.  It seems wise to us to explain what's at stake if, Heaven forbid, something were to go wrong at Yellowstone.  We cannot emphasize enough, we have no word whatsoever of anything wrong right now and you should NOT panic or change your life in any way at all on account of this report.  Just be aware.  Someone decided they didn't want the public to be able to see the seismic activity anymore; at least in the manner we had all become accustomed.  

We have a feeling this is not good.

Source: SuperStation95

8 Responses

  1. Just be aware that if a Yellowstone Super Eruption were to take place that Temperatures would fall from 5° Celsius to 10° Celsius worldwide, or 15°Fahrenheit to 50° Fahrenheit Worldwide.  Food will become really hard to come bye and almost impossible to grow outdoors.  Land Animals of all species will die by the millions.  It will take 3 to 7 years before temperatures start a slow rise back to normal.

  2. Thank you for sharing. We are driving from WA to Mo next week. Guess we will hope for the best and at least not be sur prized. How s the animal behavior there now?

  3. First ,,,thankful that you have put this article out so the People of America, won't go driving or flying or traveling in one of the HOT ZONES,,, WITHOUT knowledge of what is going on in that area,Of course are Great Government officials have not utter a word,KEEP up the great work that you have done,MAY GOD BLESS YOU AND AMERICA,,


  4. Hiding disasters and catastrophes, imminent and current, man made or natural, is obviously high on the agenda of those controlling the power centers.

    Deception is a key prerogative for those with global/national agenda that do not serve the general public good. In all major themes Humanity has regressed, which would seem to run counter to an appearance of 'progress'.

    Why this great need for deception and lies? Simply because if people knew the reality of how the world is run they would voice their opposition to it. Ignorance of the masses is easy to maintain: distraction and lies. The more conscious we are, the more we have to uncover and spread the truth.

  5. Have been waiting for this information for about four years now Dane.  Mother Nature has always been man's greatest teacher.  It is high time that people get their priorities straight.  Bank accounts will become meaningless.  People will learn to cooperate and care for one another.  The is truly a blessing, and it ties in perfectly with the fourth Blood Moon prophesy after December 21, 2012.  Economic reset ahead!  Nature always finds a way to scratch Her itches, and I have never saw a banker fall from a tree.  This planet is so alive and beautiful.  It is only man that makes it ugly, by his actions of uncaring greed and selfishness.  Thank You for this information Dane.  You are on top of everything that is critical.  Your a good man.

    1. It is a team effort Dana, lets share Andrew Wakeman’s documentary far and wide.

  6. ELF's Extremely low frequency generators are used todays and  for years for communications through the earth's structure. Weak spots in the surface react more than the stronger areas. This causes seismic disturbances all over the globe. It is possible that there are now Weaponised ELF systems now in use. It is also very possible that there are now satellite generated ELF systems.

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