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Article and 90 second video by David Weiss, contributing writer for geoengineeringwatch.org

I love the blue sky. I love to garden and grow my own food. I love being outdoors and enjoying a beautiful day. The problem is on the rare days that the sun shines clearly it isn't long before the geoengineers come along and obliterate the sky with their toxic aerosol spray. The lack of sunlight is robbing us of our health and our future by stopping our ability to create natural vitamin D. It's destroying the natural climate systems that keep our planet alive. Worse than that the chemicals they are purposely spraying over our heads are poisoning everything on earth and shredding our life giving atmosphere.  It baffles my mind that most people cannot see this or even believe it when it is first pointed out to them. I asked myself, what can I do to make people aware?  I first started posting pictures and videos about it on Facebook, but this didn't go over so well, at least in the beginning. Over time these seeds of information have started to sprout and more and more people are waking up to the reality every day. We need to hit critical mass and then the politicians and others will have the courage to stand up and do something to stop the insanity. Nothing will matter unless we all wake up to the truth of what is happening to us, we must demand answers. I print flyers and send them to activists. I made simple business cards and hand them to people when standing in line at the supermarket or walking at the beach that they can easily stick in their pocket which direct them to GeoengineeringWatch.org . I make videos and I talk about it on radio shows.  I can't bear to see what is happening right in front of our faces.  What will you do?  When will you do it?   Your life depends on it! My latest 90 second video is below, please consider the extremely important message it contains.


21 Responses

  1. Very Impactful Video! As a litmus test, I sent it to a (lapsed) friend who never wants to hear anything about this. She immediately texted me back that more and more people in her circle are waking up to the reality of geoengineering and the tone of this video strikes just the right chord for her to finally go to the website. I'm thinking it is because the video strikes just the right balance of undeniable reality and subtle shame for being in denial. TY David Weiss


  2. Hi 

    I'm from Montreal, i would like to know when your site will be available in french. Not that i can't read all the articles, but i would like to share all the content of this site to everyone i know. 

    1. Hello Francois, thank you for helping to sound the alarm in your area, I appologize that we do not currently have the resources or manpower to do any translations of our data.

    2. Hi François,

      I am trying to translate some of these materials.  If you would be willing to edit the French (which I am still in the process of learning), maybe as a team we could get the information out.  My email is bleuvert@hushmail.com.

  3. This spraying is so blatant and obvious. If "they" can do this right in front of our faces and lie about it and climate change,what kind of abominations could be happening behind the scenes?!! I can't believe everyone, almost everyone I broach the subject to acts like it is something a "conspiracy theorist" would rave about. 


    Im scared, what can I do? I fear for my baby boy's life and well being. It really seems we are being assaulted on every front. Chemicals, rf radiation, wifi, emf's, gmo's, nuclear fallout, heavy metals, cellphone radiation, smog, everywhere I turn we are subjected to unsafe technology. I have never wanted to be so wrong about something in my life. It scares the s*&@ out of me that we might have passed the point if no return and may have destroyed our planet. Are we surrounded by so many cancinogens purposefully? So we can all contract cancer and die? Are we being exterminated? My god I have never been worried about anything like these threats. What am I supposed to do?!

    1. Hello Broseppi, don’t stay in fear, rather turn that fear to anger and the anger to fuel for the battle of rasing awarness on this issue untill we can stop it. You are not alone, we must all march together in this battle.

  4. Thank you for this video, short & to the point, will share to help wake people up.  So terribly sad for the assault on our planet, it’s now time to make a stand and take it back from those that are destroying it.

  5. Dane…does this have any connection to Hashimoto's Disease? It says "inherited" or "radiation" linked. I have NO family members that have any kind of thyroid problems. NONE. No one that has passed away had any either. I just find it hard to believe that I am being diagnosed with all the illnesses related to the chemical spraying.

  6. I just copied this video's address and pasted to an email and sent it out to everyone on my email contact list.

    If everyone would do that, can you imagine the extra impact?  Ask everyone on your list to do the same.

    It is easy and only takes a few minutes.

  7. This is a really good video and the timelapse videos are especially great tools to show how the trails transform the skies. Thank you David for all you’re doing! These are very good ideas to spread awareness daily. We need to keep challenging the politicians.

  8. David Weiss, that is a wonderful video. It's short, to the point, visually impacting, and ends with a great link. Thank you. I will share that many times, in many places. 

    I work every single day as well… non-stop. Awareness on a mass scale must be reached, and… those who become aware have to become active, and stay active. 

  9. Is there anywhere they aren't spraying? We are getting assaulted every day here in Northern CA. Sick of it!

    1. Hello Miles, there is no place to hide on the entire planet, we have studies to prove it. 

  10. If this geoengineering is so damn beneficial why all the secrecy? Why were the people not asked whether we wanted this? Who makes these decisions?   It’s pollution pure and simple. People used to be against that.  Trees are falling over in the area where I live and we are not in a heavily sprayed part of Ontario. I think the larger metropolitan areas get far more spray than we do out in the country.  Trees just getting not enough light, too much heavy metals and just giving up the fight they need to wage to stay alive. 

  11. Excellent video and post… it seems people only have a bout a 2 min attention span (does the crap being sprayed affect that too) and people just dont get it… this is kind of hitting them over the head and saying wake up and unfortunately i think 2 – 5 min you tubes that really do that are what is needed.



  12. I have seen this over Missoula, Montana recently! WHY?! WHY?! WHY?! Are the rich and powerful of this world so evil?

    1. All I can think of Dolores is the fact that they didn't become that wealthy by being benevolent beings. There is an adage that behind every fortune is a crime. It's just business as usual for them.

  13. Thank you for all you do to get the word out there. I also talk to many people about geo-engineering and most have never heard of it and don't notice the change in our skies. This is a real threat and it is time to do something about it. I will share this video as much as I can

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