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This is the country we live in, we prosecute or kill the messenger, and let the criminals go. When so many citizens of the US can just go about their personal pursuits while their government is engaging in torture, stripping us of our rights, and ruthlessly expanding empire around the globe, it's an incredibly sad reflection of our society. Where is the morality so many claim this nation was built on? Where is the outrage from the spiritual institutions in our country? The ever worsening moral bankruptcy is now accepted as "normal". So few have the courage to stand out from the herd in order to defend a clear set of values. Mark Twain said "In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated, and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot". John Kiriakou is a shining example of a patriot who was willing to sacrifice everything for the common good. The short article and two 12 minute videos below are important to examine. Abby Martin from RT TV is the interviewer in the videos, I have communicated with her several times about the ongoing global geoengineering programs. Let's hope she will one day put her journalistic skills to work in the fight to expose the climate engineering insanity.
Dane Wigington


CIA Torture Whistleblower: Wake Up America, You're Next

Source: Media Roots

In light of the recently released torture report summary, we’re reminded that no government official ever went to jail for the years of systematic abuse – except for John Kiriakou, the CIA whistleblower who exposed the use of waterboarding.

During his 23 months behind bars, Kiriakou was constantly threatened with diesel therapy (disorienting prisoners by frequently moving them to different locations) for writing letters describing prison’s deplorable conditions.

Kiriakou was recently released, yet remains on house arrest where he is routinely harassed by law enforcement. The witch-hunt cost Kiriakou his pension, his dream home, and nearly two years of his life. Yet he says he would do it all over again if it meant going down on the right side of history.

I went to Kiriakou’s home for an interview about the torture report and accountability for the architects, in which he gives a grave warning to American citizens.

CIA Torture Whistleblower John Kiriakou: Wake Up, You’re Next

Right before Kiriakou went to prison, he came on Breaking the Set to talk about Obama’s war on whistleblowers and “look forward, not backward” policy regarding the Bush administration’s egregious war crimes.

CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou: "If I Tortured, I’d Be Free"

It is beyond surreal that the only government official ever prosecuted in relation to the torture program is the man who exposed waterboarding to the media. Kiriakou may be free from his cell, but until every person involved in the top down implementation of these horrific crimes is sitting in theirs, there won’t be anything remotely resembling justice.

Source: Media Roots

5 Responses

  1. Dane, point taken and fully agreed to as to not underestimating the importance of sharing data. I cite this website all of the time as the best source of data and links in one place. I argue with shills most willingly, as they keep a discussion going for a long time despite the futility of their arguments.

    One advantage for me in this situation is that I get to mention this website over and over. I actually thank the shills for the opportunity to expose the information to the other readers of those long winded discussions and at the same time I shred their arguments into "the confetti of history".

    Just yesterday, I tried to post a reference to this site in the online comments section of my home town's major newspaper below an article that was discussing discrepancies in predicted and actual weather events. Many other contributors to the comment section were expressing puzzlement over what was going on and no mention of geoengineering as yet. I watched my letter remain pending for several seconds then vanish completely. I imagine it was automatically censored by a program that has flagged certain words, such was its immediacy.

    So, the media is complicit in the cover up, which we know of course. The one positive from my experience of censorship is that I can now tell others, who doubt what I say, "Why would they censor my comment if there was nothing amiss?" That would have to create questions in their minds, I hope.

    There is an agenda to muzzle open discussion of this in MSM. I will keep referring people to this site, but I wonder how else I can expose others during the course of our daily lives. I introduce it into conversations, with diplomacy and caution, but I also feel an urgency to 'put it into skywriting', as it were. Sorry about the irony there.

    I am thinking of making a small badge with this site's address, small enough as not to be glaring, but enough to catch the curiosity of others, to wear on my shirt collar. Perhaps some T-shirt printing is in order too.

  2. In the second video, it was the incredulity expressed by John Kiriakou and Abbey Martin over the LACK of public outrage that this news causes now amongst the population of the US and elsewhere, that is the main point for me. The lack of dissent is taken as consent by the authorities. It is as simple as that and it can be easily manufactured or coerced.

    Something has happened to the masses to dull their sense of justice, to remove the wish to speak out. Or maybe the chance to do so is effectively being muzzled. Media is now so digitalised that it is very easy to censor comments.

    Writing something in a Blog or in the online comments section of a news article is very different to a large group of people loudly voicing the views all together on a street in front of government or media premises.

    When people march, police are sent in with water cannons, pepper spray, tasers, batons, attack dogs, armored to the teeth and also use guns with deadly results. None of that is necessary when we 'whisper' our complaints on digital media.

    The bulk of the masses will not be exposed to our digital complaints, but rallies and marches are seen and heard and much harder to ignore. Ignorance plus distraction are the simple methods by which to capture a nation. It has been incremental, that is, a gradual process, so that it is easily accepted as it is barely noticed. Cecil Rhodes is the father of this gradualism, thus known as 'Rhodesian Gradualism'.

    1. Hello MIchel, when so much of the population has been so completely decieved, how can they know its time to take a stand unless or untill we work together at educationg them and thus wake them up? The horse must be kept in front of the cart. Much of my days are spent initiating contacts with those that do not have any idea what is going on yet. Many on these blogs are doing the same, those that are not also doing this, should be. It is a mistake to underestimate the importance of sharing data with others so that all can have a more clear and credible compass heading in their ongoing attempts to wake up others.

  3. I have so much respect for people that stand up for what is right in the face of overwhelming adversity. Dane, you are one of these people! Let's hope the 'timid' join you sooner rather than later.

  4. it's ironic working in a spiritual organization that apparently wants nothing to do with this global biological atrocity and breakdown presently unfolding, as well as having a cavalier attitude towards water usage in drought stricken California, simply amazing…will their belief system and practice be viable without the physical realm of Earth? they may soon find out…the urgency of this matter needs the immediate awakening to this dilemma and not the application of lengthy practice to better oneself for the benefit of others which is in and of itself noble but not striking directly at the heart of this dark matter which effects 100% of the physical realm and requires immediate attention and collective awareness to whatever degree to reach that tipping point most quickly due to our potentially limited remaining days here

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