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Source: Craigs List

Can anyone really doubt the reality of global weirding now?This is not normal summer time weather.104 degrees the other day, and 73 degrees today, plus heavy cloud cover, here in the Sacramento valley?!Went up to Tahoe Sunday, and the traditional smell of campfire smoke was totally absent due to fire danger.I looked at the trees as much as possible, and many are either dead, or not too healthy.To my eyes, it was still too soon to tell if they are just severely stressed due to the drought, or being slowly killed due to ozone deterioration from chemtrail spraying increasing the ultraviolet exposure?

However all this may be, it does not take a rocket scientist to see that things are going seriously wrong.By this time next year it will be much more obvious if our trees will make it or not.

It was really sickening to see all the gas-hog RVs, suvs, and power boats on the lake.Some people have absolutely zero concern for the planet’s viability.

Is there even any hope for Shambala?I seldom go anywhere by car, and yet I see people like my gashog neighbors driving EVERYWHERE.All day long they get in and out of their cars to drive around town, when a bicycle would get them there just fine.Some people try to do the right thing, while others seem intent on destroying the viability of the planet for everyone.

And now we have weather patterns never seen before, with constant new records being made in all the wrong ways.As if that were not enough, they spray endless chemtrails on us, and add highly toxic chemicals/radiation, and plastic particles to the problems.

The last 10 years have seen a faster melting of Antarctic glaciers.The informed talk is that this melting will accelerate, and raise ocean levels much faster than the mainstream media will admit.And not just a few inches, but 30, 40, 50 feet or more!The time-frame is open to speculation at this point, but I cannot have anything but disgust at all those gashog drivers endangering my world.

The only way to get through this is to learn non materialism, and become harmonious with nature.But if the whole world is a toxic desert, then how can the people of Shambala survive?AmeriKa is the number one polluter in this world now.As such, it bears the most responsibility for the clean up.Yet at the so called climate talks, AmeriKan politicians/lobbyists, are constantly sabotaging any real progress towards anything even remotely resembling large scale action that would save this Earth from environmental destruction.Why?They KNOW what is happening.Yet they still continue to force the agenda of death on the rest of us, and continue to prioritize MASSIVE military spending, with full intentions of creating more blatantly obvious excuses to invade yet more countries.

Just look at places like Iraq.We were blatantly lied to about the ‘need’ to invade them, and yet those that colluded in such monstrous crimes remain not only free from criminal prosecution, but are either still busy committing MORE such crimes via the military-industrial-complex, or are living in filthy rich retirement.

Meanwhile, we are told we must obey huge numbers of laws that obviously do not apply to our rulers disguised as ‘politicians’, and that shadowy cabal known as the ‘elite’….

There is an old saying that goes like this:”The mills of the Gods grind very slowly, but they grind exceedingly well”.So are we just witnessing the grinding of the Gods?To be completely destroyed for some inter-galactic joke by a race of beings that thinks of people like people think of cockroaches?From a holistic perspective it surely seems that way to me.

The super elite have whole underground cities built and stocked with everything imaginable.They have spent billions of dollars, and have access to top-notch technical people/designers, and construction companies.The average ‘prepper’ with a basement full of food and guns is a total joke to them.We’re talking about the total collapse of natural ecosystems, and the ‘preppers’ are just like a bunch of kids with a stash of munchies to take on an extended camping trip!

How can we save Shambala from all this?I guess by refusing to support war-mongers-for-president, via the two-party joke they call Democrats/Republicans.We can try to educate our youth as to the real actions of our military, and try to dispel the myths of ‘honor’, or ‘patriotism’ that suckers the next generation of youth to be the tools of a massively degenerate empire-machine bent on the total annihilation of our planet.

The question is regularly posed on Rant n Raves concerning the conflict of interest in the elites destroying their own world, and their own health, and the slaves we all are that serve their interests.This is indeed a difficult question.To see the answer, we must ALL look to our own past actions.The super-elite think that they are ‘protected’ by their carefully prepared underground ‘kingdoms’.Therefore they can destroy the world ‘outside’, and be ‘safe’ inside.

Another way of seeing it, is back to the cockroach syndrome.Some people think nothing of spraying deadly poisons in their own homes to get rid of cockroaches, ants, termites, etc, etc.Many people are sick, and or dead from the long term effects of such things, but it does not seem to deter yet more people from continuing such practices.Some people learned, and totally refuse to use these poisons.And so we have the split between the people of Shambala, and the morons of AmeriKa that blithely go about the means to not just their own destruction, but the destruction of all life on Earth.

So it is all in the same deadly vein.Chemtrail spraying.Proliferation of nuclear weapons/energy.Proliferation/spread of GMO seeds/crops.Stone-walling against realistic reforms concerning CO2(carbon dioxide)emissions.Continued additions of known carcinogens into consumer products of all types.

The elite knows this because they engineered it all.They must really believe it cannot hurt them, for the above mentioned reasons.Either that, or area 51 is actually a space-port, and Earth is really just one habitable world out of countless habitable worlds, and we are just the victims of massive propaganda to think we are the only world in this VAST cosmos with intelligent life!?!?Not so far-fetched as it might seem.If Earth is just an insignificant lesser world in a MASSIVELY huge cosmos, then it stands to perfect reason we could be a dumping ground for all types of experimental crap!!It is only a brainwashed/inculcated anthropocentric conceit in our collective psych, that keeps us from connecting enough dots to realize this.We are constantly fed a diet of egocentric bullshit, that totally cons us into believing we are the one and only Earth/people.

In a sense this is true, by way of the fact that we are stuck her, and if you do not believe me, then try to go to area 51, and get your self shot trying to beg a ride off this dying world, on one of their ‘space shuttles’.

Meanwhile, back on Earth, time is running out.Get with the activists that are no longer accepting lies from highly paid corporate lobbyists, and demand an end to nuclear weapons/energy.Demand an end, or at LEAST labeling of GMOs in our food.Demand real clean-up of the ongoing mess-making in Richmond by Chevron corporation.Support as much as you can, those heroes that reveal government wrong doing to the general public.Work hard to reconfigure your consumer patterns towards a non-throw away/reusable life style.Research ‘track-records’ of local politicians, to see just whom they really serve once in office.

The battle is across the entire spectrum.The threat is to our entire world.Just because it happens ‘over there somewhere’, does NOT mean it will not effect you.That mentality is a carefully manipulated divide and conquer technique.A threat to one is a threat to all, and like they say in the hunger games;Remember who the enemy really is…..


Source: Craigs List

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