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Dane Wigington

Was Hurricane Debby's path manipulated? Are we actually expected to believe the official denial of climate engineering / hurricane modification operations when the historical record proves that the US government first deployed such operations all the way back in 1947? How much has this technology advanced in the last 77 years? Please view this short report and decide for yourself.

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8 Responses

  1. Our garden this year has probably been the hardest to work with the worst results overall- ever. Yes, Something is DEFINATELY wrong with the climate Tom. We've been noticing it for over a decade here on our farm. It appears that geoengineering by the military worldwide and HAARP programs have broken our atmosphere. Its getting quite hard NOT to notice something is very WRONG for all but those with their eyes WIDE SHUT or too young to be able to know the difference between then and now.

    1. Earth Angel: You make a good point that I believe all should take into account when trying to explain or describe all the changes that SRM and  SAI, and all other aspects of geoengineering are bringing about: younger people (especially the very young) are not aware that dirty, off-white skies, the lack of (formerly) "normal" clouds, constant severe weather events, etc. are NOT "normal", and are historically new. Young people truly are unaware of this and need to be apropriately informed.

  2. Great, so dump a larger amount of chemicals into the air so that you can be a few degrees cooler. Where Iam at the dump chemicals all evening, making ti freakishly cold in the mornings; just to have it whip lash back to 95 or more, making many people sick, including myself.Just leave the planet alone and mitigate pollution as much as possible.

  3. If somebody manipulated Debbie to cool the East coast then good on them.  Prior to Debbie the heat was terrible here in coastal southern Connecticut.

    When I grew up here in Connecticut int he 1960s and 70s if we approached 88 or 90 degrees F. once every five or six years that was a big deal.

    The past two summers (I had been away for 37 years) we've had 12 or 14 days each summer with temps above 90.  Accompanied by the usual hight humidity of the East coast, U.S.  Something is wrong here.  I don't want to jump to any hasty conclusions about Global Warming but something is not as it was 40 or so years ago.

    1. Great, so dump a larger amount of chemicals into the air so that you can be a few degrees cooler. Where Iam at the dump chemicals all evening, making ti freakishly cold in the mornings; just to have it whip lash back to 95 or more, making many people sick, including myself.Just leave the planet alone and mitigate pollution as much as possible.

    2. Tom, the same entities now spraying all of us with calcium carbonate, aluminum and nano-particles, sodium chloride, and many other chemicals to "cool" the planet are the same that originally engineered the program(s) to advance weather warfare. All of this information is easily found online, at primary source websites including the White House (SRM and SAI) and the United Nations addressing the dangers of climate engineering and weather control.  

      As LBJ explained in his infamous 1962 address at Southwest Texas State University (now Texas State University), quote: HE WHO CONTROLS THE WEATHER WILL CONTROL THE WORLD. This precedes the U.S. Airforce initiative WEATHER AS A FORCE MULTIPLIER: OWNING THE WEATHER 2025 which is found online PDF format.

      The grave danger today is that too many are easily deceived. How can there not be a climate crisis when, since WW II, experiments with our atmosphere to advance chemical warfare have deliberately exacerbated a crisis to enable global governance, the New World Order? Sweating bullets, perhaps? 

      "If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will even come to believe it yourself." – Joseph Goebbels



  4. YES, Hurricane Debby was pushed up into NY from the MA HAARP facility.  Why we did not get flooding in Southern NH from Debby 

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