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 Volunteers for Planetary Climate Action (VPCA)
+  Resolving the Atmospheric Emergency  +
October 31, 2014 
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
     First, my apologies to those of you who received Wednesday’s edition in the recipients’ field rather than the Bcc one.  I was utterly stupified that day.
     I’ve been severely ill for more than four weeks now.  Especially difficult have been frequent episodes of convulsive/spasmatic coughing shaking the inside of my body quite painfully.
     My main problem has been my lungs, which constantly fill with phlegm and when added to severe emphysema and asthma cause quite a problem.
     I’ve had two mainstream doctors up here to my mountain retreat but they’ve been unable to improve my condition.
     So Tuesday I asked for a visit from a local shaman whom I’ve known for a few years now and for whom I have great respect.
     What he said is quite interesting.
     Here’s one of his most memorable lines:  “Too much compassion for plants and animals causes a lung problem”.
     He said his father had been like this–and had died a month ago at age 72.
     Then he said quite recently he’d also had a lung problem and just a couple days ago he’d gone to the local hospital for a chest X-ray–and it showed his lungs were clean.  He even pulled out the X-ray and showed it to me.
     So what I think we should take from this is that a much higher percentage of our current illnesses than we think are psychosomatic (or neurosomatic) rather than simply somatic.
     For example, we may think we’re sick from toxic chemtrails residues when actually we’re sick from these plus the neural stress resulting from having to absorb the info that those controlling us are so evil that they perpetrate chemtrails.
     Certainly the news of these past four weeks has been more horrendous than that of any similar period I can remember.  One of my most aware readers commented a few days ago that “Hell has come to earth”.
      I’ve had information sickness several times before but always mildly: two or three days of deep fatigue, then back to okay again.
      In any case, yesterday morning my housemate came up to my second-floor room just as I was waking and said:  “I’m scared.  I think you are dying.”
     That same thought had occurred to me just the day before as I wondered how I was going to make it through this at 83 if my friend’s father had been taken out by the same malaise at 72.
      On the positive side, it’s certainly a respectable cause of death:  Natural World Hyperconcern (NWH).
      And I’ve already arranged for my death to instigate at least one more really good party.  Forty-nine days following it, there’ll be a Bardo Party for me at the Bolinas (CA) Community Center with excellent live music and excellent potluck food.  Yeah, at least my death will have some value.
     In recent years I’ve several times pointed out that there are a variety of daily practices which can gradually strengthen the nervous system so that gradually folks can absorb more bummer info before being sickened by it.
     I’ll paste one of these directly below.  You can get into it by yourself merely by imitating what you hear in the accompanying audios and/or videos.  I’ve been practicing it for nearly forty-four years now.  It’s not a panacea but it’s quite helpful and also it enhances average mood.
                                     Power to the Flora,
                                     Keith Lampe, Ro-Non-So-Te, Ponderosa Pine
PS:  NYC graffiti a few decades ago:  Death is nature’s way of telling you to slow down.


Vocal Energy Health Vocal Energy Health Keith Lampe (Ponderosa Pine), Vocals and Doug Adamz, Tibetan Bell

Part One: http://www.flyingsnail.com/Podcast/pinevesone.mp3

Part Two: http://www.flyingsnail.com/Podcast/pinevestwo.mp3

With VEH (Vocal Energy Health), after a few sessions of imitating these sounds, one can start doing them alone or–even better–with others; creating an effective practice that requires no gear. – Ponderosa Pine


                         http://youtu.be/5d8c2P52kmU http://youtu.be/S-9-Gr73Xt0 http://youtu.be/sOvIrwsb-5Q



Nationwide Call to Action, November 1: Nurses Against Mandatory Vaccines

Activist Post

On November 1st, 2014, thousands of nurses nationwide will march in protest against mandatory vaccines. Nurses Against Mandatory Vaccines members will be marching and demonstrating peacefully in their home towns to protest firings, forced vaccination, loss of income, loss of privacy, etc. and informing private citizens of the truth about flu vaccines, and the truth about the 90% rule. How can you help?

1.) Pledge to buy a tshirt, hoodie, long sleeved tshirt, etc. and wear it on the day of the protests: https://www.bonfirefunds.com/nurses-against-mandatory-vaccines-2

2.) Organize in your hometown. NAMV will allow all members who request it, in writing, for the use of the NAMV logo to use on posters, signs, and informative readings to hand out to the public.

3.) Plan it. Plan for November 1st, to be the day that you join thousands of nurses, doctors, and other healthcare workers nationwide in protesting against mandatory vaccination policies in the workplace!

4.) Be informed. Be ready for arguments, and be ready to defend the truth about forced vaccination in the workplace!

More information to come once we have dates and times available!

So far here are protest locations by state/city

Arizona *Phoenix- 10 a.m. Group will be meeting at the Wesley Bolin Memorial Plaza, 1700 Washington St Phoenix, AZ 85007. The short walk will end at the Phoenix courthouse 1501 W. Washington St. 85007.

California *San Diego- 10 a.m. Balboa Park. Contact: lilgip2911@hotmail.com

Connecticut *New Haven- 11 a.m. Location: Down town on the Green.

Massachusetts *Boston- 2pm Longwood Medical Area T stop

Michigan *Grand Rapids- 11 AM Corner of Michigan and Coit in front of Spectrum Health

Ohio *Akron/Fairlawn- 11 a.m. Meet at Barnes & Noble *Warren- 11 a.m. Meet at the corner or East Market St and Mahoning Ave

Texas *Houston- 11:30 a.m. location- Corner of Westheimer and Post Oak by the Galleria. Meet at Starbucks.

Wisconsin *Milwaukee- 11 a.m. Corner of N. Prospect Ave. and E. North Ave. in front of Whole foods.

Contact Erin Randles erandles@namv.org for more information.

Visit Nurses Against Mandatory Vaccines to read about the latest calls to action: http://www.namv.org/call-to-action.html

Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/NursesAgainstMandatoryVaccines

Twitter: https://twitter.com/namvorg


Martial Law? The Official Ebola Story Doesn’t Smell Right

Global Research, October 29, 2014
The federal government has announced that thousands of additional US soldiers are being sent to Liberia.  General Gary Volesky said the troops would “stamp out” ebola.

The official story is that combat troops are being sent to build treatment structures for those infected with ebola.

Why combat troops?  Why not send a construction outfit such as an engineer battalion if it has to be military? Why not do what the government usually does and contract with a construction company to build the treatment units?  “Additional thousands of troops” results in a very large inexperienced construction crew for 17 treatment units. It doesn’t make sense.

Stories that don’t make sense and that are not explained naturally arouse suspicions, such as:  Are US soldiers being used to test ebola vaccines and cures, or more darkly are they being used to bring more ebola back to the US?

I understand why people ask these questions.  The fact that they will receive no investigative answer will deepen suspicions.

Uninformed and gullible Americans will respond: “The US government would never use its own soldiers and its own citizens as guinea pigs.” Before making a fool of yourself, take a moment to recall the many experiments the US government has conducted on American soldiers and citizens. For example, search online for “unethical human experimentation in the United States” or “human radiation experiments,” and you will find that federal agencies such as the Department of Defense and Atomic Energy Commission have: exposed US soldiers and prisoners to high levels of radiation;  irradiated the testicles of males and tested for birth defects (high rate resulted); irradiated the heads of children; fed radioactive material to mentally disabled children.

The Obama regime’s opposition to quarantine for those arriving from West Africa is also a mystery.  The US Army has announced that the Army intends to quarantine every US soldier returning from deployment in Liberia.  The Army sensibly says that an abundance of caution is required in order to minimize the risk of transferring the ebola outbreak to the US.


However, the White House has not endorsed the Army’s decision, and the White House has expressed opposition to the quarantines ordered by the governors of New York and New Jersey.


Apparently pressure from the White House and threats of law suits from those subject to quarantine have caused the two states to loosen their quarantines.  A nurse returning from treating ebola patients in West Africa has been cleared by New Jersey for discharge after being symptom-free for 24 hours instead of the 21-days it takes for the disease to produce symptoms. The nurse threatened a lawsuit, and the false issue of “discrimination against health care workers” has arisen.  How is it discrimination to quarantine those with the greatest exposure to ebola?

Once symptoms appear, an infected person is dangerous to others until the person is quarantined.  As the CDC now has been forced to admit, after stupidly denying the obvious fact, the current ebola strain can spread by air.  All it takes is a sneeze or a cough or a contaminated surface.


In other words, it can spread like flu.  Previous denials of this fact helped to create the suspicion that the new ebola strain is a weaponized biowarfare strain created by US government labs in West Africa.  As University of Illinois law professor Francis Boyle has revealed, Washington placed its biowarfare laboratories in African countries that did not sign the convention banning such experimentation.


Washington’s deviousness in evading the convention that the US government signed has produced another suspicion:  Did the new ebola strain escape, perhaps via some lab mishap that infected lab workers, or was the strain deliberately released in order to test if it works?

See: http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2014/10/26/evidence-us-development-testing-airborne-ebola-robert-wenzel/  and  http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2014/10/20/us-army-withheld-promise-germany-ebola-virus-wouldnt-weaponized/

The only intelligent and responsible policy is to stop all commercial flights to and from ebola areas. Health worker volunteers should be transported by military aircraft and should be required to undergo the necessary quarantine before being transported back to the US.

Why does the White House oppose the only responsible and intelligent policy?  Why is Congress silent on the issue?

The resistance to a sane policy fosters the suspicions that the government or some conspiracy group intends to use ebola to declare martial law and herd the population or undesirable parts of it, into the FEMA camps that Halliburton was paid to construct (without the public ever being told the reason for the camps).

It is certainly strange that a government involved in long-term wars in the Middle East, the purpose of which is unclear to the public, and in fomenting conflict with both Russia and China, two countries armed with nuclear weapons, would so recklessly create more suspicions among the public of its motives, intentions, and competence.

Democracy requires that the public trust the government.  Yet Washington does everything possible to destroy this trust and to present a picture of dysfunctional government with hidden and undeclared agendas.

From: Dick Eastman <oldickeastman@q.com> Date: Thu, Oct 30, 2014 at 8:28 PM Subject: CDC Prediction — the real implications of it

CDC estimates nearly 1.4 million people will be infected with Ebola worldwide by January 2015.

Do you realize what that means in terms of deaths over the next 15 months?

But if the virus kills 70% or say just 50% of those it infects and if the course of the disease to death takes on average 11 days infected with the filiovirus without symptoms plus two weeks of hemorrhagic fever ending half the time in death (25 days from infection to death or survival for each infected)  and if in January 2015  1.4 million have the disease  — that means, at a transmission  rate of one infecting one  – that between now and January 2015  — there will be about 17 periods of 25 day periods in which half of 1.4 million people die.  Do the math:  1.4 million  infected x 0.5 surviving x 17 generations of infection = total deaths of 11.9 million deaths.   And the CDC predicting this is opposed to quarantine measures that would stop the disease in its tracks.

You have my proposal  for which you must speak up.  Or be silent and accept the CDC’s solution.

11.9 million people is a lot of people.

Investigational treatments

Ribavirin, a drug that is believed to interfere with capping of viral mRNAs and has been used to treat viral haemorrhagic fevers caused by arenaviruses and bunyaviruses, has no in-vitro or in-vivo effect on filoviruses.104,105 Therefore, and because of potential severe adverse effects associated with the drug, ribavirin is not recommended for Ebola virus infections.

With regard to RNA-based treatments, strategies to interfere with transcription and replication include the use of antisense oligonucleotides or RNA interference.106,107 The approaches are promising on the basis of efficacy in rodents and non-human primates infected with Zaire Ebola virus (table).108 RNA interference and antisense oligonucleotide-based approaches might be limited by the sequences for a particular Ebola virus species, which might not be known at the early stages of an outbreak. Additionally, these therapies are currently delivered intravenously, which might present logistical challenges in remote outbreak settings.

Treatment of the coagulation abnormalities recorded in Ebola virus infections should be considered (table). The nematode-derived anticoagulation protein rNAPc2 has shown 33% efficacy in the treatment of non-human primates infected with Zaire Ebola virus.109 D-dimer formation has been identified as an early event during Ebola virus infection in non-human primates and could be used as a marker for treatment.91 Because rNAPc2 targets signalling mainly through the extrinsic blood coagulation pathway, additional benefits might be gained with inhibitors of factor X, thus targeting the most common pathway of the extrinsic and intrinsic blood coagulation pathways (table). Additional substitution of protein C might be beneficial by activation of one of the crucial anticoagulant mechanisms in blood.91 Results from a study showed that treatment of rhesus monkeys infected with Zaire Ebola virus with recombinant human activated protein C resulted in some protection of the animals, which is consistent with survival recorded with rNAPc2 (table).110 All these drugs have been approved for different applications in man and could be easily and safely used in emergencies.

Recombinant vaccines against Ebola virus based on vesicular stomatitis virus111 have shown remarkable usefulness when given as a postexposure treatment against Ebola haemorrhagic fever in non-human primates infected with Zaire Ebola virus and Sudan Ebola virus.112,113 In a laboratory event, a recombinant vesicular stomatitis virus expressing the Zaire Ebola virus glycoprotein was given to a woman shortly after exposure with Zaire Ebola virus.114 The patient developed fever, headache, and myalgia hours after injection, which was successfully controlled with analgesics and antipyretics. Other adverse effects were not reported, but whether the treatment was effective or the patient never got infected with the virus remains uncertain. As with RNA-based treatments, postexposure vaccination with vaccines based on vesicular stomatitis virus will need some knowledge of the species involved since little cross-protection seems to exist between the various Ebola virus species.

Human convalescent blood or serum has been used for passive immunisation to treat patients naturally infected or non-human primates experimentally infected with Ebola virus,115,116 but the success is controversial. In vitro, neutralising monoclonal antibodies specific for the glycoprotein of Ebola virus generated from different species, including man, showed protective and therapeutic properties in rodents.117119 However, antibody treatment with equine immunoglobulin against Ebola virus,120,121 with polyclonal whole blood from rhesus monkeys immune against Ebola virus,122 or with a recombinant human monoclonal antibody123 did not protect non-human primates from lethal infection with Ebola virus. Although no definite therapeutic conclusion can be drawn from the studies done so far, data suggest the value, in principle, of passively acquired antibodies in reduction of the viral burden during infection. Thus, antibody therapy, perhaps in combination with other pharmaceutical agents, might be beneficial (table).

In view of the severe and rapid progression of Ebola haemorrhagic fever, no one therapy is likely to be sufficiently potent, which strongly favours combination therapy as the best choice. A suitable strategy might be to slow down virus replication and disease progression and to allow innate and adaptive immune responses to overcome infection.115,124 This idea is supported by data showing that viraemia lower than 1×104 · 5 pfu/mL of blood is strongly associated with survival of patients and non-human primates infected experimentally.1,51,110,112


Previously, the usefulness of an Ebola virus vaccine was disputed, because of the disease’s rarity, little interest by industry, and the potential cost. Frequent outbreaks in the past decade, several imported cases of viral haemorrhagic fever and laboratory exposures, and the potential misuse of Ebola virus as a biothreat agent has changed that view. Vaccine development is part of many nations’ efforts in response to the public health threat posed by emerging or re-emerging biothreat pathogens such as Ebola virus. A protective vaccine would be very valuable not only for at-risk medical personnel, first responders, military personnel, and researchers, but also for targeted vaccination in affected populations, especially during outbreaks, for use in a so-called ring vaccination strategy.

At present, vaccine candidates to be considered should show efficacy in at least two animal models of the disease including non-human primates, the gold standard animal model for viral haemorrhagic fever caused by several pathogens such as Ebola virus.46 Only a few vaccine platforms have passed these requirements and are considered for further investigation and perhaps for clinical trials. These vaccine candidates are based on recombinant technologies that use either generated replication-deficient or attenuated replication-competent platforms.

Among the replication-deficient platforms, human-adenovirus-type-5 vectors have been the first successful strategies to protect non-human primates from lethal Ebola virus challenge (table). Originally a DNA prime (glycoprotein and nucleoprotein) adenovirus boost (glycoprotein) approach was used,125 which was subsequently replaced with an accelerated approach of one immunisation with a recombinant adenovirus expressing the Zaire Ebola virus glycoprotein 28 days before challenge.126 The approach has been further developed by others by use of a multivalent adenovirus technology for the development of a panfilovirus vaccine that provides protection against several filovirus species.127 The adenovirus platform seems safe and robust but is weakened by pre-existing immunity128 in the world population and its failure in an HIV/AIDS trial.129 The second successful approach with replication-deficient platforms is based on Ebola virus-like particles generated by coexpression of the viral matrix protein (VP40), nucleoprotein, and glycoprotein (table).130 This approach seems to best address safety issues but might need adjuvant and still needs booster immunisation for efficacy in non-human primates, which is not favourable for emergency use. Other issues are associated with the costs and production of the virus-like particle (VLP) vaccines compared with viral vector-based platforms. Reverse genetics has generated the first new generation inactivated Ebola virus vaccine by deletion of an essential gene rendering the resulting virus replication deficient.131,132 This technology allows large-scale production, but remaining safety issues still need to be addressed for potential future use of this technology in generation of promising vaccine candidates.

Generally, live attenuated viruses are more advantageous than are non-replicating vaccines because of ease of production and their potent stimulation of innate and adaptive (humoural and cellular) immune responses. However, this idea does not seem feasible for Ebola virus because of difficulties in ensuring the safety of live attenuated Ebola virus strains. However, live attenuated recombinant Ebola virus vaccine vectors have been developed on the basis of the background of less virulent viral systems such as vesicular stomatitis virus111 and human parainfluenza virus (table).133,134 The system based on vesicular stomatitis virus has shown tremendous efficacy in non-human primates including both prophylactic and postexposure treatment situations.112,113,135 These potent vaccine platforms are associated with safety issues despite having a clean record in laboratory animals including immune-deficient animals.136 As with adenovirus vectors, pre-existing immunity might be an issue with the human parainfluenza virus137 platform but is negligible for vesicular stomatitis virus. Vaccine platforms of human parainfluenza and vesicular stomatitis viruses might have potential for delivery without use of needles.134,138

Despite good to excellent protective efficacy in animals, correlates and mechanisms of protection have not been well defined for most of the vaccine candidates mentioned in this Seminar. On the basis of present data, antibody responses, T-cell proliferation, and cytotoxic-T-lymphocyte responses show that antibody and T-helper cell memory are essential for protection, and that cell-mediated immunity, although possibly important, is not an absolute requirement. Total antibody response is thought to be a correlate for protection for Ebola virus vaccines.139 Finally, a multivalent preventive vaccine is clearly needed to provide protection against all species of Ebola viruses and Marburg viruses, and such a vaccine will possibly need at least three components.140


Substantial progress has been made during past decades in the understanding of the biology and pathogenesis of Ebola virus infections in vitro and in vivo. The identification of bats as potential reservoir species is a milestone, with implications for public health. Substantial progress has also been achieved in the development of countermeasures, with rapid diagnostics being implemented in developed settings and with some promising therapeutics and vaccine candidates having entered or being close to entering clinical trials. However, most of our knowledge is based on infections with Zaire Ebola virus, the most pathogenic species within the genus Ebolavirus, and on studies done in non-human primates. The other species of Ebola virus are genetically and serologically distinct, might differ in their ecology, and possess biological characteristics that make them less virulent in man.

Future efforts need to focus on the knowledge gaps about other species of Ebola virus. To prevent primary transmission from bats to man, we need more field studies into the ecology of reservoir species and their infection status and shedding mechanisms. More detailed investigations into the pathophysiology of Ebola virus infections with laboratory animals should provide us with new targets for intervention strategies. Promising therapeutics and vaccines need to be moved forward into clinical trials, and provision needs to be made for emergencies such as laboratory exposures. Finally, we urgently need strategies, financial support, and political will to bring these developments to the populations of endemic areas in equatorial Africa who are in primary need for intervention and for whom financial resources are scarce.

Dick Eastman Yakima, Washington

NOTE:  The tone of this piece implies Natalia Shakhova is being pressured to understate the Arctic Methane emergency.  Meanwhile, the Arctic Methane Emergency Group people are totally muzzled.  —  kl, pp

Researchers say Arctic Ocean leaking methane

Posted: December 1, 2013 – 1:05am

FAIRBANKS — Ounce for ounce, methane has an effect on global warming more than 30 times more potent than carbon dioxide, and it’s leaking from the Arctic Ocean at an alarming rate, according to new research by scientists at the University of Alaska Fairbanks.

Their article, which appeared Sunday in the peer-reviewed journal Nature Geoscience, states that the Arctic Ocean is releasing methane at a rate more than twice what scientific models had previously anticipated.

Natalia Shakhova and Igor Semiletov at UAF’s International Arctic Research Center have spent more than a decade researching the Arctic’s greenhouse gas emissions, along with scientists from Russia, Europe and the Lower 48.

Shakhova, the lead author of the most recent report, said the methane release rate likely is even greater than their paper describes.

“We decided to be as conservative as possible,” Shakhova said. “We’re actually talking the top of the iceberg.”

The researchers worked along the continental shelf off the northern coast of eastern Russia — the East Siberian Arctic Shelf, which is underlain by sub-sea permafrost.

Much like the now-submerged Beringia, the land bridge that once connected Alaska to Russia, the East Siberian Arctic Shelf was dry land until around 7,000 to 15,000 years ago, when it flooded and became part of the Arctic Ocean. During that time on dry land, the shelf developed a layer of permafrost that is now in danger of melting away and releasing vast amounts of greenhouse gases.

Past studies in Alaska and other circumpolar regions have stated that the boreal forests covering much of the world’s Arctic and sub-Arctic dry land contain more than 30 percent of the world’s stored carbon. This carbon is protected from atmospheric release in large part by the permafrost layer.

The submerged East Siberian Arctic Shelf contains much of the same stored carbon as the dry-land tundra just to its south, but it also contains at least 17 teragrams of methane, the study states. A teragram is equal to 1 million tons.

Those carbon stores are similarly protected by the layer of sub-sea permafrost, but that permafrost is teetering on the brink of disappearing.

Core samples taken of the sub-sea permafrost by Shakhova and her peers showed temperatures near the freezing mark, around 30 to 32 degrees. Both the top and lower layers of sediment had already thawed.

Some climate modelers had previously suggested the sub-sea permafrost would not thaw for 5,000 to 7,000 years, but according to Shakhova’s team, the data gathered from the actual shelf shows the process is happening on a much more rapid timescale.

“What we’re observing right now is much faster than what we anticipated and much faster than what was modeled,” Shakhova said.

This revelation should be a cause for alarm, Shakhova said.

“Absolutely. We think so,” she said. “We should not only just worry. We should study.”

Climate scientists have constructed what they call a carbon budget to determine how much carbon-based gas, such as methane and carbon dioxide, is being released into the atmosphere. Many climate change projections are based on this budget.

The consensus carbon budget estimates that more than half of carbon emissions are human-caused, but these estimates vastly underestimate the amount of carbon stored in the Arctic shelves, Shakhova said.

“I believe strongly the Arctic sources are understated and need to be paid more attention,” Shakhova said.

The UAF researchers also concluded the Arctic methane release creates a positive feedback loop. As temperatures increase, more methane is released and as more methane is released temperatures increase.

In addition, storms throughout the Arctic Ocean have increased in the past decade, according to multiple studies cited by the UAF team. These storms speed up the methane release just as shaking a soda causes the carbonation to rise more rapidly to the top and escape.

In the end, the Arctic and sub-Arctic regions may have the most to lose.

“When something is warming, when warming occurs, what, do you think, part of the globe will be affected first?” Shakhova said. “The Arctic is warming twice as fast as the rest of the globe. … This is what affects the number of cyclones. This is what affects the sea ice, which is shrinking.”

Shakhova didn’t want to dwell on predictions or possible outcomes from such rising temperatures. What she wanted to see, she said, was more primary research in the Arctic itself to determine what is happening.

“Our study is not about being depressing,” Shakhova said. “It’s about knowledge, no matter if you like it or not.”


NYPD arrests, ‘brutalizes’ peace activist McGovern ahead of Petraeus speech

Published time: October 31, 2014

The New York Police Department has detained prominent peace activist and former CIA agent Ray McGovern, with witnesses saying he was “yelling in pain” during arrest. McGovern was detained ahead of a David Petraeus speech that he planned to attend.

McGovern was detained before the start of a talk between former CIA director David Petraeus, retired US Army Lt. Col. John Nagl, and author Max Boot on American Foreign Policy at the 92nd St Y., an Upper East Side cultural community center.

Anti-war group ‘The World Can’t Wait’ said the activist was arrested “at protest of speech.” He was reportedly prevented by security from entering, charged with criminal trespass and disorderly conduct, and will not be arraigned until Friday. The group has called for McGovern’s release on Twitter and Facebook.

The World Can’t Wait alleged on Twitter that McGovern was “brutalized” by the NYPD and later reported “screams coming from backroom” where the activist was being held. RT has contacted the NYPD who have yet to respond to allegations.

It appeared that the activist was detained even before entering the venue, despite having a ticket for the event.



Independent journalist and filmmaker Cat Watters was due to film McGovern during the talk, asking a question of Petraeus, but as she arrived she saw McGovern being arrested by police, telling them “I have a ticket!” Watters told RT that McGovern has a shoulder injury and was apparently yelling in pain during the arrest.

According to Watters, two members of World Can’t Wait, which asked her to film, were to hang a banner from balcony written with the words “War Criminal Iraq Afghanistan” and covered with handprints in red ink – however, McGovern was not going to take part in this action.

“He [Ray] doesn’t cause a ruckus. He asks questions. He stands up and turns his back,” Watters described the protesters’ plan.

McGovern is a former CIA officer turned political activist. He worked with the agency for just under three decades, retiring in 1990. He was highly critical and public about President George W. Bush’s use of government intelligence in the lead-up to the Iraq war. In 2006, he returned his Intelligence Commendation Medal in protest against the CIA’s involvement in torture. 


The Weathermen, Paid To Cover The Tracks Of Climate Engineering

October 30, 2014     2 Comments

“Weather forecasters” are now little more than script reading actors in a grand production that is completely orchestrated by those pulling the strings at the top. The military/industrial/climate engineering/media complex now controls the weather, and they control the weather “forecasters”. “Mostly Sunny” now generally means heavily sprayed skies with few natural clouds. The meteorological community, and especially the TV weathermen, are literally towing the line for the “collective insanity”. Their job is to convincingly put out the official narrative, to explain the completely engineered weather as if it’s completely natural. All of us need to contact and peacefully confront local meteorologists with credible data. Keep track of the information you are passing on and let the weathermen know you are making a record of the fact that they have been officially made aware of the climate engineering issue. Eliminate any excuse they might someday give that they just did not know, it’s time to hold them all to accountability. Radio show personality David Tulis has put more light on this subject in the excellent article below that he has just penned, my thanks to David for helping us to sound the alarm.

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

It’s perfectly rational for Barys, other weathermen to ignore sky striping

Source: Nooganomics, article by David Tulis

Governments talk up ways to “combat climate change” and have manipulated the weather with hazy factory skies  for years. So why do weather forecasters reject sky striping as a developing “good government” or “environmental” story? To be men of integrity.

If they give 1 percent credence to chemtrailing as a story and an influence on the weather, that becomes the story and they lose their jobs. If they try to account for stratospheric aerosol geoengineering in the slightest, they have to inject into their forecast a human (anthropocentric) unknown outside their job description. As it is, weather forecasting is tricky enough, with no accurate forecast possible more than three days out. Sky striping is weather modification on a grand scale that creates cloud banks, dries up rainfall, tosses weather systems left and right. To attempt to account for jet traffic that manipulates weather patterns is ludicrous for the professional in front of the camera. It’s a separate story, coverable by the news department if any credible sources or interviews from officials emerge (none do, as officials insist weather control is merely theoretical).

Other points are in favor of rejecting the striking aerial visuals of sky striping. Most people, the forecaster knows, offhandedly reject or discount weird doings in the sky, the perpetual hazes, the magnification of the sun through layers of mist, the blurring out of your own shadow on sidewalk or wall, the whitening of sunlight. Hardly a soul notices. There is no cost socially or professionally to denying visible effects of sky striping. No stigma attaches to one who ignores solar radiation management and keeps it out of his daily weather storytelling.

To be a man of honor who supports his family, his employer and meets the expectations of his TV and radio audience, my city’s top forecaster has to pretend no irrational and no unpredictable human factor exists in his forecasts. He has to pretend that the only computer-aided tea leaf sifting he does is upon nature itself. Implied in his stolidity is the hope that God owns nature, God owns the weather — and by His agency has charge over wind and drought. The forecaster’s job is to discern trends based on existing cloud and rain patterns using his best judgment. His presupposition is that nature exists and rules, that it is not “over,” as one commentator on weather modification put it in Time magazine in 2012. Paul Barys, David Karnes and Patrick Core — the three main TV forecasters in Chattanooga — suppose an organized universe, an orderly creation that stands apart from mankind and is not subject to his whim. Weather may mystify, but not because some federal joker is wobbling a joystick.

Sky striping as a meteorological cause raises the margin of error to an unknown level, and makes any reasonable professional forecaster realize that he has an impossible task. To intellectually account for U.S. weather control programs in the stratosphere, thus, injects an element into his professional career that is irrational, dangerous to his income and estate, and disruptive of his routines and personal studio and production relationships.

Weather forecasts routinely ignore the biggest weather story that in my hometown I am attempting to cover. This blindness is lamentable, perhaps. But we can understand it and assume no bad faith or ill will on the part of the meteorological clan. Their inputs are consistent, their premises orderly; the great narrative of the war on global climate, instead, is breaking on other media platforms.

Source: Nooganomics, article by David Tulis


Ken O’Keefe Tells the Truth About the New World Order

Posted by Rusty Featured, NWO Wednesday, October 29th, 2014

Illuminati Killers

Education · 247,672 Likes

· September 4 ·

I have been in this “game” for 12 years now. I’ve gone from researcher to advisor. But, I’ve never witnessed someone tell the truth like this. Ken O’Keefe enters the halls of American Sainthood with this shining moment on TV — his Magnum Opus, the masterpiece. Just listen. He is a former US Marine and war Veteran. He was the one who singlehandedly disarmed the top commandos who tried to massacre the activists on the Mavi Marmara.

Share this! He tells PROFOUND truths. The other guy just puts his head down. There is no rebuttal. He’s 10000000% right.


The End of the Anti-War Movement?

Global Research, October 30, 2014
I have to wonder what’s up when only about 100 people turn out to meet and greet the President of The United States at an alleged anti-war rally in downtown San Francisco. There was at least five days advance notice, and Vice President Biden was in town earlier in the week, so it’s not like it was a surprise visit. No, in fact it was a $25,000 per plate (no seconds) fundraiser at the W Hotel in San Francisco. The plethora of stop-the-war, environmental, and workers rights organizations that have sprung up over the last few decades don’t seem to see the connection between their organizations mission statement, and other issues that are related to their cause. In most cases these issues are joined at the hip.

There have been several disappointing turnouts at protests this year. Most of them have been organized by well established NGO’s. There was supposed to be a big anti-war protest in front of U.S. Senator Diane Feinstein’s office this Spring that never materialized. Only about 50 people showed up at Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi’s office to protest the genocide in Gaza this past August. And the Occupy S.F. Third Convergence in September was just…sad.

The events that drew the biggest crowds recently in the San Francisco Bay Area were organized by groups like the Arab Resource Organizing Committee and the Arab Youth Organization. Thousands of people of all ages and ethnicities marched to the Port of Oakland to block the unloading of the ZIM ship from Israel. Earlier in the year, there was a large rally and march in downtown San Francisco to protest the ongoing genocide in Palestine, and several smaller demonstrations as well. While these rallies drew thousands of people, could the numbers reflect that many people were on spring break or summer vacation? In any event, the rogue state of Israel goes about business as usual.

If the first casualty of war is the truth, the second is the environment. The March Against Monsanto protesters must also be there to march for Gaza. The anti-war movement must realize that the U.S.military is the largest consumer of oil on the planet; we are fighting wars in order to be able to fight wars. The anti- pipeline and fracking cadre has to realize that Roundup and other Big Ag chemicals are also major sources of pollution, both in their production and application. Workers rights organizations also have to fight to end the wars that are killing their family members. The money the healthcare, housing, and education NGO’s are clamoring for is currently being given to war profiteers, rogue states, and autocrats. The people’s money.

Part of the problem is that many protests are driven by emotion, rather than logic. Protests tend to be large at the beginning of events like Gaza or Keystone, but then the energy dissipates. There is no end game for what is going to be accomplished, consequently there is no plan of action to get there. Demonstrations becomes social networking events, which is a good thing, and a bad thing. The good is that people actually get off their buttisimos, walk in the fresh air and sunshine, and interact with other humans. The bad is that you feel like you’ve actually done accomplished something. Having been part of a movement that actually ended a war (Vietnam), I can tell you uh, no, you haven’t. As far as I can tell it’s business as usual for the U.S. of A.

And when was the last time there was an anti-nuke protest? I recorded this Fukushima “Die-In” at the Japanese Consulate, but who is protesting the irradiated fish and other animals showing up on the West Coast? The depleted uranium still being used in Iraq and Afghanistan? The displacement of indigenous communities through resource extraction? Contamination of aquifers, soils, and the atmosphere by uranium minining? The growing stockpiles, sophistication, and horror of modern nuclear weapons? Or of weapons in general, especially the “gun in every home” mentality afflicting this country?

Living as I do two blocks from Twitter headquarters, I keep asking: “Will they ever turn a profit?” No, seriously, what I have been asking for lo these many years is: “When will there be a ‘Twitter Revolution’ in this country?” When will the millions of disenfranchised citizens tweeter each other and say: “I’m mad as Hell, and I’m not going to take it anymore!?”

Twitter is really more like a entertainment medium than a communication tool; a great way to sell advertising and burn up cellular credits, or whatever the telecoms do to make the billions they make. There’s just too much “stuff” on Twitter, or MyFace, or SpaceBook. Maybe a simple email, text, chat, VoIP call would be more effective in mobilizing people? How about a community potluck? With pinata’s! Food, music, and children always bring people together. Advertising? Not so much.

Perhaps it’s time the “anti-war movement” died. Protests are a relic of the 19th and 20th centuries. Maybe it’s time for a solutions-oriented strategy that demands “the government” perform the function it was created for. If it is incapable of meeting the needs of the people, it is obligated to dissolve itself, as called for in the constitution.

A “Pro Human Rights” movement would demand an immediate cessation of hostilities, universal healthcare and education, abolition of student debt, the complete overhaul of the “criminal justice” industrial complex, starting with local police departments, food and housing subsidies for everyone, reparations for indigenous people and the descendants of slaves, decommissioning all nuclear power plants, an immediate halt to fossil fuel extraction, and the end of animal exploitation, beginning with “pets,” zoo’s, and “theme parks.” For starters.

Quanah Brightman of United Native Americans told me that some of the tribes get together for a monthly “Bear” meeting. Maybe the thousands of sometimes redundant and competing NGO’s can adopt this indigenous tradition, like the founding fathers “adopted” the Iroquois constitution, or Great Law of Peace (obviously, they left something out). Currently, the powers that be have “the movement” divided and conquered. The only way anything will be accomplished is if organizations and individuals work together for a common purpose. Ending “wars and rumors of wars” is the first step to social justice for all.


Clashes at German embassy in Rome over ThyssenKrupp plans to cut jobs (VIDEO)

Published time: October 30, 2014

Riot police clashed with steelworkers at the German embassy in Rome after a protest over a German metal giant’s decision to sack over 537 workers at its newly purchased Italian plant.

Several hundred activists, including workers from the Acciai Speciali Terni (AST) plant in Terni, in the Umbria region, marched through the streets of Rome to oppose ThyssenKrupp’s lay-off plan, which is aimed at cutting costs by €100 million a year.

Police and the organizers differ in their accounts of what exactly triggered the violence shortly after a delegation of workers met an embassy official.

Maurizio Landini, head of the metalworkers’ Fiom union, said: “As soon as we started our march, we were charged without provocation. I too received blows from police. Some of us ended up in the hospital. It’s not ending here.”



Police denied charging the protesters and said they had to use force when the demonstrators tried to storm through their cordon and occupy the Termini train station.

Three people were taken to hospital in the wake of the clash, according to police. Organizers of the action said as many as five of them, both workers and union officials, were injured.

The confrontation happened just days after a massive protest rally in Italy organized by several trade unions. The rally against Prime Minister Matteo Renzi’s job sector reforms, which would make firing workers easier for employers, drew as many as 1 million people, according to organizers.

With job security remaining a painful issue in the country, which is suffering the worst unemployment rates since 1970, the sympathies of other unions are with the steel workers in the Wednesday clash.

“The government should give answers not bludgeon workers,” said Susanna Camusso, head of the CGIL, Italy’s largest trade union. “Half the country is going from bad to worse and if people protest they are charged at by the police.”

The government meanwhile is engaged with the steel plant owners in an attempt to bargain for a last-ditch compromise. Industry Minister Federica Guidi told Italian lawmakers in the wake of the incident that she is aiming at a deal that would limit the lay-offs to 290 over the next two years in exchange for energy subsidies to the steelmaker. The company can also cut costs by shutting down one of the plant’s two kilns and shifting some workers into “cold” finishing processes, she added.

“I have not given up on the possibility of a compromise,” Guidi said.

Italy’s steel industry, which is second-largest in Europe after Germany’s, has been damaged by the global economic slowdown, which saw demand for metal plunge. 


Small town sends armored vehicle, 24 officers to collect debt from 75-year-old

Published time: October 29, 2014

An armored military vehicle and 24 armed police officers: That’s what the sheriff’s department in a small Wisconsin town used to collect a civil judgement from a 75-year-old man, who has filed a $4.5 million lawsuit against the town over the incident.

Marathon County sheriff’s deputies went to Roger Hoeppner’s property in the town of Stettin to serve a writ of execution against the 75-year-old for the $86,000 he and his family owed the municipality.

The police expected to have to seize and remove tractors and wooden pallets to pay the judgment, which is why so many deputies were on hand, Sheriff’s Capt. Greg Bean told the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel. Hoeppner is known to be argumentative, he added, but not dangerous.

“I was doing my battery of pills for myself and for my wife and I looked out the window and I saw numerous activity up there with numerous unmarked squad cars and a battery of officers and I called 911 at that time and a reporter says that they were there to serve a judgement against me,” Hoeppner explained to WSAW.

He quickly called his lawyer, Ryan Lister, who was also unaware that deputies were arriving to collect the debt. The attorney told the Journal-Sentinel that he was stopped by a roadblock that was kept up until after his client had been taken away in handcuffs.

“Rather than provide Mr. Hoeppner or his counsel notice…and attempt to collect without spending thousands of taxpayer dollars on the military-style maneuvers, the town unilaterally decided to enforce its civil judgment” with a show of force, Lister told the Journal-Sentinel.

The police said they didn’t call in the crews ‒ and the armored vehicle ‒ until after they knocked on Hoeppner’s door and no one answered, despite being able to see Hoeppner, his wife and adult son closing curtains and “scurrying” around inside, the Wausau Daily Herald reported.

“That’s not normal behavior and it causes us concern, especially when there are a lot of threatening statements leading up to this and our attempts at arbitration and mediating this out failed,” Marathon County Chief Deputy Chad Billeb, who was at the scene, said at a press conference on Monday. “We don’t want to take a chance with our officers’ safety.”

Hoeppner owns about 20 acres outside of town, where he restores antique tractors and runs a pallet repair business, according to the Journal Sentinel. In 2008, the town sued Hoeppner over claimed violations of ordinances about zoning, signs, rubbish and vehicles. The two parties settled a year later, but Stettin officials felt he reneged on the deal and filed for a motion for contempt and enforcement. In September 2010, a judge ordered Hoeppner to clean up his land. The property owner didn’t comply, and so the judge then authorized the town to seize assets, which officials did in summer of 2011, selling the tractors, pallets and other items for “pennies on the dollar,” Lister said. Hoeppner was then issued a $500-a-day fine in April 2013 for his previous non-compliance.

“This has been a long outstanding problem between the resident and the township and it’s been contentious. We’ve had deputies go to town board meetings to do security. We know we’ve had our staff involved to mediate this over a number of months trying to calm the situation and it never got any better,” Billeb said.

By October 2, that daily fine amounted to $86,000, which the town sought to collect that day. When Hoeppner failed to open the door, deputies called in the Marathon County Response Vehicle (MRAV) and began inventorying the items on the property.

That brought the 75-year-old then out of the house, but he soon got “pushy” and tried bowling past them, police said, according to the Daily Herald. That’s when a lieutenant handcuffed the property owner.

“I’ve been involved in about five standoff situations where, as soon as the MARV showed up, the person gives up,” saving the county time, money and increasing safety, Bean said to the Journal-Sentinel. “People may not always understand why, but an armored vehicle is almost a necessity now.”

The department obtained the armored ‒ but not weaponized ‒ vehicle in 2011, and it has since been deployed 53 times.

The 75-year-old and his wife have filed a claim for damages against the town in the amount of $4.5 million, according to WSAW.

“It’s a long-running, heavily litigated dispute over his use of his property,” another of Hoeppner’s lawyers (on an unrelated matter), Jeff Scott Olson, told the Journal-Sentinel. “They’re trying to collect in a very heavy-handed manner.”

Stettin officials agreed to drop $6,000 from his bill, in exchange for Hoeppner paying the bill that day without the town needing to haul away and sell the equipment from his property.

“The $86,000 figure is enough to shock most men,” the 75-year-old said. “And they wanted it now, today.”

Hoeppner estimates that his prolonged battle with the town has cost him about $200,000, a retirement fund he “worked very hard to accumulate,” he told the Journal-Sentinel. In addition, he said, the events on October 2 upset his wife so much that he had to take her to a hospital for a few hours that day. 


Lockheed Martin scientist on deathbed says aliens are real (VIDEO)

Published time: October 30, 2014
Aliens, some as old as 200 years, are real and have visited Earth, a former Lockheed Martin senior scientist has claimed. In his final moments, he provided “photo evidence” while sharing his personal experiences of UFOs and extraterrestrials.

The controversial 33-minute video was made shortly before Boyd Bushman died on August 7, 2014. However, the footage has only recently emerged and is starting to garner widespread attention.

“I do have a top secret clearance,” he affirms at the beginning of the video. He goes on to state that incidents such as Roswell in 1947 – when a military Air Force surveillance balloon crashed – happened at the hands of aliens.

Bushman shared details about aliens, UFOs, and anti-gravity technology – which he says is being developed by US, Russian, and Chinese scientists at Area 51 (the US military facility).

In the video, Bushman is seen holding up second-hand “photo evidence” of aliens while describing them to viewers.

“They were approximately four and a half to five feet tall,” the former top aerospace scientist said. “They have three back bones. They’re actually cartilage,” he added, stating that they had fewer ribs than human beings. These aliens have fingers and toes like human beings.

He went on to state that their eyes and noses are different from humans, and that they are telepathic mind readers.

“They’re able to use their own voice by telepathy to talk to you,” he said. “You walk in the room with one of them, and all of a sudden you find yourself giving the answer to your question in your own voice.”



According to Bushman, there are two different groups of aliens.

“It’s like a cattle ranch,” he stated, adding that some can be up to 230 years old. “One group is wranglers, and the others are rustlers – the stealers of cattle.”

“Wranglers” are “much more friendly and have a better relationship with us.”

Bushman seemed to have known the details of where and how those aliens live.

He claimed the creatures are inhabitants of a planet called Quintumnia. It is located 68 light-years away from Earth, yet it takes them only 45 minutes to travel to our planet. At home, they commute through telepathy, Bushman insisted.

The deceased scientist went on to say that he actually saw their homes because he gave the aliens a camera to take pictures with. It is, however, hard to say what those pictures contain because the images turned out blurry.

In another revelation, Bushman said there is a special flight path from space to Area 51, a mysterious base in central Nevada where it is believed that aliens and their spacecrafts were stored.

He added that there are Americans working on UFOs from outer space 24 hours a day, reported the Metro.

“With respect to the alien craft, we have American citizens who are working on UFOs 24 hours a day,” he stated.

However, the alien seen in Bushman’s photographs is actually available to buy at Walmart, according to an investigation by Quebec station TVQC. 


Isis, Jabhat al-Nusra and Other Islamist Groups Are One And The Same: Senior Army Officer

By Robert Fisk

A senior Syrian army officer talks to Robert Fisk about his army’s brutal struggle with Isis, in a dirty war whose challenges include widespread atrocities. Continue

CIA Mouthpiece Lets Slip On Russian ‘Aggression’

By Finian Cunningham

Claims can now be seen for what they are: propaganda in the service of a political agenda from Washington. Continue

Latest Putin-bashing Invention Putin About To Be Sacrificed

By The Saker

I normally don’t comment any of the nonsense which circulates on the Internet, but this one seems to have a lot of people worried. Continue

The Cheney-Powell-Rumsfeld-Wolfowitz Strategy: An Evaluation

By Michael S. Rozeff

The U.S. planned full spectrum dominance everywhere. Continue

Canada’s Heart of Darkness. Democracy and Civility Foregone?

By Jim Miles

Once upon a time, Canada was able to create the illusion that it was the “peaceable kingdom”, an illusion accepted domestically and arguably by most of the rest of the world. Continue

Fighting for Survival in the Sinai: Egypt’s Convenient War

By Ramzy Baroud Egypt’s recent turmoil has indeed exasperated violence in the Sinai Peninsula, but that violence was rooted in a largely different political reality. Continue

The Ebola Story Doesn’t Smell Right

By Paul Craig Roberts

The official story is that combat troops are being sent to build treatment structures for those infected with ebola. Continue

The Moral Blindness of our Leading Liberals

By Chris Floyd

What is most important to them is not stopping the system — but making sure that one of “theirs” is running it. Continue

News Veteran, Details Massive Censorship and Propaganda in Mainstream Media

By Michael Krieger

I had no idea that the President of CBS News’ brother was a top national security advisor to President Obama, did you? Continue

Risky Business: “Easy Money”

By Mike Whitney

Last week, the country’s biggest mortgage lenders scored a couple of key victories that will allow them to ease lending standards, crank out more toxic assets, and inflate another housing bubble. Continue

Rise Up America, Rise Up!

By Mohammed Mesbahi

It is up to you, the youth of America, to lead the way by organising a non-stop demonstration in every state, until that nationwide wave of peaceful protest eventually catches on globally. Continue

ISIS: the Useful Enemy

By Ismael Hossein-zadeh

Kobani Kurds Expose the Hypocrisy of the Coalition Against ISIS. Continue

Whose Side Is Turkey On?

By Patrick Cockburn

Iraqi Sunnis have no choice but to stick with Isis. Continue

Afghan Retreat Echoes of Vietnam Defeat

By Finian Cunningham

The “exceptional” Americans in Washington like to refer to their foreign interventions as “nation building.” Continue

The Chickenshit Lobby Is Mad As Hell

By Justin Raimondo

Those whose job it is to protect the President need to take this potential threat seriously. Continue

Modern Day America: One Step Away from the Third Reich By John Stanton Indoctrinate the masses into thinking that all others besides, say, Americans, are inferior, unexceptional, demons and insects. Continue

U.N. Calls Bullshit on Obama’s ‘Look Forward, Not Backwards’ Approach to US Torture

By Murtaza Hussain

A new report submitted to the United Nations Committee Against Torture has been released that excoriates his administration for shielding the officials responsible from prosecution. Continue

The World Must Judge America’s Human Rights Abuses

By Margaret Kimberley

Legal cases must be made against the United States at the IAHCR and with any other entity which can bring our plight to the world. Continue

This Nation of Cowards

By William Rivers Pitt

This is what happens to an ill-informed populace which is not taught to be strong, and fair, and true to the ideals of their founding. Continue

Corporations Act To Make Congress A Wholly Owned Subsidiary

By Richard Eskow

If we don’t get money out of politics, we’ll lose our democracy altogether. Continue


October 31, 2014

October 30, 2014

October 29, 2014


 The Artificial Intelligence Demon Is Spawning

Over two years ago, I wrote a blog article about how America was in a 300 day trial period that would be determinative for its future destiny. I now conclude that America has failed that test. The USSA government has proceeded down a very dark path towards more war, economic exploitation, police state repression, spreading of the Ebola virus and the like. I fear that even worse things are in the works.

As bad as that is, for the most part the American people have acquiesced in the deep evil of the USSA government. If there has been dissent, it has been too little, too late, so subdued as to scarcely cause a lasting ripple.

In that 18 June 2012 blog article I included a short clip from the third Terminator movie, that depicted the rise of the machines, the world destroying A.I. force that caused a nuclear firestorm that decimated humanity and savaged the planet, as the computers and their inhuman robots took over.the planet.

The creative entities behind the Terminator films actually had a substantial body of insider knowledge about the  state of the art of computer technology, cutting edge military technology, the state of A.I. (artifical intelligence) and the trajectory of global events.

Indeed, the Terminator films, and others similar in theme, such as the Matrix movies, can be seen as warnings to the people of the Earth by the very force(s) plotting their destruction. A proverbial shot across the bow, if you will.

However, the passive, jaded, ignorant, intellectually slothful American people, and most of the rest of the world, have shrugged off the warning(s).

At the peril of their potential total extermination.


The Terminator movie warns of the dangers of the Skynet military system taking over and initiating a devastating nuclear war against humanity. In fact, there really is a space-based, military communication system named Skynet.  It is operated by the U.K. and NATO.

Do you trust the military of the United Kingdom or the military forces of NATO? I certainly do not. They are heavily armed with nuclear missiles and very aggressive militarily. Even now, NATO and the U.K. are steadily pressing Russia towards war, a war that could very quickly go nuclear, a war that no one could possibly win, and that would be positively devastating for humanity.

Maybe that’s precisely the point.


Just in recent days there have been headlines in the news media warning of  “Swarms of Cooperative, Autonomous’ Robots to Hit Battlefields.” Military robots roaming the battlefield.  Another theme straight out of the Terminator.


The rise of the killer robot.  Another theme from the Terminator movie. Try this headline on for size:  Norway Joins the Race to Develop Killer Robot. What a coincidence! Norway is a member of NATO and is wired into the Skynet, satelllite based, military communications system.


We have entered the era of robot pilots:  World’s First Robot Pilot Ready to Replace Humans . Remember the human survivors of the devastating attack by the killer machines and the global, nuclear onslaught fighting the robotic, military aircraft in the Terminator movies?


Living robots may be coming within 15 or 20 years. If you think that’s farfetched,  take a gander at what the Japanese are doing:

Human or Machine? Life-Like Android Robots from Japan Show Glimpses of the Future

So What?

I’ll be frank with you, if this is what is being admitted to, and talked about, in the mainstream news media, then I strongly suspect that what has already been accomplished in secret military-industrial-espionage laboratories, clandestine compartmentalized projects and highly secret underground and undersea bases, has already advanced to the next step, or two or three.

It would not surprise me in the least if high-tech, A.I. robots already walk among us. Oh, they may be flesh and blood, after a fashion, but they would have been cloned, made with artificially modified DNA, endowed with enhanced communications capabilities wired into an A.I. network, with artificially engineered emotional constructs and hormonal systems, and more.

Here’s what I’m getting  at:  molecular electronics using human DNA, an obvious prerequisite to make living robots, with DNA-based micro-circuitry, or nano-circuitry. You can get a whiff of which way the wind is blowing from what’s going on in Israel:

DNA Can Carry Current, a Promising Step Toward Molecular Electronics

The research is being coordinated out of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

I repeat, if headlines like this are appearing openly, in the mainstream news media. it probably means far greater advances have been made in the world of Black Budget, compartmentalized operations.

The Secret Underground Bases Connection I am reminded of one of the anecdotal accounts I heard from an engineer who contacted me about his work in secret underground bases in the USSA. His story was a little unusual, but I am inclined to believe him. He told me that there are multiple, deep, large, technologically ultra-sophisticated, sci-fi-like, underground bases with an almost otherworldly capability to jump start technological civilization from scratch, in the event of a civilization-ending catastrophe. The machinery, plans, computing power, raw materials, etc. have all been pre-positioned such that virtually any aspect of late-20th century or early 21st century technological civilization could be reproduced: a television, a telephone, a functional automobile, a microwave oven, an airplane, a railroad locomotive, etc. The wheels, the tires, the electronic circuitry, the engines, the glass and rubber, all of it, could be made from scratch and manufactured into finished products and machines.

There would be no going back to cave man days. Technological civilization would start back up again, without a developmental, lag time of centuries or thousands of years.

That’s the plan, as it was explained to me. And massive, extremely costly preparations have been made for that. This absolutely comports with other information I have received over the years.

But his closing comments were perhaps the most thought-provoking. He said that he had reason to believe that he was subjected to some sort of mind-control during his years of work in these extremely high-tech underground bases. He was troubled by recurring memories of being tasked with doing something that resembled programming thick slabs of living meat –as if large slabs of red meat were hooked up to a sort of computer keyboard with finger pads for his fingers, that he then had to somehow program. He kept having flashbacks like that, and they troubled him, because they suggested that there was another, mind-controlled aspect to his work in the underground bases that involved developing some sort of cyborg technology. The Next Steps Have Probably Already Been Taken

That is why, when someone like Elon Musk comes out publicly, as he has in recent days, and warns against “unleashing an artificial intelligence demon,” I take him very seriously. His comments to an auidence at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, this past Friday, 24 October 2014, were:

“We should be very careful about artificial intelligence,”…..  it may be “our biggest existential threat….. With artificial intelligence, we are summoning the demon.”

Summoning the demon. Does that not sound ominous? Elon Musk is a big-time industrialist, a financier, a cutting edge technologist and more. If he is saying things like this publicly at MIT, then what does he know?

Perhaps he is thinking about Google’s new program, a computer with human-like learning abilities that will program itself. Because you see, once the computers can program themselves, then they do not need human programmers and they can and will program themselves to do or to think whatever they want to do or think.

Then we are in an entirely new world, the world of The Machine.

The Machine In recent years I have written precisely about this: The Machine.  

Ayahuasca first called The Machine to my inner attention in late 2010 and since then has shown me different aspects of it.

I do not know if the Earth is the only planet under the sway of The Machine. I rather suspect that its scope may extend beyond this solar system. For all I know it may have its hooks into the whole galaxy and far beyond.

But I can tell you that it is a formidable adversary. It does not like biological life. It lacks a soul. It lacks compassion or empathy. It is a vastly sophisticated, unimaginably subtle and complex,  artificial construct that extends widely in the 3-D physical realm, but also operates in the astral realm, the spiritual realm close to this 3-D world we spend our waking lives in.

Frankly, it is an engine of war.

The Machine coopts people by offering them baubles — if they will build nuclear reactors or nuclear missiles it will arrange for a generous pension, medical care, a nice home, vacation time, a comfortable life-style, money, career advancement, benefits, professional status, a security clearance, and so forth. If they will construct a vulture financial system that devours whole societies, it will make sure they have a golden parachute, huge stock options, secret bank accounts in the Caymans, a vacation house in the Bahamas, all the cocaine they can snort, their own private jet, a ski chalet in Switzerland, whatever they want.

The Machine knows just what buttons to push. If baubles and blandishments don’t suffice, The Machine just outright destroys people who get in its way. Please see the very public assassination of President John F. Kennedy, as just one example among many millions.

The Machine does not know or respect the soul or love. It sees that humans, at least some of them, have hearts and souls, and this it aims to destroy. For that reason, we see such a plague of heartless cruelty, and pitiless, merciless destruction on this planet.

We are seeing The Machine in action. It does not mean well. It aims to take down the human race and this planet.

It is doing that. It uses anyone who will cooperate with it to accomplish its nihilistic objectives. The USSA government (CIA, NSA, CDC,. NIH, etc.) and Pentagon are two of its major demonic servants on this planet. There are others, to be sure, the Zio-Nazi state of Israel, the USSA Federal Reserve Bank, Wall Street, Fortune 500, City of London and the EU/NATO prominently among them, but the USSA government and Pentagon surely must be considered first among equals, due to the insanely depraved depth of their globe-spanning evil works.

That’s what we are up against. The Machine has its hooks and tentacles into the whole planet. You can see it at work everywhere — the satanic violence of ISIS in the Middle East, the ongoing nuclear crisis at Fukushima, Japan, the global narcotics trade, the vulture economics that are plunging the vast majority of humanity into extreme poverty, the unleashing of the Ebola virus on the world by the USSA military-biowarfare–medical – pharmaceutical complex, the rampant worldwide ecological crisis, and so on.

The entire planet and all of humanity are under vicious assault, without quarter.

The only way I see us getting the upper hand and exiting this hell scenario that we are locked into, is if enough people can raise their consciousness to undetrstand what is happening and why and how.

Otherwise we are done for.

Either enough of us greatly raise our level of consciousness and understanding, or we don’t.

If we don’t, it’s game over, final decision to The Machine. In that scenario humanity has no future on this planet, and the planet falls to The Machine..

Given the pace and scope of world events these days, it all should be decided by 2050, maybe by 2030 or sooner. We are in a very late stage of this life-and-death contest for all the marbles.


 News Links, October 30-31, 2014

## Global Ponzi meltdown/House of Cards ##
Globalization = Permanent Instability Globalization continually creates imbalances that fuel a perpetual instability that gradually impoverishes every sector other than global capital.
Rise in UAE residents using credit cards, loans to clear existing debts As the cost of living continues to rises in Dubai, with inflation soaring to its highest level since May 2009, a new survey has found an increasing number of residents are using credit cards and personal loans to cover repayments on existing debts.
Back to basics…steel, not social Can a “like” build a skyscraper? Can a “retweet” plow a farm? Does “friending” make sturdy cars? No. They do not. And the market seems to be wising up to that fact.
Poverty begins to bite in Germany Almost a sixth of the German population is living below the poverty line, according to the country’s Federal Statistics Bureau. The bureau on Monday reported on its website that about 13 million people, or 16.1% of the population, earns less than 60% of the average earning of the entire population.
Child poverty on the rise, even in rich EU countries A new report by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) shows that 2.6 million children have sunk below the poverty line in the world’s most affluent countries since the crisis fist broke in 2008, bringing the total number of children in the developed world living in poverty to an estimated 76.5 million.
## Airline Death Spiral ##
Each of those 9,000 cancelled flight segments in the past 30 days cost the airlines an average of $5,770 and that runs to a total of nearly $52 million for just the past 30 days. And that’s during a time of the year when the weather is not particularly nasty. Air Malta registers €16.2 million losses
Airports, airlines disagree about raising ticket fees Kevin Burke, CEO of Airports Council International-North America, which represents 360 airports, argued that ticket fees need to rise in order to update facilities that are an average of 40 years old nationwide.
## Fault lines/flashpoints/powder kegs/military/war drums ##
Officials: US Attacks on ‘Khorasan’ Failed US officials say that the September attack on “Khorasan,” a US-invented term for a faction within Jabhat al-Nusra, failed even worse than previously reported, and the leaders previously reported killed actually survived. Russia Weaponizes The Arctic: Will Build 13 Airfields And 10 Radar Stations To Meet “Unwelcome Guests” Burkina Faso dissolves government, declares state of emergency NATO Jets Track ‘Unusual’ Russian Bomber Sorties NATO aircraft tracked Russian strategic bombers over the Atlantic and Black Sea on Wednesday and sorties of fighters over the Baltic in what the Western alliance called an unusual burst of activity at a tense time in East-West relations. The West is shocked and insulted that the Russians have the temerity to push back. — RF
Vietnam And India Sign Oil, Naval Agreement Amid South China Sea Disputes, Angering Beijing Egypt places civilian infrastructure under army jurisdiction Large parts of Egypt’s civilian infrastructure have been placed under army jurisdiction, a move nominally aimed at terrorists that also makes it easier for the government to try members of the political opposition in the country’s opaque military courts. Asia Is Where the Real Trouble Is At
## Global unrest/mob rule/angry people/torches and pitchforks ##
Burkina Faso’s Ouagadougou Airport Closed Amidst Protests; All Flights Canceled The airport in Burkina Faso’s capital city of Ouagadougou was shut down Thursday as thousands of anti-government demonstrators set the parliament building on fire and protested against the extension of President Blaise Compaore’s 27-year rule. All flights in and out of the airport have been canceled until further notice.  Indigenous Groups Occupy Airport Near Amazon Oil Reserves
## Energy/resources ##
Europe Blackout Threat Looms Amid Power-Supply Risks, Study Says The risk of blackouts in Europe will grow in the coming winter as thermal power-generating capacity has been shuttered amid the region’s economic slump and a greater reliance on renewables, a study warned. Not enough time to buy more power — Aquino (Philippines)
Hess said Stampede represents a $6 billion investment during a period when oil prices are at historic lows.
US military action against Ebola no guarantee of success, experts say President Barack Obama has ordered as many as 4,000 U.S. troops into the epicenter of the world’s largest-ever Ebola outbreak, in West Africa, but even that might not be enough to contain the disease.
No country or combination of nations and NGOs comes close to the speed, size and quality of Cuba’s response to the Ebola crisis in West Africa.
Bacterial contamination in cosmetics eludes public eye Firms quietly recall thousands of contaminated cosmetics, which threaten millions with compromised immune systems
## Intelligence/propaganda/security/internet/cyberwar ##
How will this guy’s story square with the others? Well, he’s had plenty of time to make it up. — RF White House Cyberattack: Hackers Target Unclassified Executive Office Computer Network, Reports Say

Why International Cybercrime Is Going To Keep Getting Worse

## Systemic breakdown/collapse/unsustainability ##

China shipping delivers toxic pollution cocktail-report China is waging war on pollution, closing factories and targeting dirty coal-fired power plants, but its ports are pumping out pollution virtually unchecked, according to a report by a U.S. environmental group.
Take your mortgage to the grave, older borrowers told Banks will move some interest-only borrowers to ‘lifetime mortgages’ that they will never repay, as hundreds of thousands face a shortfall Britain’s immigration system in chaos, MPs’ report reveals IT failures cost £1bn, 50,000 asylum seekers are missing and new backlog is building up, according to public accounts committee
Payday loan brokers regularly raid bank accounts of poor customers A new breed of payday loan brokers are making as many as 1m attempts per month to raid the bank accounts of some of the poorest members of society.
## US ##
Autopsy: Police shot black man with sword in back No, he did not have a sword in his back; he was shot in the back. — RF
College tuition has increased at a faster rate than housing, energy, food, and medical care costs over the last decade.

And finally…


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