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October 10, 2014 

Dear Friends and Colleagues,
     Wow!  Another crazed white cop has murdered another unarmed black!  Please see directly below.
     This one is even more unforgivable than the recent murder of Michael Brown because this cop was off-duty, yet decided to do a socalled pedestrian check.
     If the US is even a slightly free society, why do off-duty cops and private security guards get away with pedestrian checks?  Why aren't they immediately arrested, promptly tried and imprisoned?
     The police version is that the young man had a gun and fired it three times.  But his cousin says he was holding a sandwich–not a gun. So who are we to believe?  I have no choice because from long experience I know the police lie more often than any other segment of the US population.  Let me remind you that when I was eighteen, the Detroit police commissioner directed his secretary to tear up my press card saying I was eighteen and give me a fraudulent one saying I was twenty-two so I could drink illegally in his bars and so my father–managing editor of a major newspaper there–would be under even more pressure to suppress all police scandals.
     In fact, even opportunist Van Jones, who usually plays along with the official versions of events, is skeptical of the police version this time.  Please see second below.
     Okay, let's try some new tactics since we know that the tactics chosen as responses to Michael Brown's murder weren't effective or else this latest murder wouldn't have happened.
     "Good" Americans don't care how many blacks are murdered by white cops as long as their various commercial TV programs remain on schedule–especially those programs pertinent to sports fetishism and veneration of millionaire athletes.
     So let's shut those programs down.  And since this latest murder occurred in St. Louis, let's shut down tomorrow evening's highly publicized commercial baseball game between the local team and one from the West Coast.
     Let's hurl a bunch of sandwiches (open-faced peanut butter and jelly?) onto the playing field a few minutes after the "game" begins and then when they are removed and "play" resumes, let's hurl another bunch etc until finally the game is postponed.
      Other appropriate objects to hurl include dead fish from the swiftly dying Pacific Ocean and the withered remains of former living crops killed by chemtrail residues and/or drought.
     After the Michael Brown murder, the local team "appealed for unity"–which in straight talk means "please don't do any disturbances which might slightly reduce attendance at our games and thus perhaps slightly reduce our millionaire incomes".  You can check out their propaganda at <http://www.theguardian.com/sport/2014/oct/08/cardinals-appeal-fan-unity-fans-michal-brown-protesters>.
      And besides shutting down television programs, let's do commercial movies also.  Let's hurl sandwiches at the screen until the movie is stopped.
      And let's also focus on the biggest supporters of murderous police.  Via satiric graffiti let's make the outer front surfaces of banks, brokerages and "real"-estate firms look like abandoned slum buildings.
      Department stores too.  Let's finally enact this caper which I reluctantly had to postpone in 1968 due to the murder of Senator Robert Kennedy by plainclothes cops:


"MACY*S GIANT NEW-NATION CELEBRATION: To help free us from the property fetish, Macy's will become a liberated zone Saturday, June 8, from 1 to 3 p.m. Wear middle-class costumes and infiltrate. Ask straight shoppers not to enter. 'Property Is Theft.' Give away your clothing inside and demand replacements for leaving. Spontaneous sculpture in the aisles. Anti-property demonstration surrounding the store. Donate second-hand objects to Macy's. Start free stores at the entrances. NEW-NATION CELEBRATION SHEEP MEADOW 4 P.M. Caution: Cops love property & probably will be fierce. Youth International Party." So in effect we were planning a satire of private property, private ownership.

     Let's republish Abbie Hoffman's epic Steal This Book so folks can learn how much more confidence activists had in themselves and in each other during the Hippie Heydays of the late 1960s and early 1970s.  And so folks can get some great ideas for colorful and effective ways to resist now.  Let's repopularize his apt term for the Yew Ess: the Pig Empire.  You can learn more about this book at: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steal_This_Book>.

     I'm remembering now that my activism began slightly more than half a century ago when during my third trip around the world in summer 1964 I learned of the kidnappings and murders of three civil-rights workers–one of them black–by hyper-racist white cops.

     So as soon as I got back to New York I went to the office of the group they'd been working for and volunteered for the job–voter registration–they'd been doing when they were kidnapped and murdered.
     Now all these years later we see that the murders of blacks plus the homeless of any hue by cops is threatening to become routine:  "Mommy, why is that man lying on the sidewalk over there with all that blood around him?"  —  I don't know, dear.  Probably some policeman or soldier shot him or something." —  "Oh."
                                                              Power to the Flora,


                                                              Keith Lampe, Ro-Non-So-Te, Ponderosa Pine Volunteer



St. Louis protest: ‘Armed’ black teen shot by cop 17 times

Published time: October 09, 2014

An off-duty police officer in St. Louis, Missouri, shot and killed a man after chasing him through a local neighborhood. Citizens are marching near the site close to the Missouri Botanical Garden, chanting slogans as more officers stand by.

Protesters in St. Louis’s Shaw neighborhood

The dead man, an 18-year-old young African American, fired at least three rounds at the officer, St. Louis Metropolitan Police Chief Sam Dotson said at a news conference.

Police reported recovering a 9mm Ruger from the scene.

The 32-year-old officer was heading to his second job as a private security guard and was reportedly wearing a uniform. The police officer has served with the St. Louis force for six years.

St. Louis Police Lt. Col. Alfred Adkins told reporters that the officer approached four men on the street to question them.

“As he exited the car, the gentlemen took off running. He was able to follow one of them before he lost him and then found him again as the guy jumped out of some bushes across the street,” Adkins said. “The officer approached, they got into a struggle, they ended up into a gangway, at which time the young man pulled a weapon and shots were fired. The officer returned fire and unfortunately the young man was killed.”

Concerns are high that this latest police killing will lead to unrest in St. Louis.

People chanted slogans, including: "We're young, we're strong, we're marching all night long!" and "Fight back, fight back!"

St Louis Police Chief Sam Dotson told reporters that during the Grand Avenue march in the city’s Shaw neighborhood several police cars were damaged and had their windows smashed.

As in the case with Michael Brown shooting two months ago in Ferguson, a suburb of St. Louis, the suspect was black, the police shooter is white.

The fatal shooting occurred Wednesday evening at 7:30 p.m. in the Shaw neighborhood of St. Louis, according to local Fox affiliate KTVI News. Law enforcement explained that the off-duty officer was working a secondary job when he attempted a pedestrian check.

However, as a crowd formed at the scene, some individuals told reporters that the suspect did not have a gun. In fact, multiple people said he was only armed with a sandwich. They also told KTVI that he was shot 16 times.

Local resident Teyonna Myers, 23, said the suspect’s name was 18-year-old Vonderrick Myers Jr., her cousin.

“He was unarmed,” she told the Post-Dispatch. “He had a sandwich in his hand, and they thought it was a gun. It’s like Michael Brown all over again.”

The death of Michael Brown in the neighboring city of Ferguson sparked a fierce backlash against police, who many in the community criticized for using excessive force. Brown, an unarmed African-American teenager, was shot multiple times by an officer, and his death sparked a weeks of protests in the city – as well as nationwide debate over police behavior.

Another relative of Myers reportedly said that before being shot, the young man was also Tasered.

St. Louis police, meanwhile, are still conducting their investigation into the incident.


Medical examiner: St. Louis officer shot teen 7 or 8 times

By Ralph Ellis and Ed Payne, CNN
October 10, 2014

(CNN) — Vonderrit Deondre Myers, a teenager who died in a police shooting, was struck by seven or eight bullets, St. Louis city Medical Examiner Dr. Michael Graham said Thursday night.

"All but one gunshot wound were to the lower extremities," Graham said. "The one fatal wound was to the head."

Police Chief Sam Dotson said the killing happened Wednesday evening when a suspect shot a pistol three times at the St. Louis officer, who was off-duty but wearing his uniform while moonlighting for a security company. The officer fired his pistol 17 times, police said.

The shooting sparked angry street protests, with residents pointing out similarities to the August killing of Michael Brown in nearby Ferguson.

Myers and Brown were both 18 and black and killed by white police officers. One big difference: Police said Brown was not armed.

"It`s a clear case of this young man being gunned down by an insensitive white officer who was off-duty," Akbar Muhammad, part of a coalition seeking justice in the Brown shooting, told CNN affiliate KTVI. "He chased them off a corner."

Were 17 shots excessive? St. Louis Police Officers' Association lawyer Neil Bruntrager discussed that Thursday night on "Erin Burnett OutFront."

"When he uses deadly force he uses deadly force until the threat is gone," Bruntrager said.

Bruntrager said without video of the incident or unbiased witnesses, the police and the public must rely on physical evidence. A 9mm pistol allegedly fired by Myers was found at the scene, police said.

But Van Jones, a civil rights activist and CNN contributor, said nobody can trust the police after the Brown killing.

"You're seeing a wholesale breakdown of trust," he said on "OutFront."

Thursday night, St. Louis residents held a candlelight vigil for Myers at a sandwich shop where he bought food shortly before being shot. They sang hymns, prayed and released balloons into the air.

Speakers urged the people to remain peaceful.

"The chief did an outstanding job yesterday, keeping the tension down between the police officers, as well the protesters," Missouri state Sen. Jamilah Nasheed of St. Louis said to KTVI. "It is an unfortunate situation. My heart goes out to the family, but again from what I am hearing it was a direct  correlation to racial profiling, racial profiling went deadly."

The Myers shooting occurred just ahead of a "Weekend of Resistance" in St. Louis, where activists will push for movement in the investigation into the Brown case.

Tensions are already high in the community, and it's uncertain how the latest shooting will affect its mood.

An animated crowd quickly gathered late Wednesday near the shooting site close to the Missouri Botanical Garden, chanting slogans as St. Louis police officers stood by.

"Hey, hey, ho, ho, these killer cops have got to go," the crowd chanted, repurposing a popular chant from the Brown protests.

The confrontations with police were intense and laced with profanity.

"That was somebody's baby," screamed one man, referring to the man who was killed.

"Think about your own child," pleaded another person in the crowd.

Despite the tensions, Dotson said no businesses were looted and no windows were smashed. He praised officers for showing a "tremendous amount of restraint" as members of the crowd confronted them face-to-face and damaged three police cruisers.

CNN affiliate KMOV reported that a post office was damaged.

Complete coverage of Ferguson

The officer, a six-year veteran who has not been named, was placed on administrative leave. Bruntager said he served two tours of duty with the military in Iraq and was awarded a Bronze Star and a Purple Heart.

While on patrol, the officer saw three black males run away as he approached, Dotson said. He gave chase because one of them was holding up his pants in a way that made the officer believe the teen may be carrying a gun, Dotson said.

The officer and one of the three tussled. The teen ran off, then turned around and fired at least three shots at the officer, Dotson said.

The officer returned fire, killing the teen.

Online court documents show Myers was arrested June 27 and charged with unlawful use of a weapon, a felony, and resisting arrest. He'd been released on bond.

A hearing scheduled for Monday had been postponed, with the next hearing on November 17, the documents show.

The two other males have not been apprehended.

A man describing himself as the owner of Regal Foods in St. Louis, but who didn't want to give his name, told CNN in a phone interview that Myers was in his store before the shooting.

Myers was wearing a T-shirt, the store owner said, adding that he didn't see a gun. The teen bought a sandwich and left. He was shot across the street from the store about 10 minutes later, he said.

Myers' cousin, Latara Franks, said another cousin, her brother and a family friend were with Myers, and they confirmed to her he purchased a sandwich at a corner store shortly before the shooting.

"He got in trouble with police, but he went to school and work," Franks said of Myers. "I can't believe they did him like this."

Share your stories and opinions on the protests with CNN iReport

This weekend's protests start with a rally outside the office of the prosecutor investigating the Brown shooting.

Demonstrators will call for Bob McCulloch to step aside and allow a special prosecutor to be appointed.

Additional marches and demonstrations will mark the weekend, along with "civil disobedience actions around the St. Louis region," according to a statement from organizers that also says thousands of people from across the country are expected.


St Louis protesters clash with police ahead of ‘Weekend of Resistance’

Published time: October 10, 2014

Activists against police brutality are calling for support in St Louis for an upcoming “Weekend of Resistance.” Protests in the city reignited following the killing Wednesday of an African American teen by a white police officer.

Following the death of Vonderrick Myers Jr., in which a police officer allegedly shot the 18-year old black teenager 17 times, a wave of clashes has erupted between law enforcement and protesters in the city for two consecutive nights, with hundreds of protesters taking to the streets.

Though these new protests have not been as violent as in nearby Ferguson in August, in which local resident 18 year-old Michael Brown was shot by a white police officer, the St Louis unrest also resulted in several damaged police vehicles, protesters getting pepper sprayed and even the burning of an American flag by a group of demonstrators.

Protesters chanted “No justice, no peace!” while police, armed with riot equipment, threatened to arrest those who refused to disperse from Tower Grove Park, where protesters gathered Thursday evening.

Ferguson October National Mobilization begins with ‘Weekend of Resistance’

Activists are planning to step up protests over the weekend, preparing four days of protest marches and rallies against police abuse with thousands of participants.

One march is set to start in St. Louis at 3:00 pm Friday, and is expected to last for at least two hours.

“To kick off our Weekend of Resistance, we will march on Prosecuting Attorney Bob McCulloch’s office to demand Justice for Mike Brown. In order to get that, he needs to step aside,” the Ferguson October website said. The online resource was created to direct Ferguson October National Mobilization protest activities.

On Friday evening, a remembrance and candlelight march is planned from 8 pm to 1 am, and protesters intend to create a “memorial altar” for victims of police violence.

A larger event is planned for Saturday, October 11, under the slogan, “Justice for All: National March and Rally.”

“Thousands of people from Ferguson, St Louis and the nation will come together and show our strength as we stand united against police violence, both here in Ferguson and across the country,” the Ferguson October website declares.

Image from fergusonoctober.comImage from fergusonoctober.com

Protesters will march through downtown St Louis to arrive and rally at Keiner Plaza, “sending a message across the world: Not One More,” the website said.

Thousands of Americans have already registered on the website and many intend to come to St Louis from as far afield as Los Angeles and New York to join the protesters.

Ferguson October also calls on supporters to sign a petition demanding that “the federal government… implement critical reforms to end abusive, militarized, and biased policing targeting of black and brown communities.”

Myers’ killing occurred when an off-duty white police officer killed the 18-year-old teen in the after what police claim was a series of shots fired at the police officer involved. Myers’ relatives insist he was unarmed, however.

Exactly two months earlier, on August 9, the shooting of unarmed teen Michael Brown in Ferguson sparked violent protests that lasted for weeks.

“We have serious questions about the right of an off-duty officer to wear his uniform when they aren’t on the job,” Ferguson October said in a statement“We have serious questions about what the St Louis City Police are calling a ‘pedestrian check.’ Most of us know this practice as ‘stop & frisk.’”

Ferguson Mayor James Knowles revealed that the local police are preparing to deal with large crowds and possible violence this weekend.

“There are a lot of people coming into town,” the mayor said. “We are going to be prepared. There is intel out there that there are people wanting to do bad things. And people who want to cause a problem are going to use that [the shooting on Wednesday] as a rallying cry,” Knowles said, Reuters reported.


Protests Continue in St. Louis Over Police Shooting of Another Black Teen

By Press TV
Global Research, October 10, 2014

Hundreds of angry protesters have clashed with police in the US city of St. Louis for a second consecutive night after a white police officer fatally shot another black teenager.

As many as 400 demonstrators chanted and marched through St. Louis in the state of Missouri on Thursday night following loud protests the night before over the shooting death of 18-year-old Vonderrit Myers Jr. by an off-duty white policeman on Wednesday.

The latest police shooting took place two months after Darren Wilson, a white police officer shot and killed 18-year-old Michael Brown in Ferguson, a predominantly black suburb of St. Louis, sparking weeks of violent protests.

Thursday’s demonstration over Myers’ death grew increasingly chaotic overnight with police arresting several protesters and one officer getting slightly injured.

Several American flags were also burned and stomped on by the protesters. “It’s not our flag,” said Elizabeth Vega, an artist who said she had been protesting since Brown’s death. “Our children are being killed in the street. This flag doesn’t cover black or brown people.”

Gina Gowdy, 46, stood for hours waving an upside-down American flag. “I have three grandsons,” she said. “This has to stop. They are assassinating our black young men. People are fed up.”

The St. Louis police department has refused to identify the 32-year-old off-duty officer who was working for a private security firm when he killed Myers.

St. Louis Police Chief Sam Dotson told reporters that the black teen got into “physical alteration” with the policeman before he was fatally wounded. He said the suspect allegedly turned and “pointed a gun at the officer and fired at least three rounds at the officer.”

The victim’s family, however, contend that the police are lying. “The police are lying,” Joseph Cotton, Myers’s grandfather, said outside the family home on Thursday.

The victim’s mother told The Associated Press by phone Thursday that her son wasn’t carrying a gun, as police claim. Syreeta Myers said her son was holding a sandwich when he was killed. “Police lie. They lied about Michael Brown, too,” she said.

Several civil rights organizations and protest groups have planned marches during the weekend over the killing of Michael Brown with Myers’ death on Wednesday expected to add fuel to the fire.

Police brutality and the unnecessary use of heavy-handed tactics have become a major concern across the US in recent years. US police shoot and kill an average of 1,000 people a year, 1 in 4 of whom are unarmed, according to a report by the Police Policy Studies Council.


From: David <dgwest7@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 5:35 PM
Subject: Fwd: Check out "Gov Emergency Manager: “Ebola Outbreak is Being Conducted On Purpose; Violates All Protocols”" on YouRTubeNews




Gov Emergency Manager: “Ebola Outbreak Is Being Conducted on Purpose; Violates All Protocols”

Posted by 

To say that the handling of the Ebola crisis from the get-go is a disaster would be an understatement. For months, as the virus took hold in town-after-town, country-after-country in West Africa medical professionals and emergency services experts warned that unless drastic containment measures were implemented it would eventually make it’s way to Europe, the United States and the rest of the world.

It is now clear that all containment efforts, if we can call them that, have failed to prevent the spread of the virus.

In the United States, where tens of billions of dollars have been spent on national security, one can’t help but notice the complete lack of discipline and failure to follow containment protocols once the infection was identified in Dallas. Among the evidence for how poorly the situation has been handled are haphazard quarantine guidelines, unbelievably unsanitary cleanup procedures, failure to isolate the ambulance that was used to transport the victim, and a total breakdown during hospital intake.

The situation begs the question: Are top-tier officials at the CDC and at the White House incompetent, or are they letting this happen on purpose?

One insider with intimate knowledge of the inner workings of Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) response protocols thinks the latter. In an interview with Alex Jones’ Infowars the anonymous whistleblower says that the procedures for dealing with an outbreak like smallpox and Ebola are very clear cut, and none of them were implemented in Dallas.

First, he says, the National Guard would be deployed to lock-down all entry and exit points into the affected area. Then, law enforcement would redirect people to hospitals, churches and other government agencies for care and/or screening. Finally, those identified or suspected of being infected would be isolated in containment centers at military bases or FEMA facilities.

Considering that the response to Patient Zero in Dallas lacked even the most basic response for pandemic prevention, the notion that this is an engineered event is becoming all the more likely.

The reason I know the Ebola outbreak is being conducted on purpose is it violates all protocols.

The travel should have been ceased. The outbreak should have been contained in Africa through the military and through the United Nations… The fact that it’s being allowed to travel to the United States is insane. The fact that emergency operations have not been activated is insane. This is on purpose and by design.

There are many competent people in the CDC, the military and emergency management offices that need to blow the whistle.

They’re being told to stand down from the top.

If this is by design, then what is the end game?

It’s been suggested by numerous sources that this is a dangerous false flag event. The government has not only failed to contain the virus, but they have given the American people no guidance on how to avoid contracting the disease:

I have come to an undeniable conclusion, that in the fact of this coming pandemic, I cannot trust my government to make wise and prudent decisions on my behalf.  I am on my own when it comes to the present crisis. I can trust nothing that this government says. We are all on our own.

In about two weeks will find out if Dallas Patient Zero spread the virus to others and it’s quite possible that even cases unrelated to that one will start showing up in other parts of the country. Moreover, many researchers warn that the virus is mutating as it touches more people, leading to the very real possibility that it could go airborne like a common flu virus. If that happens we could be talking about a situation that makes the 1918 Pandemic look like a summer cold.

A contagion map produced by researchers at M.I.T. and the New England Complex Systems Institute shows just how far the ‘spread’ of Ebola could be in its current form – now try to imagine how fast this happens should the virus become capable of transmitting itself like the flu.

And if this truly goes “viral,” then we may well see a government lock-down of the sort described by the government insider. But that lock-down won’t be on the level of a small town or city, but our entire nation.

Perhaps this is the ultimate goal of this crisis and why protocols have been ignored in Dallas.

Are you prepared to trust your life to the government going forward? Or have you taken steps to prepare just in case Ebola spirals out of control?


Related Resources:

The Mainstream Media Says Preppers Aren’t So Crazy Anymore

Everything You Want to Know About Ebola

The Prepper’s Blueprint

The Pantry Primer Food Supply For an Emergency

Pandemic Preparedness Guide

Courtesy of SHTFplan.com


Wednesday, October 8, 2014


NIH: "We May Have to Vaccinate Whole Countries to Stop Ebola Outbreak"

Melissa Melton
Activist PostHas the endgame been revealed on the Ebola outbreak?



Two days ago, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the U.S. National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases , told The Canadian Press that it’s “quite conceivable, if not likely” that fast-tracked Ebola vaccines may have to given to entire countries to get the viral outbreak under control (via  Modern Healthcare ):


It is conceivable that this epidemic will not turn around even if we pour resources into it. It may just keep going and going and it might require a vaccine.

As the epidemic gets more and more formidable and in some cases out of control it is quite conceivable, if not likely, that we may need to deploy the vaccine to the entire country to be able to shut the epidemic down. That is clearly a possibility. [emphasis added]

The article did not specify which country in particular Dr. Fauci — whose institute just so happens to be currently working on an experimental Ebola vaccine (the first to begin human clinical trials) with Big Pharma giant GlaxoSmithKline — was referring to. Was he talking specifically about Sierra Leone? Liberia? Guinea? Any place where Ebola has taken hold? The entire continent of Africa? Other countries, should it break out there including Spain or America?

The prospects of “countrywide” vaccination for Ebola with a rushed-to-market vaccination are absolutely horrifying.


Recall that some 800 children in Europe are now suffering narcolepsy thanks to the rushed swine flu vaccine . Daisy Luther of The Organic Prepper wrote :

Some people may say, “Oh, that was an experimental drug, rushed to market to fight an epidemic.”

The thing is, if you look at it that way, every flu vaccine is “experimental”.  Each year’s batch contains something different, because it has to be ever-evolving as viruses mutate. Despite this, people are terrified and guilted into receiving the vaccine. If the fear factor doesn’t work, they are forced to take it in order to work, go to school, or stay at daycare.

That’s not to mention a 4,250% increase in fetal deaths linked to the shot when given to pregnant women as well, amounting to thousands of miscarriages among a lovely menagerie of other awful adverse events.

And for what? What was revealed later to be a global hoax tied to grand financial motives, asAaron Dykes reported back in 2010:

Drug firms collaborated with WHO officials to deliberately create a “campaign of panic” and a ‘false disaster’ over swine flu pandemic fears when one was not evident, top European health official Wolfgang Wodarg has indicated.

Wolfgang Wodarg, head of health at the Council of Europe, claims that the threshold for alert was deliberately lowered at the WHO, allowing a “pandemic” to be declared despite the mildness of the ‘swine flu.’ That designation would force a demand for the vaccine, which was subsequently purchased by governments or health facilities and pushed on the public through a full-scale fear campaign in the media.

Rest assured that whatever Ebola vaccine they come up with now will be even that much more rushed than the N1H1 vax. Why rushed?

As Truthstream Media reported , check out what Dr. Ben Neuman told Bloomberg this past summer in an interview on why no vaccine for Ebola currently exists:

It’s not just one drug we need for Ebola. We need a cocktail of drugs and perhaps a nice vaccine that could be used… These all take a lot of money and right now in the history of what we know at least, there have been fewer than 5,000 people who have been infected with Ebola. It sounds scary, but I don’t know that there’s enough…uh…panic or enough people who are potential customers for these drugs to warrant a company — a private company anyway — putting the money it would take to develop this.[emphasis added]

Well there is definitely enough panic now, wouldn’t you say?

Dave Hodges , over at The Common Sense Show, has already penned an article demonstrating how the CDC has positioned themselves to profit financially should Ebola spread throughout the U.S.:

The CDC has ulterior motives in the diagnosing and subsequent treatment of Ebola. First of all, the CDC is traded on Dunn and Bradstreet. This fact makes the CDC a for profit corporation. Secondly, and as I have pointed out before, the CDC owns the patent on Ebola and all variances up to 70% of the variance. This means that because the CDC owns Ebola, they will receive a royalty every time a treatment is provided because of the alteration of their intellectual property rights.


These two facts mean that if the CDC moved to block the spread of Ebola, they would cut into their profit motive.  On this point, there can be no argument. Are we supposed the humanitarian nature that the CDC would forgo their profit motive in order to serve the public good? Should we trust the CDC? What are the implications?

That might explain why the CDC is so against banning air travel from West Africa and even continues to change its basic stance on how the virus is even spread .

The World Health Organization’s latest figures on the current outbreak show that over 8,000 people have been diagnosed with Ebola as of October 5th, and nearly 4,000 people have now died .

Either way, I think I can speak safely for the staff here at The Daily Sheeple (as well as Activist Post – Ed. ): we will not be rolling up our sleeves for any nationwide Ebola vaccination program any time not just soon, but ever .


US Has More Sanctions Against Russia Than Against Ebola

Global Research, October 10, 2014
Paul Craig Roberts 9 October 2014


We have known since . . . well, when haven’t we known that our public officials are incompetent. Their incompetence is always expensive, but now it risks a worldwide ebola pandemic.With so little known about a deadly disease, one would think that with ebola on the rampage in three west Africa countries, air flights to and from these countries would be halted.


When riots or kidnappings present dangers in foreign lands, the State Department issues a travel advisory and warns, and sometimes prevents, Americans from traveling to areas of danger. As the ebola danger goes beyond the person himself, one would think public officials would have halted traffic to and from west Africa. In fact, it is harder for a critic of the US government, especially if the critic is Muslim, to enter the US than for a person infected with ebola. Indeed, there are a number of Russians who cannot enter the US because of unilaterally imposed US sanctions. But there are no sanctions against ebola.

Apparently, public health officials have an outdated and incorrect comprehension of ebola and how it spreads. A sufficient number of medical personnel protected against ebola patients’ body fluids but without respirators have now been infected to indicate that the current strain of ebola can spread by air like flu. This also means surface contact.

Airplane cleaning crews at New York LaGuardia are on strike because there are no precautions or protections for cleaners who could come into contact with ebola from an infected passenger. Neither does the next passenger on an outgoing flight have any assurance that he will not be sitting in the seat occupied by an ebola carrier on the incoming flight.

In fact, something like this might have already occurred. A British citizen who has not been to countries where there are ebola outbreaks has just died in Skopje, Macedonia, apparently from ebola. His companion told authorities that they had travelled straight from the UK. The hotel has been sealed off, and the hotel staff and ambulance crew have been isolated. I assume also the traveling companion, but the report doesn’t say. http://rt.com/news/194640-briton-ebola-macedonia-dead/

Five US airports that have flights to the infected west African countries have imposed screening on incoming passengers, such as temperature checks. This is better than nothing, but if, as is believed, the deadly virus has a long incubation period, this screening would only catch people with symptoms, and, of course, there are many reasons for high temperatures, especially during cold and flu season.

So what our incompetent public officials have arranged is screening that will quarantine people who have caught a cold but fail to catch those carrying ebola who have not yet come down with it.

Par for the course.


From Chemtrails to Chembombs: Aerial Aerosol Explosions


Posted by Chemtrail EvidenceFeaturedWednesday, October 8th, 2014

Published on Sep 8, 2012
Chemtrails are now old school. Chembombs are the latest evolution of geoengineering. These are Aerial Aerosol Explosions shot into the stratosphere from ships and from land creating massive artificial chem clouds. This video shows the evidence from infrared satellite images and Google Earth of chem bombs aerosol explosions worldwide. People are seeing fewer chemtrail lines in the sky, but more chem clouds. This is the reason why.
….Chembomb explosions are done away from population centers and then drift over cities. They are not as obvious as traditional chemtrails, but are easily detected on infrared satellite images and even on Google Earth’s weather layer. The nano size particles of aluminum, barium and strontium in the geoengineering aerosols are highly reflective and therefore dominate the infrared satellite images.
….This video also teaches you how to do your own research. Go to:http://www.ssd.noaa.gov/goes/west
then choose your region and select the funktop flash loop. (You need to have Adobe Flash, free) This shows a real time, color enhanced infrared loop of the selected region over the past 6-8 hours. The chem bombs are bright red. As they disburse, they change to blue then yellow the bright white. In the sky these artificial chem clouds look like stringy, gooey, cotton candy like un-natural clouds high up in the stratosphere, above the normal cloud layers. These artificial stratospheric clouds follow jet stream flows and usually move in a different direction then the lower natural tropospheric clouds.
…You can also view chem clouds on Google Earth. Just download Google Earth (free) and click the weather layer box on the left. You will see a real time infrared satellite images overlaid on Google Earth. Again the highly reflective metals in these man-made aerosol clouds dominate the image and show as bright white. The natural clouds are not reflective and show as light gray. Notice the round explosions of bright white clouds mostly over the ocean. These are the chem bombs creating massive worldwide chem clouds.
….The video ends with good news. On Maui there is a proposed law called the Maui Clean Sky Ordinance that regulates geoengineering activity that affect Maui County. It requires an Environmental Impact Statement and the Informed Consent of the Maui County Council before any aerial spraying around Maui may occur. For more info go to: http://www.MauiSkyWatch.org
….This video is of a presentation by Maui resident Bruce Douglas at the 2012 Consciousness Beyond Chemtrails Conference in Los Angeles on August 17-19, 2012. Over 20 presenters share their information about chemtrails, geoengineering and related subjects. Buy the DVD of the entire event. Go to: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Consciousness-Beyond-Chemtrails-2012-Conference-Fundraiser/228183370599978 for details.


Thursday, October 9, 2014

Why Are the Farmers Depressed and Suicidal?

Heather Callaghan
Activist PostIs the same thing that's destroying the bees also crippling our farmers?


When Ginnie Peters' farmer husband took his own life after a sudden mood shift, she really hit the nail on the head when she said:

These chemicals that farmers use, look what they do to an insect. It ruins their nervous system. What is it doing to the farmer?

No one can deny that farming is drastically different than it was in the 1950s, and today it requires extra demand, complete expertise and the stress of uncertainty. Most farmers don't go into it for high profits.

The EPA, however, has long denied that the pesticide exposure they experience is directly tied to psychological symptoms, mental illness, behavioral changes and higher rates of suicide. Even though those are the very symptoms caused by such exposure, and the results of the EPA's own studies, decades and decades ago, have arrived at the very same conclusion.

Farmers serve our country too – has our government left these unsuspecting service men in a dangerous lurch, the same as military people who come back with mystery illnesses?

Lorann Stallones, an epidemiologist and psychology professor at Colorado State University says:

For years there was a high level of denial in the farming community that mental illness exists, period.

But there’s been a shift – partly because there’s more people talking about being mentally incapacitated.

Scientific American has recently reported :

Some research suggests that the chemicals that farmers and their workers spread on fields may alter some of these brain chemicals.

Peters and his wife were among 89,000 farmers and other pesticide applicators in Iowa and North Carolina who have participated in the Agricultural Health Study led by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.

Last month, epidemiologist Freya Kamel and her colleagues reported that among 19,000 studied, those who used two classes of pesticides and seven individual pesticides were more likely to have been diagnosed with depression. Those who used organochlorine insecticides were up to 90 percent more likely to have been diagnosed with depression than those who hadn’t used them. For fumigants, the increased risk was up to 80 percent.

The authors who wrote in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives say:

Our study supports a positive association between depression and occupational pesticide use among applicators… and suggests several specific pesticides that deserve further investigation in animal studies and other human populations,

While previous studies have only asked participants once about their depression – this one asked twice – once years back and again in 2010. It also included a large pool of farmers, meaning that people couldn't really dismiss the study later for saying it was too small for consequence.

The group came to the same conclusions when they studied the group between 1993 – 1997.


Farmers with the highest number of lifetime exposure days to pesticides were 50 percent more likely to later have a depression diagnosis.

Of course, after all these years, no one's brave enough to say the P-word – Proof. Even though they show that psychological issues in rats is possible with exposure. For instance: tests on rats show altered brain cells , neurotransmitters and production of a protective acid . All important aspects of the complexity of brain and hormone health.

Last year, it became glaringly apparent to researchers that French farmers were twice as likely to seek treatment for depression than those who don't use herbicides. The rate increases with the increase of years using herbicides.

These are not just acute high exposures, either, like chemical companies like to 'claim and blame.' Many past studies have shown that chronic low exposure leads to problems that aren't obviously until years later. Stallones, who wasn't part of the main study says "but the association [with depression] held true for those that didn’t report poisoning.”

When there were larger dose poisonings in a short period, the rate of Colorado farmers risk for depression doubled in the next few years and North Carolina and Iowa farmers were 2.5 times more likely in the same situation.

Other health problems linked to depression are also linked to pesticide exposure.

From Scientific American :

For instance, Dr. Beate Ritz, a neurologist and professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, found that Californians exposed to pesticides are more likely to have Parkinson’s disease. One effect of the neurological disease, characterized by a lack of the chemical dopamine, is depression.


Several studies have linked suicide to pesticide use. In Brazil, workers that used more pesticides were more likely to commit suicide, and in China, a World Health Organization survey of 9,800 people in the rural Zhejiang province revealed that those who stored pesticides in their homes had more than double the risk of having suicidal thoughts.

Wendy Ringgenberg, an assistant professor at the University of Iowa, combed through 19 years of national data and reported that farmers and farm workers were 3.6 times more likely to die of suicide than other professions. However, the study did not examine the causes of suicide.

Interestingly, some of the pesticides linked to depression and suicide in the study are not supposed to be in use. Chemical company giants like Monsanto, Bayer Cropscience and Syngenta say that their products were not included in the study and won't comment on the bigger picture of brain health and long-term pesticide use. Also left from the study were the newer class of pesticides – neonicotinoids, which are implicated for mass bee die-off as they kill the nervous system of exposed insects.

Ginnie Peters' husband was using neonicotinoids – his father had chronic depression as well. Peters was exposed to organophosphates by doing his own crop spraying. Peters had chronic insomnia too.

Ginnie is trying to bring awareness about suicide in farmers, linked to exposure to pesticides.

I don’t have ability to do the science, but I have my gut, and what happened to Matt, it had to be the chemicals.

What the researchers of new studies aren't saying, or do not know, is that this supposed phenomenon has gone on, vastly under the radar for a long, long time.

If you are interested in going down this dark rabbit hole, there are a couple rare and out-of-print books to help start connecting dots. Brain Fog by the late Bruce Haney, who himself was one such horticulturist with depression and behavioral changes that he noticed in his friendly competitors too. He tried desperately to get the attention of Congress in the 1990s and nursed many farmers and servicemen back to health. He cited all the notable EPA studies that knew the psychological connection, but which never led to any thoughtful halt on chemical approval.

Then there is Environmental and Chemical Toxins and Psychiatric Illness by James S. Brown Jr., M.D. The symptomology and research is vast – the title aptly describes every piece of information found therein. If you are interested in the effects of chemical exposure on your own health, then please check out Our Chemical Lives and the Hijacking of our DNA: A Probe Into What's Probably Making Us Sick.


Kiev seeks access to MH17 site to back ‘prefabricated’ crash version – Moscow

Published time: October 09, 2014

​ Ukrainian Security Service seeks to reach the crash site of the Malaysian MH17 flight to fabricate at least some evidence which will allow Kiev to conceal the true causes of the catastrophe from the world, said Russia’s Defense ministry.

“One cannot but feel angry about yet another attempt by the Ukrainian security service chief to use absolutely groundless allegations in a bid to persuade the public of alleged Russian military involvement in the Boeing disaster in the skies over Ukraine,” Defense Ministry official representative, Major General Igor Konashenkov, said on Wednesday.

He referred to claims that were earlier made by Ukraine’s National Security Service Head Valentin Nalivaychenko speaking on Ukraine's Channel 5 about Kiev’s “full understanding” of the causes of the Malaysian Boeing's crash.

Nalivaychenko claimed that Ukrainian investigators and international experts now must visit the site of the crash only to search for “what is still missing” to back the Kiev’s version of events.

The fact that the Ukrainian security chief “fully” understands the details of the crash surprised Konashenkov, especially since the international commission’s investigation has not yet established them. However, the so-called Ukrainian investigators still have to find at least some evidence to somehow support their “full knowledge,” he added.

READ MORE: MH17 broke up in mid-air due to external damage – Dutch preliminary report

The attempt made by Kiev to look for the “missing evidence” to back up a version fabricated in advance confirms the well-known popular wisdom – “an uneasy conscience betrays itself,” said the General.

“I would like to recall that the commanders of the so-called ‘anti-terrorist’ operation in the southeast of Ukraine, including Nalivaychenko himself, did their utmost to prevent an international inquiry from visiting the site of the plane's crash,” Konashenkov stated.

The Ukrainian troops launched a massive offensive against militias near Torez – close to MH17 crash site – using multiple rocket launchers Uragan, Grad and Smerch to eliminate the existing material evidence, the General said.

READ MORE: Russia fears Kiev trying to destroy implicating MH17 evidence

He stressed that these military actions were taken contrary to Kiev's official statements about the suspension of hostilities and of course with Nalivaychenko in the know.

It seems that three months after the crash – upon completing the investigation of the Odessa tragedy and fire that killed over 40 people and the Maidan events – the “impartial” Ukrainian investigators found time to aid the international commission on the MH17 crash, said Konashenkov.

READ MORE: Odessa massacre probe falsified? Parliament inquiry member blasts ‘redacted’ results

“One can only wonder what prevented the Ukrainian leadership throughout this period to reasonably share their ‘understanding’ [of the crash causes] with the international investigative commission into the MH-17 accident?”

“Or at least to publicly answer questions about the circumstances of the last minutes before the crash of the Malaysian aircraft, which have been officially announced by the Russian Defense Ministry?”

READ MORE: 10 more questions Russian military pose to Ukraine, US over MH17 crash

The spokesman of the Defense Ministry said he was confused that Kiev’s probe is being carried out by Ukrainian security service’s freshly-appointed investigators instead of experienced professionals, as opposed to international norms.

“Of course, only such ‘professionals’, as Ukraine’s National Security Service investigators can find – in the area plowed by Ukrainian Grads and Uragans – the evidence sought by Nalivaychenko, which, according to his plan, will help conceal from the International Commission the true causes of the tragedy,” the General concluded.

The Malaysia Airlines plane on route from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur with 298 people aboard crashed in Ukraine's Donetsk region on July 17. The majority of those on the plane – which was allegedly shot down – were citizens of the Netherlands.

READ MORE: Dutch preliminary MH17 crash report leaves too many questions – Russia

The preliminary report on the Malaysian jet crash made by the international team headed by Dutch experts in September only confirmed that the plane was shot down. Following the report, Russia’s UN envoy, Vitaly Churkin, said that with so many blank spots it “did little to advance our understanding of what happened.”

NOTE:  Check out the weird photos at this link.  Sorry I can't produce them here.   —  kl. pp

‘Almost lynching’: Radicals attack Ukrainian officials, throw into trash bins

Published time: October 09, 2014

As President Petro Poroshenko signed the lustration law, the trash dumping of lawmakers in Ukraine is gaining momentum. The General Prosecutor warned that there is a thin line between the so-called ‘trash lustration’ and lynching.

Poroshenko signed the law that establishes the legal framework for checking government officials linked to the rule of ousted President Yanukovich. The law is aimed at restoring “trust in the authorities and creating conditions for building a new system of power bodies in line with European standards," his press-service said.

Meanwhile, mob rule has gained wide popularity among Ukrainian radicals, who attack officials on the streets, beat them and throw them into rubbish cans.

The violence has sprung up due to the passiveness of law enforcement, while the increase of such incidents can lead to serious consequences, wrote Ukraine’s General Prosecutor Vitaly Yaryoma in an article published by LB.UA on Thursday.

“Silent, observant position of law enforcement provokes the so-called ‘trash lustrators’ to further lawlessness, as it is well known, appetite comes with eating” he wrote. “However the line between ‘lynching’ and ‘trash lustration’ is very thin.”

On Wednesday Odessa activists targeted the General Prosecutor himself. They set up a garbage can in front of his office in Kiev with a sign “For Yaryoma” and “lustrator.”

Over a dozen of politicians and MPs have fallen victim to the mob rule of trash dumping since the parliament passed the lustration bill in September.

1. In early September Right Sector members dumped Oleg Rudenko, the head of the fund of social insurance in Odessa. They accused him of demanding a bribe estimated at 558,000 hryvnia ($43,000) for sending children to health camps.

2. On September 26, the deputy head of Rovno’s regional council Aleksandr Danilchuk was thrown into a rubbish can for cooperating with Yanukovich’s Party of Regions, according to local media. Danilchuk was attacked in the council building before it adjourned. After that he attempted to return to the council’s meeting but was prevented from doing so.

3. In another case on September 19 an anti-Maidan politician, MP of Kirovograd regional council was attacked by radicals.

4. Right Sector activists also trashed the head of the head of the Ternopol regional administration on September 18 after forcing him to resign. The radicals accused him of actively supporting the ex-ruling Party of Regions.

5. Supporters of the Radical Party headed by Oleg Lyashko, notorious for his abductions and torture of   regional officials, attacked an MP of the Kirovograd regional council Vasily Smagluk in Late September. Smagluk was thrown in a rubbish can for refusing to organize a meeting with the newly appointed head of the council.

6. Lyashko’s supporters also dumped Aleksey Gavrilyuk, head of the electoral commission in the town of Irpen, in Kiev Region in September. He was forced to resign, accused of collaborating with the Party of Regions and falsifying election results during the previous presidential election to help Yanukovich win.

7. Right Sector radicals threw in the trash the former ataman (commander) of the Zaporozhye army Aleksandr Panchenko for “anti-Ukrainian behavior and separatist attitudes,” local media reported in September.

8. The MP of the Cherkassy regional council Aleksandr Kharlamov was attacked in the council’s building and a bucket was put over his head in September.

9. The former deputy head of the Cherkassy regional council Valdimir Vovchenko was “binned” the same month.

10. The self-proclaimed lustrators also “tried” a head of the Chernovtsy municipal hospital for war veterans in October. Doctor Manolya Migaychuk was accused of not fulfilling his responsibilities and forced to resign, according to local media.

11. Right Sector radicals trashed the head of the emergencies service in Nikolaev and member of the Party of Regions Petr Kaminsky. The radicals met him after his court hearing on October 6, where he was tried for drink-driving. The court ruled that he was not guilty.

12. Vitaly Zhuravsky, deputy for the Economic Development Party, was attacked twice. On September 16, crowds outside the Ukrainian parliament in Kiev seized him as he left the building for a break and put him in a trash bin, while the crowd cheered “Glory to Ukraine!”

The second attack occurred on September 26.

13. The same thing happened to MP Viktor Pilipishin, who was seized by radicals and pushed into a garbage bin in Kiev after arriving to submit his documents to the Central Election Commission for the upcoming parliamentary elections on October 26.

14. Also in October, Nestor Shufrych – a Ukrainian parliamentarian and former minister of emergencies – was attacked and beaten by a group of radicals in the port city of Odessa. He was diagnosed with concussion and closed craniocerebral injury.

Following the latest attacks the country’s Interior Minister addressed the radicals. Arsen Avakov urged the far-right Maidan supporters to calm down and refrain from being “marginal morons.” He added that otherwise “Europe will turn away from our victorious revolution.”


Argentina and Wall Street’s Vulture Funds: “Economic Terrorism” and the Western Financial System

Global Research, October 10, 2014

“Today you pretend making a coalition against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), but in fact you’re their allies,” Those are the frank words by Cristina Fernandez Kirchner, the Argentinian President, spoken in a calm and secure voice at the UN General Assembly last Friday, 3 October 2014.

Similarly, she referred to the western financial system as economic terrorism, as in vultures – the vulture funds that thanks to New York judge Griesa have put Argentina – a solvent country, willing and capable of paying their debt, in default. He ruled that the vulture funds, Griesa’s clients and paymasters, needed to be paid in full, i.e. 100%, equal to US$ 1.5 billion, when close to 93% of all creditors agreed on a restructured reimbursement rate of about 20%.

Without any international right to interfere in the affairs of a sovereign country, Griesa would allow the vultures reaping in a profit margin well in excess of 1,000%. — Paul Singer, king of the ‘vulture capitalists’, knows no merci. He is in bed with Wall Street and Griesa – and with whomever other financial hooligans who share his greedy endeavors. Greed is their prayer. It’s knocked around the world. Exploits poor nations, makes them poorer, and keeps them dependent on the powers of money, being well aware that the poor are too weak to defend themselves.

Except for Argentina. Her able President Cristina Fernandez, speaks not only for her country, when she talks about victims of economic and financial terrorism, but for all those African, Latin American and Asian countries which are oppressed by the killing boots of Wall Street and the IMF. It cannot be said often enough – the IMF is a mere extended arm of the US Treasury and the FED.

Vulture capitalism exerted by these usual villains and the European Central Bank, a mere puppet of Wall Street and led by a former Wall Street banker, are responsible for the economic collapse of the western economy. They have driven countries like Greece, Portugal, Ireland, Spain – and lately also Ukraine – into misery.

They have stolen their social safety nets, pensions, employment, housing, education, health care, water supply and other public infrastructure – by privatizing public capital for their private benefits. They could do so thanks to the connivance of corrupt leaders they first put in place with sham elections – or no elections at all.

Case in point is Greece, where the Parliament decided to dismiss the socialist Prime Minister George Papandreou, who attempted to launch a referendum in December 2011, asking the people whether they wanted the troika’s (IMF, ECB, European Commission) imposed second ‘rescue’ package of € 130 billion (after a first one on € 110 billion) that would drastically increase Greece’s sovereign debt and force literally a killer austerity program upon its people. At the onset of the manufactured crisis, in May 2008, Greece’s debt to GDP ratio was a manageable 105%. In 2014 the ratio is 175%.

Under the structural adjustment program social health care was basically abolished. Many cancer and other chronically ill patients were deprived of their free medical attendance, unemployed and destitute could not afford to pay full price for their medication and treatment – and quietly died.

Under extreme pressure from Germany and France – the infamous tandem Sarkozy / Merkel called Papandreou to meeting in Nice at the beginning of November 2011, literally ordering him to withdraw the referendum – or else. Papandreou went home, canceled the referendum on 3 November and resigned. He was promptly replaced by Parliament – without a public vote – by the neoliberal Lucas Papademos, former deputy head of the ECB and – a former Goldman Sachs executive, who allowed the dance of debt and destruction to continue.

Argentina would not allow such financial terrorism on its shores – not since they dared to counter the economically suffocating peso-dollar parity in 2001, allowing the country to start breathing and growing again; a highly distributive GDP growth allowing to cut poverty from above 60% in 2001to below 10% today.

The same escape from the western kleptomania was – and still is – open to Greece and all those southern European countries in the fangs of greed capitalism. But their leaders and finance ministers are goose stepping to the financial marching orders of Washington’s money masters, Wall Street, FED and IMF.

Ms. Fernandez did not mince her words. She also talked openly about  western military terrorism, “You killed many innocent people in Iraq and Afghanistan under the name of war against terrorism,” or as the new refrain goes – “Making war for Peace”. She referred to the West in general and to Washington in particular, for whom war and conflicts, weapons sales, is a means of economic survival, as the US economy depends to more than 50% on the military / security industrial complex and related industries and services.

Shamefully, many western leaders and representatives left the assembly hall when Ms. Fernandez spoke, of fear they may be associated with her views if they listened to her calling a spade a spade. Perhaps they feared the ridiculous western sanctions, if they don’t behave. It is sad to see spineless world leaders; so-called leaders (sic), who bend over backwards to please the powers that utterly exploit them, stealing their natural resources, putting their people and the environment in peril.

A terrorist is whoever does not conform to the western doctrine, whoever insists on national sovereignty – whoever defends their national interests over the voracious interference of Washington and its European puppets – and their killing bulldozer, NATO.

The UN should make it an obligation and expression of mutual respect that every country leader and representative attending the UN General Assembly must listen to all the speeches. Each country has a message to give – a message that in one way or another concerns all of us, as we are all connected as humans in a solidary union, regardless of political alliances.

The latest economic terrorism inflicted on Russia by the US supported Wall Street et al financial cabal is the down manipulation of the ruble vs the US dollar and other ‘western’ currencies. The ruble has lost 22% of its value since the beginning of 2014 and 15% in the last quarter alone. Call it ‘sanctions’ – if you will – for not bending to the political demands of Washington on Ukraine. The western MSM would like you to believe it has to do with the chaos and continuous murderous atrocities in Ukraine’s Donbass area, for which – of course – Russia is made the culprit, not Kiev’s gang of thugs, a Nazi government, created and funded by Obama and his western puppets.

Russia is now forced to buy dollars and Euros – what they least want and need – to stabilize her currency, the ruble. Buying dollars – playing even more into the sledgehammer of the empire – is certainly the last thing Russia wants to do. Currency manipulation is only possible due to the predatory US dollar system, where all international transactions have to be channeled through Wall Street and cleared through the privately owned BIS – Bank for International Settlements, whose owners are a similar lot of financial shenanigans as are those owning the FED. The expected outcome is a devalued ruble, shunned by investors.Little do they know that this usual western shortsightedness is but accelerating the process of Russia and China issuing a new combined currency, delinked form the dollar-euro fiat money and its SWIFT exchange system. In fact, it has already begun. The Central Bank of China has recently offered a hand to the EU, inviting the Euro as one of several currencies that will no longer need the western clearing system for transactions with China.President Fernandez puts the finger right on the wound when she refers to the entire western monetary system as vulture economics. She knows that such an economy is bound to falter and be replaced – gradually as may be – by one that is based on fairness, integrity and that respects nations’ sovereignty.Peter Koenig is an economist and former World Bank staff. He worked extensively around the world in the fields of environment and water resources. He writes regularly for Global Research, ICH, the Voice of Russia, now Ria Novosti, The Vineyard of The Saker Blog, and other internet sites. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed – fiction based on facts and on 30 years of World Bank experience around the globe.


From Pol Pot to ISIS:
“Anything that Flies on Everything that Moves”

By John Pilger

Under U.S. bombs, Cambodia's Khmer Rouge grew from 5,000 to a formidable army of 200,000. ISIS has a similar past and present. Continue

Chomsky: U.S. Spawned a Fundamentalist Frankenstein in the Mideast

C.J. Polychroniou Interviews Noam Chomsky

Like Britain before it, the US has tended to support radical Islam and to oppose secular nationalism, which both imperial states have regarded as more threatening to their goals of domination and control. Continue

Key Democrats, Led by Hillary Clinton, Leave No doubt that
Endless War is Official U.S. Doctrine

By Glenn Greenwald

The last thing the Washington political class and the economic elites who control it want is for this war to end. Continue

A War for Power

By David Mizner

The “war on terrorism” is a farce. But unless we stop them, US elites will carry it on forever.Continue

Where is the Antiwar Movement?

By Alex Kane

This U.S. war is commencing with no serious opposition to slow the president down. Continue

Financial Ebola

By Keiser Report

"For the first time in history we have a true global empire" – Max interviews John Perkins, author of Confessions of an Economic Hitman. Continue

The US Is Copying Ancient Athens
Obama Attempting To Impose His Own Rule of Law Over The Entire World

By Martin Armstrong 

Russia is rising and Obama is the direct cause of handing power to Russia in the EXACT same manner as we saw the fall of Athens. Continue

Did The UN Just Pass The Global Patriot Act?: 


The text could allow countries to increase surveillance under the name of counter terrorism, as well as giving states new tools to crack down on dissent by simply labeling activists ‘terrorists’.Continue

Israel’s Occupation is More Complex Than a Genocide

By Jonathan Cook

Mr Netanyahu and his allies have been secretly plotting to force many Palestinians into Sinai, with the US arm-twisting the Egyptians into agreement? If true, the bombing campaigns of the past six years may be better understood as softening-up operations before a mass expulsion from Gaza.Continue

Is boycotting Israel the right way to fight for Palestinian rights?

By Ilan Pappé and Norman Finkelstein,

Two prominent professors and authors, Ilan Pappé and Norman Finkelstein, go head to head.Continue

Should We Just Follow Orders?
Rules of Engagement for Resisting the Police State

By John W. Whitehead

“we the people” have been reduced to suspects in a surveillance state, criminals in a police state, and enemy combatants in a military empire. Continue

How Many People Must Be Maimed or Killed Before We
End the Militarization of Our Police Forces?

By Kara Dansky

SWAT teams raid people's homes approximately 50,000 times a year in the United States. Continue

Erdogan Fears US Treachery Over Syria

By Finian Cunningham

For the US and Turkey this is not about humanitarian suffering or the defeat of the ISIL terror group. Continue

Notice that ISIS Isn’t Beheading Swiss Citizens

By Jacob G. Hornberger

Wouldn’t  you think that if radical Muslims hate the United States for its freedom and values, they would also hate Switzerland for its freedom and values. Continue

The Neoconservative Hit List:
Iraq, Libya and now Syria? A Plan for Global US Military Supremacy

By Steven MacMillan

Countries that resist being absorbed into the Anglo-American-European international order and allow multinational corporations to exploit their resources, are targeting for regime change well in advance of the pretext they give to intervene. Continue

Destabilization – US Weapon in Energy War

By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya

Creating instability looks to be part of a packaged approach. Whatever the case is, its creation appears to be used to support US negotiations and bargaining. Continue

Fidel Castro Compares NATO Chief to IS

By TeleSur

Castro accused the U.S.-led Western alliance of promoting a “war of extermination” against the Russian Federation. Continue

In Case You Missed It
Massacred Democracy in Mexico

By John M. Ackerman

Two recent massacres committed by government officials indicate that the country may be headed towards a rerun of the "dirty wars" of the 1970s, in which the government hunted down and killed or jailed thousands of activists. Continue

The Question of State Legitimacy 

By Lawrence Davidson

Should states that adopt practices such as “extraterritorial targeted killing” or adhere to the racist practices of apartheid continue to be regarded as legitimate, or should they be seen as criminal “rogue states” Continue

Guantanamo’s Force-Feeding Challenged

By Ray McGovern

In the Kafkaesque world of Guantanamo, even inmates cleared for release are held indefinitely and – if they try to kill themselves via hunger strikes – are brutally force-fed to keep them alive.Continue

US Has More Sanctions Against Russia Than Against Ebola

By Paul Craig Roberts

One would think public officials would have halted traffic to and from west Africa. Continue

Happy Birthday Mr. President!
Israelis: Send Obama Ebola

By Ben Norton

According to a recent poll, 46% of Israelis “said they wanted to give Barack Obama an envelope containing the Ebola virus as a present for his 53rd birthday.” Continue

Civil Forfeiture
“Legalized Robbery by Law Enforcement”


US Police can currently seize your assets without a conviction of a crime. Continue

Exposed: The Carlyle Group
Shocking documentary uncovers the subversion of Americas democracy. 


I defy you to watch this 48 minute documentary and not be outraged about the depth of corruption and deceit within the highest ranks of our government. Continue



October 10, 2014

October 9, 2014

  • FeaturedVibrations / Spirituality >
    Directory:Examples of Resonance – Directory of various kinds of resonance, both physical and social. Including 1) Physical Resonance: 1.1 Piano Wire – External Note Resonance; 1.2 Speaker and Sand Resonance; 1.3 Environmental Vibrations; and 2) Personology Resonance: 2.1 Alphabetics; 2.2 Birthdays; 2.3 People's Names; 2.4 Horoscope; 2.5 Numerology (PESWiki; October 9, 2014)
  • FeaturedElectromagnetic > QMoGen >
    QMoGen by TechnologiesInfinity – This overunity motor-generator system in Russia is the 57th seemingly working system of which we have become aware worldwide. It's output is around 200 Watts, while the input required is less than half that: 80 W. They show a different scientific method of determining the force of the input versus output. (PESWiki; October 8, 2014)

October 8, 2014

  • FeaturedNuclear > LENR > E-Cat >
    E-Cat 3rd Party Test Results Released; Report Pending – Key findings: 3.2-3.6 times overunity 32 days continuous, and an isotopic signature of nickel and lithium was found to have changed substantially. Academic authors conclude, “Even in the most conservative scenarios, we have values that allow us to conclude that the reactor studied here may not be considered a conventional source of energy.” (Free Energy Blog; October 8, 2014)


Psychopaths in Power
October 7, 2014     8 Comments

We are all living in a world gone mad, how did it get so bad? Who is steering the ship? Why are those in power doing what they are doing? Don’t they know they are going to go down on the ship with the rest of us if the insanity continues much longer? From climate engineering to endless wars, to nuclear cataclysms, who is behind all of this. What kind of people are we dealing with? Understanding the psychopathic mind can be very helpful in the quest to understand the questions posed. The study below shines a great deal of light on this subject.
Dane Wigington

Does psychopathy enable world leaders to become mass murderers?

Source: John de Nugent

PSYCHOPATHS: RUTHLESS SOCIAL PREDATORS who manipulate and plow their way through life—leaving heedlessly a trail of broken hearts, shattered expectations and empty wallets behind them.

They selfishly take what they want and do as they please, completely lacking in conscience and in feelings for others. Psychopaths are found in every segment of society. There is a good chance that eventually you will have a painful or humiliating encounter with one of these human monsters. Unfortunately, they are particularly prevalent among top politicians and the establishment elite. Their importance in history is an emerging field of study.

What is a psychopath? Are psychopaths usually in prison—or are the vast majority of them moving among us, or lording it over us in society? Are they one in a million or 40,000 in a million? And what about “mattoids”—those dynamic and “gifted” psychopaths who rarely end up in prisons? Who are the most prominent and successful mattoids of today —and yesterday?

Alarming yet enlightening research in the last 15 years has concluded that full or partial psychopathy may be shockingly widespread— one American in 25, and far more in leadership positions. The key traits of the psychopath: he (usually a male) is radically self-centered, slick, lying, manipulative, ruthless, sadistic, focused and, sometimes, insanely fearless.

“Alarming yet enlightening research in the last 15 years has concluded that full or partial psychopathy may be shockingly widespread—one American in 25, and far more in leadership  positions.”

Here is a list of identifiers for psychopathy, compiled from several authorities. If an individual has at least any four of the below in a very pronounced form, there are grounds for concern. Many people have a touch of several of these traits, but few have a majority of them in full measure. And normal people feel shame when they act in cruel or selflish ways, whether they are upbraided by others or are stricken by pangs of conscience themselves. But the psychopath CANNOT feel a bad conscience, ever.

The signs of psychopathy are:

  1. Glib and superficial charm;
  2. Grandiose sense of self-worth; narcissism; seeing the self as the center of the universe; feeling “no one else is human, only I”;
  3. Focused self-advancement without losing any energy on others except as stepping-stones;
  4. No moral taboos or inhibitions as to methods, aiding career success until caught;
  5. Need for constant stimulation, action, and new ways to avoid boredom; typical actions of the psychopathic child include a) torturing animals, b) the deliberate setting of fires and 3) urinating in one’s own bed (though young children may do this rarely, and accidentally, they do not do this alongside setting fires and animal torture)
  6. Lying as an art form to fine-tune and a source of pride;
  7. Targeting and manipulation of the gullible;
  8. Enticing people they do not love to naively love them;
  9. Skill at faking emotions, including love, sincerity and regret;
  10. Doing good work and good deeds solely to advance oneself;
  11. Ruthlessness and “stopping at nothing”;
  12. Enjoyment of the power to coldly end close relationships;
  13. “Getting” others back as a peak experience;
  14. Desire for vengeance when spurned;
  15. Pleasure in firing or ruining people. In the U.S., where highly profitable firms routinely cut good employees to boost stock values, there are professional terminators who roam the country cutting staff and personally firing them;
  16. Abuse and literal torture of living creatures;
  17. Humiliating others physically, verbally, emotionally, psychologically or sexually;
  18. Denigrating one’s own child or mate;
  19. Callousness; lack of empathy and compassion;
  20. Shallow or no feelings for others, even mates, children and friends;
  21. No ability to feel remorse or undergo inner repentance;
  22. Regret solely at being caught, embarrassed or punished;
  23. Incomprehension of the angry reactions of those they hurt;
  24. Underestimation of their own anger;
  25. No sense of responsibility for one’s actions;
  26. Parasitical world view: living by scams and not hard work;
  27. Contempt for those who “play by the rules”;
  28. Criminal talent, energy and innovativeness;
  29. Warlike courage far above the norm;
  30. Playing on the sympathy of others. To this one might add—in the purely subjective, non-scientific eye of many beholders—a curious dead look in the eyes of a psychopath, and that is the chilling part. Others speak of looking into such eyes and “having a feeling that nothing is there.”

It is instructive to check this subjective hypothesis by looking at famous persons, in still photos but especially on moving film or television. Is there a warm life form expressing itself through the eyes, or is there a flat, soulless gaze, not unlike that of a large insect or reptile?

Although the story of Don Juan conjures up for many images of the classic “Latin lover” (above), he was in fact a brutal psychopath, although a fictitious character, given life by Spanish dramatist Tirso de Molino in his play The Seducer of Seville.

The painting Stone Guest (right), by Russian artist Ilya Repin (1844-1930), is based on the Spanish legend about Don Juan. Don Juan, a heartless and immoral man of noble origin, killed in a duel the commander of Seville. A stone statue was erected on the commander’s tomb. Don Juan met Donna Anna, the widow of the commander, at the base of the tomb and seduced her. The statue moved its head in anger. Taunting the statue, Don Juan invited it to a banquet. The invitation was accepted; the stone commander came and crushed Don Juan. The popularity and longevity of the Don Juan legend is a testament to the allure many average people feel for cunning and brutal psychopaths.


Despite staggering differences between the cultures and peoples spread across the globe, most citizens of the world describe their own caste of politicians with identical words of anger, contempt and alienation. Further, the overwhelming majority see their politicians as incorrigible. But why? What part of society produced this “breed apart”?

This anomaly was most striking in the context of the culture and values of Japan. In personal matters, the Japanese are among the most reliable, honest and rule-observing nations on Earth, still influenced  by samurai concepts of honor. Yet the way Japanese describe the behavior of their political “leaders,” does not sound Japanese at all. After hours of hearing this same lament from various parts of our planet, it would seem that politicians, in particular, came from another and very twisted world.

The universally praised 2006 film The Last King of Scotland relates the story of the fictional Nicholas Garrigan, a young Scottish doctor who came to Uganda to serve its people, yet is sucked into the lifestyle of the very real charismatic psychopath Idi Amin, who ruled and ruined Uganda from 1971 to 1979. The young Scot has his own in-depth encounter with a charming, megalomanic authority figure. There is only one difference between Idi Amin and evil American, Japanese or Indian politicians. Idi Amin was not hindered by any checks and balances whatsoever and so could live out to the fullest his nature’s true fantasies.

Amnesty International estimates the Ugandan president killed 500,000 fellow citizens, feeding some to crocodiles. He gave himself the title: “His Excellency, President for Life, Field Marshal Al Hadji Doctor Idi Amin, VC, DSO, MC, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Sea, and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular.” Called Idi Amin “Dada,” his nickname arose while in the British colonial army in Kenya. Every time he was caught with a woman in his pup tent, he would overcome the scowl of his English officers with his considerable charm, claiming the female was only his “dada”—Swahili for sister.


Why did the Founding Fathers create checks and balances in the U.S. Constitution, since they demonstrably slow the government and add years or decades to reforms, even the most pressing? Was it the Constitution framers’ belief that all men are evil or rather than there was a psychopathically ambitious minority among them thirsting for power? Did they perceive bad traits existing in all men but true evil lurking in some?

Where do such apparently born liars, egomaniacs, terrorists and manipulators come from?

The question expands, and it seems as if we suddenly gain a new prescription for our glasses. How many bosses, politicians, CEOs of multinational corporations, advertising manipulators, and other powerful figures such as military, police, and, in our private lives, the ex-husbands, wives, boyfriends or sons-in-law “from hell,” are not “morally confused” but instead inwardly directed and born to be slick, ruthless, incorrigible, diseased psychopaths?

Yes, and even how many psychologists, psychoanalysts and psychiatrists are afflicted with the very disease they claim to study?

How much do psychopaths influence society and affect life for the vast majority of good, decent people? How much do they affect the moral values of what we watch on TV or in cinema?

Many people are asking themselves this and similar questions, especially since the American election year 2000. When one enters the words “George W. Bush” and “psychopath” into a search engine on the Internet such as Google, it produces 511,000 citations—just in English—linking the two concepts, most of them written or spoken in dead earnest by concerned citizens.

But foreigners speak of the two in the same breath as well: 19,700 references in the German language, 30,800 in French and 52,500 in Spanish. Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, who in 2006 openly called Bush el diablo from the podium at the UN, must be getting some serious attention.

Normal humans oscillate, and must, between attending to their personal needs, desires and dreams and helping others. Usually the two instincts work hand in hand.

Humans are all in a sense bipolar, hence complicated. They are both individualistic—hence, creative, innovating and at times selfish—and altruistic, other-oriented, often ready literally to die to save their children and, if convinced or prodded, to perish for the survival of their nation or its freedoms. A significant minority, the history-makers among inert humankind, even choose to live and suffer for a noble cause—one that may lead to their personal imprisonment or death.

Psychopaths, however, solely look out for No. 1, and cannot do otherwise. They see society as a collection of walking humanthings that are potential tools, victims, and often both, born for their cruel  enjoyment. Cult leaders are a classic example of gifted users. One, Sun Myung Moon of the “Unification Church,” owns The Washington Times daily newspaper, which every Republican in the capital of the United States reads daily. They read a dangerous cult’s newspaper, spending as much time with it as they do really talking with their spouse, children or constituents.

A new vision of society is emerging from the research and firm conclusions of some of the world’s most distinguished and reputable neurologists, psychologists and psychiatrists. These are men and women of stellar scientific backgrounds that mass-produce Nobel prizes in science and medicine.

These unpleasing but truthful messengers are stating or corroborating one clear, simple finding:
Our culture has been taken over by literal psychopaths, and all who are not psychopaths are nevertheless living under their thumb, affected by them, perhaps influenced by their persistent lies, and suffering miseries through them that mankind would otherwise never experience. This is the message of the experts.

Whether we fight psychopaths or not, we are still on a psychological and moral urban battlefield, suffering wounds, deprivation, misery, despair and sometimes premature death in their world.

And that is just the good part. The bad part is the possibility of World War III, with millions of people turned into hate-zombies with devastating weapons of mass destruction at the command of rejoicing psychopaths.


In the United States, three different terms are used to categorize the radically selfish individual or “human monster”:

  1. Persons with “antisocial personality disorder” (APD),
  2. “Sociopaths” and, the scariest word of all,
  3. “Psychopaths,” of whom serial killers are a special subtype. APD is, as many in criminology agree, a somewhat “lazy” catchall phrase for general criminal attitudes and behavior. This is the term usually put in prisoner files.

The word “sociopath” is being used in several similar but truly confusing ways. For some experts, sociopath (from the Latin word for “soci”-ety and “pathy,” the Greek word related to disease) means the ruthless manipulators, whereas psychopaths are the violent beaters and killers. It is obvious that some infamous people in history have been both.

A few of these modern examples include, according to various experts: Josef Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, the Shah of Iran, Pol Pot, Ariel Sharon, Robert Mugabe and David Rockefeller. Other experts use the word “sociopath” to mean those who are mis-raised to be vicious, whereas “psychopath” means those born vicious.

More and more, however, as is usual in science, one simple term wins out. “Psychopath” has been gaining currency since 1941 among the world’s most experienced clinicians to describe all incorrigible human monsters—however they got that way and whatever methods they use.

In any case, they prove to be, for decent society, an irresistible force and an immovable, incurable object. They are the fountainhead of human suffering that is human-caused, and aside from sickness, aging, death and natural disasters.

Religions have called such persons evil. Yet religions usually teach that almost anyone can be saved. The science of psychopathology says “no.” Not all can be “saved.” Their brains won’t permit it; they do not want it. But if you want to save them, they may find a way to exploit your compassion.

While one may speak of evil and evildoers, this is the category of a diseased force of nature—human parasites.

Most Americans assume that psychopaths are rare—serial killers and other felons. The stunning new revelation of the last 15 years is that as many as one in 25 Americans may be psychopathic. Probably, in view of their notorious traits—according to Martha Stout, Ph.D., a former 25-year veteran of Harvard Medical School and now a practicing psychotherapist—a much higher percentage of psychopaths haunt occupations that take advantage of the traits of the true psychopath listed earlier in this article.

Serial killers such as Jack the Ripper and Ted Bundy, and leaders such as Stalin and Pol Pot, are among history’s most famous psychopaths. The original, true Spanish tale from the 1600s of Don Juan reveals not the famous “lady’s man” but a murderous, raping, diabolically ingenious psychopath who also betrays his friends and sinks into hell. In the end the statue of a former adversary comes to life to punish him for his crimes.

“The original Spanish tale from the 1600s of Don Juan reveals, not the ‘lady’s man, but a murderous, raping, diabolically ingenious psychopath who betrays friends and sinks into hell.”

The Samson of the Jewish Old Testament, known to generations of Christian Sunday schoolchildren as a “Bible hero,” may have had psychopathic traits. The Talmud tells of his lies to his parents, his cruelty to animals, his torching of Philistine fields, his frequent brawls, and Samson’s unremitting bragging after killing “a thousand men.” It bears noting here that the Philistines are the ancestors of today’s Palestinians.

Actually, a psychopath is more capable of personally killing a thousand men than anyone else. The true berserkers (whence the phrase “to go berserk”) were Vikings who possibly were psychopathic. They guarded the Norwegian king and fought battles as unleashed “Dober-men.” Heedless of danger, their pre-battle preparation included working themselves into a bloodlust—berserker rage—by banging their helmets (with heads inside) with their own weapons, biting their shields, and howling. Once in a frenzy they would plow through both foe and friend, arms, legs and heads tumbling away like grass clippings. In battle they were said to be immune to pain (or even immune to weapons and fire). Even allies gave the berserkers wide berth. Fearing that their own homesteads and families might be targeted by the unchained “bear-shirts,” friendly Norsemen kept loved ones hidden away.


Not just individuals but entire castes and groups in society may manifest these characteristics. Psychopathy can be inherited, often through the mother. It can appear spontaneously as a birth defect. It can also be produced by brain diseases or injuries. These multiple factors can be seen as explaining the relatively high percentage of psychopaths that researchers now perceive in the population.

It has been speculated that the number of psychopaths overall has been increasing since the Age of Bronze, roughly 1000 B.C. in Europe, which was the beginning of a traumatic new era for the European peoples: the age of metal weapons, of warlords owning slaves forced to mine for copper and tin, and of professional soldiers. That was an innovation: men who killed other men for power, and not high-protein animals for food. Hunting by itself is an inborn male instinct that, in literally bringing home the bacon and the meat, brought essential proteins for the growth of larger brains, hence civilization.

Wars, for millennia, have always tended to kill off the decent and the volunteers and often spared the true instigators and also the defective. Warlords and kings have long been polygamous, sometimes having enormous numbers of offspring. It is reliably said that Genghis Khan raped 10,000 women. Genetic studies indicate that 10% of all continental North Asians are descended from him. One of Genghis’s memorable lines was: “Happiness is to kill the foe, ride his horses, watch his wife and daughters weep, and seize them to your bosom.”

In materialistic societies, ruthless businessmen, such as investment mogul Donald Trump, find the media fawning on them and gold-digging, beautiful and fecund women flocking to them.

How many a tycoon, after letting his first wife help him through medical or business school or the start of a career, dumps her at 45 for a younger “trophy wife” whom he can show off to his fellow magnates,  and with her then spread his genes even further? Hollywood is said to be full of beauties with beasts.

One of the most important benefits of understanding the new finding of the prevalence of psychopaths in society is this:
whereas so-called conspiracy theories tend to appear to decent people as “off-the-wall,” now no more. The main objection to a conspiracy theory, especially one that posits the involvement of many evil people, is this: “I cannot imagine anyone doing such a thing. And it could never be a secret.” Wrong: psychopaths are numerous and they do know how to keep a secret and kill to maintain it.

Perhaps the struggle against the psychopaths marauding among us will be the ultimate battle for the human race.

PSYCHOPATHS IN MODERN HISTORY (left to right): Franklin Delano Roosevelt: forced America into WWII and handed Stalin half of Europe; Josef Stalin: murdered 21 million Christian Russians; Winston Churchill: ordered the firebombing of WWII civilian centers; Mao Tse Tung: murdered 50 million Chinese; Idi Amin: murdered 500,000 Ugandans including feeding some to crocodiles; Pol Pot: murdered 3 million Cambodians—an estimated half of the population.

Grasping the Nature of the Beast

Over 100 years ago, psychiatrists, psychologists, and criminologists were discussing what they called— groping for a scientific description—“moral imbeciles” or “the morally insane.” For thousands of years, religions have recognized the concept of “evil,” and of evildoers whom God and man must punish. Governments have recognized evil and evildoers in the citizenry, and either punished or promoted them. Now esteemed scientists in the mental health field have weighed in on the subject of people who are truly evil.(1)

The breakthrough has sped up in the last 15 years from well-meaning attempts at compassion and understanding to this grim recognition of personified evil.

The most recent bombshell in this direction was the bestselling The Sociopath Next Door (2005) from Martha Stout, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist who for 25 years was a faculty member of Harvard Medical School.

Stout uses the term “sociopath” to emphasize that almost all psychopaths are out in society. She has been widely reported on and interviewed for website and print publications.

Another powerful figure in the psychopaths-in-society movement is Robert D. Hare, Ph.D., a consultant for the FBI, the creator of the recognized “Hare Psychopathic Checklist” (the standard tool for diagnosing psychopathy), and author of the 1999 book for laypersons Without Conscience: The Disturbing World of the Psychopaths Among Us.

One powerful weapon in the struggle to warn the public against psychopaths, in jail and out, has been the work of Adrian Raine, Ph.D., an Oxford graduate in psychology, a former prison psychologist in England, a professor of experimental psychology at the University of Southern California and author of the 1993 classic, The Psychopathology of Crime: Criminal Behavior As a Clinical Disorder. More than any written text before or since, his vivid colored brain scans comparing psychopaths with normal people make a powerful case that psychopaths are utterly unlike the other 96% of society. These brain scans show that when normal, altruistic people see something tragic, sad, pitiful or shocking, the red dye injected into their brains reveals a great deal of chemical activity in “compassion centers.” However, when psychopaths are shown horrifying images that appall others or even turn others sick to their stomachs, their brains, as revealed by the dye, stay blue as before, meaning cool and unactivated. They just really do not care.

Normal brain, with red areas showing feelings such as compassion

Psychopathic brain; the blue indicates no activity in compassion centers

This article indicates that psychopaths can switch compassion on, but usually it is turned off: http://www.occupycorporatism.com/10-facts-psychopaths-discovered-uc-brain-scan-study/  From this article, a scientist (James Fallon, a neuroscientist and professor of psychiatry and human behavior at the University of California at Irvine) discovered a high degree of psychopathy in himself as compared to his own family:

In the 1980s a distinguished Polish psychologist with first-hand experience under Stalinism, and a long-time resident of the United States, Andrew M. Lobaczewski Ph.D., wrote his revolutionary Political Ponerology: A Science on The Nature of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes (from the Greek poneros, evil, and logia study).(2) He asserts that much of politics, bureaucracy, political philosophy—and thus the whole history of mankind—has been shaped by persons who today would be considered clinically diagnosticable psychopaths.

Among his unique observations, Dr. Lobaczewski describes how, after the brutal Stalinization of his native Poland from 1948- 52, virtually every psychopath in his country “within two years” had emerged from the dregs of society, recognized himself as among friends in the new system, and become a bureaucrat or other servant of the Stalinist regime.

In effect, they all crawled out from under their rock. He emphasizes that this Stalino-psychopathic regime was as inept and “out of touch” as it was cruel, showing that many psychopaths are not brilliant and great mis-leaders of men, but often despised and shunned “scum.” What makes them similar is their desire to dominate, humiliate, prevaricate and cause suffering.(3)

The great foundational work for the modern professional study of psychopaths was the still-famous 1941 bestseller, The Mask of Sanity by Hervey Cleckley, M.D. (1903-84). He graduated in 1924 from the  University of Georgia with highest honors, and then from Oxford. With his subsequent M.D. from the University of Georgia Medical School (now “Medical College of Georgia”) he became a professor of psychiatry and neurology there and then chief of psychiatry/ neurology at University Hospital in Augusta in 1937. In 1956 Cleckley co-authored The Three Faces of Eve, the book that led to the famous 1957 film of the same name starring Joanne Woodward, illustrating Multiple Personality Disorder. A Fellow of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, Cleckley was acting psychiatrist in the trial of the psychopathic serial killer Ted Bundy of Florida.


Charming, handsome and charismatic, Bundy would con his way into his at least thirty female victims’ confidence, lull them to his car, and beat them unconscious with a blunt object. After driving around with victims, sometimes for hours, continually assaulting them sexually — nearly all of them white and quite attractive — Bundy would strangle them to death with nylon stockings. In at least a dozen instances, he would hack the women’s heads off with a saw and keep them as trophies. He was a known necrophiliac (that is, he had sex with the corpses of his victims).

In the following video, made just 15 hours before he was electrocuted by the State of Florida, Bundy is pensive. He says violent kinds of pornography were an obsession with him and with all the violent inmates he had gotten to know in prison, that it released “a separate entity” in himself that he felt had existed in him already, and that alcohol was the other factor that de-inhibited him before he actually committed his crimes. He directly blamed “what is in the media” for future murders of other women and girls after his execution.

He told Reverend Ted Dobson that after each crime he felt he had been “overwhelmed” and “possessed,” because at other times he was “an essentially normal person with good friends.” He said others viewed him as “an all-American boy,” as “okay,” and that “they had no clue.”

Bundy emphasizes how each thrill ebbed and then he needed a greater thrill, another and worse crime — a classic sign of a psychopath for him normal pleasures are insufficient.

It is interesting how Bundy seems to actually try to feel remorse, but his voice and face suggest he simply cannot. His sincere regrets are for himself as a prisoner facing death, or very cerebral regrets for society. I think he is enjoying being important one last time.

James Dobson Interview with Serial Killer Ted Bundy (Full Interview) from Castimonia Sexual Purity Group on Vimeo.

* * *

These five researchers, Cleckley, Lobaczewski, Raine, Hare and Stout, have forever lifted psychopathology out of the realm of speculation or what some cynically call “psychobabble” into the realm of science—the science of absolute evil.


  1. A psychiatrist at Canada’s only “super max” prison, in Ontario province, who observes and meets with the 100 vilest criminals in Canada (outside of Parliament) was asked: “Have you ever looked into an inmate’s eyes and seen evil, just pure evil?” He replied: “Yes, I would say I have—in layman’s language—seen pure evil.” Source: Philip R., Wheeler, founder, Learn for Living Foundation, Alexandria, Virginia.
  2. 2. A general edition for the public of this academic work, suitable for the educated layperson, was published in 2006 by Red Pill Press under the aegis of Laura Knight-Jadczyk, of www.sott.net and other websites, an American thinker who edited and introduced the English version.
  3. 3. A combat-decorated World War II and Korea hero, Michael Mata Jr., who once guarded generals Eisenhower and Patton in postwar Berlin, told this writer of the sadistic and Big Brotherish attitude in parts of the bureaucracy toward U.S. veterans. When Matas complained about a new resident of his Soldier’s Home, a sexual pervert who kept making unwanted advances on him, he was brought up before a staff hearing to be told that he was on “one year’s probation” for being “disruptive.” He learned through a Veterans Administration document that the VA had created—in its own star chamber procedure and unbeknownst to the individual veteran (hence without possibility of appeal)—a bureaucratic, secret code number in each veteran’s file. This file indicated the bureaucracy’s secret internal classifications, or defamations: shirker, troublemaker, insane etc. In Mr. Mata’s case, “refused a promotion.” For years, when he would apply for a job with an employer, he was asked: Were you a U.S. veteran? After saying yes, he would suddenly get rejected, and believes it was due to this secret code.

Examples of Psychopathy


A friend urged me to watch this (200K views!) on psychopaths! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MgGyvxqYSbE

A 2010 study from the University of Michigan found present-day college students to be 48 percent less empathetic than college students were in 1979, with the biggest dip – 61% – in the past 10 years. And the NIH tells us that narcissistic personality disorder is about three times higher in 20-somethings than in those who are over 65.


UN Intentionally Omits Mentioning Mass Graves in Ukraine in Report: Russia Civic Chamber

Global Research, October 08, 2014

Facts about mass graves found outside Donetsk in the embattled eastern Ukraine were intentionally omitted in UN’s latest report on the situation in Ukraine, members of the Russian Civic Chamber said on Wednesday.

According to media reports, a report by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights failed to mention mass graves found outside Donetsk, contrary to pledges by Spokesperson for the UN Secretary General Stephane Dujarric that the issue would be included in the document.

Deputy Secretary of the Civic Chamber Sergey Ordzhonikidze said there was a good reason for that. “The matter is that the policy of the High Commissioner’s Office has always been notable for its pro-Western moods,” he said.

He said there were no Russian nationals in the office at the moment, while “the attitude to Russia and former Soviet republics has always been biased.” According to Ordzhonikidze, “this is not a sincere report, and it admits things that cannot be denied.”

A deputy head of the chamber’s coordinating council for aid to Ukrainian citizens, Georgy Fyodorov, said that

“the Ukrainian authorities intentionally did everything possible through their colleagues to have no mentioning of these facts in the UN report.” “If these facts had appeared in the report, the world community would learn about mass tortures and killings, and a probe as well as search for those behind it (the crime) would be a next step”.

TASS on Wednesday quoted Gianni Magazzeni, Chief of the America, Europe and Central Asia branch of the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights as telling reporters that safety situation in the eastern Donetsk region prevented access to mass graves.

Mass graves with bodies bearing signs of violent death were discovered on September 23 by self-defense militias some 35km north-east of Donetsk. Forensic experts came to the conclusion that the people had been shot in the head at close range. This area was earlier controlled by Ukrainian security forces and the Aidar battalion.


‘Disgusting’: Anti-homeless cages installed at UK university

Published time: October 08, 2014
One of the UK’s most prestigious universities has installed cages over warm air vents, as a way to ward off the city’s homeless sleeping on them.

The cages, which have been placed around the universities campus, completely cover the area surrounding the warm air vents near the college buildings.

Students say they are “disgusted”  by the cages, saying that the move shows a lack of love and compassion for the less fortunate.

@cardiffuni how can this be acceptable in this day age. Despicable. I am ashamed. http://t.co/98pdm42uJ8

— Katharina Riekemann (@KatRiekemann) October 8, 2014

“A cold, ugly barred cage had been fixed to one of vents” Cardiff student Lewis Hopkins wrote on his blog.

“I had noticed the winter before that these vents bellowed a comforting pocket of warm air, which from time to time was occupied by the homeless. They never caused any trouble, never littered nor gathered in groups. They were just content with finding a warm place to sleep at night”

He also said that the cages made him “feel disgusted and ashamed” of the university.

However, Cardiff University said that the cages were installed for reasons to do with public health and safety.

“The area covered by the safety grilles are not hot air vents but boiler flue vents that can potentially produce products of combustion – diluted amounts of carbon monoxide being one of these – as part of the diluted boiler flue gases,” a spokesman from Cardiff University said.

“These vents are considered safe in normal use due to the type of flue dilution system being used but there could potentially be an increased risk if people are sleeping right next to the grilles for very long periods.”

Cardiff University’s move comes following the revelation that well to do London boroughs were installing ‘anti homeless spikes’ in order to deter homeless people from seeking refuge there.

Outrage against the spikes led to protests on social media websites, which eventually forced the council to remove the spikes.



10.10.2014, 11:04, "Andrew Caffrey" <andycaffrey@icloud.com>:

I wouldn't be doing what I'm doing if it weren't for ‪#‎JohnLennon‬.  Just finished poem on his birthday today.  Don't wanna be a soldier, mama. Inspired from echoes of Morrison, Andy Partridge, and Roger Waters too, perhaps. R. Crumb? in that spirit:

Dark Psychopath
Salutes the flag
lapel adjustment
kneels in preyer
Programs all
of your channels
and you are
Dropped jaw
Drool cascades
Couldn't care less




 News Links, October 9-10, 2014

## Global Ponzi meltdown/House of Cards ##
China Overtakes US as World's Single Largest Economy
Koreans are getting in on the trend — renminbi deposits in Korea surge 55-fold
Banks to change rules governing derivatives market: FT
Eighteen banks, ranging from Credit Suisse Group AG (CSGN.VX) to Goldman Sachs Group Inc (GS.N), have agreed to give up the right to "close out" deals on derivatives contracts if a financial institution runs into trouble, the newspaper said, citing people familiar with the matter.
Larry Summers' Goofball Economics
Its no wonder governments are broke and central bank money printers are going wild throughout much of the developed world. They are unfortunately listening to the kind of goofball economics that issues from Keynesian economists like Larry Summers and his clones and confederates at the IMF.
World Bank Forecasts US$32.6bn Loss if Ebola Lasts Longer
The World Bank Group has released a second report in less than a week forecasting a devastating economic impact of the Ebola virus in West Africa if the international community fails to move quickly to contain the disease in the sub-region.
As Virgin America weighs a public offering there are warning signs for potential investors. Its brand-new aircraft come with a hefty debt load and the airline has failed to attract big-spending business travelers. To increase revenue – and satisfy shareholders – the airline might eventually be forced to take actions, such as raising fees, which risk alienating passengers.
Travelers >From Ebola-Hit Africa Will Be Screened in U.S.
Blackpool closure highlights regional airports' struggles
Manston, Bristol Filton and Plymouth airports have fallen victim to the downturn, shifting airline networks and domestic taxation
MH17: one passenger was wearing oxygen mask when he died
Dutch prosecutors say Australian man had mask around neck, raising questions over what passengers may have known of fate## Global unrest/mob rule/angry people/torches and pitchforks ##
Thailand at 'high risk' of unrest


Riot police used batons, pepper spray and water cannon to keep apart hundreds of men, many armed with knives, metal rods and knuckle dusters, in the northern city of Hamburg overnight.
U.N.: Ukrainian gas crisis takes humanitarian toll
Energy issues in eastern Ukraine are taking a humanitarian toll as residents grow concerned about supplies for the coming winter, a U.N. report said Wednesday.
The crucial difference between US shale oil ("tight oil") and Saudi oil is that US shale drilling is unprofitable (there has been no shortage of articles on this matter presented here), while KSA oil is profitable. Therefore the question that should be asked is, "How much more debt can the US shale drilling industry accumulate before it collapses?" The Saudis will have the last laugh. — RF
Price Fall Hastens Decline Of 'Big Oil' As Western Majors Retreat
This year's fall in energy prices is hastening the decline of big oil, as the seven Western majors sell-off assets, cut investment, return money to shareholders and shrink in size, leaving ever more output to small producers and state firms.
In terms of propping up industrial civilization, the only energy system that makes sense is one powered by fossil fuels. Nuclear and renewables are just fossil fuel extenders, and would be unsustainable without fossil fuel inputs. — RF
Supply Chain Bottlenecks Threaten North Sea Decommissioning
Significant supply chain bottlenecks, including a lack of skilled workers, will prove to be a key challenge for the oil and gas industry as it aims to complete decommissioning work in the UK North Sea during the next couple of decades, according to a new report from engineering consultancy Arup.

Maui Residents Put Anti-GMO Ban On The Ballot

## Environment/health ##
Scientist who identified Ebola virus says epidemic will be long
The scientist who's widely credited with discovering the Ebola virus said Tuesday that the world finally was "waking up" to the epidemic sweeping West Africa but that the situation remained dire and was nowhere near being contained.

Can California Make It Rain With Drones?
Faced with extreme drought, California continues its experiment with weather modification.
Neonicotinoids Pose Bigger Threat Than DDT: Watchdog
Google chief on NSA: 'We're going to end up breaking the Internet'
The integrity of the Internet could be at risk if Congress does not act to rein in the National Security Agency, Google head Eric Schmidt warned on Wednesday.
Missing Plane: Emirates Head Critical of MH 370 Investigation
Why is there still no trace of flight MH 370? In an interview, Sir Tim Clark, head of Emirates Airline, is sharply critical of the investigation thus far. He believes someone took control of the plane and maintained it until the very end.## Systemic breakdown/collapse/unsustainability ##
End of the Empire


Japan defense forces to ramp up support of American military
Japan's Self-Defense Forces will provide more support to the U.S. military, including protecting American ships, under revised defense guidelines the two countries are negotiating.
At least five of the nation's utilities are restricting the access of new solar farms to their grids. Utilities say two years of rapid expansion has strained their capacity to absorb all the new electricity from sources that generate only when the sun shines.
Japanese retailers stuck in soft patch
Many of Japan's biggest retailers are still crawling out of a gaping hole in consumer spending left by the April 1 consumption tax hike.
Japan-U.S. defense cooperation to have global reach
Expanded Japan-U.S. defense cooperation on a global basis forms the core of an interim report on bilateral defense guidelines released Oct. 8 that was heavily colored by a sharp shift in Japan's policy three months ago.
'Appalling situation' as airport runs out of fuel
Flight chaos hitting hundreds of passengers saw planes diverted from closure-threatened Blackpool Airport as fuel suppliers halted deliveries.
EDF believes the project will cost £16bn but the EC claimed construction costs alone by the time the plant is built in 2023 will be more than £24bn with a further possible £10bn of contingency payments.
Millions face tax rises or 'derisory' state pension, report claims
A think tank says money to pay pensioners will run out next year after discovering a "flaw" in the national accounts
## US ##


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