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Volcania Radio’s Richie Allen is an excellent host that is extremely passionate about getting at the truth. Though many are now waking up around the globe, it’s not happening fast enough and many that have woken up are not yet assisting with the effort to wake others. The human race and life on Earth will soon enough perish if there is not an immediate and total course correction. Modern civilization has decimated the planet in countless ways. The earth and the atmosphere have been used as a dumping ground by humanity for far too long, we now face the consequences. The pinnacle of the human assault on planet Earth is climate engineering. The reality we have all known will not continue for much longer, what will each of us do with our time? As humanity begins to wake up, will enough help to sound the alarm? Or will the majority just keep arranging deck chairs on the Titanic until the ship sinks and carries all life with it? What will each of us do with our days? All are desperately needed in the struggle to reach critical mass of awareness while there is yet something left to save of our biosphere, our health, and our children’s futures. If we can truly expose the reality of climate engineering, the dominos of the power structure will begin to fall. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Source: davidicke.com


One Response

  1. I share everything i see about this , not many answer or komment it, I have send to our politicans partie and ask them what are you saying about this- only one partie answer and that politican thought i was talking about hairspray and that she didnt was against ???? even if i had shared pages from here and also ask what they said about aerosol spraying. so i told this politican that if she had click on that pic i had send she could have read all about it. after that i dont heard nothing. and other still think its water vapor . but i still try to share as much i can b/c this have to stop. we got it here in my country too but i dont have a good camera enugh to take pitcure about it

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