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ATTENTION: All you rule-breakers, you misfits & troublemakers, all you free-spirits & pioneers… Everything the establishment has told you is wrong with you – is actually what’s right with you.

7 Responses

  1. We must push back against the geoengineering with all our might and resolve ; we allowed this to go on way to long , we must fight this to end for our very existence depends on it .

  2. may 21 2014 saw six jets spraying their cocktail .i am telling people every day whats going on.no one seems to care.very frustrating.these planes were flying over city of moncton nb canada.what is wrong with our government officials who have been elected to protect us from this sort of criminal scheme against humanity .is everybody asleep.the native people are the only people and a small minority of others who actually care.TIME TO WAKE UP.

  3. I just seen this post today…and so agree, with you, I also take many pictures, here in Maine…the spraying is getting more intense. I try to get people to look up but this to no avail even if they do look up…the brain wash / conditioning is tremendous. I think this is a major problem, but today we have so many of these issues…it’s evident to me that the WAR is against US. I’m also being effected in my lungs by these nano particles…they are every where…what do you do to counter it ?

  4. Good on you brother!
    Great poetry too…
    This video needs to be shared widely.

    Alex Baer:(Description of geoengineering?)
    “A rectangle of nice, restful, healthy, vibrant green below and sky blue above, in the upper half — just the thing to celebrate the vernal equinox. Then, a set of finely thin-ribboned, parallel bars in pure white, sunshine yellow, and rich cream, arranged in the lazy X of a saltire, ranging from corner to corner, and intersecting in the center. Then, on this center spot, a large apple-red sphere, not unlike an actual apple, silhouetted, and sporting wavering rays of varying lengths.

    Finally, within the large center spot, the stark white of a rippling strait jacket, with the hard red of a slashing bar through it, from upper left to lower right — the clear international symbol for NO.

    And there you have it — the start of a new nation, Terra Sanitas: The Land of the Sane. Small details remain, of course, which include — well, if you want to get picky about it — everything else, except the flag part.

    Of course, you have to be prepared for some blow-back, like people getting startled or spooked or stampeded that a nation has been named The Terror of Corn Tortilla Chips. Right off the bat, you’ll need press agents who really know their way around public perceptions, and the travel industry, getting the new country’s buzz off on the best possible footing.

    Not the right footing, though — as a proud liberal state, only left turns will be permitted. There’ll be none of this getting things off on the right foot business. Take a look around. Look what’s happened to America since it lurched and staggered and slid and skidded right into the dumper, dumpster, and the dumps since the 80s, all powered by GOP madness.”
    (I would add also powered by the fake left/right paradigm politics.)(TDR)

  5. Hi folks. I woke up to chemtrails slowly over a period of about 6-8 years or so. Finaly got real sick from chemtrails about 3 years ago and began my journey to learning, truth and heavy metal detox. I have good days and some not very good days.(They spray us heavily here in Riverton Wyoming ALL THE TIME DAY IN AND DAY OUT USING EVERY METHOD POSIBLE. I have made up some packets containing all the info from many sites like Danes and others. I take 20-40 pictures every day to be presented as documented evidence to be used when these devils are taken to trial by class action lawsuite. There are MANY good people and I am one also. Don’t give up on talking to everyone everyday.. Don’t worry what others say or think about you.This is just way to important. Most I talk to are glad I did and then they begin to learn on their own and teach others. Just pretend you are shining a light on a cockroach.. That is how the truth works.. The elite are a very dark crew but we outnumber the bastards by far and when we persue truth and stay in the light, we are doing what needs to be done to expose them and we must fight this massive problem. Do not give up till the end.. I won’t. God bless people who will stand up, look up, and speak up. Your Friend Chris Amend

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