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Source: Activist Post, article by Catherine J. Frompovich

This article is going to be quite different in format since it will contain more videos than my comments so as to try to tie together and express more than I ever could write in one submission. The theme that runs through all is to dramatize how humans are unknowingly being subjugated at every level and most aspects and phases of life, living and the pursuit of higher consciousness.

It’s an attempt on my part to connect some dots that, when considered side-by-side, may prompt readers to think about what’s going on to implement what I, and many others, expect is “corporate-acracy” or fascism

The perfect place to start is with the TPP—Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement.

The TPP What You’re Not Being Told

Readers, can you wrap your minds around 600 corporate representatives being able to read the TPP agreement but the public, whom will be affected the most, cannot know what’s in it? Even Congress can’t see it! Whoa! Doesn’t that sound like the shenanigans that went on to pass the Affordable Care Act aka ObamaCare.

That kind of BSing regarding transparency has to stop!

Jade Helm 15: 10 States Now Involved with Massive US Military Exercises

That “Truth and Action” reporting on JH15 is “mammoth” in size, scope, and videos! Readers will see video after video of military armored vehicles, etc. moving across the USA – but for what reason? With whom is the U.S. military going to war in 10 U.S. states? Moving all that equipment and personnel, including vehicles marked “UN” around the USA definitely should awaken any skeptic to a “New World Order” of governance apparently coming to the USA!

Are Readers Aware of FEMA camps?

More state-by-state information about FEMA camps is here

Mandatory Vaccination Laws Being Forced Upon and Against Individual Sovereignty of One’s Body and Children (SB277 in California)

Finally and thankfully, African-Americans are awakening to what’s happened, and is happening, to them including medical experiments, e.g., the Tuskegee Syphilis Study, and they will be taking action!

Here’s a video news report (WHDT) about what has the African-American community so upset about the CDC/FDA and vaccines.

The U.S. CDC Lies about Its Affiliation with Big Pharma and Big Pharma’s Apparent Influence

The British Medical Journal (BMJ) published a compelling article about the U.S. CDC’s receiving funding from industry after Jeanne Lenzer, a BMJ journalist, looked into the money part that’s behind the CDC’s infamous statement, “CDC, our planners, and our content experts wish to disclose they have no financial interests or other relationships with the manufacturers of commercial products . . . CDC does not accept commercial support.”

According to Lenzer, “Despite the agency’s disclaimer, the CDC does receive millions of dollars in industry gifts and funding, both directly and indirectly, and several recent CDC actions and recommendations have raised questions about the science it cites, the clinical guidelines it promotes, and the money it is taking.”

Furthermore, The Washington Post reported that “Pharmaceutical firms paid to attend meetings of panel that advises FDA, emails show.”  Therein is a HUGE indication of corporate influence over government agencies, which definitely should not be.

GMO ‘Phood’ and its Problems – One picture is worth a thousand words!

The question everyone in science ought to ask is this: Didn’t Dr. Seralini’s study use the same strain of rats as Monsanto used in its study to prove GMOs safe? However, Seralini’s study went on for two years, whereas Monsanto’s study lasted for only three months!

Jerry Rosman, formerly a GMO crop farmer turned organic farming consultant, claims the FDA is not concerned about GMOs!

What’s Happening to the Air We Breathe?

Look at the sky above for an impressively visible clue. It’s called weather geoengineering. Here are some videos about that.

Here’s an article which may explain more about climate control.

If you’re a frequent flyer, perhaps, you’d better know about aerotoxic air syndrome. Watch the video embedded in “Climate Engineering Contamination And Aerotoxic Air Syndrome.” 

Gerald Celente of The Trends Journal wraps up much of what’s going on globally better than anyone, I think, has for the last 30 or so years. Very few people, in my opinion, have the insights, passion and “stage presence” quite like Gerald Celente! What do you think?

Is There A [RFID] Microchip in Your Future?

Will humans be treated like cattle getting readied to go to slaughter? Is that the ultimate new order?

Are Readers Familiar with the Decreased Global Population Projection for 2025 posted at Deagel.com?

This video may explain more than anyone can imagine.

Are Readers Aware that Alternative Media Censorship is Going On? 

Here’s proof that censorship is alive and well in the USA. Need I mention that my computer also is being compromised; files go missing; and my Norton security program freezes my computer when I try accessing ActivistPost.com for whom I write, plus research files!

Who’s to Blame?

So really, why are humans, our sovereign rights given by Creator and Nature, and the intricacies of our daily lives being overtaken by Big Brother governments? Is there a possibility that we, collectively, are to blame? How can I make such a comment that probably indicates we are allowing these indiscretions to come down upon us almost like biblical plagues?

Well, this video “The Zombification of the Planet” explains some, but this one reaches into the secrecy of the elites’ and controllers’ strategy meetings.

However, nothing can compare with the Bohemian Grove meetings in Northern California where clandestine meetings with ‘elites’ from all walks of life take place. This video shows some of the arcane trappings of Bohemian Grove. The BG crowd in the past included politicians who were BG participants before they became U.S. presidents! See my article, “Presidential Candidates Apparent Vetting Process” to understand just how pervasive apparent dysfunctionality is in the so-called elites.

One of the events at the BG annual encampment is “The Cremation of Care.” Here is a video of the actual onsite druid-like ritual filmed by InfoWars. Are they really paying homage to the Owl of Bohemia in a sacrificial way?

What would you think of your member of government, or any corporate elite, who participates in such rituals? Can those rituals be compared with witchcraft, black magic or as some speculate, Satanism, which actually is a ‘religion’ of sordid sorts?

Furthermore, are the men who participate at BG—no women allowed—the very same ‘sickos’ who mandate how we are to live; promote wars our spouses, relatives, children and friends are sent to fight; and constantly are formulating treaties and laws for a one-world-government?

Citizens of the USA need to wake up to what’s going on and become engaged in civics, something not taught in schools anymore. I wonder why.

To end this connect-the-dots overview, I’d like to lighten up just a bit, and share a video of a clever songwriter and his especially witty ditty “If My Nose Was Running Money…”

God bless the USA and all it was supposed to stand for that now is being suppressed.

Catherine J Frompovich is a retired natural nutritionist who earned advanced degrees in Nutrition and Holistic Health Sciences, Certification in Orthomolecular Theory and Practice plus Paralegal Studies. Her work has been published in national and airline magazines since the early 1980s. Catherine authored numerous books on health issues along with co-authoring papers and monographs with physicians, nurses, and holistic healthcare professionals. She has been a consumer healthcare researcher 35 years and counting.

Source: Activist Post, article by Catherine J. Frompovich

8 Responses

  1. Pig sterility could also be due to the ingestion of glyphosate (Roundup(R)) from GMO resistant corn contaminated with the pesticide.  The chemical is an estrogen mimic and active at concentrations of 3 ppt (parts per trillion).  Many crops that the Monsanto herbicide could not previously be used with have now been engineered to allow "weed free" farming.  Unfortunately, weeds are becoming resistant to Roundup due to its excessive use AND people and animals are ingesting much more of it as use soars.  Even rainwater is now reported to be contaminated with the substance.

  2. This assemblage of videos tells it all. We cannot look at geoengineering as a "stand alone" agenda. From the moment I first grokked that we were being sprayed I knew in my gut that this was NOT just an isolated experiment that did not interlock with a whole constellation of programs, all apparently designed to either kill us, sicken us, rob us, make us docile or gain advantage to dwindling resources through military or other means. Really? Is this the end game of our glorious species? 

      Ever since I was a teenager, studying Zen Buddhism and Hinduism, and doing meditation before meditation was "cool", I have believed implicitly in the essential goodness of the soul, and still believe strongly in the promise of awakening (satori, nirvana, moksha, liberation, samadhi, etc.). There have historically been religious persecutions of the "enlightenment schools" going back thousands of years. Seems there has always been some tyrant, some conquest, some invading force that has sought to crush a spiritual culture that it finds "pagan" or "sacrilegious" or otherwise threatening to the invading world view. Hello? Christianity, in the form of the Spanish invasions of the new world, perpetrated some of the most horrendous and barbaric acts in the history of mankind, and all in the name of the Church, and/or Jesus Christ. Add to that the equally barbaric persecutions of the Native American tribes by the moronic "New United States of America"  from independence onward. And if we fast forward to modern times  we find evidence everywhere of the same old bullshit. The Chinese invasion of Tibet has been systematically wiping out the ancient Tibetan spiritual culture. While the U,S. wars in the middle east appear to be all about the oil, they are not all about the oil. They are also about undermining Islamic culture, which has for centuries had a rich spiritual tradition.

       The videos in this collage paint a grim picture indeed. Everywhere we turn it would seem there is a scam, a technology, an ideology that is conspiring to basically f**k us over, or worse. Don't we all have to ask ourselves "Why?" Why is so much dark energy congealing and rallying around agendas that are self-destuctive at best and suicidal at worst? Are the real movers and shakers behind all this infinite money and control, the shit-stains who attend the so-called "Bohemian Grove", really hell-bent on using their influence to depopulate the earth, as the Deagal.com reports would suggest? How can you and I come to any other conclusion when we see example after example after example of apparently conscious intent to poison the oceans, the soils, destroy the life-giving forests, modify our food and medicines into deadly substances, blast the holy f**k out of our atmosphere with "death star" level weapons that Mother Earth cannot even understand, and create apocalyptic weather extremes that destroy lives while lining the pockets of a few dickheads on Wall Street?

      And again I say "Really?" Do you Assholes at Bohemian Grove really want to destroy us, and our innate, Nature-given, chance to attain not just a decent and wholesome life, but maybe even an opportunity to live in enough measure of peace and stability that we might one day "gain enlightenment"? 

    1. Yes, Marc, they are willing to destroy in order to control in order to have power in order to get high on the intoxication it gives.

      I seem to recall a quote by Kissinger, maybe not verbatim: "What else is there other than power?"

      Read '1984' by George Orwell, especially the talks that O'Brien gives to Winston while Winston is undergoing his 're-education' in the Ministry of Love. He explains to Winston that "power is an end in itself", intoxicating power. I am sure G.O.'s book has become a manual of those who are wreaking havoc across the years and the world, not that he intended that.

      The monster is multi-faceted with many organisations involved. Just listen to JFK's speech on secret societies and the role of the Press. It's on this site, which you probably already know.

      They hate the idea of spirit or higher consciousness, or at least pay it no heed. There is no truth for them other than their own narrow bandwidth of emotional experience, which I am sure is limited to just glee and anger. 'Glee', when they get what they want, 'anger', when they don't have what they want.

      They have so much power and money already. But what is 'more than more'? The answer is, "Everything." That's what they want. What they think it is, in a way, doesn't matter. We empaths can see it is a totally abstract concept rationalised in the mind of madness and has no basis in reality. But their dream of total domination is real and attainable to them, as imagined as it is.

      For some reason, our biology is prone to giving rise to this deficiency exhibited by a certain percentage of our population. I have my own views how this specifically came about, though I am not educated in the details of gene evolution. However, we are stuck with the nutters in this awful fix.

  3. Thank you Dane for tying these new's reports and video's together.  One more important video that  reveals "who" is financing policy and politicians is, "911 Solved-War Over-End the War:  Christopher Bollyn".I'm not tech savvy and unable  to provide an easy link but please everyone watch this.  This is not a "crazy" truther video, it is backed by evidence and follows the money, revealing the corporations and politicians behind this horrific event that changed out lives.    Helen

  4. Create your own servers. Invest in your own domains. I have s project. A serious one. More to come. If you want to join, you’ll have to prove me your not an agent. They might come for me! At least I’ll die a hero for some of you here. Info to come. Keep updated. Keep watching. Dane, keep it up. You will be helped, if you want it off course. Our motto: WE ARE NOT ANONYMOUS! WE WILL EXPOSE THE TRUTH WITH OUR IDENTITY! WE WILL BE HERO’S! JOIN US!!

    1. I have knowledge of things and am doing these types of things on my own. I use my name and face, can only be killed once, and have had many health consequences that are like slow torturous death. Might as well get my 'told you so' in. 

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