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Source: http://www.occupycorporatism.com/home/real-truth-behind-bundy-ranch-land-grab-nevada/

Connections behind the tense situation in Clark County, Nevada regarding the aggressive seizure of cattle from Cliven Bundy, a private rancher who used public land for grazing purposes appears to have a direct pathway beyond Senator Majority Leader Harry Reid; involving the Obama administration and international projects directed under Agenda 21 initiatives.

Media reports state that in March, Reid applied “pressure [to] Nevada’s largest power company, NV Energy, to sign up as [ENN Energy Group’s] first customer.”

This deal with ENN and Reid is worth $5 billion for a “solar farm and panel manufacturing plant [to be constructed] in the southern Nevada desert.”

In conjunction with this accord, Reid’s son Rory Reid, who is a “prominent Las Vegas [lawyer] that is representing ENN”, and focused on making clean energy projects a specialty at their firm, is assisting the Chinese solar energy corporation in acquiring “a 9,000-acre (3,600-hectare) desert site . . . well below appraised value from Clark County.”

Interestingly, Neil Kornze, “former senior adviser” to Reid was named the director of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).

For the last 2 decades, the Bundy family in Clark County, Nevada has been involved in judicial battles with the BLM over their grazing rights on public land.

The BLM obtained a court order to begin removing Bundy’s cattle from public land under trespassing laws and even was instrumental in the revocation of permits previously held by the Bundy family for multiple generations.

Four years ago, the Obama administration reversed a policy enacted by the former George W. Bush administration which released millions of under developed acres of land to be allocated to federal wilderness protection.

Then secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar commented that this reversal was righting a policy that “frankly never should have happened.”

With the assistance of environmental groups lobbying for the restoration of wilderness areas for protection, the Obama administration began reviewing an estimated 220 million acres for the BLM to assert oversight for under nomination as a “Wild Lands” protected area.

The non-governmental organization (NGO) The Wildlands Project (WP) is a focusing of the American landscape in preservation for “future generations to inherit a continent rich in wildlife, with plenty of room for all species to roam.”

The WP is purposed with bringing American lands back to “rewilding” which translates to massive areas of land being placed under restrictions called “conservation easements”, “scenic byways”, “protected areas”, “biosphere reserves”, and “wildlife refuges”.

The science-based agenda of WP has developed the solution to their problems by dividing up North America into “four Continental Wildways [of] large protected corridors of land running coast to coast . . . throughout Canada, the US and Mexico.”

  • The Eastern Wildway extending northward from the Everglades along the Appalachians to the Arctic
  • The Western Wildway spanning the continent from Mexico, through the Rockies, to Alaska
  • The Pacific Wildway running from Baja to Alaska
  • The Boreal Wildway running west-east from Alaska to the Canadian Maritimes across the forest roof of North America

The wildways are “constructed by protecting core areas connected to one another by corridors or linkages. They are essentially mosaics of connected public and private lands that provide habitat and safe passageways for wildlife to travel freely from place to place.”

Armed with detailed measures for land use under a new plan, the BLM began designating wild land areas with the assistance of the public planning process (PPP).

This set off warning bells to ranchers who believed this scheme was intending to destroy rural communities.

Those fears were confirmed with the released of leaked documents outlining how the Obama administration had chosen 14 sites in 9 states “for possible presidential monument declarations.”

Areas in states that were given this special designation include:

• Colorado • Utah • New Mexico • California • Arizona • Oregon • Washington State • Nevada

One purpose for this land-grab initiative appears to be for the undisturbed agenda of oil corporations with the deal struck in 2003 that allowed the removal of “protections for 2.6 million acres” in Utah in order that “drilling, mining and other commercial uses” on this protected land could go on.

In addition to the wild land designation initiative, the Obama administration is also behind the secretary of the Interior, Sally Jewell’s announcement that “two solar energy projects located near the Nevada-California border that are expected to supply 550 megawatts of renewable energy, enough to power about 170,000 homes, and support more than 700 jobs through construction and operations.”

Jewell explained: “When President Obama first took office in 2009, there were no solar projects approved on public lands, and no process in place to move forward the hundreds of applications pending from businesses that wanted to harness renewable energy to help power our nation. With today’s milestone of 50 utility-scale renewable energy projects approved on public lands since our standing start in 2009, and with a number of those already producing energy for the nation’s electric grid, our clean energy future is bright.”

This scheme reallocates 2,400 acres of public land in Nevada for the use of Stateline Solar Farm Project (SSFP) and the Silver State South Solar Project (SSSP) to build corporate infrastructure within the state.

The role of the BLM is to secure this land for corporate interests and ultimately Agenda 21 initiatives in conjunction with “other federal, state and local agencies.”

Komze commented on Jewell’s announcement: ““These solar projects reflect exemplary cooperation between the Bureau of Land Management and other federal, state and local agencies, enabling a thorough environmental review and robust mitigation provisions. Secretary Jewell’s commitment to a landscape-level approach represents a responsible balance between the need for renewable energy and our mandate to protect the public’s natural resources.”

Source: http://www.occupycorporatism.com/home/real-truth-behind-bundy-ranch-land-grab-nevada/

8 Responses

  1. Please visit storm clouds gathering for an excellent
    analysis on the Bundy land grab.
    Day 12 on Cocoa beach heavy geo in the morning and
    rain storm in afternoon.It snowed in Montreal Quebec
    today,now that’s some more crazy weather.

  2. Here’s what I believe . I believe they are using weather modification to purposely cause droughts along with the help of rules and regulationś to drive people from their lands. I believe hurricanes such as Sandy and Katrina were intensified intentionally to create more destruction and displace Americans. I believe , no , I know that they are using the Clean Water Act and the Endangered Species Act to manipulate land usage and drive people from their lands and out of the regions designated by the United Nation as “little or no human use” and ” heavy regulation” !!!!!! The government has been using beaurocrats in federal agencies to bring about the goals of Agenda21.

  3. Agenda 21 is making inroads at an exponential rate. As the chemtrail spraying intensifies, prime areas are being droughted out. People need to wake up, look up and stand up or soon all of our liberties will be gone.

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