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5 Responses

  1. & now in 2024, my local power company will be putting in smart meters & will accept opt-out.. $165 for meter & $15 monthly ..they'll accept medical excuse but Dr needs to be ready to tell them the medical conition when they call your Dr.  Mine doesn't know what to respond with since I don't have pace maker, etc.  Also, Chem trails are so frequent this winter we've had few sunny days!  Striped sky days are plentiful & dreary, sun blocking days are the new norm!  They are evil, going after God's great creation!

  2. The RV Park I'm in near Asheboro, NC, has Smart Meters on the pedestals for metered sites. This video really helped me understand how dangerous it is having it close to my RV. This video is a few years old and now the upgrade of the Park's WiFi to 5G is imminent. No end to the torture! I remember viewing a Monsanto exibit at Disneyland in the late 1950's about a "Smart Home" which I believe was called the "Monsanto Home of the Future". Everyone thought it was exciting. I was a child and had no idea. Now our children live in that world and we are seeing the disasterous effects.

  3. Do You know of any danger associated with the "Nest Technology" that controls your house energy sysstem. My brother in law is looking into it but I I don't know if he has a "Smart Meter". What do you think about these "Nest" systems?

    1. I have read they can be hacked into from your wife and while your gone they can turn the heat up and cook your pets. Also if your electric company gave it to you it was so they could control your temperature in times of grid stress to avoid the blackouts so they say

  4. Massive Tree Die-off has been taking place on the (Smart) Meter side of our house location, we have lost or have mutated 5 to 7 Trees so far, we have even noticed the change of healthy leaves that have mutated into something unfamiliar, along with smaller branches and less numbers of leaves.  Our Power Company has even stated this isn't so, the texture of our lawn is also not the same after the Smart Meter was installed, along with my wife having Heart problems due to this installation of MicroWave Smart Meter in use.

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