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Gary Foreman (the author of the article below) is from the movie industry, he was in one of my favorite movies, “The Last Of The Mohicans”. Though Gary was killed 4 times in this movie, he is fortunately still with us. The list of dire problems associated with the constant spraying is long and includes causing problems for the film industry. “Period” films cannot have sprayed jet trails in the background. Gary’s angst over the climate engineering issue is articulately expressed in his writing, I am very grateful to Gary for the insightful article he penned below for geoengineeringwatch.org . We certainly need all the help we can get from the entertainment industry, and society as a whole. This battle will take all of us.
Dane Wigington


The End Of The Human Race Will Be That It Will Eventually Die Of Civilization (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

By Gary L. Foreman, contributing writer to geoengineeringwatch.org

It’s human nature to take things for granted.  Through life’s conditioning, we gradually assume that something we see on a daily basis will always remain so.  That’s how I used to look at the sky.  But that’s changed, completely.  Over eleven years ago, while filmming an eighteenth century documentary in Virginia, I began to realize what so many other photographers, scientists, and thousands of aware citizens had already experienced.  Little did I know that my perception of the sky I took for granted was changing rapidly.

It didn’t add up. Something was wrong with my picture of how our beautiful sky and clouds were supposed to appear.  There, in front of my lens, was a strange streak that didn’t dissipate just above an impressive scene from the past.  Besides knowing I would have to edit that unauthentic anomaly out of the scene, I began to have a sinking feeling when I saw it didn’t go away.  It was actually spreading out into a fake cirrus cloud.  And then I saw more.  I didn’t realize it at the time that a new journey down another dark rabbit hole was beginning.  Even more concerning was that most of these rabbit holes seem to lead to one primary source.

Fast forward to the present.  I have thousands and thousands of documented images taken from all points of America that clearly shows we are under attack, and it’s getting much worse.  I find myself fixated with the growing intensity of these “Frankenskies” that defy our natural logic.  Like you, I’ve seen it all with the strange “thumbprints,” wierd cloud anomolies, massive streaks, and strange color reflections.

With few exceptions, gone are the robust blue skies and gorgeous natural clouds I fell in love with as a child.  Gone are the brilliant sunrises and sunsets that, according to my captures, have declined rapidly within the last few years. As most of you know, we are challenged by more than the evil forces that are creating Hell on Earth.  Our biggest enemy, by far, is American apathy and denial.  This is the very same attitude and behavior that destroyed Rome and other formidable empires through time.  The question remains– what will each of us do about it?

I know what I must do, and I suggest you do the same.  We all must be “Watchmen,” to be the vigilant and persistent voice in the wilderness.  Our role is to awaken the unaware, to utilize the great material being generated by leaders like Dane Wigington and further this statement.  If you are a true “Watchman,” just preaching to the choir is no longer acceptable.  We must all step out of our comfort zone of daily acceptance about things that do not matter and raise the quality of our voices and passion for truth.  Fear nothing.

Gary L. Foreman is an award-winning producer/director and photographer.  His company, Native Sun Productions, produces many high-end documentaries and media productions for networks, museums, and specialty clients.

Gary L. Foreman
Native Sun Productions









15 Responses

  1. Ralph Waldo Emerson has hit it right on the nose. If the domesticated part of Humanity does perishe as a virtual sub-species (which it is ‘inches’ away from doing right now), it will be from the Planet-wasting “civilization” disease so many of them virtually worship….and which is now deep into its own terminal phase.

    As for us surviving Free Wild Peoples, of ALL Kinds, this current outbreak of the disease is only the latest of several that we’ve experienced over the Ages, here in Earth’s Whole Living Arrangement. It began about 12,000 years ago. The Humans among us, as a component of Her immune system, still function organically as best we can in the midst of the lethal process aided-and-abetted witlessly by our tame Sisters and Brothers.

    The “climate-engineering”/”weather-warfare” aspects of “geo-engineering,” and “geo-engineering” itself, devastating as they are to Her Living Arrangement, are nevertheless only symptoms of the “civilization” disease. There is no “political” or other institutional remedy for this Condition. The only Medicine specific to the “civilization” disease process is the Organic Integrity essential to fulfillment of the Human Function as a component of Earth’s immune system. This Integrity exists only in the Natural Organic Form of Humanity, which is that of Free Wild Natural Communities (for lack of any better word in English) of Free Wild Natural Persons.

    Random collections of the ubiquitous artificial “individual,” no matter their size, configuration, or purpose, do not have nor can they acquire this essential Organic Integrity. They are, in Natural Fact, mere by-products of the alienating and biologically-crippling “self”-infection that is the active mechanism of the wasting disease’s immune-suppression regime. So those among the presently co-opted masses of domesticated peoples who might really want to be part of the cure, rather than ‘agents’ of the “civilization” disease, must first get over the deadly sickness that is their own too-precious, captivating “self.”

    This is just basic Biology, and has nothing to do with such make-believe domesticated conceits as “justice” or “morality” or “criminality.” There is no “war” going on here, no brave “battle for survival”….just another Living World having to find Her Way through the effects of invasive wannabe parasitical tormenting entities trying to degrade Her Natural Vitality into the various sorts of degenerate “energy” upon which they subsist, and of which all that is left of their physical existence consists. Like no few of Her Sister-Worlds before Her, She is having to do this despite a component of Her immune system being co-opted and corrupted into the “service” of the very disease infecting Her….the Planet-wasting “civilization” disease that is also on the verge of extinguishing those very “individual”-ized Humans who’ve done its dirty-work here in Her Whole Living Arrangement. Ralph Waldo Emerson sure got that right.

  2. They spray the pacific 24/7 like Dane said even if your sky looks clear, look into the horizon east or west and you will see the white haze. Its sick and disgusting and an abomination, it will come to a screeching halt, the universal change is coming weather the evil entities, and make no mistake about it, they are parasitic evil entities that have had us locked in a cube matrix for centuries if not thousands of years. The universe will cleanse itself of these parasites, they can not keep up with the uplift in the energetic vibrational change.

  3. So very, very glad to read this written comment by Gary, giving a perspective many might not have thought of. How unfortunate to have chemtrails disrupt the purity of a sky used for historical perspective and needing to make sure the chemtrails and abnormal sky doesn’t show up in images. Yet ironically enough, some in the “Business” as we called it years ago in my home town of Hollywood, deliberately edit IN chemtrails, such as Dreamworks’ “Over the Hedge”….a very cute movie with chemtrails evident in many shots. It takes effort to make this happen in animated movies. Chemtrails and spray plumes are showing up in print and visual media. Why do some companies desire NOT to edit out chemtrails but instead keep them or perhaps even add them? Maybe these companies can explain their motives and this may be an opportunity to act against the chemtrail invasion. There is a chance to contact these various companies and ask them to explain why they choose to feature chemtrails. If they claim these are only “contrails”, then the question can be asked, why would you feature “contrails”, something that is “supposed” to disappear? Why would you feature chemtrail images if you don’t really believe they exist? It seems there is great opportunity for dialogue, for hard questions to be asked of these companies and even a corporation such as Dreamworks. They want us to believe the fantasy that chemtrails are normal. Time for explanation and we have a chance to demand answers.

  4. Yea Nikki, down here in Riverside, ca, they stopped sprayin on Thanksgiving and the day after, but then the next morn, they came on with a VENGENCE!!!

  5. OMG how exciting that a higher profile person is on board with this. I was watching Downton Abbey on PBS and saw chemtrails over the venerable english estate .. They are every where .. what will become of our beautiful earth? I just cant comprehend the logic of how this all can be justified by whoever is doing this .. They wont be happy I guess until they just destroy everything ..

  6. instead of geoengineering it should be called fumigation. every living thing on the planet is dying from it. Terra-forming the planet by killing off all the indigenous lifeforms. Literally a Global Gas Chamber.

    Add to that the resulting man made nuclear winter. spells disaster for the planet and its multitude of life forms if it isn’t stopped.

  7. I live near Atlanta Georgia. They sprayed from morning until night yesterday. My friends are now becoming aware and were sending me their pictures. I can’t believe how much they spray here.

  8. I grew up in central California and remember both the hot, clear sunny days, and the intense winter fog… both of which now are almost non-existent. And though part of the lack of fog is from growth over crop areas, the spraying has much to do with it as well.

    I have been in Colorado now for several months and have noticed glaring discrepancies in spraying regarding ” who” is in town. For example, yesterday was a major Football game (Bronco v Bills) and the spraying literally stopped some time the evening before. At around dusk, the spraying started up again. This is the second time – out of two games since I have been looking – where they have stopped spraying for the day of the football game, and started up immediately upon its conclusion.

    I feel this is because it might be awkward for them (sponsors/media/etc) to have to explain fifty to a hundred plus chemtrails in the sky over a two and a half hour period. With hundred thousand people all sitting around together outside, someone might notice… and talk.

    Similarly, this summer, during a weekend where prominent government officials were here, the spraying stopped.

    There are plenty of opportunities to tell people about the sky and if you happen to go to Trader Joes, Patagonia, Whole Foods, etc… you can even casually mention it to people in the parking lot. Earth educated people tend to be at least, willing to listen.

    That said, it is nice that Mr. Foreman is recording and supporting the human – and all other races – on the planet.

  9. This article and high-profile gentleman’s words are MORE THAN APPRECIATED. I hadn’t considered how this would affect cinematographers in the film industry. THANK YOU Mr. Foreman, we all know this HAS TO STOP, the sooner the better- our beautiful, natural skies are no longer with us. Thanks for another IMPORTANT article Dane!

  10. Thank you Mr. Foreman for your support and your concern about our rapidly deteriorating skies and the very air we breathe.What percentage of your circle is aware of this problem.We desperately need more high profile folks with the stones to expose and stop this program at once.

  11. Thank you for writing. I had often wondered if photographers and film makers had noticed what was happening in the sky and the dimming of the light. Now I know that they do but it seems only one has had the courage to come out and say it. Others must be encouraged to speak out.

    It is not just over the United States that this is happening in – I have watched many recent documentaries and movies that were filmed in Europe, such as in Sicily or Tuscany, the UK, Greece and France and the same skies area apparent everywhere. I also notice that the scenes are not as clear and sharp and the color not as bright but rather diffused, with everything seeming to be bathed in a haze which can be seen everywhere, making movies seem out of focus.

  12. Great text!- sinthetized and expressed so much of what we are experiencing in these Times…
    The self-proclamed civilization forgot to look at their own world and Nature …people are so “civilized” that they simply don´t seem to care about anything regarding their mother home(Earth),they are so “civilized” that they think their little worlds are more important than anything,more important than our big world that sustains every life on planet including their little worlds …Who cares about the skies ?or the sun?or the animals or plants ?the sun for them is just important to have long days on the beach!they don´t even seem to care about their sickness cause they accepted everything as natural or normal.I see many people i know with cancer and even when i talk to them about aluminium they simply don´t care ,they simply change conversation to their prior topics of their daily lifes and if i talk about this they don´t care ,they simply can´t connect the dots .My friends made a joke of me and they`ve made a draw of a dinossaur in front of a computer and have said that was me (a dinossaur Ana) and they told me that probably there was a dinossaur like me that is no longer here(that went extinct) and that his worries was for nothing except a waste of time if he(the dinossaur) is no longer here! …I guess that my friends don´t believe in geoengeneering or they simply don´t care…what´s going on with people ?they just know how to laugh of what they don´t know anything about? yes ,they seem to take things for granted …i hope they will see later what i´m trying to make them see now ,i believe people will start to see things and to be aware sooner or later … it just can be this way if they have any brain left !?i hope!

  13. Thank you Gary for sharing your story, very profound. I’ve shared with my 19 year old film student daughter – who has never experienced normal skies – so very sad indeed.

  14. What you see and say is so true. It is sad and horrifying. the spraying should never have begun. It should be stopped immediately and forever. Our air, water and land is being poisoned with these chemicals.
    The bureaucrats who authorize the decisions to spray remain indifferent and unheeding.

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