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8/23/2014 – Geoengineering Watch Radio

California water issues, ebola outbreak, ISIS created by U.S. government, Fukushima not the main cause of ocean die-offs, creative things to help you make a difference.

8/16/2014 – Geoengineering Watch Radio

Government working denying any wildlife dieoffs, Controlling the Weather, Temperatures in California never before seen in history, Alex Jones finally getting on board.

8/2/2014 – Geoengineering Watch Radio

Did Putin really shoot down flight 17? Israel killing innocent civilians. Climate engineering must stop. Trails changing from long-persistent to short-non-persistent everywhere. Dark ice. Obama detaining those with respiratory illness. Governments removing undesirables from society.

7/26/2014 – Geoengineering Watch Radio

What will it take to stop the spraying? World war III on the horizon. Tremendous tree decline. Massive methane releases warming the atmosphere. Making a different in your local area

7/12/2014 – Geoengineering Watch Radio

Ebola outbreak should be headline news. The Dumbed down public. Weather warfare & lying to the public. Metal contamination everywhere. UV is burning everything. Plumes disappear in Philly. Disinformants still deceiving the public.

7-5-2014 – GeoEngineering Watch with Dane Wigington

Destroying the dollar. An appeal to the military. Depleted uranium killing our troops. The real purpose of media. The body-eating virus is “out of control”. Destroying the dollar. Targeting California. 9/11 in retrospect. High-bypass turbofans do not create trails. How to get involved.


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