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11/15/2014 – Geoengineering Watch Radio

Texas colder then Alaska, Power-structure-owned weather information services still lying about record warm temperatures, Phones ringing off the hook at weather networks… finally. California ecosystem is dying. U.S. contact with China and Russia not about carbon but about carbon credits. All media lying about climate engineering. More people are waking up. Congressman won’t do anything. Geoengineering billboards going up, but we need your help. How to get involved.

11/8/2014 – Geoengineering Watch Radio

No more sun. Spraying increasing all over. High temps in the west, low temps in the east, why? There is no more natural weather. It is “chemtrails” or “geoengineering”. You can easily take timelapse on your iPad and iPhone. How to get involved.

11/1/2014 – Geoengineering Watch Radio

New geoengineered snowstorms. Chinese change cooking oil to jet fuel to please environmentalists. Environmental group just for show. We need critical mass before anything will change. Chemtrail Billboard Project. Rapid artificial cooldowns more common. People don’t know natural clouds today. Oil slicks in the sky, on windshields, and on ponds. Plant damage reported everywhere How to get involved.

10/25/2014 – Geoengineering Watch Radio

Ratheon prepare weather maps. Insiders leaking information. Controlled opposition covering up the truth, but why? Heating half the U.S., cooling the other half. Cracking the dam. Leaves not falling due to climate engineering. Heavy, sticky snow crashing trees. Snow that won’t melt. How to get involved.

10/18/2014 – Geoengineering Watch Radio

Alzheimer’s association prohibiting Dane from associating the disease with aluminum. Aluminum manufacturer sponsoring Alzheimer convention. Nurse who treated dead ebola patient allowed by CDC to fly with health symptoms. Descending spiderwebs blanketing fields contains aluminum and barium. “Acetone” odor reported ot NJ environmental agency. Retired police office calls in, exposes that they know what’s going on but are afraid to speak up. How to get involved.

10/11/2014 – Geoengineering Watch Radio

Drought is the worst in California history. Asleep at the wheel, why the public doesn’t want to do anything. The methane positive-feedback cycle. How to get involved.

10/4/2014 – Geoengineering Watch Radio

California is dying. Geoengineering is causing warming, warming used by geoengineers to justify geoengineering. ISIS created by U.S. The Ebola card being played to scare public. Activists afraid to be active. How to get involved.

9/20/2014 – Geoengineering Watch Radio

The current war against California. How to tell the difference between artificial and natural rain. Black Ice; The great meltdown. Ecosystem in freefall. Making a difference. How to get involved.

9/13/2014 – Geoengineering Watch Radio

Artificial snow now, heat next week. Disinformation news articles exposed. There is no more natural weather. “Ozone Recovery” articles designed to quell public concern. Media reporting temps lower than actual. Trolls impersonating Dane, Russ, and Max on Facebook. Mainstream media and Meteorologists lying about the spraying. Groves in California dead, being removed now.

9/6/2014 – Geoengineering Watch Radio

Unprecedented drought catastrophe in California, Wild weather, Animal and plant die-offs at reccord highs, Insects and tree frogs virtually non-existent in some areas, Planet Earth in catastrophic freefall, Historic U.S. eugenics, Jet turbines do not produce trails.


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