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4/4/2015 – Geoengineering Watch Radio

Iran inspections unfair. U.S. playing the aggressor. Iranian meteorologists at CalJam says everyone in their country knows geoengineering is going on and is causing artificial droughts there. The “mix” being sprayed could be changed at any time. Dramatic California temperature swings caused by geoengineering. As power structure becomes more desperate, climate engineering becomes harder to hide. Global March is coming up. Utilize Earth Day to spread awareness about climate engineering. How to get involved.

3/28/2015 – Geoengineering Watch Radio

Dane live from “Cal Jam”. Is the spraying justified? What symptoms are people experiencing? Chiropractors are catching on. What are the best ways to wake people up. Is sea ice expanding or contracting? How to get involved.

3/21/2015 – Geoengineering Watch Radio

Ice at all-time record lows. Watching the weather engineers control the weather. Desalination is not a solution to the California drought issue. Climate engineering raises temperature and increases UV intensity. Power structure will create conflict to hide climate engineering. How to get involved.

3/14/2015 – Geoengineering Watch Radio

Guy McPherson putting out half truths while his staff turns on his denial about ongoing climate aerosol engineering; walks out of room and refuses to show film while live questions are not allowed. More high temperature records. Countries around the globe descending into chaos right now. The only uncontaminated lake on the planetHow to get involved.

3/7/2015 – Geoengineering Watch Radio

A system of lies from top to bottom. The biosphere is dying. Anybody noticing engineered temperatures? Climate engineering heats the earth. Aerosol spraying is happening, we have the lab tests. Talk to people with solid information. How to get involved.

2/21/2015 – Geoengineering Watch Radio

Facebook blocking "Likes" to hinder our working exposing geoengineering. Freak winter storms are completely engineered. Oceans at all-time warm temperatures. How to get involved.

2/14/2015 – Geoengineering Watch Radio

Geoengineers can't hide the spraying much longer. Public does not care what those in power do. Dane's Facebook page reach suddenly dropped. Arctic Methane Emergency Group is reporting accurate date; numbers confirmed on the group. Brian Williams being punished but 3 of his collegues are dead now. High temperature records being broken all over the US; highs in the west, lows in the east. Ocean-iron fertilization causes algae blooms but acidifies the ocean. Weather Channel claiming ship tracks, but they aren't. Jellyfish flourishing in artificially-created ocean dead zones; everything else dying. Corexit made Gulf spill 52-times more toxic. How to get involved.

2/7/2015 – Geoengineering Watch Radio

Are they spraying lithium? Green energy is not so green. Public officials know the spraying is happening. Are they really spraying coal ash? Particulates trap more heat than they deflect. US split between record highs and record lows. Vaccine issue being pushed hard on mainstream media, probably because of mandatory vaccine bill in California. Dirty rain leaving residue everywhere. Haze around streetlights is visible despite low humidity. How to get involved.

1/31/2015 – Geoengineering Watch Radio

Engineered storms continue in the east. Former high temperature records being shattered in the west while media hypes cold in the east. Media ignoring thousands killed by U.S. drone assassination program. Power structure could change the mix to something more immediately lethal at any time. Wolf Blizter was APAC lobbyist; how could he possibly be neutral. Almost all news commentators pro war; why? Irag for Sale exposes war profiteering. Labs changing ownership scrubbing lab tests. How to get involved.


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