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Another Day in the Asylum.

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org The climate system continues to unravel, and the geoengineers continue to fuel this disintegration. Continued jet stream manipulation has the “climate science” community scratching their heads. Of course they find all sorts of reasons to explain this unraveling that don’t involve the mention of the geoenginering/HAARP elephant in the room, thats TABU.

“Engineering The Climate” : A Congressional Report.

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org While the “scientists”, the US military, and numerous other governmental agencies, continue to deny the reality of the massive global geoengineering programs, the enormous machine that runs these ever expanding programs continues to grow in plain sight. Those that are attempting to expose the truth regarding the planetary weather/climate modification aerosol spraying are still marginalized by the state sponsored mainstream media which is all too willing to do as it is told by those in power.

“Weather Makers” Create Erratic, Record Setting Temperatures

The Geoengineers continue to derail the planets life support systems all over the globe. The heavy spraying of the Pacific Northwest and Northern California in recent days has caused record warmth and record low humidity, they were preparing for yet another geoengineered "winter storm" further east.

"Weather Makers" Create Erratic, Record Setting Temperatures

The Geoengineers are hard at it yet again. As they sprayed the hell out of the Pacific Northwest and Northern California in recent days, causing record warmth and record low humidity, they were preparing for yet another geoengineered “winter storm” further east.

Methane Release And The Geoengineering “Cure” That Is Fueling The Fire

The baby must be taken from the bathwater in the recent article posted below. The data in this article relating to the methane release and the danger it poses is in my view accurate enough.The details outlined in this same article that reference the jet stream alterations, with no mention whatsoever of the HAARP ionosphere heaters around the globe, is pure spin. Then there is the call for immediate geoengineering to be done as if it has not already been going on for decades, this is the final blatant lie.

Methane Release And The Geoengineering "Cure" That Is Fueling The Fire

The baby must be taken from the bathwater in the recent article posted below. The data in this article relating to the methane release and the danger it poses is in my view accurate enough.The details outlined in this same article that reference the jet stream alterations, with no mention whatsoever of the HAARP ionosphere heaters around the globe, is pure spin. Then there is the call for immediate geoengineering to be done as if it has not already been going on for decades, this is the final blatant lie.

Geoengineering, Runaway Climate Change, And The Poisoning Of Life On Earth

More major publications are trying to “condition” the population to the idea of “geoengineering” as a cure for the increasingly extreme climate. It is ever more shocking that publications like “Foreign Affairs” can still pretend they don’t know SRM (stratospheric aerosol geoengineering) has been a lethal reality for decades. They say “SRM could cool the planet in a few months”, really? A mountain of data to date says otherwise.


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