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Geoengineering, Aluminum, Cancer, Its All Connected

Though this study continues to reveal the lethal effects of aluminum, like so many other articles, it of course fails to even mention the “elephant” in the room, stratospheric aerosol geoengineering AKA chemtrails.  Aluminum appears to be the primary element that is being sprayed in skies around the globe.  It is the primary element showing up in lab tests of rain and air samples done by concerned citizens from too many countries to name.  The form of aluminum used by the SAG (stratospheric aerosol geoengineering) programs is ultra fine particles in the 10 nanometer range.  Untold tens of millions of tons of this material is being dumped into our breathable air column for each and every one of us to inhale. Internationally recognized neuroscientist Dr. Russel Blalock states that particles this small enter straight through the lung lining and into the blood stream where they continue into the brain and spinal cord in addition to damaging countless other aspects of the human body. We are all the subjects of a grand experiment. The ongoing global climate engineering programs are unarguably be the most immediate and dire threat to all that lives and breaths short of nuclear catastrophe.  Many are finally beginning to wake up to a harsh reality, if the global spraying programs are not brought to light and to a stop, we will soon enough have little to care about, starting with our health. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org


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