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We are all now far into uncharted waters as the global power structure continues to tighten the noose around our collective necks. How can so few exercise such power over so many? Because the vast majority of the public is still struggling to open their eyes, find their courage and to make their voices heard. The collective programing must be broken, personal responsibility toward the common good must be resurrected and exercised. Those in police forces and the military especially need to awaken to the fact that they are all too often being used as tools for those in power and not to protect and serve the public. Along the same lines citizens who think an appropriate response to government injustice is to loot, burn, and pillage, need to also wake up. This is absolutely the wrong approach. It is exactly the behavior those in power want to incite in the masses in order to justify further draconian crackdowns. With each passing day global criminal cabal that runs the planet is being backed ever further into a corner as the awakening of populations progresses, this makes the power brokers more dangerous than ever. The 12 minute video below is shocking, but also empowering and uplifting.
Dane Wigington



12 Responses

  1. Hi all, question, are the regular passenger planes the ones spraying chemicals or is it a certain kind of plane?? If it is passenger planes is the jet fuel they use laced with chemicals? Can anyone answer this?

  2. Tyranny is always at the door. It is always looking at the slightest and the largest chinks to worm through into positions of power and influence.

    The American Constitution was not a guarantee against tyranny, as we can now clearly see thus far in history up until and including now. Instead, it was to be a safeguard against tyranny that could only be successful as such if it was upheld by complete and constant vigilance.

    It is a globalist power that has its tentacles wrapped around much of the world and what it doesn’t yet control it thinks it has the automatic right to do so. Plain and simple they are psychopaths who have managed to subvert Mankind’s natural direction in life in every way.

    They have caused the deaths of about 400 000 000 innocent people within the last two centuries alone. They have the aim of total domination and they care not about the cost. They will reside, if need be, over a scorched earth.

    Several prominent world leaders in the past have publicly warned us about this global clique, but they were subdued and the ‘victor’s’ history has kept them ensconced in lies and/or cover up.

    The real history of the world has to be spread to the unknowing masses so that if we can wake up just enough of the population then critical mass can take effect. This global clique is tiny but powerful, as they have taken all the power centres or created the power centres required for their plan. But we are so many if we could just wake up.

    They are human, but as psychopaths they are a type of sub human as they lack the all important capacity for empathy and compassion. They suffer an actual medical problem in the structure of their brain.

    This will sound incredible, but they require our empathy and compassion. Don’t get me wrong, they must be stopped for they will not stop in their game, but we cannot lower ourselves to their level.

    In the end this is a spiritual war as it is a challenge to make us all look into our own hearts and really look at our cherished values and see that we act according to our fully functioning consciences. What are our values? Do we uphold all life as sacred? Do we respect the least of us or the least unknown of us as the brothers and sisters they are to all of us? Do we love our fellow creatures in this rarest of worlds that we share with them?

    Knowledge of this program has challenged me on many levels and in ways I could not have imagined. Knowing that we are all in the fight has not taken away the horror of the sheer scale of it all, but instead I fight the horror of introducing others to it, for it shatters personal worlds, which is why so many refuse to credit the news of Geoengineering with truth. But we must persevere.

    God be with us and within us.

  3. A long time ago maybe 300 or so years ago an account of our now lived future was written by some of these beings who think they should be the Governors, marketers of all the people in the world. They quite adamantly called us cattle instead of people or persons. Now I’ve read at least 4 versions of this book called the “Protocols” (arrogance is an understatement of this writing). This book is considered treason to have it in your possession but the basic events they wanted to have happen for the Cattle has been 100% implemented. Extremely well planned and they are marching on unscathed in their plans. And these beings who have implemented this planning are still doing it and passing it on generationally. So where do you want to start to make changes? I think you need to know the plan before you can change the plan because all radical actions by us thinking we are not cattle still are used against us psycologically, emotionally, physically. Therefore if one really wanted to get smart and wake up you need to read the protocols and read Bush’s New World Order and you would be able to see clearly there is no difference between the two writings and still the arrogant bastards are marching their program forward. It is not Zionism, nor religion or what ever label you want to call these writings for if you are full of separating humans into labels you are still part of the problem (their Protocols) as they intended for us to be marched around and around pointing fingers at everything except the Source of our demise. These beings who wrote their plan down then claimed treason for commoners to read it or possess it, these beings are possessed with the ultimate of evil intentions for the sake of power and money and must be short sighted for there is more than just this planet at stake and in the entire universe somebody has got to be bigger than them and have a bigger stick to beat them at their game. There is so much evidence that civilizations before this one did the same thing, bring us to complete obliteration of our specie. Makes me think that outside of our planet is another system influencing these ones again and they do not believe in a “prime directive”. So I like to believe that these power & money mogels are fodder also to these other beings the moment the Bush’s of NWO are no longer needed and our planet has been raped of all its treasures.WE need to overhaul our belief systems and open up to a greater universal Light and kick these off worlders and their influences & influenced people into a new perspective preferably where they will never have power again. If there is a will there is a way. We must become responsible for ourselves,our planet and accept that there is more to our living/being that is aligned with the greater Universe of others. Please take into consciousness that there is a greater universe waiting for us to grow up and know the difference between benevolent and malevolent beings. You can tell by their works not their words.WE need to get smart not emotional or we play right into their hands. In peace all solutions are found.

  4. Great video. When will more people realize we have the power to change the course our nation is on. We can and must join together to fight this good fight. The StatusQuo is not working. I don’t mean just GeoEngineering (although our species demands our attention to this crime) but also for our God given freedom. Wow, Statism is truly a religion. A bad and overlooked religion..most people won’t want to watch but hopefully we can share this and awaken more..our future as humans depend on it.

  5. It’s interesting Dane how when I went to like and share this video you posted on Facebook, I was stopped from doing so…I wonder how many more likes and shares you would have got from people who didn’t bother coming here to your website to share it from here, I’m in Australia by the way

    1. Hello Sally, thank you or sharing the fact that FB would not let you share the video, many have had the same issue as the power structure continues to increase their control of information.

  6. “in the last 100 years over 270,000,000 human beings killed by there own governments’ not counting war”…looks like they have a proven track record

  7. It seems to me that government is not inherently evil but becomes so due to the persons occupying it. Our constitution (the original)although not perfect, provided for an era of liberty and freedom unsurpassed in prior governments. Of course the constitution has been eviscerated by a succession of politicians who have sold out to special (self) interest. The inevitable quest for power and a venal nature which is inherent in man serve to destroy the best of intentions. Admittedly I’m ignorant of the philosophy (?) of anarchy and its practical implementation but how would such a scenario play out with that same demon (our dark side)
    lurking to destroy it?

  8. time to chain ourselves to the gates & fences of some of the iconic houses of evil – like HAARP facilities & the airstrips from where chemtrail planes take off. – & invite the media.

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