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Awareness of global climate engineering programs is growing rapidly thanks to credible media hosts like Josh Tolley. Josh has a big following, his assistance with bringing the geoengineering issue to light is greatly appreciated and extremely valuable. The consequences we all face from the continuously expanding geoengineering insanity are far more dire and immediate than almost any yet comprehend. The biosphere disintegration equation is not linear, but rather exponential. It is happening at blinding speed and climate engineering is helping to fuel the fire. My most sincere gratitude to Josh for helping us to sound the alarm on geoengineering and for putting together the youtube presentation below.
Dane Wigington


8 Responses

  1. The only thing I think he forgot to do was warn newcomers to the issue that paid "skeptics" exist, and their tactics.

  2. Another excellent presentation Dane with the arguments well put. 

    Keep up the pressure, the message is getting out. 

  3. Bravo Dane !

    This is one of the best interviews you have ever done.

    The whole story – from how you were alerted to the problem, to the full spectrum of what you have learned about what we face.

    And Bravo ! to Josh Tully as well for giving you the time, and few interruptions – over and hour in total – to step through it.

    It's good to see there are talk show hosts who aren't just narcissistic fools like most.

    I am going to send the link to this interview to everyone I know.

    And ask them to send it on.


  4. Is there a reliable online service to convert these important videos into audio MP3s? Several that I have tried have attempted to leave malware on my computer. 

    Thanks for any suggestions!

    1. Sony Vega is a good one but pricey. you can also download malwarebytes  for free.. i have never had issues with this program my PC has never had an issue.. 

  5. Another great interview.  Hard to fathom, though, that someone with a "raw milk" sticker on his laptop could place geoengineering on the outside of the topics he usually talks about.  He just needs one aluminum analysis of his organic raw milk, to change that habit.

    Probably everyone has noticed this, but a short while back the global temperature maps (http://www.columbia.edu/~mhs119/Temperature/ ) changed their scale upward.  Now the largest deviation in the "cooler than average" direction is only 4.1C; in the "too hot to handle" direction, it's 6.2 for the last three months, and 6.9 for the past year's record.  Meaning that the tragedy now unfolding in India is coming to our neighborhood, soon.  Engineering or not, there's a rapidly diminishing amount of coolness to go around. 

    Update on Norway:  We have had more days than not, lately, where it appeared clear in the immediate area, but we could barely see across the fjord.  In more innocent days, I thought this meant that it was raining like crazy, or that there was a very unusual sort of fog over there.  Now I suspect… well, now I know, that it is particulates raining down, as thick as soup.  It can't be fog, because sometimes even the near horizons (in the other 3 directions) are obscured as well, but still there is no hint of fog close at hand.  As if there could be a perfect hole in the fog, centered over my apartment, every other day.  I think not.

    Today the air tastes like metal, even though the haze is fairly thin.  There must be new ways of poisoning us.  Pure evil, to the Nth degree.  Ignorance is not bliss, and I would never go back to not knowing what's going on, but still, the truth is almost impossible to take!  HOW can anyone have come up with this insanity???

    Those words look so bland, sitting here on my computer screen.  I should post a reading of my blood pressure.

    1. because there is aluminum in the spray, i have copies of water test from cali and the aluminum is at 1.80 for one test also has barium and strontium in it, the safe level for aluminum is 0.4ml/l, its only around 65 dollars to get your water tested.. my next move when i rains is to test the rain water for levels.. 

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