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Witness again awestruck the abundant soaring flocks painting graceful silvered slivers and slices set forth merrily to dance across the sunny winter weekend skies of this emerald city

Silent slender strands tracing serene southward slanting swaths of segmented white solidity, slowly dispersing

Dancing onward to form stunningly creative tapestries of undeniable beauty, intricate hand woven incarnations brought to life by hidden artists in concert with the wind

Designed of wise intention it seems for civic enjoyment hours on end, an expansive impressionistic overhead gallery of nouveau art form sky hangings, scenes of dynamic watercolor magnificence, wide open to the public, free of charge for the upwardly gazing

Each stream onward becoming an original unsigned artistic patterned portrait carved across the heavens, published in unlimited editions, sometimes on days of gently moving brushstrokes slowly evolving, on some windy days racing forward and sweeping forth nigh unto Beast Mode

Natural masterpiece artworks commissioned for the people it seems, one’s natural curiosity becoming easily suspended as breathless wonder overcomes the wide-eyed mind

Gleaming in sunlight or glowing at sunset, looking as beautiful as Montana Big Sky summertime clouds, it seems this sky dance must be flowing from the hand of God in tandem with Mother Nature, beneficially

Seemingly an honor to stand beneath these arcing silvery streams of majesty, pure white fireworks imagery rocketed into heart thumping cloudworks displays, as if to remind us of our independence, as if our Fourth of July should be celebrated every day

Absolutely so, for we are born to be free and live a good life, we are all God’s children and reminded on days like this how lucky we are to be alive, seeing warm afternoon breezes land magical sunkisses from the sky in caresses onto the smiling cheeks of our loved ones, we must protect them for they are our rightful special interest

Notice your mind at times drifting to direction of the territory forbidden, wondering more on what is happening in the artwork aloft, be sure to find out, because, well, no, never mind, hush now, just uncritically dismiss those disquieting whisperings, just be still, for we know by now it has been deemed better if we continue our slumber uninterrupted by concerns beyond our immediate slice of life

Indeed, far better for us if we are treated as children, after all we are happier in being treated that way, surely we would not understand, unthinkable to imagine we could handle the truth, or act responsibly if treated as adults, there is just no way we would be able to make sense of any of this. In this case, all the confounding complexities we’d have to wade into, those dreary scientific matters entwined with unmarked expenditures never to be discussed, verboten and off the public record in accordance with national security contrivance, strictly for our own good, of course. Thankfully we have our dear authorities caring for us to handle stuff like this, it is just too much for us to comprehend, and after all, we have our own massively more important individual lives to attend to.

We certainly need no open public discussion on climate alteration hypotheses or the independently peer reviewed test results so far, fortunately all being handled for us by the investigative free press and our government authorities and their subcontractor experts who are caring for us, right? This is just too hard to understand and no one knows for sure anyway, right? Let’s face it, we simply do not need to waste our time studying all about some confusing set of matters on geoengineering, whatever that is, or ponder baseline chemistry data or review initial studies on the impact on human health of aluminum and strontium and barium ingestion, whatever that may be, or worry about measuring trend lines in soil productivity or monitoring forestry health or associated oxygen production levels, come on, enough, just stop it already!

Yes, that’s right, we are tired by now of reading this whatever it is, we’ll agree with you already, all right, OK, so yes, it is best for our good citizenry to be kept sleeping soundly and unquestioning, indefinitely. We further agree that no public disclosure demands should be made by the people on any of this whatsoever. As good citizens, we understand and know well what may happen to us if we should ever become involved mistakenly with any controversial matter. We are far more concerned with our nation’s welfare and loads smarter than to suggest anything subversive like that. If there was anything important to disclose to us, they would have told us already.

So let’s just retrace our steps and end this thing, so just go on and compose for us a pretty little bedtime story, yes do make it a jolly tale, about beautiful cloud formations and sunkisses, whatever those are, that’s more than enough for us to finish reading for today, all 12 of us that have gotten this far. We just want a simple happy children’s tale for keeping us wrapped secure and comfortable, blissful in our innocent and non curious unknowing.

All right then, as a finishing touch if you must, you may sing to us this must-be-totally-happy tale in soothing lullaby tones, yes that is very nice, much better than making us read, thank you, gee that sure was swell. OK, we are all squared away now and fast asleep, so they feel sure that we are.

Let’s get back now onward with the pursuit of our own happiness. We all enjoy a happy ending, so on that note for this story for now, the rest being up to you, may our local high aspirations be fulfilled in an upcoming happy victory ahead, here’s to a sensational Super Bowl showing, yes indeed Go Seahawks!

One request, as you look skyward over the next few weeks, make your own assessment, draw your own conclusions, and answer for yourself two more things:

Is it true, that all is perfectly fine here these days in our beloved beautiful Seattle skies, or else they would tell us, most certainly so, isn’t that right?

If not, what are you going to do about it?

4 Responses

  1. For those near Seattle, you will see the spring skies these days are filled with non organic material surely unhealthy for mankind and nature, these scenes taken from my home, reminiscing for days when clouds were naturally formed.

    http://tripwow.tripadvisor.com/tripwow/ta-0818-c3a2-0e7f. Our health and future depends on citizen insistence on full disclosure and a rousing public debate, the rational action path is to change our national energy policy in support of distributed renewables, not compensate for global warming by further poisoning us in this way.

    Dave in Redmond

  2. Lynn,

    Thank you for commenting. I have tried the same. Only people with the courage to never give up can change things for the much better and we must. Time for remaking a federal government with a first party that is honest and does not poison its people. Our Constitution (that is not being honored) recognizes that we the people have the power to refine the priorities, policies and programs of our government, we must remember our power, be confident, and do good. This website is an excellent example of dedication to truth and the special interests of our children and the next generations that must be our focus. We need a rousing debate among the people of this country and it will not come from the entrenched party representatives we have elected. Thank you for remarking on my writing, keep speaking and caring, you are not alone.

    Dave in Redmond

  3. I’ve been collecting pics of chemtrails here in Whatcom county next to the Canadian border. KGMI local radio won’t let it be a topic. I wrote state Reps and they are silent. National news isn’t interested either. Nobody in any position wants to tackle the fact we are being over sprayed on a daily basis. Or they get booted.

    Oh well, the joke is on us. Where do you think the money comes from to poison us? Our own pockets.

    Look up people…

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