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Richard Gage is an extraordinary individual that has shown astounding courage and tenacity in his ongoing efforts to expose the glaring “official story” lies of 911. Gage is leading the charge of 2200 architects and engineers that are demanding a real investigation of 911 in order to expose what really happened on that fateful day. Richard should be a stellar example to all those in the science and engineering communities that are even now remaining silent and hiding in the shadows. The events of 911 set into motion a tidal wave of military industrial complex insanity. 911 was the license by which the US juggernaut of militarization was unleashed around the globe. 911 must be a priority issue to expose along with global climate engineering. Each issue can help to expose the other. Each issue makes clear just how far off the tracks the train is. Each issue has the potential to completely uncover and topple the global power elite. Our collective reality is far beyond the critical, we must all make every single day count in the race to expose the crimes of the power structure before all is lost. Each of us must hone our skills and knowledge so that we are ever more effective at sharing the truth with others. It is an honor to announce that Richard Gage will join us on “GeoengineeringWatch Radio” for the full hour at 12pm PST on September 27 2014. I hope all can join us on this broadcast and help Richard with his all important efforts to wake up the world to the false flag crimes of 911. The recording of this hour long interview will be recorded and posted at geoengineeringwatch.org and elsewhere for those that cannot make the live interview. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Over 2200 Architects And Engineers Demolish The ‘Official’ 9/11 Commission Report: HUGE Update

Unprecedented 9/11 C-SPAN VIDEO: 9/11 TRUTH Finally Appears In The Mainstream Media

Source: The Millennium Report

If you haven’t already watched the following video of Richard Gage from ARCHITECTS and ENGINEERS For 9/11 TRUTH shown on C-SPAN, then only seeing is believing.

This unparalleled breakthrough of 9/11 truth into the mainstream media is as consequential as it is explosive for both the real perpetrators and the entire nation.

This irrefutable presentation on the collapse of Building #7 of the World Trade Center Complex is particularly damning because of the authoritative science offered as proof that the 9/11 Commission Report is a fraud.  The ramifications are so far-reaching and profound that the entire world will undoubtedly change with the dissemination of these stunning, yet self-evident, revelations!

*Richard Gage, AIA, is a San Francisco Bay Area architect of 25 years, a member of the American Institute of Architects, and the founder and CEO of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth (AE911Truth.org), a 501(c)3 educational charity representing more than 2,000 degreed/licensed architects and engineers who have signed a petition calling for a new, independent investigation, with full subpoena power, into the destruction of the Twin Towers and the 47-story World Trade Center Building 7 on 9/11. The more than 17,000 non-A/E signatories include many scientists, attorneys, and other responsible, educated citizens in the US and abroad. They cite overwhelming evidence for explosive controlled demolition.“[1] (http://www.ae911truth.org/en/about-us.html)

World-renowned Expert In Controlled Demolition Weighs In On The Engineered Collapse Of Building #7

Just in case the preceding video did not provide a compelling enough case for those who stand by the 9/11 Commission Report, here’s another one with some excellent testimony by some very serious experts in the field of controlled demolition.


The official 9/11 Commission Report has been proven to be an entirely fraudulent document covering up an investigation that never really took place.  The engineering experts and architectural authorities have presented irrefutable evidence of that the World Trade Center buildings were not brought down by airplanes and fires. What, then, caused the three buildings to implode and fall neatly into their own footprints?

Every aspect of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon remains under serious question thirteen years later.  Each of these unanswered questions begs for government responses that, at the very, least do not violate the laws of engineering and architecture, physics and chemistry, metallurgy and fire science.

If the US Federal Government refuses to open a high integrity investigation of the greatest terror event in US history, then perhaps the 9/11 TRUTH Movement ought to constitute a formal commission to bring the necessary closure.

Michael Thomas

Source: The Millennium Report

4 Responses

  1. Our so called “Government” is nothing more than a liability
    to the whole planet!!! by stuff like this! all these false flag events are nothing more than to encroach on our
    basic human rights to the end of having us all backed into a corner without anyway to protect ourselves all under the guise of keeping us all “safe” from the big bad terrorists
    who in fact is our own Government! The Government creates a problem and then gets a reaction then comes up with a solution to handle the very problem they created!

  2. QUOTE:
    “It is from us that the all-engulfing terror proceeds. We have in our service persons of all opinions, of all doctrines, restorating monarchists, demagogues, socialists, communists, and utopian dreamers of every kind. We have harnessed them all to the task: each one of them on his own account is boring away at the last remnants of authority, is striving to overthrow all established form of order. By theses acts all states are in torture; they exhort to tranquility, are ready to sacrifice everything for peace: but we will not give them peace until they openly acknowledge our international super-government, and with submissiveness.”
    From “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion”
    By Victor Marsden

    The plan has been in the works for hundreds if not thousands of years.

  3. Spreading the message, Time we all brought the entire picture together from all pressing perspectives! We are so close, to the full awakening!

    And We march on. Coming together!

    This fall/ winter in Canada, well we like to network then! Looking so forward to many activists meeting and coming together.

    The Seagull

    “The Flight of Ideas”

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