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Dane Wigington

February 28, 2014
I was forwarded the globalskywatch posts from yesterday with the numerous accusations and attacks directed at me. I have been asked by several to respond, so for the record, my response is below. Its not easy to push me into a corner, but Mr. Bliss has succeeded. I simply and very diplomatically asked him, more than once, to please refrain from posting factless and false "global cooling" rants/articles on my FB timeline.
Mr. Bliss pleaded with me to phone him overseas as he stated he could not afford to call me. I spent an hour I did not have to spare in a very circular conversation with Max in regard to this issue. In this conversation, I pointed to a mountain completely undisputed data that was in total contradiction to his conclusions. This being said, I still showed respect for his opinion. In spite of my efforts to "keep the peace", Max blatantly ignored my requests about posting on my FB account so I banned him from my timeline. Posted data needs to be solid and verifiable, I take the management of my FB profile page and my web site seriously for this reason. I have only three requests for posting on my timeline, one post a day so that all have room to interact (no limit for comments), no irrelevant or unsupportable data, and, I discourage repeat posts. Is there anything unreasonable in this?
In regard to whether or not its warming or cooling, it does in fact matter a great deal. I have many contacts with legislators and academia because I make every effort to stand on solid research, not corporate media hyped fossil fuel industry funded propaganda or the spun statements of one or two individuals. The planet is not just warming, it is likely already progressing toward a runaway greenhouse event. This will become more evident to all soon enough. Climate engineering is making an already bad situation exponentially worse. These kinds of facts matter to our cause. I will continue to focus on my research and education efforts, I will not allow myself to become distracted because someone chooses to throw a temper tantrum for not having their way with my FB account.
I am truly astounded by the actions and ranting that occurred on the globalskywatch blog yesterday. All of this because I had to make the decision to ban someone from my FB page due to constant postings of incorrect, false, and unsupportable data? Did any of this actually help our cause to move forward? Hopefully those that truly care about the cause will join again in the battle at hand instead of being sidelined by one person's apparent need for attention. For those that want to truly examine the facts in regard to our rapidly changing biosphere, I have supplied numerous links below. Those that choose not to even look at the links and additional references contained in them, are perhaps more interested in ideology than legitimate information. All the links below are only a portion of the available data (there are 13 additional very important links within the first link below).

One Response

  1. It’s only my opinion Dane, this guy Max is a bought off ignoramus. You said it all comes down to money. Your right. If your looking at my scoreboard its Dane 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000. Max 0.
    If he was a man he would have a web sight and not trying to disguise himself as a credible mammal and smear yours up with no sense, no truth ignorance. Leads me to believe he afforded a large chair and a TV and stupid commercials for his belief of the-truth. Thanks Dane and I know what you accomplish is very hard work, pressure, stress, and idiots that get paid to become a pimple on your ass. Nothing is easy in life and your moving mountains.
    Listening to you Dane you stand tall with truth. Max is so small he better carry an umbrella in case an ant takes a piss near him.
    Just want to thank you Dane and what the truth created since you started sharing it.

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