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We are all living in a world gone mad, how did it get so bad? Who is steering the ship? Why are those in power doing what they are doing? Don’t they know they are going to go down on the ship with the rest of us if the insanity continues much longer? From climate engineering to endless wars, to nuclear cataclysms, who is behind all of this. What kind of people are we dealing with? Understanding the psychopathic mind can be very helpful in the quest to understand the questions posed. The study below shines a great deal of light on this subject. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Does psychopathy enable world leaders to become mass murderers?

Source: John de Nugent

PSYCHOPATHS: RUTHLESS SOCIAL PREDATORS who manipulate and plow their way through life—leaving heedlessly a trail of broken hearts, shattered expectations and empty wallets behind them.

They selfishly take what they want and do as they please, completely lacking in conscience and in feelings for others. Psychopaths are found in every segment of society. There is a good chance that eventually you will have a painful or humiliating encounter with one of these human monsters. Unfortunately, they are particularly prevalent among top politicians and the establishment elite. Their importance in history is an emerging field of study.

What is a psychopath? Are psychopaths usually in prison—or are the vast majority of them moving among us, or lording it over us in society? Are they one in a million or 40,000 in a million? And what about “mattoids”—those dynamic and “gifted” psychopaths who rarely end up in prisons? Who are the most prominent and successful mattoids of today —and yesterday?

Alarming yet enlightening research in the last 15 years has concluded that full or partial psychopathy may be shockingly widespread— one American in 25, and far more in leadership positions. The key traits of the psychopath: he (usually a male) is radically self-centered, slick, lying, manipulative, ruthless, sadistic, focused and, sometimes, insanely fearless.

“Alarming yet enlightening research in the last 15 years has concluded that full or partial psychopathy may be shockingly widespread—one American in 25, and far more in leadership positions.”

Here is a list of identifiers for psychopathy, compiled from several authorities. If an individual has at least any four of the below in a very pronounced form, there are grounds for concern. Many people have a touch of several of these traits, but few have a majority of them in full measure. And normal people feel shame when they act in cruel or selflish ways, whether they are upbraided by others or are stricken by pangs of conscience themselves. But the psychopath CANNOT feel a bad conscience, ever.

The signs of psychopathy are:

  1. Glib and superficial charm;
  2. Grandiose sense of self-worth; narcissism; seeing the self as the center of the universe; feeling “no one else is human, only I”;
  3. Focused self-advancement without losing any energy on others except as stepping-stones;
  4. No moral taboos or inhibitions as to methods, aiding career success until caught;
  5. Need for constant stimulation, action, and new ways to avoid boredom; typical actions of the psychopathic child include a) torturing animals, b) the deliberate setting of fires and 3) urinating in one’s own bed (though young children may do this rarely, and accidentally, they do not do this alongside setting fires and animal torture)
  6. Lying as an art form to fine-tune and a source of pride;
  7. Targeting and manipulation of the gullible;
  8. Enticing people they do not love to naively love them;
  9. Skill at faking emotions, including love, sincerity and regret;
  10. Doing good work and good deeds solely to advance oneself;
  11. Ruthlessness and “stopping at nothing”;
  12. Enjoyment of the power to coldly end close relationships;
  13. “Getting” others back as a peak experience;
  14. Desire for vengeance when spurned;
  15. Pleasure in firing or ruining people. In the U.S., where highly profitable firms routinely cut good employees to boost stock values, there are professional terminators who roam the country cutting staff and personally firing them;
  16. Abuse and literal torture of living creatures;
  17. Humiliating others physically, verbally, emotionally, psychologically or sexually;
  18. Denigrating one’s own child or mate;
  19. Callousness; lack of empathy and compassion;
  20. Shallow or no feelings for others, even mates, children and friends;
  21. No ability to feel remorse or undergo inner repentance;
  22. Regret solely at being caught, embarrassed or punished;
  23. Incomprehension of the angry reactions of those they hurt;
  24. Underestimation of their own anger;
  25. No sense of responsibility for one’s actions;
  26. Parasitical world view: living by scams and not hard work;
  27. Contempt for those who “play by the rules”;
  28. Criminal talent, energy and innovativeness;
  29. Warlike courage far above the norm;
  30. Playing on the sympathy of others. To this one might add—in the purely subjective, non-scientific eye of many beholders—a curious dead look in the eyes of a psychopath, and that is the chilling part. Others speak of looking into such eyes and “having a feeling that nothing is there.”

It is instructive to check this subjective hypothesis by looking at famous persons, in still photos but especially on moving film or television. Is there a warm life form expressing itself through the eyes, or is there a flat, soulless gaze, not unlike that of a large insect or reptile?

Although the story of Don Juan conjures up for many images of the classic “Latin lover” (above), he was in fact a brutal psychopath, although a fictitious character, given life by Spanish dramatist Tirso de Molino in his play The Seducer of Seville.

The painting Stone Guest (right), by Russian artist Ilya Repin (1844-1930), is based on the Spanish legend about Don Juan. Don Juan, a heartless and immoral man of noble origin, killed in a duel the commander of Seville. A stone statue was erected on the commander’s tomb. Don Juan met Donna Anna, the widow of the commander, at the base of the tomb and seduced her. The statue moved its head in anger. Taunting the statue, Don Juan invited it to a banquet. The invitation was accepted; the stone commander came and crushed Don Juan. The popularity and longevity of the Don Juan legend is a testament to the allure many average people feel for cunning and brutal psychopaths.


Despite staggering differences between the cultures and peoples spread across the globe, most citizens of the world describe their own caste of politicians with identical words of anger, contempt and alienation. Further, the overwhelming majority see their politicians as incorrigible. But why? What part of society produced this “breed apart”?

This anomaly was most striking in the context of the culture and values of Japan. In personal matters, the Japanese are among the most reliable, honest and rule-observing nations on Earth, still influenced by samurai concepts of honor. Yet the way Japanese describe the behavior of their political “leaders,” does not sound Japanese at all. After hours of hearing this same lament from various parts of our planet, it would seem that politicians, in particular, came from another and very twisted world.

The universally praised 2006 film The Last King of Scotland relates the story of the fictional Nicholas Garrigan, a young Scottish doctor who came to Uganda to serve its people, yet is sucked into the lifestyle of the very real charismatic psychopath Idi Amin, who ruled and ruined Uganda from 1971 to 1979. The young Scot has his own in-depth encounter with a charming, megalomanic authority figure. There is only one difference between Idi Amin and evil American, Japanese or Indian politicians. Idi Amin was not hindered by any checks and balances whatsoever and so could live out to the fullest his nature’s true fantasies.

Amnesty International estimates the Ugandan president killed 500,000 fellow citizens, feeding some to crocodiles. He gave himself the title: “His Excellency, President for Life, Field Marshal Al Hadji Doctor Idi Amin, VC, DSO, MC, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Sea, and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular.” Called Idi Amin “Dada,” his nickname arose while in the British colonial army in Kenya. Every time he was caught with a woman in his pup tent, he would overcome the scowl of his English officers with his considerable charm, claiming the female was only his “dada”—Swahili for sister.


Why did the Founding Fathers create checks and balances in the U.S. Constitution, since they demonstrably slow the government and add years or decades to reforms, even the most pressing? Was it the Constitution framers’ belief that all men are evil or rather than there was a psychopathically ambitious minority among them thirsting for power? Did they perceive bad traits existing in all men but true evil lurking in some?

Where do such apparently born liars, egomaniacs, terrorists and manipulators come from?

The question expands, and it seems as if we suddenly gain a new prescription for our glasses. How many bosses, politicians, CEOs of multinational corporations, advertising manipulators, and other powerful figures such as military, police, and, in our private lives, the ex-husbands, wives, boyfriends or sons-in-law “from hell,” are not “morally confused” but instead inwardly directed and born to be slick, ruthless, incorrigible, diseased psychopaths?

Yes, and even how many psychologists, psychoanalysts and psychiatrists are afflicted with the very disease they claim to study?

How much do psychopaths influence society and affect life for the vast majority of good, decent people? How much do they affect the moral values of what we watch on TV or in cinema?

Many people are asking themselves this and similar questions, especially since the American election year 2000. When one enters the words “George W. Bush” and “psychopath” into a search engine on the Internet such as Google, it produces 511,000 citations—just in English—linking the two concepts, most of them written or spoken in dead earnest by concerned citizens.

But foreigners speak of the two in the same breath as well: 19,700 references in the German language, 30,800 in French and 52,500 in Spanish. Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, who in 2006 openly called Bush el diablo from the podium at the UN, must be getting some serious attention.

Normal humans oscillate, and must, between attending to their personal needs, desires and dreams and helping others. Usually the two instincts work hand in hand.

Humans are all in a sense bipolar, hence complicated. They are both individualistic—hence, creative, innovating and at times selfish—and altruistic, other-oriented, often ready literally to die to save their children and, if convinced or prodded, to perish for the survival of their nation or its freedoms. A significant minority, the history-makers among inert humankind, even choose to live and suffer for a noble cause—one that may lead to their personal imprisonment or death.

Psychopaths, however, solely look out for No. 1, and cannot do otherwise. They see society as a collection of walking humanthings that are potential tools, victims, and often both, born for their cruel enjoyment. Cult leaders are a classic example of gifted users. One, Sun Myung Moon of the “Unification Church,” owns The Washington Times daily newspaper, which every Republican in the capital of the United States reads daily. They read a dangerous cult’s newspaper, spending as much time with it as they do really talking with their spouse, children or constituents.

A new vision of society is emerging from the research and firm conclusions of some of the world’s most distinguished and reputable neurologists, psychologists and psychiatrists. These are men and women of stellar scientific backgrounds that mass-produce Nobel prizes in science and medicine.

These unpleasing but truthful messengers are stating or corroborating one clear, simple finding: Our culture has been taken over by literal psychopaths, and all who are not psychopaths are nevertheless living under their thumb, affected by them, perhaps influenced by their persistent lies, and suffering miseries through them that mankind would otherwise never experience. This is the message of the experts.

Whether we fight psychopaths or not, we are still on a psychological and moral urban battlefield, suffering wounds, deprivation, misery, despair and sometimes premature death in their world.

And that is just the good part. The bad part is the possibility of World War III, with millions of people turned into hate-zombies with devastating weapons of mass destruction at the command of rejoicing psychopaths.


In the United States, three different terms are used to categorize the radically selfish individual or “human monster”:

  1. Persons with “antisocial personality disorder” (APD),
  2. “Sociopaths” and, the scariest word of all,
  3. “Psychopaths,” of whom serial killers are a special subtype. APD is, as many in criminology agree, a somewhat “lazy” catchall phrase for general criminal attitudes and behavior. This is the term usually put in prisoner files.

The word “sociopath” is being used in several similar but truly confusing ways. For some experts, sociopath (from the Latin word for “soci”-ety and “pathy,” the Greek word related to disease) means the ruthless manipulators, whereas psychopaths are the violent beaters and killers. It is obvious that some infamous people in history have been both.

A few of these modern examples include, according to various experts: Josef Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, the Shah of Iran, Pol Pot, Ariel Sharon, Robert Mugabe and David Rockefeller. Other experts use the word “sociopath” to mean those who are mis-raised to be vicious, whereas “psychopath” means those born vicious.

More and more, however, as is usual in science, one simple term wins out. “Psychopath” has been gaining currency since 1941 among the world’s most experienced clinicians to describe all incorrigible human monsters—however they got that way and whatever methods they use.

In any case, they prove to be, for decent society, an irresistible force and an immovable, incurable object. They are the fountainhead of human suffering that is human-caused, and aside from sickness, aging, death and natural disasters.

Religions have called such persons evil. Yet religions usually teach that almost anyone can be saved. The science of psychopathology says “no.” Not all can be “saved.” Their brains won’t permit it; they do not want it. But if you want to save them, they may find a way to exploit your compassion.

While one may speak of evil and evildoers, this is the category of a diseased force of nature—human parasites.

Most Americans assume that psychopaths are rare—serial killers and other felons. The stunning new revelation of the last 15 years is that as many as one in 25 Americans may be psychopathic. Probably, in view of their notorious traits—according to Martha Stout, Ph.D., a former 25-year veteran of Harvard Medical School and now a practicing psychotherapist—a much higher percentage of psychopaths haunt occupations that take advantage of the traits of the true psychopath listed earlier in this article.

Serial killers such as Jack the Ripper and Ted Bundy, and leaders such as Stalin and Pol Pot, are among history’s most famous psychopaths. The original, true Spanish tale from the 1600s of Don Juan reveals not the famous “lady’s man” but a murderous, raping, diabolically ingenious psychopath who also betrays his friends and sinks into hell. In the end the statue of a former adversary comes to life to punish him for his crimes.

“The original Spanish tale from the 1600s of Don Juan reveals, not the ‘lady’s man, but a murderous, raping, diabolically ingenious psychopath who betrays friends and sinks into hell.”

The Samson of the Jewish Old Testament, known to generations of Christian Sunday schoolchildren as a “Bible hero,” may have had psychopathic traits. The Talmud tells of his lies to his parents, his cruelty to animals, his torching of Philistine fields, his frequent brawls, and Samson’s unremitting bragging after killing “a thousand men.” It bears noting here that the Philistines are the ancestors of today’s Palestinians.

Actually, a psychopath is more capable of personally killing a thousand men than anyone else. The true berserkers (whence the phrase “to go berserk”) were Vikings who possibly were psychopathic. They guarded the Norwegian king and fought battles as unleashed “Dober-men.” Heedless of danger, their pre-battle preparation included working themselves into a bloodlust—berserker rage—by banging their helmets (with heads inside) with their own weapons, biting their shields, and howling. Once in a frenzy they would plow through both foe and friend, arms, legs and heads tumbling away like grass clippings. In battle they were said to be immune to pain (or even immune to weapons and fire). Even allies gave the berserkers wide berth. Fearing that their own homesteads and families might be targeted by the unchained “bear-shirts,” friendly Norsemen kept loved ones hidden away.


Not just individuals but entire castes and groups in society may manifest these characteristics. Psychopathy can be inherited, often through the mother. It can appear spontaneously as a birth defect. It can also be produced by brain diseases or injuries. These multiple factors can be seen as explaining the relatively high percentage of psychopaths that researchers now perceive in the population.

It has been speculated that the number of psychopaths overall has been increasing since the Age of Bronze, roughly 1000 B.C. in Europe, which was the beginning of a traumatic new era for the European peoples: the age of metal weapons, of warlords owning slaves forced to mine for copper and tin, and of professional soldiers. That was an innovation: men who killed other men for power, and not high-protein animals for food. Hunting by itself is an inborn male instinct that, in literally bringing home the bacon and the meat, brought essential proteins for the growth of larger brains, hence civilization.

Wars, for millennia, have always tended to kill off the decent and the volunteers and often spared the true instigators and also the defective. Warlords and kings have long been polygamous, sometimes having enormous numbers of offspring. It is reliably said that Genghis Khan raped 10,000 women. Genetic studies indicate that 10% of all continental North Asians are descended from him. One of Genghis’s memorable lines was: “Happiness is to kill the foe, ride his horses, watch his wife and daughters weep, and seize them to your bosom.”

In materialistic societies, ruthless businessmen, such as investment mogul Donald Trump, find the media fawning on them and gold-digging, beautiful and fecund women flocking to them.

How many a tycoon, after letting his first wife help him through medical or business school or the start of a career, dumps her at 45 for a younger “trophy wife” whom he can show off to his fellow magnates, and with her then spread his genes even further? Hollywood is said to be full of beauties with beasts.

One of the most important benefits of understanding the new finding of the prevalence of psychopaths in society is this: whereas so-called conspiracy theories tend to appear to decent people as “off-the-wall,” now no more. The main objection to a conspiracy theory, especially one that posits the involvement of many evil people, is this: “I cannot imagine anyone doing such a thing. And it could never be a secret.” Wrong: psychopaths are numerous and they do know how to keep a secret and kill to maintain it.

Perhaps the struggle against the psychopaths marauding among us will be the ultimate battle for the human race.

PSYCHOPATHS IN MODERN HISTORY (left to right): Franklin Delano Roosevelt: forced America into WWII and handed Stalin half of Europe; Josef Stalin: murdered 21 million Christian Russians; Winston Churchill: ordered the firebombing of WWII civilian centers; Mao Tse Tung: murdered 50 million Chinese; Idi Amin: murdered 500,000 Ugandans including feeding some to crocodiles; Pol Pot: murdered 3 million Cambodians—an estimated half of the population.

Grasping the Nature of the Beast

Over 100 years ago, psychiatrists, psychologists, and criminologists were discussing what they called— groping for a scientific description—“moral imbeciles” or “the morally insane.” For thousands of years, religions have recognized the concept of “evil,” and of evildoers whom God and man must punish. Governments have recognized evil and evildoers in the citizenry, and either punished or promoted them. Now esteemed scientists in the mental health field have weighed in on the subject of people who are truly evil.(1)

The breakthrough has sped up in the last 15 years from well-meaning attempts at compassion and understanding to this grim recognition of personified evil.

The most recent bombshell in this direction was the bestselling The Sociopath Next Door (2005) from Martha Stout, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist who for 25 years was a faculty member of Harvard Medical School.

Stout uses the term “sociopath” to emphasize that almost all psychopaths are out in society. She has been widely reported on and interviewed for website and print publications.

Another powerful figure in the psychopaths-in-society movement is Robert D. Hare, Ph.D., a consultant for the FBI, the creator of the recognized “Hare Psychopathic Checklist” (the standard tool for diagnosing psychopathy), and author of the 1999 book for laypersons Without Conscience: The Disturbing World of the Psychopaths Among Us.

One powerful weapon in the struggle to warn the public against psychopaths, in jail and out, has been the work of Adrian Raine, Ph.D., an Oxford graduate in psychology, a former prison psychologist in England, a professor of experimental psychology at the University of Southern California and author of the 1993 classic, The Psychopathology of Crime: Criminal Behavior As a Clinical Disorder. More than any written text before or since, his vivid colored brain scans comparing psychopaths with normal people make a powerful case that psychopaths are utterly unlike the other 96% of society. These brain scans show that when normal, altruistic people see something tragic, sad, pitiful or shocking, the red dye injected into their brains reveals a great deal of chemical activity in “compassion centers.” However, when psychopaths are shown horrifying images that appall others or even turn others sick to their stomachs, their brains, as revealed by the dye, stay blue as before, meaning cool and unactivated. They just really do not care.

Normal brain, with red areas showing feelings such as compassion

Psychopathic brain; the blue indicates no activity in compassion centers

This article indicates that psychopaths can switch compassion on, but usually it is turned off: http://www.occupycorporatism.com/10-facts-psychopaths-discovered-uc-brain-scan-study/  From this article, a scientist (James Fallon, a neuroscientist and professor of psychiatry and human behavior at the University of California at Irvine) discovered a high degree of psychopathy in himself as compared to his own family:



In the 1980s a distinguished Polish psychologist with first-hand experience under Stalinism, and a long-time resident of the United States, Andrew M. Lobaczewski Ph.D., wrote his revolutionary Political Ponerology: A Science on The Nature of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes (from the Greek poneros, evil, and logia study).(2) He asserts that much of politics, bureaucracy, political philosophy—and thus the whole history of mankind—has been shaped by persons who today would be considered clinically diagnosticable psychopaths.

Among his unique observations, Dr. Lobaczewski describes how, after the brutal Stalinization of his native Poland from 1948- 52, virtually every psychopath in his country “within two years” had emerged from the dregs of society, recognized himself as among friends in the new system, and become a bureaucrat or other servant of the Stalinist regime.

In effect, they all crawled out from under their rock. He emphasizes that this Stalino-psychopathic regime was as inept and “out of touch” as it was cruel, showing that many psychopaths are not brilliant and great mis-leaders of men, but often despised and shunned “scum.” What makes them similar is their desire to dominate, humiliate, prevaricate and cause suffering.(3)

The great foundational work for the modern professional study of psychopaths was the still-famous 1941 bestseller, The Mask of Sanity by Hervey Cleckley, M.D. (1903-84). He graduated in 1924 from the University of Georgia with highest honors, and then from Oxford. With his subsequent M.D. from the University of Georgia Medical School (now “Medical College of Georgia”) he became a professor of psychiatry and neurology there and then chief of psychiatry/ neurology at University Hospital in Augusta in 1937. In 1956 Cleckley co-authored The Three Faces of Eve, the book that led to the famous 1957 film of the same name starring Joanne Woodward, illustrating Multiple Personality Disorder. A Fellow of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, Cleckley was acting psychiatrist in the trial of the psychopathic serial killer Ted Bundy of Florida.


Charming, handsome and charismatic, Bundy would con his way into his at least thirty female victims’ confidence, lull them to his car, and beat them unconscious with a blunt object. After driving around with victims, sometimes for hours, continually assaulting them sexually — nearly all of them white and quite attractive — Bundy would strangle them to death with nylon stockings. In at least a dozen instances, he would hack the women’s heads off with a saw and keep them as trophies. He was a known necrophiliac (that is, he had sex with the corpses of his victims).

In the following video, made just 15 hours before he was electrocuted by the State of Florida, Bundy is pensive. He says violentt kinds of pornography were an obsession with him and with all the violent inmates he had gotten to know in prison, that it released “a separate entity” in himself that he felt had existed in him already, and that alcohol was the other factor that de-inhibited him before he actually committed his crimes. He directly blamed “what is in the media” for future murders of other women and girls after his execution.

He told Reverend Ted Dobson that after each crime he felt he had been “overwhelmed” and “possessed,” because at other times he was “an essentially normal person with good friends.” He said others viewed him as “an all-American boy,” as “okay,” and that “they had no clue.”

Bundy emphasizes how each thrill ebbed and then he needed a greater thrill, another and worse crime — a classic sign of a psychopath for him normal pleasures are insufficient.

It is interesting how Bundy seems to actually try to feel remorse, but his voice and face suggest he simply cannot. His sincere regrets are for himself as a prisoner facing death, or very cerebral regrets for society. I think he is enjoying being important one last time.

James Dobson Interview with Serial Killer Ted Bundy (Full Interview) from Castimonia Sexual Purity Group on Vimeo.

* * *

These five researchers, Cleckley, Lobaczewski, Raine, Hare and Stout, have forever lifted psychopathology out of the realm of speculation or what some cynically call “psychobabble” into the realm of science—the science of absolute evil.


  1. A psychiatrist at Canada’s only “super max” prison, in Ontario province, who observes and meets with the 100 vilest criminals in Canada (outside of Parliament) was asked: “Have you ever looked into an inmate’s eyes and seen evil, just pure evil?” He replied: “Yes, I would say I have—in layman’s language—seen pure evil.” Source: Philip R., Wheeler, founder, Learn for Living Foundation, Alexandria, Virginia.
  2. 2. A general edition for the public of this academic work, suitable for the educated layperson, was published in 2006 by Red Pill Press under the aegis of Laura Knight-Jadczyk, of www.sott.net and other websites, an American thinker who edited and introduced the English version.
  3. 3. A combat-decorated World War II and Korea hero, Michael Mata Jr., who once guarded generals Eisenhower and Patton in postwar Berlin, told this writer of the sadistic and Big Brotherish attitude in parts of the bureaucracy toward U.S. veterans. When Matas complained about a new resident of his Soldier’s Home, a sexual pervert who kept making unwanted advances on him, he was brought up before a staff hearing to be told that he was on “one year’s probation” for being “disruptive.” He learned through a Veterans Administration document that the VA had created—in its own star chamber procedure and unbeknownst to the individual veteran (hence without possibility of appeal)—a bureaucratic, secret code number in each veteran’s file. This file indicated the bureaucracy’s secret internal classifications, or defamations: shirker, troublemaker, insane etc. In Mr. Mata’s case, “refused a promotion.” For years, when he would apply for a job with an employer, he was asked: Were you a U.S. veteran? After saying yes, he would suddenly get rejected, and believes it was due to this secret code.

Examples of Psychopathy


A friend urged me to watch this (200K views!) on psychopaths! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MgGyvxqYSbE

A 2010 study from the University of Michigan found present-day college students to be 48 percent less empathetic than college students were in 1979, with the biggest dip – 61% – in the past 10 years. And the NIH tells us that narcissistic personality disorder is about three times higher in 20-somethings than in those who are over 65.

Source: John de Nugent

21 Responses

  1. I would of thought the global percentage of a figure at 6-9% would’ve been a more reasonable realistic figure ?

  2. The set of traits we call “psychopathy” is distributed under the usual bell curve. Most people have some of the traits, and in some types of work they’re practically a requirement for success (e.g. surgeon).

    But few people –1 or 2%– have all or even most of the traits at a strong enough level to produce an obligative psychopath, one who nearly always acts out because he (usually he) sees no reason not to.

    The number of traits and their strength in any individual diminishes as we approach and move past the hump in the curve until, at the other end of the distribution, we have people who have virtually no psychopathic traits and never act out.

    The ones in the middle of the distribution are the ones we’re most likely to encounter: the voluntaries. They act out as often as they can. They’re the vicious cops, the judges that take bribes, the politicians that deny us healthcare, sell their votes, and start wars to make themselves and other rich individuals even richer, etc.

    How many of them do act out depends on the social climate. Today, psychopathic acting-out is being passively encouraged by not being punished.

    If we band together, we can change that. But that’s the only way it will ever be changed because psychopathic individuals, who despite their small numbers are responsible for between 80 and 95% of all the human-made misery and disaster in the world, including the climate disaster that will kill us all if not stopped, have no motivation to change and won’t unless forced to.

    (Yes, I’m a trained psychologist)

  3. I totally agree with you – watch what they do, not what they say! I was a therapist for many years and became fascinated by the study of psychopaths and sociopaths and the nature of evil. There is an EXCELLENT book I highly recommend called Political Ponerology. The author spent his entire life of almost 100 yrs trying to get the word out that the planet is being overtaken by psycopaths. He lived through the Nazi regime in Europe (was Polish) and had collected the studies of a group who studied psychopaths. It’s brilliant and his story is amazing.
    The author of this article does a brilliant job of describing psychopaths.

  4. we know them from their actions and NOT their words. They will take themselves down and we can also expose them based on their actions. They will fall. The law of rhythm is in effect as well and we are in a new cycle, change is on the way for the better, the pendulum is swing the ‘other’ way now. The aquarian age is here, bit by bit we will see changes. The awareness is already there and that’s the start of change.

  5. I know God is absolutely real. I know we would not be going through this right now unless it was God’s will. God is the only one who can save us, I never thought I would say this. We need a miracle. With so many people who are so easily deceived into being the willing dupes of planetary destruction, I can see how we as a species don’t deserve the Earth. We should have taken much better care of it. Maybe God is just getting rid of mankind. Maybe the best of us will survive. I know most of us including myself could never be worthy of such a great gift, life and Earth. So I am now at peace with what is happening. I know only a civil war or revolution could stop what is happening, and that too would be a miracle. You know God does work in mysterious ways. Peaceful, I am at peace. Make yourselves right with God is all I can say. Everyone, and I mean everyone knows what is happening, they who dont have just pushed it far down into their own subconscious (hence the need to look down at a phone), the people just dont want to realize the truth. It is far too horrific.

    1. The best way to destroy humanity is to make them believe that they can't save themselves.
      There is nobody coming to save us
      S.O.S = Save our selves

  6. This current and relative topic of psychopaths in power ought not exclude the current U.S. administration. In fact many of them deserve top billing.

  7. A great read. It all makes sense that we are NOW living in a time where the world is one psychopath. Does not HAARP come to mind?

  8. Thank you Andrew! You may well have explained why I am so out of it these days. I’ve been going through major sleep disruptions with horrible effects on my already sick body.
    All references to psychopathy seem to yield sociopath. While Stout gives 4%, most others give less. I feel it must be more! It is a very complex field. But, the upshot seems undeniable, and clearly very insane people are controlling our world with the hubris of thinking we need their vision. I saw an interview with Edward Teller once in which he was asked if he wasn’t playing God with his experiments-nukes and star wars-read: HAARP. He said: Well, God blows up universes everyday! WE imported this guy from Nazi Germany to blow up our own country!

  9. I am afraid I must use the term “Pandora’s box” as illustrative of what we see happening all around us now. The new energies discovered by science in the last few generations are permeating our biosphere…..an infinity of invisible energies traveling right through our bones and internal organs in the quantum field. The human organism cannot remain unaffected. And now, here in the modern era, we come to find out that a colossal army of psychopaths have become “diabolical agents of change” by operating through a vast, covert, and well organized array of military/corporate entities hell-bent on SPRAYING THEIR WAY TO SOME KIND OF GLORIOUS SALVATION FOR PLANET EARTH. And the deadly sprays themselves? I don’t see anything. Do you? Oh, those weird clouds and stripes in the sky? That’s nothin’ to get worked up about. It’s only the psychopaths at play.

  10. We forget that Devils are among us and enlist the leaders to do the dirty work to destroy this world.It is nor insanity it is the work of these Devils.

  11. If one in 25 Americans are psychopaths, would this not yield a different percent than the later stated 96% of the rest of us? 96% sounds somewhat reassuring, but one in 25 does not! I get that one in 25 gives 4 for 100. But if multiplied for population, one would get a different percentage, no? Please excuse if I am being stupid, but one seems to do with quantity, the other with percentage of whole. Guess I’ll do the math and see how it fits.
    I have felt for a very long time that certain people groups-whites come to mind- have defective brains. In general, if one could say such a thing, it seems that this applies to males much, much more than females. Yes, there have been evil females in history, but across the boards, psychopathy seems much more prevalent in males.

  12. The artificial “individual” is by-design either ‘predator’ or ‘prey’….almost entirely the latter, as this article makes clear. Ripped out of Earth’s Living Arrangement by the “self” infection that is the operating mechanism of the Planet-wasting “civilization” disease’s immune suppression regime, our domesticated Human Relations are severely dysfunctional Organically. Not only do they fail miserably to fulfill our Human Function as a component of Earth’s immune system, the “self” sickness renders them actively inimical to Earth and to ALL ‘the rest’ of us belonging to Her Livng Arrangement….and, inevitably, to ‘one’ another as well.

    The ‘antidote’ to both the “civilization” disease and the Human-specific I/ME/MY/MINE syndrome, rampaging all-but-unchecked here and now deep into the terminal throes of the disease, is in Free Wild Natural “Communities” (for lack of a better word in English) of Free Wild Natural Persons….where alone abides the Organic Integrity essential to fulfillment of our given Function. Those among our currently captive tame Sisters and Brothers who would be The Medicine instead of the disease need first recognize that their very own too-precious “self” is nothing but the ‘agent’ of a Biologically crippling illness. Then they need to do whatever is necessary to get over it. In what has come down to us from the hard-won Wisdom of our Ancestors can be found some Methods and Practices and Disciplines for doing that.

    Meantime, these same Functional “Communities” also offer the only actually effective ‘protection’ from the ‘predators’ and the ravages of their incurable insanity. Random collections of the ersatz “individual,” no matter their size or configuration or supposedly benevolent purposes, provide none, as within each will be the usual ‘quota’ of psycho/sociopaths who will always emerge to continue their relentlessly “self”-referential behavior….using the very “self”-possession of their fella-‘n’-gal inmates/peons as the ‘opening’ through which to attack them.

    So to get Free of this dead-certainly soon to be DEAD END vicious-cycle, The Way lies through giving-up, that is ‘sacrificing,’ the captivating “self.” Trouble is, it’s the very last thing the “self”-controlled will want to do….and by then it might well be too late.

  13. The twin religions of ” Political Correctness ” and ” Relativism ” have spawned a flood of humans that prey on the good will and gullibility of people who have not experienced hardship and therefore think our world is a Disney movie. The generations following the coming collapse will foster a smarter, harder, more perceptive society. Bundy or a sitting senator are one and the same. The NDAA voted for by 93 of 100 senators in 2011 which makes all Americans into slaves is not far off from the tragedies inflicted on those hapless victims of Bundy. The Senators look sort of normal too.

  14. Below is an extract from my wind turbine objection (attached). Please make the time to read the full objection.

    Infrasound (0 – 20Hz) and Low Frequency Noise (20 – 500Hz) are commonly called ILFN.

    The peak frequencies emitted by wind turbines are below 5 Hz.


    The use of directed ILFN is a known weapon and interrogation aid. It is an untraceable weapon, as it leaves no evidence of its use on the victim.

    ILFN becomes particularly deadly during early morning sleep hours. This is when the body normally produces the lowest levels of Cortisol. Artificially stimulating Cortisol production during this time disrupts the body’s’ normal Cortisol production in the worst possible way. In effect, the sleeping body perceives infrasound as a threat and elevates Cortisol production to cope. Since one is asleep, the Cortisol is not used and remains in the body, damaging essential body functions.

    Prolonged excessive Cortisol production in our bodies eventually causes death. [1]

    I understand that some of the recent uses of directed ILFN are:

    1. Greenham Common, UK. 1984 (mostly women).

    In the summer of 1984, more than 2,000 British troops suddenly pulled back, leaving the fence unguarded.

    Peace activist Kim Besley recalls that as curious women approached the gate, they “started experiencing odd health effects: swollen tongues, changed heartbeats, immobility, feelings of terror, pains in the upper body.”

    Besley found her 30-year-old daughter too ill to stand. Other symptoms typical of electromagnetic exposure included skin burns, severe headaches, drowsiness, post-menopausal menstrual bleeding and menstruation at abnormal times. Besley’s daughter’s cycle changed to 14 days and took a year to return to normal.

    Two late-term spontaneous miscarriages, impaired speech, and an apparent circulatory failure prompted the women to begin monitoring for a directed-energy beam, Using an EMR meter, they measured beams sweeping their camp at 100-times normal background levels. [2]

    2. Iraq (2003 to present)

    Very Low Frequency (VLF) weapons include the dozens of “poppers” and “domes” deployed in Iraq, which can be dialed to “long wave” frequencies capable of traveling great distances through the ground or intervening structures. As air force Lt Col. Peter L. Hays, Director of the Institute for National Security Studies reveals, “Transmission of long wavelength sound creates biophysical effects; nausea, loss of bowels, disorientation, vomiting, potential internal organ damage or death may occur.”

    Lt Col Hays calls VLF weapons “superior” because their directed energy beams do not lose their hurtful properties when traveling through air to tissue. A French weapon radiating at 7 hertz “made the people in range sick for hours.”

    Such variable effects have been known scientifically since 1963, when electromagnetics researchers Dr. Robert Beck found that exposure to certain frequencies sparks riotous behaviour, while other frequency beams can cause a sense of well-being—or deep depression.

    The recovery rate from directed ILFN exposure among US troops (they tend to ‘lose the plot’, wander off and go AWOL) “seems to be about a day or so, whereas the locals are not getting over it in less than a week or more on average.” [2]

    3. O2 plus the 2012 Olympics. London.

    Long Range Accoustic Devices (LRAD) have been photographed at the O2, and were installed on the Thames during the 2012 Olympics. There is little doubt that these “communication devices” can also utilise ILFN for “crowd dispersement”. [3]

    4. Gaza (ongoing)

    There are several reports of ILFN weapons (LRADs) being used by the Israel against Palestinians in Gaza. “The combination of low frequencies at high intensities can create discrepancies in the inputs to the brain. Basically the brain receives a signal that your body has lost balance. You feel like you are tilting even when you are not. The discrepancies can cause headaches and nausea”…it “simulates seasickness”. [4]

    5. Fukushima Earthquake 2011

    Directed ILFN at around 2.5 Hz can cause earth tremors, earthquakes, landslides etc. Watch the 7 min video here [5]. Since 2011 US military presence in Japan has increased considerably.

    ILFN is known to bounce/refract off cloud bases (particularly clouds formed on atmospherically sprayed heavy metal particulates), temperature inversions, the ionosphere and stratospheric layers, etc.

    Directed ILFN is an ‘Over the Horizon’ weapon.

    [1] http://www.darkgovernment.com/news/infrasound-stress-inducing-weapons/

    [2] http://www.jimstonefreelance.com/beammed.html

    [3] http://motherboard.vice.com/read/a-history-of-using-sound-as-a-weapon

    [4] http://www.multistalkervictims.org/catchcanada/literature/brochure/CATCH/Scream_Article.pdf

    [5] https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/was-haarp-a-factor-in-the-fukushima-earthquake/

    Please watch this video – Filmmaker Sean Oliver covers Weather Modification: https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/filmmaker-sean-stone-covers-climate-engineering/

    Future emails will include:
    The USA budget for Climate-Weather Modification programmes rose from $9.325 million in 1967 to a recommended $146.83 million in 1970, with a continued steeply rising expenditure graph.
    what effect is this spraying already having on us
    Arctic methane
    observations on covert atmospheric spraying (their tactics have changed in the last few weeks – this has been noticed globally)
    much of the northern hemisphere is burning – California, Canada, Siberia (2,000 mile smoke clouds), Sweden etc. Think Pyrocumulonimbus!
    who is controlling the spraying – who are “they”
    our forests are dying, our seas are dying, our biosphere is dying

  15. Dane, ‘The Powers That Be’ obviously think that their actions can be ridden out or that they won’t happen so badly as to be taken down by it all, but one interesting thing to consider is the psychology of this psychopathic bunch: Will they have loyalty to each other once they get what they want? I do not believe so. Can there be loyalty amongst psychopaths? Of course not. It is an impossibility because of their neurological problems. I don’t believe there can be loyalty between them and neither does Martha Stout PhD. Will they turn on each other? It is inevitable. They all feel superior, even to each other, not just to us ’empaths’ or ‘neurotypicals’. There is no ceiling on their lust for power and sense of entitlement.

    I thought I would just add this to your question at the top, “Don’t they know they are going down on the ship with the rest of us?” The question is not “Don’t they know?”, but “Do they care?” They do not care. They are not thinking that far, or at least ‘care’ does not enter the equation for them.

    In their warped minds there is the shining prize of power and dominion and that is all that matters, even if that power is over a smouldering earth. Yes, they are building their DUMS and tunnels and so forth, but as you said so many times, the last methane-induced extinction had a 20 million year turn around. What sane person thinks that can be ridden out?!

    So, the deduction for us to make is that we have to stop them because they will not stop. They cannot stop. Why would they stop when they started it?

  16. Hello???
    Dane, they are going off-planet and/or underground when the time is right.
    Have you ever heard of the breakaway civilization, many of the gatekeepers may have tickets?

  17. The psychopaths in this world do not think like a normal person – this we know. It’s also very important to forget the word “should” when it comes to them – no amount of reasoning or guilt will change them. They do not care. Here is a 1 min. video that was posted by a friend today:

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