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“Phoenix, Arizona-April 22, 2014: “Stop Spraying Arizona”, a Phoenix based anti-geoengineering group enjoyed a very successful Earth Day-Phoenix 2014.

The group was an official exhibitor at the event. Stop Spraying Arizona was established to create fact based education, build public awareness, gain a critical mass in the Phoenix & Arizona demographic, take regular on-going direct community actions, require the Arizona Legislators to take affirmative action and demand an investigation, credible studies and solutions to the terminate the daily aerial dispersal of the toxic nano particulate matter which is causing serious human health and Eco-system issues.

During the 3 hour event, 180 signatures were obtained, 800 fliers, 600 business cards and 165 documentary DVD’s were distributed.

For information on this active-solution oriented group please visit:  http://www.meetup.com/Phoenix-Metro-Area-Geoengineering-Aerosol-Awarness/.

4 Responses

  1. I'm in Yuma AZ and they are spraying us hard and heavy !!  Nothing Sat or Sunday.  Monday was a white out. They are spraying low above my area I'm 3 miles from our Marine Air Base.  Don't they know their families are breathing the same air???

  2. i called our lowsy rep – but to my surprise- call it a coincidence??
    the spraying stopped and has not returned since the call over a week ago–
    its actually starting to clear up for the first time in over a year

  3. This was a great success. I don’ think there is any better way to spend a day like Earth Day and seeing the look in people’s eyes as they were learning something very important and dangerous. Awareness is the key! Thank you Dane!

  4. On behalf of Stop Spraying Arizona, I would like to extend our appreciation and gratitude to Dane for posting the news of our successful event. We invite all serious concerned people to join with us. Best Regards, Lexie Hunter

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