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This documentary explores the topics of GeoEngineering, SRM (Solar Radiation Management), Weather Modification and "chemtrails", and introduces the public to new ways to protest against dangerous GeoEngineering initiatives by using the all new mobile app SkyderALERT. Put an end to the insanity. Look UP. Get the APP. Save the World. This film will make its world premiere on Alex Jones' popular website InfoWars.com. Hopefully, the Alex Jones site's growing numbers of followers will propel this very important film into the forefront of public awareness.

This is a new type of documentary NEVER DONE BEFORE. By using the patented mobile app, SkyderALERT, people will have the ability to capture visual evidence of this potentially catastrophic activity, petition against it, and send the evidence directly to the appropriate government officials– all in 1 click. You do not need to know who those officials are, or even where you are. Your position is automatically geo-located to ensure that the appropriate elected officials are selected for your state, city or district. SkyderALERT will even let you call your congresspeople, senators or governor directly… all by just using the app.

SkyderALERT releases for usage in the United States in early May 2013; the global version of the app will be released shortly thereafter.

There may be hope for democracy and freedom yet.

7 Responses

  1. I was unable to view “Look Up” on your site indicating it’d been marked private. Where may I view it on the web?

    With much Metta’

  2. Finally, I went to a presentation about “geoengeneering” the government’s terminology for “Chemtrails”. I have known about this for over 10+years, but nothing like going to this presentations with “professionals” … pilots, researchers, a doctor and a master gardener, with all the data and proof. There is an APP ” SkyperALERT” that we can have in the phone that allows us to take a picture and send to our senators. They know what is going on, but if people do not say anything, they will not fight for us, in this matter or any other one. So, take a picture and send it to your senators. The more pictures and inquiries they get, the better.
    “The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything” Albert Einstein. Researching, sharing the information, taking pictures and sending to our senators… is that too much to ask??? Find the LOVE and COMPASSION for yourself, your families, humanity, all life on this beautiful Planet we call HOME! Become aware and share! Thank you!

  3. I am glad this to me your side has too flown, lives in Austria and with us they also spray every week-end so intensely this if it rains on the street the water to foam begins.
    Since 2010 point I with security to our thoughts has an effect, the animals orientation difficulties thereby have, birds of him idolise dolphins and whales fall run aground, plant not so grow as they had to go et cetera, it is to be made simply irresponsibly the eyes to and to do against it nothing, I would want to my grandchild and leave a nice planet behind and desert where no does not grow any more.


    love and light
    One love for a free world
    Aissatou Yayefall

  4. Did you contact AVAAZ.org to include this action in their program, so they can send this message to their participants worldwide?

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