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United States Patent and Trademark Office​

79 Responses

  1. GREAT WORK….   Now we must demand our human rights – NO one have the right to spray anything in the atmosphere no one can give GO for that noone has that kind of human power   – and WHO can even Patent something that could be a human helt issue anyway… it is Repulsive.

  2. … and those are just the U.S. patents … other countries do their own research … and not everything will be patented …

    1. I have occasionally read about independent analysis which showed unidentified fungal spores present on the ground after a fumigation.

  3. We're being 69'd. Barium has an atomic number of 56 on the periodic table of elements. Aluminum has an atomic number of 13 on the periodic table of elements. 56 + 13 = 69. Patent 4686605A mentions using Barium for cold plasma purposes in the 5th paragraph under Description. Patent 5003186 mentions utilizing Aluminum oxides in the 1st paragraph under Summary of The Invention.

    Another point to ponder is the chemical symbol for Barium is Ba. The chemical symbol for Aluminum is AL. Ba + al = Ba'al. Ba'al is the god of weather, rain, wind, lightning according to Wikipedia. So, to sum things up, Ba'al is 69ing us.

    1. Thank you for breaking that down! That makes perfect sense. People are all the time telling me, weather warfare and cloud seeding isn't biblical; God is in control; and when I try to explain that while the Bible tells of unpredictable weather, and to expect 110 lb hailstones, I just couldn't come to the words to explain how demonic principalities are who we battle. THIS explanation helps me so much more when explaining it. Perhaps. I appreciate it. P

  4. Just a quick one to say what an absolute AMAZING group of people are here….it totally warms my heart.  Thank you Dane for all that you do and have done over these many many years

  5. Esto ! Es Una barbaridad estan matandonos Como ONU Obejas gracias graciasQue Las Personas de heno Que se preocupan preocupanPOR ESTOS Casos Porque las Personas Hay Que desconocen ESTOS : Temas y algunos adj adj ya fallecieron pecado sable Lo Que Nos estan hacendo Una Nuestros cielos ya la Humanidad ENTERA y asi hay mucha gente que lo niega adesconocen temasalgunosfallecieronpecado sable Lo Que Nos Nuestros Toda Costa   aqui en Costa Rica ya lo Estamos EXPERIMENTANDO muy ONU el el menudo se dan las fumigaciones y Son Muchas Por Las Noches para despistar y no hay Dejar mucha Huella y Las Personas Que No Saben Ven al amanecer Cielos blanquesinos Y Creen Que normales hijo . EL Menudo se dan las fumigaciones hijo y por los Muchas de Las Noches para despistar y sen Dejar Fumigaciones hijo y por los muchas Las Noches para despistar y sin Dejar

  6. The criminal cabal known as government fears the truth. I will gather any and all credible data and evidence that I can. I do not want to be held accountable to The Creator for not speaking the truth, and exposing these crimes. Now, with the rollout of 5G technology (which is unequivocally a weapon), the affects of genoengineering, climate engineering, solar radiateion management, et al., the affects will be intensified as never before. The "officials" will ignore, and even destroy any evidence I present, but I do not care. I am an investigator, and as such, will gather, and present, the evidence; keep copies for myself, and will keep sharing until I get a response. 

    Geoengineering is not the only crime bringing us to the very door of death for All Living Beings. The anthropogenic crimes simply compound the affects of what Dane refers to as, "The Elephant In The Sky." I wish to share a video of mine, as a reminder of what we're up against. I pray that we can all stand together, and stand as one against the omnicide being perpetrated. Many blessings to you all.


    1. Chief Taina Amayi. Lovely video. Hauntingly beautiful music Hope you don't mind. I shared your video and words to my Facbook profile. Take care. Scottish Paul. 

    2. Hello Chief,

      the video does not exist anymore. Whare can I find it?

      Please let me know.


      Thank you


    3. Hello Chief Taina Amayi

      This link doesn't work anymore. Is there anyway that you can post this on rumble?

      Thank you Brent





    4. God bless you for all of your hard work, efforts and determination to deliver the TRUTH, also blessings to you! 

  7. Hi All,

    I have been in India for the last 7 months.  I have traveled extensively and I noticed that in large cities and rural areas the sky is NO longer blue.  It is hazy grey more or less constantly.  When I tell people that something is wrong with the colour of the sky, they think I am crazy.  They even try to explain to me as to why the colour of the sky is hazy grey.  Their explanations are goofy.  There are over a billion people here and they are busy looking at their smart phone but not at the sky!

    How do I convince my friends about climate geo-engineering????


    1. Hi ER,

      I live in northern Italy, when I've realized the criminal sprying operations, It's been difficult for me to accept this truth but even more difficult it's been to realized how difficult is to get people aware around me.

      It almost take my breathe away to speak with my smarther friends, asking them to look at the skyes and get the answer:" why? It's normal. It's always been like this, I remember those trails since I was baby".

      Sometimes I feel really powerless, those criminals can do it because most of the people are "stupid", lobotomized. In a certain sense, they are all accomplices.

      A really hard thruth for me it's been to realize that my father too, does not believes to my words while trust completely to the TV. It's really an hard task for the people with they open mind and eyes to live their lives into a "zombies" like context. Happy people jogging under totally chemical skyes without noticing nothing strange.

      Websites like this are an island of rare people, unfortunately too much dispersed and separated.

      Hug, Giovanni

    2. I live in the Midwest united states and people are the same here. They either don't want to hear it, some think I'm crazy,  but how can they not care when its killing every bit of life on earth!


      I'm Trying to gather As Much info on EVERYTHING I Can ,  I Need to know & pass this very Terrifying Scarry  Nightmare ….   I Cant find the words to my emotions right now … Thanks again Barb 

  8. If we continue down the beaten path of trying to convince the masses, the few, the people in our every day lives, the people who have brains riddled with heavy metals, brains so sick with toxins that it alters there perceptions, their temperaments, and their ability to process something alien to their routine (something at crossroads with their everyday thought processes), then I believe we are hopeless. The fight is not hopeless, the angle is. except for the people who have taken the action to completely remove these toxins from the crevices of their brains, we are all sick. everyday I see people acting from irrational anger, and it seems to progressively worsen over time. I have seen the people in my family hit new rock bottoms, tear either apart, and ruin lifelong relationships over virtually nothing. people are unreachable through normal approach. there minds have been broken apart and rewired through all forms of media. hit at every angle in a meticulously designed system of human persuasion. I fully believe that I have a minor case of autism, something I've suffered with my entire life. something that strayed me away from most people, and perhaps made me less vulnerable to all these techniques of manipulation. 

    My point is, the government has already designed a complex system to put people asleep, who says we can't utilize all their techniques to do the opposite.

    1. This geoengineering of weather appears to be a control of people and countries for one purpose ONE WORLD ORDER.  A goal of long making by powerful people.  Nothing will stop them – they have come too far now.  It is worldwide active.  

    2. The Air Force is spraying this program big time in Eastern, WA. They run it out of Fairchild AFB near Spokane and hit the Spokane county and Stevens county numerous times a week. Just recently spraying trails one right after the other, so, you could see multiple trails of about 12 super close together, so, you could not miss seeing them. They also do X and J patterns every so often, just yesterday they were spraying with winds in excess of 20 miles per hour and if you go on to the weatherchannel.com and it shows sunny and all of a sudden it changes to cloudiness, you know they have been informed to change it because they will be spraying. Keep up the fight and inform everyone you know, more people are waking up to this corruption by governments.

  9. Hello I'm Tony I live in the state of Florida in the U.S.

      I got sent here via Youtube. . .  However I am glad I found this page. . .

    I have been telling people to LOOK UP for years. .

    I saw someone mention here about O,X and U shapes with the chem trails. . I happen to remember once a few years ago watching a jet spraying a chem trail strait across the sky when it started turning. . . It ended making a huge J shape as it turned 180 degrees and started heading back the way that it came from. . And then it stopped spraying . . . And left the huge J in the sky. . As if the pilot knew he was fixing to run out of stuff and turned to go back.  So don't ever let anyone tell you that crap is normal. . 

       Its gonna take a lot but we need to stick together and get the truth out there to the closed minded dummies. . .

    Thanks for reading and letting me post. . .

    Tony B.


  10. No suspicious trails for 2 days – West Sussex, UK

    Don't give up everyone, there are more of us than you realise.


    1. Exactly James and the knowledge we all citizens are paying taxes to get back these chemicals..in stead of clean air we can breathe..CIA NATO, NSA and Bilderberg are worlds most biggest Maffia organizations which must be destroyed by the common people who stand for their word of justice.

  12. With all these patents I still don't understand how people are in denial about this!! It's mind boggling how people don't think our govts would do this but as we all know they are!!

  13. Santa Susana field test laboratory: Sodium Reactor (Experimental without our consent), not water cooled. 13 rods melted within the reactor. again experimental acts without our consent. One of the worst nuclear accidents aside from Chernobyl and the ongoing Fukushima. They sprayed Iodine from aircraft to literally keep people from dropping like flies to their death when they vented toxic waste into the air.  . Patent#? 1958. Rather than an explosion, they just vented the the meltdown into the atmosphere. Kept the secret for 20 years.I lived in Simi Valley. My father worked at the facility. I live near Diablo Nuclear Power Plant and wonder how much venting goes on within this facility?  We are never told the truth. We have a right to know the truth. So now there are new nuclear facilities going to be built in Georgia, USA. We have the right to demand answers to the untold and we have the right to say if we consent or non consent. Now Porter Ranch right below the ongoing toxic Santa Susana field test laboratory is expelling Methane gas beyond acceptance. When do we realize that it is time to demand answers to the genocide going on?  We do not have a government/ a government has us? The officials in charge that we pay and work for us, are not doing their job that we hired them for. These persons need to be fired, I refuse to pay persons that are not doing their job.  Every single person that lies about geoengineering needs to be held responsible for conspiring within the program of using humans for experimental purposes without our consent. Those persons can vary from News broadcast persons (educated weather persons?), policeman, city council persons, all state government persons, the president himself and all military persons….+ WE HIRED YOU TO PROTECT AND SERVE US! YOU ARE NOT DOING YOUR JOB! WE THE PEOPLE DO NOT CONSENT TO PAYING PERSONS THAT LIE. PERSONS THAT CONDONE KILLING HUMANS BY MEANS OF SPRAYING POISON IN TO OUR AIR EVERY DAY THAT IS KILLING US. WE NEED TO WAKE UP AND FIRE ALL THESE WORTHLESS MURDERING PERSONS. WE THE PEOPLE NEED TO TAKE THE MONEY OUT OF THE POCKETS THAT WE HAVE LINED FOR SO MANY YEARS. I hope that our brothers and sisters in the military wake up and realize that they are just being used. They need to remember that they do not have to take orders that betray mankind and our Constitutional rights. . You can say NO, I say NO ,,,,,NO I DO NOT CONSENT TO STRATOSPHERIC AEROSOL SPRAYING FROM AIRCRAFT.   

    1. On Thurday, February 18, 2016 I noticed that Films for Action (www.filmsforaction.org) had taken down my video "Open Up Your Eyes" which contains information about geoengineering. The film had been posted a couple of weeks prior and had 4.3 stars out of five (when I had last check on it over the weekend) with almost 1,500 views.  The film only had two comments, which I cannot read, apparently because you need a specific app to view comments on that site.  

      I called Films for Action and left a message, then emailed the editor asking why my film had been taken down when it contained no copyright infringements and was still up on YouTube.  When I checked the next day, Friday, February 19, 2016, my film had been put back up on their website, which contains over 6,000 films, many of which are controversial.  My film, however, now had gone down to 3.2 stars, apparently due to one comment (prior to that it only had two comments).  It also had the following disclaimer from the editor:

      Films For Action editor's note: We don't support the claims made about HAARP, chemtrails or in general the New World Order frame. This is a site member contribution by the filmmaker (we allow anyone to contribute content to the site). 

      When I saw the short film on Geoengineering's website about the public being programmed to accept geoengineering by academia, as a professor, I can personally attest to that fact.  The FBI paid me a visit on campus, apparently for discussing controversial subjects like constitutional rights, the Patriot Act, and our loss of civil liberties. I asked the two young agents if they had not taken an oath to uphold the constitution and they said "yes." I then asked if we still had a constitution and they said "yes." I asked if I had done anything that was unconstitutional and they said "no." I asked if they had a warrant for my arrest for teaching the truth and they said "no" so I asked them to leave and never bother me again.  They left.  I never heard from them again, but the harassment by administration kicked up to a feverish pitch to the point where last year I took an early retirement to divert my energy from defending myself against lies and false accusations to redirect my energy full time to my radio show, to writing, and becoming a short film maker. "Open Up Your Eyes" is my first short film which was released last month.  I am releasing my second film next week. 

      I am the Host of Divine Love Talk on CRN (www.crntalk.com) which is a national all radio talk network.  My show covers topics like health, wellness, relationships, spirituality, and anything that affects our civil liberties and freedoms.  I believe that the pen is mightier than the sword and will continue to speak out on these topics, on air, as long as I continue to have the support of CRN (Cable Radio Network) for my show, (Divine Love Talk has been on air now almost four years).  My show has now moved to Saturday mornings at 10 am from Mondays at 10 am Pacific time. 

      Below is the link to "Open Up Your Eyes" on YouTube and a short description of my 11 minute film that is apparently now being censored.  


      This video manages to be informative, satirical, and touching as it covers serious issues that affect all of humanity, like the poisoning of our food, air and water supply. It also covers mandatory vaccinations; police brutality and our loss of civil liberties. It was born from a spoken word piece written by peace advocate, educator, and humanitarian, Dr. Parthenia Grant who also narrated & directed the video.  If you enjoyed Look Up by Gary Turk or Sorry by Prince Ea, you will LOVE Open Up Your Eyes.  

      "Open Your Eyes" offers simple solutions to the issues raised in it and follows in the footsteps of documentaries like: "Thrive;" "What in the World Are They Spraying," "Kymatica," Zeitgeist;" etc.

      The creators hope to spark discussions that lead to taking actions toward reclaiming rights stolen right from under us as well as putting an end to corruption by starting at the local level first. 

      I travel to Mt. Shasta often as it is one of my favorite spiritual retreats in this hemisphere. When I am there, I pains me to see how the mountain is pelted relentlessly with chemicals whenever I visit. I will continue to speak out on air, write about and make films about the assault on our health and personal freedoms. 

      I think we need to speak out about and share each individual attempt to censor and silence us until we no longer have to fear being silenced.

      Dr. Parthenia Grant

    2. The governments are nothing but terrorists themselves but they do everything in stealth mode

    3. Dear Dr. Grant, I am very sorry for the censorship, and harassment, that you have endured in your struggle for the truth. Please be assured that you are not alone. I, for one, stand by you, as I am certain that many others do, as well. Many blessings to you.

  14. I just posted the entire patent list, to all who claim or refuse that it is actualy going on.. How most forgot even the weather is beyond me! We will triumph ladies and gentlemen, we wil triumph, never doubt it for a second. Even if the light turn of, search in that tunnel and never give up!!! Much love and respect to you all!

    1. Kiera…you have to understand that even us AWAKENED (?) folks lived and believed in the same world they now see.  The world that they are comfortable with.  This has been in all our faces all our lives!  This is NOT NEW.  Amazing…when caught up in a 'working' world that takes up tons of energy…to have someone tell you that this world is NOT what we think it is at all…they will defend THEIR reality.  I had no idea about anything until 2008 and then I got hit little by little to finally see and accept this very scary world you and I see today.  They aren't READY to see the world is different. Some are far more scared than others.  The naysayers that get on these sites are ON THE VERGE of changing otherwise they wouldn't imagine reading stuff part of them knows is more true than they thought.

      Best to remain the 'silent, mysterious type' that everyone knows is a brain and shows maturity than trying to tell them that the world they SEE, know, have lived within is NOT AT ALL real!  Every now and then when the timing is right hit them with a question 'you've been chewing on' and listen to their response.  Otherwise if you want to lose friends FAMILY possible friends then keep telling them THEY ARE WRONG ABOUT EVERYTHING?  Grins.  Hey, I've been there and wish someone had explained to me the bigger picture that I should have considered before opening my mouth.  The ONLY thing we can do right now is get the information out there but gotta do it very carefully and it should be targeted to an individual's needs, personalized sorta, to not alienate someone right off the bat.

      You are doing the right thing but it really hurts to lose old friends and ALL one's family.  Feels pretty isolating and you wonder if it is true that you are the one that is crazy not everyone else!  Huggs.  My best advice is to be very, very particular with whom you bring these controversial (why????) subjects up for debate.  And listen, pose questions versus statements, smile a lot then get back to whatever REALLY interests this other person.  I had to learn the hard way, hopefully this will make sense to you…take care.

    2. This is such a relief to talk on a site where most all are on the same page, actually learning something from one another!  I would absolutely adore you if you could go to Earth Sciences on Stack Exchange (fairly good site…I am on their landscaping and gardening site mostly) and try talking with these brainiacs.  Geoengineers!  Be prepared to be put down have your question dumped whatever…truly would be wonderful if others tried to ambush these guys by numbers.  Get some damn answers out of them!  Brainiacs should definitely try this site!!  This would be a great place to make BIG MIND CHANGES.  Earth Science, geo-engineering…do not use the label chemtrails!!  Persistent contrails or geoengineered spraying…

      I gave them the patent list and I did get the response from these earth science buddies and brainiacs, ex-scientists, pilots… that KNOW THEY know it all and wow! some of them had 'raised eyebrows'…but that is the farthest I've gotten.  Just do not use the word chemtrails!

      to Lynton Grayson…the government does NOT DO ANYTHING IN STEALTH MODE.  And THAT pisses me off.  Maybe it looks like that to you now but hang in there and you will start feeling like the 3rd grader they imagine you to be. They LIE and disseminate half truths and make videos that are hollywood produced to brainwash all of us. They lie blatantly and right in our faces… And by golly, most of us buy it!! We all did at one time!  We weren't born with parents that were skeptical and questioned anything the gov't was doing….we all lived in the same la la land and some of us finally wake the hell up….Once one 'wakes up' one can not go back…there is no sense whatsoever, nor facts or any reason to dissuade us back to where we were complaisant peons.  Get used to it and try to learn the ART OF PERSUASION which by the way is even a more critical skill now than ever before.  Good luck sweetcakes.  We all need it…argghhhhh!  Just be glad (I think) that you've enough courage to even be able to 'wake up'…not much of a prize, sighs.  But I think very highly of those that can chose to stand outside the BOX or the GROUP.  Kudos, Lynton! 

    3. You are not the least autistic.  Your command of language and grammar is excellent. You are right in that "we" can not change the mindset of "the masses".

      So the goal should be to change or modify the mindset of subgroups of the masses; the groups that have half a chance at the truth.  That would be the upper middle classes.  Get subscribed to Paul Craig Roberts.org.  He is a blogger.  Look at his bio first to get an idea of his background. 

      You need to join a movement that "bigger than yourself".; a movement that will give more meaning to your life; a movement that will give purpose to your life; a movment that will give you direction and avenues of action.  That movement is coming within 2 years.   We do not have a lot of time.  Search Kevin Shipp, ex-CIA Office tells the truth;  on the net and also him in relation to "the Shadow Government"


  15. Do "ordinary contrails" really come in X, O, U formations?
    Heart attack patients, fasten your seatbelts tight, you are in for a wild ride!
    Woo hoo hooo rollercoaster sky city ahoy! Have lots of fun, the captain is speaking, the fasten seatbelts sign is on!
    I guess the government shills who only think they can confuse us by chanting such ridiculous refrains as "ordinary contrails", have a few rather glaring oversights. The lies are just plain and obvious, and nobody can possibly claim that these X, O and U patterns in the sky, are "ordinary contrails".
    Oh and the parallels and grids? I guess Air Traffic Control would be in mighty fine trouble if these very close-flying planes were to crash!
    Mimicking sun's rays coming out of a cloud? Good try. The only problem is, that clouds don't come in these formations and never, ever, are real clouds just straight as a ruler.
    They can lie and tell us all they want about any "Scientific" argument they want. But in the end it is plain and obvious: They are lying. And we have to call this out.
    Video footage of planes scooping a U in the sky and shutting the spray on/off, would be great….as happened directly overhead when I was driving. If i had been able to stop and get video footage, I would have. We need more and more of such footage and this all has to stop. We deserve clear drinking water, clean air to breathe, and clean soil not found  to have higher than normal levels of aluminum nation-wide. I guess the Feds want to induce cancer and Alzheimer's while we pay for this with our tax dollars, eh?
    Enough already! End the nonsense.

  16. Thank you for the info . Please keep it coming. Im trying to explain it to my parents who are so intelligent in all ways but the way of the world and whats happening. Im in australia watching the media tell everyone lies .im trying to make people aware but coming across as a raving lunatic.

    1. The governments are nothing but terrorists themselves but they do everything in stealth mode

    2. Kiera…you have to understand that even us AWAKENED (?) folks lived and believed in the same world they now see.  The world that they are comfortable with.  This has been in all our faces all our lives!  This is NOT NEW.  Amazing…when caught up in a 'working' world that takes up tons of energy…to have someone tell you that this world is NOT what we think it is at all…they will defend THEIR reality.  I had no idea about anything until 2008 and then I got hit little by little to finally see and accept this very scary world you and I see today.  They aren't READY to see the world is different. Some are far more scared than others.  The naysayers that get on these sites are ON THE VERGE of changing otherwise they wouldn't imagine reading stuff part of them knows is more true than they thought.

      Best to remain the 'silent, mysterious type' that everyone knows is a brain and shows maturity than trying to tell them that the world they SEE, know, have lived within is NOT AT ALL real!  Every now and then when the timing is right hit them with a question 'you've been chewing on' and listen to their response.  Otherwise if you want to lose friends FAMILY possible friends then keep telling them THEY ARE WRONG ABOUT EVERYTHING?  Grins.  Hey, I've been there and wish someone had explained to me the bigger picture that I should have considered before opening my mouth.  The ONLY thing we can do right now is get the information out there but gotta do it very carefully and it should be targeted to an individual's needs, personalized sorta, to not alienate someone right off the bat.

      You are doing the right thing but it really hurts to lose old friends and ALL one's family.  Feels pretty isolating and you wonder if it is true that you are the one that is crazy not everyone else!  Huggs.  My best advice is to be very, very particular with whom you bring these controversial (why????) subjects up for debate.  And listen, pose questions versus statements, smile a lot then get back to whatever REALLY interests this other person.  I had to learn the hard way, hopefully this will make sense to you…take care.

  17. Well said Jane. Just yesterday I had been speaking with a woman about the consequences of Chemtrails and the symptomatic effects of them on us ie: The Morgellon epidemic, and she blew me off. You could see in her eyes that she thought that I needed to be put into a rubber room.

  18. Evan, I feel exactly the same. The majority of America is so completely blind and ignorant, it’s shocking! I am so disheartened. We are literally under attack, and it seems as though NO ONE CARES!! I can’t even find it in myself to blame them; they are so distracted and dumbed down by the elite… it’s tragic.

    1. I think it is not so much ignorance, but disbelief that the government could allow such experiments, since they all have to breathe the polluted air they produce. When I mentioned this to some friends, they thought that I was simply paranoid.

  19. I have looked these patents up on the US government’s patent website. Interestingly enough, the patent 3795262 (weather modification process) is unavailable, yet all the others I searched are. Strange.

  20. Everyone thinks im a nutter when I talk about chemtrails . I just keep on talking . They were spraying above my farmhouse last sunday . After a crystal clear day they started at dusk . The sky was soon covered with the trails widening to form clouded out skies . I live in s.w scotland .

  21. I totally agree Evan. Like you say, when you tell people and show them the evidence they think you are nutty. And it really Irk’s me also that they go to the debunking sites to refute what you are telling them. The reason why they do this is because they do not want to believe what is really happening on earth. Watch Unsealed Conspiraces on Netflix. I am surprised that some of this is Aired. Well again you can choose whether to believe it or not. One doesn’t have to be that Bright to see what is going on. One only has to use their senses in order to figure it out. Starting with ones eyes and ears would be the first step. Just look up and listen. Only the Sheeple follow the Herd into their own demise. And the people that are involved in this don’t care. In their minds it’s going to happen and is happening. They get paid extremely well for participating in the program.

    Another Foggy Day.

    Another day without Sunshine.

    Being Conditioned real well.

    Good work on fooling everyone Enviroment Canada.

    Piss’s me off that people are Dumb enough to believe it is Normal.

  22. Population control has been in effect for 2 to 3 generations at the very least. its been happening in Africa and is evinced by the HAARP weather control method in the above list. There is a confirmed HAARP plant in Alaska which Americans are afraid have been used on that. However, according to the description of the patent,the transmission to control climate by region how to transmit from the opposite side of the globe of the targeted region. the opposite side of the world from Alaska happens to be Mozambique. research via Google of Mozambique will confirm high mortality rates due to disease which ultimately stem from climate changes. If anyone is interested and knowing the future of America, if the current course remains unaltered, as we have to do is look to the generational sufferings of fellow human beings in Africa and Middle East.

    1. This sounds so sad but it all falls in line with agenda 21 a sick and selfish evil plot counter humanity created by the so called elites!

  23. found these us patent 6017 302 subliminalacoustic manipulation of nervous system. us 5935054 magnetic excitement of sensory responses us 3951134 apparatus and method for romotely monitoring and altering brainwaves.

  24. Thank you, you are not alone, I feel exactly the same way.We know what they are up to, google Agenda 21. These psychopaths are killing off their own families as well. I dont care how mind controlled they are, they are going down with us. Just remember, evil has within it, its seeds of its own destruction and they will FAIL.

  25. You can put these patents right in front of people and you can tell them to google certain findings on this. The people that I have expressed this issue think that I am nutty. The ones that show any type of interest will go to the De-bunking sites and try to defy what you are trying to tell them. I really wonder what is in their head all the time. As much as I am unhappy with what is going on. I am more disgusted with people that don’t believe you when they have not done any research in depth. I just watched a bit on TV saying about the Autism that is in unborn children and the mother doesn’t even know about the escalating rates that are ongoing with this. Big Pharma is only part of the the Heap Pile. Everytime I see a Mason Temple it Irks me. I have come to the end of my rope almost on this. I myself don’t see any clear future for people because they are listening to the Media and believing what they are being told. The other thing that also gets to me are all the Save Our Troops magnets on vehicles. I guess people really think that they are doing everyone a huge favor when that is so far from the truth. I watch the sky everyday and you are very lucky to get a clear blue sky. Then I constantly hear about people talking about the weather and not having the faintest clue on what is going on. Also you hear people talking about such and such a person being sick. I guess most of them live in a Day Dream because they might as well be living that way. Then I hear mothers talking to other mothers talking about Mundane things which make no sense whatsoever. Constantly happening are people texting in their vehicles. I see it through the rear view mirror. More girls than guys it seems. I don’t know what to think anymore because our World is being destroyed to accommodate the well off because they only have one thing in mind. Even the politicians, firefighters, ambulance, cops and many more are keeping a tight zip on this. They don’t seem to care about anything, not even their family becAuse the money is so important. It is a Very Sad Situation. Gloria Gaynor said it right in her song. Only The Strong Will Survive. We are on a Trip To Disaster that is a for Sure Thing.

    Unfortunate at it Is.

    1. Have you paid attention to how the weather announcers now often say "we will" as they speak about changing weather patterns?  It may be their coded way to alert those of us with eyes to see and ears to hear about what's going on, and still keep their jobs.

      We do need eyes on the inside who will leak, by any means necessary, correct info to the rest of their human kin – we all came from one original family.  For those who don't agree with that; get any group of people that has a 20 year (a generation) span between their ages, and using the ones at the 10/11 year areas start counting how many direct ancestors each has – regardless of the daddy claiming the child or not – going back 45 – 50 generations.  At each step back the number of direct ancestors doubles because we all have a mom/dad.

      It will look like this: You = 1; your mom/dad = 2; your mom's mom/dad = 2 + your dad's mom/dad = 2 (2 + 2 = 4) 4 grandparents; your grandma's mom's  mom/dad = 2, her dad's mom/dad = 2 (4 total), your grandpa's mom's mom/dad = 2, his dad's mom/dad = 2 (4 total): (4 + 4 = 8) 8 great grandparents; etc., etc., etc. into generations 45 -50 generations.  The number of direct ancestors for each person in that group would be an exponential number of the total population of the Planet Earth today 9/19/2015 which is currently more than 7,000,000,000 people – that's for each person, just going back 45 – 50 generations of direct ancestors – not counting their children or siblings.  

      At what point in time will their ancestral heritages cross, and how often will they cross by the time one gets into generation number 50?  Which tribe, and or ethnic group, and or "race" of people, and or nation, and or continent, and or the Planet Earth has ever had that many people in it at one time, and they successfully reproduced themselves?

      This makes it very clear that there is only one (1) race and it's called human aka homo sapiens sapiens some add the other sapiens.  WAKE UP!  Quit drinking their mind numbing kool aid, and beware (and aware) of the Georgia Guidestones? 

  26. “It’s a money making scheme which is ultimately designed to benefit banks and shareholders regardless of the effect on the health of the planet and those beings who live in it.”

    Thanks for this NEEDED site!

    Anything those who run this planet want to implement they first make PROFITABLE. ANYTHING can be made profitable if you hold the political power to rearrange markets, minds and “laws”. These guys do hold the power.

    Here is what I believe is quite probable.

    The people running things are currently implementing MANY methods to reduce the Global Population of HUMANS. I could give dozens of examples but results speak for themselves. Each year in the US human fertility as measured by sperm counts et al continue to decline. About 25% of couples in the US are having trouble conceiving. This trend has persisted for many decades and is not random.

    In the 1960s there was a lot of talk of “Global COOLING”. Methods were being thought of to reduce “Global Cooling”. Those running things came to the conclusion that a Global Cooling period would commence in about the year 2000. They reasoned that if this cooling could be accentuated the depopulation effect of the COLD, COLD kills warm does not, would be multiplied.

    Thus was born the “Global Warming” deadly scam and with it all the sunlight reflecting geoengineering we have seen being implemented over the last two decades to supposedly reduce “Global Warming”. What has been archived is what was desired from day one when the temperature measuring devices were placed in close proximity of heat sources, sunlight has been reflected from the earth in sufficient amounts to accentuate “Global Cooling” which is under way NOW.

    Please get some blankets folks it is getting COLD. In my opinion many of us world wide are in mortal danger and it is NOT “climate” or “Global XXX” which is the ultimate threat. No it is those nice people who give you two fives for a ten, or rather their BIG bosses.

  27. Thanks for all the useful information on your website. I’m living in Europe where geoengineering is representing a hudge problem. People here still do not understand the danger as our governments make us believe that harmless contrails are involved. I’m wondering the following: Since some time crews of various aircompanies are suffering from aerotoxic syndrome. During their flights they’re feeling sick and they are suffering from neurological symptoms, headaches, palpitations, nausea and even fainting. Kerosene fuel vapor entering the cockpit passing through the airfilters is said to be the cause. But if this is true, why do the aircompanies refuse to comment in public and why no further research is done to solve this problem? I’m wondering if the alluminum particles and other additives of chemtrails might be the real cause. Besides it seems that certain low cost aircompanies are spraying too:


    I look forward to learning what’s your opinion about this matter

  28. Also see http://patentscope.wipo.int/search/en/detail.jsf?docId=US73564228

    (US20120117003) Geoengineering Method Of Business Using Carbon Counterbalance Credits

    “A business method for providing an emissions trading approach value to products and services that provide active cooling of the Earth that provides a sustainable means for global cooling strategies to achieve commercial value, in order to drive development and real-world application of these approaches, comprising the steps of manufacturing a light-scattering nanoparticle (527), deploying the stratospheric nanoparticles for reducing solar radiation incident on the Earth (537), receiving Carbon Counterbalance Credits in exchange for the local, national, regional, or international benefits derived from said deployment (547), and derives income from selling said credits in order to create a sustainable and viable business (557). Systems, devices, and agents for deployment in accordance with the business method are also disclosed.”

    1. Just read the whole thing Steve. It’s a money making scheme which is ultimately designed to benefit banks and shareholders regardless of the effect on the health of the planet and those beings who live in it.

      l’aluminium se planque dans les bacs à sable, nous en respirons tous les jours, nous mangeons des nanoparticules sans connaître leurs effets, sans aucun recul.
      Les sels vaporisés massivement dans la ionosphère permettent également d’aspirer le H2O (vers les Etats-Unis).
      Vous n’avez pas remarqué le changement dans votre potager? la terre est bcp – malléable, le sol est bien plus dur et sec. La raison? L’aluminium.
      Vous n’avez pas remarqué le changement dans les arbres? on dirait l’automne déjà en août, les feuilles s’assèchent et tombent déjà. Raison? Aluminium.
      Ce dimanche 25 août, il y a une marche globale contre la géo-ingénieurie: manifestez votre indignation !
      http://www.globalmarchagainstgeoingeenring ou qqchose comme ça: tapez ça sur google pour trouver la ville la plus proche de chez vous 🙂

    2. (google translation)
      aluminum hideout in sandboxes, we breathe every day, we eat nanoparticles without knowing their effects, no recoil.
      The sprayed heavily in the ionosphere salts are also used to draw the H2O (to the U.S.).
      You have not noticed the change in your garden? the earth is bcp – malleable, the soil is much more hard and dry. The reason? Aluminum.
      You have not noticed a change in the trees? it looks like autumn already in August, the leaves dry up and fall already. Reason? Aluminum.
      This Sunday, August 25, there is a global march against Geo-Engineering to: express your outrage!
      http://www.globalmarchagainstgeoingeenring or qqchose like this: type it on google to find the closest city to you 🙂

  29. Patent that might be relevant to chemtrails and HAARP.

    RFID environmental manipulation, Patent number 7,645,326,
    Inventor: Rodgers; James Neil (Langley, BC, CA)

    The patent involves the use of a reflective blanket of aluminum oxide-laced cloud cover to act as reflectors of radio frequency transmissions and the same increase the strength of such radio frequency signal. The aluminum oxide should only be introduced only when the environment is vacant of humans, preferably at nighttime, when radio wave propagation is at its highest rate of efficiency. The formula for aluminum oxide is Al(2)O(3). It can be toxic if inhaled in large quantities. It can cause coughing, mucous production and shortness of breath.

    For it to work properly, the transformer system of this invention (aluminum oxide blanket) involves the external antenna gathering an RFID electromagnetic signal interrogation message from a remote source, such as a cellular telephone transmission tower or perhaps HAARP antennas. This interrogation will be in the microwave frequency.


    1. Warning: Attempt to read property "user_email" on bool in /home/devgeowatch/public_html/wp-content/plugins/avatar/avatar.php on line 647
      admin says:

      Thanks, we’ll look at it.

    2. Wow, what a great find! It even mentions HAARP specifically, and also notes on EXISTING side effects from the Hughes Welsbach patent. Simply amazing, thanks for sharing this!

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