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1998 The state of Minnesota finds unexplained aluminum. Go to this URL, go to page ten and put aluminum in the PDF search engine. Or scroll down to second paragraph (page 10).

Clifford Carnicom’s rainwater tests of 2001 in Santa Fe New Mexico turn up metals, he actually distills the water till you can see them. PH is 7.6, very aklkaline (we now know aluminum does this). He even has video files on this webpage. Here are the microscopic images and explanations leading up to his conclusions. More and more. His mainpage is here and anyone who doubts aerosol spraying better try and debunk this man first.

Carnicom independently isolates barium 2001

2002 Therese Aigner, professional, accredited enivrionmental expert/engineer tests in 2002 Over three months, three separate rainwater and snow samples from Chapel Hill, North Carolina, have been collected and submitted for formal ‘double-blind’ laboratory analysis.

2002 Canadian journalist Will Thomas obtains tests from Alberta Canada. Scroll down- Barium and Aluminum confirmed. He also mentions Ontario CANADA samples from 1999 were seven times higher than gov allowable levels.

Related to the above: EDMONTON LAB TESTS CHEMTRAILS SAMPLE Dave Dickie’s World Landscapes company performs contract landscape work for the City of Edmonton. Soils analysis come back with a high EC rating 4-7 (toxic). Other soil sources are rejected of course because they do not make any sense. City specifications call for a reading no higher than 1. A $33 lab test of snow samples collected in a sterilized container confirmed elevated levels of aluminum and barium. Norwest Labs lab report #336566 finds: * aluminum levels: 0.148 milligrams/litre * barium levels: 0.006 milligrams/litre

2003 United Kingdom In this report written by Mark Purdy and copyrighted by Elsevier Science Ltd. it is stated : The high levels of Ba stemmed from local quarrying for Ba ores and/or use of Ba in paper/foundry/welding/textile/oil and gas well related industries, as well as from the use of Ba as an atmospheric aerosol spray for enhancing/refracting the signalling of radio/radar waves along military jet flight paths, missile test ranges, etc.

Clifford Carnicom tests of 2004 that led to this conclusion

2005 Bryan Holmes of Ontario Canada tests his soil and has high levels of aluminum. He does extensive research.

2006 Paul Moyers of KNBC does story on folks testing in San Bernardino California. Tests performed were on a YELLOW substances, similar to substances found floating on ponds in northern california in 2007-09. Unfortunately, tests on the KNBC story were not for metals but for biological activity, of which there was none (NOTE HERE: Other reports of varying substances include biological substances)

2007 Texas samples compared to Italian samples. Dr. Hildegarde Staninger. Though the texas sample was fibers, these elements were detected:sodium, aluminum, phosphorus, calcium, sulfur, and chlorine. The Italian fibers were Carbon, oxygen, aluminum, calcium, sodium and iron were found.

2007 Arkansas news team publlishes famers testing that shows high levels of barium (3x higher than epa allowable)

KSLA in Louisiana tests Arkansas substances, and discovers Rockefeller Report reveals prior history of biological testing on the american population. The report says:”239 populated areas were contaminated with biological agents between 1949 and 1969.”

This seems to be an arizona air test taken in 08.

2009 German video of aluminum in rainwater by GERMAN SKYWATCH

2009 Phoenix Arizona, Gallium is found in air samples. Not found naturally, used for cloaking and stealth technology.

This page reviews the state of california’s tests: “It was discovered that Barium, Magnesium, Lead, Manganese, Aluminum, Iron, Sodium, and Specific Conductance (the ability of water to conduct a charge), were being found under unusual circumstances in our drinking water supplies. Unusual spikes were occurring in almost all drinking water sources in Mendocino County and in other counties throughout the State of California.”

2007-2009 Arizona. compiled by Arizona Sky Watch, using independent testing and state testing. First click on the two links to the California tests and see another representation of those tests. THEN You will have to click on the “Click here to go directly to our Arizona air, soil, and water charts, where you can see pictures of samples we have taken right here in Arizona”and you will find YEARS of air, soil and water tests (about 10 tests),

2010 Jan/Feb Australian Water Tests are throught the roof!


1994 Oakville Washington, 6 times over 3 weeks, gelatine like substances drop from the sky, sickening the many in the town, killing dogs and cats. Testing revealed LIVING BIOLOGICAL organisms. In the years 2000-2009, this substance or something similar, along with web fibers have been witnessed world wide after jet trails intensified the skies. I (MO) had my car covered with it in Sacramento in 2008 after leaving it at the airport parking lot for a week. My family also experienced the gelatin like substance all over our RV while camping under an intensified sky in the Sierras.

2000 Residents of South Africa report sticky substances coming from sky

2008 This Colorado researcher collected gel substances IN RAINWATER, and hypothesized a relationship to patent 7,320,858 (registered earlier that year).


Weather forcaster says there is metals in the clouds and mentions aluminum…says its military Well this isnt a test but this man certainly would have knowledge about what he says….and he sure says it!

2009 Vienna Austria- This videogpraher captures jet turning the spray on and off repeatedly

2008 This weatherman explains chaff, aluminum coated strips and barium use in radar stealth technology


24 Responses

  1. I have been trying and trying through social media to get Trump to add (Chem Trails/Geo Engineering, Monsanto, and the poisons put into the food supply, etc) into his platform.  We and the Earth and the Oceans are being poisoned and it has not been brought up in the presidential campaign.  Will someone please get to Trump and have him address the issue  before the American Public (even though it is a global issue).  Please, I beg of you.  Isn't there some prestigious group of scientists who can FAX Trump and have him address the issue.  Again, I say, please Contact Trump on this issue.  What good will be to make America great again if everything is diseased, dying or dead?

    1. Hello George, Trump does know about the geoengineering issue, I know this for a fact from a retired USAF general that I have been communicating with for about a year. Trump wants a larger military, not a smaller one. Trump completely denies that the planet is rapidly warmimg (made worse by climate engineering), exactly what the military industrial complex and the geoengineers would want him to state. Trump completely denies there is any dought in California. The bottom line with Trump, and all the other “candidates” is this, they are simply actors in the play, and they all know just how long their leash is. If any of them were a threat to those in power, they would already have been taken out one way or another. How long did Kennedy last after he challenged those in power? About a week. Unfortunately Trump is just a part of the Grand Facade, like the rest of the actors in the play. It is up to us to raise awareness to critical mass, we must all keep sounding the alarm.

    2. I watched a speech of Trumps last week where he all of a sudden exclaimed loudly: -" i want immaculately clean water, i want immaculately clean air". It is highly likely he is being smart not to reveal what he will do…it has been his mantra. Not to reveal strategy to the enemy… so lets not give up hope.  Hopefully his military will extinguish Isis and then get the heck out.  I dont mind a large powerful military if its used to threaten enemies of the US to protect us. 

      Trump is already against Monsanto, GMOs and vaccines, so he could be onboard with this. 

    3. Yes i must agree, I believe trump is against geo-engineering. anyone who has any logic and children know this is insane. we are living in genocide. like the jews sitting in the showers. It will be the end of this human race as we know it if we dont stop this. the earth is a source of life not a resource for life.

  2. Test rain the smart way. I have no plane that goes to 50,000 feet, but you can carch the rain in a clear jar or container, and let it settle. You will be shocked. They always spray before a storm. Haven’t you noticed the crazy volumes of rain falling?

  3. do u feel it is causing the drought? I have a reporter in fresno who wants to do a story on this, but needs proof. can u help me?

  4. HELP! I have a reporter cousin of mine who asked if she could get proof on these
    chemtrails he can possibly do an article for his paper and possibly get a lot of
    farmers involved to go after this holocaust that is happening to us. Does anyone
    have proof for me? Please help and thank you in advance. See below for his request;
    “but if you have proof of it..
    like a nationally recognized report from medical people or scientific people then i can look into it”


  5. Instead of testing rain, which can be contaminated from any ground source, why not test a trail at altitude? It’s the best and most definitive way to find the truth about chemtrails. Think about it. NO MORE FRINGE topics, this would be front page news in every country! You could effectively save the planet.

    Since Dane has determined the new engines are not likely to leave trails, we can test any lasting trail and we will be sure it’s a chemtrail as defined. Let’s find the truth!!!!

  6. Yes, in Perth, Western Australia, after rain from our roof poured over our thriving enormous bougainvillea, it yellowed and died EXACTLY as though it had been sprayed….I also have footage of Chemtrails over the hills which is very rare a they normally spray ove the ocean or inland and at night. Perth never sees contrails as too wrm and planes not high enough.

  7. During the first half of this year, there was heavy spraying here on the central coast of Calif. many contracted an unknown broncial malady that lasted for weeks, after that, two of my large shrubs died after thriving for 25 years and two trees lost their leaves and died back, recovering somewhat after the spraying mostly stopped. plants leaves yellowed, others showed yellow spots on their leaves like they had been sprayed with a herbacide.
    All this cleared up after the spraying seemed to discontinue here.
    This week, the radio frequency emissions called HAARP have resumed as have the shark gilled clouds.

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