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California's water supply is being completely blockaded by a "ridiculously resilient ridge" of high pressure and the constant aerosol spraying of the skies over the once golden state. Both factors are a part of the ongoing global climate engineering/weather warfare programs. Is California just a "climate sacrifice zone"? Or a target for catastrophic drought creation to provide governmental powers the premise to take control of water rights and for other purposes of control and profit? The likely answer is all the above. The entire country and indeed the entire planet are under an all out weather warfare and biological warfare assault, this has been the case for a very long time (since the elements being sprayed are highly toxic, the biological contamination must be considered an aspect of these programs). The geoengineers control the skies, rain will not return for the West unless or until the weather makers allow it. How bad is the situation in California? The article below penned by James Lee from TABU is an excellent summary.
Dane Wigington


Mega Drought in California Significantly Worsens, Though Not Reported on by the Weather Channel, et. al

Source: Tabublog.com, article by Jamie Lee


Throughout the 2015 winter season, all the nations major news sources are reporting exclusively about another record year of brutal cold and snow in the Eastern half of the United States. This has also been the sole meme covered on the Weather Channel, the countries most major public/private source for weather news.

The Weather Channel, majority bought, owned, and controlled by Rothschild LLC in 2011, even hosts regular hours long reports of storms as they pass through. They have also begun the strange practice of naming the winter storms. The last one I think I saw was named “Pandora” after the mythological character, who released from the jar all of the evils onto the world, save Hope.  (Source)

But what about the other half of the country? You know, California and those “other” states West of Missouri? Weather Channel, et. al remain a stone-cold silence. In fact, nearly all state and local newspapers are in a “drought-out” reporting on California’s long term plight.

In direct opposition and contrast to the East, the record shattering warm weather and no rain in California in January, now February, with zero rain in the forecast for the Golden State, is the state’s unfortunate real-time reality with coming real time, long term consequences.

Due to the prolonged absence of rain and way above normal temperatures, we are seeing fruit trees budding and flowering one to one-and-one half months early. Spring planting schedules moved way up as farmers puzzle what can/will grow where.

Pine, oak and other trees are blowing up, literally, around our county here in Mendocino and beyond from the inside out. Pest manifestation and infestation, due to lack of root moisture, is toppling formerly healthy, strong, decades old beautiful trees everywhere throughout the state.

California is the largest populated state in the country. One out of eight Americans reside in sunny, warming, no rain, CA. Our economy is recognized as the 8th largest in the world with Central Valley farmers producing some 42% of the nations food supplies for decades.

Last year, many Central Valley farmers had to fallow their fields when their water allotments were cut to 5% of normal, by Fed and State water agencies. The only  exception are for those with grandfathered water rights, who can take as much as they like and are making millions and millions selling to those without these exclusive water right privileges.

Many meat ranchers last spring culled half their herds of beef, lamb and sheep due to the doubling of grain prices and lack of grazing lands for their animals. This has kept a temporary lid on beef prices due to excess inventory but that excess is now over.

The ski industry, and supporting tourist business around Lake Tahoe, is in chaos. Many resorts closed early again this year. Worse, the Sierra Nevada snow pack is again more than 75% below baseline normal for this time of year. (However, the bountiful and blessed rains that showered the state in December were warm and created little snow pack.)

The Federal Water Agency controls the spring and former summer runoff from the CA mountains and is charged with allocating water to some 3300 state water agencies they are in contract with. Last year, for the first time ever, the Fed’s broke a 54-year contract with these state water agencies, allocating them zero water initially. (Two months later they bumped up allocation to 5% of normal). (Source)

With no water again to allocate from California’s “ice chest” reserves of the Sierra Mountains, it will be another zero allocation year to be announced next week by the Fed’s in their initial annual water allocation report. (Water runoff from the CA mountains had supplied 43% of the states annual water supply while releasing water downstream over the spring into summer as the snow pack melted.)

Meanwhile, in Colorado, they have been consistently shattering record warm temperatures by some 5-15 degrees. Eastern Colorado had record high temperatures of 82 degrees in early February.

Alaska, once again, is recording record warm temperatures, up to some 20 degrees above normal, and frequently now reports warmer temps than the state of Texas.

“Oh Auntie ‘em, Auntie ‘em!.” cries Dorothy.

But barely a passing commentary by our national old school, corporate owned, government subsidized, news and weather services about the Western States critical water shortages.


“We have to learn to manage wisely water, energy, land and our investments,” said Gov. Brown this morning. “That’s why this is important.”

So what is Governor Brown doing to preserve and conserve what precious water the state has in its reserves as we have now entered our 5th straight record year of prolonged drought?

So far nunca, nada and nothing, not a damn thing. Golf courses are still being watered with only voluntary cut backs “requested”. Non-reclaimed water car washes still going business as usual. Restaurants serving water without request. Frackers, being satisfied with thousands and millions of gallons of potable drinking water per well site.

Building permits are still being issued for new wineries in Sonoma and Napa Counties. New housing and other constructions projects the same. Business as usual. Business must grow. Wall Street applauds the pro business inaction’s with continual record highs of related private shareholder stock prices.


Yet behind the scenes, in the dark recesses of California State governance, there is much scheming, plotting and planning going on for the predicted, protracted, decades and decades long water shortage ahead.

Governor Brown, formerly known as “Jerry Moonbeam”, is quietly passing legislation to control all private water supplies with plans to spend some half a TRILLION of of future tax payer dollars for massive state water management catchment basins.

Included in Governor Brown’s plans are for two huge 30 mile water-carrying tunnels as well as for many large scale damn dams. These dam projects will be the first state-led dam projects in her history to assuredly be accompanied by the expected, unexpected cost over-runs of these mega-projects to come.

These tunnels will take water from the northern Sacramento River, which gets its water from Shasta Lake, to give to the thirsty southern part of the state (Southern California is especially in trouble because it is also having to deal with a drying up Colorado River where it draws from as well).


Last October, Brown quietly announced these huge building and spending plans just a week before state voters approved a one-time, special $20 billion bond that he pushed to help ease the drought:

From the Santa Rosa Press Democrat, 10/24/14:

California’s growing population and dwindling water require up to $500 billion in additional investment in water in coming decades, and new state fees for water users could be one way pay for it, a water plan released Thursday by the state’s top water officials said.

Currently, governments spend about $20 billion annually on California’s water supply, or $200 billion over 10 years, said Kamyar Guivetchi, head of integrated water management for the Department of Water Resources.

State officials are calling for another $500 billion in coming decades. That includes $100 billion in flood-control projects and $400 billion to fund a wide range of projects proposed by different regions of the state, Guivetchi said.

The plan looks as far ahead as 2050, spanning a period when California will be dealing with everything from shrinking snowpack, rising seas and encroaching salinity in waterways to more frequent droughts under climate change.

The plan envisions growing cities increasingly taking more water, farmers using less, and water costing more in general. It shouldn’t be a surprise, Cowin said, that water is going to cost more for Californians in the future.

In addition, a month before that announcement, Governor Brown also signed into law, solely by the stroke of his pen, the “Sustainable Groundwater Management Act”:

This three-bill legislation, (AB 1739 (Dickinson), SB 1168 (Pavley) and SB 1319 (Pavley), requires the formation of new local groundwater sustainability agencies responsible for establishing long-term locally-based groundwater management plans and ultimately protecting groundwater quality within their jurisdictions. The legislation also provides for limited state intervention as necessary to ensure that groundwater resources are being protected.

“A central feature of these bills is the recognition that groundwater management in California is best accomplished locally. Local agencies will now have the power to assess the conditions of their local water basins and take necessary steps to bring those basins in a state chronic long-term overdraft into balance,” the governor said in his official signing message.

“We have to learn to manage wisely water, energy, land and our investments,” said Gov. Brown this morning. “That’s why this is important.”
The new groundwater legislation also requires local water agencies to replenish underground aquifers that have been depleted. Farmers will likely have to meter their wells, and some may be forced to cease or dramatically reduce pumping, according to the new bills.

If local water agencies fail to comply with the new rules, state water officials will have the power to do whatever is necessary to enforce the legislation. The cost of doing nothing is the biggest economic gamble,” State Senator Fran Pavley said. “Thousands of homes and small farms cannot keep pace with the race to drill deeper and deeper wells.” (Source)

Obviously, the state is planning on the record drought to become the new normal.

Private water rights are going away very soon, maybe this year, and water for farming in the state will be cut even further, yet you will not hear a word of conversation about Conservation from the lot of “business first and always”, state officials.

According to the new bill:

So why no laser like focus in the news about these huge critical news stories regarding all who live in California and a nation that has relied on more than 40% of its food supply from Central Valley farms that is coming to an abrupt and severe reduction in production?

According to Dane Wiggington, founder of Geoengineeringwatch.org., it is because we who live in California are regularly being targeted, using GE weather manipulation, to keep California arid, hot and very, very dry.

We are being sacrificed for a much larger agenda by covert forces to keep the Arctic from releasing megaton pools of Methane gases from the rapidly melting tundra up far North. (Source) 

It is because those in power to manipulate the weather all around the Earth now for decades, are really, really scared and are acting out of sheer desperation to “re-Arctify” the Arctic with nucleated heavy snow mass, so they are maneuvering precipitation up North that would be going to California and other Western states.

Once these massive blobs of methane gas have been released into our atmosphere, akin to huge belches, the planet will heat up exponentially within one to two years, it is predicted openly by climate scientists.

Last year the U.S. Navy revised their estimates, by some 40 years, as to how quickly the Arctic was melting, and is now predicting a ice free Arctic by 2016. Yet we are not hearing about these planetary emergency stories on old school news or local rags. (Source)

Astute observers will note how this all fits in perfectly with the Agenda 21 biosphere plans to make half of the lands in the U.S. as well as other countries, like China, uninhabitable for humans. California now appears to be in the cross hairs as to the roll-out of the NWO’s big plan agenda. (Source)

Black Ops and CA State Officials aren’t the only ones planning for a decades long drought crisis. So are some of the largest corporations in the world headquartered in the state.

These are some of the headline announcements, just from the past three weeks, as battery technology is becoming a viable product for public use to replace our oil based economy. (This is also a very likely big reason for oils 65% decline, and why oil related prices will stay in decline going forward).

Apple to build $2B solar-powered “command center” 

Google Will Soon Use Wind Power to Run Its HQ

California PG & E Utility To Allow Customers To Receive All Their Electricity From Community Solar

Most telling was recent commentary from Tesla Motors President, Elon Musk, as to how big utility companies are going to be facing big problems in the near and distant futures due to decentralized battery powered sourcing for homes and businesses.

Tesla Plans Battery for Household Energy-Storage Market

Tesla Motors Inc., best known for making the all-electric Model S sedan, is using its lithium-ion battery technology to position itself as a front-runner in the emerging energy-storage market that supplements and may ultimately threaten the traditional electric grid.

“We are going to unveil the Tesla home battery, the consumer battery that would be for use in people’s houses or businesses fairly soon,” Chief Executive Officer Elon Musk said during an earnings conference call with analysts Wednesday.

In addition, Apple, Google, Tesla and PG & E are well into the build-out of a major shift to battery powered electric cars, many to be driven and commanded by remote controllers.


By 2017-2020, all major car manufactures, including new entries, Apple and Google driver-less cars, plan to have battery driven automobiles on our roadways.

IKEA promises rapid rollout of electric car chargers

Speedy charging driving a global boom in electric cars

Apple Is Working on an Electric Car

With the new battery cars will come the “pay-by-the-mile” economy of transportation. (We are already being prepped in web crawler ads on the Rothschild’s Weather Channel and many Alt-News websites.)

As part of corporations extremely successful business plans, with its quasi public/private relationships to “socialize costs, privatize profits” strategy, PG & E, the states largest utility company, is aggressively petitioning California state legislators to fund some $653.8 million, paid solely by state taxpayers. There plans are to install some 25,000 electrical charging stations. (This is just after they reported a record up 65% Q1 last week!) (Source)

Nearly 44% of PG & E earnings have relied on their generating energy from hydroelectric dams placed in and around the states mountain ranges. Their system is built along 16 river basins stretching nearly 500 miles—from Redding in the north to Bakersfield in the south. PG&E’s 68 powerhouses, including a pumped storage facility, have a total generating capacity of 3,896 MW and rely on nearly 100 reservoirs located primarily in the higher elevations of California’s Sierra Nevada and Southern Cascade mountain ranges.

So with little hydroelectric water being available again this year, where is PG & E planning to get their energy for all the battery car charging stations they are building out?


Enter the State, and their new hundreds of billions of dollars of new-to-be issued floating debt to be paid by huge future taxes, so they can literally dam the entire state’s basins with hydro-electric dams.

Those of us on wells in California will be seeing new local water agency laws attempting to enforce smart metering of private wells as early as this summer. Private water rights will be no longer in the state.

Farmers are clearly being told by the state they will have to get used to minimal water allocations going forward, for the very long term. This exacerbates our already dangerous dependence on out-of-country food sources, with their highly questionable  food growing practices that will not be as closely monitored as in the U.S.

The nations food prices will continue north in prices across the board. Again.

Residents will want, finally, to replace their lawns to grow their own food but will be stymied by continued and reduced water allocations by the state. Laws to restrict water catchment from home roof tops will assuredly be enacted, like are already laws on the books in five states.

Water taxes bills will soar along with water allocation measures. The wealth will pay dearly to keep their pretty landscapes, because they can.

Fires throughout the state will manifest as state and federal budgets for fire protection are being cut as this is written.

Bechtel, Granite Construction, Nestle, et.all will get even richer building huge dams and selling more bottled water during water shortages and scare in the cities of water scarcity.

Water bottles will increase into the Pacific garbage patch significantly. Sorry fish. Sorry oceans.

Yet today, in this the 5th straight year of historic, record California drought, tee times are being filled at the public and private clubs, along with water glasses at all restaurants. The shiny, new sub-prime loaned vehicles are looking spiffy and clean as are their owners lawns in the many bedroom communities throughout the state.

Ms. Condelleza Rice, formerly of Standard Oil, Secretary of State, and water-boarding approval torture fame, is scheduled next up to be the states new senator in ’16.

When corporations dictate state policy for all with absolute impunity, it is called Facsim. When the state takes control of all natural resources, where private rights are trumped by state mandate, it is called a Totalitarian government run solely by decree.

The next storm up in the East, reported by Rothschild LLC Weather Channel service, is scheduled to be named “Zelus”.

Zelus (think ‘jealous’), comes from a Greek mythological character who personified envy, cunning, jealously and zeal.

A Real Perfect Storm name.

Source: Tabublog.com, article by Jamie Lee




22 Responses

  1. we are now in Montana after 20 years in Northern Nevada.  I am a California girl from the San Joaquin Valley originally.

    Here in Montana, the CSKT Water Compact is the guise under which the FEDS are trying to control the water from eleven counties in  Northwest Montana!  The guilt trip being perpetuated is that we "owe" the Native tribes from years ago. IF this garbage passes, the tribes will control the water deeded to ranchers and farmers (irrigators) years ago.  They plan to cut off at least 70% of the water, including private wells!  It will destroy families who have depended on the water for hundreds of years!

    If the Indians are dumb/gullible enough to trusts the US government, then….! When the Feds desire, they will simply take the water from the Tribes, who were once lied to to the point of being forced onto reservations.

    If you doubt this, look at the once verdant San Joaquin Valley, which has been turned into a dust bowl.  Makes me ILL. Boxer, Feinstein, Reid and their ilk need to suffer for what they have perpetuated!!  Suffer big time!


  2. I may be late to the game on this one but has anyone watched season five episodes 12 and 13? They explain in detail SRM including spraying nano particles coated in barium.

  3. I had a vision, the source of which I am unclear, whereby I viewed men and women arm in arm, back to back, facing the enemies of the insipid darkness that has enveloped mankind. The heart of man has been corrupted. Without a change of heart there is no future!

  4. Hey Dane and all,

    Out in N. CA, near Mendocino Coast, an hour ago, 2.28.15 4 pm  pst.

    Was out gardening this afternoon on a bluebird sunny day in shorts and T.  see gray rain clouds start to gather from the East. (most weather here comes in from the West.)

    within 40 minutes clouds cover 3/4 of the sky and I hear three sonic thunder booms that are flat in sound, not sharp from directly behind to the West. This follows with large, heavy rainfall coming from the hills to the West. No wind at all. Within minutes there are penny sized  very hard ice balls hailing intensely down and pounding our cars.

     Went on for maybe 8-10 minutes.  One hour later ice balls are still accumulated on deck chairs and the temp is in the 50's.

    Brave new world.

    1. Regarding Mendicino weather, yes my area also experienced the same. The day started out bluer and totally cloudless. Visit him a couple of hours cumulus clouds from the northwest came in.  I thought I heard thunder.  Then the hail came and it did so for about 10 minutes.  That was it, and it cleared up within a few hours.   I have to say the blue looked finally clean and natural.  So too did the cumulus clouds look real.  The last two years have seen precious few cumulus clouds here.  So it was a joy to have them around ever so briefly.  The satellite today shows a monstrous high off the Pacific Northwest, a large system way out moving from Hawaii to the northeast, hitting a wall to keep it out of Califirnia.  And a large high pressure is over Alaska keeping any moisture out of that region.  The two high pressure systems are separate systems.

  5. They can paint this pig any color they want but the truth is they are executing agenda 21. The polar vortex is just to divide us. They will polar vortex you until you voice is no longer important. Once they reduce the power of the United States we wont get any more preferential treatment. The ones with more bits of paper believe that paper gives them the right to live and the rest of us, well lets just say we interfere with their view. As Ted Turner says, "the world should have a one child policy for  a century minimum." he says this as  he has 5 kids, what he really means is a zero child policy. "There is not enough land for every one" he quips as the largest landowner in the US, has thousands of empty square miles, when questioned about his apparent hypocrisy "well I  have 50,000   bison on my ranches for me to gaze upon and enjoy" That is the truth. " he has dozens of empty mansions and ranches all perpetually heated whether vacant or not, he has heated stables for his horses. In one month he uses enough propane to get 100,000 families through a severe winter, just to heat his livestock and horses. This is what we are dealing with. This is the enemy. He gave 1,000,000,000 to the UN. The UN is definitely the enemy.

    1. Hey speaking of Ted Turner, I saw a brief interview with him and heard him complaining about over population of people and UN Agenda 21 plan of optimum 500,000,000 or less (Ga. guidestones) and when the young man interviewing him pointed out just what you said, that he is the largest landowner in America with millions of acres filled with buffalo- he had the cheek to say something like, Well the buffalo were almost extinct and I'm restoring the herds. I wanted to say to him, Yes, they were almost extinct.. And the REASON they almost went extinct is because rich white guys like YOU were shooting them for kicks and giggles like fish in a barrel from railroad cars to starve out the native peoples of the west so you could take their land and steal their resources! .  :0

    2. Afterthought to my commentary on Ted Turner about the buffalo and the rich white men stealing land and resources from the native peoples( or us middle class); nothing's really changed has it?  They're now using technology to take it these days. This rotten cycle has got to be broken.

    3. Ted Turned and his ILK will soon enough meet their match, and speaking of heat; AIN'T A HOT ENOUGH PLACE IN HELL for him and his 'Band of Merry Men!' As far as California becoming a 'Dust Bowl,' all I can say is, WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND! When people left Oklahoma and surrounding areas BACK IN THE DAY to start a new life, and came to California, they were treated like GARBAGE! That's all I'm saying!

  6. (reposting from FB):   Dane, we're trying to get on the internet more. Glad always to be able to read your posts. The other night we were trying to figure out what is the matter with the zombie cabal… how they could not appreciate a healthy tree, a deep blue sky, an untainted sunset… and we realized it is because they are no longer human. They are transhuman (re Ray Kurzweil/singularity ad nauseum). They've crossed their Rubicon. They have loaded themselves up with chips and more. They are more cyborg, more machine than human now and it shows. They have forfeited normal emotions. It has to retard their souls and their brains. This is at the core of the mystery of how they could even do this. The chip may wait in the wings for most, but they've already bid good riddance to their very humanity.

  7. This "RRR" is pretty much a HAARP related plot to kill everyone in the West Coast. What much water restrictions does it take to end this madness? We don't just have a weather and water-related problem, we have a population problem. This changing climate is not sustainable for 40 million people/illegals in this state and millions of acres of farming including "water hogging" almonds and wine grapes. California will likely have to give up farming and send millions of people leaving the state. This is the beginning of the end and we're hopeless to stop this madness. 



  8. Please don't buy into blaming "politicians, governments and corporations" for the mess mankind is responsible for. These geoengineering programs would never proceed without the willful participation of persons EMPLOYED by the above organizations. And it's the "employees" of military organizations (in particular) that have led the chase into our collective extermination.


    When whole societies chose to pour their entire wealth into research and development for military operations, and continually employ the lowest life-forms of humanity as mercenary thugs, the political outcomes are more than predictable. The outcomes for civilians are absolutely certain…


    If you know someone in the military, starve them out. That means: No social support. No financial support. No respect. And certainly NEVER follow their "orders". The New World "Order" agenda is no different than the prior methods by which governments (actually bankers) enslave fools and thugs to pester and intimidate civilian populations. They hire them. If these pricks and prickeets had no social supports, they'd soon be out of business.


    The corporate system – whether communist or capitalist, is by far the worst economic system mankind could have been swindled into. Get rid of corporations, and starve out those who are EMPLOYED by corporations. Your societies are broken and your planet is going extinct, because you've allowed yourselves to become slaves instead of property owners… Quit asking for permission to live. Tell these military bastards and corporate slobs to bugger off.


    Suffice it to say that when a race of beings knows full well it is destroying its nest, and continues to remedy the destruction by doing more of the same, that race of being is out of the evolutionary progression.  It is tantamount to conscious suicide.  $500,000,000 can purchase a bribed Congress to stop the Geoengineered weather wars upon California.  

  10. These kind of policies will dictate the fall of  the second "ism" and that it is Capitalism .The first "ism" was the fall  of the comunism with the fall of Soviet republics .Maybe the American republics will have to fall too in order to rise a new System in the world cause these policies are wrong as well and can´t be accepted forever such as  the same way as comunism was not accepted  forever and even corporative capitalism invaded Russia and China powerfully afther the Berlim wall fall .Even comunism had the capitalism among their leaders and their friendly corporations(was a false social system also in my view). Capitalism will fall unless they will kill us first /unless they will reduce the numbers of people that have the courage to opose them or that can lead millions of people along with them …I think hard  times will come and capitalism seems to be the other side of the coin that didn´t worked either(like comunism) due to insatiable greed of Power.The Problem is that Capitalism seems to have bigger and solid tentacles worlwide(specially in west) and they will not fall easaly ,capitalism seems to convert more and more people everyday with a paycheck, bonus or a corporative  job position and with corrupt politicians(and big liars)  …and the problem also is that they have a very powerfull weapon :the clima! …geoengeneering in hands of people blinded by money and power can be a fatal weapon for all of us on this planet  and this people on power positions are not going to give up their powerfull game easaly ,they will fight using all the weapons they can! They are psychos but they are not stupidabout  how to achieve their goals and unfortunatly there´s still too many people thinking that money is the most important thing in the world and thinking  that money will provide them comfort and security …unfortunatly  they will learn to late in Time that the real security can´t be purchased (or bought) but only achieved by fighting the things that are wrong in the world!…

    1. There is so much misinformation on the water issue it sickens me, there is more FRESH water in the crust of the Earth, 5 times the amount of all water on the surface of the planet including oceans is in the crust. Its why we have volcanoes, water in the crust. No one talks about how much water really is in the planet, an inexhaustible supply is in the crust. Lies upon lies upon lies

    2. Hello Freedom Ranger, yes, available data does indicate there may be vast quantities of water stored in various layers of strata, but it is not so easy to get at as compared to surface wells. Conventional well drilling rigs and well pump technology is not even remotly close to being able to access the deeper water pockets, and pumping it from such a deepth would require a great deal of energy. The situation is comlicated.

    3. Hey!!! We could use all that water for fracking!!! Ya, that's the ticket!!! There might be $70 trillion dollars worth of fracking water down there!!! Let's go flush that soon!!! The oil markets will explode!!!

      Burn baby, burn…

  11. It's sad to repeat what Lindsey Graham said were the greatest threats to the US in the near future.  One would be ISIS getting a weapon of mass destruction and bringing it to the US to use it on us and the baby boomers retiring and putting tremendous stress on the Social Security System, therefore requiring its privatization.  An entire week was spent passing 7 days of funding for DHS.  These snakes are useless and shouldn't be paid.

    In 2012 I studied all the issues around global water scarcity.  Whatever Jerry Brown thinks he's saying, it is in fact all nonsense.  The bottom line for California is that once all the water has been removed from one place, it will never come back (at least not on any timetable we would recognize.  The Aral Sea was drained dry by the Soviets trying to grow all the needed cotton in that one area.  While there still are farmers trying to grow water intensive cotton there, one would have to ask "what are they thinking?"  It's a sandy desert contaminated by salt from the irrigation.

    Look at this picture from 2014 of the Aral Sea, camels, beached ships and would you believe–chemtrails!



  12. Jamie Lee has really put the pieces of the puzzle together in this article. It is disturbing on so many levels. Politicians, governments and corporations are the problem and have no regard for our wellbeing. We must continue to expose and eradicate their immoral agendas.

    My heart breaks for a California and a World I scarcely recognize from my younger days. The unnatural, geoengineered weather everywhere is a symptom of a terminally ill race of beings (arguably not human!) who have made money their god. We can see how wee that is working!

    What comes to mind is “what does it profit a man to gain the whole world but lose his soul?” My fear is that these beings who put themselves above natural law have lost their souls long ago.

    Stay strong, everyone.

    1. Thanks Bija, Just knowing people like you and all the other compassionate, caring anti-geoengineering activists that we hear from through this site Dane and his team have given us helps keep us centered while moving through the madness. The people I've met throughout this movement are no doubt the finest on the planet! Encouragement always appreciated from brothers and sisters around the world! 🙂

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