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John B. Wells is a strong ally in the fight against climate engineering. On John's show "Caravan To Midnight", he is doing his best to help us sound the alarm on the climate engineering assault being waged against our planet by those in power. Supporting well known and powerful voices like John's is important in our fight to expose global geoengineering. The attached 3 minute video is a preview from the most recent show on "Caravan To Midnight" which addresses the dire climate engineering issue.
Dane Wigington


8 Responses

  1. Hello everyone, very interesting comments and I couldn’t agree more to all the topics that have been addressed. I just want to mention a thing about health issues…I live in Orlando FL and of course they’re spraying everyday, it is always hazy, and nobody seems to notice (all these people are like zombies). Nevertheless, I hardly ever get sick but for some weird reason, 3 months back in Dec, Jan, and Feb I was extremely sick (and i have never had a flu this long in my entire life) coughing my lungs out and feeling really tired all the time.

    I hate doctors and I know their propaganda money scams, but the sickness finally ended after waiting it out and drinking this veggie powder from Whole Foods everyday… and now just a few days ago I am sick again and coughing and blowing my nose all the time again. I eat healthy as I am sure even organic is gmo and our veggies and fruit are laced with toxins, but for the most part I know what to eat and where to stay away from…..

    But why am I sick again…or should I just spend more money for a useless doctor and get antibiotics or would maybe any of this be due to the geoengineering? My wife isn’t sick however, but maybe it’s hygiene or someone at my school got me sick…..just wondering.

    1. Hello Meta, fungal infections in the human respiratory system are now epidemic. If your issue is in this catagory, antibiotics will only make it worse. Fungal infections are persistant and difficult to deal with. I would suggest consulting the experts at your local healthfood/supplement store for further advice.

    2. Hi Meta, I've had the same problem for years. I take antibiotics and all it does is make it a bit better but I've always still got it. This stuff is pretty deadly. If I didn't treat it at all, I'm sure I would be dead by now. But what I wanted to say is, I have a native american friend that told me about taking cedar. I said I would try anything. I've been doing this for 5 days now and I can see the symptoms of it have cleared up. I'm not going to say it's all gone yet. I'm sort of afraid to top this cuz it might just come back. But I'll give you a link and you can think about it. Cedar Steam for resp/sinus infections Western Red Cedar | Wildfoodsandmedicines

  2. I rewatched 'The Shawshank Redemption' on a DVD I own. I particularly like this movie. Good themes, acting etc. But the skies in the background are very obviously geoengineered. They are whited out. There is also a hazy mist, like a fog, even during the daytime scenes laying over the lands and scenes. These scenes were filmed mostly in Ohio, United States and the movie was released in 1994.

    This is typical of my home town where the haze has descended over the whole town and region. So, what was sprayed at perhaps 40 000 feet has come down to infiltrate everything and everyone. Even on a Sunday, especially the morning, when there is no heavy business traffic, this haze fills the air over the town and beyond.

    Because I did not recognise these anomalies before learning about Geoengineering, I didn't know that I was looking at a covert program being foisted on to us. I wondered about the terrible pollution haze that I saw over the town at times when I was out and about and able to see it in the distance, but those distances are closer and closer all the time now. The haze is plainly visible several hundred metres away.

    Years ago I also noticed the dirty horizon out at sea and used to wonder, "How did the pollution get out there from the land?!" I theorised to myself, not knowing better, that maybe prevailing winds pushed the town's smog out to sea. But hang on, the dirty haze was still there when the wind was coming from the sea towards the land. I remember being puzzled about this.

    I went inland in recent times and saw this haze hanging over the country landscape towards the local mountain range and again this amount of haze couldn't be explained by the far fewer cars and some farm tractors. In horror, I realised this had to be geoengineering fallout. This shit is saturating everything.

    I have had people say to me how they wonder where all the smoke is coming from when there aren't any bush fires about. I have said to these people, "But there is no smell of smoke that you would expect from bushfires. What you are seeing is geoengineering fallout. Look up Geoengineeringwatch.org." Other people comment they thought it was just urban pollution, but again I tell them it is just as bad on a sunday morning and it is over the town and sea and surrounding countryside.

    Of this subject most don't have an inkling. Not a clue. Every time I talk to people I find it hard to just shoot the breeze. I will introduce this subject to as many as possible, despite that I am ruining their day and perhaps their outlook for a long time. I console myself that a depressing warning is still better than finding out too late. It's never too soon to find this out.

  3. My 45th email to my contact list, titled Conspiracy Theorists?

    1.  So called "Conspiracy Theorists" usually tell the most truth.  In this link you can watch BBC news reporting the collapse of Building 7 on 9/11, at least 23 minutes before it happened.  Either someone messed up the timing of their press release, or the controlled demolition was behind schedule. 



    Excellent Ukraine analysis – we should question all recent air crashes: 



    "We have been given a few months, not years, to change course before it is too late." Hon Paul Hellyer (former Canadian acting PM and former minister for National Defence). 



    A very good article on geoengineering https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/is-geoengineering-pushing-us-into-climate-chaos-2/


    Climate change induced Water Wars? http://www.mintpressnews.com/new-age-of-water-wars-portends-bleak-future-for-the-middle-east/203712/


    2.  If you want a balanced view of world events, you should regularly check http://www.globalresearch.ca/latest-news-and-top-stories


    3.  Here are some national heat records so far in 2015:
    Antarctica 17.5°C on March 24. One of the fastest warming spots on Earth.

    Equatorial Guinea 35.5°C on March 17. 
    Ghana 43.0°C on February 12.
    Wallis and Futuna Territory 35.5°C on January 19.
    Samoa 36.5°C on January 20.

    Also Chile: 14 years of rain in one day.



    Check the current Arctic methane levels. "Global 16ºC temp rise by 2052"….It will be global chaos long before that!



    4.  Prepare: The despicable people responsible for the weather manipulation/warfare are using deception, denial, deceit, delusion and displacement in order to conduct their covert spraying. To survive we must become covert survivalists. We need to be able to pass unnoticed and unharmed.  Going about like Rambo will make you a target.  

    Every Day Carry (EDC) is the equipment that you want to have with you at all times, and will hopefully make it easier for you to survive up to 3 days.

    Grab Bag (GB) is additional equipment to help survive 3+ days.  Your GB should always be fully packed and in easy reach. Depending on your personality, work, hobbies etc, you may try to combine your EDC and GB, and have them both with you at all times. Or maybe have several GBs, one at work, one in the car, one at home.    Bug Out Bag (BOB) is to help you survive about 3+ weeks.  

    When packing always consider "What if I can not get to my next level of carry, do I have one or two things from that, that would make a huge difference?".  

    EDC is what you put in the pockets of your trousers/jacket/hat etc.  Must be light, comfortable and easy to conceal.  I have a Swiss Army Victorinox Waiter knife on my keyring.  The knife, tweezers and toothpick get used almost daily, and it has opened many a bottle of wine and beer in an emergency! Joking aside, it is extremely useful and an excellent size. Torch (possibly on keyring, hat, credit card type or on phone). Any medication/vitmamins you need. Fire lighting method. Ideally a drinking straw. 6" of duct tape wrapped around a pencil – for emergency repairs. Basic mini first aid kit – bandages etc.  Have a look at http://www.Scottevest.com for some clothing ideas.

    Grab Bag:  this is external carry that should be easy to carry/attach to belt. Excellent if it can be become a pouch on your BOB.  Definitely include a drinking straw, energy bar/meal replacement powder, emergency poncho, whistle, vitamins, further medication, immodium, quality multi/survival tool with wire cutters – such as a Leatherman or the SOG B66N, but even a £15 one is better than none; medical/builders face mask and swimming goggles (protection against tear gas, dust, sprays, smoke etc), builders/kevlar infused  gloves (in case you have to scramble through rubble, glass, undergrowth, or find wood etc) .

    BOB: dark blue is best colour, average size 50L for men and 30L for women.  Modular/MOLLE style with detachable pouches and plenty of straps to hang extra equipment.  You may wish to pack a pouch or two as a GB which you can give to your loved ones, in case of an emergency or if you have to separate.  Further content suggestions in future emails. If anyone wishes me to email them direct, just send request to andrewvivers@hotmail.com, subject GEOENGINEERING

  4. You know, lately I've noticed on the few days I think there is no spraying going on (40 miles east of San Francisco), if I take a slower look overhead with a good set of binoculars, I see jets that are not in any commercial flight pattern spraying a very very fine mist that's visible for miles behind them. My guess is we're being sprayed a lot more than what we see with our naked eyes.    

    1. Rick L.- I have been noticing the same thing over the past month or so. The deceptively blue sky is being sprayed with a more clear or transparent aerosol mix. I live practically in the backyard of a very active AFB that has never held back on its spray agenda. Suddenly, we have very little obvious striping. But what has really gotten my attention is that during this deceptively clear period, I have never felt more ill. This leads me to believe that whatever is in this new toxic soup has nothing to do with SRM and everything to do with causing physical harm and decline.

      We are at the mercy of an evil, fascist element whose ultimate goal is full spectrum dominance and wholesale harm to the majority of humans and other beings of planet Earth. I know this is a very depressing thought, but when you do the research, there's no limit to the depth of the rabbit hole. We have bartered our rights and freedoms to the very entities that want nothing more than to crush our very humanity. We must accept our responsibility in allowing this insanity.

      Hang on to and fight for your humanity. Let your light burn more brightly than ever. These are dark times, but each and every one of us who are awake need to face this evil and lend support and courage to others who are just stirring from the long slumber. No matter how ill the effects, I dedicate every remaining breath to finding the truth and passing what I do know to others. If anything else matters at this point, I can't think what it is.

      To all the allies…keep being the light that dispels the darkness.  

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