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The 3 minute video clip attached gives a glimpse of the glaring truths that are hidden in plain sight. The entire climate science community is talking about the need to implement climate engineering solar radiation management programs immediately to avert a climate catastrophe. The same climate scientists then turn clinically blind and flatly deny the all too visible aerosol spraying from the ongoing global geoengineering programs. Some scientists are certainly in flat out denial in regard to the climate engineering reality, others are afraid to say what they know. A NOAA scientist stated the following to me personally in a face to face conversation, ” We know the climate engineering is going on, and we are alarmed as hell. We don’t know what to do as we have no first amendment protection because we are government scientists”. All of us are being sprayed like lab rats day in and day out. The criminal cabal that we call our government has taken every imaginable step to silence all experts and agencies under its control. It’s up to us, the people, to sound the alarm. Do your part, join us in this desperate battle to expose and stop the climate engineering insanity.
Dane Wigington




20 Responses

  1. Notify all large farming companies who are losing crops and spending a fortune trying to buy scarce water rights. Big business, who will lose money over this nonsense, can make a difference.

    The politicians and media are a joke. Our Sacramento State Senator (don’t want to mention any names…Ted)or our Governor either couldn’t care less or are part of the scam. Two investigative reporters from the Sacramento Bee I talked to know nothing about this, yet are too busy to even do the slightest research.

    My opinion is we need those with personal relationships with media or political personnel who can talk to them without being blown off as crazy.

    I have asked several times on this forum, has anyone had success with any nationally know celebrity that we can all focus on to get something broadcasted to the public? Anyone have contact with Michael Moore or Dinesh D’sousa? One would think this would be a good topic for there next movie!

  2. The truth is the UN is corrupt. None of the IPCC numbers, studies, or computer models can be trusted. We need to stop relying on the UN for anything or everything. seriously they probably get their data from Raethyon anyway… here’s a video about what is going on in the world that connects a lot of dots: http://www.villadepaz-gazette.com/2014/10/not-another-conpiracy-theory-agenda-21.html i am currently building and documenting geoengineering on my site. i also post on Skyder Alert. if you want to know about the scam that is the UN, well, i am documenting that too. all sourced, cited… facts, figures, and first hand testimony. and, i cannot wait to post Dane’s next interview to educate and inform others about climate engineering… have a great and wonderful day!!!

  3. Yes, what you are saying is correct. Jehovah God said, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay, saith the Lord.” One day, hopefully soon, we will be out of this man-destroyed hell-hole, that was made perfectly. PRESS ON! God bless you.

  4. It may be good to note that in Lane V. Franks 2014 Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote a Supreme Court decision which ruled that the First Amendment protects public employees who provide testimony during corruption trials from job retaliation, such as being fired. So this ruling seems to support the idea that gov. employees can speak the truth when subpoenaed. Just my humble opinion but look up the case.

  5. Hi, just to say… No one(no one) takes me seriously on this topic :((((((
    I have few friends whom listened and believed, but 99% of friends think I am mad.

  6. Kevin is right! Spread the word everyday. It’s hard to believe, but many people have no idea this is happening. I can’t wait until tomorrow so I can increase our critical mass and stop the spraying sooner. The tide is turning, we are gaining ground. Make today the day that you tell every person that you can. Print the website 30 to a page cut them up and hand them to everyone that you meet.

  7. I get so caught up in this game of life, evil good, dark and light, though the battle is eternal this life which must end isn’t. I always forget we are eternal souls having a human experience. Remember you have lived an infinity of lives and will live an infinity more, still its always important that you fight the good fight it defines you throughout eternity.

  8. Even if thousands showed up to protest, it would be blown off as a bunch of crazies. The Govt knows it and that is why this is allowed to continue. Sucks big time.

  9. I see coment after comment about how “Its up to you” to change it…I have offered to get the permit and have a rally at the state capital for a WAKE UP RALLY if I could get 20 people to sign up to be there..20…I got three….so if all we do is write stuff on these pages NOTHING will ever get done..I have made stickers and gave them away as well…spreading the word is what we can do…STAY FOCUSED!

  10. I am very angry, the sh** they are spraying is causing real physical damage to my body. I can only wonder how many lives have been irreparably damaged or killed by this evil scheme which we had no say in. I bet in a couple of months they will tell us they have to spray aerosols because of “climate change” in order to cover themselves, in order to “save the planet”. What must be done is everyone involved in this abhorrent program needs to be brought to justice. The people in charge know they will lose their lives and fortunes if what they are doing ever sees the light of day. They must be brought to justice for their abhorrent crimes. Its simply unspeakable what they have done and are doing, every morning we wake up more toxic, more disabled. We must find the courage to continue exposing this crime, even in the face of their mindless, treasonous main stream media, corrupted politicians and greedy corporations. There are millions who know the truth, millions and one day those millions will turn into billions and we can stop what they are doing to the planet and their destruction of all the species who live here. I wake up everyday with this same thought, they will be brought to justice every last one of them who participates in this holocaust.

  11. Does the report really go from denying the current implementation of SAG/SRM/Geoengineering to saying they cannot stop doing it now? If so, what does this mean? Do they suffer cognitive dissonance? Are they trying to implement cognitive dissonance? Is someone in the IPCC sort of trying to ‘let the cat out of the bag’, so to speak? Is it a step towards full admission on the all-too-obvious programs happening over our heads?

    What are the words that we can quote from the report when they say they cannot stop it now because the repercussions will be too detrimental? I would like those words to quote when passing on credible data to people who express doubt about it.

  12. they want the population down so they can manage the rest of the population easier. there is an agenda going on here and we’ve got to open our eyes and tell every one who will listen pray to Father in Heaven every day for help.

  13. How many of you wake up after a heavy spray day look in the mirror and at the corners of your eyes see the gunk?

  14. All friendly groups should be together and organize stikes, compains and confront these scientists. They are totaly blind or feared by losing there jobs but all get there daily alluminium and barium inside there Bios.

  15. We humans should trust in nature and watch the changes nature does.
    Its natural influence to itself is enormous and has ever been in first place.
    Please stop creating man made weather !
    Let the sun shine on us.. dont bloc sun’s light.. we need it !

  16. “It’s up to us, the people, to sound the alarm.”
    Problem is some people really do prefer to be dead then face reality it is too difficult to comprehend and deal with. That has been my experience so far when trying to discuss Climate Change and Geoengineering and how they are connected. It’s almost like how we as a society deal with the threat of nuclear extermination or growing up with MAD during The U.S.S.R days, if its going to happen just let it happen until it does leave me alone.

    On another note we need more celebrities such as Sean Stone to come forward and awacknowgle that weather modification is real and happening now. I think of Bono or a few other hollywood actors who may make the leap and step forward, perhaps Dane you know some others that all ready have? When this happens people may just then listen. God speed.

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