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Humanity is unarguably in free-fall toward total extinction. The collapse of industrialized society in its current form is a mathematical certainty on the current trajectory. Short of a complete change of direction, this will be our horizon. By completely interfering with Earth's atmosphere and life support processes, man has radically altered our planet's energy balance. The climate equilibrium that was so essential to our species (and life as a whole) has been lost. Though there are countless sources of anthropogenic decimation to our biosphere, some sources stand out as the absolute epitome of blatent intentional human destruction and insanity. Mathematically speaking, global climate engineering is the greatest single assault of all against life on Earth. Only nuclear cataclysm has the potential to eclipse the threat posed by climate engineering. Fracking is another glaring example of completely insane human activity. If we are to collectively have any chance of survival, a much larger segment of the population must awaken and join the fight for the common good. The walls are closing in very quickly, we must all combine our efforts wake the masses. Every single day counts in this battle. The 4 minute video below is a sobering portrayal of industrialized society's complete contempt for the environment that sustains us.
Dane Wigington

13 Responses

  1. The most recent Climate Summit in Peru, and the coverage from Democracy Now, shifted the focus from “Climate Change” to Environmental Justice by opposing corporations. Many Indigenous people where there to call for Earth justice and to denounce corporate exploitation and pollution. Our attempts to end so-called geoengineering also fits this paradigm.

    Afterall, what is the military but the “Enforcers” for the Corporate Elites?

    Having researched the global water scarcity issue, it’s as important as air pollution, of course. Most Americans have no idea of the serious nature of the water scarcity. The elites understand it full well. Bush I, Bush II and Jenna together own 300,000 acres in Paraguay near Iguazu Falls (twice as big as Niagera Falls) over the largest aquifer in the world. Water is already more valuable than oil. It’s a misperception not realize this.

    Fully one third to one half of all the fresh water on Earth is already polluted, mosty from INDUSTRY. Injecting fracking waste into deep waste wells, actually removes water from the water cycle, something completely new, as far as I can tell. Frakers are exempt from the Clean Water Act, the Safe Drinking Water Act and they’re allowed to pollute some aquifers! This is casual, sometimes outlined in hand drawm maps of aquifers and probably no one doing oversight. I imagine they’re injecting waste anywhere they possibly can. Once an aquifer is polluted, it can never be cleaned up. Also, aquifers are “ancient water” only replenished over eons. Wasteful American agriculture, that’s been exported to the world, is sucking up ancient water like there’s no tomorrow. And if we’d don’t practice conservation and better practices, if we don’t stop the exploitation of everything by corporate capitalists, there will be no tomorrow for life as we know it on this Planet.

  2. Well I don’t want to be rude, but like @dane wigington says…most people only read posts. Some of them aren’t in the wide open, due to their position in life. Luckily I’m not related to politics for example.
    I know a little why some people won’t react, some are affraid…others don’t feel they know a lot about certain subjects…others are (like I said), related to politics.
    I have the luck to know how the world works on quite a high level, so understanding processes, but I find it a pitty that it’s such a difficult matter, how everything is covered up, (mostly due to the mis-understanding of certain handlings)…that it’s always a point of debattle.


    The choose the politics, but mostly prefer to point to a leader…the selfness is not good if it’s not for the common good, but when it’s about reuniting and stepping forward for the greater good, then we must step up…look arround and notice how to group togheter to be able to make a REAL CHANGE…
    Not only on paper…

    For example, I wanted to change the world in a better place, I’m trying to make people COMMUNICATE again instead of only TALKING…

    On this site, it’s about aharing info about the world…
    And all “groups” have their own purpose to make the world a better place…

    But communication is the base and not everyone is good at it..

  3. With all due respect to both Rachel Robson and the Dalai Lama, there actually is such a “thing” as the “self.” It is the active ‘agent’ of the immune-suppresion regime of the Planet-wasting “civilization” disease, which is in-turn the ‘process’ of invasive wannabe-parasitic retro-viral tormenting entities trying to degrade Earth’s Natural Vitality into the sorts of degenerate “energy” they ‘eat’….and (just like it is with all the ‘rest’ of us who “ARE what we eat”) this degenerate “energy” is all that’s left of what was once these entities’ much more organic (and, ironically, much less precarious) physical existence.

    The “self,” then, is simply a ‘nano’-sized ‘copy’ of the entities’ own (in their own “Self”-glorifying estimation) Super-“SELF,” excreted by them and dumped massively into Earth’s Living Arrangement when they showed-up here ages ago….and ever since in-effect ‘breathed-in’ (just like we ALL breathe-in the industrially excreted aerosolized nano-particles being dumped massively into Her Whole Living Arrangement today) by ALL of us who are Members of Her Living Arrangement. The “self,” as a disease ‘vector,’ is both transmissible and virulently contagious among susceptible populations….though a repressive institutional set-up, the privateering pyramid-scheme, is necessary for maintaining the artificial ‘hot-house’ environment necessary to establish and sustain the conditions in which the “self”-sickness can carry-on its toxic mimicry of actual Natural Vitality. We’re also seeing this “self”-preservation ‘dynamic’ playing-out among the “geo-engineers” and their “power structure” sponsors in their last-ditch efforts to prop-up the illusion of “inevitability” their DEAD END “Full Spectrum Dominance” idiocy needs in order to keep fooling nearly all of “the people” nearly all of the time.

    Meanwhile, most of Earth’s Natural Children, of course, were not and are not suceptible to the infection….which in-any-case was initially ‘targeted’ specifically at the Ancestors of Humanity, as-such, and as the component of Earth’s natural immune system we remain to this Day….however severely dysfunctional (organically and otherwise) so many of us are at-present. So while ALL of the Human Beings got ‘infected’ with the “self” sickness (and we ALL are infected today), some of our Ancestors proved to have some natural immunity to its organically-crippling effects. That ‘trait’ has been passed down to us surviving Free Wild Peoples into the present Generation.

    Meantime, though, some of our domesticated Human Relatives, recognizing the degenerative symptoms and devastating effects of the “self” sickness, have over the thousands of intervening Generations done what they could to ‘acquire’ such immunity, and have discovered and cultivated Ways to enable its acquisition in those among their virtual ‘kind’ who wouldn’t have it otherwise. The teachings and practices preserved and propagated by the system the Dalai Lama belongs-to, as well as by many similar systems, have in-common the aim of acquiring that immunity by attaining a state called “selflessness.” Most of these systems by-now have themselves unfortuantely been at-least partly co-opted by the wasting disease process, and so are now more-or-less polluted by all of the “self”-satisfying conceits and “self”-aggrandizing make-believe, like the ‘doctrine’ that “selflessness” is itself an end in itself, and not a ‘step’ toward coalescence into our Natural Organic Form of “Community” (for want of a better word in English) and recovery of the Organic Integrity essential to our Function, that is such a hallmark of the disease process wherever and whenever it breaks-out. This is not so surprising, really, since as Rachel Robson and many teachers have noted, even to intentionally ‘resist’ something like the “self” is to in-effect adopt its ‘”values”….and so tends only to strengthen it.

    Here in Indian Country, us surviving Primitive Savages are not so sophisticated as our “civilized” Human Relations. We just recommend to our tame Sisters and Brothers that they get over the biologically paralyzing sickness that is their very own too-precious “self”….by taking The Medicine specific to its ‘process.’ Part of that Medicine, as Rachel Robson suggests here, is the careful and conscientious elimination from speech (and writing) of those “self”-serving terms that foster the debilitating delusion of “individual”-ity….the disintegrative made-up ‘language’ of the I/ME/MY/MINE syndrome.

    Of course that’s not easy. It’s just that no other genuinely viable option exists for the “self”-afflicted….here in the late terminal stages of the Planet-wasting “civilization” disease.

  4. This is not depressing, nor surprising . After working for years in the fields of sustainability and education; working with everyone from schools to businesses, families and various organizations… I have come to understand that most people are excruciatingly ignorant. By that, I don’t mean stupid, but rather they choose to ignore. Like smokers who are constantly told that what they are doing is killing them- they choose to ignore because they don’t want to change

    …end I know I’ve written this on here before but I cannot believe how ignorant most parents/grandparents are. It is disgusting that they are not doing everything they can to stop these problems ( fracking/gmos/geoengineering/Fukushima and 911 cover ups/etc)… They have bred and are taking no responsibility for their offspring.

    They choose instead, to make sure they keep up with the joneses at Christmas…take little Johnny to sea world, and get ready for the next Disney cruise… Meanwhile, back on Earth, we have eutrophic oceans, deforestation, desertification, mass extinction…and that just the tip of the soon-to-be-gone iceberg.

    We’re way past the beating around the bush phase… people need to be aware and proactive. The most unfortunate problem with this site ( though I appreciate it to no end) is that these posts tend to preach to the choir. Perhaps the most frustrating thing of all, to me

    1. Hello Nikki, though the more courageous activists are often the ones who post and comment, there are countless more (many new to the issue and to the site) who silently look at the posts and the comments in an effort to gain perspective. There are many more silent onlookers than we realize, the comments are for them and posts are for them. Thank you for your contribution to the battle, Nikki.

  5. OMG, am I finally beginning to grasp what Constant Walker is saying? As in the German: Friewild? Very Dali Lama-ish, Constant Walker! There really is no self. It may appear so, but is not so. As long as we pursue our self interests, however noble, we are missing the point. We are all one. We break that unity when we use the words me, self, etc. When we advocate for ourselves and our self oriented observations, we, by default, provide a platform for opposition. Opposition defines self. However, very few people understand this. And this causes nearly insurmountable issues. I highly suggest studying the Dali Lama’s Compassion in Emptiness, though it is far from easy. But quite the antidote for impotent rage, depression, helplessness. As well as a lesson in true potential.

  6. Dear Dane:

    Thank you for this and for all your work. I will not stop trying to turn things around. Yesterday, Sunday January 11th, 2015, the skies across Southern New Jersey were sprayed mercilessly from dawn to dusk. Peak oil. Peak water. Peak consciousness. Peak life. I will not stop trying to turn this monster around.

  7. Like what you are trying to get across, don’t like a computer telling me though. Human voice that shows emotion be much better!

    1. Hello John, yes, I agree a human voice would have been better, but the message was important and the video was not ours to alter.

  8. Not enough resources for so much people on planet Earth (as Ted Turner and many others say)but enough resources in the world for this “business” to continue along with other desctrutive human activities or Industry(and for how long?). No wonder they are using geoengeneering to continue in the same path as long as they can(a world and clima completly modified to serve a few interests)…this is just like those drug-addicts that prefer to die of a overdose than to leave the drug…This is totally insane people ruling the world and ignorant people accepting or defending this crap of fracking or nuclear plants or even geoengeneering as solutions for any problems(the ones we´ve created and create more each day) .In this case(fracking etc.) nobody asks:How could they do this to themselves and to their families??aftherall are not they living in the same fracking world and destroying the same fresh water that we all need to survive…or people have short views? …maybe people in the world must be all very naive or Saints to find geoengeneering so impossible even having in Human History thousands of examples of how our greedy corporative Power structures function in the world .I guess there´s no Power without Evil and deceive and just populations in denial…
    Yes ,”civilization” is going to have to colapse sooner or later no matter how much geoengeneering they may use to try to hide the truth.

  9. The “….self-sufficiency solutions” this organization claims to offer are just more of the same old “individual”-istic idiocy that is relentlessly driving the domesticated peoples to the “self”-inflicted “total extinction” Mr. Wigington notes urgently in his introduction to this video. It’s the same madness that has the so-called “elite” segment of the population trying desperately (and vainly) to engineer some kind of ‘private’ escape from the inevitable and irreversible consequences of their own folly.

    “Civilization” is nothing but a wasting disease that infects Living Planets. It is the ‘process’ of invasive retro-viral tormenting entities looking to degrade Natural Vitality into the various sorts of degenerate “energy” upon which they subsist….and of which what’s left of their own physical existence consists.

    The Organic Function of Humanity, within Earth’s Whole Living Arrangement, is as a component of Her immune system. Most of Humanity (the “civilized” part), here in the late terminal stages of the disease, is severely dysfunctional organically, having been co-opted and corrupted and “individual”-ized by the “self”-sickness that is the operating mechanism of the wasting disease’s immune-suppression regime.

    No response to this Condition that relies on random collections (no matter how large or how configured or how purposed) of the ubiquitous (but biologically crippled) “individual” has any possibility whatsoever of addressing it in any beneficially effective Way whatsoever. That’s because the Organic Integrity essential to fulfillment of the Human Function resides only within the Natural Organic Form of Humanity, which is that of the Free Wild “Community” (for lack of any better word in English) of Free Wild Natural Human Beings.

    Any among our tame Sisters and Brothers who genuinely want to become part of The Medicine (instead of continuing to be witless aiders-and-abettors of the disease) will first need to get over the organically paralyzing sickness that is their own too-precious “self.” Then, having re-emerged as Free Wild Natural Persons, they will coalesce naturally and spontaneously into our Natural Form, recovering the Integrity necessary to our Function.

    Mr. Wigington is right about the great need for the domesticated peoples to “wake-up.” They must first, however, awaken FROM the semi-coma that acompanies their “self”-possession. Only then can they awaken TO not only the dire state they’re all in, but as-well TO the only Way available to them to respond-to this “self”-(and “SELF”)-inflicted predicament with any chance whatsoever of arresting the otherwise soon-to-be-fatal “progress” of the Planet-wasting “civilization” disease.

  10. Thank you, Dane, for keeping us updated on this horrendous Crime being forced on us by our own government.

    Something must be done! Man has radically altered our planet’s energy balance.
    We must not quit. We must keep spreading this information. ‘Sharing with Russ’ forum….
    Sending you blessings and thankfulness. May God forgive America. Nonetheless, IN GOD WE TRUST!

  11. Brother Dane;
    On a positive note; The price of oil will never recover to past $ price as current events are manifesting this. As the Shale Industry collapses …Hopefully the price will recede to the point of tarsands collapse as well….my gut tells me that this will be so.

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