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When alternative news sites and their followers jump up and down about “global cooling”, the geoengineers must be opening bottles of champaign to celebrate their success and the efforts of their newly recruited “sales staff”, many of whom are actually anti-geoengineering activists. To push conclusions of “global cooling” because of one very spun data set, without knowing or understanding the true picture or taking into account the effect of ongoing geoengineering on the climate, is to help the geoengineers sell their trade to politicians and leaders around the globe. It seems a great many people are not taking this into account. The same people also don’t appear to be spending the time to actually investigate the relevant facts on the ground relating to the supposed “global cooling”.

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

……… So what are the facts? – Updated January 4 2014

Updated information for this article is below, these are only a few of the stories corporate media is no longer talking about. It is essential to understand agendas have changed as the climate continues to unravel and the geoengineers fuel the process. We must all be discerning, we must all learn to “sift the baby from the bathwater”. If stopping geoengineering is the goal, thats what we should focus on while remembering the massive effect climate engineering is already having on the climate, overall, the planet is absolutely not cooling, though that is the picturet the geoengineers and corporate media has now decided to paint.

Absolutely no “pause” in global warming http://www.theguardian.com/environment/climate-consensus-97-per-cent/2013/dec/10/global-warming-unpaused-fast-forward

November 2013 was 345 consecutive month of above average global temperatures. (almost 29 years) http://www.climatecentral.org/news/globes-unbroken-warm-streak-approaches-29-years-16758

November 2013 the warmest November ever recorded http://www.usatoday.com/story/weather/2013/12/17/warm-november-global-climate-report/4052839/

Record breaking heat wave hits east coast December 2013 http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/weather/warm-weather-breaks-records-new-york-article-1.1555637

2013 is hottest year ever recorded in Austrailia

Record warmth in Alaska

Who is spending almost a billion dollars to have media show us the engineered cold areas and then ignore the record warm areas?

………. Geoengineering The Poles, 24/7

Geoengineers Increase Ice Surface Area, While “Ice Mass” Continues To Shrink due to ever warming oceans.

In spite of all the rants about recent “global cooling, 2013 was one of the lowest Arctic ice extent years ever recorded.

Screen Shot 2013-09-06 at 8.39.21 PM

Though constant massive geoengineering assaults have managed to slightly and temporarily increase the Arctic ice surface area, the “volume/mass” of the ice is the bottom line.

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The volume/mass is at record lows, even lower than last years (2012) record smashing ice melt.


Recent studies show the ice in Antarctica is melting rapidly from underneath. The plunging ice volume/mass in the Arctic indicates the same scenario there. This means that no matter how much the geoengineers cover the poles with constant spraying and chemical ice nucleation, they can only increase the ice “extent/surface area” temporarily and at a huge cost to the rest of the planet and its life support systems, while the total ice volume/mass continues to decline from the ever warming oceans below.


Are sprayed aerosols of artificial/chemical ice nucleation materials playing a part in the slightly expanded but still near record low Arctic ice “surface area extent”?



What about the rest of the planet, is it getting colder?


Are glaciers around the globe growing or shrinking?


How much of the sun is being blocked out by global geoengineering atmospheric aerosols? (labeled as “pollution”, no one is yet directly admitting to the aircraft spraying no matter how visible and obvious)


Is jet stream manipulation by the geoengineers also playing a part in the ever increasing weather chaos?


Is all this climate manipulation causing unintended and catastrophic side effects to the planet and the climate?




Even with the geoengineers throwing everything they have at blocking the sun with their toxic spraying, even with 22% or more of the suns direct rays being blotted out, even with the constant jet stream manipulation by HAARP installations and the geoengineers, even with the constant artificial/chemical ice nucleation, and even with apparent across the board data/temperature falsification to the down side, there is no hiding the fact that the planet is still warming rapidly. In fact, all available data indicates that though the geoengineers can and do create large scale short term cooling events, their utterly insane programs are making the climate/warming scenario far worse overall for the long run.

Lets not help the geoengineers sell their trade of planetary decimation by jumping to unsupportable conclusions in their favor. We all have a responsibility to do legitimate investigation before making up our minds due to preconceptions, bias, and spun data. The massive global geoengineering programs have very real effects. From the profoundly high percentage of direct sunlight being blocked by the sprayed reflective particulates, (global dimming)


To the constant artificial/chemical nucleation of precipitation which creates geoengineered snow storms.


There is virtually no natural weather at this point. The geoengineers decide who gets rain, who gets snow, who not, and how much.The entire global climate system has been radically altered by those in power at unquantifiable cost to all life on Earth. Our priority should be to work together on the task of exposing and stopping geoengineering instead of arguing about the climate. Only when global geoengineering is stopped can we truly have a clear understanding in regard to the current state of the climate system.



14 Responses

  1. Hi everyone!

    Something I saw on the Guardian website today.

    For those that may not have seen this yet:


    This has been going on for a while now, huh? I always wondered why others treated me like the enemy when I ever even mentioned thinking about the environment back in the 1960’s and 1970’s.

    I was really naïve about it back then. Now I know there was actually a “plan” to destroy any kind of sane thinking or action against the destruction.

    I really appreciate this website.

    Thank you Yvonne, Dane and all contributors for your dedication and perseverance against the onslaught and downright attack by these disinformation agents in this the most critical of times for life here on our planet.

    God bless you!

  2. otter walks says:

    “While this may sound cryptic or paradoxically presented; I assure you it is a catalyst that brings forth a broader overview.
    Those whose agenda is being implemented are adept at distraction; this is key.
    The puzzle is present… Its image is just not being seen. o… 27/10/13 P.S. It could be the Solar activity so you should know I have not posted this previously and am receiving that notification. I am trying another avenue to comment. It goes to all and is not specific to Roger’s comment.”

    reply to otter walks:

    Say what bro?

    Maybe some of us want others to understand what we are talking about. Your post does nothing to broaden my overview. And by the way, how do you know how broad others overview is anyway?

    Maybe we want to stay centered so others aren’t confused by what we say?

    We may have a broader overview than you give us credit for. Maybe we just don’t have to talk about all of the time?

    Anyway back on topic:

    Here is a article on mainstream as of November 1, 2013:

    ‘Crazy’ climate re-engineering could reduce vital rains, study says..

    link to story


    Nice tidbits from David Keith, our very own re-engineering geoengineering salesperson.

    Peace and “best in life” to you all 🙂

  3. Greetings, Best in life to all… I would like to think I stay centered in this Eugenics Operation; it has many facets contained within each of so many labels. It is good that so many have taken notice. It is good that each researcher uses his or her gifts to research, in depth, their speciality. That is where the issue lies and continues to stymie forward momentum. As with the usurpers of Earth, the Technocrats and their Money Power backers, I see on one hand a great aid to Awakening. Some people that are watching are drawn to topics, learning of the global agenda by what interests them. In this, I foresee an issue that is inherent in duality. Independent researchers are guilty of using the same methodology, compartmentalization.
    All of these compartmentalized discoveries are aiding an Awakening. The issue is that the agenda is still unveiled. Snippets, the dots, are growing in number and approaching epiphany that is hidden by the discourse surrounding “The Disinformation” discussion. All of the specialists are ever closer to a consolidation of all of the available data within their labeled (Generic…) field of research.
    It is the consolidation of all of the data under all of the labels that is starting to blossom. Thus my reason for trying to stay in the center, presenting both sides of many issues, as well as my continued personal experience. There is a very specific reason that I am guilty of a similar methodology under specific labels.
    Changes, the cycle garnering an ever larger percentage of humanity questioning, is in motion. This is the footer needed to support the foundation, that is the future home, our earth’s stability as it has been through natural, lineal momentum.
    There are pieces of the puzzle of truth being gathered by individual good natured, compartmentalized study. (It is as well healthy, as an exercise expanding mental acuity, whereby physical health ensues…)
    However, until all of the jigsaw pieces are on the board before you, you have an incomplete, unfinished puzzle.
    The answer is incrementally coalescing, yet, by and large, no one has seen the agenda in its simplistic form.
    While this may sound cryptic or paradoxically presented; I assure you it is a catalyst that brings forth a broader overview.
    Those whose agenda is being implemented are adept at distraction; this is key.
    The puzzle is present… Its image is just not being seen. o… 27/10/13 P.S. It could be the Solar activity so you should know I have not posted this previously and am receiving that notification. I am trying another avenue to comment. It goes to all and is not specific to Roger’s comment.

  4. Greetings, Best in life to all… I would like to think I stay centered in this Eugenics Operation; it has many facets contained within each of so many labels. It is good that so many have taken notice. It is good that each researcher uses his or her gifts to research, in depth, their speciality. That is where the issue lies and continues to stymie forward momentum. As with the usurpers of Earth, the Technocrats and their Money Power backers, I see on one hand a great aid to Awakening. Some people that are watching are drawn to topics, learning of the global agenda by what interests them. In this, I foresee an issue that is inherent in duality. Independent researchers are guilty of using the same methodology, compartmentalization.
    All of these compartmentalized discoveries are aiding an Awakening. The issue is that the agenda is still unveiled. Snippets, the dots, are growing in number and approaching epiphany that is hidden by the discourse surrounding “The Disinformation” discussion. All of the specialists are ever closer to a consolidation of all of the available data within their labeled (Generic…) field of research.
    It is the consolidation of all of the data under all of the labels that is starting to blossom. Thus my reason for trying to stay in the center, presenting both sides of many issues, as well as my continued personal experience. There is a very specific reason that I am guilty of a similar methodology under specific labels.
    Changes, the cycle garnering an ever larger percentage of humanity questioning, is in motion. This is the footer needed to support the foundation, that is the future home, our earth’s stability as it has been through natural, lineal momentum.
    There are pieces of the puzzle of truth being gathered by individual good natured, compartmentalized study. (It is as well healthy, as an exercise expanding mental acuity, whereby physical health ensues…)
    However, until all of the jigsaw pieces are on the board before you, you have an incomplete, unfinished puzzle.
    The answer is incrementally coalescing, yet, by and large, no one has seen the agenda in its simplistic form.
    While this may sound cryptic or paradoxically presented; I assure you it is a catalyst that brings forth a broader overview.
    Those whose agenda is being implemented are adept at distraction; this is key.
    The puzzle is present… Its image is just not being seen. o… 27/10/13

  5. We cry and wail for the polar bears, and we should
    We are so glad to see their ice increasing;
    We would save them ourselves if we could
    But our penchant for not thinking seems unceasing

    They do us no favors who espouse global cooling
    They are frivolous headline seekers, believe them not;
    Oblivious to the danger posed by those who are ruling
    They bury their brains in air-conditioned suites; they don’t even realize it’s hot

    They claim proof in saying the glaciers are growing
    But they measure surface, not mass;
    The ocean floor heats from the bottom up
    It’s the ice underneath that’s melting so fast

    Everything looks fine if you don’t take the time
    To use your God given common sense;
    If our plight is diminished, we will be finished
    Don’t listen to them, educate yourself; ignorance makes a poor defense! 🙂

  6. Thanks for this revealing document,Natasha!
    I find it amazing how the shills and disinfo people can stand there all day saying that geoengineering is a wild conspiracy theory. You either have to be an idiot or more likely well paid to keep shoveling that manure over and over, day in day out, 24/7/365.

    Even the US govt itself is more informed than all the debunk fools and their paid shills.

    I wonder sometimes what they actually believe, nah never mind… Too much credit where NONE is due! They are just simply failed salesmen looking desperately for sources of income, and no source is too low or unethical to meet that end.

    From the pdf document:
    USGCRP agencies reported funding at least 52 research activities relevant to geoengineering in fiscal years 2009 and 2010.

    And this:
    Federal Agencies Are Sponsoring Research Relevant to Geoengineering, but There Is No Coordinated Federal Strategy, Making It Difficult to Determine the Extent of Relevant Research

    So, they know geoengineering “research” is ongoing but have absolutely no idea where or how much????

    They also know it’s dangerous and probably will have dire consequences.

    Why then were we not asked for our permission?
    I gave no such permission! I have a feeling I am not the only one either! 🙂

  7. Warning: Attempt to read property "user_email" on bool in /home/devgeowatch/public_html/wp-content/plugins/avatar/avatar.php on line 647
    Bob Erickson says:

    What is going on with Alex Jones, Mike Adams, Matt Drudge and GE Griffin and their Internet centered media hubs and their coverage of this issue?

    They are all highly respected by their audience. Personally, I trust each of them to provide accurate information and appreciate their commitment to uncovering, and reporting the “story behind the story”. This is in contrast to the MSM’s reporting which is shallow, manipulated, and then “scrubbed with disinformation for sheeple consumption.” Seems every week Alex Jones is busting-open some new fraud or crime by the PTB by going as deep as possible with his groups investigations. All of these “Thruther” preferred news sources publish a significant percentage of their news-worthy material in the categories of Health and Science. Some of them regularly “pound the table” regarding multiple diseases and cancer and how GMO’s, fluoride, toxic food additives and dangerous vaccines are major contributing factors. I honestly appreciate each of them every time they expose and present new facts on these serious issues and for busting various psyops designed to distract and misinform.

    But that is what prompted me to write about the “global cooling” disinformation on Dane Wigingtons’s article “Global Cooling or Global Warming, Which Is It?” (https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/global-cooling-or-global-warming-which-is-it/)
    It’s one thing not to cover Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering and its connection to “climate change” or “global warming”, or its contribution towards the accelerating physical damage to every life-form on Earth. But then to hear and read them pushing out “global cooling” disinformation just seemed nuts to me. How can all of them be missing the “elephant in the living room”? How come none of them are “pounding the table” and discussing the tons of toxic materials being sprayed on everyone including them and their own families nearly every day?

    These are all IMO, very intelligent and honorable people. We are talking worst-case a potential Extinction Level Event and for the best-case some level of multigenerational global climate catastrophe. And we might still have enough time to do something to prevent the worst-case… and this issue is not newsworthy?


    Dear Mr. Jones (InfoWars.com),
    When I previously wrote the comment regarding you… “Unless Alex Jones is not what he appears to be…” it probably came across to you as a subtle challenge to your personal honor. That was not my intent, so I am sorry if it appeared that way to you. I believe you are sincere and consider your work and contributions heroic. But I also would like you to know that regularly “reanalyzing your facts” and “rechecking your trusted sources” and “looking for stories behind the stories” are all skills I developed (at least partially) from being a member of your audience for many years now. I hope you appreciate that my intent was to do what I believe you would have done if you sensed something wrong with the facts and information coming from one or more of your trusted sources.

    I have personally witnessed these overhead spraying operations occurring on hundreds of days over the last 3 years, and I often feel anger that there seems nothing I can do to defend myself or family against breathing the toxic materials. This anger is mixed with frustration that most aren’t even aware of it.

    I am respectfully asking you to look for the “story behind the story” in regards to Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering and its potential direct connection to weather warfare, climate change, and the evidence suggesting a connection to Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, cancer, Morgellons and other diseases.

    Following that, please commit some of your investigative resources to look into the theory that the phrases “Climategate” and “Climate Change Denier” are actively being used in what I would like to call a multi-dimensional psyop designed to distract and confuse everyone regarding the accelerating damage to Earth’s biosphere resulting from Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering and HAARP.

    Geoengineering and the Climategate Psyop – A Conspiracy Theory

    Below describes the process of what I theorize to be part of a multi-dimensional and ongoing psyop who’s goal is to mute and muffle “Truth activists” and the distract the general public from actively exposing and stopping Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering. It seems to me that all the ingredients are there.

    Mr. Jones I would appreciate your expert evaluation of this theory…

    1) “An Inconvenient Truth” documentary delivers the phrase “global warming” into the publics’ consciousness and links “global warming” to “CO2 from fossil fuels.”

    2) This eventually leads to the announcement of a proposed “global carbon tax.”

    3) Media circus ensues and the phrase “global carbon tax” is then linked to both “global warming” and to “CO2 from fossil fuels.”

    4) Leaked emails then expose a conspiracy among government funded science organizations and paid experts to commit scientific fraud by altering the climate data in order to better sell the urgent need for implementing international carbon tax laws.

    5) Multiple “truth” activists jump all over the leaked emails and conclude the “global carbon tax” as a scheme/fraud for profit, and soon after the phrase “Climategate” is born.

    6) Then the weather starts to get cooler instead of warmer, and the phrase “global warming” is replaced with the phrase “climate change”.

    7) The new “Climategate” truth activists become even more focused as they consider this change in phraseology to be an attempt to further cover-up the fraudulent scientific data.

    8) Then the weather appears to start warming again, and the phrase “Climate Change Denier” is born and linked to “Climategate”.

    9) The new “Climategate” truth activists happily accept the linked “Climate Change Denier” label and the phrase becomes sort of a badge-of-honor to wear by many Climategate truth activists.

    10) The phrase “global warming” remains subconsciously anchored to “Climategate” and “Climate Change Denier.”

    11) Checkmate. Now the “Climategate” and “Climate Change Denier” truth activists efforts are repelled from using or even discussing “global warming” as this would (by association) appear to make them flip-floppers on the fraudulent science data that brought them to be “Climategate” truth activists in the first place.

    12) Double Checkmate. Now the PTB including their Geoengineering psychopaths appear more legitimate. They have effectively muted and muffled the “Climategate” truth activist from discussing “global warming” science. They continue on with both their Carbon Tax fraud and their SAG/HAARP operations. Even better they can now challenge the credibility of any Climategate truth activists and “Climate Change Deniers” who dare to change their position on what was probably the only true “fact” out of the entire public “Climategate” story… and that was and remains “global warming.” As the Earth’s weather and climate enter into greater chaos, and the same time Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering (a.k.a. Chemtrails) enters the publics’ consciousness, The PTB now have the option to roll out and try to sell SAG/HAARP as the BEST and ONLY WAY LEFT to prevent a “climate crisis.”

    Those alternative media hubs and truth activists who ponder and research the conspiracy theories which presume the PTB are implementing a plan for “mass population reduction” via slow toxic deterioration of our bodies and immune systems are overall safe to publish reports on a plethora of valid and serious health conditions related to GMO’s, fluoridated water, killer vaccines and the rest while the covert runaway Geoengineering freight train keeps on barreling down the track spraying thousands of tons of toxic materials into the air we all breath.

    If a runaway freight train (with no breaks) is barreling downhill on its tracks through a secluded forest and nobody sees nor hears it… is it really happening?

    Alex, I hope my comments reach your eyes soon. I am also a father who loves his children and wants to see the NWO tyranny end and for justice to prevail. I AM ON YOUR SIDE! I sincerely appreciate your critical and heroic efforts in this battle.

    I know that you have contemplated how the psychopaths are planning mass-population reduction. Are you sure that Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering isn’t one of their most significant operations to accomplish this?

    This issue is too URGENT and too important to make the wrong call on. Please commit to re-investigate the facts and vet your data sources. Then if you come to the some of the same conclusions as I and many others, please help put this issue to the top of your priority list.

    Else if after doing this investigation you conclude that this issue is not valid, or that the evidence holds little merit, or that this site is pushing Climategate “disinformation,” then please explain in detail how you came to this conclusion. Do this so that the millions of Truth activists and concerned people visiting GeoengineeringWatch.org can appropriately prioritize their time, and can refocus their precious time and efforts towards the more important issues and battles.

    With great respect, honor and gratitude towards you and the courageous staff you employ, I strongly ask that you do the due-diligence and not ignore this urgent issue.

  8. hi

    The climate scientists insist they are looking for “fingerprints” as defined by the IPCC:


    “The climate response pattern in space and/or time to a specific forcing is commonly referred to as a fingerprint. Fingerprints are used to detect the presence of this response in observations and are typically estimated using forced climate model simulations”.
    Definition courtesy of IPCC AR4.

    But they seem to be missing the biggest of all “fingerprints” the ongoing geoengineering of this planet’s atmosphere? So what planet are they doing this research on? Can’t be Planet Earth.

    I find it impossible to believe they could miss something that is obvious to so many untrained eyes here and all around the world.

    This is so frustrating. Makes me want to scream.

    We must stop geoengineering before it starts! It has already trashed the atmosphere and they haven’t even starting doing it yet!

    But no fear… everything will get cleared up and resolved when the IPCC releases their report this week… 🙁

  9. In one of our newspapers today there was a Report about “man-made climate change” (aka global warming). Here is the link:


    I hope its ok to give the link.

    Does this equate to a catch 22 situation. They are stuck with how to handle the Report because its either Chemtrails is working or climate deniers and they cant decide which one?

    1. Geoengineering is by far the greatest cause of global warming Angie. People have strong opinions over how much is mankind’s responsibility apart from geoengineering, but the fact remains that geoengineering is warming the earth dramatically and very very quickly (and spot cooling when they want to, which overall causes yet more warming).

  10. I totally agree with you.

    There is no real weather anymore.

    I have put out a flyer saying this in the hope that someone somewhere will speak up. I cannot believe that people don’t see these trails in the sky. I spoke to the owner of the shop where I get my printer ink and gave him a flyer and his reply was: “but its water vapour reacting with the pollution in the atmosphere.” I put in right but I still don’t think he believed me. They just don’t want to know.

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