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“Winter Storm” Ukko materialized as planned. Considerable manipulation of the jet stream and extensive aerosol spraying of the cloud tops with ice nucleating elements brought it all together. Though many of the regions that received snow got it at temps well above the freezing mark. Other zones have now cooled off considerably and may stay that way for a while if heavy manipulation continues and it looks as if that’s what is planned. The second most extreme March jet stream on record is an additional profound factor in this “cool down” equation. It seems the geoengineers are playing every card they have at great cost to the planet. Are they trying to make us forget what it was like last year at this time?  March of 2012 saw the US literally baking in a completely unprecedented heat wave

Dane Wigington Geoengineering Watch  3-21-2013

This March, it seems the weather makers are hell bent on making sure there is not a repeat of last year. Spraying in the skies is being reported around the country at ever more extreme levels. Blotting out the sun with toxic reflective metal particulates certainly cools things off for a while. As already metioned, artificial/chemical ice nucleation of precipitation pushes the cool down still further, but at the cost of a worsened warming of the climate overall for the long term. For those who were not aware, 2012 was  by far the warmest year ever recordedin the continental US. This is in spite of the fact that “official” daily high temperatures are often reported at several degrees lower than the actual temps on the ground. A week ago (3/15/13) Kansas City was at 84 degrees, a daily high temperature of 29 was reported on 3/21/13. Is it “normal” to drop 55 degrees a week further into spring? Denver Colorado was at record warm temps on 3/15/13 (76 degrees) and is now expecting snow in the coming days, is this just “natural variability”?

How Is The Jet Stream Manipulated?

The HAARP signal is monitored, there is no question this weapon of mass destruction is being used to manipulate the jet stream. There may be as many as 18 of these facilities around the globe, some with competing global powers. The capability of HAARP facilities to alter jet stream movements is well documented and seems to be self evident as we watch one engineered “winter storm” after another. This “parade of winter storms” allows corporate/military/industrial/media complex stations like Weather Channel to ra ra “winters fury” with theatrical named storms though they forget to mention the US is in the grips of a “snow drought” overall. One more thing Weather Channel omits, the extreme (manipulated) jet stream is causing record warmth in Greenland and the Arctic.

The constant spraying of Pacific storm fronts continues as they cross the Northwest US. This “aerosolizing” of the storms keeps the moisture “in play” so to speak which drastically reduces the rainfall in the West. The moisture that is robbed then migrates in the form of extremely expansive areas of often featureless high cloud cover which is then utilized further east for engineered events. Stealing moisture from one location and migrating it to another is an expressed goal of weather modification/geoengineering programs and has been for decades as this US gov document from 1966 states.

The manipulation of Earths natural systems, which support all life, are being manipulated to breaking points. The insanity if global geoengineering must be stopped.

Don’t Eat The Snow

Think all that snow is clean and natural? Think again

The bottom line, we know the snow is contaminated and this contamination matches primary elements on numerous geoengineering patents.

Geoengineering fallout of toxic heavy metals such as aluminum and barium has contaminated everything on the planet including the food we eat and the air we breathe.

A study just released on Alzheimer’s states one in three seniors dies with it. Another study just released on autism states one in fifty kidsnow has it.

The “goeengineers” care not for any of this,

Winter storm “Virgil” appears to be the next project for the weather makers.

Dane Wigington








March 2013 jet stream 2nd most extreme on record

http://www.wunderground.com/blog/JeffMasters/show.htmlMarch 2012

Unprecedented US heat wave


Warmest year on record for US


HAARP monitoring


HAARP manipulates jet stream


Weather Channel theater, winter named storms


Snow drought


1966 weather modification programs doc


Contaminated snow


Extreme jet stream causing cold US, record warm Greenland



17 Responses

  1. Yesterday 3/30/13 was a very clear day. At about 0730 I left the house. There were jets spraying in the east, appearing to be contrails, but the sky was getting hazy/silvery. Mid-day I observed no aerosol spraying. Around 1800 I observed chemtrailing into the west. By 1900 the trails were overhead and very heavy heavy toward the Pittsburgh area. Today it is cloudy and rainy…

  2. Thanks for this article. My husband has early-onset Alzheimer disease and spent most of his life outdoors either working, fishing, etc. I’ve started staying indoors when the spraying is heavy and also think it is effecting my pets as well.

    1. Have you looked into chelation for him? You need to get as much aluminum out of his system as possible.

  3. Well here in Northern CA we didn’t get enough rain did we?

    We are going to dry up and blow away, except I think they broke the wind too.

    They done broke the weather. Wake up in the morning and they have been spraying all night. Ugly skies all day, it just ain’t right.

    Okay the weather is getting to me.

    May God and Truth prevail!

    Yes, I mean that…

    and no, I do not drink.

    1. Hi…go to ssd.noaa.gov/goes and click on the map showing the west coast. Then in the lower bottom click on “Funktop’. That will animate a video of your weather in that area over the course of the last few hours. I have watched for about 6 months on weather.com and the NOAA site what a guy named Bruce Douglass (look up his presentation about chembombs on youtube) calls chembombs off the coast of California. I’ve watched for the good part of a year the intense bombing off the coast of Cali, which then in turn shunts precipitation either northward toward Canada or southward to Mexico, and that’s why the rain isn’t reaching the west. THAT is why we have the drought we have. They have consistently bombed those areas to the point little to no precip gets into the west US. Mu guess is they will continue this insanity and there will be a worse drought this spring which would prevent farmers from even being able to plant seeds.

  4. Thanks for this Mister Wigington. There is none so blind…I could {and have} shown active chemtrails to hundreds of people. Many refuse to even look. I have had many get angry and a few call me names. I hope their pulses accelerate and they experience heart palpitations. Sorry, but I really do. Most people have very low self esteem deservedly since they failed to learn critical thinking skills and equate term recognition with intelligence. Secretly stupid they place their trust in glib science pundits who shill for corporate technocracy. Smiling morons like Michael Shermer and Ray Kurzweil to name several. Kaku and countless other “trust science” phonies make me want to slap faces.

  5. So true Dane….The spraying is incessant and continues through the night here in NY. It is unseasonably cold and constantly overcast. The sun rises only to meet perfectly positioned lines of spray so that we rarely get direct sunlight. Everyone seems to think this is how our winters are supposed to be. Not true. When I was a child, winter skies had the brightest sun. It was brilliant. Now, not so much…..Still, more people are talking and noticing. I just hope it’s fast enough as the geoengineers are proceeding very quickly in deciding who be govern this program that has been going on for decades….. Cindy

    1. Hi Cindy, Come with me on Monday to see my local legislator if you are available to speak about Stopping Chemtrails. I have just requested that Dane pen a letter for this purpose. Meeting at 3:30 PM. You can arrive late if you are working, so call or message me on FB. Thanks!, Sallie

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