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Join Dane Wigington, Russ Tanner and Richard Sacks today as they discuss the Apathy Of The Public to geoengineering programs.

Saturday, 5/25/13

11am PST  2pm EST

Link—>Geoengineering Watch Radio

Dane Wigington Bio

Russ Tanner Bio

Richard Sacks Bio

7 Responses

    1. Rhea, That’s a good, although involved question. Corporations, governments, much of which is discussed in articles on this site. Please look through the list of documents and patents too.

  1. Dear People,
    I hope that you, as sincere researchers, can somehow contact Sophia Smallstorm, a researcher herself who applies nanotechnology, electromagnetism, and the potential engineered future of Humanity into an expansion of chemtrails beyond weather manipulation.
    I watched an hour long presentation of hers that was absolutely chilling titled “From Chemtrails to Pseudo-Life, the Dark Agenda of Synthetic Biology”, on Dprogram.net, embedded within the post on Chemtrails and Southern California. I believe readers here should view her presentation.

    1. Hi Michael,
      Yes, we are familiar with Sofia Smallstorm’s work and transhumanism. There does appear to be a multilevel agenda behind the spraying. On this site, to raise awareness with as many as possible, we try to present clear, scientific evidence of ongoing geoengineering; weather modification. Thanks for your note and your desire to wake up the public!

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