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Dane Wigington

The United States government and the military it controls is in the business of destabilizing and toppling any nation that gets in the way of its hegemonic agenda. Syria was thrust into chaos because its democratically elected leader refused to allow a US backed pipeline to be constructed across his country. There are dozens of other such examples from the last few decades alone. The desperation of the western power structure continues to manifest as it pushes the world ever closer to WWlll. The US government's support of the ISIS terrorists is becoming impossible to hide or deny. The American population will very soon be forced to face the fact that they are not only expendable to those at the top of their own government, but are actually a rapidly increasing liability for the power elite. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

If we have any chance of waking the masses and changing course in time, all of us are needed to join the critical effort to sound the alarm.

74 Responses

  1. I've been slowly getting survival equipment a little at a time so it won't seem so suspicious and I'm going to defect from the US when it comes to the point we all have to have a smart phone or a chip to be a legal US Citizen.

    I will simply say to Uncle Sam. F—————–U! >>>>>>>>>>> *middle finger*

    I am tired of being a US of Bully A citizen.

  2. I learn several new topics ever time I listen to the weekly Global Alert News, as well as everyone's replies! The government is obviously causing full force turmoil, while covering up their tracks, how much more dire and evil can they get. The sad thing about it is, our tax dollars and other monetary requirements are funding them.

  3. hello Dane thank you so much and for everyone who shared their thoughts this week. Dane I emailed you the big Guardian UK story on the native Americans all of the native tribes have been camped out in north Dakota in protest against the Dakota pipeline which will run under their river which supplies the fresh water to the native tribes!!! The people of the first nations from Canada have now joined them the tribes have been attacked with dogs by the police and oil companies as have the British journalist and camera crew. This is a big important story that main stream media are not reporting on !!! Big news black out !!;please go to the guardian UK and look up native Americans oppose the Dakota pipeline. As for the vaccine insanity the California schools here in alameda country's are now demanding the schools vaccinate every child during school hours and if the child has a violent reaction the parents can't sue and the parents are at fault its true.

  4. Here's what Wikipedia has to say about "Wolf Isaac Blitzer," a Polish Jew whose family fled Auschwitz, who is inextricably entangled in the Anglo-American-Isra-Hell-i "power" structure, being one of the "chosen" Mouthpieces of The Word from On High:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolf_Blitzer  Blitzer's sympathetic coverage of the trial Jonathan Pollard, an American Jew who spied for Israel, makes him look a little bit like a traitor.

    1. Dennie:  Pollard is said to have been the greatest espionage disaster in US history.  Yet, he gets to walk, or rather flown out to our good friend Israel.  

  5. Well speaking of no geoengineering in Canada… eh…. I'm going to try and send the photo in our Saskatchewan sky as we speak to your email Dane, and thank you for EVERYTHING you do! As well as all truth speaking citizens of this planet! No power here for  over an hour, and very haarplike wavy clouds overhead with a G1 geomagnetic storm poleward of 60 degrees up here. Am thinking it is the perfect setup for black games and so I am doing some spiritual warfare (prayers) for all affected!   Keep safe everyone, appreciate your swords of the Spirit!! This game is bigger than all of us. But greater is HE who lives in us than he that is in the world. Peace. Out.

    1. Thanks for your immediate assistance Dane! The switch worked! Just sent you the email with haarp photo and …VOILA!! Power on!!  God is GOOD!! Keep lookin up everybody.

  6. The monsters calling the shots on U.S. foreign policy will not stop until they have brought the world to total destruction.

  7. Outstanding show Dane. Any chance you could give an example of a possible scenario if the aerosols were stopped. And, would HAARP and NEXRAD technologies be less effective, I mean, could they still control the jet stream?

    Thanks, Donna

    1. Hello Donna, about your question, FYI https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/double-catastrophe-scenario-document-paints-bleak-picture/

  8. Dane, and my California friends I haven't met yet, This article is from todays LA times. Does anyone besides me see something wrong here? If this is similar to what is happening in my own forests, it just plain isn't right and is a profit driven, resource driven ploy. Once again here is an article that does not include the factors of geoengineering. Yesterday I walked my 20 acres of Ponderosa and Larch Fir. I border USFS land. The emotions I felt as I walked along were varied from sadness to anger. Half(not an exaggeration) of the younger Ponderosa which makes up half my my tree population, look like Charlie Brown x-mas trees. All of the Ponderosa have substancially less needles on them than I have ever before witnessed during this time of year. They shed needles every year but never in such astounding quantity. This is true even of the trees I have watered through this summer. Side note: The Larch Fir and Tamarack seem to be doing ok so far. Though they do show signs of stress. FYI: When the USFS does thinning of the forest, they thin out the Larch Fir and Tamarack, and burn them in nicely stacked slash piles. Those smaller trees would have become better timber than the Ponderosa that was left "and" if they needed to go, they would have been a great resource for the locals around here and could have been thinned for basically free. Any foresters out there care to chime in here?


    1. The author of the L.A. Times article cannot see the forest for the trees.  I see that this is an OPINION Editorial piece.  It's behaving like an ENVIRONMENTAL HIT PIECE and is not based on reality or observation, just more Washington Lies-for-Profit.  Kill the trees, then harvest the lumber– mmmm, good!  Well, they won't be able to lie about the situation for much longer.  It should become obvious pretty soon that when EVERY TREE is dead, THE FOREST. IS. DEAD.

    2. A simple horseman:  Pines on my property have thinned out like never before in my 25 years here in Mendicino County, Ca.  Ghost trees, thinned of needles.  Above me on adjacent land three pine trees in a grouping died over the past year.  I need not tell you how many thousands of fir trees have disappeared over the past few years just in my surrounding area alone.  I don't attribute this die off and sick Eco-system to drought.  This area has its semi-drought conditions over the years but my area here has had adequate rainfall.  The inconsistency of the seasons, the late late rains one year, very early rain the next with an early end to it before the normal patterns, imho, is part of the problem.  The weather patterns are screwed up.  The rhythm is way off, including how the rain is either a torrent or a ground hugging mist at this elevation. Pour into the mix the aerosol particulates combined with the weather microwave terrorism, and there can be no doubt it's a deliberate man-created destruction.  One other observation is how the strong winds sound up on the nearby surrounding ridges on both sides.  The trees are so devoid of greenery there is a "clacking" in-unison kind of noise, less of a general howl but harder and spooky, which has me listening up because its so different.  


  9. Military Industrial Complex, Medical Industrial Complex– so many dots to connect.  U.S. history has not been pretty from the beginning– w  American Indians, black slavery etc.  Good eye opener on syria and endless war. Anyway War is  a Racket  by  4 star general Smedley Butler –1935– Nothing changes –just everything is getting worse.


    Oil was founded in 1859 initially in pennsylvania.  All of these wars for resources are pretty sick.  Marijuana hemp could be used for alot of stuff — New book out by Jesse Ventura Marijuana manifesto.


    1. Jesse ventura– former governor of Minnesota, x navy seal- etc connects alot of dots in that link w   wars , govt , prisions  , medical, etc– so  I hope alot of people click on that link and read what he has to say. 

    2. Hello Joseph, about Jesse Ventura, unfortunately he has radically betrayed the truth in regard to the climate engineering issue. FYI https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/double-catastrophe-scenario-document-paints-bleak-picture/

    3. Thank you Dane– I am tired of people w half truths as you call them.  I guess some truth is better than no truth at all.  Most people are totally asleep w all the brainwashing that is going on.  Climate engineering should be front and center since every breathe that we take is not clean.

         I just got back from Hofstra University where all the tents are set up outside in the parking lot for the presidential debate news.  I was able to give out  alot of  your Look Up flyers to students , adults and several teachers. 

  10. In Alberta we started off in the Spring with BIAZING HOT Weather. I had a tan by the middle of April. We had temps up to 30 degrees C  Insane ! Then came the Summer, our entire Summer was kept in a daily TOXIC Haze. We had Rain from the Great North to the U.S. border daily. I assume they were moving clouds from British Columbia mixed with a Toxic mixture of their choice. We have been trapped inside like animals in a cage! Pink glowing clouds of Barium. And look how pretty they are! Pink freaking clouds. Are you kidding me. Black Toxic clouds almost daily. Our Trees now look worse than ever 90% of the trees have already lost all of their leaves and we are only a couple of days into Autumn! The leaves turned Black then fell from the Hurricane winds they level at us on a regular basis. Yet not strong enough to move this toxic haze from our sky!!! Bark split and cracking on many of the trees with dead branches almost to the tops of each tree with leaves only at the top. and  another year without the transistion to Winter. From a Crappy Summer to Winter.  Autumn has been non existant here for years. Then Six to Eight months of Nucleated Snow that feels like a disgusting spungy substance under foot as you walk. And concrete to shovel. Once again they say we will have a "Great Ski Season"!  After growing my own food for decades I am tired of the extreme effort to only end up with so little. We literally had just a few hours of Sunshine over three months. Can you even concieve of this? They admitted to NINE Lakes in Alberta that had  extreme fish kills over the Winter. Beaver, Mitchell, Ironside , East Dollar , Steele Cross , Jackfish Lakes, they stated… Once the Lakes have been re stocked with Trout, fishing will again be encouraged at these sites, however, anglers can expect not to see any large fish for several years to come. Due to low oxygen levels resulting in Fish kills.  Then at Fiesta. Miller's  and Muir Lakes fishing is not recommended!  THEY are KILLING every LIVING BREATHING Creation to be found in our Province. THANK YOU so much David Keith You Lunatic!!!  No wonder you are getting Death Threats from Albertans that are AWAKE!!! You are going down you Bastards. You have ruined a once Beautiful Province with such Great resources. They are destroying ALL the Trees accross our land. More escpecially our Beautiful Banff and Jasper. You will all BURN IN HELL Wake Up Alberta. In the name of GOD Wake Up!!!

    1. Hi Gail

      As a Alberta expat I can feel & have experienced your grief. I was a long time resident of Strathcona acreage living. My property was little garden of Eden when I bought in 1988. About five years later I noticed the spruce trees against the road on the south side of the property showing stress & the coppering of the needles. Over the next twenty years I watched every single tree die. Every One!! The whole acreage & all the land around me in every direction. It have heard that AB has the thinnest ozone layer because of all the methane given off by processing dirty oil. Of that I have no doubt but that it is true. The spraying over the province is relentless the sky sick & lifeless with no blue sky ever. Now living in the remote outback of BC we have many more days of clear sky but when fronts move in off the pacific they are always sprayed ahead of for 4 to 6 hours or so & heavily over the clouds themselves. This year we had no summer whatsoever. Every time a weak coastal front moved into the coast it was stalled & spun until it strengthened & flooded the area. Eleven days without rain in three months & this in a relatively dry interior plateau. A lot of the ranchers will have to sell down their herds as they haven't been able to hay their flooded fields. They have definitely changed their spraying patterns in the last six months or so. Now the plane trails are on & off across the sky. I.m wondering of the Gwen system has something to do & in conjunction with this. Here the trees are sick & dying but enough new growth seems to mask the depressing extent of the overall carnage. Just thinking about the possibility of moving back to Alberta sours me but I feel for the many friends I left there even though only a couple ever believed in what was actually taking place.



  11. Something I've wanted to ask you, Dane.  I have been looking at the humidity readings (on my computer) for my area whenever I check the weather lately.  I wish I'd always done so so that I'd have something to compare these readings too, but I never thought of looking at it until recently when over the second half of the summer it was just so humid, especially at night, and sometimes driving around in the evening my windshield would get all fogged up.  So over the last few weeks I've seen humidities of 63, 83, 83, 88, 90, and 100.  (This is all during the drought we are in the middle of, although we did have a decent rain several days ago.)  Those were the only times I remembered to look at the readings.  Some of these really high readings were on sunny, dry days like today (today was 88).  There's something else I've noticed over the last year or so that seems to go along with this.  I clean some surfaces in my home with vinegar-soaked paper towels and let the surfaces air-dry.  I know vinegar kills some germs and is nontoxic so I figure it's good to let it sit a bit.  I've noticed that some surfaces take forever for the vinegar to evaporate even on days when the windows are open or the heat is on.  Previously, it used to only take a long time if the windows were closed with no heat on.  So something has changed.  I've just been wondering if the air being saturated with particulates has any effect on the humidity readings.  Oh, and in the past I often used to turn my car's heated seat on even on chilly summer  evenings.  This year, summer evenings were almost all really hot and humid and I only turned the seat on once.  Also, I've noticed that the night sky no longer usually appears black.  It looks a very dark muddy brown to me.

    My point is I'm wondering if all these observations have to do with the geoengineering program (I know the muddy-looing appearance of the night sky does).   

    1. Hello Jenny, the particulate saturation has everything to do with humidity. Though the humidity may be high in your region, it is now often in the single digit range in many other locations.


  13. Dane, I am forever grateful for all that you are giving in the fight to save all life from the ongoing atrocities committed by the majority of the human species. I have not missed one episode of your news  broadcast since I became aware of your website almost 2 years ago. They all are so right on & outstanding, but this one was exceptional to me! I will be sharing it every chance that I get. Your overall description of the situation in Syria is commendable in its accuracy & said in terms that anyone with a working braincell who cares in any way can understand. It needs to be heard by EVERY American, but also needs to be heard in other countries as well. They need to hear for themselves that there ARE Americans who care & are speaking up about the sickening crimes being committed by US govt. I read several alt news sites & the comments posted there. It is very disheartening to see the amount of animosity directed not only towards the govt, but towards American citizens as well. Although most of it is indeed earned, it is very sad that persons like yourself, persons on this site, myself & many others who care & speak out, are largely overlooked & unknown. We all must never give up in trying to enlighten others to the inexcusable crimes that are being committed against all of humanity & nature.


    1. I submit that these atrocities are being committed by a MINORITY of humans, albeit ones that wield immense power. Power that has been allowed to perpetuate unchecked by a complacent majority populace.

  14. Hi. I continue to point out aircraft spraying, identify to them what it is and it's supposed purpose. I'm always amazed at the naivety, and sometimes obvious dismissal of the dangerousness of these elements injected into the air we're breathing. I think if they were concerned they would have already known what's going on. I've known for a long time what's happening in the sky, because I question things. I noticed long ago the lines in the sky and researched it, and learned. With the internet and it's accessibility to information, if a person scrutinized things then they'll research and learn.   So many I believe just don't really care. To the ones who don't care after its shown to them numerous times and still dismiss my "conspiracy", I say "breath up" !

  15. Another "Afghanistan" mistake, which was just another incarnation of Vietnam– control the heroin trade in those two places, and control the oil in the middle east. — all for a nation of ADDICTS!!!!!

    1. Dennie  They admit that money for rebuilding in Afghanistan has corrupted the country but what do we do?  Appropriate $115 BILLION  more. Destroy and rebuild. Who does it benefit? Not us, not the occupied countries.  The MIC.   I KNEW NO ONE WHO IS OKAY WITH THIS.   How long, how long???

    2. The U.S. Foreign Policy "motto" goes like this: 

      "The United States:  Destroying YOUR country for democracy today, rebuilding it in OUR image tomorrow!!"

    3. There is a major heroin epidemic underway in the US, and Europe.  The product is 90% from Afghanistan, so I have read.  

  16. So, I am not sure if this is correct, or how much it might be, but I heard that they have been engineering these Santa Ana winds for 30 years?  But I have noticed that in the last 5-7 years they are warmer, drier and more violent. Not sure if the drought plays a big role in it. Where can I find more info. if true?

    1. Jake:  Today in the San Francisco Bay Area we have a heat advisory with extreme fire danger over 1,000 ft. and dry winds gusting to up to 50 m.p.h. until 4 p.m. in the coastal areas and until 6 p.m. in the Sierras and foothills. This is surely part of the crap that blew through here last week, complete with freezing cold ice nucleation and high winds, making me sicker than the proverbial dog.  It may have been the tail end of the hurricane suppression efforts over the great state of Hawaii.

    2. Hello Dennie. Today, in the valley of SD county it reached a high of 102F/39C. These dry hot winds are not only that, but they also seem like they have a very strong electrical charge to them, much like when you take clothes out of the dryer. I've never in my life seen Santa Ana winds act like this. Sure they are dry but something feels way off! My only guess is that these weather controller sociopaths are angry that a little bit of moisture managed to creep into SoCal from TS Paine last week!!

    3. Hi Jake:  Today was MUCH drier in San Rafael, CA.  The electrical charge you're feeling is probably from the ionization of the nanoparticulate metals and the dryness makes it worse.  We had dew fall in S.R. over night, probably due to the humidity "they" add to the air, but it was much drier here today.  The gusty winds predicted never really materialized here. I have just now opened my house to cool it off.  Thank God I had the money to have it insulated very well about fifteen years ago when "they" first started talking about how much hotter it was going to become.  Too bad I could not afford to have a home built into the side of a hill on a ridge out west or further north where there's more rainfall (west Mendo County and north).  There's no where anyone can go to escape the massive destruction and misery these military F()CKS are wreaking on us all.  I am terrified that this is just the very beginning of things that will be far worse.  "THEY" DON'T CARE– "They" will not miss their water until their well runs dry.  I WISH TO GOD "THEY" WOULD JUST LEAVE!

    4.  Dennie: I normally don't get migraines but I have one and sick to my stomach. I'm very dehydrated even though Ive been drinking water. It's as if the fluids from my body have been vacuumed and sucked dry. The soil just a week ago was soft but now rock solid. I don't even think we will get the fall foliage here because the winds knocked most of the leaves off and they're brown and dead anyway. Just a sad scene all around. It's safe to call these people terrorists. 

  17. Anon — Thank you. I think you have the answer. They don't want to know.  Plus they are so inundated in 70 years of chemicals in the food/air/water and toxic "consumer" propaganda programing that they can't reason properly – or even see the sky above them? It's scary sometimes. Like living in an insane asylum. A stranger in a strange land.  War is coming. Of course I happen to live in an electronic warfare zone, but more and more I feel that all the secrecy around the Dr. StrangeLove geoengineering plasma technologies came from the military. National security need to know. The Navy has its hands in everything. God only knows the secret weapons they have developed out of this stuff. HAARP was probably just the beginning. Their latest laser guns are said to be precision and long range now. God help this planet of sorrows…  Say goodnight, Gracie!

  18. SF: There are two parts to this post, ten images in all.  Part One: A collection of recent screenshots from EOSDIS Worldview: The Tasman Sea, Sacramento CA, Guadalupe Island off Baja CA / … God loves to make rectangles and weird spiraling shapes in the clouds.  Funny I never saw geometric cloud shapes in the paintings of the great masters…

    1. Yes, Susan, you make me laugh, as i was telling friends this week of an imagined cartoon showing a museum exhibit named Mysteries of Lost Civilizations, featuring centuries of portraits featuring blue skies. There of course would be the scientists and mythologists and philosophers, under metallic skies, wondering at the esoteric significance of painting the sky blue!! More to the point, the nucleated cool down events in the northern Siskiyous this past week were brutal. Rectangular clouds, ninety degree angles cut into so many of the seemingly real cumulus clouds, and deep abiding metallic cold under unbelievable sky of heavy grey masses , line after line, that looked like waves. Seen this in B.C., Victoria, months ago. Along with continued deep and abiding willful ignorance and denial. Accessing our magical potential seems crucial. We must make a quantum leap into the realm where we can quickly effect this. Where is that, and how, and what or who will guide us?

  19.            Meet the Rockefeller's of the great white north , Paul jr. and Andrè Desmarais . They are the sons of Paul Desmarais ( recently deceased) , former head of " Power Corporation ". This is the other multi billionaire family from little Sudbury Ontario. If you haven't heard of them , don't worry , most Canadians have never heard of them either. They( one or all ) have financial and social ties with the Rothchilds and Rockefellers , they  have attended "Bilderberg" meetings , they shared directorship at the CFR , they have served on the " Trilateral commission " and are long standing members of the "Canadian International Council " .

         Every Prime Minister  since and including  Peirre Elliot Trudeau have had some direct tie with the Demarais family , lawyer , accountant and even a marriage . I wonder what dandy duties Justin will get with Power Corp. , when he has done doing their dirty deeds .

         This family was slipping it's tyrannic tentacles into China before the ink was dry on Presidents Nickson's trade deal with China . How ever did they know?

         The Desmarais Family was also instrumental in Frances election of  Nicolas Sarkozy . 

         The Desmarais family are near the top of the food chain and they have insatiable appetites .

         Geo engineering would not take place in Canada , or else where for that matter , without the direct approval from the " Billionaires without Borders Boys Club " .

         Personally I think a bowl of "fruit loops" has more moral fiber than these fraudulent fellows. Let's round them all up and send them to Jeffery Epsteins Island , I hear he won't be needing it anymore . 

    1. Is Epstein finally being put in prison?? I hadn't heard. That would be excellent. I hear he's a good buddy of Bill Clinton. Thanks for outing the name of the little known nefarious family in Canada to us paul. Here in the States I've never heard of the Desmarais family. I'm sure most people haven't. Keep shining the light on these criminals.

  20. Global Citizen Concert was pushing people to text their governments to get behind A G E N D A. 2 0 3 0 and continuing vaccinations. It is the end of the world as we know it. It was on M S N B C  all day today.

  21. The attack by aerosoles being sprayed over California day and night continues. People are just ignorant and think that these patterns are just pretty clouds. I tried to talk to a few about the geo – engineering and dare not to bring up chem trails as some thought that I lost a few marbles.  Hopefully they eventually wake up before it's too late :/ Thank you for all your efforts !

    1. The "Aeros-Hole's" spraying is making everything WORSE, can't the MORONS figure that OUUUUT? by NOW?????

    2. To CA people and Dane, has anyone noticed in certain areas the streaks are completely gone? Still whispy, and as of this last year the haze has become the new norm across the entire state. Occasionally a semi blue sky on a Sunday, but seriously it baffles my mind the masses inability to simply observe the world around them.

    3. G:  Yes, my area in Mendocino County has been mostly free of the long, morphing, obvious sky covering jet induced aerosol spray trails.  Compared to the incredible non-stop spraying over me last year and years prior, I would say there has been a "seed" change.  But, given that, actually the blue is now a fluorescent silver blue white, not so much noticeable at mid day, but in the mornings and afternoons.  I see more "classic con trails," the shorter "evaporating" kind, few long trails, and the jets are flying so far up now that I cannot see them and barely hear them.  The criminals are still spraying the crap.  The only change really are their tactics.  There have been a few days last week when large artificial cloud formations floated over from the northwest.  This was because the jet stream moisture field was over Oregon and the far Northern California border.  The weather terrorists are not quite ready yet to change our season.  Indeed, we are again drying up from a artificially installed heat wave with temps at or near 100f.  But, that other "plunge protection team" will drop the temps end of week to the 60s and 70s.  I suppose I should bow and kiss their ring because I really do not care for hot weather.  Maybe they would accept a monthly payment, kinda like a utility bill?

  22. I need to know the report referred to from the House. My local congresswoman steadfastly contends chemtrails have not a shred of evidence that they are anything but contrails and that the govt has absolutely no evidence to the contrary and is not involved in any coverup, despite my having sent copy after copy which disproves her stand. Please tell me the date and authors of the House study referred to. Thank you and keep up the good work.

    1. Hello Ron, I would not expect any acknowledgment of any facts from any elected official. There are numerous links to documents in the document section on GeoengineeringWatch.org. One example is here, FYI https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/massive-us-senate-document-on-national-and-global-weather-modification/

  23. After several chilly days of sickening ice nucleation we're now experiencing our next "scheduled heat wave" here in the S.F. Bay Area, along with high humidity that makes the increase feel even hotter.  Weather whiplash is the "new normal."  About all I've heard folks say in response is to mutter a few words like "weird" and "unusual" or "kooky."  I've heard that lack of curiosity is a sign of deficient intellect.. well, these ones NEVER ask WHY.. bunch of incurious dumbshits.

    1. Dennie:  Yes, weather whiplash.  39f degree temps in the morning for three days up here, with day temps in the 70s.  Very pleasant.  And yesterday the terrorists' gloves came off and it hit close to 100f.  So two or three days of sucking dry the last frog and the temps will decline back to a normal that is also artificially created since the entire former natural  hydrological is sullied by the overall manipulation of the weather.

    2. ..yeeeaaaahhhh, well, I wanna find out who the Generals and the Colonels are who are behind implementing the whole sickening bullshit programs and PUBLISH THEIR NAMES and THEIR BASES FOR ALL TO SEE.  OUT THE BASTARDS.  NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. This has probably been posted before, but Ted Gunderson was a very brave whistleblower.Ted was an FBI chief and his videos are very interesting. He was especially brave in the video about the Franklin Scandal and child abuse involving people in DC ncluding the White House.      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gR6KVYJ73AU

    1. I've researched into the Franklin scandal which then led me to learn more about MK Ultra, & Project's Monarch and Montauk. Unbelievable creepy stuff. Only very sick and deranged individuals could mastermind this cruel torture and crime against innocent children and animals. I have come to understand the nazi influence that is running our government a little bit better. Operation Paperclip is the likely culprit for the cruelty and perversion and perhaps ultimately even darker forces yet. Peer into the dark briefly but live in the LIGHT. That's our ultimate defense against these terrible evils.

    2. Gunderson did more research on his own into the Virginia McMartin childcare scandal that rocked California and found that the stuff the kids were talking about was corroborated upon excavation of the building.  He hired a U.C.L.A. archeologist who found the tree root of the avocado had been cut on both sides of the entrance to the tunnel as the kids mentioned and evidence that former passageways under the building had been filled in with a slurry, soil that was different from the surrounding soil on the property.  I wonder about those kids, where they are today, and what they remember.  They'd said they were being transported by air to remote properties in the surrounding mountainous areas where celebrities would arrive and perform acts of child abuse, presumably as a kind of blackmail scheme, for their involvement in what I believe was/is a very large drug-smuggling operation and the child abuse stuff is done to keep them "happy" and shut them up– or else.  The videos of Gunderson himself speaking about the case are miraculously still on YouTube:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YLpvKAR5fA

    3. Patricia, I too have much respect for Ted L Gunderson. He called the spraying of Toxin's, into OUR SKIES, "Death Dumps"! A video can be seen on U Tube with him standing at an air base he tracked the air craft to.                        Another Hero !

  25. It’s amazing when you awaken and become enlightened that you quickly realize how your very own Government uses lies, deception and propaganda to hide the very nature of their crimes.

    Anyone with an ounce of reason could see thru the veil of what has happened to Libya, Syria, Iraq, Ukraine, Crimea etc.

  26. Sorry to bother you but can't find the video you referenced on the military medic who is remorseful for having administered harmful vaccines to troops. Thank you for any help on pinning this down.

    1. Very heart felt interview. I hope everyone got this, vaccines given to the military are to kill them, its about money & soldiers witnessing the truth. Man, how low can you get. Governments are all murders. There are NO SAVE vaccines.


      This is what Dr. Andrew Moulden was trying to tell people in 2009 about anthrax vaccines. (still can find his videos on youtube)

  27. My 131st email, titled "Gigatons?"

    1.  I have mentioned in previous emails that BBC weather reports often show clouds moving at @ 90 degrees to the prevailing wind.  Today, Sat 24th, is no exception with wind coming up from the south and clouds and rain approaching from the west…I do realise there is an approaching 'Low' but that does not explain the cloud movement.

    Taken from today's Scottish Chemtrails email:  

    'In order to create violent storms etc, you need winds at different altitudes moving in different directions and at different speeds…Geoengineers have developed nano materials that will remain at certain altitudes – allowing for the formation and frequency manipulation of clouds moving in off-angles and opposing directions for precisely this purpose…Nexrad Sequential Heterodyne Wave Generation is the primary method for creating low altitude cross-angle rolling wave clouds running under the prevailing manufactured 'jet stream'. These roll cloud systems intersect with the fast moving winds (generally moving North-East and intersecting roll wave clouds running South-East).'  

    2.  There has been a recent flurry of articles on the @7% more than expected Greenland Ice loss. 

    The extra ice loss has be equated to: 20 gigatons – weird, a gigaton is a unit of explosive power, maybe they were trying to relate it to the global heating of over 4 Hiroshima bombs per second (but Hiroshima was only .000015 gigaton, current "tactical nukes" are @ .0002 gigaton); 40 trillion pounds per year – weird, why not use US or metric tons; 50,000 Empire State buildings per year – weird, using a basically hollow structure; 40 trillion tons – someone has got their maths wrong, but there again, none of the above equate to the other!

    Oh, and Arctic sea ice is still breaking apart and spreading out, creating an imaginary improvement to sea ice area.

    3.  The proxy war in Syria is getting less proxy. The US/UK/NATO desire for increased chaos in Syria and global war is escalating. US, UK and Danish planes and drones recently attacked the Syrian Army for about an hour.  This was no "mistake" and probably killed several Russian military personnel as well as about 70 Syrian military.  

    Russia immediately responded with a missile attack on a "US Coalition Operations Room" in Syria that was involved, killing about 30 Israeli, US, UK, Turkish, Saudi and Qatari military intelligence personnel. 

    We also had the burning of several vehicles in an "aid" convoy – there is absolutely no evidence of an air attack.  This convoy was in a rebel controlled area and being used to transport rebel fighters armed with grenade launchers and heavy mortars – probably the home-made "Hell Cannons" which fire cooking gas canisters filled with explosives. 

    The US is now calling for "No Fly Zones" – a guaranteed way to increase the ground fighting and chaos, and which has already been seen to have disastrous implications for innocent civilians in Libya, for example.

    The Syrian Army has launched an offensive on the rebel held areas of Aleppo – where there are few civilians.  There is much news coverage from the "White Helmets" – which you will only find in rebel held areas, and are primarily a propaganda front for the US/NATO backed Jabat al Nusra (Al Qaeda in Syria – that should read "Al CIA- duh").  

    In the last 24hrs, hundreds of rebel militants have accepted amnesty in Syria (well over 1,000 in the last week), despite the US/UK/NATO backed rebel forces torturing and killing anyone found trying to defect to the legitimate government of Syria. 

    4.  "If you can not work with love but only distaste, it is better that you leave your work"

    "Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair" 

    "Love is trembling happiness"    Khalil Gibran 1883 – 1931.

    1.    “Look at the nations and watch—
          and be utterly amazed.
      For I am going to do something in your days
          that you would not believe,
          even if you were told.  "

    2. Great comments Andrew!  Thanks for the catch and breakdown of gigatons.  And of cloud formations.  And I love the quotes, love Gibran.  the Earth indeed loves to feel bare feet, and the wind does love playing with my hair!  

  28. How artificial typhoons are nurtured???

    Here is a good satellite snapshot visualizing a massive spraying by an “airplane fleet” to the oceans. You can see how diligent and determined for them to fly such number of planes. Surely they are not that rich of leisure to feed the fishes with aerosols.
    EOSDIS 2016 Aug 20, you can see more sprayings to the seas around Japan island, changing the base layers in the top left menu to change Terra image to Aqua or Suomi

    The above date coincides when 4 typhoons were dancing south of Japan island. You could scroll the above satellite image to the west to see the typhoons. I have previously posted about the typhoons here, and here.

  29. Top US General Warns Syrian “No-Fly” Zone Means War with Russia / Bill Van Auken /Global Research, September 24, 2016
    Marine Gen. Joseph Dunford, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, spelled out the grave implications … increasing pressure by Washington on the Russian government to unilaterally agree to grounding its own aircraft as well as those of the Syrian government.  Secretary of State John Kerry has repeatedly demanded that Russia adhere to what would essentially be a one-sided “no-fly” zone under conditions in which US warplanes would continue carrying out airstrikes. … The first was carried out by US and allied warplanes one week ago against a Syrian army position, killing as many as 90 Syrian soldiers and wounding another 100. Washington claimed that the bombing was a mistake, but Syrian officials have pointed to what appeared to be a coordination of the airstrike with a ground offensive by Islamic State (also known as ISIS) fighters who briefly overran the bombed position. … an attack on a humanitarian aid convoy in Aleppo that killed at least 20 and destroyed 18 trucks. The US immediately blamed Russia for the attack … Marine Gen. Joseph Dunford … admitted to the committee, “I don’t have the facts,” as to what planes carried out the attack, but quickly added, “There is no doubt in my mind that the Russians are responsible.”  Similarly, Carter declared, “The Russians are responsible for this strike whether they conducted it or not.”  … “For now, for us to control all the airspace in Syria would require us to go to war with Syria and Russia,” Dunford replied to the Senator. “That’s a pretty fundamental decision that certainly I’m not going to make.” … total control of the Syrian airspace would require war with Russia and Syria, while a no-fly zone could potentially be imposed short of that.  The hearing provided a chilling exposure of the discussions going on within the US state and its military over actions that could quickly spiral into an all-out confrontation with nuclear-armed Russia, bringing humanity to the brink of catastrophe.

    1. Global Research:  "The US and its allies had established a Field Operations Room in the Aleppo region integrated by intelligence personnel. Until it was targeted by a Russian missile attack on September 20,  this “semi-secret” facility was operated by US, British, Israeli, Turkish, Saudi and Qatari intelligence personnel.  According to Fars News, this intelligence facility was attacked by Russia in the immediate wake of the US Air Strikes against Syrian SAA forces at Deir Ezzor in support of the ISIS-Daesh terrorists. “The Russian warships stationed in Syria’s coastal waters targeted and destroyed a foreign military operations room, killing over two dozen Israeli and western intelligence officers” … “The Russian warships fired three Caliber missiles at the foreign officers’ coordination operations room in Dar Ezza region in the Western part of Aleppo near Sam’an mountain, killing 30 Israeli and western officers,”  The operations room was located in the Western part of Aleppo province in the middle of sky-high Sam’an mountain and old caves. The region is deep into a chain of mountains. … a potentially dangerous watershed in the evolution of the war on Syria, which should be seen within the broader context of military escalation. … the Operations Room is an undeclared intelligence facility. Washington has not acknowledged it and Moscow has not provided an official confirmation of the attack. The Russian media is mum on the subject and so is Washington. Neither side has interest in making this issue public."

    2. Thank you for that news update.  That is definitely a sharp escalation to WWIII, which will be USA vs the entire planet.

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