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The power structure continues to connect the dots of their agenda. After a quick recap of last week's show, this episode will cover a new report from MIT which further confirms the fact that global climate engineering will only make an already bad climate scenario far worse. From catastrophic wildfires to the collapse of the world's forests (over 3 trillion trees have already been lost), the weather related destruction continues. Climate engineering is being used as a weapon of war all over the globe and the Middle East has been a primary battleground. When we consider the "Grand Chessboard" agenda of the global elite, the pieces of the puzzle are more clearly put into place. From the weather warfare used to cause catastrophic drought in a long list of countries (that were then destabilized and toppled), to the rapidly unfolding refugee crisis (that was well planned by those in power), all are pieces to the rapidly unfolding bigger picture.
Dane Wigington

66 Responses

  1. Most people can't even see this Sht. Right above their heads. They think it is a Hoax.


    Because they are being conditioned to think everything is normal.

    What they need is a 2X4 over the back of their heads in New World Order to make them wake up!

    Countless of them are in some sort of Dozy State that even if they get a crack on their back of the head….,

    They won't wake The Fck Up.

    U know why?

    Been Conditioned that way…

    That's why.

    2 Fckin bad 4 them.

    Sheeple People

  2. E.TN. here – Clear blue skies here regularly, but the sun is much hotter than it should be relative to temperature. Short burst vertical stripe spraying prior to storm front arrival. What would normally drop lots of rain is now just producing a few spatters. Soil is getting dusty. I even find that I can't hydrate normally. I drink and drink and urinate like crazy but I am always thirsty with a slight metallic taste in my mouth.

    The bulk of this broadcast was to debunk the idea that geo-engineering will help the climate without hurting the systems. I understand you are waking people up and that is needed. But be sure internally you are clear, this is the same pattern you see in the mideast.

    Drought. Disorder. Regime Change. Power Consolidation.

    Its no coincidence that NASA is predicting a 40 yr drought at the time when the UN, the pope, and the kenyan are working to implement global government.  

    Those countries that wont play along, get Haarpd. Those pockets of self reliant farming communities get droughted first. Homesteading and going solar much more difficult with reduced sun and reduced rain.

    Geoengineering is ultimately a PCA tool. Any other mindset causes unnecessary stress related to cognitive dissonance. 

  3. @Dennie M., Hello again, I forgot one thing and it may be important.  We have towhees, the standard California towhees, and always have.  We love them, sweet birds, and turns out oldest living one recorded: 12 years and 10 months!  There is one whose mom pushed him/her? into chicken yard when young and at first my big linebacker of a hen, a Cuckoo Moran would run him off, but now he is one of the family and follows me and my daughter all over the yard and up the stairs to my house, which is not easy.  They are The most fun to watch bathe.  On the 5th, day after the evening of pouring white stuff, he was in the bird bath before I could get out there.  They really get down in the water and soaked then fly to the redwood for a minute or two to dry, then off.  This time, he could not get his feathers separated!  Took him nearly 45 minutes to be able to fly and his sides looked very and oddly blue.  He spent "forever" trying and trying to separate his feathers and looking at me as if saying help!  My west window only opens several inches but I opened it and invited him in.  He seemed to be really considering it and just staring at me like WTF is This!!  But would not come in.  I've not seen him much if at all since then, my daughter says she has.  Then I cleaned out bird bath.  Crossed my mind to take that water to a lab, but the last time I tried to get rain water tested-no lab anywhere!  Which stunned me, I mean this is the Bay Area!  Jeez.  So, I didn't.  Do you know of any labs?

    By the way, clear blue skies today and so hot, so hot, so hot.  Not a chemtrail or any cloud to be seen, almost hoping for one!  How weird is that?!  And is that on purpose?  To make people beg to stop the heat!  Ironic to the max.  And much much stronger effect on my skin.  I have Lupus.  Ouch.

    1. There's Analytical Labs in Petaluma but I had my soil and window swipes tested there for barium in '10 (all came back positive), so I don't know if they've been gagged.  Would be interesting to know.

      We have Environmental Resource Group in Mill Valley.  They used to have a guy there named Alex whose father worked for Martin Marietta or some such aerospace outfit that got involved in the insanity and was a Big Wig at that.  I don't think Alex is there any more but Ben Wells, the owner, certainly knows about barium and probably other heavy metals contamination going on out there, for sure.  Warning:  The tests can be pretty expensive.  On the other hand, Ben or other of his guys may have seen cases just like this already.  One of their workers, a Latino guy, told me that their company's cleaned other houses in Marin where the occupants were getting sick from barium.. how 'bout them apples, huh?

      Towhees doing okay here, also scrub jays and other little birdies, as long as they hang around the yards where folks are watering.  Skunks are hungry, looking thin.  People are feeding the squirrels.  Many animals are gleaning the ripening fruit off the backyard fruit trees.  In Rafael Meadows, gray foxes stop in the street in the wee hours of the morning and stare, heads cocked, like dogs asking for a treat.  Deer have been seen grazing on lawns, one was lying down panting in the heat behind my Chinese elm tree, God bless– it provides so much shade for the garden and takes not much water at all.  So far.

    2. Actually the sky was covered with yellow-white haze, lots of particulates all over the entire Bay Area today.  I drive from San Rafael to Sunnyvale via 880 so I get to see The Whole Thing.  Man, was it Uhh-gly!  The metal particulates are extremely bothersome to me as I am in that rarified Three Per Cent of the population that can smell, taste and feel the goddamned chemicals– WHEN do WE get them to S-T-O-P, once and for ALL??

  4. My heart goes out to all you Californians and the extreme situation you face day after day, week after week. Even just a faint respite, I'm sure would bring some relief. 

    Such a sick and twisted agenda (now revised to Agenda 2030) the cabal has foisted on the world with government lackeys falling right in line, including your heartless Governor Brown!

  5. Dennie Mehochic, Hello!  I would never laugh at you over this heat.  And my heart too has been doing tricks.  I grew up with major heat, but this is in a class of its own.  Sucks the moisture outta plants and me too!  In the extreme.  I can water thoroughly a potted plant and the next day it is dry as a bone in the desert, and pulling away from the sides.  There were a few nights I thought I might die of heat.  One night, at 3 AM it was 89 degrees in here and all my windows open, even my main door.  I didn't even care if anyone or anything broke into the house!  My poor chickens have been suffering.  Everything is suffering.  We can water after 6 PM and I do and that helps.  But in that one heat wave, I didn't have the strength to do it!  Now they say very hot today.  Jeez.

    I wanted to ask you if you've noticed that when the skies appear clear, it is the hottest.  Seems that way to me.  We had beautiful blue skies yesterday, but the heat!  So glad I watered.  Over and over I observe this, that with clear looking skies-which I've almost gotten used to not seeing-always much much hotter!  Have you noticed that?  What a trade off.  I am beginning to think we are not going to have a fall.  That is what the birds are telling me.  The wild birds.  The few who have stuck around.  Previously, for about 6-7 years we had virtually no heat in the summer.  This is more heat than we've ever had in summer here. So my fan is in the attic where I can't reach it.  Just a couple of days or more ago, it was downright chilly so silly me, I thought the heat was done and so when I had help, I did not get that fan down here!  Regret that!

    A black bee came inside early, before dark, last night and apparently tried to commit suicide!  I swear.  Flew right up shade into one light I had on.  That just never happens.  Often bees come in here and they are always welcome, but unlike moths and other things, never ever go to a light bulb.  I blew smoke up it and he buzzed out.  When bees try to commit suicide, you know you have a problem! 

    1. Hi Rachel:

      We're all trying to keep everything from dying, as much as possible, as the dying program seems to be going a lot faster now, and it coulda been me yesterday.  Yes, there's a correlation between clear days, spraying and heat spikes.  My belief is that the ozone gets shredded but good from the spraying, then The Powers That Shouldn't Be hit the area with a blast of H.A.A.R.P. to keep the high pressure bubble up.  Gotta keep movin' that moisture up to the Arctic, ya know, even though that's actually DESTROYING the planet, it does not need the heat up there and we DO need the moisture here.  Check it out:  http://prn.fm/lifeboat-hour-09-18-15/  I don't agree, however, with Carolyn Baker, Ph.D., or Guy McPherson that we should just resign ourselves to certain death, there's nothing at all we can do except love one another… hmmm.. sounds right, FEELS WRONG!  What could be more LOVING, actually, than finding ways to get this stopped, change the way we raise kids, get 'em OUT of the control room, and show the monsters the exit door offa the planet?  Now, that's REAL love!!

      Bought some potassium and am looking for taurine.  The chick with the prominent gold nose ring covered in tatoos steered me over to L-tyrosine– what in the Hell's wrong with actually STAYING in your biochemistry class, huh?  But, never fear– as long as your beating a drum while covered in tatoos, you're making a difference! (Thanks, Nicole; that was good).

  6. I read this 9/20/15 article by Katherine Frisk, GDP, on Veterans Today. It fits with Dane's comments on this report.

    Until the powers-to-be get EVERYTHING in this world, they will continue to use combat/long-range war and weather warfare to accomplish it. Remember, one of the few remaining choices we have, even into the future, is the destiny of our souls!

    "Why did Chile get an Earthquake and Tsunami"?

    First let’s get this out of the way.   If you know nothing about Weather Warfare and Geo-engineering then please click to Weather and Warfare, Geo-Engineering, and HAARP.

    So China gets earthquakes. Understandable. They were deaf and carried on regardless with their vision of a new financial system that basically leaves the dollar in the dust. Also see Where is the world heading?

    So Sochi got flooded; the price you pay for a successful Winter Olympics and supporting Assad in Syria. Hurricane Sandy, well that was just another bank heist where secure basement vaults got flooded and bearer bonds with no back up on any computer system just, … well got washed away. Anyone who thought that they could cash in on them, their “secure wealth” has vanished. And you thought 9/11 was daylight robbery?

    Fukushima was in retaliation for Japan wanting to trade with China excluding the dollar and join the AIIB. Plus Goldman Sachs wants Japan locked into the TPP agreements

    But Chile? What’s the spoof? Gold. Lots of it. And a company called Barrick. Barrick in their unusual ethical manner (for those who did not “get” the article Syrian Rights Observatory, Russians Hit Israelis on Golan, Drive to Tel Aviv, “ethical manner” is sarcasm, ok? Ed Fudd’s article was a spoof. Geez sometimes you just gotta spell it out!)… anyway I digress, where were we? Oh yes Barrick.

    They acquired mining rights at a place called Pascua Lama. Gobs and gobs of gold, enough to make Midas jealous. But the whole mining rights issue and something about water pollution and glaciers and… and not really having legal rights to the property got in the way. If Chile had half a brain they would nationalize the lot. Or at least ensure that 51% shareholding was in the hands of the Chilean government.

    This is a good interview. It is all about the little guy taking on the big guy. And nobody, but nobody took the little guy seriously at the time. EXCLUSIVE: David VS Goliath – Shocking Claims Against Barrick Gold Corp.

    So Barrick is in litigation for something like 15 years ok? In 2013 they lost the case. The news broke on Wednesday April 10th. By Friday the gold price hit the skids… again. By Monday the usual distraction was organized to turn the world’s attention away from what really should have been front page headlines. As in “Barrick rips the world blind!”

    The crisis actors got busy, some patsies were fingered and the Boston Bombing occupied most of the media for the next few weeks.

    And a practice run for martial law and a military state was thrown into the pot. Humvees galore bouncing down suburban streets, homes raided and civilians walking out their front doors with their hands on their heads. Gestapo time!

    Now here is the catch. In those 15 years Barrick never mined one single ounce of gold, but … but, they sold gobs of it all over the place. Not only to individuals but to countries. Now those “gold holders” had never got delivery and were sitting with pieces of worthless paper. Hmmmmmm. Nobody was amused. No wonder the gold price plummeted two days later! All that worthless paper going down the toilet.

    Germany wanted their gold back so did Holland.

    In 2014 some stealth helicopters flew into Kiev in the middle of the night and relieved Ukraine of their gold reserves.

    Strangely enough, Germany did not get their gold back but Holland did. Word on the street is that if the Dutch put a lid on MH17 and do not spill the beans that it was Kiev military Jet fighters that shot the plane down and keep pointing their fingers at a Bulk Missile and Putin, then they would reap the benefits of the latest gold heist.

    Syria has been a deep disappointment. Assad was supposed to be toppled in 2011 and their gold reserves would have gone the same way as Libya’s. So has Iran which should have been bombed in 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 … Bibi still waits.

    So back to Chile. My guess is that behind the scenes Barrick is trying to reverse the court order on Pascua Lama, and so far they have not been successful.

    IF you see Barrick back in Chile… well you get the picture. However, a word of advice. If you are going to invest in gold make sure that payment is C.O.D. and you actually take possession before parting with your money

  7. “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and he carries his banners openly. But the traitor moves among those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the galleys, heard in the very hall of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor – he speaks in the accents familiar to his victims, and wears their face and their garment, and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation – he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city – he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared.”
    – Cicero, 42 B.C. –

    1. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
      The only thing that changed was the sheltering of children from the often harsh realities of the world.  Captain Kangaroo and Sesame Street means we'll all have a kinder, gentler world, while the Powers That Shouldn't Be continue on in their game of Money, Power and Control, at any cost.
      "There is nothing new under the sun."  — Ecclesiastes

  8. October's nearly here.  Soon we should see a ramping up of talk regarding efforts to put policies in place aimed at curbing climate change at the Paris meeting in December.  The Sixty-Four-Thousand  Dollar Question is, "Will the voices of knowledgeable experts who have reams of verifiable evidence pointing to the reality of in-progress, ongoing geo-engineering and related programs, and the known harm these cause, including reports from MIT, be heard clearly, and how loud will they be?"

    More 9-11 news:  The collapse of the twin towers on 9/11/01 created it's very own environmental disaster, with fine particulates the EPA wouldn't measure (sound familiar?), the asbestos released, the mercury from CFLs broken, lead from computers vaporized, Americium from burned smoke detectors, dioxins released from the burning rubble that went on for weeks afterwards, and more.  There are between 3,000 and 4,000 cases of cancer that have occurred among survivors.  Here is an audio file interview with Jenna Orkin, journalist and 9/11 environmental activist, whose son's school was just a few blocks away from Ground Zero:  http://www.collapsenet.com/free-resources/collapsenet-public-access/news-alerts/item/13581-the-lifeboat-hour-9-11-special-featuring-jenna-orkin

  9. Dane – you hit the nail on the head on this broadcast…I'm sure I join a lot of people who are suffering with neurological problems.  My normal life ended 7 yrs. ago…everyday is filled w/excruciating pain and taking dreadful medication (that can raise eyebrows, as they don't understand). Living in a high density area doesn't help, which is getting worse by the day.  A major building program brings into our once lovely city, heavy traffic, people, it's hard to stay sane on the road.  Anyway, thank you for your acknowledgment to my suspicions – I only wish the medical field would educate themselves to what might become an epidemic .

  10. Dane, like all the ones before, this update is fantastic.  Thank you for your integrity, dedication and hunger for truth.

    @ Rachel – hello, some time ago you wrote about something mistakenly called "mizzle" – I can't thank you enough for bringing this up.  Because we experience bizarre visual effects in transit.  It is an utterly terrifying phenomenon you describe.  I would like to hear more of your observations on this subject.

    To all:  I wrote on another post that there has been a long-standing effort to sterilize the population, as we have witnessed in Mexico (https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/geoengineering-mexico-what-is-the-effect-on-the-population-a-first-hand-account/).  For the uninitiated, in 1910 the DuPont and other cabal families sponsored the office of Eugenics Records in Cold Springs Harbor, L.I. NY.  Until the end of WWII records were kept on every US citizen born – right down to hair color, freckles, you name it.  http://library.cshl.edu/special-collections/eugenics

    Why?  Just to keep records?  The eugenics movement began in the US, eventually inspiring Hitler to call upon the father of "genetic psychiatry" Ernst Rudin to write racial hygiene laws (http://violence.freedommag.org/page21.htm).  Note:  Rudin was not even mentioned at Nuremberg.  The Rockefellers' darling and Mengele's "beloved professor," he first oversaw their Kaiser Wilhelm Institute where lethal experiments took perhaps millions of lives during the war.  In researching Rudin, only European websites explain that after his native Switzerland revoked his citizenship postwar, he was first "interned" in the US, then in 1946 released to "practice psychiatry" in the US.  My research indicates that the Rockefellers hired him to do just exactly what he did in Germany… but in the US.  Someone at the top organized medical experimentation on US GIs and other citizens.  This is what Rudin did in Germany – it was his specialty.  

    I have a lot more information to share, but I want to suggest that this monster who supposedly died in 1952 is probably responsible for organizing sterilization and experimentation efforts in the US.  It was his bailiwick.  It may be that he had quite a role in designing the Rockefeller-sponsored medical system at large in the US.

    An army hospital existed from 1942-1947 which served as a major hub for fiendish experimentation on GIs.  It was also a major German POW camp where German doctors were brought to even "treat" US GIs.  Bushnell General Military Hospital was visited by all kinds of celebrities as well as top brass (read Dr. Allen Kent Powell's Splinters of a Nation with its extensive footnotes for more information).

    70 miles away I found one Austrian-educated neurologist named Ernst Rudin – a member of the Wehrmacht by his own admission in his peculiar autobiography – who is precisely the age to have been the son of the monster.  I called him.  At first congenial, when I asked him a general question about neuropsychological techniques during WWII, he rather flipped out.  Said a curt goodbye and hung up.  I do not know if they are related, but it is probable that Rudin would first have been interned at Bushnell.

    There were sterilization laws effective in the US until the 1970's.  Tens of thousands of blacks and native Americans – as well as many of all races – have been sterilized forcibly in hospitals, often on the ruse of receiving some other treatment.

    This kind of "medical" monstrosity certainly betrays the cabal's bloodthirst at work in the US for well over a century.  Footnote:  the eugenics records kept on US citizens eventually were passed along to the LDS church for their "research."

    This is a deadly cabal who occasionally pretend to labor for our welfare.  But they operate a half trillion dollar cancer industry they provoke with spraying.  There is no extreme too dark for their agenda.  And never has been.

    Straight up Brzezinski.  Probably played golf with Rudin.

    Not coincidental that above all fears, the terror of cancer steers the US public.  Never connecting the dots of planes spraying overhead with bogus Rockefeller medical cartel pathology of cancer.  Doctors everywhere are screaming that cancer begins in the blood.  That correcting Ph balance of the blood is the key to correcting cancer.  That cancer is a fungus, a candida of the blood.  I urge you all to read up on this research.

    So glad you are nailing these fiends, Dane.

    1. Whoa Horsegirl!  What a lot of work you've done!  And well done.  Many I've known have claimed to have been sterilized, especially Native Americans but some others too.

      What I saw was really really scary.  At first, confusing.  I type here in my bigigsh kitchen, a window to the south with a window shelf and a big plant on it, facing a big, ugly building kind of a cement green color.  To my right is a big window facing west and the street.  When studying something or writing, sometimes I pause and stare out the south window.  Which is what I was doing when I saw a steady flow of something white just pouring down.  My first thought was drizzle/mizzle.  But it had been a hot day, not one storm looking cloud, not at all expected yet there it was.  It looked fine, like powder, but didn't float, just kept pouring and thick.  I looked out west window to street to see if damp at all, or if I could see this that way.  Couldn't.  My landlord's truck bed cover has a wee dent that moisture shows up in, but no.  Looked back south, still coming.  Neighbors there have a vent, not sure for what but I suspect laundry, so I got up to look better and that vent is far below what I was seeing.  Freaked me out and I wrote it on my calendar and posted it.  I also told my neighbor behind me when she came home, she said: "No!  Don't tell me that!  Too scary!"  Yeah, like that makes it better?  Was gone by then.  This was September 4th.  I was not about to go out and check it outside!  Was about an hour or less before dark, and I watched it until dark.  Saw it again on Sept. 6th.  But lasted not as long and was not as much, but same m.o.  But thinner, as if less of it, but still just pouring as if rain but not.  I didn't let my chickens out for a few days. Out west window in front yard is birdbath.  No birds would use it.  Cleaned it out.  Still blows my mind.  Have not seen it since and oh how I wish I'd had a witness!  But Laure from Rotterdam posted soon after that she'd had the exact same experience!  Weirdly or not, made me feel better!  I so did not want to be the only one seeing this!  It did not look webby, sticky, floaty, rather looked as if rain coming down but white and not visable on ground.

      About a week later, I tried the flashlight in the dark thing.  Only saw 4 white, snowflake like things that kept sticking to a spider web.  To be fair, I live in a big city and there is a street light in front of this house.  I went to the darkest spot I could easily find, it was very late at night.  I actually saw stars which is rare for here.  I used to refer to the red skies of Berkeley, in that owing to so much light and our used to be constant fog, the night sky here used to be red.  No longer.  Now grey.  But through that grey a number of faint stars.  But nothing else showed up.  As compared to my bathroom when I brought into it my clean towels-whoa, lots of floaties, not to mention from toilet paper.  Thousands and thousands.  But none outside That night.  Have not tried since.  The four I did see were not falling, just bouncing around by my Cecil Brunner roses bushes.  So….That is the whole of it.  Have you seen this? 

    2. Hello, Rachel, an honor and a pleasure to hear back from you.

      We're not sure what we're seeing.  Or almost seeing.  The previously colorful, sharply defined hills/mountains now look as though there's a forest fire.  We are not seeing material collect.  Although we suspect it also gets into the eyes.  So vision is compromised.

      What we saw in Mexico (over three years) was at times hideous.  Something sticky that cleaved to the tops of vehicles driving 80 mph.  You'd see it at the gas stations.  The sides of vehicles spit-polish clean, but the upward-facing surfaces covered in a sticky scum.  Hard to remove.  Got into the fans of all our appliances, and where it settled into the vortex of hand blown wine glasses – an irregularly shaped dimple – it became solid.  God help our bodies and minds and blood…

      Today as you remarked on another post, we're having excellent blue skies with "real" clouds.  But we see the thick Blech extending heavenward with a strong flashlight.  Seems like an altered game plan.  Stealth?

    3.  Hello horsegirl: Excellent post regarding Ernst Rudin. The rabbit hole may be deep, but it's well lit in the "real" history behind the eugenics movement. The discussion of eugenics coalesced upon California campuses during the 1920's. Eugenics is only an extension of technocracy and commerce. The machine-like calculus of soulless automations, belongs to the science of technocracy…

  11. I have time lapse video of seemingly blue skies that are totally saturated with particulate; the aerosol only visible when the inclination and angle of the sun, relative to the cam, hits what I suppose could be called a 'sweet spot'. Please take a look. I have posted in total 114 videos in 3 months. Geoengineering + SRM as it happened. Link Below:
    This is a fight we MUST WIN.
    Dane, and all activists out there, with you all the way.

    1. Thank you so much for your videos Steve.  Rest assured that your excellent geoengineering videos have been SHARED … FAR … AND … WIDE ! … Keep up the good work …

  12. Here is another genocide dot to connect; doctor assisted suicide and voluntary euthanasia, which is being pushed globally. In Ontario Canada the health care system is financially broke and confronted with increasing numbers of senior baby boomers. The Supreme Court has legalized doctor assisted suicide and voluntary euthanasia by lethal injection to those who request it. Doctors and nurses, are being asked to become executioners, as happened in the Nazi era.
    "Code named "Aktion T 4," the Nazi euthanasia program to eliminate "life unworthy of life" at first focused on newborns and very young children. Midwives and doctors were required to register children up to age three who showed symptoms of mental retardation, physical deformity, or other symptoms included on a questionnaire from the Reich Health Ministry.The Nazi euthanasia program quickly expanded to include older disabled children and adults.Questionnaires were distributed to mental institutions, hospitals and other institutions caring for the chronically ill. http://www.historyplace.com/worldwar2/timeline/euthanasia.htm
    We need to learn the lessons from history and take a good look at what has developed in Netherlands after 30 years of assisted suicide and euthanasia. "The evidence particularly the Netherlands, which has over 30 years of experience, suggests that safeguards to ensure effective control have proved inadequate. In the Netherlands, several official, government-sponsored surveys have disclosed both that in thousands of cases, doctors have intentionally administered lethal injections to patients without a request and that in thousands of cases, they have failed to report these incidents to the authorities.[8]"  http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2015/03/four-problems-with-physician-assisted-suicide

  13. clear skies are not clear skies any more in California – we had clear skies today but the ionosphere was loaded with particulates that were dumped the night before – also had elevated Geiger numbers.

  14. We have had a large low pressure system spinning stationary over south central Alaska for the last four days. It finally started to move to the east today. It looks as though the center of this system accumulated and dumped large quantities of dry, rain free particulates on my area. You could see it clearly on the nexrad radar. Everyone is getting stupider with every breath they take. It's easy to see how much everyone's cognitive abilities are greatly diminished when this is happening. It's getting worse every day. I am ready for the collapse! I am ready for the paradigm change! It is inevitable and must happen! The awakening has begun! Peace.

    1. Speaking of collapse– it is sooo hot out there today I nearly collapsed out taking a walk when I hit the hills.  It feels like a hot oven with the door open when you're outside, especially if you're on asphalt paving, it's just intense.  I did make it home, about a half-mile, but only with lots of stops in the shade under stressed-out trees and shrubs– what happens to us when they are gone??

      I had my cell with me and called my next-door neighbor, just in case.  When I finally made it home my face was a dark beet-red.  Now I look white as a sheet.  This crap CAN kill; SOMEbody out there is probably laughing like Hell reading this– WAIT UNTIL IT HAPPENS TO YOU, or someone you think you care about!

  15. Thanks for a great narrative. I notice this has moved away somewhat from the serious issues of geoengineering and become much more political, although of course, it is all part of the same picture. I welcome this as we need the truth of what is really happening in this world to be got out by any means possible and we cannot rely on the controlled MSM to tell us.

  16. Brzezinski is one crr-AY-zee lizard– Messing with Russia– AND China..? How "sublimely arrogant" (Johannes B. Koeppl) is that?  But of course, we must "stay the course," as The Chief Executor of this Delusion of Grandeur, "Dubya," of the Bush Nazi Crime Family, said so famously back in the day.
    How long does The Grand Supreme Lizard really believe that the U.S. would be able to continue to have the resources by which to do this, stay "on top," and continue to get by with it?
    Much Caspian oil has shown be heavy sour crude, while 75% of the world's machinery runs on light sweet crude.  All oil is not alike. Some requires extra refining, resulting in higher costs.  Many test wells in the Caspian were coming up dry.  That's old news.  And resources are known, very inconveniently, to run low, then out.  So how viable, actually, is Brrzhezzhhrezhrrzh-kinki's "Grand Plan" ??
    "The interests behind the Bush Administration, such as the CFR, The Trilateral Commission — founded by Brzezinski for David Rockefeller — and the Bilderberger Group, have prepared for and are now moving to implement open world dictatorship within the next five years. They are not fighting against terrorists. They are fighting against citizens." –Johannes B. Koeppl, Ph.D.
    Here's a link to an article by Michael C. Ruppert titled "A War in the Planning for Four Years:  How Stupid Do They Think We Are?" describing Brzezinski's "Grand Chessboard," and what Koeppl had to say about it, from back in 2001:  http://www.fromthewilderness.com/free/ww3/zbig.html
    The looting of the FSU (Former Soviet Union), accomplished in the 90s via "Perestroika," the privatization of Russia's formerly socialist system, was masterminded mainly by Brzez-kinki's cronies in the Department of Economics at Harvard University and implemented by Mikhail Gorbachev, who won a Nobel Peace Prize for going along to get along.  You can read how the Harvard Endowment increased by the millions, coincidentally, once the Soviet Union fell.  This is all chronicled in Crossing the Rubicon:  The Decline of the American Empire at the end of the Age of Oil, by Michael C. Ruppert, 2004. 
    And the former Soviet Union's prime minister at the time, Mikhail Gorbachev?  He became an "environmentalist," and lived, for some time after the fall of the Soviet Union, at the former Presidio of San Francisco, then headquarters of the Gorbachev Foundation:  http://rense.com/general12/gobie.htm.
    As Sixties comedian Artie Johnson would have said on Laugh-In: "V-e-e-e-r-y interesting…. BUT IT SCHTINKETZ!!"
    Don't we see these humanoids riding for a Very Big FALL??

  17. What are educated people waiting for rebelling, protesting? Who will lead us to the liberation? Give me a date for a protest, I am ready. Conferences are not enough. We need a mass protest enough of that shit!

    1.   Deforest, I am all for this mass protest. You and I will lead in this liberation. The date does not matter to me. I will be there if you will be there.You pick the date. We cannot wait for someone to tell us when or where. If we do, it may never happen.

    2. Hello Deforest: "Liberation" was the concept behind the American Declaration of Independence. Most persons have never even bothered to read the text nor understand it's historical significance. It IS the preeminent declaration that specifies a Natural social order; free of foreign enslavement, and free to establish a Sovereign Nation.
      “Globalism” and global trade, ARE the bane of individual private land ownership and common Rights. Here's an interesting concept that lays out a positive direction for mankind: >
      Anarcho-syndicalism – Wikipedia

    3. I'm in, where are you? I'm in socal. Been thinking of going to France, seriously, I'm so slck of this sh*&. Where are the people chaining themselves to fences, where is the civil disobedience, where are the people willing to go to jail for this? although maybe not such a good idea given the US right now.

  18. Once again I reiterate, the so-called "scientists" who are behind all this geoengineering bullcrap can all go to hell. How dare you scumbags presume to alter the magnificent and ancient sacred systems of the planetary biosphere, to follow some ill-conceived and stupid vision of a quick-fix to all the horrific shit you guys started in the first place!!! May you all go straight to hell, right now!!!! Are you kidding me? The arrogance!!! The unbridled, undisciplined and just plain stupid courses of action you morons have assembled are putting all living things at grave risk of near-term extinction. Are you guys REALLY THAT STUPID????!!!! C'mon!!! After 70 years of this bullshit, you guys can't possibly be clinging to the notion that what you are doing to our atmosphere is the solution to whatever "scheissefugen"  seems to show up on your pitiful graphs and charts and ice cores. AND…………if the population at large is really as stupid as they appear, then for all practical purposes all hope is truly lost. It's truly "the blind leading the blind". I cannot see a way beyond this dosie-doe of intertwining ignorance and normalcy bias. May God one day help us all.

    1. Hello Marc, How about you? Your up for a mass protest for sure. Deforest, Steve and Marc want to lead a mass protest. Anyone else in?

    2. I am compelled to amend my own post here, wherein I lambast the countless scientists who have, since day one, been recruited, co-opted, and /or enslaved by the power structure to accomplish their despicable goals. Though I have placed a heavy share of the blame on the "scientific community" for their complicity in the geoengineered hell we and millions of others around the world are presently living within, I must state for the record that, as Dane has so eloquently outlined here, the Power Elite is where the full measure of blame is to be directed. Though the disinfo-party-line would have us believe that global geoengineering is "solar radiation management" (what a f***ing joke) and is for the alleged benefit of all mankind, nothing could be further from the truth. Geoengineering is without doubt nothing more than a weapon of war, and a monstrous and apocalyptic one at that. Not unlike nuclear warheads. That I chose to "go after" scientists for their role in equipping the Power Structure with the science-based tools of war, is neglecting to place blame where it is most deserved. And not only that, but just because a person is a scientist, regardless of the field, does not imply that he or she would adhere to any sense of honor. Oh, I'm sure many, if not all, of the scientists in the Manhattan Project were convinced their toils were "honorable" and "patriotic" and felt some sense of pride in their work. But how do you square that up with the horrific devastation of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, the children with half their skins melted off but still alive, the generations-long reproductive disorders and deformities induced by radiation exposure? Were these brilliant scientists proud of this accomplishment? In this same context, and in my earlier post, I indicted "scientists" for their role in the shredding of our world due to geoengineering. While I still hold to this view, the REAL, TRUE MONSTERS HERE ARE THOSE WHO COMPRISE THE POWER ELITE, THE SO-CALLED MILITARY/INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX. These are the masterminds behind all the mayhem and geopolitical bullshit schemes. And geoengineering the biosphere is just one of the weapons in their arsenal. But this brand of psychopathy knows few limits, and absolutely zero conscience. The droughting of California is a case in point.

         It is becoming increasingly difficult to have even a sliver of hope for our collective future in the midst of such evil as this.

    3. I'm in on this mass protest as well. The word needs to get out. I'm in the great lakes region in southern Canada (About 2 miles south of Detroit) Just say when, and where, and I'l do my best to either be there, or send out a rallying cry to those who can go.

    4. Steven:  It could be productive to coalesce a contingent of anti-geoengineering activists throughout the coming autumn and certainly be a presence in December, in Paris.  "Public awareness educational events" (rallies) in other places at the same time might be another good way to get the word out more emphatically about what's going on in a much more visible way.  Being really careful to follow the tenets of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

      There really is plenty of room for and more that can be done with "Slack-tivism," a term I heard just now on a NPR program here on KQED in S.F., CA, U.S.A.  This internet activism has apparently been pretty effective in Russia, where a guy, we learned, wished to overcome the apathy exhibited by the masses and get people behind issues to get momentum going and get stuff done.  But really, I'll have to look it up online later– it's been amazingly hot here today and the barium in the chem crap is making my heart do maneuvers only a trained stunt pilot could do– but only if he'd gone to school for more than the mere six months the "Saudi terrorists" who flew complicated jetliners into the twin towers had, 14 years and 10 days ago.

  19. Here in Boise Idaho, the common statement of  strangeness is, " I don't understand why my tomatoes didn't produce this year?"  This isn't the only comment just one of many. The same individuals I HAVE tried to "delicately" explain to them the problems of Geo-Engineering…which fell onto their deaf ears. Now..I am getbecause it's a lost for all of us no matter how you look atI do not consider this a victory is because it's a lost for all of us no matter how you look at it but if it helps those to see it in a clear or transparent way I'm so glad that I can help. I only wish I had the ability or knowledge to really sustain them into how to grow their tomatoes next year because as it was this year with no sun, real sun..the chances are slim as was  for  this year for produce.

    1. Thanks for your efforts and observations Tammy. You are absolutely right about the growing season and don't forget about the other "strange seasons" we are all experiencing. I grew up in Boise and remember having 4 distinct seasons. Crapo and Labrador both send out an automatically generated letter from the air force that says what we are seeing is simply water vapor contrails. Not sure what these people really know but I have been hounding them from Kooskia Idaho for a few years now hoping for a truthful answer. It is my beleif that these guys are complicit. Monsatan is big biz in Idaho so you can't expect our elected folks to buck the system. By the way, our garden is pathetic this year. Unable to grow corn because it NEEDS SUNLIGHT! Glad to know some are awake here in Idaho.

    2. Keep an eye on your NEXRAD radar units in Utah.  They are zapping everything with microwaves.  Each tower zaps out to 250 miles 360 degrees.  They can max out at 750,000 watts each.  Their individual reach overlap one another.  I am suspicious NEXRAD contributed to that  flash flood that killed 18.  They can be beamed out in one direction.  They are both horizontal and vertical.   In short, the 160 of these placed about the US are spaced so that the entire nation is blanketed in a complete all encompassing microwave 'smog'.  Your tomatoes are "frequency confused" to coin a phrase.  Add 300,000 cell towers and one might believe we are being slowly cooked.  It is sci-fi in real time.  What if NEXRAD and the cell towers decide to team up and max their total output?

  20. Brilliant presentation Dane! The chess pieces have been moving about on the chessboard since the Balfour Declaration, and haven't stopped moving since. Here's a bit more on the "refugee" crisis: 

    The Refugee Crisis and the Genocidal Nature of US-NATO Interventions

    by Kieran Kelly


    About certain international relations:

    Sibel Edmonds – Silencing a Whistle-Blower, Gladio B and the Origins of ISIS. Sibel Edmonds


  21. The u S Corporation-time for mass arrests,a criminal enterprise. Support National Liberty Alliance, "Common Law" study it,know it. This is being set up in every city,county across the u nited States. Support Oathkeepers. All "Constitutional" Sheriffs. Be ready to protect your family and your home. The fed is broke.The corporation has a payment due oct 30. No one will loan these monsters anymore money. Kerry has used the harrp on many countries that have stood up and told them No

    1. Hello Tina: Yes, yes, yes!!! National Liberty Alliance is providing American citizens a solid legal format for taking OUR Constitution seriously, and reestablishing the Common Laws that defined our original Republic and Bill of Rights. THEY NEED PUBLIC SUPPORT. > National Liberty Alliance
      There are links to county level activism in the tabs, along with member phone numbers by State and county. If you wish to view an explanation of what this organization has accomplished thus far, check out the video below: >
      Government Officials Facing Possible Indictments & Death Penalty
      Published on Jun 17, 2015

    2. Hi Tina.

      I personally think many are missing the mark about the Fed Res. The Fed is not broke. The Fed can and will print money out of nothing any time it wants to, and it will continue to do so. It is a cartel, that is what a cartel does -anything it wants. We will have a crash, in many ways. And it will be strategically planned, as every single crash has been. The cartel will clean house during this period, they will not suffer. All of the rest of humanity will suffer and it will be quite intentional. This is called UN Agenda 21 Sustainable Development (get the PDF online), or its newly ramped up version UN Agenda 2030, and of course the Earth Charter section which brainwashes our youth into paganism and collectivism for the common good. As long as you are beating a drum and wearing and bizarre outfit you are saving the world.

      Here is a film that demonstrates what the mass resettlement will look like: https://youtu.be/tA4WrakreIo

      There is a ton of money still to be made by all of these cartels in the downsizing and resettling of humanity. All wild areas to be restricted, all private property owners to be harassed off their property. Hunger Games.

      Meanwhile, all of the military contractors are making bank "fixing our climate problems" and they too could give a rats ass if they are causing more harm than good. All of this falls under the umbrella of the UN Agenda 21 plan of one world cartel insanity, or just GREED for short.

      As I've said before, these greed monsters will wake up right around the same time that we do, just in time to say goodbye. Fukushima has already killed pacific, and we are nuclear so those 400+ reactors around the globe cannot be left idol without turning this world into Venus.

      The other day my child was sitting on the back porch, on a towel in semi sun for about fifteen minutes. Her legs burned so bad we had to ice them the rest of the afternoon. All of the bugs that had come to visit her on the towel in that short amount of time were dead. They were all charred black. Overhead the chemical planes, by the sixes. They have friend whatever protection we had from the ozone layer and they know we are all screwed but still, not one of them has any kind of humanity left to tell the people the truth.

      We are living in the most insane of times. Hold tight to your loved ones.

  22. Your awesome Dane, it’s real nice hearing awake compassion, especially since it is so rare now days.

    I work in Sun Valley Idaho often, and if you know, this is a hot spot for movie stars, and political elite (1%ers). We have had a lot of military helicopters training (flying around the area) a lot, for the last few months.

    I am hoping to put some dots together,and need to know if any one out there knows what or where the symbol of a white circle,with a bold black cross (like the red cross,except black). I would not be so suspicious if it were not for weapon mounts on the hellicopters.An information I am thankfull.

  23. Your belated on my end, Live Presentation was most Impressive at pulling together the damage done by a Sinister Group, that if Compromised by something uncontrollable, that a "Scorched-Earth" Policy was to be implemented.

    The "Second-Coming" is here and is carrying out His statement to Pontius Pilot while being nailed to the Cross that He would Return and Lay Waste to there Empire. My Brother an Army General told me this.


  25. addendum from a good friend and fellow truth seeker, author of "The New Pearl Harbor," Dr. David Ray Griffin

    This essay is addressed primarily to members of the 9/11 Truth Movement, who believe that 9/11 attack was a false-flag operation, orchestrated by the Bush-Cheney administration so as to appear to be an attack by Muslims. Some members of this movement believe that, given the way in which people have been deceived by the official account of 9/11, we should suspect that global warming theory is another false conspiracy theory. I argue that the conclusion that the official account of 9/11 is false provides no reason to suspect global warming theory to be another hoax. Written to challenge a view of some members of the 9/11 Truth Movement, this essay makes no effort to evaluate this movement’s beliefs. 

    David Ray Griffin, “9/11 and Global Warming: Are They Both False Conspiracy Theories?” Counter Information, 11 September 2015 https://counterinformation.wordpress.com/2015/09/11/911-and-global-warming-are-they-both-false-conspiracy-theories/

    Also available as

    Paul Craig Roberts, “David Ray Griffin Examines 9/11 and Global Warming”  http://gffreepages.blogspot.com/2015/09/paul-craig-roberts-david-ray-griffin.html)

    David Ray Griffin’s most recent book is Unprecedented: Can Civilization Survive the CO2Crisis? (Clarity Press, 2015).

  26. We spent the day with an environment volunteer group, cleaning up along one of our lakes here. We handed out flyers and explained to so many still not in the know…that sadly, these are not fall colors. It's time to really take a good hard look at the trees, people. How can you be walking within feet of dead trees and not notice – the bark is bloated and dehydrated or otherwise totally stripped off the tree. How can you not get it? Our trees here – 4 out of 5 are dead. FOUR OUT OF FIVE ARE DEAD. The fruit is hanging there on lifeless branches, the cherries are charred black, the apples never even ripened. Forget geoengineering, how do we even approach that conversation when we are dealing with brains that cannot even tell the difference between a healthy tree and a dead one. 

    1. So true Nicole. It's unbelievable! Our county agriculture agent here in Georgia and the forest service can't even tell the difference. A neighbor called him out about her dying trees last week and despite the fact that I've been talking to him and e-mailing him about geoengineering for the past THREE YEARS- HE STILL has no idea what is happening. She said he was as dumb as a box of rocks and I'm afraid I must agree with her. Its absolutely mind-numbing dealing with these idiots, but I will try yet again by giving him a copy of Dr. Herndon's paper recently published on the coal fly ash contamination theory and see if somehow THAT might get through to him.

  27. The water supplies is a major problem to human kind but the "weapon of mass destruction (mainstream media ) continues to distract us or never talking about geoengineering programs taking place.I saw this video that i consider very informative:


    About the social engineering :for some reason we in the west were first bombarded with news about terrorist groups (like ISIS)and attacks (like charlie abdo etc.)and then now we are bombarded by media with a refugees crisis and invasion of borders (what are their plan? a social disruption ?social conflicts ? do you believe this controlled media moves had any goal of generating anything good to mankind?  )…while this was a problem only of Greece and Italy by sea seems like it didn´t existed to the EU (this was not a new problem )and this  just made the problem much bigger when Italy and Greece started to let these people leave all at the same time …maybe this was all just planed or not( many people were no more sustainable to Greece or Italy)  …I really don´t know !…but I wonder how the USA with their policies of "freedom and democracy" and planning a Arab spring long ago were expecting to find a good democratic leader (maybe so "democratic" as Obama or Bush) to  control these countries that have always lived with tribal tensions or fights (shiites or sunites etc,)able to implement a real democracy? these are countries were people from the same nationality have tribal conflicts? or  religion conflicts(?) for what I can understand ???? I think the gas, minerals , oil and military power are the real motor for  wars but we the people of the world  are just the pieces of the Power´s chessboard…

    I also read about CERN, isn’t this an insane experiment too? trying to recreate the big bang theory ???they don´t even  know the consequences…what over a 100 scientists from all nations(even rival nations) are doing there in CERN (?)that was never of public knowledge  for long years just like what happened with geoengineering? For certain These are kind of programs they don’t want people to know in detail or that they don´t want people to dream of (like the case of geoengineering). I think the world  is being destroyed by all the fronts !and humanity is all insane, brainwashed or psychopathic with just a very few exceptions and that are the ones they call crazy or conspiracy nuts!…I continue to follow you Dane ! I always like tho hear your radio emissions I just have a little less time now! I admire you a lot! I admire all the people that supports you too!

    1. Thank you for your passionate thoughts. Behind all this chaos that is going on in our world, the true perpetrators are an evil "gang" that has existed for centuries. Most of what we are seeing is for the purpose of deception of mankind.These evil people want to control the world and are taking over all countries by whatever means they can invent. Any thinking person can easily see through the trickery that is being used. Geoengineering is just one aspect. For all those who can see what is happening, how many more are totally oblivious to even what they see. Take what happened on the first 9/11 as an example. It is absolutely impossible for the fuel of a jumbo jet to totally destroy a skyscraper such as the WTC. Yet, two towers came down identically. All that fuel had dissipated in the initial explosion and whatever energy was left would have died before making all the damage. Yet, people accept what they have been told. With today's technology, man can initiate earthquakes, cause tsunamis and play tricks with peoples' eyes just like a magician pulls out doves out of nothing. 

      The many killings that we see going on are all deceptions for their purpose, to control people. We see videos of gun shootings, but the same videos disappear within minutes. The mourners of the supposed victims are actors, plain and simple. We are destined to disappear from the face of the earth just like the many cultures which did the same hundreds and thousands of years before us. 

    1. The Ones Responsible for this don't have ANY REAL answers to any of the problems here, they never did and they never will.  They mostly created the problems and here's how:  They "solve" one problem and in the process, they create ten whole new problems– how smart is that, really?

      In reality, They are completely stupid.  Not so sure?  Well, answer this: HOW THE HEEL is ANYthing going to grow here, at all, what with the ultraviolet index being what it is??  "They" can try to hide it by fudging the measurements and the statistics but you know and I know and the trees know and the plants and the animals all know AND IT SHOWS.  It is a miracle of complementary psychoses that everyone else cannot see the signs.

      I know, I know:  "They" will continue The Party living "Down in the D.U.M.B.s" (hey, anyone wanna write a song using that title, I get 51% of the royalties!)

      "They" are actually really very stoopid.  I believe that it's only a matter of time before They will do something soooo very arrogantly stoopid, it will very seriously trip them up.  Everything cannot go "their" way 150% of the time.  Why?  Their system has a built-in suicide clause.

  28. Butte Fire Update : 9-19-2015 @ 010:00 hrs
    The Heavy Transport Bulldozer Operators on the Butte Fire have done a Great Job !
    Thank You Cal Fire for  dispatching all the Brave Dozer Operators to the Fire Lines  . At one point , Amador and Calaveras counties had over 120 Transporters and Dozers on site .  The  fire is now 75 % 
    Contained .  All hot spots should be out by   9-25- 2015  .
    Thank You Cal Fire .
    Today's  Weather here in Amador County  is calling for Warm Temps,
    91'  with  Aerosol Chem laden Poison Clouds to aid in The cooling of Mother Earth .   Yes  the  Chem Jockeys are  spraying us like Ants today .
    When will this  Madness End  ?
    Thank You  Cal  Fire  for all the Hard work !

    1. James:  Thanks for sending along this wonderful update, it's restored my faith in REAL humanity, at least for today.  Because it is now always back and forth, back and forth again, between the terror and the rage, the rage and the terror; and grief, in the middle, with occasional bright spots of hope in between.  That is my "weather report" regarding the fall out of emotional effects of these insanity-without-end programs ongoing here.

      On the front page of the San Francisco Chronicle from Saturday, Sept. 19, 2015 we read that residents burned out of the Valley Fire in Lake and Napa counties, CA, U.S.A., are "putting their lives back together," however you'd do that with essentially not a thing, I hazard to guess. There has been a nearly immediate outpouring of relief efforts in Marin County, and numerous donation sites springing up at fire stations, churches and spiritual communities like the Dominican Sisters of San Rafael, CA.  Many residents here who'd otherwise sell at garage sales or second-hand stores are giving generously to the clothing and other drives.  Folks, please consider.  All we have is each other.

      After the pseudo-rain attempt here last week, it's getting H-O-T once again in the San Francisco Bay Area, especially in Marin County, CA, with our beautiful Mt. Tamalpais blocking the marine air.  On the other side of this beautiful mountain, away from my city, sits Muir Woods, a Coastal redwoods preserve and major money-making tourist attraction for Marin County.  It is on the "must see" list of nearly everyone who visits San Francisco– what happens when the trees sicken and begin to die??  Nearby is the town of Muir Beach, CA, where I teach a lovely family of three students each week.  Their mother reported that they were unable week before last to enjoy the beach because of an E-Coli warning– and now we know where that's coming from: The "ocean fertilization" and other geoengineering efforts having to do with nucleation studies (Dane:  Please correct me if this is inaccurate, as I'm going on my memory).

      Extremely fine metal particulates were falling so thick last night in Marin County that I had a hard time breathing without coughing, constantly drinking water and taking Pei Pa, a wonderful, tasty Chinese herbal syrup remedy for reducing inflammation and moistening the throat and lungs, falling into near-dreamless sleep finally at god-only-knows what hour– mebbe 2:30 a.m., but then again, I'm a real Night Owl, often taking the graveyard shift of watching from the deck of the Titanic as the chairs are rearranged. 

      And the band played on.


      Other titles from today's S. F. Chronicle:

      * Firefighters Losing Key S.F. Training Center (on land owned by the Treasure Island Development Authority, that wants to put a nice big lawn..because we need PARKS, more than anything else, now that the military's left…)

      * National Push for Dementia-Friendly Cities and Shops.  My first thought:  Oh, here's a public service paid for by the aluminum manufacturers' industry.  Turns out that's not so very far off.  It's actually fostered by a new nonprofit group, Dementia Friendly America, a "coalition consisting of police chiefs, city officials and representatives from the Alzheimer's Association."

      * Community Evolves Along With Residents," a story about a residential facility in the tony town of Sonoma in eastern Sonoma County wine country, on the doorstep to the noble vines of Napa County, wine capital of the United States.  This facility houses the autistic, who find use growing vegetable starts from seed, which in turn are sold to local farms in the area that supply vegetables to the thriving fine dining establishments.

      * When Workers Can't Find Homes, Service Industry Feels the Pain, a story about the inability of low-paid food service and other workers' ability to afford housing at all in the S.F. Bay Area.  With Big Tech snapping up buildings wholesale and offering housing subsidies to the the Tech Kiddies flocking here to start their 401k's, there is no affordable housing for most.  What happens when everyone in an area is either a lawyer, a physician, a hot-shot electrical engineer or computer scientist?  Are those rarified occupations everything we need to make the world go 'round?

      And we just thought all along that Brave New World was the title of a book of "science fiction."  Ha.  More like,"Lookie here, kiddos, here's your bright and shiny future!"

    3. I am here in Calaveras county.  Good work and Thank you to all the firefighters, police departments, community and every one involved fighting the fire and helping their neighbors.   It has brought tears to my eyes multiple times to see how people truly come together at times like these. 

      As for the dang spraying overhead it has been so so bad this summer.   I feel it in my skin and know that they're spraying before I even step outside. 🙁 I also feel sunburnt after being in the sun for 2 minutes yet my skin does not show any color?  I feel like I'm getting burned from the inside out.  🙁

    1. Hello kirkMannor: It'll stop when citizens quit allowing it to continue. The persons involved in funding and support of these operations are well known to numerous "private" investigators and journalists.

      9/11 Trillions: Follow The Money https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3xgjxJwedA  The criminals named in this video, have permeated our governmental agencies, and will continue to get by with mass democide, because people are still waiting for some kind of cosmic bus to take them to paradise. It doesn’t work that'a way.

      The People of America must work diligently with OUR citizen courts and local sheriffs. Formal charges must be filed against the perpetrators. ALL Federal and State servants are now committed to open Treason against the People. Thus: They should ALL be hung from a public gallows… The Constitution was pledged to protect us from fascism. Who's fault is it that we've chosen to be enslaved by traitors for the last 144 years?

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