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Global biosphere implosion and geo-economic collapse both continue to unfold on countless fronts while the corporate media spin machine tries furiously to keep the public focus completely distracted from any and all dire realities. The 911 event was certainly carried out by terrorists, but which terrorists? Who was responsible for spawning, funding, and arming groups like Al Qaeda? What about ISIS? What critical questions about 911 have yet to be addressed by the criminal cabal that masquerades as the US government? From the 911 events to the skies above our heads, the crimes of the power structure are being exposed rapidly, what will they do as the walls close in on them? Is the world war lll card going to be played? Don't sit out the fight for the common good, educate yourself and make your voice heard.
Dane Wigington

80 Responses

  1. Dane,

    Thank You!  Have spent the past several days listening to many of your videos. I have read a number of book titles and articles on weather modification in the past few years. I speak to any one that will listen on this topic, including my recently elected council member. He also happens to be an Arborist that I employed to take care of my dying trees. One of them is now being removed – a 100 yr old pecan tree.  I drive around my neighborhood and see other trees that look the same. Sad. I asked him for an explanation of what's happening to the trees. All he could offer was it was most likely a fungus. I  mentioned he may be interested in the movie Shade, given his love of nature. I plan to follow up with him, and also pass along information here on this site.

    BTW, on the subject of 9/11…..Rebekah Roth is making the talk show rounds promoting her second book – Methodical Deception – written as a novel for obvious reasons. (first title Methodical Illusion) A 30 year career as a flight attendant & pursor allows her to take apart the "official story" of this tragic event with great precision from an inside perspective.  An incredible researcher in her own right, fills in the missing pieces of the puzzle others have started.

    1. Hello RT: I've reviewed Rebecca Roth's YouTube videos, and she nails allot of information down with a no nonsense delivery. Her experience in the airline industry mercilessly clarifies the many screw-ups (lies) regarding the "official story". The official story is wonderful conspiracy theater in-and-of itself…

      Her recent report regarding Israeli "art students" living for months in the World Trade Center was stunning. Gee, what would art students do with all those cases and cases of fuses???

  2. Over St. Louis the new normal is multiple jets spraying short little silvery-white trails that extend maybe 15-20 jet lengths behind the jet and then dissipate. Only every once in a while do I see a long extended trail half of the canopy or better. I'm gonna take a gamble and submit that these pricks know they're being "found out", AND  being watched by more and more people, and so they appear to have changed their spray formulas or something to cause quicker dissipation. Nonetheless, I have also seen the short runty little trails leave a "misty" signature which is harder to see at distance, but obviously still adding to the overall filth in our skies. Many others are noticing apparent changes of tactics in the spray programs.

      Having said that, we must all acknowledge the part we are each playing in the greenhouse gas game. I drive, I fly, I use electricity, and I breathe. We ALL do. This fact alone humbles me and reminds me that I cannot become self-righteous about the assaults on the biosphere if I myself, here in the first world, am contributing by virtue my various forms of consumption. But even so, the sheer unadulterated magnitude of the geoengineering programs, and the unimaginably gigantic quantities of deadly toxic nano particulates of heavy metals, coal ash, bio-weaponized organisms like Morgellon's, and God only knows what else, all being sprayed out right over our fucking heads ALL OVER THE WORLD, totally eclipses the damage done by any other source. These worthless and heartless prostitutes for the Cabal who busily go about their lives as if everything's ok even as they load the deadly liquids into the on board tanks, well, I've got choice words for all of them, but they are unprintable here. And for all the others, from one end of the supply chain to the erupting trails themselves, and that includes the dickhead so-called "scientists" whose life work was to invent better and more effective (and infinitely more deadly toxic) ways to allegedly control the weather through "modern science". May they all go straight to hell for an eternity for their role in poisoning my beautiful granddaughter and her hope of having a decent and healthy life. Oh……but these scientists needed to feed THEIR families too!!! You can't blame them for what they were doing. Really? Oh yes I fucking can. To consciously and willingly toil in a labratory in bio-weapons research, toxic weather modification programs, and the like, is unconscionable and those involved are beneath contempt. 

       I've heard it said that the "Cabal" actually "gets off" on our suffering. Perhaps this is an extreme speculation, but I'm not so sure. I personally am convinced beyond any reasonable doubt that sickening and/or killing of human populations IS part and parcel of the geoengineering agenda. What scares me is that at any time, if these assholes decide to draw the curtains on us, they could easily do it. I'm quite sure there do exist bio-weapons or other high tech weapons at such an advanced level that our deaths could be assured with absolutely no loss of infrastructure. Will they do this? What are they waiting for? And to the elitist, masonic jerk-offs who funded and built the Georgia Guide-Stones, will YOU guys volunteer to be among the first to die in order to "maintain balance" on planet Earth? ……………. Go f**k yourselves.

    1. Hi Marc: You are correct. The military scumbags could very well turn up the HAARP, GWEN, and cellular tower juice, and snuff the whole specie in days. It's no joke. Sheeple will continue to squirm and piss and moan about how "dire" it all seems, but most are still watching their portfolio holdings and sucking on the corporate tit.

      The sick f***ers you mention are playing with our specie like cats playing with mice before they eat their heads off…

  3. My wife and I are down in Long Beach Island, New Jersey.   Last night there were at least 5 jets spewing chemicals into the atmosphere over the land next to the ocean.   I had never seen planes flying in parallel several feet apart — I don't know how high the planes are so I don't know how far apart they were.   Ditto this morning, September 16.   There are at least 7 planes that have been spewing forth this beautiful morning.  Now the skies are haze — the real clouds are gone.   WHO IS FLYING THESE PLANES?  THEY MUST KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING.

    Gary Reid, on vacation from Stouffville Ontario

    1. Hello Gary Reid: These planes are very sophisticated and most likely computer programmed and/or remote controlled. This kind of global navigation technology has been considered "off-the-shelf" and available for many years.

      It's ground maintenance staff, locations of air bases, and chemical shipping companies that need public exposure. The gross tonnage of chemicals involved would require bills of lading and registration with DOT overview. None of these activities can remain  entirely hidden. Everyone needs to do their homework…

  4. 911-For-Dummies:  a)  http://www.Physics911.net  b)  http://www.AE911Truth.org  c) http://www.PatriotsQuestion911.com  BTW, The people running these HAARP & microwave transmitters are able to steer storm systems & cells or destroy them.  The weather puppets on television read from their scripts showing the dopler radar forecast nearly 12-18 hours in advance knowing exactly what cell, its color / rain intensity and where its precise location over land will be as the weather moves in offshore.  This is evidence of their abilities.  This is not weather forecasting – which was never an accurate science.  This is weather control and domination. 

  5. I have to report on our skies here in Bakersfield 9/15/15. This morning we had real clouds and some precipitation, I could hear the planes flying above those clouds, within an hour the clouds were breaking up, by noon I could see the jets. They seem to spraying very specific areas to the north of Bakersfield. I have been watching them fly over us with no spray and then just north of us turn their sprayers on as they continue north. We are now surrounded by real clouds, but over us, and to the north where they are spraying, nothing but light, white, sprayed haze.  Anyone in our end of the valley can go outside and look up and see with your own eyes exactly what is happening.

    Thanks to all !!! Hope we can do something soon. Larwence

  6. Dane, One million thanks and then some!  It is as if you read my mind. I looked up the Historical link from last entry and I took notes, then started trying to piece it together.  For one thing, we didn't even know the jet stream existed until we were bombing Japan, and discovered that each drop of a bomb was off by the same amount each time.  Meanwhile, the Japanese knew about the jet stream and so sent over to us balloons with bombs, one of which claimed the only lives lost on American soil during that war and right close by here in Marin.  It must have really irked our guys to think these "antiquated" Japanese knew something scientific that we didn't.

    People have forever wanted to fly and so it figures that given an airplane finally, every one wanted to try something.  From there it is a short leap to crop dusting and cloud seeding for crops.  In these Historical Documents, it sounds as if the idea for real weather modification, its potential, took off in 1970 via creating a program for this pulling in various universities and asking scientists to make models of various situations.  Seemed as if in the early days the intentions were by and large benign, if wrong headed.  Issue number one seems to be how very many different groups and players there were though.  One hand would not know what the other was doing and all vying for government monies.  Sorta like our NSA.  Making it eventually rather easy for a backdoor hijack.  Who?  Dick Cheney, obviously.  If I heard Alan Buckman say it correctly, he said he and Rosalind Peterson found aluminum in high amounts in California waters in '85 or '87, I think '85.  So, 30 years ago they were doing this.  All have said that if done, if ongoing, then stopping would be disastrous, as in major blowback from Earth.  So, I have a couple of questions.

    One is, given that aspects of this have been going on for so very very many decades and seriously formulated around 1970, how are chemtrails different, or sky striping or whatever you want to call it?  I now realize how banal it is to mention to government people or anyone else the term weather modification/ engineering, given that it has been part and parcel of all of our lives.  You want us not to use the term chemtrails as it is slang with a negative connotation.  But, we are not French!  We do not have language police and our language includes slang even in the dictionaries as well as how very many of our words are from other countries.  I mean, it is one thing to be curious about the skies and weather and to wonder if we can somehow influence that-even if wrongheaded, it is human after all.  But when does it cross the point to actually harm life forms.  On purpose.  Then, what do you call it?  Weather Modification just does not cut it!  This is a whole other ball of wax and needs to be called so.  This harms.  This kills.  "We" can prove it.  And no doubt, this ongoing aspect is just one of many related schemes that many of the others do not know is happening.  How do we address this properly without seeming like fools?  I, for one, refuse to use contrails.  Because that is disingenuous and just plane wrong as we know.  Could say chemical contrails, but by and large, that is wrong also.  We need a more accurate word to framework this.  Malevolent spraying?  I am beginning to think that the delusional and extremely paranoid, in the worst sense of the word, Dick Cheney is responsible for this, along with Nixon, Teller and Reagan.

    Which brings me to this 9-11 issue.  I've been following these guys who were putting together a book at the time and had a web site where all discussed among themselves their takes on the alleged facts.  At the time this occurred, I was very crippled, had to use a wheelchair and had almost no use of my right arm as well.  Distraction helped the pain and I was in bed a lot and so watching TV when 9-11 happened.  I have infinite curiosity I'm told, and part of that involved me learning about one particular guy who pioneered the art of dropping a building on its footprint.  I'd followed a lot of his work.  So, it was really obvious to me, when I saw the buildings fall, that they did not fall from the plane crashes.  When building 7 fell, I was stunned.  All pancake dropped in their footprint.  I'd also studied high rise buildings and knew the towers were built to withstand planes crashing into them-it happens.  But nothing was close to building 7.  Then, the Pentagon and the alleged fact that the plane hit the ONE side that had been recently renovated and reinforced!  And, poof, plane gone.  And, that despite many months of constant CNN talk about not knowing who the terrorists were in the world, where they would be, names, nothing, not a single lead, then suddenly, in less than 36 hours we had the IDs of all 19 men allegedly involved, and with their photos and addresses!!!!!!  Just stunningly impossible to believe.  And, we scrambled no defense craft-WTF?!  Eventually, but….By the way, I was watching as Bush was told.  He was reading to little kids when someone whispered into his ear.  His eyes went totally round, as if truly shocked, truly stunned.  Not something a person, especially him, could fake.  Maybe the shock was regarding Cheney.  As in, dear god the sonofabitch actually did it!  While Bush was away, conveniently.

    I am so happy this is a movie now and is so very credible.  I think this will help the geoengineering cause a great deal as this Will shatter normalcy bias.  If one is possible, true, then the other well could be too.

    But if geoengineering has been going on so very long, not only what is up with the last decades of hacked skies, but, what will be the blowback if stopped?  I mean exactly and approximately-as they say in India.  What indeed could we expect?  We need to know.  A "rough" idea.

    Again, a million thanks for all your relentless work.  For all the extremely valuable links.  And for being the most stubborn person I know, which in fact, is saying ALOT!  You persevere and it furthers!


    1. Hello Rachel, when the spraying stops, this is what we will face. https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/double-catastrophe-scenario-document-paints-bleak-picture/

  7. Veteran weather modification expert Ben Livingston is a former Navy Physicist who briefed President Lyndon B. Johnson on the effectiveness of weather control back in the 1960's during the Vietnam era, when he was involved in cloud seeding programs that worked to slow down the advance of Vietnamese and Korean troops. Livingston asserts that asserts that hurricane control was a national priority of the government more than 40 years ago and that the technology was fully operational to control the weather at the time.
        Livingston explains how for decades the US government has had the power to both lessen and increase the severity of adverse weather for their own purposes.
        Dr. Livingston was assigned in 1966 from the Naval weapons research Laboratory to a marine fighter squadron in Vietnam. Instead of guns, the aircraft under Livingston's control were fitted with cloud seeding equipment. "My mission was to find clouds and seed them for maximum precipitation value" he stated.
        Dr. Livingston presents evidence from the Stanford research Institute, who were brought into Project Storm Fury (a weather control program) in the late sixties as a third party, which stated conclusively that knowledge of how to stop hurricanes had been uncovered and that they would be directly liable should a hurricane hit and cause extensive damage and loss of life. Four decades later and Livingston exposes how the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina could have been greatly minimized but was allowed to fully impact Gulf states for political reasons.
        Having personally flown on 265 missions into the eyes of hurricanes, Livingston remarks that he was "disgusted" by the failure to lessen the impact of Katrina. Livingston's revelations that weather control has been a decades long program in which the US government has been deeply involved are particularly alarming given the abundant modern-day evidence of how chemtrails are being used to warp our environment in a secret geoengineering plot that threatens a myriad of unknown human health and ecological consequences.


    1. Hello Frank, the testimony from Livingston is of value, though he makes claims that are not supported by historical data such as his claim that he was the first one to ever seed a cloud. All of us must be constantly on guard to “sift the baby from the bathwater” so to speak.

    2. I totally agree with you Dane. The purpose of posting this data about Livingston is to show the historical depths of Weather modification that dates back many decades. The true implications were never exposed from Livingston, about the ongoing aspects of weather warfare. He was not the first to ever seed a cloud but he was used for that purpose from the power structure. This project Storm Fury is still to this day used by all weather sites as the one and only experiment to spray silver iodine to reduce primarily hail. The generalization of all expert weather people is this is as far as it has ever gone. To talk about what really has been happening for many decades by mainstream is certain loss of career or even worse. Mr. Livingston is no dummy and is part of the power structure's agenda. The lies and manipulation are standard procedure from the parasitical elites in all aspects that they portray. 

      Dane what you speak about everything is 100 percent correct. I give you immense respect because you are the only one speaking honestly about everything. Thank you for all you do.

  8. Hello, Dane and dear friends!  Very peculiar cessation of spraying for many days last week here in Vegas.  The sky continued to exhibit the silvery, hazy quality of spraying effects so, I suspect, the planes were spraying either very late or early, or perhaps enough spray from California was drifting eastward our way so that they could save the time and trouble of spraying here.  Saturday was interesting.  Big wonderful cumulus clouds began rolling in from the west; weather people were predicting rain to start Sunday-Tuesday.  A heavy sprayed pattern developed in the NW part of our valley with 8-12 horizontal lines right under one another and a heavy vertical line on the southern (or left) side of pattern.  Observed all afternoon.  The cumulus clouds, as the outer fringes "touched" and began to intermingle with the sprayed pattern,  began themselves "bleeding" and diffusing from a defined structural of puffiness to ragged, thin, amorphous "cloud cover."  The planes also left other trails to the south and east.  Wikipedia says:  "Cumulus clouds are often precursors of other types of cloud, such as cumulonimbus, when influenced by weather factors such as instability, moisture, and temperature gradient. Normally, cumulus clouds produce little or no precipitation, but they can grow into the precipitation-bearing congestus or cumulonimbus clouds. Cumulus clouds can be formed from water vapor, supercooled water droplets, or ice crystals, depending upon the ambient temperature. They come in many distinct subforms, and generally cool the earth by reflecting the incoming solar radiation."  I sit here, today, in Las Vegas with sunny skies and no rain.  Where did the rain go, Mr. Weatherman?  I tell the passengers in my cab (particularly from California) watch the Supercolossal El Nino off California's coast.  Let's see if it does develop or…will it mysteriously "evaporate" and disappear?   Talk to approximately 8-15 people in the cab 4 days/week at length about manipulation of the weather.  One guy was downright hostile:  how  could I believe the government would harm their citizens or environment?  I dunno.  Look up.  Investigate soil and water heavy metal percentages.  Watch weather patterns.  From Mahatma Gandhi:  "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."  Yes, then we will win or we will die.  

    1.  Dan can you speak to anything that is changing about the spraying technology? I have noticed a lot fewer trails in So. California over the past 12 months. But yet here in Southern California the tree stress and baking hot sun are worse than ever 

    2. Zen Gardner: Hollywood Mind Control & the California Drought Atrocity. This week we take a closer look at the enslavement process called Agenda 21/2030. Also this week World Beyond Belief delves deeply into the sham that is the California drought and the possible migration from that state that the system has in mind for all of its residents. We look at the real causes of the drought conditions in California along with secret information that should put an end to the illusion of lack of water in our most precious of American farming territory. https://youtu.be/I9IiMiLkRss

    3. Twelve people have been confirmed dead and a 13th was missing Tuesday after a flash flood described as a "wall of water" swept away two vehicles containing members of two families in Utah the day before, officials said.

      "This hit with a vengeance we haven't seen for some time," said Kevin Barlow, the assistant fire chief in Hildale, Utah.


  9. On the occasion of the fifteenth anniversary: The Truth and Lies of 9-11:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uU6U7H7Aws

    Michael C. Ruppert was an L.A.P.D. detective who definitively proved the connection between CIA drug money laundering and weapons trading.  His 2004 magnum opus, Crossing the Rubicon:  The Decline of the American Empire at the end of the Age of Oil, is an argument to a "jury," the jury of public opinion, proving that the events occurring on 9/11/01 were premeditated, a pretext in an attempt to convince Americans that "we" need to take control of the Middle East.  The real reason?  O-I-L.  "Where there's oil, there's war."

    Osama bin Laden was a Myth, meaning that the Anglo-American-Israeli Corporate-Military-Banking Cabal needed the Myth more than any reality of the actual Bin Laden, who "died" at least six times, according to the mainstream media, between 2001 and 2012.  What "they" killed was the Myth.  Why?  Because it had already served it's purpose, and "they" had to find something much more shocking to continue capturing the "imagination" of the Lookdown Generation and it's stoopid progenitors. 

  10. Hello Dane,
    Great work as always.
    A Federal Grand Jury Indictment does not allow a person under oath, being questioned, the 5th amendment as an escape clause.  This is something I have recently learned – and I am learning how a 'citizen' can begin the process.  If you get the chance, go to TeamLaw.org
    Have you noticed the absence of Federal Grand Jury Indictments?  Lots of 'Grand Jury Indictments' – but they do allow the 5th.  Interesting.
    As you say, it is our obligation to pursue the truth and set the United States Of America back on course.  We have been lied to so much – most people have bought into the Lie.  Just this morning I was talking with my Fiancée about building 7 collapse – she kept saying "they didn't mention that on the news" – and she remained skeptical on my information sources.   I was also one of those who enlisted – USN, 1971, the same year Nixon took us off the gold standard – which gave the bankers more power over U.S. Policy and decisions – during my 3 westpac cruises to VietNam, I slowly started realizing that the war was only for money – and oil, yes, VietNam has oil too.
    So, like you Dane, I have also wanted the truth known – and it was Bush Sr. That was the head of the CIA when I was in VietNam – any surprise he made president?  Oh yes, and the oil wells the Bush family has in Kuwait – another surprise that our forces were immediately dispatched?
    No surprise.
    So the dope dealer wants everybody hooked – and we are, on oil.
    Have you ever thought the ramifications of boycotting gasoline just 1 day of the week?   Wow!  How about 2, or 3 days a week?
    This is a simple, money saving idea – just have a family day at home.
    2 weeks ago I put up a couple of solar panels.  Today I made coffee and ironed my shirts with stored solar energy.  I know it isn't much, but it is a start, and I have set up a budget to become electrically self sufficient over the next year.
    That would put a dent in their oil budget – even more if we all could become 'energy independent'.

  11. Thanks so much for your tireless work Dane.  We don't have internet at home so I have to watch this video in a different place than where I set as I type.
    Because I began going back to the year 2008 (when they began blitzing Mexico and other places very hard).  i have a hunch there might be very revealing information in climate change summits of that date.  First thing I came up with was the following link which highlights how "scientists" were suckered into writing bogus papers and who paid the bribes:  http://www.realclimate.org/index.php/archives/2008/01/what-if-you-held-a-conference-and-no-real-scientists-came/
    It may be instructive for those who are watching the flow of money.

  12. Hello Dane and interested readers: Dane has been asking all the right questions for many years. Now it's the rest of the World that needs to find the answers. The destruction of our planet is based on willful Consent. When citizens are so lazy that they don't even bother to look at the sky, who ya gonna blame?
    Dane (and many others) have questioned the total removal of evidence from the ground zero demolition site. There's no question the demolition and removal companies were contracted ahead of time. Below is another instance of collusion and political graft related to the 9/11 incident: >
    "The John Galt Corporation of the Bronx, hired last year for the dangerous and complex job of demolishing the former Deutsche Bank building at 130 Liberty Street, where two firefighters died last Saturday, has apparently never done any work like it. Indeed, Galt does not seem to have done much of anything since it was incorporated in 1983."
    "The arrangement involving Galt — achieved after multiple companies that had bid on the Deutsche Bank contract were eliminated for one reason or another — is nonetheless odd for such a momentous job, one that is expected ultimately to cost roughly $150 million."
    "Greg Blinn, who is shown in city records as the president of the John Galt Corporation, said in a telephone interview: “I’m not really sure how I can help. My contract precludes me from talking to the media. I have to refer all questions or inquiries to the L.M.D.C.”
    "Daniel L. Doctoroff, the city’s deputy mayor for economic development, who was a member of the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation at the time it approved the Galt contract, said through a spokesman this week that safeguards had been put in place to make sure that the former Safeway executives did nothing inappropriate — like funnel money back to Safeway."
    Complete text:
    Please READ and UNDERSTAND the entire text. It this the kind of World you want?

  13. Hello from a friend in the UK.  I have been receiving your news for some time.  Spraying is going on overhead where I live in the UK at the moment, I recognize it and point it out to people but they say they see them as con-trails.  I am banging my head against a brick wall most of the time.

    Please keep up the good work.  By the way, a good link re the 9/11 subject is : http://www.methodicaldeception.com/Chapter-1.html

    I hope also that the following will be helpful, for those that have not seen it before.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kg7Qt4bV0B8

    I forward your e-mails to various friends and just hope that some will take what is said on board.


  14. Another articulate and RATIONAL analysis by Dane.

    I first noticed chemtrail activity over SoCal in December, 2006.  I knew IMMEDIATELY that something strange was going on. I knew IMMEDIATELY that the responsible parties were lying and denying everything. I asked myself then " If they're lying about this then WHAT ELSE are they lying about?"

    Now I know. 

    1. The Sheeple who are still asleep are unaware that they are the unwitting participants in a treacherous wargame dictated by the perpetuators (the Elite banksters, etal). We are the Enemy who must be controlled or eliminated at all costs and geoengineering as well as Agenda 21 are some of the tools that they deploy for this purpose. One document that spells this out is called Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars, and you can learn about it by watching this YouTube. https://youtu.be/s_38tsQ4p0I

    2. Hello Dhan, yes, water vapor is the most powerful greenhouse gas, but the triggers to the water vapor build up are excessive amounts of gases like Co2 and CH4

  15. Comrades : While driving west on K-96 from Wichita,KS on Saturday afternoon I witnessed the biggest/longest most toxic looking spray trail that appeared to glow and cast it`s own shadow ! My heart sank as i pulled over to stare at and confirm what I was looking at!  Another version of insane death for all living things. Wishing for a positive "100th Monkey" event to happen for the human race. On behalf of My Children and Myself,, Thank You my fellow friends with concern.     DNA

  16. Here is 13 minutes of facts that everyone here will find interesting.Search window in YouTube, wl4oJIvubFE

    I also want to say that I am sure it was not just Bush, I voted for him twice, I am was a member of the Tea party. I know Obama is in the same situation, look how much he has aged in just 8 years.I hope everyone is waking up. I hope that soon we can unit and find a way to stop this insanity.


  17. Wow, the mail you all are sending in are well spoken and so true. We have a very strong evil that we and the rest of the world are up against. The truth will be exposed and I believe our team of attorneys will break the veil of secrecy. What is unbelievable though and we all know all too well the the public is apathetic to anything that does not come from the mainstream news and I'm not sure they will ever tell the truth as they all seem to be silenced by the producers or possibly the govt. paid censors, but breaking news is big money and maybe and hopefully they cannot resist the BIG STORY once the attorneys break the silence and expose the juicy details. But if "THEY "get backed into a corner of truth exposed they may get even more dangerous. 

  18. I confess I posted my first comment here after I had only listened to about 10 minutes of Dane's Global Alert News presentation. I should have waited. Had I waited, my first post would have been ENTIRELY DIFFERENT!!! Though I did throw in some comments about 9/11, I must state on the record, that this one show is, without even a shred of a doubt, far and away the most succinct, the most impassioned and the most magnificently inspiring commentary on 9/11 AND HOW IT DOVETAILS INTO ALL THE OTHER INTERLOCKING SCENARIOS, INCLUDING GEOENGINEERING, THAT I PERSONALLY HAVE EVER HEARD FROM ANYONE ANYWHERE. And trust me, I have done my f**king homework. I have pursued, in my spare time, the truth about 9/11 for going on 5 solid years. Until tonight, I had yet to hear an overview delivered with such emotion and such power as I have heard from Dane Wigington. I am virtually in tears as I write this. Anything I could say right now would be inadequate to express the depth of feeling I am experiencing at having just been privileged to hear a masterpiece of eloquence and passion AND foreboding. Yes, foreboding. In Dane's closing remarks, he really hits it hard, and sugarcoats NOTHING!! 

    This was not an "easy" show to listen to. None of them are. We are dealing with profoundly disturbing revelations in every sentence. But like Dane, and UNLIKE almost all of my friends, I prefer to face right into the wind on this stuff. And yes, I probably would sleep better than I do if I stayed blissfully away from alot of this kind of material. But I can't. And I won't. Why? For all the same reasons that so many other heroes who come to this site, won't. Because we cannot be proverbial ostriches with our heads in the sand. If we're gonna go toes up, and I reckon we will anyhow, we wanna go toes up KNOWING WHO AND/OR  WHAT THE F**K KILLED US. The great majority of my friends "can't handle the truth" on this stuff. I wish I could say "I get that". But I won't say that because I DON'T get that. I cannot understand how anyone, once they have a clue what's going on, would turn away from further investigation in an effort to find out more and how it all might impact or threaten their own very existence, their loved ones, their children, their parents, their health!! It's the normalcy shit popping up again. It's a human proclivity. But good God, look at what's at stake!!!

    When Dane warns that we will, all of us, know soon enough how dire our situation is, I believe him, regardless of how deeply disturbing such a warning may be. I believe him because he has been neck-deep in this research for 12 or more years by his own estimation. Far longer than most of us who come to this site. I trust him and his work implicitly, and, he is tough!!! He will see through a lot of bullshit out there in his incredible efforts to bring only the very best and accurate data obtainable to this website. And, in case you haven't noticed, Dane is a master of "connecting the dots" in the bigger picture, a picture I might add, that the vast majority care absolutely nothing about, though it be at their own peril. 

    Again, simply put, standing ovation for Dane Wigington's Global Alert News presentation here this Saturday. Incredible.

    1. Other than being on this site for a little while now , I am in Perfect word for word agreement with Marc , with Dane & with all of us , our courage is deep & I'd be so much more lost without each of you precious heros !

      Thank You All

  19. I have just finished watching a YouTube video titled; 9/11 Trillions; Follow the money, posted on 9/11 2015. I hope everyone will have a look. It is exactly what Dane has been saying all along about the geoengineering being done to all of us and our families, and our planet. If you watch it, towards the end, the last 15 minutes you will find some information that ties Raytheon and many others from the 9/11 attacks to the geoengineering happening to us today. You will be amazed at the information in this video about the money trail before and after 9/11. This is all facts with proof, not speculation.

  20. I don't want to be rude but people should stop asking us to pray! I'm sick and tired of people hiding in yet another cabal lie, that of religion, which we all know had been manipulated by the cabal ever since it's existence. I don't care if you believe in a pseudo god, just know it will do you nothing in this fight! You are responsible to offer concrete actions for concrete results. Leave your prayers for bedtime and bring concrete to the streets. Needless to tell you what to do, simply look on this site and you'll know. Sorry but I simply can't stand it when I keep hearing those religious blind while I work my ass off to waken people. And in all honesty, I don't speak for Dane, but if I were him, I'd be fed up too. But I can't speak for him. Send out the flaming arrow package to everyone you know, write to your elected liars and confront them, write to David Keith and Ken Caldeira to name a few and tell them your thoughts, send out printable flyers from this site, if you are in college like me, make a group discussion panel once a week to raise awareness, take pictures constantly and send them out to your elite so they know you know, call your news stations and harass them, etc.

    1. Sorry to break the news but Caldeira and Keith ain't gonna change.  And no amount of rioting in the streets, banging on sh8t or other violent acts will change that either– go pound on your walls to get that all out of your system before you act outwardly lest you wind up facing your own reflection, forcibly.  In the good ol' U.S. of A. you'll just get locked away for inciting "domestic terrorism," never mind that if "they" want to see the REAL Terrorists, all they need do is simply glance in a mirror, anywhere.

    2. Hello Jonathan Letourneau: You mentioned: ['if you are in college like me, make a group discussion panel once a week to raise awareness,'] Great idea!!!

      Publishing information about Earth's geoengineering/environmental crisis is crucial. Bringing awareness to collage students and staff is a very important step. Be sure to peruse Dane's many pages offered on the side-bars, and note the many excellent comments and links contained in reader comments. Review and post links to other web sites as often as you can. Exposure is key to stopping these ghouls from killing us all…

      Thanks for all your efforts.

  21. Quite a few of these False Flags have been fairly bungled in that many glaring details could not be covered up successfully. As explained by Dane here and by many others many times over, a small bit of investigation creates more questions than answers as offered by the official narrative.

    How ironic that in the age of the internet, when most people have the greatest access to information of any time in history, there is also a very large, cultured ignorance resulting in a refusal to be independently minded by investigating for one's self and finding out the truths.

    This is changing, which is great, but there is a race on for a Critical Mass Wake Up vs Deliberate Dumbing Down and Annihilation. If enough people realized that it is only a small group orchestrating these diabolical events, then something could be done. We must keep waking up others who are still asleep.

  22. Well, they appear to have done it again. There is yet another huge uvula- shaped intrusion of cool temps that covers almost the middle third of the whole country, maybe more. Low temps forecast for tonite in St. Louis are in the upper forties, highs in the upper 60's. Really? The trajectory of this system coming out of Canada is suspiciously identical to the so-called "polar vortices" that have been blasting down out of Canada for a few years. Gee, do you think the weather makers are behind any of this? And wow! Beautiful, crisp, autumn-like weather just in time for a whole shit-load of outdoor art festivals, football games, barbeques and street fairs and other last hurrahs before "winter". Let's see if they can keep up the good work as the fall festival season stretches into October (as in Octoberfest). Can you believe this shit? How stupid do they think we are? VERY!!!

    The Truman-Show weather here in St, Louis, I have to confess, is very seductive, meaning, that compared to the endless weeks of sky-shit, spray haze and man-made cloud droppings, these much bluer skies and beautiful cumulus clouds do seem to naturally lift up the human organism out of the depths of whatever it was we were feeling before….you know, like that bleak feeling in the morning when you look at the sky and realize they just won't fucking stop. It can be so very depressing, knowing and internalizing that sense of impotence in the shadow of such impossibly vast and well orchestrated evil. We are all struggling with this in varying degrees. But you know what? The world is waking up fast!!!! These sons-of-bitches that perpetrated 9/11 have been FOUND OUT!!!! The 9/11 truth movement is intensifying around the world. At some point in the  "expose", it will become crystal clear the relationship between 9/11 and geoengineering. Both have been and are being covered up behind lies not only of omission, but blatant, arrogant, in your face lies. It is truly incredible. The guttersnipes behind all of this deception have only two things in their favor: stupidity of the people, and, money. Having said that, meanwhile, back at the ranch, the planet remains under seige. It is definitely time to get your ducks in a row, for the future looks increasingly treacherous. For the love of God, I wish it weren't so.

    1. It's not beautiful weather here in VT, Marc. It is cooler – yeah, but it’s nasty. It's a chemical fog of gas and gloom. Every single time a little rain manages to make its way to the ground, it kills everything it touches. The pictures I've take from around here are so awful. It's all dead or dying, full of mold, burned, drooping – stray animals pecking at torched cherries and half ripened apples on trees that have no leaves. Barkless trees hallowed out for any last insect by the few woodpeckers that have survived this long. It is a horror to behold. 

    2. Fast-moving fire raging in NoCal:

      Four firefighters suffered burn injuries while battling a new wildfire in California that broke out Saturday and quickly grew, authorities said.

      The firefighters were injured while working to put out the so-called Valley Fire in Lake County northwest of Sacramento, which swelled from 400 acres to 10,000 acres in a matter of hours, the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, also known as Cal Fire, said.

      By Saturday night the fire had grown to 25,000 acres, Cal Fire said. Ash was reported to be falling in Sacramento, about 90 miles away, the Sacramento Fire Department said. http://nbcnews.to/1OMwiGu

    3. The Cobb Mountain Fire in Lake County, CA started at 1:30 p.m. yesterday, Sept. 12th and was at 40,000 acres burned by 11:00 a.m. today, Sunday, Sept. 13th.  Local trolls have strangely fallen quite silent, I've noticed– "Burned out," quite literally, eh– ??  Perhaps if you'd worked to expose the aluminum cover-up, you'd find yourselves on the Right Side of History, but it's too late for you now, I'd say.

    4. It is common knowledge that nano particulates such as aluminum are increasing the frequency of wild fires, resulting in forest fires that have been burning hotter and spreading faster than ever before in the history of the USA and other regions of the world. The EPA and other such agencies deny that the use of a metals are the cause, but fire fighters and elite fighter crews will publicly disagree. http://bit.ly/1OOLZgw

    5. Hello Dale, yes, the metal particulates are a factor on the fires, but it is important to remember there are many other climate engineering related factors also fueling the increased intensity of the fires.

  23. Thank you Dane, spot on every account. Thank you for all you do. It is now my mission to uncover, expose and hold these officials accountable. In particular Gov. Brown. Most important to educate and spread the word. If this is not addressed, everything else will be moot.

  24. Dane——–Thank God for what you do for the common man.You give hope when sometimes I have none. Your Emails are always spot on  and always give me a good feeling. Sometimes I feel like Im fighting a loosing battle but your Emails always get me back on track. Fighting the good fight.

    1. Hello Andrew from Scotland: Great links as usual. Thanks! It is very clear what persons are implicated in the 9/11/2001 FALSE FLAG that began the total disintegration of our personal liberties. Please take the time to view the linked Ken O Keefe on 911 video in my other post.

      Americans have consented to exist under the boot of foreign banking interests since 1913. They have no one to blame but themselves…

    2. Thanks, Andrew.  Michel Chossudovsky of globalresearch.ca is always wonderful.

      — Dennie from Marin County, CA U.S.A.

    1. Generation look down, that is the most brilliant statement  I've heard  in a long time!  Look how our children (Canadian schools) are actually allowed their cell phones in class and online as well! My nephew has told me that I can text him during school hours (which I do not).  Still I question why is this allowed?  Why do our children not have a mandatory class on the future and the effects of what we know we have done and are still doing to our amazing planet?  Why not let our youth be taught to fix our mistakes instead of continuing to teach them the same ways ?

      We dont just need generation  'look up'  we need generation WAKE UP!

      My husband's two cents- we just aren't seeing straight, it's time for a 2020 vision. A LOT CAN BE DONE IN 5 YEARS!

    2. I find that it isn't just the "look down" generation, it's all the current generations that can't look up and when they do, all they see is what Media tells them is true!

    3. The librarian at the elementary school, a high-performing one near the U.C. Berkeley, CA campus, told me just two weeks back that many of the kids have attention span problems, can focus, etc.  They are pretty well-watched but they all know how to use very advanced features on new-generation cell phones by the time they're in the third grade (!).  I have had parents of my private music lessons students let younger siblings "play" with their cell phone while the older child is taking a lesson.  What a recipe for disaster, especially for males, who are more easily addicted to visual imagery.  I witnessed a four-year-old melt down in a practice room in Cupertino, CA, screaming at his mother that she was a "terrible, horrible" mother when she moved to take her phone back.  All she did in return was hug him– !!!?  This is how we are allowing the kiddies into the Control Room.  They are running The Show by the time they're 23– just check out the average age of the people who were in charge of making fiscal policy before the economic meltdown in 2008.  Quite telling.  Not that the older ones, like Rubin, were all that much better.

  25. I want to thank Dane and everyone that was at the Redding event and all of you that are doing something to help expose all of this. I just wonder if anyone else has noticed that the MSM ( main stream media ) has not mentioned one word about the flooding at Fukushima this past week from the two typhoons that went through Japan ? I also want to add that I believed all of the BS stories about the events of 9/11 at the time. I tried to enlist the next day but was told I was to old,( I am 61 now ) I voted for Bush both times he was elected. I have been in the oil and gas drilling industry for most of my adult life. Something that always puzzled me about that day was that when Bush's people went into that classroom and told him about the first tower he did not move, in fact his face got flush and he looked like he just got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Then the second tower got hit and again they showed him being told and he did not move. At the time I was outraged and could not figure out why he was not getting up and getting busy. I have done a lot of research about it since then and I am absolutely sure that Bush and our government did it. I hope everyone will check out Exposed, new edition, Or any of the many other videos and information that is out there. Our government is rotten to the core. They are not working for us. They are spraying us, covering up real news, and killing off our planet. I only wish we could all get it together and stop them now. But I cannot seem to find anyone that is willing to DO anything. People tell me all the time that they are praying for it to all get better. I say back to them THAT is NOT doing anything. We have to physically do something. Change everyone in our government. Praying is nice, but that is not doing anything. God does not do anything, people do. We need to do something! soon. I am trying.

    Regards, and again, THANK YOU ! to all that are doing something.

    1. Larwence you hit the nail on the head – they do not have our best interest in mind, and will be the very last ones to tell us if we are in harms way. That is pure evil.

      My husband and I called the EPA regarding the extremely high reading of RADS in the thousands for our state (and all others).


      They had a “specialist” talk to us. This is how the conversation went. Question: Can you tell me if these charts are actually saying that gamma readings are in the thousands of counts per minute? Answer: Well, you know, you really have to take into account what the prior months and years look like so that you know if that is how it always is in your area. Ques…tion: Can you tell me if these charts are actually saying that gamma readings are in the thousands of counts per minute? Answer: Well, uh-uh-uh-uh-uh you know the filters collect debris over time, they get dirty and they can be reading from so many things in the environment, even the factory next door. Question: Can you tell me if these charts are actually saying that gamma readings are in the thousands of counts per minute? Answer: Uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh are you referring to beta, or gamma? {GAMMA!} Answer: Uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh I don’t have your state up in front of me, I’m trying to find out what page this is on. Hold on. Okay, it says here that Vermont had a couple of spikes this past month. Question: What was the average reading for the whole damn month? Answer: Uh-uh-uh-uh-uh something like about 2,500 for the average. Question: Can you tell me if these charts are actually saying that gamma is reading in the thousands of counts per minute for our state, and if so, how can that be healthy? Answer: Uh-uh-uh, well, -uh-uh-uhhhhh, mmmm, it’s just radon! I’m sure it’s just radon! It’s naturally occurring that’s all. It’s perfectly safe. Question: So you are telling me, that even though Montana reports are way off the chart over 10 thousand counts of gamma per minute, as is San Diego, and Spokane Washington, that none of this can be from Fukushima? Answer: (dead silence) Hello? Hello? …. “No, I mean YES I am sure it’s not Fukushima. It’s perfectly safe”.

      I hung up. So there you have it. A full on MORON is answering the phone at the EPA. Radon that high should be disclosed to the public, but it isn’t just radon. Look at these charts, everyone is swimming in radiation. They just didn’t expect anyone to give a damn, but I am sure that after today they will get their bullshit answer in order for the next poor bastard to phone in.

    2. We have been hammered in California this week. Every time a monsoon storm goes up it is killed by chemicals. We are being droughted out of existence. The use of Haarp is also so unreal. We are micro wave blasting weather events throughout this county as we speak, with the use of the chemicals.
      What is the human cost of this magnetism? The whole world is under this siege. I get images from everywhere. Worldwide chaos.

    3. Lawrence, you are so right. And people who watch mainstream news, (which for all intents and purposes is state run news) are constantly brainwashed into believing the lie that is so often repeated. Make me sick sometime to go outside on a beautiful blue sky morning and see 3-5 jets show up and start spraying. I don't believe anything this government says, it's 90% propaganda. 

    4. Yes Lawrence- "The Lord helps those who help themselves.." Remember that one folks? By getting moving in a direction, taking some action at all, invites the Divine to work through us and accomplish miracles!.. Keep going everybody- Just do what you do best and what comes naturally. Stretching a bit outside of your comfort zone now and then doesn't hurt either. Love to all of you guys for what you each are doing to help us defend our planet, our families, loved ones, future, TzK2our lives!

  26. At this point, one obvious tactic is to now start revealing what they've done but in deeply obfuscated ways.  They're trying to lay some groundwork (e.g. in popular films & magazines) before widespread awareness hits the public.

    – "fourth response" named in this 9/10/15 blog: http://www.tomdispatch.com/

    Responses are summarized as: 1) more of the same 2) more, plus 3) altered reality / optimistic spin 4) embraced failure.

    I will keep trying to sound the horn, locally.

    1. It has been speculated on the Internet that the medical condition commonly referred to as “Morgellons" may be caused by the presence of bioweaponized pathogens that are in the aerosols that we are being subjected to on a regular basis. The Carnicom Institute has begun seeking public feedback about this phenomenon via its new Morgellons Research Project Survey that can be accessed from this website. https://carnicominstitute.org/survey/

    2. Hello Dale and readers interested in the "Morgellon" condition: This condition is strongly related to an Agrobacterium designed by Monsanto. I've done extensive research on this disease, and so have a number of authoritative pathologists: >
      Alan B. MacDonald MD – Fiberopathy Lecture – March 30 2014 Published on Apr 6, 2014
      Also read: > http://www.globalresearch.ca/agrobacterium-morgellons-disease-a-gm-connection/9891
      Correct taxonomy: >
      Rhizobium radiobacter (Agrobacterium tumefaciens) (Agrobacterium radiobacter)
      I haven't checked some of these links recently, but this is just the tip of the iceberg regarding FACTS associated with this bio-weapon…

    3. case in point – The media alters reality in TWC's "Secrets of the Earth" : Sinkhole Alley.  They convey that we don't want rain to add to the sinkhole problem so "Our desiccation is actually rescuing you, not harming you."

      R U kidding me?! This is response # 3 – altered reality / optimistic spin. It's science turned upside down.  To TPTB, please do not underestimate our intelligence and fortitude.

  27. We have truly been hijacked by a cabal of WAR CRIMINALS. I can only HOPE and PRAY that the people of the world can understand that what American military forces are doing to them IS NOT the will of its people by and large. My soul aches for what is being done to them in our name. I pray that they understand we too are the victims of a shocking DECEPTION beyond most people's ability to even comprehend and are also suffering under this evil regimes crushing power and LIES.( albeit nothing yet compared to what is happening in far away lands)  The truth cuts like a knife through ones heart and feels like a punch to the gut for those of us having the courage to listen to the hard facts when presented- and hopefully take some kind of positive action against such evil being done. Its hard not to feel helpless in the face of so many blatent, unabashed horrific crimes being committed against the people of earth and its other life forms. Thank you Dane for being one of the few voices having the courage to speak out the unpleasant truths that the world MUST hear and understand. We must continue to unite, keep sounding the alarm and pray for Divine assistance to help us overturn the terrible events currently taking place. Dane, we are ever grateful to you for doing so much in this effort, and also for the many others visiting this site also giving it their all.

    1. There have been rumors on the Internet that one of the fires that has charred a large section of Washington state was started by the military and that Forest Service workers were threatened (with guns pointing at them) and disallowed from saving structures that were in the path of the blaze. Dane has mentioned on this site and in his videos how the aluminum that the planes are emitting into the atmosphere sucks up moisture and makes our forests, tinder-dry and vulnerable to the massive fires that we are seeing. I just noticed this Press Democrat report that came out two days ago that says that a fire is threatening the Giant Sequoia trees in Central California. http://bit.ly/1KKCuBj

  28. "The Devil knowing its time is short shall have much wrath."  Again, think  'vampire'  about which small wonder the youth are so fascinated this day and age with this empowering metaphoric understanding of how abject evil conducts itself in the shadows.  Zombie is another in vogue knock at the door of our virtual reality.  The Thing appears to be living and breathing.  But it is dead and pretending.  It IS the 'Beast'.  Looking at a number of you tube videos this morning about 9-11, I was amazed at all the expose's out there.  Even more amazing is how many 'hits'  these many many vids have had….some over 5,000,000, 2,000,000, 300,000; all of them well visited.  This says the public is aware about something being very unkosher about what went down on September 11, 2001.  The Creature knows it is exposed.  That is why there is a cascading flood of repressive Constitution-destroying legislation.  A parallel government has been set up and it aims to prevent itself from ever having to answer for it brutal wicked string of atrocities crom9-11 to this day.  This obfuscation includes the covert geoengineering program about which we seem almost powerless to bring to a screeching halt.  Literally the arrogance of this 'vampire' is there for all to observe.  National security has become an insecurity.  Most people to varying degree sense the chill wind of the graveyard these psychopaths are planning for humanity.  The closer the populace gets to an understanding, the exponentially greater is the threat that these death cultist will try and take us all out with them.  While we must face this thing head on, I see no harm in praying for a divine intervention.  We are already down in the fox hole, a place not if our own choosing.

    1. Excellent understanding BaneB, I feel the same way. It's getting more and more uncomfortable as the Powers That Be ratchet up their suicide mission. Even those of us who are strong and hardened by the knowledge we have, are feeling the alternative possibilities as they they grow stronger and more determined. 
      We know the geoengineering and weather weapons are out of control now; they have made themselves "as Gods".

      Thank you Dane for all your hard work, you have awakened millions….

    2. Yes bane, what you say is true. Moreover, most governments in this world are controlled by the same evil group. They create chaos of events. They create the division within countries and their people. Most events these days are red flags designed for a specific agenda. When we find out how the US government sold arms to rebels in the Middle East to overthrow their governments and all hell broke loose, then turn around and threaten Russia for helping Syria fight against ISIS, what other proof do we need of the outright corruption that exists. The 9/11 event was well pre-planned and I don't blame it all on Bush. I say he was the puppet who had to do what he was told, just like Obama is another puppet doing the same thing. The US government is infiltrated with this evil force to destroy America into another third-world country. They control the media as well. Even the MH370 disappearance is just another cover-up event so well disguised. A good magician deceives our eyes just as well. I could go on and on, but if knowledgeable people care to really investigate these "magic" shows, they can quickly find out the truth. I suggest that we are beyond recovery and it's only a matter of time when the end will come and man will self-destruct.

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