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Dane Wigington

Forest fires, flash droughts, flash floods, extreme UV radiation and crop destruction, the super-rich are frantically preparing to try and save themselves by investing in underground bunkers. Will they succeed? How many biosphere collapse tipping points have already been passed? How much are climate intervention operations fueling the entire process? How much time might we have left if we remain on the current course? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard. Awareness raising efforts can be carried out from your own home computer.

Must view, THE DIMMING, our most comprehensive climate engineering documentary:​

For Geoengineering Watch awareness materials shown below, click the image to order.

      GW flyer packet 300   GeoengineeringWatch.org booklets, DVD

29 Responses

  1. Mosquito Fire is flaring up on the NE end of the fire.  Wind is blowing from the SW at about 15 to 20 mph with higher gusts.  Rain is expected early tomorrow morning in the area of the fire, but right now it appears there may not be much precipitation.  Radar right now is showing most rain is falling near Fort Bragg, along the coast S of there, and out over the ocean.  

    1. Should have taken a screen shot of what it looked like earlier today.  What's showing now is nothing compared to what is was!  My fault!

  2. Mosquito Fire has stopped spreading like it did in previous days.  This is going to change on Saturday because the wind out of the SW is to increase to 15 to 20 mph with gusts over 30 mph!  Rain is forecast for Sunday though, but it remains to be seen how much and where.  That's all I have, amazingly.

  3. Wind from the WSW finally picked up an blew all the toxic smoke out of the South Lake Tahoe area and most of the Tahoe Basin.  Mosquito Fire is stll blazing away though.  A light toxic rain here right now, but little if any over the area where the fire is.  Big thunderstorms over NV dropping lots of toxic rain.  A lot of lightning there too, but none here.  The cyclone/tropical storm that was supposed ot bring a lot of moisture into central CA didn't do so.  The toxic water vapor appeared to dissipate as it moved northward.  An odd surface-level rotating weather system spinning off the coast of OR and WA.  Not much too it on IR radar.          

  4. In Florida fish have been spotted gasping for oxygen on the surface near a marina.  Low dissolved oxygen in the water being blamed!  Same thing happened in a lake in Colorado this month!  Lots of reports about fish die-offs in many places all over the world!  Main reason given is "climate change".  No mention of other reasons for the mass fish die-offs?  They can't hide behind their lies much longer! 

  5. So, remember all the fish that died in San Francisco Bay in CA last week?  CA water resource officials are blaming it all on people flushing their toilets!  They claim it was a "red tide bloom" caused by all the "nutrients" coming from waste water treatment plants that drain into the bay. Remember all the fish that died in California last week? Blame flushing toilets, official says (msn.com) Couldn't be from all the different types of micro, nano, and pico particle pollutants in the water, now, could it?  Couldn't be from all the pollutants in the water draining into the SF Bay from myriad other sources draining into the river system, now, could it?  Couldn't be because what little fresh water is coming down the rivers that are critically low due to critically low reservoir water levels contains higher concentrations of these toxic particulates, now, could it?  Couldn't be because the low oxygen content in the water draining into the bay caused by the critically low flow in the rivers contributed to the fish die off, now, could it?  Lots of possible reasons why the fish die off took place, but you won't hear any of these reasons from the propaganda outlets.

  6. Woke up to an AQI reading over 400 this morning in South Lake Tahoe due to the Mosquito Fire 25 miles to the west of Lake Tahoe.  Toxic air to go along with the toxic news!  Really tired of all the lies being put out via the toxic news media who use propaganda to cover up what's happening.  The majority, who're being controlled by this toxic media, think that climate change is an "act of nature", but as many here know this is simply not the truth  Those who refuse to accept the truth, and other truths as well, deserve to be deceived far as I'm concerned!

  7. I don't know how you are able to be on fb…Most of the things that I post on my  fb group page get a response but don't get removed..We need to get such a threat to fb that they remove your posts.and so far that has not happened…Just saying..when people actually start paying attentiona dn get truely involved they will remove your posts..

  8. Dane….I love your passion..and you never quit..never give up ..I understand you feeling that people's priorities  are twisted but looking at the big picture it is all related..The demise of man is the goal..The globalist are evil..and they don't care period. Your message is getting out but people are not reacting to it..They are in the matrix..and can't hear or understand.. The whole big picture is important..Don't discount the fact that Trump's resort was invaded or others that were arrested and still in prison for doing nothing but showing up at a rally. You aren't a huge threat to them yet because they know people just will not believe that what you are saying is as huge as it really is.

    .Trust me I talk to people and they may read or listen to you but they still don't get it..But back to the connection I am trying to make..is when you become so relevant that people actually start taking in what you are saying and start protesting in big numbers..they will label you a nut and a threat to freedom and arrest you and bring you up on some  charges that make no sense.They will make you look like a crazy..wacko..or a criminal..I don't know exactly what they will use but they will not allow you to upset the apple cart..and you will be under the microscope..It hasn't happened yet..but when people actually wake up which I am not sure they ever will you will under go…persecution in a big way..

  9. there's only one thing that will treat the CAUSE of these horrors and that is to decrease the population.  because the greedy westerner finds it more important to self-gratify rather than care for the castle in/on which he lives and feeds from (Earth) there is only one solution and that is to reduce his breeding habits.  but guess what?  he don't wanna do that.  too hard basket mate!  Time for change (and that's the good coming out from the bad (jab deaths reportedly well above 10% in most countries.  in australia over 16.6% (ref Dr Campbell).  thank you Buddha for answering my prayers (even though it wasn't quite in the form expected!).

  10. Still staying at a camp ground in South Lake Tahoe.  Air here and all over the Tahoe Valley and over into Carson City is filled with toxic smoke and ash from the Mosquito Fire.  Its not contained and won't be contained until it runs out of stuff to burn, of which there is much.  People act ho-hum about it all.  Just going about their daily lives as if everything is A-O-K!  What a crazy world we live in!     

  11. The Cedar Creek Fire in central Oregon began the first week of August, 2022.  We were camping at Diamond Lake when it started.  It was a small fire burning in steep terrain E of Oakridge and W of Waldo Lake.  A fire camp was already up and operational not far from the fire BEFORE the fire started.  It appears that this fire was being allowed to burn, and not being contained.  As of this morning 9/11/2022 (not coincidentally either) this fire is now out of control and over 85,000 acres as of minutes ago!  1,000s of people have already been evacuated from Oakridge, OR, and surrounding areas.  The wind has shifted and is blowing toward the ENE @ 12mph with higher gusts.  Huge pyro-cumulus clouds erupted from this fire late yesterday and last night.  Embers are causing spot fires on the E and NE side of the fire up to 2 miles out ahead of the main firestorm.  Its burning toward Bend, OR, which in a straight line is about 30 miles away.  Look at this if you doubt what I'm telling you: Scott Bachmeier on Twitter: "1-minute Mesoscale Sector @NOAASatellites #GOES17/#GOESwest True Color RGB images showed another #pyrocumulonimbus cloud produced by the #CedarCreekFire in Oregon: https://t.co/eY2vBBxzyx; @NWSPortland @NWSPendleton #ORwx https://t.co/zwP3zD0uSR" / Twitter  Descriptions of fire behavior use the word "explosive"!  We all know why! 

    1. I live in Klamath California. The night of the 10th, or the early hours of the 11th an arsonist started a fire across the Klamath River on gated off land called Waukell. Luckily someone saw it and called the Fire Department and they got the gates unlocked and were successful in putting out the fire. August 5th I took a trip up the Klamath River to Orleans. As we approached Willow Creek we saw numerous plumes of smoke and helicopters flying around them with water buckets. We went into an establishment and the owner asked if we saw the sh*t show last night. We said no that we had just arrived from the coast. She went on to say a violent electric storm came upon them and lightning  striking all around them with one strike igniting a fire right above the owner's house. She said it went on for about and hour and when it stopped there was a downpour of heavy rain that lasted an hour. That was the birth of the complex 6 fires in the Siskyou/ Trinity forests. Terrible and weird!

    1. I live in Klamath California. The night of the 10th, or the early hours of the 11th an arsonist started a fire across the Klamath River on gated off land called Waukell. Luckily someone saw it and called the Fire Department and they got the gates unlocked and were successful in putting out the fire. August 5th I took a trip up the Klamath River to Orleans. As we approached Willow Creek we saw numerous plumes of smoke and helicopters flying around them with water buckets. We went into an establishment and the owner asked if we saw the sh*t show last night. We said no that we had just arrived from the coast. She went on to say a violent electric storm came upon them and lightning  striking all around them with one strike igniting a fire right above the owner's house. She said it went on for about and hour and when it stopped there was a downpour of heavy rain that lasted an hour. That was the birth of the complex 6 fires in the Siskyou/ Trinity forests. Terrible and weird!  With regard to the nanotechnology  I do not know what it is, but I can guess it is nothing good. Sat outside all day the 9th and thought the air quality was pretty good. My oxygen went down to 81 as my lungs became extremely wheeze. Staying inside now even though it looks okay outside…nanoparicles to blame? I wonder. We had a weird little overnight rain event in early August that turned my basket weaving materials brown. Strange days! I pray for better days for land and life.

  12. Didn't sleep well.  Too much happening.  Watched your latest bad news report.  The reality you present, a vast majority do not want to see or hear!  This reality upsets them, makes them anxious, makes them fearful, makes them depressed.  They look for ways to escape this reality.  They turn to alcohol and mind altering drugs all readily available, both in legal and illegal forms, to escape reality.  They turn to other forms of reality made possible by advanced technology, artificial reality in particular. to attempt to create their own reality in which to escape and immerse themselves, body and mind.  Their is no escape! 

  13. just seen on tv al-jazeera channel vast, huge, vast areas of what appears to be rocky terrain just being stripped, in china, by huge grotesque machinery

    our insatiable appetites horrifies me – like living in a horror film

    so many people, and so cruel, all around the world


    the clouds in the skies are very strange, do not recognize the sky around me

    the wasps, and the one hornet i met in the garden, have all been quite docile this year – lack of food and water makes even the smallest of creatures lose will

    never understood why starving people just sat about – have been watching tv for 70years – and been watching the chattering classes, chatter

    here's a laugh

    the united nations medical wing decided that the 10th of september should be defined as suicide day – why? – i don't know? – anyone?

    the laugh is  – did they do that cos more people commit suicide on that particular day of the year?

    i was born on the 10th of september and i have always been hugely depressed about being put on this earth – no-one asked me!!! hahaha

    so i emailed them and told them off for making my birthday "World Suicide Day" – no-one ever contacted me

    hahahahaha – tis definitely an asylum – old charly must be struggling with that at present

    tis sanity to recognise the madness for what it is!?

    1. Penny, you are one of my favorite contributors to this site. I call it living 'in the company of strangers.'

      I am 50 and I know that I will never understand some folks.

      I don't get pride greed or envy.

      I don't understand cruelty either.

      Everything else I GET.

      Take care,


    2. brent papon, you are a sweetheart

      right back at you sir – tis good and lucky to feel the good inside rather than the desperation of spite and misery – takes much work for me sometimes

      i salute you 

      and, thank you dane for enabling me and others to see the madness for what it is, and connecting us all 

      'in the company of strangers' – think there is a book called 'stranger in a strange land' – have always felt like that

      used to feel like i'm alone in a boat on a choppy sea – no paddle

      now i feel like – no boat – crap at swimming – so just treading water

      strange times

      take care all the sensitives – hold yourself close




      I will have a drink of ginger ale in honor of your day and wish you much happiness and good health, always.

      Your friend in California, Virginia

  14. Look at the videos on Twitter concerning the Cedar Creek Fire. #CedarCreekFire – Twitter Search / Twitter   One video shows the fire burning a large area of coniferous trees and most of them are dead!  The second video shows the smoke billowing over an area of forest that is also mostly dead!  Not a word about this in any of the posts!  They're in denial! 

  15. Crabs lobsters for CHITEN OMG! Listen you idiot scientist the Mayer of the fact is chiten is in the insects you want to feed us yes the bugs. A very poor form of gluten. Extremely dangerous for autoimmune diseases amongst others. No they want or sea crustaceans. The Canadian lobster industry has Practically  been destroyed since the Chinese got a taste for it. Billions of tonnage, billions of tonnage of sea urchins. What's next star fish??? It never ends. Sensational appetites for everything. Destroying crabs and lobsters for batteries. I dive a lot off the coast here and our rock crab has massively dwindled primarily to the invader green crab. Use the chiten in the bugs you sickos are going to TRY and process for food ,,,,,,good luck losers stick to your soy. This electric car thing is a joke and we all know it. Engines can be made from water it was done already in 1974 and just after that I. Canada he died or disappeared. 

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