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Dane Wigington

Control the weather, control the world. The existence of weather warfare isn't a conspiracy theory, it is a matter of historical record. Project Popeye in the Vietnam war is but one example. Yet, even now, the mere mention of the climate engineering subject triggers programmed knee jerk reactions of denial in far too many. For decades such operations have been used covertly to impact agricultural production and societies, available data indicates that these practices are now more widespread than ever before. How long do we have till the breaking point of total climate collapse? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard.

Must view, THE DIMMING, our most comprehensive climate engineering documentary:​

For Geoengineering Watch awareness materials shown below, click the image to order.

      GW flyer packet 300   GeoengineeringWatch.org booklets, DVD

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37 Responses

  1. If anyone remembers when I posted comments on the 8mm film that the Professor showed me in his study. About the history of NOAA and how they planned to "not just predict and forecast hurricanes. But rather control them with the help of weather satellites and other various technologies."

    Well, I believe that Hurricane Otis is their shining glory of achievement, in mastering the art of hurricane manipulation. Or even, controlling every single aspect of a tropical storm, from its birth to the final dissipation or transition back to a simple low pressure system.

    Hurricane Otis went from just a simple benign tropical storm to a catastrophic category five hurricane, in less than twelve hours as it approached the coast of Mexico. No tropical storm in history has EVER grown to that strength "only when it was approaching land". Much less, in that short of a time period.

    Here is what the experts are saying:

    Meteorologists described the forecast as “an almost incomprehensible miss,” "a fail of epic proportions” and “just a catastrophic failure”.

    "When residents of Acapulco, Mexico, went to bed on Monday, Wednesday’s forecast called for gusty winds and some downpours. Otis, a run-of-the-mill tropical storm, was expected to only (gradually strengthen) en route to the coast. Instead, Otis intensified faster than any other eastern Pacific storm on record Tuesday and became the strongest hurricane to ever strike Mexico slamming Acapulco as a “potentially catastrophic category 5 storm.”

    All of the articles published about this event blame the freak anomaly on climate change warming of the oceans. But if that were the case. Then why haven't any tropical storms done this in the warmest waters on the planet right now, the Gulf of Mexico?

    Not only that. NOAA is remaining ominously quiet about this one and hasn't even weighed in on how this could have happened… Under their watch!

    Because the weather controlling climate engineers (headed up by NOAA and Raytheon) are probably too busy eating caviar and drinking champagne, toasting each other to their success.

    If anyone says (or believes) this was just an act of nature. They must be in extreme denial or simply too afraid to call it what it really is. Humans playing God! And that Never ends well, does it?

    BTW…. Today was sunny and hot. But the heavy rains are supposed to return here by tomorrow morning, around 11:00 am or so. We shall see. This entire little valley resembles a lake with all of the creeks and streams still at flood stage. As the runoff from the surrounding hills continue to flow down, with no grass or brush to absorb the water. Saw two huge Army Corpse of Engineers choppers flying around this valley for over an hour today. With each one hovering over the worst flooded areas.

    Note – About two weeks ago many of us observed a very futuristic looking plane about twice the size of a Leer Jet, flying low and slow with RAYTHEON in bold letters going down each side of the plane's fuselage. I took pictures of it and went on the internet, but could not find a single plane anywhere in the world that even resembles it. This plane looked like something from a Sci Fi movie set way in the future. Why it was here, is the biggest mystery yet. It was a passenger plane with rows of portals on both sides and what appeared to be a set of rocket thrusters at the rear. "Space Plane Maybe?"

  2. COPD

    Ever wondered why all of a sudden about over a decade ago that there seems to be something that's obstructing blood/lung function and no explanation of its origin.

    Personally I think growing nano tech in our bodies fit the narrative.

    It's been photographed everywhere in our environment for at least two decades.

    It's growing in us and everywhere

  3. NE OHIO

    As far as insects.

    We didn't even get house flies or white moths.


    NO bees of any type.

    Last year I got stung at the local grocery and was THRILLED.

    Not this year.



    PS I love frogs too.

    1. NE Ohio.. Brent you are also in the area of the recent East Palestine railroad explosion and toxic poisoning resulting from that; accident(?) Between the poisoning from above ground aerosol operations and the train debacle its small wonder life forms are disappearing fast. Be safe friend. Prayers going out for all life forms under assault. I guess this means all of us, everywhere.

  4. I have been commenting on how the controllers of the world's climate systems open the rain spigot for some and close it for others. Well, they just cranked it wide open here!

    I haven't seen it rain this hard in years. In less than two hours these storms opened up a torrential rift in the sky and we got slammed with over Seven Inches! Prior to this solid curtain of rain it has been raining moderately, on and off for two straight days and we ended up with 3.5 inches. So, our total is at over 10.5 inches and heavy showers are still in the forecast, all the way through Tuesday morning!

    Matter of fact, it is pouring down really hard even now as I write these comments. There is massive flooding in the creeks and streams, and a small river is flowing down from my property to the ranch below.

    I live high up on a hill, but there are still low lying areas on my property and it now has about five small lakes, with up to three feet of water in them. There is no vegetation because of the extreme drought. So, everything is just running off to the dried up creek and stream beds. The main creek has over thirteen feet of water and we placed barricades at the crossing, to keep anyone from attempting to drive through it earlier on. The six foot marker in the middle disappeared under water in less than thirty minutes of the heaviest rain. It's filled with debris and flowing hard with extremely swift currents as well.

    The ranchers had to move their cattle to my property and others on higher ground. Horses too and I also have chicken pens next to my barn, which are full of hens and roosters. I am now starting to fill my barn and sheds.

    This is getting pretty serious, as we are now completely cut off from any possible county assistance. But a FEMA helicopter is available for rescues. Three homes are now flooded and those families are staying in the church. We use HAM Operator radios to keep communication lines open.

    I will try to keep everyone updated on our situation. God willing, all of our preparedness meetings at the church will keep us safe, as we are all on automatic and simply relying on the training we do, just for such events. 

    All of the towns around us are also getting hit pretty hard and they are scrambling to stay ahead of this, just like us. Progression from heatwave to drought and now massive flooding. Does any of this sound familiar? They are saying that the Texas Panhandle is expecting snow Monday night into Tuesday. Weather whiplash right on cue.

    BTW… our most recent forecast said only one to two inches of rain was possible. No flood warnings until after the torrential downpour hit! Meteorological Incompetence Extraordinaire. The clouds in the sky literally turned Purple, just before this flooding rain began. That's definitely a first for me.

  5. This article is a total lie

    –Lab tests do not lie. Neither does the movie The Dimming exposing the global climate engineering cover up


    Experts call for global moratorium on efforts to geoengineer climate

    This article is more than 1 month old

    Techniques such as solar radiation management may have unintended consequences, scientists say


    In a report published on Thursday, the Climate Overshoot Commission called on governments to phase out fossil fuels, put more resources into adapting to the impacts of extreme weather, and start using technologies to remove carbon dioxide, such as carbon capture and storage and the capture of carbon directly from the air.

    Governments should also allow academics to investigate the possibilities of geoengineering, chiefly in the form of solar radiation management, which involves attempting to reduce the amount of sunlight striking the Earth’s surface, for instance through whitening clouds to be more reflective, or setting up mirrors in space.


    Experts call for global moratorium on efforts to geoengineer climate | Geoengineering | The Guardian

  6. Hurricane Otis Makes Landfall Near Acapulco Mexico As Category 5 Storm.

    Hurricane Otis made landfall Near Acapulco Mexico with sustained winds of 165 mph winds, the product of the most extreme storm intensification on record in the Northeast Pacific Ocean. A nightmare scenario is unfolding for Southern Mexico the Hurricane Center wrote in a bulletin Tuesday evening as Otis barreled toward the city of about  one million people. When it comes ashore the Hurricane Center warned it will produce catastrophic damage both from a life threatening storm surge and devastating winds that could produce tornado like damage. During Category 5 winds a high percentage of framed homes will be destroyed with total roof failure and wall collapse the Hurricane Center writes. Fallen trees and power poles will isolate residential areas. Power outages will last for weeks to possibly months. Most of the area will be uninhabitable for weeks or months.

    (Washington Post)

  7. And so it begins.

    Hurricane Otis will slam Acapulco this morning with wind gusts of between 160 and 200 mph, as a category 5 hurricane. Instruments at sea registered gusts over 210 mph just within the last hour.

    Over one million people live in that city and they have received little or no advanced warning. There has never been a major hurricane hit Acapulco in modern times. And this storm is setting a precedent for being the most powerful Hurricane to date, because it is still strengthening! Ten inches of rain is predicted but the authorities say it could dump as much as two to three times that amount. With one of the highest storm surges on record as a distinct possibility.

    Those same buoys strapped with instruments are recording the longest sustaining wind gusts ever documented and the devastation on land will be unimaginable.

    And then there is this:

    Cyclone Tej is ravaging Yemen and could drop 20 inches of rain on the desert nation overnight—10 times the area's annual average rainfall.

    "Some forecast models predict that 20-30 inches of rain could fall in the next 24 hours near Al Ghaydah, Yemen, as Tropical Cyclone Tej stalls over the region. Al Ghaydah receives ~2 inches of rain per year, which means over 10 year's worth of rain could fall in just 24 hours, leading to catastrophic flooding,"

    Ironically, Acapulco has more beachfront resorts than anywhere in Mexico. Plus, there is another major cyclone named Hamoon that will be impacting Bangladesh today as well. The combined population of Yemen and Bangladesh is approximately 207.5 million people.

    Is this yet another example of depopulating the planet with climate engineering weapons of genocide? Like the floodong weapons used in Lybia to kill over 2,300 people, with as many as 10,000 still missing.

    Authorities in California are now warning of El Nino induced flooding in the coming months and predict yet another train of atmospheric rivers to hit that state, for the second consecutive year. Which is so unatural because last year was a La Nina weather pattern.

    I guess the controlers of the weather can make up the rules now as they slowly strangle nature into submission. El Nino, La Nina… it doesn't matter anymore. They contol the spigot and all of humanity is at there mercy. It looks like droughts, floods and fires are their desired weaponry effects, but hurricanes, cyclones and typhoons are starting to inch up on that list. 

    What's next? Impacting comets and asteroids to make the large meteor debri projectiles strike the planet? Seems to me that nothing is off the table and even a fake alien invasion is not out of the question. Considering how the government and NASA have recently announced to the public that they are now interested in exposing UAPs. (they are still UFOs to me, like climate change is actually geoengineering. Matrix media "redirection" terms are so annoying.)

  8. I usually don't do poems, but when I read Lance's post on NOAA. It inspired me to write these words.

    Noah had been charged with the miracle task of constructing the ark. In order to offer God's hope and salvation to all of Nature's flock. NOAA's elicit and sickening defiling of this brave and heroic patriarch. Uses fleets of planes and aerial attacks on Nature, around the clock.

    We the watchers are witness to these evil and nefarious crimes. Using words and knowledge to save what's left of our beloved Earth. By opening the eyes and hearts of humanity to the end of times. Giving rise to an awakening and spiritual enlightening age of rebirth.

    Lockheed and Raytheon conspire to gain wealth from war and death. As they secretly hide their weather assaults right out in plain sight.  Spraying our skies with toxic fumes made to steal the life of breath. Understanding the difference between what is wrong and what's right.

    Each has no morals or ethics and claim to be our benevolent savior. Yet plan to be the wealthiest humans, from inflicting shock and awe. We stand up and expose you for your inhumane and evil behavior. And hold you responsible for genocidal crimes in a world court of law.

    As God is our witness, we will stop your declaration of war on man and nature. Even if it takes establishing new laws protecting the Earth, with a new house of "Humanity's Legislature."                                                       

  9. Just had an epiphany

    Let's destroy all life on earth and build back better in the image of man.

    That'll show the creator who's boss.

    Beam me up Scotty there's no intelligent life forms on this planet.


  10. As always, great comments from everyone.  I have not been commenting as I have been trying to fight off my depression since losing my best friend, my little dog, in April. To help me maintain my emotions and not cry every day, I wrote a book and had it published.  However, I wanted to thank Dane and everyone for always being available and to be a part of a group on the same page as myself.  After 12 years of telling others about these evil chemical sprays, handing out flyers, cards, CDs and booklets, there are still those that have no interest is doing anything about it nor even acknowledging it.  My comment today is about being upset that we have no more true blue skies in NC.  We have not had a normal blue sky for years but this year has been the whitest yet. Every day, even when the sun shining, it is hidden behind a while milky looking sky.  And at night, we had the most stars that I have ever seen, in the sky.  Well, that is also no more in NC.  They have ruined the beautiful paintings that God has given us to enjoy every single day. Our LORD created such a beautiful world, and man is destroying it.  I sit, look at the window and wonder what others are thinking.  How can they NOT see that our sky is no longer blue.  This time of the year, Autumn, was the most beautiful time with the trees changing color and the sky being that deep rich blue.  Now the trees are not the same as the weather keeps changing from hot to cold, so you go from your putting on your AC to putting on your heat.  The trees must be confused as well as the birds, insects and other animals in the woods.  So many trees are brown in different parts that were never brown before.  We usually have tons of squirrels taking the black walnuts that fall this time of year, and we hardly see any. We hardly had any rabbits running around like before. The birds are less and the bees are definitely less.  When will others wake up from their sleep and notice it so we can all ban together and do something about it, that is the Million Dollar Question.

    God's Blessings upon you Dane and all of you, my fellow kindred spirits.

  11. A shaman once was asked about good and evil and explained. Everyone has two wolves inside one good one bad and they fight constantly. 

    When asked which one wins he replied the one that's fed the most.

    For almost two decades now I've driven over a small bridge over Billy Creek. Frogs were always talking all year and red winged blackbirds were always there standing on the cattails.

    This year frogs stopped talking in April, no blackbirds and cattails barely alive. Maybe three dozen bees seen all year but hey do gmo crops really need pollinators ?


    1. Similar to my experience living next to a dead swamp in upstate NY, Columbia County. There was a marsh with the water and vegetation but no frogs or crickets in the evening, just silence. Strangely, when I moved to suburban Albany the marsh here is healthier. I think it may also have to do with pesticides and herbicides used in the farming areas. they just keep building up in the environment and nothing is ever done to mitigate it. 

  12. Massive aerosol operations started early this morning over OR and are continuing! Heavy spraying going on drifting to the E. Micro physics images show many thick trails let out and spreading out on the C.O.D. website. Crazy!

  13. According to the C.O.D. weather website most of NOAA's websites went down at about 12 noon EST PM then their Internet went down an hour later. Engineers are working to get the systems back up. Don't know if they have. Cyberattack? Given what's going on, you decide!   

  14. To Eden Lost to Insanity (and all): Actually, the "meteorologists" in the northeastern states do NOT get the "forecasts" right. They did not predict the massive rain of about 10 days ago (the second-most rain in 150 years of record-keeping). For most of the past 20 years they have often been drastically wrong. For some past examples: the forecast for the coming day or two might be 3 inches of snow, but 24 inches come down. Or, just the reverse. As Dane says, maybe they just didn't get the updated script.   As Dane also says, the eastern third of the U.S is the most anomalously LESS-warm, overall, part of the planet in recent decades. I say: New York City is the "news" center for the U.S., and Washington, D.C. is the "politics" center — so of course, those areas get special " treatment". Monsanto? Of course! IMO, the PLAN is to cause the death of 85%-95% of the human population as soon (and as secretly) as possible, using food, weather, war, the money-system, and everything else "THEY" (the top 0.0001% or so) can. Of course, they will kill themselves and most (or all) other life, too. The greed and dishonesty is literally incomprehensible to most people. Remember, as Dane says, it is NOT too late to at least ameliorate some of the destruction if we can get the word out as fast as possible, to as many as possible. Few will listen/wake up, but SOME will/are! Thank you, Dane and all others struggling in this battle.

    1. jay dee, I guess the meteorological community is just a minion of puppets for the matrix fueled climate engineering conquest as a whole. From coast to coast they follow a Raytheon edited script that gets rewritten, and are kept out of the loop when they change it to suit the military industrial complex agendas. After all, it is a war against nature and all of humanity. So, why would they keep the weather forecasters informed of their constantly improvised attack plans.

      I assumed that everyone there was being held under a canopy of torrential downpours that should have only been a few inches of rain. But I could never verify that fact, until you posted these comments. Same with the snowfall, just as the Pacific Northwest got slammed with record setting blizzards last year… and weren't warned ahead of time to the actual scope of the chemical ice nucleation war campaign that ensued.

      Texas was also attacked by the same artificial blizzard bombs and lots of folks lost their lives in that Polar Vortex sneak attack. 

      But the northeastern states still got rain and snow, when it was in the forecast. Albeit that it came down in buckets rather than Dixie cups. We still get nada, zero, zip… when they issue flash flood warnings and forecast a 100% chance of heavy downpours. Constantly, not just occasionally.

      So, why do they go over the meteorologist's heads and give over abundance to some and withhold it from others? Because with all of this modern technology, highly advanced weather satellites, super computer AI modeling software, and over educated experts. They should be so much more accurate at predicting the weather, than say just twenty years ago. But they are ineptly wrong consistently and the general public Never Even Asks Why This Is The Case!

      The matrix media is tasked with using climate change as their scapegoat and the term climate emergency to explain the floods, blizzards and droughts. Just to appease the masses and direct their frustration at "Who Else?"………. Mother Nature, of course.

      I apologize for making it sound like the residents of the northeast are being pampered, and your assumption of the news and politics centers of America being entitled to special treatment is more than a fair assertion. But if the climate engineers are ordered to keep that region as the anomalously less warm real estate on the planet. The military must be trying to convince the populous that they have an adequate arsenal of defense capabilities, keeping it from being targeted by nuclear weapons.

      Because it is the most heavily populated area of the U.S. and as you clearly pointed out, a media and politics capital that basically runs the entire American Capitalist Machine. So, there must be hundreds of warheads targeting the northeast and it will most certainly become the largest crater on the planet, if wars escalate from the ultra high tensions that exist now.

      All of which makes total sense when you consider what Dane has been saying all along. That our government could care less about our own health and safety, and they are simply trying to pacify the masses till the bitter end. And the pumping heart of those masses in America are located in the northeastern states.

      So, they determine how much rain and snow is needed to keep the fresh water reservoirs full, and use every trick in their book to keep that region from getting as hot as the rest of the planet. Because they know that it will be nuked eventually, and by keeping it as the most habitable zone in this country. The majority of the American population will choose to live there. Ultimately fulfilling their eugenics agenda to cull the masses. Like a doomsday cult in retrospect. Jim Jones is a metaphor for the military and government.

      But that's not to say that any other part of America will be spared the same depopulation tactics. Texas is becoming a Venusian Wasteland and the west coast is being burnt to ashes. So, I'm guessing that the Gulf coast and southeastern states will be hit with category six hurricanes next year and the middle of the country will be obliterated too, as it holds the majority of the (heavily targeted) military's ICBM arsenal. Alaska and Hawaii will likely be scoured clean by Tsunamis and earthquakes. While Canada also burns to nothing but cinders.

      Remember that Dane also points out how the media says the government is considering how to trigger a nuclear war, to depopulate and cool the planet by the effects of a nuclear winter scenario.

      No matter how you look at any of this, it is pure insanity beyond any comprehension. But that's exactly what happens when you try to conquer a planet and not live in harmony with it, as responsible stewards and as a peace loving society. The only outlook for a militarized world will always be the total extinction of all life. And the 1951 movie entitled "The Day the Earth Stood Still" makes that point ever so obvious.

  15. Thank you Dane for your ongoing incredible efforts to keep us aware and alerted to new developments in this dire collapse caused by many factors and number 1 being ~ Geoengineering for 70+ years!

    I no longer have ‘Words’ for the Intentional ignorance that is still being propagated upon the Sheeple who are becoming Sleepier than ever before! The Southern U.S. Insect Population has generally disappeared ~ at least in this town. I could count on less than half my fingers as to how many (including houseflies), I’ve seen for the entire 2023 Summer into Fall!

    When I share GeoengineeringWatch Materials, I get glassy-eyed stares. From this Alert News Report, my guess is that the few who aren’t asleep WILL notice! The remainder will simply disappear, like the insects!

    I also posted this on “You Tube Comments” – to reach the large audience. RandylJ1

    1. Thank you Randyl for being willing to post comments on the YouTube channel. There are so many people- thousands, who access the global alert news broadcasts through other platforms besides the website. Some of them really don't have a lot of background in this, but many questions, so people in this community who perhaps have more understanding about the particulars of this can reach out and help those people to better understand things. It is an important part of the global awakening. Blessings to all…

  16. Dane and Dear Loyal Concerned Folks Here! We suffer not only at the hands of our fellow men, we battle with Powers and principalities  seen and unseen>Ephesians 6:12:For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

     In Our world and here on this site, for the most part are folks who are loving caring individuals. We strive only to survive with the gifts our creator gives us; such as Nature and Created Wonders constantly being discovered. to taking a walk and noticing a newly discovered tiny flower and enjoying it's beauty while being surrounded with familiar splendid beauty of Sky, Water and Earth. What we have here is a marvelous Cradle Orbit our earth inhabits. Quite possibly none other like it being distinctly it's own. Every myriad of form on it are interdependent and yet in a balance. Those who seek to destroy the evidence of this and re-create it in their own perverse fashion, are only to it's detriment. Quite possibly innocent of malevolent intent, we who consume and build upon it are also partly to blame. Yet we are not willful villains’ merely are falling prey to a greater scheme of harmful greed, lust, and demise of our Host Planet. This is all being directed from without as Ephesians 6:12 explains. Sad but true; we have a long long way to becoming good stewards. I truly see There is yet HOPE but the clock is ticking fast to our own destruction if we do not  thwart the efforts of malevolent forces within and without.

    Peace be with You Dane for what You do here and all of You my dear ones Who care to think, act and pray on this dire need we have to save our planet and all of it's species.

  17. Here in Palm Desert the low this morning is 68, so far, which is nearly 10 degrees cooler than yesterday morning. Cool down is to continue the rest of the week with highs in the 80s the forecasters say and their models show. The activities of war are not, however, cooling down. Quite the opposite. Why? The basic mindset, or way of thinking, humans are born with is the cause of fighting and war. This way of thinking dominates THIS world. It is not confined to the political, military, religious, business, scientific and technological leadership in America or in any other nation for that matter. This way of thinking leads to destruction and desolation.

  18. The tropicaltidbits.com website is forecasting lower temperatures for the the central states of the US. Usually accurate. According to the GFS model at the 2 meter level the afternoon highs are to be in the high 60s/70s Oct. 25th and continue to cool down thereafter. Eden Lost To Insanity may get some relief from the heat IF the model is accurate. Afternoon on the 28th highs are showing to be in the 40s/50s/ in north Texas. After this temps are to drop down to the 30s/40s in the afternoon hours on Oct. 30th. Will warm up some after Nov. 6th but only into the 60s/70s. 

    1. Our community sits in the slightly southern/central part of Texas, in a valley surrounded by hills (our nickname is "Little Death Valley"). Now, in reference to your post: "According to the GFS model at the 2 meter level the afternoon highs are to be in the high 60s/70s Oct. 25th and continue to cool down thereafter." 

      All of the computer models for this location states that it doesn't drop to the sixties and seventies until the 27th, and the 40s/50s until late night on the 31st. We usually get our very first major cold front on Halloween night and it will definitely stick with tradition this year. If the models are correct.

      But at present we just went from a slight north breeze that made it feel a degree or two less than the ambient temperature, over the last few days. At 101 to 104 degrees and the humidity was only 19%. Which was manageable heat. But it is only 11:00 am right now and the humidity has gone up to 91 percent, at a temperature of 92 degrees. Making it feel like it is 122 degrees. The heat index value will be pushing 167 degrees by 4:00 pm, if we only reach the forecasted high of 98 degrees. But we usually go about five degrees above that and it will feel insanely hot, for the next few days.

      Light rain is back in the forecast at 22% to 31% for brief one hour spurts, leading up to the Halloween cold front's arrival (1/2 to one inch rain totals expected). So we will basically go from heat index values of over 160 degrees, to lows in the 40s in just three days time. If the computer models play out as scheduled.

      We have endured extreme heat for so long now that when that cold front arrives on the 31st. It will literally feel like blizzard conditions to all of us in this community. Meaning that everyone might come down with a cold, the flu or even pneumonia (and God Forbid… possibly even a Covid case or two). And the longer range forecast states that the wind comes right back out of the SE on October 2nd. Where we begin to heat right back up again to more summer-like conditions.

      However, what is even worse. Is that my $1,200 electric bill that shoots up from AC units running 24/7. Will remain just as high, because we only get three days of temperatures in the 60s and 70s. Before my heaters kick in on full blast for three days, then right back to AC units again, just a few days after that.

      If we could just maintain temperatures in the 60s and 70s my electric bill usually drops to less than $100, and that was always the case before 2018. I would see those low bills for five to six months of the year. And the rest of the year it was still less than $500. So, I have basically gone from spending less than $3,500 a year on electricity, to over $15,000 a year now. That's more than my property taxes. Not much but still… who on Earth can afford those rates?

      And next year is expected to be even hotter! Last month was our hottest September EVER! Now, October is on track to be the hottest as well. AC units aren't designed to run 24/7, for twelve months out of the year. And soon they won't work at all, if we continue to get exponentially hotter by the year.

      I spent several thousand on replacing AC units so far this year, and just imagine how much demand there will be for those units in the coming years. When over populated concrete jungle cities heat up like we have here (staying super hot year round), and AC companies cannot keep up with their service calls or new installations. Heat related deaths will soar into the hundreds of thousands across the country and people will lose their lives to thefts of AC units. HVAC service techs will be risking their lives to not just the heat, but criminal activity as well and the industry will eventually collapse in upon itself.

      What happens then might be too horrible to imagine. Especially if the store shelves go empty or they can't keep what little is in stock, from spoiling in their cooler display cases… that can't be repaired. Because the demand for parts can't be sustained. And there are no more service techs left, willing to risk their lives in those situations.

      CCTV is capturing more and more Air Conditioning thefts around the world, and it will only get worse on a hotter planet. No one thinks about the "cause and effect" factors of global warming any more. Copper prices will soar to silver price values and Silver to Gold, and that will lead to even more AC thefts. Because they use both to make and repair those units and systems. Refrigerant will probably soar past gold values. Then society will truly be on its last leg, with only the wealthy elites being able to afford comfort.

      Like Dane says: "The dominoes are starting to fall at an alarming rate now." BTW…. Thank you Lance (and everyone else) for being so vigil.

    2. Update……. I mean the statis of a MIRACLE!

      Just after I posted this reply to Lance. Thick clouds moved in, the wind shifted out of the west, and it cooled down dramatically to only 78 degrees. It feels absolutely beautiful outside! I wish I could say the same about the air quality.

      Maybe, just maybe these conditions will stick around for the next few days. Because I also noticed that the forecast update calls for a 60% chance of rain tomorrow through Friday. With an increased rain total of TWO INCHES expected.

      I think I will break out the sweaters and rain goulashes now. Just hope that doesn't jinx us. But of course, I still don't think we will see any major winter weather this year. Because that tiny trace of rain we had about ten days ago has made the wild onions sprout and bloom. Where sand hasn't replaced the soil that is. And I am seeing insects flying around that have been MIA for about six months. Both of which can easily be interpreted as no hard freeze coming this winter.

      But there is always the cold hard reality of chemical ice nucleation that never leaves your thoughts. Here in this community of Texas we call that Polar Vortex Shell Shock and non-natural blizzard PTSD. 

  19. If I were lucky enough to win millions in the lottery tomorrow. I wouldn't spend any of it on lavish mansions or exotic dream cars. I would instantly form a movie production company and make as many documentaries as possible about how geoengineering is killing the planet and us with it.

    Besides, what good are all of those material things on a planet that is getting ready to boil us alive?

    Even if I spent my last dime on trying to save the planet. I would have a clear conscience and go to my maker, knowing that at least… I tried.

    Some men want the Rolex watch. Others value the time. No matter how big your house is, how long your stretch limo is, or how huge your bank account is. Our graves will always be the same size.

  20. How is it that they can't seem to get a single forecast right here in Texas? But they are nearly 100% perfect with every forecast in the northeastern states? They say it's going to rain there, and it does. They say it is likely to rain flash flood torrents here and we never see a single drop!

    Our rain chances from Norma went from 100% and six plus inches of flooding precipitation. To just a 5% chance and only a trace of rain. Highs in the sixties and seventies, now to the same old sweltering upper nineties.

    How can so many meteorologists be so incompetently wrong in a state that is known for winning meteorological association awards, virtually every single year? Because we supposedly have the most highly trained and skilled men and women in that profession. Using state-of-the-art technology and extremely proficient weather computer forecast modeling software.

    How can they possible be so wrong for the last five years strong now? Personally, I don't think that anyone can even begin to answer that question, without including these two words… Climate Engineering. Nothing else on this planet could logically explain why this is happening, and yet the majority of the Texas residents just take it all in stride and refuse to let such a conundrum sway them from their Monday night football comfort zone.

    Out of sight and out of mind. Until they begin to witness everyone around them dropping like flies, from heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Which will most certainly happen at this rate of warming. But even then. I bet you that they look at it like this: "Oh well, that's just more beer and popcorn for myself, when the next football game is played. It's out of my control that they aren't able to climatize themselves to the Texas heat."

    No worries mate. All is well. Unless we run out of beer and popcorn. Then there might be a little panic that sets in. Remember, we ARE talking about rednecks and ropers that think Rolling Coal in their $150,000 monster truck diesel dually is just the most fun anyone can have in Texas. They alone probably produce 10% of all greenhouse gases in the Earth's atmosphere! Until their cows start farting. Then it bumps that up to about 25%. According to the climate experts that is.

    All of the ranchers and farmers in this community are definitely the exception to my satirical description of Texas sheeple. They do care about the planet and pray that we can stop geoengineering. For the sake of everyone, including the Monday night footballers.

    They can predict the path of hurricanes with uncanny precision, or better yet, steer them precisely with storm manipulation technologies. So, why are they driving Norma over far West Texas and the Panhandle now, and bypassing the rest of Texas? Where the drought is most extreme and suffering from the more intense high pressure ridge of heat? NOAA claims that only 7% of Texas is under extreme drought conditions, but in reality it is more like 35%.

    For the last several days they have been "Promising" that Norma will bring much needed drought relief in Texas, and now they are steering it away towards areas that get rain frequently. You know, like the northeastern states. What kind of agenda compels them to cut off our spigot and keep others open?

    Unfortunately, I keep coming up with the same old answer, over and over again. Drought out the Organic Non GMO farmers and continue to water the GMO drought resistant crops. They plant Monsanto seeds engineered to grow with much less rain for God's sake.They don't need all of that rain.

    But they do it anyway. Just because they can! 

  21. Regarding your interactions with other people as you endeavor to inform other people… Let your every step be as a prayer. Consider the handiwork of the Creator to be sacred. In your efforts to protect and preserve it all, remember that you are doing sacred work.

  22. 1 in 6 Adults Taking Psychiatric Drugs — and Doctors Now Prescribing Them for Young Kids, Too

    Antidepressants are routinely used as a first-line treatment for depression, though studies show their effectiveness is on par with placebo and serious side effects such as violence and suicide are often ignored or hidden.
    Story at a glance:
        •    1 in 6 Americans between the ages of 18 and 85 were on psychiatric drugs in 2013, most of them antidepressants. The highest rates of depression are reported among 18- to 25-year-olds. Suicide rates are at an all-time high as well, rising 31% between 2001 and 2017.
        •    While antidepressants are routinely used as a first-line treatment for depression, studies show their effectiveness is on par with placebo, while serious side effects are often ignored or hidden.
        •    Violence, including suicide and homicide, is a serious side effect of at least 25 different psychiatric drugs, some of which are now given to young children, toddlers and even babies.
        •    The proportion of adults taking at least one drug where suicide is a potential side effect hit 23.5% as of 2013; 38.4% of American adults were in 2014 on one or more medications that can cause depression as a side effect.
        •    Eli Lilly paid victims of Paxil-induced violence to shield damaging data about another drug that could have influenced the jury’s determination about Lilly’s responsibility in a 1989 mass shooting.


  23. “The point of modern propaganda isn’t only to misinform or push an agenda. It is to exhaust your critical thinking, to annihilate truth.”

    ~Garry Kasparov, chess master


    1. True. But the controllers are not invincible. They have the same basic problem of all pathological liars.That is you can fool some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time. 

      (Abraham Lincoln)

  24. Definitions of biosphere
        1.    The part of the earth and its atmosphere in which living organisms exist or that is capable of supporting life.
        2.    The living organisms and their environment composing the biosphere.
        3.    The sum of the living things on the earth considered as a stratum in contrast with the atmosphere and the lithosphere.


    Origin of the Biosphere

    The biosphere has existed for about 3.5 billion years. The biosphere’s earliest life-forms, called prokaryotes, survived without oxygen. Ancient prokaryotes included single-celled organisms such as bacteria and archaea.

    Some prokaryotes developed a unique chemical process. They were able to use sunlight to make simple sugars and oxygen out of water and carbon dioxide, a process called photosynthesis. These photosynthetic organisms were so plentiful that they changed the biosphere. Over a long period of time, the atmosphere developed a mix of oxygen and other gases that could sustain new forms of life.

    The addition of oxygen to the biosphere allowed more complex life-forms to evolve. Millions of different plants and other photosynthetic species developed. Animals, which consume plants (and other animals) evolved. Bacteria and other organisms evolved to decompose, or break down, dead animals and plants.

    The biosphere benefits from this food web. The remains of dead plants and animals release nutrients into the soil and ocean. These nutrients are reabsorbed by growing plants. This exchange of food and energy makes the biosphere a self-supporting and self-regulating system.

    The biosphere is sometimes thought of as one large ecosystem—a complex community of living and nonliving things functioning as a single unit. More often, however, the biosphere is described as having many ecosystems.

    Biosphere Reserves

    People play an important part in maintaining the flow of energy in the biosphere. Sometimes, however, people disrupt the flow. For example, in the atmosphere, oxygen levels decrease and carbon dioxide levels increase when people clear forests or burn fossil fuels such as coal and oil. Oil spills and industrial wastes threaten life in the hydrosphere.

    The future of the biosphere will depend on how people interact with other living things within the zone of life.

    In the early 1970s, the United Nations established a project called Man and the Biosphere Programme (MAB), which promotes sustainable development. A network of biosphere reserves exists to establish a working, balanced relationship between people and the natural world.

    Currently, there are 563 biosphere reserves all over the world. The first biosphere reserve was established in Yangambi, Democratic Republic of Congo. Yangambi, in the fertile Congo River Basin, has 32,000 species of trees and such endemic species as forest elephants (Loxodonta cyclotis) and red river hogs (Potamochoerus porcus). The biosphere reserve at Yangambi supports activities such as sustainable agriculture, hunting, and mining.


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