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Dane Wigington

The US/NATO quest for total global dominance continues to move forward while it is simultaneously fracturing from within. The US supported ally, Saudi Arabia, has just added to it's growing mountain of dead civilians by slaughtering a funeral gathering in Yemen. Former US allies, like the Philippines, are kicking the US military out of their country. Many other nations are rapidly descending into chaos. The geoengineers are flowing moisture into the Western US but have so far syphoned off much of it with a constant aerosol spraying assault. The atmospheric aerosol saturation (and radio frequency transmissions) broadcasts the moisture out into massive expanses of largely rainless cloud cover. Welcome to solar radiation management which is worsening the overall warming of the planet, not mitigating it. And for those who have bought into "the more Co2, the better" equation, a new study now proves that trees and plants have long since passed their peak ability to absorb this greenhouse gas. The latest addition of Global Alert News is below.

Apathy and angst will not save us, only properly prioritized collective action can yet make a difference. Each and every one of us can have a profound impact for the better on the overall paradigm, we simply need to try. Make your voice heard.

100 Responses

  1. reporting from SPAIN! you are not alone!!! I fully agree with this comment. thank you very much for your continuous efforts in seeking truth and do not stop because there is clearly (regardless of their satanic pursuits to "cloud" our vision) much more to be revealed… the south of Spain is being BOMBARDED ON A DAILY BASIS. what is extremely unusual are the recent very low almost transparent yet dark clouds that linger in the area. they do not look like anything we have seen here before. please, could anyone explain this phenomenon? 


  2. I can gaurantee you that this analysis of our current situation will interest you.  Just a taste…

    "Consider: Six months ago, Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, the Clinton bundler, announced that by executive action he would convert 200,000 convicted felons into eligible voters by November. If that is democracy, many will say, to hell with it."



  3. Finally woke up my mother to SAI.  The documentary Look Up!  helped cement her listening to me.  Then she ran into someone today and she told him about the documentary.  But he was a smart cookie and has been aware since the 80s. 

    SPEAK UP.  TRY.  KEEP TRYING.  YOU'LL WAKE SOME PEOPLE UP.  Maybe not as many as you want, but we have to start somewhere.

    One last thought . . . on whistleblowers . . . the problem is that we need a group of whistleblowers, say 25 meterologists, who all go to the public together and give disclosure.  Wouldn't it be harder to go after a group of whistleblowers? 




  5. Fantastic episode! Thanks again for your commitment and perseverance. Much appreciated! Patriotism is dead. Humanity is the team we play for now. 

    1. People's disconnect with the planet is astonishing. A person should be able to notice the incredible die off of insects, trees and animals in the past 10 years, not to mention the unnatural weather. I used too regularly see foxes in our neighborhood and hear owls. The last fox I saw was a year ago and the poor animal was obviously in sad shape. I have not heard any owls for months and we used to have lots of robins and blackbirds, now the blackbirds are GONE, and I see very few robins. It used to be that I had lots of flies wanting to get in but almost none now. The few bees I see are frequently on the ground walking in circles. Good luck getting people to notice.

  6. Hello Rachel and Joe, thanks a lot for the response. Yes, the real rain came yesterday, on the 16th of Oct, afetr I wrote the message. Towards the end of the 'storm' there were dark grey haarped clouds, in form of parallel thin streaks,  so called ripples, while right above them, the clouds were white, not haarped… All the mixture of effects, forms and their timing, are really astonishing. I am still looking for a lab which could analyze rain water, NO response from anyone, so far…


    1. Hello Christine, about precipitation testing, we are still utilizing “Basic Lab” in Redding California, samples can be sent there, though what appears to be valid test results are still coming from a number of other labs as well.

  7. Dane,  Thank you so much for your stalwart and consistent effort to both research and information, speakers, radio broadcasts, events, meetings, and too this blog, which as you know, is a life saver for some of us, most of us!  I am beginning to feel as if my head is too full, as if I can barely keep up.  And feeling a bit depressed as well, given the time lines which I have calculated, and my ever and always increasing horror at what "they've" done to our Earth..  I do not have your energy, but I am nearly as  stubborn as you are and will never give up.  But my hands and eyes might.  It must be wonderful to have, even as we do by proxy, the backing of your family and their support and willingness to share you.  Please let them know how grateful I am for their sacrifice as well.

    I have a couple of questions.  One is with regard to Saturday's radio show and you saying that the trees and plants can no longer absorb CO2.  How do you know this?  How is such a thing figured?  I mean that most trees are of different ages and it is now said that plants absorb more CO2 than what was thought before.  Even if the planet is doomed, close to doomed if not fully there, is it useless to plant more trees?  As I've been saying, I've been noticing some trees doing way better than others.  Given the amount we've lost, is it not helpful to plant more?  I grow very tall Hawaiian yellow ginger, a plant that would eat this whole yard and more if I let it.  It grows at least ten feet tall, makes huge strappy leaves and finally huge blossoms that are not only beautiful, but smell like 'paradise'.  They have thick stalks which I've found very useful for the floor of my chicken coop, especially in rains.  It is worth growing this bully of a plant for the fun, beauty and multiple benefits.  Each plant in bloom is done with that one huge bloom.  I've let it go a bit wild and it is fun to get 'lost' in, my hens love it too.  Do these not absorb CO2?  When I cut down one, does that act release the carbon it has been holding if it has?  Every year is a new batch from root stock and it grows on for a full year.  I realize something like this won't save the world, but does it not help even if a bit?  I have street strip plants too, that I started years ago.  They are biggish and permanent, offing only the dead bloom      stalks.  I did this to cut down on the exhaust fumes rolling into my yard here.  Do these not help?  Even a tad?  A couple of weeks ago, in the paper, Feinstein said the Feds are going to need to cut 5.5 million trees down in California.  Such a huge amount!  I'm guessing this relates to the not long prior-flyover by that Carnegie plane with spectrometer that could measure every molecule of water in the trees and found that so many had None.  Does that necessarily mean they are goners?  I remember more than 40 years ago after one Very long, dry summer that it was thought the invasive, yet iconic Eucalyptus trees on campus here and in the Berkeley hills back then were a huge fire hazard and so they were all cut down.  Later, they discovered it was a mistake, but for the none native part, as the Eucalyptus trees have a shutdown system for fire, resisting fire and surviving fire by a kind of induced dormancy protection if threatened.  Around that time, studies were made of trees that found that trees a hundred or more miles from a fire and not Eucalyptus, 'shut down' too, perceived a fire 'nearby' and went into defense mode for survival.  Do you think these 5.5 million trees must be cut down, as in hopeless?  Or, is this a rush to judgment?  By what method is a tree determined to no longer be able to absorb CO2?

    I really hope you can answer these questions for me.  Thank you in advance, knowing how busy you are, but this info would go a long ways towards what I do myself that I imagine would be helpful.  When I first began taking care of this property, it had been sorely abused.  The side yard where the girls are now used to be a sewer swamp.  There were all sorts of chemicals, leaking from cans, an old dump, trash and foxtail weeds everywhere-just ugly, as well as poisons and there was not a butterfly, not a bee, so little life here.  It took me 3 years, back when I was strong, just to clean it all up and get systems working, as well as persuading landlord not to use poisons, that I would care for it all.  I viewed it like a postage stamp of the world and sort of imagined it as a meditative exercise in healing the whole Earth, writ small.  So much for that!  But for eventually gaining the 7 years of certified organic, growing most of our foods and teaching it as well.  It became a bit of heaven we all cherish.  Now, efforts seem futile, but as with so much, I cannot give up.  Against all odds.

    1. Hello Rachel, about your questions on declining C02 absorbtion, the scenario is complex, and varies depending on the type of organism. Its not that plants and trees are no longer aborbing C02 at all, but rather the amount they absorb is declining for a long list of reasons. The attached article should answer some of your questions. FYI https://www.theguardian.com/news/2016/oct/12/past-our-peak-plants-and-a-burgeoning-problem-with-co2-weatherwatch

  8. Very good reply from Gary D, regarding nighttime temperatures (Low Temperatures). The Local News, NWS, NOAA never makes mention of the Rocord High LOW temperatures, (the temperature reports are most likely falsified) as these measurements affect the average/median temperatures. When Chemical Ice Nucleation takes place, the whole intent is to confuse the population with historical minimum temperatures!

    1. It is interesting to hear from a retired military expert of possible misrepresentation of raw weather data. Coincidentally, Dane's next post, Oct 17, mentioned "nightime temperatures are rising even faster than daytime highs". The food plants are in deep trouble. Humans are fragile as well. Dane references 'Science Daily' which stated; "[nightime highs] can trigger human health temperature related fatalities". Further on point, a wet-bulb temperature of 35 C or 95 F more than likely causes organism death. That point occurs when the body can no longer cool itself through perspiration due to a combination of humidity and temperature. Higher nightime medians does not allow proper cooling recharge so humans then are more vulnerable to the increasingly humid and hot weather systems we are being inundated with.

  9. One hundred above-ground nuclear tests were conducted at the Nevada Test Site (NTS) between January 27, 1951, and July 17, 1962. On August 5, 1963, the Soviet Union and the United States signed the Limited Test Ban Treaty (LTBT), which prohibited nuclear tests in the atmosphere, under water, and in space. From that time, until the end of testing in 1992, nuclear tests at the NTS were conducted underground. However, these post-LBTB tests were not the first underground nuclear events at the NTS. An underground test had been designed and detonated during the first year of testing at the United States’ nuclear proving ground in Nevada. Code-named Uncle, the Los Alamos laboratory-Department of Defense (DoD) cratering test exploded on November 29, 1951. With a yield of 1.2 kilotons, its purpose had been to test the capabilities of underground nuclear detonations as tactical weapons. … early instances of nuclear detonations at the bottom of vertical drill holes or shafts. … Even before the LTBT, when the United States in 1961 returned to nuclear testing after a moratorium with the Soviet Union, most tests were conducted underground. A total of 828 underground tests, consisting of 921 detonations, took place at the NTS.  Once mandated by the LTBT, underground testing posed significant challenges for Atomic Energy Commission officials, weapons scientists, engineers, contractors, management, and labor at the Nevada Test Site.  … Although underground experiments were designed to contain nuclear explosions, there were times when tests vented accidentally, releasing radioactivity on and/or off the test site. One of the most serious accidents was the test code-named Baneberry. Early in the morning of December 18, 1970, the ten-kiloton test, designed by scientists from the Livermore laboratory, vented along a fissure near ground zero, releasing a large, radioactive cloud high into the air. … Significant fallout from the test was detected offsite in Nevada and surrounding states.  [photos at link]

    1. IDIOT "SCIENTISTS" playing at "god," treat the planet, this world, THE ONLY ONE WE ALL HAVE, WORSE than a toilet.  Think about it.  , what WILL these arrogant A$$HOLES do next–????

  10. The Haitians have paid a price for who they are. As slaves they had won their freedom by defeating the British and the French. They made Napoleon Bonaparte proclaim the most powerful force on earth is the human spirit. The haitian leader Toussaint was tricked into peace talks and captured. He was taken to France and placed in an under ground cell where he starved to death at age 59.The Haitians have paid ever since.They want to destroy the human spirit. It is propelled by the imagination and the will to live free. This power is coupled in the female soul that is apart of us all. They steal it from us all by creating an androcratic/patriarchy societies. In 1486 came the' Malles Maleficarum', a catechism of demonology. Women became the projection screens for their hallucinations; women were accused of being witches. Huge numbers of women were tortured to such extreme degree that they confessed to anything and everything their tormenters lewdly desired and so they became living proof of these fantasies. Historians are for the most part mute. Their policy of almost total erasure wiping out the witches again and again. This keeps them on track for their final solution of genocide; of mankind. WE must remember we are genius, gifted with imagination and immortality. They can control us, kill us and watch us through their technology. They are spread within us as the Rothschild's had sperm banks to spread their DNA. Salmon Mayer Rothschild was a known seducer of young girls. He seduced a young servant who gave birth to a son named Alois. The son grew and married and then leaving the mother who gave birth to a son she named Adolf. This son grew to lead Germany with the support of the Rothschild money. They can be your friend, aquaintance, or lover. They are just like you, funny, passionate, sympathtic, genuine, engaging, and sincere. The only thing that makes them different is their hidden will for status, power and control; at any level of society. They may control the local theater, the person that sparks the crowd at any sports area before a game. They may run things at the bank, college or university. They can be your representative, member of congress or president.They  may be some of those that control the PNAC (Project for a New American Century). Who created 9/11 and our current 15 year wars. They could be a general in the military, lead the CIA, CDC, FBI, FDA, FCC, NASA AND D.C. They may control the media. They seek complete control. Someone had said,"Those that seek power shall have none." The false flags, GMOs, GEO-ENGINEERING, VACCINATIONS. How obvious can it get? When you try to awaken them, they do not think, they react from fear. They say you are crazy. They believe nefarious acts to be politics and not genocide. They refuse to do any research. They are cold-blooded, territoriality, and desire control. They are obsessed with structures of power, agression, might is right and winner take all; protecting status, power, reputation, superiority, intellectual pre-eminence which can lead to their authority over you. They want complete victory over man in the most object veneration and adoration of himself. We humans have an awareness. We communicate with animals and plants through conscious telepathy and we know everything is connected to everything else. All their ploys have succeeded in suppressing our psychic sensitivity. When we awaken and remember that we are the invisible, genius, gifted with imagination and immortality; that together we form the human spirit the most powerful force on earth.

    1. Hello All.

      Ron Marr, I bow to you Sr.

      Yes, these MFs aren't humans. I'm sure the DNA is different. It is known that the brain of psychopaths and sociopath are morphologically different than those of Humans.

      It is very timely and current speak about the Inquisition. 500 years are the consecutive lives of 10 persons, by the old standards. And here we are again in another dark moment of our History, 500 years latter, with the same MFs trying to kill our Spirituality and the Spirituality of All Living Things, again and again.

      Love will conquer All in the end, as always does.

      The connection you made, my Friend, about the pain of the tortured Women in the inquisition, the profile of the MFs, the little adolf character and from whom the money for the "Big slaughter number two" came, is of excellency. Thank you. These Women and All Humanity who suffered from this kind of tyrannic power in these last 3000 years ( at least ), can never be forgotten.

      This time we need the Spirits with Us.

      They Will Fail.


    2. I don't know if the jury's completely out on the story regarding the veracity of a Rothschild as actual father to Adolf Hitler.  My understanding is that Hitler took it out on the Jews because they wouldn't lend him the money to do all the crazy stuff he did.  Though he was surrounded by other crazies who did in fact have Jewish ancestry (Goebels for sure).  Not long ago I read quite a bit of The Rise and Fall of The Third Reich which was a best-seller when I was still a kid in grade school.  I couldn't finish because it is such a depressing and frightening story.  Some day I will finish it, but it's worse, much much worse, than reading Crossing the Rubicon, as frightening as that book is.  Neither of these is fiction and none of this reality is fiction; if the Buddhists want to say "it's an illusion," well, maybe in a sense, but it's real enough to me.  It's a nightmare we're living in and it's going to get worse still.

    3. Yes, there are many of us that understand this.  I would add that there are many, many more than we care to know that secretly feel this way.  

      So many of us have great selfish desire, greed and aggression for material goods, money, pleasure, power, and personal ambitions of what ever kind, that would neglect or even harm another to gain what is desired, whether done consciously or unconsciously . . . ( and it has been suggested two thirds of humanity do this!)  And it is these roots that give rise to dark governments that go to form the fruit of our own undoing.  How many of us are free from this kind of selfishness?  Not many.  And we wonder why all of this is happening? 

      Yeah, we love our material possessions and the industrial revolution have given us all with these things that we love and now we are suffocating under it all!  The dumping in the skies serve many purposes as Dane points out, but another one is it conveniently gets rid of waste and everything else under the sun they want to get rid of.

      We all need to look at our selves and see what part we had in this disaster. 

      Despite all of this I truly believe, though, there is no cause to fear all these changes that are happening to us.  The principle and law of life — that of cause and effect — has our backs and nothing can come to us unless we ourselves have caused it.  We are always protected by our own goodness of heart, especially when we work for the betterment of mankind like Dane does.  And if we have caused it, let's just take our medicine bravely then having learned our lesson and turn towards a greater understanding what life is really about now.  It's not about getting!  It's about giving!  It's about brotherhood, having each others backs through love and compassion, and especially for those that don't understand this yet.

      The power of love from a good heart trumps ten fold any power of darkness and malice.  It defends and protects all things! And there is where our own power lies to turn this around and start anew, it is what fuels and gives force to any outer work we may see to do as Dane suggests.  This is a war of consciousness and it's as old as time itself.

  11. Light showers here in Socal Monday morning. It was cloudy Sunday, but I could see  the chemtrails above, through the breaks in the clouds.

  12. ahhh but you can eat gold.  the egyptian kings did.  of course it must be in the correct from to do it.  it was refferred to as manna and it is found all over the pyramids.  weather or not it will sustain you continuously is another thing.  

  13. There is so much cancer in our society and communities I want to dedicate this comment to helping expose some of these people (Berner a SAN Francisco Based Rapper, Univision one of the if not the most watch by  Hispanic people and everyone that is associated with them and more. Research and investigate these organizations for lack of a better term the reason why called out these people is because I can see the impact they are having they are so big they hit home or local to my neck of the woods and had a huge negative impact around me they spread cancer and are the influence on today's children and people as a whole you been warned I had to take people that I once considered my friends out of my life because I didn't like there influence and behavior and wicked lusts and drug use and much much more they where leading me to death and hell they where poisoning me and talking me into doing Drugs and thank god I ended up not doing that ,until this day I never touched a drug.  The worlds ways are wicked and we need to do more to clean this world from it's wicked ways

  14. Something that can be done to help the trees hang on longer, stronger, is to thank them. Say thank you to them as you are walking by them, say it or think it when driving by. Or bless them in some other way. Think of all the positive things they do for us when you are saying this, like making life possible here for us, giving us shade and oxygen, etc. Have real feeling for them when you bless them. I don't need to do an experiment to know this will work as I saw the experiment done by that researcher from Japan with the rice in the three beakers. He put rice in three beakers, then covered the rice with water. To one beaker he said,"thank you" daily, to the next he said,"you're an idiot" and the third he ignored. The one told it was an idiot turned black while the ignored rice began to rot. The rice that was thanked began to give off a very pleasant smell and began to ferment in a very nice way. If rice will do this how much more will a tree! It is better than driving by one with brown needles and just feeling anger, helplessness or sorrow; by giving them thanks or a blessing you will be fighting to help them survive! And you will feel better too. I finally realized I just could not stop and give water to every single tree to help them but after I saw that experiment I realized I could do this. It's an additional way of fighting for our collective lives when one is just driving or walking, and wouldn't be doing anything else anyway. 

  15. The survival of plants in addition to the daytime 104 F or 40 C threshold are also dependent on a proper range of night temperatures. Any increase from historical night averages would have an negative outcome. Wheat, the main food crop of the world, for example, loses 10% of yield for every 1 degree C or about 2 degrees F. Food crops particularly need proper overnight cooling to recharge and address their biological processes. Toxic suspended particulate matter would cause night heat emitted from the ground to be reflected back to earth thereby causing thermal increase, as if the toxicity wasn't enough. This comes from a recent scientific paper and is not well known. The presenter may have been aware of this and chose not to mention it at this time, but I wanted to reinforce the point of temperature variability.

  16. Hi Dane and thank you for your courage and honesty. I pray we all come together against this insanity. I do believe in humanity, when given an honest chance. My hope is we still have that chance?

  17. Brisbane, Australia, yesterday (Sunday), the day started off OK, fairly blue skies actually, but still a slight haze and luminescent area around the sun indicating the presence of particulates. But by afternoon the sky had blatant parallel lines across it. They were so distinct that I was able to introduce the concept of Geoengineering to others nearby at work. One even asked about breathing it in, if it was what I said. I said, "Yep, that's what's happening."

    Monday (today), skies are covered in thin high SRM cloud, smears and lines and RF signatures that Nature could not produce if it tried. Their Show and Tell is them showing and me telling.

    The haze is the really big one for getting people out of that slumber. They all say, "I thought it was just pollution from cars." I explain it is not and cannot be. With the briefest of explanations of SRM, I then tell them it is the fallout, because it is seen all over and on non business days.

  18. Everybody knows that every dollar created by the C ntral B nkers and borrowed by the government comes out of the tax payers pocket when it WOULD NOT if the government created it directly, and this is how the Central Bankers enslave Us. The C ntral B nkers create the currency out of thin air and lend it to the government then it all gets paid back to the C ntral B nkers. The whole thing is a con.

  19. We need to stop being a part of the herd mentality that was created by those in power and maintained by the people that is based on a foundation of darkness. ("Can't Stop Won't Stop") ("You don't have to change your perfect just the way you are" commonly used to justify sin)("you don't have to be perfect ") and it goes on and no and on our society is cancer.

  20. Dear Dane, et al, 

    Thank you Dane for another powerful overview that continues to reveal the truth of our dire situation here on earth.  So many signs, everywhere, point to our eminent peril.  For years now, I have been a student of the teachings of Rudolf Steiner, and more recently have discovered Samael Aun Weor (another Gnostic) who speaks to this in an online segment of his book "The Social Christ" available at this link: 


    As you surely know, our utilmate battle begins with ourselves and is one of our internal worlds. 

    I remain steadfast with you in prayer and educating for the greater good . . .

  21. There is zero doubt that the government is lying to us about geoengineering.  This means we cannot trust a word that any government official says.  What else are they lying about? Everything is dying because of this insane sparing of toxic materials   No one wants war, invasion of other countries, GMO's, fracking, pollution, dangerous vaccines and drugs, radioactivity, etc yet that is what our "government" is supporting.  The elite have lost their minds and soon there will be nothing left but dust in the wind.  The skies in the NYC area are totally "whited out", the wind patterns are abnormal and the moisture is eliminated by these toxic dessicating agents. When will they ever learn that this is so destructive to the miracle of life on Earth?  

  22. Today in Southeastern New England we are getting pounded with aerosols…………About 3 hours ago there was still some blue left in the sky and now it's all just gunpowder grey.

                 As I went to get my morning coffee, a lady that works in the store was outside taking her break and directly above us were 3 giant trails and towards the Northeast the sky was already dirty with an array of jets flying all over the place.

          I said my good morning to her and asked her to look up and said, "Does that look normal to you?" and she said, "Oh, that's just the exhaust from the jets."…………I calmly explained what climate engineering was along with the evidence available that it's not exhaust if you want to do the research, etc, etc.

              Her answer to me was, "We're all going to die anyway, so why even try to stop it."

            I just shook my head and went in and got my coffee.

    1. I live in Laguna beach California, as I speak they are spraying directly above my house as they have been doing for the last 3 years or so ,my health is suffering, the irony of living in a multi million dollar community. I'm amazed at the apathy here.

    2. Hello All.

      Hello Al C.

      To the people that say that, We must say to them; that we are not talking about our death, we are talking about the end of ALL future GENERATIONS. We are talking about the end of All Humans and all BIOSPHERE, because some MASS MURDERERS with delusions of greatness, want to profit with that and want to offer Us as lambs in the altar for a Global sacrifice ceremony to their ( MFg little satanic ) cult of death.

      In a first phase, I'm convinced that the goal of the MFs ( if war not happen ), is the breaking of food production capacity for All the World, for posterior imposing ( without alternative ) of the gmo's poisoned ( by glyphosate ) Frankenstein's ""food"", – for All the World -. They will achieve this with the aluminum saturation of the soils, among other things.

      Good Luck to Us All.

  23. The sky was a mess when I got out of church today.  Long spreading trails, Xs, very strange-looking clouds, haze in between the rest of the mess.  Both long spreading trails and the quickly-dissipating-into-haze types were also being actively laid down.

    Just wanted to mention something I've been seeing for maybe the last few months.  Parts of clouds that come to a point, looking somewhat like the point of an arrowhead.  The angle is similar.  Today there were a lot of these around midday.  Anybody else notice these as a relatively new phenomenon? 

    1. Yes, there are a lot of these around.  You see this all the time in the satellite pics of the east Pacific, off the California coast.  Everyone soon will believe that these "clouds" are "normal."  Repeat the lie often enough and people start believing they're hearing the truth.  UGH!!!!!

    2. Yes, I am in California.  In the past four days the same configuration of clouds has sprung up in the west in a fan shape and spread across the sky to repeat itself at least five times in the same part of the sky. Mother Nature does not do this. These clouds are magnetically being created. I was kind of skeptical a year ago, but with this so very obvious cloud manifestation not generated by nature, it had gotten out of hand.

  24. Re: Coasttocoast: yep. George has gone WAY down hill lately. It does seem he has been pressured to no longer iar what is really going on out here, despite his statements to the contrary. AND his crew no longer answers emails. I even cancelled my insider subscription and they didn't do it, nor did anyone respond to my complaint. It used to be an important window to geoengineering…and gmos…and monied matters. But no more. I guess ill have to cancel my credit card to get out of renewals…


  25. Dane you have been doing amazing shows for a long time,  Lots of dots to connect endless wars — military industrial complex, medical industrial complex, climate engineering, nuclear power , fluoride in our water, fracking and the list goes on and on. I have been seeing no bumble bees where I live–  scary stuff   –Fish and wildlife suggest putting them on endangered species list.


  26. If someone say to you "that's a conspiracy theory" their working for the other side… and if their not – still discontinue with them, their too stupid to wake up and smell the world burning!!! These theories are not false, more likely there right on the mark!!! That's how they try and silence the truth, they say "That's a Conspiracy Theory" or  "That's Un-American" They wave the flag in your face, and dare you to question ?

    Well to be a good American you must question the government, they work for you!!! Remember that!! It says "We The People" not Them The Government??? Wake up !!! It's an emergency !!!! 

  27. There compartmentalized, One outfit is not allowed to know what the others are ordered to do! Compartmentalization is the key. These Shadow Governments are the new enemy !! These are the NEW NAZI'S World Domination, The Constitution means nothing to these people. The oath means nothing to these people, the word HONOR means nothing to these people. To Them there is no America, There is just those Shadow Government cowards, although they know, they say nothing. The People that have the HONOR to speak out are silenced… We need more OATH TAKERS THAT CARE ABOUT AMERICA FIRST!

    I call out all that disagree with these policies, and these people know whom they are to stop worrying about themselves, and start worrying about what the Constitution and Our Forefather's warned us all about!  I order all that have taken this oath to protect America, from all enemies foreign and DOMESTIC, to UPHOLD their OATH!  What they don't realize is that their families are at risk too… These are the new Nazis' period, the sooner we see the truth of the enemies within our wire the better.  There has ALWAYS been a time in history that we had to fight for the very ground in which it stands, one Nation Under God in which it AMERICA stands. Now we need HERO'S of a different sort, but make no mistake we need these to be AMERICAN HERO'S.

    Fighting to uphold the Constitution of the United States Of America. The Supreme law of this land, American's First. Then God. You know who you are, everyone can make a difference, if they believe they can. Be an American Hero. The few that have come forward I sulute you, your deserve the "Metal Of Honor" for acts of courage in the face of the enemy, your names are in my book!!! And that book will be passed down forever. The truth in history always comes out, it's a shame that sometimes takes decades.

    1. Hello All.
      Hello Joe.
      This "new nazi's world domination" as you are saying, have Nothing of new, these MFs are in business since the Napoleonic wars, maybe before.. Through money, they corrupt EVERYTHING. And this MADNESS we are living is possible because these "guys" ( all the West "politicians" and "leaders", –  money evildoers – and media ) are and belong ( or work ) to the most secretive and CRIMINAL MAFIA in the World;
      the masonic MFg family. And they have a plan. Old plan.
      Good Luck to Us All.

    2. Joe C:   Be wise to know that 'nazis' was/still is a derogatory propagandized term made up by the allied forces.  These are the very same tyrannical people who are in full(?) boogie tilt control today.   These are the International criminal banking cabal controlling and printing as much money as needed to keep food on the table for the everyday working class stiff in exchange for keeping their heads down and mouths shut.    The rest are willing collaborators doing it only for what this paper fiat can buy.   Money before people.

  28. Thanks a lot Dane for constant update. The predicted 'storm' hear near SF, was a joke, collected all the rain on the first day, not even one inch. Winds are non-present, clouds look extremely strange, since chemtrails are mixed with the rain clouds giving a pattern I never saw before…
    If anyone knows a reliable lab, where one could test the first rain water, PLEASE let me know.  Also the tragedy Dane once mentioned regarding the australian Great Barrier Reef just happened:


    It is heart breaking.


    1. Christine, Hello from Berkeley, where it did rain, in fact it poured.  The rain was light for the most part on Friday, but did get things wet, much wetter than I expected but not what predicted.  Which, since they predict what is created to happen, I've been noticing lately how odd it seems when they are wrong!  That sorta cracks me up, because it used to be they were always spot on, for some long time now.  As opposed to the old days when weather prediction erred All the time, and was just a stab at what might happen, for a long time now it has been rather exact.  So, does that mean they are losing control of their monster, their weather monster efforts?  Yesterday started out without rain, but with clouds that almost looked real to me.  Again, weird, for these days.  Looked both real and not real–then rain began and did not stop and the power kept fading on/off, then it poured and hard!  So glad my daughter covered the coop well.  So glad she picked so much of the herbs I grow.  I spent much of my time listening to Dane's broadcast and others I'd not heard, or wanted to hear again, while lovingly washing with filtered water all these plants to dry to make into teas and chicken pot pourrie stuff.  Smell good stuff for coop.

      I don't know if anyone else does this, but I've discovered that if I "dry" my herbs in the fridge, wrapped in paper towels snugly but not tightly, they dry beautifully, maintaining color, smell and taste.  So glad I was prepared.  No wind Friday, but we had mega wind yesterday, somehow blowing everything off my fridge door which seemed odd as the wind was from the north, which also seemed odd given one closed but leaky window to the west, one open one to the south, fridge on north wall.  Then it just poured SO hard!  That did surprise me.  I wonder how it went on Dennie's side of this 'pond'?  Odd, always,  how different always, different parts of the Bay Area and weather.  Sorry you did not get soaked!  I've tried to find a lab near here with no luck.  If you find one, let me know, ok?

      I just looked out bathroom window at side yard where my chickens live.   Utterly soaked.  A mud bath.  The girls are not even begging to get out.  Must say, it had been so very very dry, it is nice to not have dust everywhere, and my redwood's trunk, mostly on north side, is so wet it is black.  Tree is as happy as it gets these days.  Oddly or not, last night even while pouring, it was very warm.  Kinda threw me, wondering if I had a fever or what.  I enjoyed the day, listening to Dane, learning more and more, listening to Kevin Shipp, one interesting guy,  and cleaning these fragrant herbs, huge amounts, shaking the excess water loose, the air around me smelling like mint, lemon verbena, pineapple sage, etc., alot of teas to be made.  It is not warm now, but not even chilly.  All the sky I can see from here is grey.

    2. Oh PS Christine, We knew the Great Barrier Reef was a goner.  But now also Hawaii.  AND, they are blaming it on a chemical in sunscreen!

    3. Hallo…Christine, Rachel R  Bay Area San Francisco   I too have noted, the rain times and amounts way off since 4 years ago.   I use Wunderground.com for reports. The hourly times all are updated every day…What said 2 days ago or less is not true…  go daily early and late for the actual rains.  And yes, the  preditions  are way off too from weather people on television, etc. medias. ……Joe  S

    4. We got one inch of rain from Friday to Saturday around maybe 4:00 p.m., then .6 inches here now, since yesterday a little earlier in the day. Lots of wind in the afternoon yesterday, then quiet, orange sunset last night.  Today, rain off and on in the morning, then some sun, now more rain and wind here in San Rafael, CA.  We have big, thick, deep gray smudgy-looking clouds that don't drop as much rain as they look like they should.  Wonder how the A$$holes are enjoying the totally F**KED-UP weather/climate "change" THEY created (honestly people, was anyone giving YOU a choice)?

  29. Thanks Dane,

    I have a question… has anyone heard that they are also spraying in the waters? I don’t know how much truth is in it but there is a video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ly-YMSnRozk If they are spraying the air; land & us. It stands to reason they might do the same in the water. I don’t like this at all.

  30. I have not voted in the last four elections.  I realized a long time ago our votes do not count because if they did? They'd never let us vote.  I've also read an article that states, 'the Elites said they are going to "let Trump into the White House"…Then when they crash the Economy, they will blame…"those who voted for him".  So, voters will be skrewed, no matter what.  

    More wonderful info, Dane.  Thank you so much for all your time and devotion.

  31.       Max Levchin is another member of the "PayPal Mafia ". This guy has got his hands into all kinds of cookie jars . Max is of Jewish decent , born and raised behind the iron current in Ukraine . His family brought him to the USA in 91 as a political refugee , he was about to be drafted into the army. According to Max , the KGB tried to recruit him when he was 15 . Very brave of him to say no to the KGB. After arriving in the land of the brave and free with $700.oo in their pockets , Max attended the university of Illinois and earned a bachelors degree in computer science . While at school he worked for the US army until they gave him the boot , because he was a communist citizen that was approached by the KGB . You think they would have checked him out before they hired him . After he left school he hooked up with Peter Theil (" paypal pirate") , then they started up a company that went on to create "PayPal". Now Max has become a bankster. He has developed a new  way to calculate credit risk and wants to revolutionize the financial system. Grated , this economic system is kaput , but more credit is not the way out of this credit default mess . Max has been appointed to the "Financial Consumer Protection Bureau's advisory board" , could this be a conflict of interest ? A Robert Cringley interviewed Max and Max's pr. guy while Max played a video game called "Area 51". Cringley commented Max was in a  homicidal trance during the interview , then went on to compare him to JP Morgan . JP Morgan was one of America's most notorious banksters , but he knew money well. Hear is a quote from JP Morgan , "Money is gold and nothing else." JP Morgan was a free mason and died on 3, 31 , 1913 ., "Federal reserve act" slipped in Dec 23 1913 . 

       Max Levchin , you can bet your bottoming out dollar that the "all seeing eye" is on this guy .  

  32. Thanks for all the great work done on this site and thank you Dane for the sacrifices you've made to expose this crime against humanity/earth.

    I live on long island just east of NYC and can tell you that they have been spraying all summer long here which has created a bad drought on  eastern long island. Oak trees are suddenly dying from these strange fungal infections.. these are young oaks too, 100 years old if that. Squirrels and birds are also suffering from these odd fungal type infections. Does anyone know if the aerosols create an environment for fungus to thrive? Another question I have is there has been alot of spraying on cooler days lately. The trails arent as persistent, but with good polarized sunglasses, you can clearly see a faint haze at high altitudes that is being manipulated by radio frequencies. The haze form these ripple like clouds that are very uniform, so my question is, can the aerosols serve more than just one purpose and possibly be used to protect our power grid from an EMP?

    For those who want to track the flights you see spraying, dont use flightradar, as it wont show military aircraft. Use the ads-b exchange to monitor both military and commercial flights in realtime. Just google it and youll find it. Its been a great tool to keep tabs on whos spraying. 

    1. Vapor:  Check out Plum Island bio-lab facility.  That place is notorious, a genuine Frankenstein "castle."  There is much written about this evil abode including the curcumstancial evidence that Lyme Disease was created there.  By the way, one hears little about it but last year there was an odd outbreak of a disease by the name of Elizabethkingia.  According to the info, Elizabeth King was a biologist at CDC.  She discovered the beastie.  She passed away in 1966.  Three states were infected, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and I believe Michigan.  At least 50 people were infected and 18 died.  Probably more because not all of those were diagnosed and mistaken for some other affliction.  As a side note, Prince of Purple Rain, et al, died.  There is still much speculation about what killed him.  AIDS, prescription overdose, flu….  His home and studio are in the general region of the disease outbreak…..  

    2. @BaneB, Hey Bane, I thought Plum Island and Lyme's was fact, not circumstantial?  What the hell symptoms go with this Elizabethkingia?  Gee, I've heard zip nada about this.  One the other hand, I missed nearly ALL of the 70s as I was SO off the grid, on reservations and in wilderness areas, no phone, no TV, and seldom a paper.  At first I had withdrawal symptoms, but soon adapted to a much more carefree world, except I missed SO much, much of which I do not care but for one thing I've repeated time and again, believing it true-and I am stubborn, will admit when proved wrong, but until then will argue how right I am!  But, this was a biggie!  Too embarrassed to say even, yet every single time I've said it, even years ago on this site, not one person called me on it!  To date, no one in general has.  And I've trotted it out alot.  Not only am I deeply shaken concerning myself and how Very wrong I was, I am now deeply shaken as well with regard to Everyone else!!!  Yikes!  Please tell me Plum Island is True!!!!!  Regarding Lyme's!

    3. Vapor,   Fungus is in the chem trail(geoengineering) mixtures…will vary however. The compounds are changed, noted since 1996. In prior years, Oakland, San Francisco, Ca many people noticed black fungus growing on wood stairs, etc of homes. The Paint shop, told me, lots of people have fungus. do not touch the fungus, if you see on wood or ..Toxic.   ….Joe S

    4. I thought I read that Plum Island was "decommissioned" a few years back.  Probably just propaganda, AND additionally, not just alternatively, the Mad Scientist Militarized Medical Monsters are undoubtedly doing far worse things deep underground where no one could possibly imagine the magnitude and dimension of the EVIL.

  33. Dear Mr. Wigington,

    There are times you mention in your radio broadcast that you see pine trees "coning".  I have tried to do research on hat this looks like and what it means but to no avail.

    My husband and I recently went to Mt. Shasta to stay in our friends' vacation home and I was looking at the pines there wondering if they were coning.

    Would you please let me know what this term means and what it looks like?

    I loyally listen to your broadcasts every week and I thank you for all your hard work.  I also thank your family for sharing you in this way.


    1. Hello Sunshine, coniferous trees produce excessive amounts of cones as a stress response, this happens when they are dying. 

    2. Hello Sunshine, and hey, that is fun to say!  As a long, very long time grower of all sorts, any plant that fears it is dying will go to seed as fast as it can, sacrificing itself for future offspring.  A last hope effort.  So, I Will be checking out the HUGE and dying Italian Stone Pine tree abutting this property, blocking our eastern light for many, many decades.  It is so huge, so thick it was, now all brown, becoming see-through, and clearly dying and so big, don't know how the owners will cope.  It always puts off some cones, and these the best for pine nuts.  But for our ex plentiful desert ones, pinions.  Of course the critters are always after them.  These cones are gorgeous.  I wonder how many I can find.  Not at all easy to get to the seed, the nut.  But the cones themselves are so lovely and I even make jewelry out of them!  They come apart in heart shapes, each side of the heart holds a nut.  Many trees like this cone in terms of 7 years.  In fact lots of plants follow the rule of 7.  So, you might see extra cones on a tree's 7th year.  But if dying, regardless of time frames, there will be cones all over, as much as the dying one can pump out.  More than a 7th year harvest.  Once you notice, you will know.  

  34. We're all succumbing to it whether we like it or not. I think the Luciferians are desperately accelerating their mission to attain their goals. To add another scenario to the upcoming destruction it has been leaked that the US is amassing many bombers and military hardware in Diego Garcia. Bombers include B-52s, B-1s and B-2s. Ship loads of bombs are being stored also.Security is at the highest level ever.

    1. Raccoons go crazy on nights with full moons, haze or not.  The haze is killing the plants and organisms lower on the food chain, creating the problems at the top.  No krill, no whales.  I wish this ugly, EVIL strain of greedy, heartless humankind would shrivel and die, the way that their beloved mercury kills gray nerve cells– what a shock when I saw the footage of that on a slide in the movie Silent Epidemic.

  35. On a (finally) rainy afternoon, done with my Saturday teaching duties, I'm here at home at last watching "Silent Epidemic," opening with footage from Congressional testimonials by parents of vaccine-injured children.  Later into the movie, we hear from one parent regarding her son's symptoms after receiving a MMR vaccination:  "Within hours I saw what happened to my son.  I believed it was a coincidence because I was told it was a coincidence.  Because that's what I was told, I was told doctors are okay, they wouldn't do it, even though in the back of my mind, I saw what happened… I did it again, for Christ's sake (vaccinate her second child, who was also subsequently injured), I listened, I was a responsible citizen again, and looked what happened to my other son.  They are allowing all of our children to have all of these symptoms, to have all of this pain, and because we as parents mention the word vaccine, just that one word, those children are absolutely left, nobody gives a damn for them– they– how can doctors allow children to suffer??" 

    The vaccines are especially frightening as I'm hearing testimony about the effects of the hepatitis B vaccine given to a teenage girl– neurological damage including severe disturbances in balance and motor coordination and subsequent meningitis, a year after receiving the hep B vaccine.  After footage of older vaccine-injured children who show signs of neurological damage, we see a kiddle about a year old, in diapers, held on it's father's lap, getting not one, not two, but at least THREE vaccinations ALL AT ONE SITTING– FOR GOD'S SAKE, WHAT IS THAT PROTOCOL DOING TO PEOPLE–?????

    The WORST Wrong, in my opinion, is the WRONG we do to people to teach them blindly to obey physicians, never question "authority" or what we actually truly DO know, and put all their faith in "modern science."  We just aren't any better off putting all our trust and good will into blind faith in this False "god," the one the "scientists," our new Rabbis of True Religion, want us to believe in, than the one these A$$holes tried to pry us away from starting with the Age of Enlightenment, and so, just how "enlightened" as a result are we today–?

    Now I'm looking at a receipt from my "health care provider" (UGH– what a term– sh!t!!!), and on the bottom of the page we see– you guessed it– a list of vaccinations I am "due:"

    * Flu— "annual" (OMG–!!! Gag me with a research paper– UGH! NOT EFFECTIVE!!!!)

    * DTAP/TDAP/TD Vaccine (.. excuse me, would that be one, or is that actually THREE vaccines?? WHY?????)

    * Shingles vaccine (You mean, the one that CAUSES shingles, like it did, in the case of our fellow Commentariat Comrade, Rachel Robson? C'mon– you guys are BULLSHITTING ME!!!!)



  36. My 134th email to my contact list, titled 'Winnie-the-Pooh":

    1.  I could not bring myself to send out my draft email for this week, giving details of:

    a. The totally unnecessary warmongering by US/NATO over the last few years is an exact repeat of the provocation that lead Hitler into WW2.  How Putin has maintained his calm so far is admirable.

    b.  'Malcolm Light et al' have done an October 2016 update of their "Planetary Genocide – Ecocide between 2023 and 2031."    Some of the chart projections are occurring a couple years late (e.g. current published methane peaks at @ 2589ppb), but overall it is fairly accurate:  


    Here is a list of some geoengineering spray patents (does not include post 12 Feb 2013): https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/links-to-geoengineering-patents/

    d. Kirk Brent has made some excellent comments on Climate Alert recently, such as: "The youth of today were born into extreme climate change. They only have their own experiences to base climate change on. They don't know what it was like 40 or more years ago when freak weather only happened a few times a year. This is why politicians are trying to get the youth voters. Most people 30 years or younger are just not old enough to see how bad off we are right now". 

    2.  So I thought I would quote some Winnie-the Pooh:

    “Some people care so much. I think it's called love.”

    “Some people talk to animals. Not many listen though. That's the problem.”

    "How does one become butterfly?' Pooh asked pensively.
    'You must want to fly so much that you are willing to give up being a caterpillar,' Piglet replied.
    'You mean to die?' asked Pooh.   'Yes and no,' he answered. 'What looks like you will die, but what's real is you will live on." 

    "Sometimes I sits and thinks, but mostly I just sits"

    1. Andrew:  Here in Babylon We THe People are sitting ducks, pawns for a very very dangerous game of nuclear chicken.  Anything can happen given the mindset of a leadership that has stated in the Wolfowitz Doctrine (Zionist Neocon Zealot dual citizen) that any nation challenging US global NWO hedgemony (China, Russia, Iran, Syria, N. Korea, etc.) is to be stopped by force.  Look it up.  It is the ultimate chutzpah.  Who the hell gave these nuts the keys to the kingdom?  Literally, these dual citizenship connivers have subsumed US foreign policy.  And these same weasels purged (retired) saner minds from wherever there was dissension to their globalist hawk policies.  The command and control of US national security decisions is fully under the dictates of these coup plotters who arose with the 9-11 con to powerful positions.  Now they direct the coming storm and frankly I do not hold much hope for national survival.  The term preemptive is the document catch phrase.  However, two play that game, and they just might miscalculate and be the first to be surprised should Russia think the inevitable is going to occur.  Truly, England's welp, and Israel's captive, is playing with fire.  

    2. Love that Andrew…..thank you so much for your commitment and follow through each week. You are to be emulated. Keep it up.

    3. Thanks BaneB and LS.  

      BaneB, glad you wrote England's welp…as you can tell from the small 's', I have little time for current scottish politics, but I am still proud to be Scots!

  37. More intense report with thanks Dane. Great to hear your weekly broadcasts.  The scientific academia is covering up and many of us are battling against silence and social isolation.  Not easy.  Our governments worldwide are corrupt, period, but the more we expose them, the more it exposes, as you say, the government and scientific criminal cabal. Interestingly Greenpeace are not involved in anti Geoengineering projects and weather warfare because they've given up trying!!  Hard to reconnect with them on this subject.  Many wildlife charities are limited to 'patching up' the problem rather than curing it.

    No doubt at all that our forests are suffering.  Trees are dying.  Fewer wildlife have appeared in the last few years, but many more are coming for food.  It's now coming to the end of Autumn here in the UK.  The climate is decidedly warmer and we're seeing hoards of mosquitos and gnats;  including  bees and wasps which generally never appear at this time of year.  Concerns about human health here include mysterious coughing, stinging dry eyes and other increasing skin irritations, stomach and gastric health issues.  More likely a lot of the issues of lethargy are associated with lack of pure oxygen?  They are spraying overnight here.  Early in the morning we can smell strong sulphur in the air.  We are not close to any industrial plants here in the countryside. Noticeable changes in the last few years, especially the last two years indicate the urgency of this problem.  Our doctors have failed us.  "Not our area of expertise" is the old line.  As doctors they should be concerned about our  foods, vaccines and the air we breath, but they are silent on the matter.  Of course they know, but they and we are silenced. In the process of considering getting involved with a local broadcasting station to get the message out.  Allbest 

    1. You people have to realize how deep the rabbit hole goes. They are all lies from every government agency and there are no limitations to the endless lies. One lie leads to another and always has!!!! Keep up the fight, expose the TRUTH, live right and PRAY. man's self righteous proclamation of being and thinking they are God. Ha ha ha, crazy psychos. Fantasyland,  lol. God bless us all

    2. Hello Margaret

      I am surprised to see that you are getting numbers of wasps and bees. Here in S.Devon we've scarcely seen any bees, both Bumble or Honey bees. This goes for butterflies too, have seen no more than 15 coloured varieties if that, all the year, but Cabbage Whites have been in evidence. I've been putting down the lack of insects here generally to the vast amount of cloud spraying, tho' oddly the last few days there's been scarcely any signs of spraying activity. Good to see the occasional comments here from the UK.

      Keep up the good work and all thanks to Dane.

    3. margaret you just named all my issues. People think im nuts. But my eyes  sting my lungs hurt. I got a cough with mucus i had for months.  I can smell the sulfur in the air in the am with heavy alluminum and metals.  My skin is flaky and dry all the time my nose bleeds. I have 2 kids and this is not fair that they have to breathe this shit. Im at a loss of words we are in deep trouble. This has to stop.

  38. Dear Friends:  After hearing about this man, Andrew Basiago, from my friend Dixie, who knows him personally and reveres him as a superior human being, I went to his website (http://andy2016.com) and was blown away by his 100 proposals for governing the US… and seeing that he refuses to run as Republican or Democrat and is a "write-in" candidate.  I don't know if he has a chance at this late date, but I do want to support him and help him all I can.  I am in awe of what he has done and what he proposes to do. (He is a prominent figure in the Truth Movement and revealed many truths about US defense projects on time travel and Mars visitations.)  I was moved to send a donation, and will write him in on Nov 8.  I also hope to send some info to him/his team about this website.

    I am sure we will hear much more about Andrew Basiago.  I certainly hope so.  Feels good to be inspired and hopeful about changes in our country.

    With loving friendship, Linda Lee

  39. Anonymous, I Feel your pain. It is Inconceivable isn't it? Watching the Jets, Hearing the Jets, it takes the Smile off your face! I too am tired of seeing this Toxic Sky. This is a Great place to vent.

  40. Thanks again Dane for your Full coverage of events & facts that you can fit into one of your radio shows. A hard pill to swallow. But I would rather know then be in La, La, Land. I assume this is why it's been so long since you've been on Coast. Those Hard Hitting Facts You Expose! Ouch! George needs to wake up & understand that this most dire topic needs to have a large audience on a regular basis to change it at a rapid pace. Not a show every 3-6 months! Shame on You George Noory. I am grateful to John B Wells for stepping up to the plate & being their at the Conference, along with Jimmy Church having you on their shows. I won't subscribe to Coast to Coast again because of him ignoring the Elephant & opting for Pixie's, Physic & After Death stories. He is too Blind to see, along with Tommy & Lisa! Thanks to Steve Quayle mentioning Geo Engineering every time he is on Coast & on every other show he appears on. Thank You Steve, You are a Man of Honor & Integrity. You have more than spoke out about this "Terror forming" for 20 years or more. George has Grand Children! This makes me Crazy that this doesn't get his back up like the Grid going down. Always talks about that. Then to boot you can't find a mailing address anywhere to send him mail & God forbid you send him a photo of a "Contrail"!!! No longer accepting. Is it possible to take a photo of a "Contrail"? Keep Up the Great work Geo Engineering Watch Team & the many Lawyers from the USA & Canada & all my dedicated Brothers & Sisters. You are MY Heroes!!!

    1. Gail
      I agree with you. So many of Georges shows are so bad. Somebody on the top is pressuring George Noory and limiting the topics as his show has too many listeners. I am still an insider but it is not easy.

  41. Thanks Dane for getting the message out!

    I am interested in getting testing done for aluminum in blood, water, and soil and wondered if you know of any reliable places that can be trusted in ontario canada? I live near lake ontario and they are almost constantly blanketing the great lakes, also we are right under a major flight path which makes it easier to see the differences between the actual condesation and the spraying taking place. Something interesting that I've noticed fairly recently (past month or so) they have been more sporadic with the spraying trying to split up these long trails into smaller broken lines. Thanks for your time! Keep on pushing! 

    1. Hi Nathan. Did you notice the chemtrails today? One of the more vicious days around Toronto. Not only are they sporadic spraying, but use different formulae as seen by the variation in the clouds that eventually haze up the sky. Late yesterday evening One plane left a l-o-n-g streak and flew much lower than normal. I would estimate he was below 20,000 feet. I have written many emails to Environment Canada as well as notorious weather scientists. All I got back were lectures on water condensation in the atmosphere. Sure water vapors at 30,000 feet high where the temp is well below -40*C and atmosphere of low oxygen. These people are either hypocrites of too stupid to be in the department they're in.

  42. Keep an eye on Obama he wants to stop alternative media because they spread conspiracy theories and that is not democracy.

    1. Freeenergytechnogy:  How can it be that the current White House marionette received the Nobel Peace Prize?  And this was awarded at the time of his first election (selection).  What did he do to earn this accolade?  And in eight years how much restraint on the Neocon warmongers has he exerted?  His hope and change campaign branding was pure BS.  And the change made by his regime has been an expansion of Middle East blundering into the serious stare-down with Russia because this nation and Israel want Assad removed from power. This false peacemaker has dutifully obeyed the out of control military industrial complex dictates and has placed the United States into the nuclear bullseye.

    2. It's a staged reality it's artificial it's deception It's all a lie and propaganda it's a fraud a scam a joke it's  weapon of mass deception and distraction it's the death of humanity it's the great delusion I know I sound like some kind of Shakespeare the way I am writing but what better way to put this.


      The first step to do now is to discredit the credibility of the noble peace prize and how it is looked at.

  43. I am now entirely convinced that Donald Trump is a Clinton plant… To have two very poor choices for candidates is unprecedented. What better way than to have a very popular business man run for president, come up with extreme and bizarre proposals to get people riled up and interested, and then self destruct in the end to get Hillary elected.  Too much of a coincidence. Some people are blind.

    1. Hello All.

      There is no political bipolarity in the US, and it's the same in all the so called free and democratic West countries. What we have is not just a corrupted system, but a much more deep and old organization; we are living inside the masonic MFg king -doom.

      Good Luck to Us All.

  44. From Dane’s list of US Patents:
    4412654 – November 1, 1983 – Laminar microjet atomizer and method of aerial spraying of liquids
    A laminar microjet atomizer and method of aerial spraying involve the use of a streamlined body having a slot in the trailing edge thereof to afford a quiescent zone within the wing and into which liquid for spraying is introduced. The liquid flows from a source through a small diameter orifice having a discharge end disposed in the quiet zone well upstream of the trailing edge. The liquid released into the quiet zone in the slot forms drops characteristic of laminar flow. Those drops then flow from the slot at the trailing edge of the streamlined body and discharge into the slipstream for free distribution.
    A closed front, hollow airfoil shaped body such as an airplane wing has an open slot at the trailing edge thereof. Liquid from a source in the streamlined body is released through one or more small orifices in a transverse plate well within the hollow body. The orifice axes extend in the direction of advance. The orifices are located in a quiet or protected zone within the body in advance of and opening through the slot in the trailing edge thereof.

  45. As Mike Ruppert, one of the original four founders of the 9/11 Truth movement put it, people will need to learn to "survive between the ones and zeros of Cartesian tyrrany."

    1. @alan:  If you actually read Jenna Orkin's book titled "Scout," you'd find that Mike Ruppert's suicide had a far more complex set of causes than just being depressed because we have a hopeless situation on Earth.  I can tell you haven't read Rubicon and I know you didn't read "Scout," and you didn't seen Jack Martin's video documenting what happened out on Tubbs Lane (bet you don't know where that is, either…or what happened there).  MCR was DOA when he arrived on Earth, and was being taken to the morgue in the hospital not long after he was born.. then he cried.  A summa cum laude graduate of U.C.L.A. in political science with an I.Q. measured at +160, he had highest security clearance with C.I.A. (both his parents were C.I.A.) and he'd been Ross Perot's campaign manager.  The "Cheri Speaks" blog account of his end is something I posted here a few days ago.

    2. The internet's been scrubbed so much in the past twelve years, it's hard to find just who the four were but Stephen Jones and Jim Fetzer were two.  I absolutely would not believe anything that tries to tie Mike Ruppert and Alex Jones, as Jones hijacked the movement and is a known disinformation agent.  Ruppert even said that a few times.  The Slate.com hit piece author Jeremy Stahl wrote about the "9/11 Truth" movement titled "Where did 9/11 Conspiracies Come From?" is a great example of yellow journalism.  Anyone who wants to say that Mike Ruppert blew his brains out only for the reason that he knew we're all doomed or that Ruppert was murdered is absolutely OUT OF THE LOOP with reality and is following the Propaganda Echo Machine, and NOT the truth. But don't take my word for it– research it yourself.

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