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Dane Wigington

Few yet comprehend the degree to which those in power have been engaged in aggressively and intentioinally degrading the health and cognitive function of populations.  Few yet comprehend the severity of damage that has already been inflicted on the planet's life support systems. The desperation of the power structure is rapidly reaching new levels of blatancy as they run out of options. Their attempt to hide all that is unfolding from the population is finally beginning to fail. How will the public respond to the medical community once they fully realize the extent to which so many in the medical field have profited by aggressively pushing undeniably dangerous vaccinations. The cancer that currently controls the world is completely out of control. If we are to have any chance of fully exposing and halting it in time to salvage any semblance of our planet's life support systems (and our health), we must all take a stand together. The latest issue of Global Alert News is below.

The clock continues to tick toward midnight, time is not on our side. Make your voice heard in the fight for the greater good while there is still time to make a difference.

141 Responses

  1. Awfully sorry for the late reply, but yes, Dane, time is indeed not really on our side at the moment. Over the last few weekdays, I have witnessed a couple of spraying incidents over my house and college again, which has steeled my heart more than ever, and made me ever more determined to put a total stop to this madness. In response to the latest attacks on us, I have been setting up a local anti-chemtrails group called “Bristolians Say NO to Geoengineering and Chemtrails of Any Kinds”. As the title hints there, I live in Bristol myself, and so I am going to gradually set up the organisation with members, posters, demonstrations, badges, billboards, sermons and all that kind of stuff too, then men, with the endgame of a no-fly-zone or something of that nature over Bristol, and ultimately, the end of chemtrails in my area once and for all everywhere too, then men. And in the meantime, of course then ladies and gentlemen, keep up the great work with those brilliant billboards, as they are quite a special way to spread the word to the wider community as a whole, and of course, Dane, keep publicising all these hidden catastrophes to the rest of us and exposing the elite’s crimes against mother Earth for as long as you can, mate. Please. Thanks a lot, then guys, and yes, and a cheers too, then men. Amen.

    Writing this from Great Britain.

  2. Thanks Dane and Melanie:  I probably wouldn't have posted again had you both not give me some encouragement. 

    All right then lets give something here to anyone that hesitates that these C-Trails are not real.

    1. Hi CJ, don't give up hope. We are all here in this together, just keep marching forward. Here is another quote that someone else here posted and I would like to pass along to you.

      "I am no longer accepting the things I can not change.. I am changing the things I can not accept."  – Angela Davis

      Don't underestimate your own power, CJ. We all need you here with us. Keep fighting the good fight, love and goodness will prevail.

    2. CJ, You can't give up. It won't let you. We are ALL in this until our last breaths. How the hell could anyone go though life without trying to do something to stop this madness. Hang in there my friend. There is no other way.

  3.          Here are some more inspirational human being's that deserve honorable mention . 

          Dr. Christopher Shaw . Dr. Shaw is a professor at the British Columbia University . He holds cross appointments with the department of Experimental Medicine Graduate program in Neuro science . He has studied the safety of vaccines and has given them a failing grade to say the least.

           The next two hero's have lifted me up on a cloud , not the cloud , but a spiritually high cloud of hope. The Dwoskin family foundation and the Katlyn Fox Foundation , because of their selfless and heroic actions of funding independent science research like Dr. Christopher Shaw's studies .

    Proof money isn't the root of all evil , evil people are at the root of all evil . Elated  to hear of  money being put to good use . I'm sure we will all thank you sooner or later .

  4. Massive spraying over Kalamath Falls, OR. Storms set to come in and I was expecting a nice rain. Instead…..nothing. Instead, trees dying, everything dying. Dry, dry, dry. Same over Crater Lake, OR. Massive spraying. I didn't even take pictures as it was so disgusting. Super hot temps one day and then near freezing the next. How can people not see this? I look up and it's obvious. Everyone should be talking about it. One day no planes and no "contrails". The next day, massive activity and loads of "persisting contrails" that cover the sky. No one notices? REALLY????? I seriously hate what this world has become. All in pursuit of the almighty dollar? We're the ONLY species that cares about this. Any other being is just concerned about a meal, a drink of water, raising their young and moving around. A deer doesn't need a McMansion. A bird doesn't need a 401K. A fish doesn't need a PhD. Why the hell to we? And in the end we destroy the very fabulous planet that gives us all life….because of money……and really what is money? At the end it's nothing. It's absolutely nothing…….

    1. Well said JillR. 

      Yesterday, in Sun City, lots of broken lines, here and there, short persistant trails everywhere.  Later towards the evening, I saw the short dissapating trails which I have not seen since spring, I knew it was going to be a cool morning, (about 20 degrees cooler)

      I have spent my entire life avoiding aluminum, and find out we are being intentionally sprayed with it.     R U, R U, coming to the tree?


    2. I know that I seem very repititious but it is becoming more distressing each day to see the devastation of our trees in crisis. So I wanted to mention a short story with relevant info how what we are seeing in Un-Natural. 

      I moved away from Midwest 20+ years ago to South-Central US (Texas then  Louisiana). After a few years of living here, I began to notice that the trees down south did not display in their foliage. Our summers have always been long in duration, leaving a shorter Autumn and Winter. 

      And over the years, I noticed most leaves on trees down here did not "turn color" as in the Midwest. The leaves on trees would remain their initial color and then fall off in December/January. 

      Which brings me to my Bigger point:

      As one travels across Metro Houston in early October, one will observe tree after tree in crisis, browned-out: Conifers, Deciduous, and even the Palms. Live Oaks are not displaying as much "crisis" as other trees but that may just be initial appearance. 


      To to drive this point home:

      Trees down in these parts are displaying many Un-natural characteristics. Burnt, browned-out, etcetera. And we have Not had a severe drought this year like we did in 2011. They have manufactured rain from time to time. People who are native to these parts should easily notice this distressing environmental collapse. 

      Wake up People. 

      Your Propaganda-Obsessed government is destroying God's creation. 





  5. Dear CJ,

    Please don't give up hope, we are gaining ground. Stay strong and hang in there. I heard this quote recently and it applies to all of us who are in this battle to expose the truth.  

    "The greatest weapon in the hands of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed."

  6. Dane,
    The Sprayng overhead in SC has been amazing this past week, and more…. See thie picture I took, just this morning….
    I wonder whether the abundance of atmospheric spraying will push the Hurricane Mathew out to sea and avoid its storm making landfall in SC….  I heard the 'weather report' predicting that very thing, it will remain far to the east out at sea. I hope they are right….
    What do you think ?  Does the sky spraying have the side effect of 'pushing' the bad weather out to sea?  Too bad that the poisoning of the planet is necessary to achieve this weather modification..

  7. It all fits together like a puzzle. The government, Washington D.C. (Distrct Of Criminals), the Military Industrial Complex, Pharmaceutical Companies, Food companies like Monsanto. Everything is inner linked and is working together  as one giant evil biological monster!

  8. It dawned on me that "The Council" is from the "Hunger Games". The house speaker is Donald Sutherland's character. All biomedical everything and more (as the bill states)  is monitored and stored. Oh my god we are living the script. This is his legacy project. Get vocal if you do not consent.

    All the losses of our freedoms are happening by the set- up -to- not respond politicians in this country and the corporations who pull the strings. Who would ever vote for more of what we have right now? In any office… on any level. Michael Moore is correct in his observations of where the majority of the people are at now. (Using trump as the device that blows up Washington politics)

  9. Seeing that this has been going on for at least 70 years, and is getting worse and worse each and everyday, my hopes have dwindled to a point that I am with LS that postef here. It really dis-heartens me. Today I am DONE. Good luck to everyone here. I give up. Sorry to say that.

    1. Hello CJ, stand fast and don’t give up Amigo. When climbing a high and difficult peak, the trek can seem impossible from the base or slopes of the mountain. But if one consistently and relentlessly puts one foot in front of another, the unyielding effort can accomplish what formerly seemed unimaginable to achieve. We march together in this battle CJ, all of us that are truly commited to the greater good. You matter in this effort, friend, hope you will continue to stand with us CJ.

    2. Hi CJ; Read what you wrote. Please…..stand with US. We need all of us. Take a break. This is the hardest test of all intesting your/our faith. We are dealing with phycopaths and insaniity. What makes this so difficult, is that you and me and Dane, we are moral and know the discrepancy….the difference between right and wrong. They are called principles.Know that YOU are not alone here.The digestive process is rugged on folks like us. Our minds and spiritual beings of sentience, comprehend what is at stake and when we 'see' this and fathom the depths and the meaning of it all, we tend to take up to much of the responsibility 'for it' all. This is honorable yet not feasible. Do only what is in your 'wheel house' of energy. And when speaking to others, ist find the common denominator between you, never raise your voice and know when to step away becausemost people are so dumbed down already, you will just make enemies. But please, please……for the universe…never give up….never. Peace to you CJ. jerry v


    3. Please CJ Don't give up. We need you. It is hard to focus on this each day. We all would Love to spend our time in other ways. But that is not the case in our World. There's No next time. There is Now, or Never! We have to make up for OUR many years of Ignorance. This 70 years of hidden facts of Weather Warfare. We are the ones that we've been waiting for.— Hopi Elders— Wouldn't you be proud of yourself to see this through until the end with all of us? Ignoring the facts of this to which you know, will not help us, only them.

    4. CJ, Hello, I have hit this wall myself many times.  But what brings me back is the truth, the need, the obligation.  What Dane says about putting one foot in front of the other is key!  Just concentrate on each step, and take a break when you need to.  Depression can be overwhelming but there are ways to counter it.  I seek out humor where ever I can find it.  I spend time with the ground, with soil, feeling Earth.  I rejoice in little things-like that after nearly a year empty, my green roof birdhouse on porch has tenants again!  Chickadees!  Life does go on, if differently.  Feel free to share your sense of futility with all your government representatives!  Do research.  Make friends where you live, even if they are not aware, they are your neighbors, and if they enjoy you and you bond with them, then you have a foot in the door.  One foot in front of the other-oldest trick in the world for success!

  10. The dark powers may appear to own the material world.  They can never possess the Earth Spirit and those who live by Her Laws. The majestic power of Nature shows Us everyday the eternal power of The Grand Father Spirit. That We give to One Another is Our Place and purpose here. To give all We can is to be given all we need. Thanks to all Who strive to save what is sacred. 

  11. Dont let it happen, take care of your father, no matter how much effort. That is how you defeat them, one battle, one soul at a time.

  12. You know if they had passed a TARP for people health say as much as the false war on Terror cost us. 15 trillion. They could have put that in interest bearing accounts and not one citizen would have to pay a dime for health care…it would all have been paid by interest. The banks (I am no fan of zionist central banks but small town banks have a place) the banks would have been saved by the deposits. Not the mega banks, it would have saved the small banks. That is not what they desired though, they wanted only a couple of banks survive, the ones owned and operated by zionist and to get rid of the rest. Looks like they are doing to Europe what they did to us in 2008, they will put in the media….the sky is falling get your money out of Deutche Bank, Kommersbank, etc.. they do this to drop the share price of those banks. Falling shares brings falling market cap and liquidity soon all national corporations find their stock price plummeting.  It will force Germany to sell bonds to the ECB so in effect the ECB will now own Germany. Germany will have to take out loans several times greater than its GDP, even though 75% of all german banks are middle size and german owned.  Whenever they create financial panics its so the Zionist Central Bank can buy banks and corporation for pennies. They will then get their loans and the share price will sky rocket only under new ownership and the country enslaved. They do it time and time again. HOW CAN THERE BE A FINANCIAL CRISIS WHEN MONEY IS PRINTED OUT OF THIN AIR? Of course most people dont understand this and they will sell, even if they lose money.  We will never be free until we destroy all central banks, what a dream, to destroy usury for ever. They made Israel so the criminals could hide there without fear of prosecution and seizure for their numberless crimes, but I have a strong feeling those days are numbered. I can feel humanity growing, I can feel its heart is beating again, it wont be long until you see really good things manifesting. I can feel it in my soul. Just hold on, the LORD is with you.

  13. What a joke. Everyday jets spray and I'm just west of the main  Rockies. As soon as these man-made storms pass here they deluge the midwest and East coast while the Elite collect hand over fist insurance money and put people out of homes and into fema camps. Beware of martial law when vote day comes,or another b.s. false flag terrorist, or racists event happens. World war 3 coming soon. God bless you all.


  14. Gerald Celente cuts loose against the establishment in his own inimitable way on Greg Hunter's show(Greg has interviewed our DANE). Mr Celente now teams up at times with Paul Craig Roberts on his Trends Journal–that is a serious dynamic duo. He(Celente) has no fear of what he calls the "presstitutes", Hitlery and the "white shoe boys" (i., e.,The Establishment crawling with cowards, neocons and psychopaths). I have to say I like his style.  If only he would "look up" and see what we see; we would have a hell of an ally..


  15. I graduated from one of the most highly regarded medical schools in America, NYU Bellevue. Yet until recently, it never occurred to me to take a vaccine history from patients, not until I read Suzanne Humphries book "Dissolving Illusions."

    Dr. Humphries (M.D.) is a nephrologist. While working at a relatively small community hospital in Maine, taking a vaccine history from patients recently referred to her for kidney failure, she discovered these patients had entered the hospital for surgery with kidneys working just fine — prior to being vaccinated (what I call "cow pus-ed"). Her experience led her to serious and scholarly research on the history of "cow pus" injections (the word "vaccine" is derived from the Latin word for "cow").

    I notice that DaVita, the company specializing in kidney dialysis, is building a new, enlarged building in downtown Denver, to replace the already huge building nearby — a booming business for anyone looking for a golden investment opportunity. 

    How prosaic, that physicians are, through the grace of the psychopaths running things, being turned into merchants of death.

    While in med school on medicine rotation, having been up for most the the previous 24 hours, taking blood from a former soldier who had contracted hepatitis b (most likely from I.V. drug abuse or a prostitute), I tired, standing next to a malfunctioning old steam radiator, I dropped the syringe, then trying to grab it as it flew through the air, stuck it into my forearm. 

    The head of pediatrics at the time was also a noted authority in infectious disease. So I went to him to ask if I should take the hep b vaccine. He pondered my question for a rather long moment, then emphatically said, "No." I didn't question his decision, simply accepting his experience and wisdom, and went on with my work, with no further problems.

    Recently, now years later, I read where this physician was in charge of the government program to introduce the newly minted AIDS virus into the hep b vaccine, by testing the vaccine on retarded institutionalized children. So in essence, his advice may well have saved my life.            

  16. Oh Gee Whiz gang, get this.. The house speaker says one of his 2 goals in the lame duck session is "21st Century Cures, Biomedical Research Act"  search that and read it and who makes up "The Council", a non governmental board who control the money and everything after that. Read it and weep. Today I am done. If the sun doesn't rise tomorrow we had it coming. You all are the best of what is left in this sorry country.

    1. I thank you for all your effort in trying to educate the people on the poissened air we have to breathe and live on. It is a difficult task and takes all energy from a person. But we have a problem : you know what it is : people have to get interested, and we have to get them involved, here in Europe! 1st = non- believe still love their resp. gov's and i am a dummy ! But will be strong and go on, even if it kills me, which in the end it will!! thanks Dane Wigington

  17. I'd like to emphasise that the number of people involved with these programs – climate control, pharmaceutical, military, etc – is very small. We need to attain Critical Mass to oppose them. Critical Mass doesn't mean 'everyone', it means 'enough of us'. It takes two or so pilots to fly each of those air tankers to spray millions below. I know there are more people behind the scenes, but they are very few in number. Their success lies in their secrecy. We have to blow the lid off their secrets.

    1. Michel B, I agree with you wholeheartedly. The actual numbers of the perpe-traitors are indeed small, which is why they are going to so much trouble to inflate the appearance of their strength through overwhelming emphasis on firepower, dumbing and poisoning, and relentless manipulation of all media.

  18. > Solar Radiation Management is a proposal
    > You are seeing contrails not chemtrails.
    > Are you trying to say Global Warming doesn't exist? 

    This is some of the basic patterns of disputing existence of climate engineering. The basic tactic is to confine the debate only to Global Warming issues.

    You don’t have to play with those type of “skeptics” or “trolls”. Don’t let those guys distract the story only to the debate “to the air”.

    Something should fall to the ground, if it was not pure water moisture, right? Grounding, sure is important!!!


    1. 1> I do not deny the lab tests, but then neither do I think they mean anything.
      This is the next step, neglecting the grounded proof provided. They could pretend to deny the connections with sprayings and the possible fallout in the soils.
      At this point, I am impatient, oops!, say,  I am compassionate to respect other person’s personal perspectives, so I would leave him/her at their comfort zones. Waste of his/her time, also mine!
      2> The only way this secret organization could possibly deploy enough planes would be to enlist all the airlines in the world as part of the conspiracy. 
      More difficult to talk about 2> than 1>. Especially to persons stuck in denial pattern 1>, so I would concentrate on discussing about 1>, or leave. No use talking about more dire issues who cannot go over “contrails concept“.

    2. 1. There is no evidence of chemtrail spraying. 
      We’d see the extra sulfur dioxide and other particulate in those layers of the atmosphere through our various sensors if that were the case. It’s not really something that would be easy to hide.
      2. If there was spraying then it would be to cool the Earth, not to warm it.
      3. The post-Sept 11, 2001 grounding of all commercial aircraft.
      Resulted three days without contrails across entire US. A 1.8 Degree Celsius Increase In Temperature in North America. August 2002 edition of Nature, Contrails reduce daily temperature range

      Basically, all reasonings above distract from fallout toxins data in the soil. All the distractions to contrails-water-vapor neglect the soil pollution.

      Next, all above denial patterns are preconditioned that the aerosols are aimed “only” at cooling the Earth, a remedy to global warming. So if the discussion sticks to this “condition”, deniers would stick to SRM explanation, one of the explanation as global warming remedy. Then, they would say SRM is not convincing, very unlikely to spray massively, since it is seemingly not working effectively.

      There are multiple motives in chemical aerosol sprayings, so some facet could be resorted to global warming remedy. Some other motive is apart from warming, like artificial cloud formation to induce rain to the targeted area.

      However, it would be difficult to explain the sprayings combined with weird ripples in the trails. The ripples, assumed as electromagnetic interferometry from HAARP waves. This motive is apart from global warming. This facet is seen in typhoon geoengineering.

      More dire facet is “intentional” sprayings to pollute organisms, not only humans, but also trees, animals, every creatures. This is difficult to prove, only indirect evidences from toxins and dying organisms are available for non-insiders. There are evidences of morgellons, but it is difficult to persuade skeptics in this topic.

      Well, if chemtrail/geoengineering topic does not suit a person, Vaxxed topic might be better for that person. 

  19. Here is a Time Series of Population Estimates in Japan. For people curious about the influences from Fukushima. In Japan, the government and the media explain usually by low birthrates and aging population. The population of the year is of October 1st.

    unit: 1000persons
    2002 127,486     170
    2003 127,694     208
    2004 127,787      93
    2005 127,768    – 19
    2006 127,901     133
    2007 128,033     132
    2008 128,084      51
    2009 128,032    – 52
    2010 128,057      26
    After Fukushima
    2011 127,799    -259
    2012 127,515    -284
    2013 127,298    -217
    2014 127,083    -215
    2015 127,110    -181 prompt report, mismatch calc
    2016 126,991         (April)

    Statistics Japan
    Original Japanese article

    1. Thank you Yamakawa, Do you think these figures are real? or is it worse than the figures show and no one will admit it? (Readers, add 3 zeros to the #shown as it is in thousands) It is amazing they are admitting population losses at all. The US wouldn't be.

    2. Here are the more detailed numbers in the statistics above. Total-population-row is omitted in this comment. See the Natural change. The Migration change declines at 2011, 2012, and recovers after 2013. 

      The Net change number does not match with the total of Natural & Migration change in 2010 and before. From note1, the calculation method changed after 2011. Migration change on 2010 is 0, so it seems odd.

      unit: 1000persons

      Year   (Net change) (Natural change)    (Migration change) Japanese Foreigners
      2002    170     195        – 51    -104      53
      2003    208     115          68         3      65
      2004     93      103        – 35     – 77      42
      2005   – 19          9        – 53    -103      50
      2006    133         1            1     – 60      61
      2007    132      –  2            4     – 75      79
      2008     51      – 35        – 45    -110      65
      2009   – 52      – 59       -124     – 77    – 47
      2010     26     -105            0         4     –  4
      After Fukushima        
      2011   -259    -180        – 79     – 28    – 51
      2012   -284    -205        – 79     – 23    – 56
      2013   -217    -232          14     – 23      37
      2014   -215    -251          36     – 23      60
      2015   -181    -275          94    

      (Net change)    = (Natural change) + (Migration change)
          (Natural change)   = ( (Live Births) – (Deaths) ) 
          (Migration change) = ( (Entries) – (Exits) ) = ( (Japanese Migration change) + (Foreigners Migration change) )

      Note 1: Net change is that from October prior year to the September current year. The Net change numbers untill 2010 include interpolation-correction-number ( calculated from equitable distribution of each year between the subtraction of population estimate calculated based from national census population and the census number of the next year) Therefore, Net change does not match with the total of Natural change and Migration change.

    3. Thanks LS! I have written above, more detailed excerpts from the statistics from the bureau. I am not sure if it is intentional, but some part of the calculation method changed after 2011. 

      I think the influences of Fukushima is apparent enough in the opened current data. It may be even worse, I am not sure.

      I personally think, the number does not show the health state of each person, physical and especially mental health. The collective health was already declining before Fukushima, so chemtrails and nuke pollution are accelerating the process. However, in a positive view, those “apparent” negative influences is helping and have helped some persons and groups to consciously recognize the situation,  to cope and empower themselves strongly. Without the apparent negativity, it was highly probable that we proceeded to mild decline with less persons to realize the slow degradation. Without the apparent negativity, I think most of the people would not recognize, and make a gut decision to acknowledge and deal with the problems. Those positive movement is not that apparent, however, I see some is happening in US also. Mass recognition would not see it until some time.

    4. Miss Yamakawa, Yama means mountain does it not? Yes you stand like a mountain against the flat dull landscape of ignorance. I am always impressed with your profound intelligence.

  20. Imagine where we would be if the Civil Rights Movement Protesters had said that after the first resulting death.

  21. Dane great show bringing truth to power.  We need as many new people listening to and going to your site.  Gary Null who I have been listening to for decades brings alot of  great wisdom to the table too.  Anyway, everyone needs to be in the battle for the greater good.   Here is a great movie by Gary Null production    Knocking on the Devils Door our Deadly Nuclear Legacy. 

    He has been covering the vaccine issue for many years.  I have never had a flu vaccine but I went to a local health fair and they keep pushing all these vaccines– what a fu— ing sick world we live in.


  22. Dane: You have heard of the FROZEN BOOT…. Maybe. Maybe Not.

    Ok have you heard of the Will Not's… 

    I had one… Bsterd's would not come out, but I encourage meant, it t"will take the Leap of Faith.

    Just keep exposing them….Big Dane … The more the BETTER!

  23. France’s Nuclear Power Stations ‘At Risk of Catastrophic Failure’
    Sizewell B and 27 Other EDF Nuclear Plants / Oliver Tickell / Global Research, Oct.1, 2016 / The Ecologist, 29 Sept 2016
    A new review of the safety of France’s nuclear power stations has found that at least 18 of EDF’s units are are ”operating at risk of major accident due to carbon anomalies.”  The review was carried out at the request of Greenpeace France following the discovery of serious metallurgical flaws by French regulators in a reactor vessel at Flamanville, where an EPR plant is under construction. The problem is that parts of the vessel and its cap contain high levels of carbon, making the metal brittle and potentially subject to catastrophic failure. These key components were provided by French nuclear engineering firm Areva, and forged at its Le Creusot.

  24. US PATENTS: Controlled synthesis of nanoparticles using continuous liquid-flow aerosol method, etc.
    SF: Here are three US Patents dealing with nano-particles and aerosols. As you know the smaller the size of the particulates that we are inhaling as they inundate the air that we breathe, our every breath, the deeper they can go into the lungs and the more readily they can go into the blood stream. This means that whatever it is that is being delivered from the sky is now absorbed in our bodies and all life faster.  Even though these patents are said to pertain to medicines, food, cosmetics, coatings and other uses — the same technology can be used in geoengineering.  All these technologies are plasma based. Everything we are being entrapped by is founded in plasma physics.  The ordinary uses for plasma technologies that are evident in these three patents as examples are applicable to the global aerosol spraying that is occurring all over our planet every single day and is suffocating our every breath, bringing slow death to every living creature, Nature, the trees, whatever grows, including the food we eat and need to survive, and our only home planet Earth.
    I asked a technically knowledgeable person, who has a lifetime of experience in these matters, if these patents – that are said to be used in medicines, chips, coatings, etc. according to the patents – are the same technologies used to generate the new wispy-fine toxic clouds that are everyday covering us in toxic nano-stuff.  The reply was — YES! Definitely, the nano-particles are best suited because they can be put into jet fuel, and the jet engine combustion process doesn’t affect the particle, therefore they can use ANY jet aircraft to disperse. And the jet fuel is only a small part of the whole. The shear quantity of material raining down on us could not be introduced by fuel alone. It is “payload dispersion”.  Payload dispersion is occurring.


  25. Let me tell you what's wrong with this friggin' country. Over the summer I have rejoiced in a stretch of honeysuckle vines that were growing all over the old, rusty chain link fence that runs along the border of the cemetery across the alley from my back yard. These vines have been blooming for months and would attract a diverse crowd of wing-ed pollinators, including butterflies, bumblebees, honeybees, and a number of small "bees" I don't know the name of. If Nirvana could assume the form of an aroma, these vines had it. I would always have to be careful when smelling the blooms, choosing a spot in between critters so my nose wouldn't interrupt their tiny labors. Then…..  three days ago I went out to the alley to dispatch some recyclables into the bin and to my great dismay ALL the vines were flashed out brown and dead and hanging limp and lifeless on the fence. We've had no frosts here yet and the rapidity of this overnight transformation tells me only one thing: just like they did several years ago, the bumpkins who maintain this huge cemetery likely used Roundup on these glorious vines. Regardless of the fact that I had such fondness for these vines and for the magnificent creatures they would attract, these vines posed ZERO threat to the fence, to visitors, to anything. In fact, they made the long stretch of fence look much more friendly and interesting. Where the f**k does the mindset come from that sees these vines as "invasive" or "undesirable" or an "eyesore" or a "threat"?? So…..now we see withering death. And that is somehow BETTER? What about all our little winged friends?? Like the motherf**ker who authorized the spraying for Zika over in South Carolina that murdered millions of bees, what the f**k are these morons thinking??? Just "doing their jobs"???? This is heartless, vacuous ignorance on a scale that can barely be comprehended. Is the psychology behind using Roundup on a fenceline of harmless flowering vines any different than the concept of injecting deadly substances into the arms of our little children?

    1. I know exactly what you mean, Marc. I had to confront the so called gardener for the flats next door when he tried massacring the Orange Trumpet vine growing in between the properties by hacking at it for the crime of extending a few tendrils out and then he was spraying it with some defoliant mixed into fuel! This vine is large and has the most marvelous bloom of flowers when allowed.

      When I told him not to touch it – and I was adamant – he threatened to spray me in the face with his defoliant. I stood my ground and he backed down of course.

      It is sad and incredible how someone who mows and slashes and sprays can be called a 'gardener'. But it fits in with the economic model that is the rental property market. Money is the bottom line and there is no consideration of other factors of living and life. Our agriculture is conducted in the same fashion. We work for money and destroy ecosystems.

    2. Hi Marc, I too have been aghast at the laziness and stupidity of the power company where I live in north Georgia (Amicalola Electric). Instead of sending crews out with chainsaws to clear brush and over growth of trees threatening their lines(as they used to do) they now simply spray poison all over everything under, around and anywhere near them. Even small trees that pose no threat to the lines and wouldn't for years. I have called to complain a couple of times but it does no good. It looks so ugly to drive by and see everything brown and dead along the power line and roadsides. I plant a garden not far away at all and told them I am concerned about their poison drift contaminating my food but they could give a sh*t. They have been trained by the chemical corporations like Monsatan to throw poison around like its nothing. F*#kers. I can't believe the stupid, lazy mindset of people today. Even our county road maintenance comes by to cut the tree and brush growth back- but leaves the broken and cut limbs to lay there on the ground for US to clean up! The ignorance factor is absolutely maddening!

    3. Sorry to say but too many of these Campesinos are uneducated and couldn't care less about anything other than the $U.S.D.-denominated dinero they come here to rake in, then send back to Old Mexico.  Our U.S. corporations couldn't get away with making their toxic shit and selling it here so they all off-shored and set up shop in third world countries, selling tobacco and all manner of poisons banned in the U.S., now making a comeback.  A hired Campesino kicked over my cellist's instrument case (cello inside…) after a wedding ceremony yesterday, when he was hauling stacks of folding chairs.  His excuse?  He said "I AM WORKING," then I pointed out that SO WERE WE, hired directly by the bride and groom, no less.  Just like with the poison sprayers, I don't think they care.  The Problem goes much deeper… it is about M-O-N-E-Y… the owner of the venue will be apprised of the situation and he can make sure that all of his day workers are properly notified NOT to touch musicians' instruments, cases or other belongings.

    4. Marc I hope you send in a complaint to the Parks Board and a Letter to the editor of your local newspaper. I hope you have a photo of before and after too. We must speak up and out, to end all of this environmental deliberate damage and stand up in each community. Honeysuckle Vines are stunning and help supply nectar to many of our Pollunators. Inform the public. Let them know what was done out at the Cemetary, that few go to. I worked at one for years, I know how few visit..  Good Luck, I hope you make change.

    1. Thanks for showing your photos, Karl.  I see that part of Bavaria is getting the "classic" long expanding trails.  I'm sure you've read on this site that in the US we've been getting a lot of the rapidly-dissipating-type trails in recent months, and also some of the short lines which turn into more realistic-looking clouds.  Have you seen those in Germany as well?  Of course, sometimes the sky has a multiple-personality effect featuring different techniques in different areas.  Have you had any problems with drought or flooding recently?

  26. I read that bees are officially endangered.  No bees = no us, as Dane has said many times.   I clearly remember one morning when I went outside and saw about 40 dead bees on my concrete patio (which is not very big).   If there were that many on my patio, how many were in my neighborhood, in my town, or in SoCal, that simply fell out of the air and died because the spray formula had been tweaked to horrible effect?  

  27. In Southwest, New Mexico getting some rain a few days back. One/half inch one day and 3/4 of an inch several days later. None the less these lowlife jackasses braying in the wind continue SAG/SRM on the rain clouds (beautiful) still coming in and destroying them. El Paso, Texas and North of this city into New Mexico business as usual. I pray to the Lord on this issue and the rest of the corruption that plagues this nation, its people and the rest of world. His Peace……

    1. You truly never give up JR, that is what I like about you, you never ever give up. I believe our enemies tremble when they know people like you exist.

  28. Thank you Dane for not being discouraged in falling away from the task that you have been given, that is, to provide many with significant information among many other things. What is your take, or anyone for that matter, on Hurricane Matthew? It seems that this storm will go up the east coast to possibly bring devastation prior to a presidential election?  Also, what measures can you take or are you taking regarding the taking over of the internet by the UN? I'm sure they will wipe your website right off the map!

  29. All,

    Now that the internet has passed to u.n. control, the clock is ticking on internet activism. So download materials ans print it and hand it out. Switch efforts to print and radio. Less surveilance that way.

  30. QUESTION and or a REMARK………………………… SE Michigan – N. Detroit Suburb Oct 1 around 10 pm.  We got a pretty good thunderstorm between 10 and 11:30 last night, hail included. At 6 am I looked out the window and the HAIL was still visible and thats 6 plus hours later. Low temp at 55. WHAT TYPE OF HAIL LASTS FOR 6 to 7 hours? Is this chemically nucleated ? I have a large bowl of hail in freezer, can I or should I have it tested? PS, very weird looking and stuck together. PLEASE ADVISE…..;.

    1. SE Michigan – N. Detroit suburb. Going on 12 hours and 60 degrees hail has not melted one bit. I have pictures which I would call a cookie cutter look as 8 to 12 pieces seem glued together.  I post continually all information from Geoengineering Watch plus weather reports, record breaking temps, droughts, flooding, personal pictures of SAI from aircraft, etc. I've seen and reported on much in our area and anomalies world wide. I believe only God can help us now if we as a species hope to survive.  No more PC, talk with certainty, truth, meaning, and purpose as times running out.

  31. thank you Dane and all who share I truly appreciate it. I just watched the movie judgement at Nuremberg which was made in the 1960s, if you have not seen it you should, it talks about how the Hitler with the help off American pharmaceutical companies and chemical weapons companies supplied both vaccines and chemical weapons on all political prisoners and Jews in the concentration camps and after the war those very German scientists where allowed to settle in America and south America to continue their experiments with vaccines and weather modification programs!!! While the mainly Jewish victims had to either stay in the camps or live in poverty and wait years to come to America. The American government decided to release all industrialists, scientists and educators and doctors so they could rebuild Germany. On Friday afternoon I watched a seven year old boy return from having a flu shot in a time frame of two hours he become confused he could not focus he became angry this child has autism spectrum and his ten year old sister has shown signs of extreme emotional highs and lows and stills wears a pull at night which is completely soaked with urine in the morning she will be 11 years old in December both children have had all vaccines since they were born, they are luckier than some !!! I wonder how both children and other children will be on Monday who all had the flu shot on Friday? By the way their mother works I public health!!!

    1. Carolyn that is very sad for those children. It would seem the vaccines are actually child abuse- judging from the toxic reactions observed. Why can't the parents figure this out? I guess because we have all been sold just another BIG LIE. Hopefully many others are waking up to this, as we are. It is a worry about the internet being given over to the international crime ring to 'regulate'. I called senator Purdue of Ga.'s DC office with my concerns and was told by one of the interns working there that there was no truth to it and that they don't respond to conspiracies. (something like that, I'm paraphrasing what he said) I also expressed my concerns about the mandatory vaccine situation happening in California with the Bill there. Of course he fluffed me off that I was being overly concerned- the CDC has our best interests at heart and would never do anything wrong. What a waste of my precious breath and time with this stooge. Washington is completely useless to us.

  32. Hello, again. Since all the assaults are about enslaving us people, taking our future back, maybe the best  is to get TOGETHER on all fronts in the same time??? For example, The arab involvement in 9/11 story is worth to follow together with the group, which also

    published the first 250,000 views publication about the impossibility of the official NIST story related to the collapse of WTC towers. Controlled demolition according to the publication, is the nearest scenario fitting the physical EVIDENCE on the ground zero. 

     Combining as many fields having the truth on their side, as possible, would make the 'masses' hopefully finally wake up???

    1. Getting every special interest together at the same time would be challenging (some are even at odds with each other). The number one issue we all face is that we keep electing a president who lies when he takes the Oath of office "to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution." Until voters refuse to vote for liars and lawbreakers, nothing will change.

      Millions of people arising to support a candidate like the Constitution Party's Darrell Castle would be a shot across the bow the media could not ignore. It's time to quit voting against a candidate we don't like, and start voting for what we want, one who will uphold the rule of law and get the federal government out of all unconstitutional activities, including geoengineering.

    2. The fall of the World Trade Center might be described symbolically in the Bible in Daniel 8.

      Daniel 8:3-7

      3 Then I lifted up mine eyes, and saw, and behold, there stood before the river a ram which had two horns (ram=United States, horns=twin towers, river may be the Hudson River): and the two horns were high; but one was higher than the other, (1368 feet and 1362 feet) and the higher came up last (from what I found online, it looks like the higher tower was completed first, so this doesn't seem to align with the scripture, but the part about horns 'coming up' could be describing the twin towers).

      4 I saw the ram (United States?) pushing westward, and northward, and southward; (the Atlantic Ocean to the east of where the first settlers were) so that no beasts (nations?) might stand before him, neither was there any that could deliver out of his hand; (the ram being described as a strong, powerful nation that other nations couldn't help each other defend themselves against?) but he did according to his will, and became great.

      5 And as I was considering, behold, an he goat came from the west on the face of the whole earth and touched not the ground: (this may be describing another nation as the he goat and 'coming while not touching the ground' could describe what looks like airplanes in the control of the he goat) and the goat had a notable horn between his eyes.

      6 And he came to the ram that had two horns, which I had seen standing before the river (the horns, twin towers, standing before the river?) and ran into him in the fury of his power.

      7 And I saw him close unto the ram, and he was moved with choler against him, and smote the ram, and brake his two horns: (the nation symbolized by the goat broke the horns, twin towers, of the nation symbolized by the ram, United States) and there was no power in the ram to stand before him, (the goat) but he (the goat) cast him (the ram) down to the ground (the World Trade Center was cast to the ground intentionally) and stamped him: and there was none that could deliver the ram out of his hand."

      If this is a description of the World Trade Center, what nation might be represented by the goat? And why is the goat able to stamp on the ram and make it helpless so that no other nation could help the ram after its horns had been broken? Why does the United States government bow down to Israel and give Israel its unquestioning support? Could Israel be the 'he goat' in this passage?

  33. River water proving to be source of conflict: [Water conflicts in Kashmir between India & Pakistan and India & China] / Oct 2, 2016
    "… 65 km north of Srinagar [Kashmir] on a perilous road kissing the banks of Wular Lake, the Shamas Bari range of the middle Himalayas resembles a green screen sweeping into the sky. …The most visible and prominent scar is the controversial 330 MW Kishanganga hydel power plant, built by hollowing out the mountain with a huge network of tunnels and underground structures. … The power plant, whose cost has escalated by over 50% to `5,600 crore, was supposed to become operational in November but most of the work has been halted due to protests across Kashmir, after the killing of Hizbul Mujahideen commander Burhan Wani on July 8. … professor of earth sciences at the University of Kashmir, believes India cannot afford to seriously consider modifying the treaty. “The short-term measure is to stop the water flow into Pakistan and we can do that if we don’t have a problem flooding towns in Kashmir. We have not built infrastructure to store the water.” He adds that India’s entitlement of 20% of aggregate flow of the rivers is more than its requirement.   “India is harnessing only about 12% of the identified 20,000 MW hydropower potential of the western rivers.” India, however, optimally uses the eastern rivers, leaving very little to flow into Pakistan. The Indus water system is crucial to Pakistan since two-thirds of its landmass falls within the basin and 90% of the water from it is used for agriculture.China accounts for 8% of the Indus basin drainage and over 50% of the Brahmaputra, leaving India with the same fears about its upper riparian neighbour, particularly on the Brahmaputra, as does Pakistan on the Indus.

    1. The Chinese did that same thing to India, now India is doing it to Pakistan…its truly, pathetic.

  34. Thank You Dane for incredibly inspiring attitude and the unfortunately so deeply disturbing news!  The assault on humanity from all possible directions, is so terrible, that one really wonders, where to start in order to fight back all that. Regarding vaccinations, just recently, MOms across America confirmed the presence of GLyphosate, the herbicide related to almost ALL GMO's, which are resistant to it, a chemical which is also antibiotic, in almost all vaccines! Glyphosate is also an artificial amino acid,  mimicking glycine, the human INHIBITING NEUROTRANSMITTER, all that, once again, found in almost every single vaccine!!! Here are the data:  http://www.momsacrossamerica.com/glyphosate_in_childhood_vaccines?utm_campaign=comments&utm_medium=email&utm_source=yesmaam

    According to Zen (director of Moms accross America), letters were send out to all authorities asking for investigation and retraction of most of the vaccines. The highest level of Glyphosate was found in MMR vaccine, the one Dr. Wakefield worked on for so many years!!! 


    1. WOW, everyone should read this article about how glyphosate is finding its way into vaccines.  It is REALLY eye-opening!

    2. Chris, thank you so much for this article- I have forwarded to some family members who think vaccines are good & necessary, despite my ranting!

  35. Great video Dane!

    In order to gain a deeper knowledge of the power of our central bank-The" Federal Reserve System"(note that it is not called US central bank-there are reasons for this-simple research can find out) and the 12 Fed banks(the NY Fed being the most powerful) and the 6 or 7 Major banks clustered in a real cabal/cartel one will realize something of crucial importance.This cabal is also linked to the Departrment of the Treasury(cf.,. Goldman Sachs, et., al.)

     Two important words come to mind:  ZIONISM and NEOCONS. Neocons -the "pure" ones often have dual citizenship.  One for the USA and one for Israel. Many Alt. media persons go into amazing detail about the power of these UNELECTED mostly psychopathic(IMO) who constantly remain in power while most Americans swallow the kool-aid and stare at the antics and histrionics of paid-for politicians with little understanding of whom is behind the curtain pulling politician puppet strings.

    ZIONISM. I've been studying this topic, among other important topics for decades. Suffice to say, if one doesn't want to study even a little one is left wondering why this and that happens. Here is one of the better videos I've seen regarding ZIONISM AND THE RAPE AND PLUNDERING OF THE POOR PALESTINIAN PEOPLES.  Abby Martin)latest video of EMPIRE FILES) does a superb job in just 22+ minutes!!  There are many levels  left unstated, of course.  IMO, it is ALWAYS better to read, cross-reference, test, your hypothesis with counter opinions, etc. As Dane tells us: investigate the facts for yourself.  With those caveats in mind,  here is a sharp, shortish video:

  36. Dane and ALL, each week I look forward to to the saturday morning broadcast. Though I will add, with great trepidation. Yet I keep coming back, time and time again. I find peace in the pursuit of truth. Strange to some, comfort to others. I know my foe and will face it head on, to the best of my abilities. I accept my role in the evolution of "things". My "role" is what "I" choose. Not what some one else nor some government or religion chooses. I dream of a day when a thousand generations have passed and "we" live in the golden age once again. This is my focus, this is my endeavor. I choose to expose the deceit that has been inflicted upon us all. I choose to stand up and ask questions that are relevant, not emotional.

    Live how you want our world to be. No matter where you are…..

    1. There are only two kinds of people:  Those who can tolerate reality and then there's the rest.

  37. Found another exceptional video on vaccines called "Trace Amounts", highly recommend watching. It also goes into some detail on how to treat autism and in some cases overcome it.


    One of the things that really surprised me in this video is when they exposed that in 1977 Bush Sr. was appointed Director of Eli Lilly by the Quayle family, who had controlling interest. Years later Eli Lilly spent quite a bit of money financing the Bush Quayle run for presidency. All these high level criminals are connected.


    1. thank you Ben for sharing the link to this documentary I saw it last it really does not matter who you vote because big corporations own the politicians and the country

  38. I was driving down the street a few days ago and noticed a monstrous white SUV up ahead in my lane. Even from a distance of 5 or 10 car lengths I could see that it had some kind of special license plates. As I approached closer I could make out a "US Government insignia" of some sort on the plate and quickly realized it was a Homeland Security vehicle with two be-suited thugs in the front seats. I intentionally changed lanes and pulled up alongside it whereupon I could then read the bold lettering"Federal Protective Service" and below that in even bolder lettering was "Police". The same US government insignia on the plates was also on the side panel above the front tires. Call me paranoid, but just the sight of this vehicle caused a physical reaction in me that wasn't pleasant. I have never seen such a vehicle on any road in St. Louis, Mo. since the inception of this questionable institution. I might as well have been driving alongside a vehicle of some occupying military force that has conquered our country. Is this not unlike the truth of it? The driver of this vehicle was nothing less than an intimidating, beefy, macho guy with military crew-cut and wrap around sunglasses who I'm absolutely convinced would happily shred you with firepower and not feel so much as a twinge. 

       We ARE an occupied country. Dane's radio show goes far in confirming this fact. Though I know it is little consolation for those of us who see the burgeoning tyranny in evidence everywhere, I remember the words: "This, too, shall pass". The present miasma within which we are all suffocating is completely and utterly unsustainable. It is tended by armies of those who were already profoundly disconnected from the Earth and from the deeper places within their own hearts. Such "losers" do not qualify as human unless and until the heart chakra breaks open and they are made to realize the full extent of the HARM they have been subservient to. Regardless of this, on the current timeline things look beyond grim. It is game over. Literally. How many tens of thousands of those who laugh in the face of great saints like Dane Wigington realize the extent to which their own health and future well-being has already been sharply, if not terminally, compromised by the very things Dane has been sounding the alarm on for so long?? Is this not absurd? Mike Mangess, Silas Lyons and Carole Ferguson, who together aren't worth the paper they're printed on, are among probable millions who prefer to remain intellectual "Big Babies", rather than grow a f**king mind courageous enough to accept everything Dane has been trumpeting for years. But honestly, they are no part o' nothing. And they're probably pissed off that Dane has "put them on the map", so to speak, because I'm quite sure they'd much prefer to remain the mediocre, controversy-free, average, little people that they pride themselves on. Go ahead, fire back, any one of you three guys I just mentioned. If you do, it will prove to everyone here that maybe there's a molecule of hope that some of the vast data on this site will make it's way into your brains and cause a paradigm shift in your thinking.

    1. Well said Marc….you've got understanding and agreement from me.  It's so pitiful that this election has not a word about geoengineering…or the morality of the US military weight being thrown around the world…or the vaccinations…nor the imminent economic collapse…I very much want more ideas about stategies…specific ideas and organized, cohesive ways in which we can ACT!!!  This is the area that we all need to put our heads together…somehow…and come up with some effective ideas…and fast.  Ideas anyone??


    2. I have no doubt that Carol Ferguson is forever changed by her visit here. The other idiots have been here and can't look themselves in the mirror and will therefore never admit what is planted in their brains. We know, they know. Thank you, Dane. (The biggest difference you make, may be the one you never see or hear about).

    3. Silas Lyons, Mike Mangess et al:  These types are so disconnected it would not even occur to them to think about visiting this website.  They're spiritually brain-dead, just fragments inhabiting human FORMS without fully human ESSENCE.  How to stop them?  OWN your DENIALS.  Take your power back from these "people;" they are energized by your denials.  UNPLUG them.

  39. Ah, thanks for mentioning the Inquisition. As I approach my valuable B.A. (Blessed in the Arts) in Women's Studies, investigating the toxic residues of the results of the Inquisition is on my list of further inquiry. I have been telling people for years that it is not a safe thing to teach your child to allow a stranger to stick a needle in their arm ( any kid knows this) with god-knows -what in it. I mean, folks all need to get outa their disconnected so-called super-rational minds and get in their body-mind wisdom. That is what mends your cuts without your direction. Awesome awesome awesome broadcast Dane. these are historical documents, given any future planet-side.. The denial and avoidance and imaginary normalness is thick and impenetrable as the precious Marijuana Money crops come in to be carefully tended and housed in exclusive buildings which lie idle most of the year while local residents must move and go homeless with their non-profitable children. The local petty oligarchs are sweating it, though, as legalization has brought in the Big Boys, Anheuser-Busch and another gold rush. I learned everything i needed to know to start thinking for myself from Bob Dylan, and a hard hard hard hard hard rain is a falling.

    1. nobodiesfool, and everyone else here, please revisit Bob Dylan's "Masters of War" and read the lyrics closely. Released by Dylan in 1963!!!! Nothing much has changed in 50 years. These so-called masters of war will one day reap the full retribution that only the law of karma and God can offer.

  40. Here too in Alberta the Weather reports state… Partly Sunny, Sunny in the morning. Sunny in the morning with Rain in the early afternoon! Dosen't that sound like a Rainy day? And always sunny on Monday's report for Wednesday,  yet when Wednesday comes, it's going to be a Cloudy day! And how many Countries have heard ; just wait five minutes and the weather will change!!! This is a lie like Contrails or  a Conspiracy theory. Does anyone think a daily cloudy Sky is normal? What do they think it is Pixie Dust coating the Blue Sky? All weather reports are the same.

    1. Notes from Houston 

      I completely understand your thoughts on all the cloudy days and the fact that people do not question it. The "authorities" allowed Houston to have mostly clear blue skies on 3 days this past week. Very unusual. They have been using manufactured Chemical Clouds almost endlessly this year. So we had 3 days this past week that were clear; well as clear as they could be after saturation with nano-particles for many years. One can observe the saturation effects by noticing the white film over the blue sky and the strong white sky when looking off to horizon. Many days this summer had endless Chemical Clouds; an Amorphous Mist of Fairy Floss usually. Very Un-Natural.  If that is not enough, many many trees across Houston are in crisis, browned-out and dying. Conifers, deciduous, palm, etcetera 

  41. Dear Mr. Wigington, just a note in the middle of your excellent broadcast – does it not feel great to have found the reason we came here? – so many do not even know . The US of Europe and Saudi Arabia are the only 2 members of the UN who have for many years refused to sign the Cedaw Treaty, the UN declaration on the rights of women and children. Forgive me if I am not spelling that correctly. 

    1. @Nobodiesfool: Sorry to correct you, but (for the record) Saudi Arabia ratified this treaty on 9/7/2000.  USA has not.

  42. Have to share this.

    (CSI New York was one of the BIGGEST propaganda shows on tv.) Chemtrails is “anti american”…what!!!!



    Uploaded on May 24, 2010 Chemtrails on CSI- This is called "pre-programming". It is a form of mind control. "talking points" are inserted into television programs in order to influence how people view reality. This is an obvious example. First they say someone who talks about chemtrails is "anti-american" then later they show him as a "domestic terrorist" so this will become part of your thinking. Most of the time the mind programing is not so obvious. For more REAL information on chemtrails visit islandonlinenews.com or for more propaganda just continue watching television.

  43. The Federal Reserve Bank is privately owned and they create the currency, thus they get unlimited currency for themselves. Do they ever want to lose this power? No, not a chance and they will do ANYTHING to keep it, like damaging you so you are too weak to challenge them.

  44. The Federal Reserve Bank is privately owned and they create the current, thus they get unlimited currency for themselves. Do they ever want to lose this power? No, not a chance and they will do ANYTHING to keep it, like damaging you so you are too weak to challenge them.

  45.             Mr. Wigington , your moral compass points due north . I commend you on your sponsorship and promotion of such informative documentaries as well as your other efforts . I would like to help more but it doesn't seem possible most of the time .

               You are an inspiration to many .

                Keele university , Dr. Chris Exley  , research into Aluminum and Alzheimer's . " Essentially the idea in the longer term is that if aluminum contributes to Alzheimer's disease , then removing it from the body could help people with Alzheimer's disease . " This scientist has studied aluminum his whole career , even though he and other scientist have found it difficult to get funding from government or industry for this subject . Gee I wonder why? 

           Dr. Exley says we should exercise and sauna ( sweat a lot ) and rehydrate with silica rich mineral water . 



  46. Vaccine Bible (188 page document with nothing but references to articles DATING BACK TO 1926 WHEN ALUMINUM WAS FIRST USED AS AN ADJUVANT IN VACCINES to the present day)


    Credit to the Red Hens who discovered it @ http://www.vaccinefraud.com

    The alternative media is flooded with 127 papers on the connection of thimerosal with autism.  Here we have a 188 page document with nothing but references to articles DATING BACK TO 1926 WHEN ALUMINUM WAS FIRST USED AS AN ADJUVANT IN VACCINES to the present day with a bloom that was noticed in articles around 1999 when Scientific American had an article called GENETIC VACCINES as noted in my book Timeline.

    What we are talking about here makes the recent British expose on the cover-up of vaccine science look like neighborhood kids playing in the sandbox.

    Hope I'm helping the cause. I believe we'll fine ourselves listed on these references. When you go to the hospital with health problems your file is given a number code for your disease/or whatever. It gets recorded to a national recording system, all part of the herd statistics.



    1.   Dr. Chris Exley has some interesting wording about aluminum used as an adjuvant in vaccines. Here is one quote;

                           "The usage is proof that aluminum can be biologically active because it is used to enhance the immune reaction, although nobody knows exactly how . This exposure is often dismissed in an idiotic fashion by noting that babies consume more aluminum even in breast milk let alone formula , than is injected in their standard baby vaccines.  the problem with this logic is that only a tiny percentage of oral aluminum is absorbed into the blood stream versus 100% of what ever is injected ."

                This was also mentioned by one of the research scientists on the movie " Silent Epidemic- the untold story of vaccines " .

    1. Hello All.

      Yes. They are sucking Water everywhere with this SCAM engineering they are making. It's a F disaster.

  47. Anonymous:….why wouldn't the daughter of the man with dementia be able to receive/claim his assets, instead of the state?  Does not seem right or fair to families and relations.

    And of course the chemicals in the aerosol spraying contribute to the dementia/alzheimer's.

    Sometimes it really does feel like the end times….lots of TV shows reporting on this.  Hope we reincarnate in the blossoming new world I've heard so much about.  Whew.  Stay strong.

  48. DANE.  Thank you . i posted and shared with  as many sites as i can.  the spraying is so heavy here in oklahoma and the mixture is changed almost every other day. . i am sick most days and worse when i have to go out side.   i know it is having an effect on my brain more and more each day.  but i am 66 and i am on oxygen all the time due to lung cancer surgery  last year.  all my doctors are pushing the flu and pneumonia vaccines on me  but i just keep refusing .  i will keep posting and sharing your  information as long as i can. it is not for me but for the children they are our only hope . we must protect them at all cost.

  49. The eye in the pyramid is the head of this worldwide snake. Everything that is happening now in the world comes down from there. (For those of you who do not know what I am talking about, look on the back of a United States dollar bill.) That pyramid is making an (in your face) statement.

    There is (a shadow government) above the governments of this world, It is the super rich elite (Big Money) that are really running everything. (These people are criminals) because they intend to kill off most of mankind and bring in a New World Order that they control. The spraying and vaccinations is just part of the game.

  50. If you don't believe in climate engineering and modification, then, how can you believe a hurricane can make a 90 degree turn. I am on the East Coast and several storms have already been 'steered' away from us. Now we are watching hurricane Mathew which is 'expected' to turn Due North. At the time of that projected turn, the storm was moving Due West.

    1. See article on sprites over matthew. Now the forecast mentions n.e. us landfall. Strenghteningband steering storms a very real option for tptb. Politically useful ?

  51. Dane was talking about how so many elderly people will develop Alzheimer's and dementia. A friend told me a few days ago about her father who has some type of dementia, it might be Alzheimer's. I don't have all the details of the situation, but it sounds like the state is saying he has to be placed in a care facility of some type and that the state will claim his assets. Have others heard of things like this happening?

    1. Yes, I have heard and seen things like that happening. It's all part of Obummer Care. I could get free health care if I signed the line. But!, in the fine print it states that all my assets would go to the government when I die. Not a chance in hell I'll let that happen. Where is the incentive to "heal me?". It ain't there!!

      Once upon a time in a land not so far away. "Most" of the people lived life "without" a safety net. They had to rely on their wits and their ability to work safely and build their structures so they would last and be completely functional. They needed to know their neighbors so all could work together in feeding themselves and helping each other when it was the season or time to do so. Hmph, and folks these days think they are sooo much more sophisticated. This is not so. So in that I ask "all"(people I know and folks I meet), "why are you living like you do if you know a better way?". Frankly, to this day, I have had not one response to this query. I often tell folks, "you'll live a long time trying to find 'me' a hypocrite". It is a quality I hold dear and one I look for in others. Why else would I be "here"?, with all you wonderful folks and friends I haven't met yet.

      I can't wait for a GW convention. I'll be there!! And it won't be by airplane(grin).

      "War is over, If you want it". I want it so much that often it brings a passionate tear to my eyes when I think of how good life will "be".

    2. Yes, like so many things the gov’t sounds evil-always have facts and consenses. The rationale here is that the assets are used to pay for the facility vs. the taxpayers paying and the assets going to the children at passing. (if there are any funds left they will). I think the gov’t is required to give an accounting every year so the relatives can see what care is given and how the money was spent. They would be better off trying to keep him. They can see if they can get conservatorship of him. Check out services in the community. There is day care for adults now and here they have In Home Support Services. See if their area has a dept of aging; they can help.

    3. Horseman- Did you read about how Minnesota is increasing obama care payments by 60%. Yeah really sort of redefines affordable.

    4. anonymous, and Linda Lee who answered you, I answered you also, don't know why it is not here.  This sounds to me like beginner's info when one first goes through this.  In the early 90s my mother began to have a version of dementia from not taking her thyroid meds which she really needed, for those who do, to go without means brain damage among other things.  So, "Mom" was doing things like buying 20,000$ worth of dolls, leaving signed blank checks lying around, then she began leaving her cigarettes, lit, on the table as if it were an ashtray!  And she was a freak about fear of fire and normally went to unreasonable lengths to protect ashtrays from even spilling one, not to mention her night time routine of wetting the whole days worth in paper towels, then into a Folger's can with lid.  Clearly, she lost it.  She was always insane and scary, so my sister felt out of her depth.  At that time, I urged my sister, far from where I live, to get power of attorney.  She did but no decent place would take Mom given her home and money Without! taking her entire estate.  So, sister had to board her at a person's home who did this for a living for way way cheaper, for two years.  Mom had to be divested of her monies for two years. Law.  Then got to go into a nice place, and dead by '99.  Sister paid for me to come back and spend 3 weeks on phone and such to figure all this out.  So, daughter or first relative should know this and first get power of attorney, sell home, transfer monies before in state run place or corporate owned 'home' else they take all you have to pay for care-which is very expensive!  Who knows but said person might live 10 more years or more?  "Mom's" problems were preceded by two or more very brief TIAs, swift pin point strokes, as in pin point brain damage.  Family members can easily be overwhelmed.  It is a good thing we did this as she did not live a lot longer, was in good 'home' less than 3 years, the one that would have  taken her entire estate.  But this has to happen quickly while the person still has a few wits about them, 'sound' mind and all that.

      I oversee the care of my Lakota brother in law who is in a state hospital of sorts, Catholic, with a TBI: traumatic brain in jury.  His sister got the power of attorney, and sold his lands, back when everyone had to in order to survive on the rez.  Course they still have to try to survive and gain no more fees from land leases.  He's been in a lot of places and not all were okay by a long shot.  Some lost their license.  This one is great, really good except he has no freedom at all.  He can barely move, can't stand, etc.  Sad.  I swear if I didn't call him all the time, get to know everyone that works there, push questions to answers, he'd fall through the cracks.

      Tell your friend to get power of attorney fast.  Find someone to look after dad, is it?, and start looking for a temporary home, like in someone's home who does this for a living and they should have a license.  At the same time, sale or transfer dad's property, paying the temp. home's cost from his funds, transferred to daughter's?, son's? funds.  The sooner divested of funds the sooner the two years without starts ticking, end of that, nice medicare home can be found and no cost.

      Myself, I dream of ye olden days when people were born at home and died at home.  Easier said than done many times.  I so believe in family. Probably because I have none of my own.  Hey, That was funny!  "Mom" forgot that she had disowned me!!  Wanted Me to Save Her!!  It is so very interesting how the brain unravels.  At one point, a bit earlier on, Mom lost her ability to censor what she said!  That was Interesting!  I found out So much stuff.  The truth!  Amazing info.  Lasted about a year.

      I think this society for some reason has huge issues/fears of birth and death.  The birth thing is getting better.  But not nearly enough.  Kids don't grow up anymore with birth and death in the house so it becomes a vague concept, seems weird to them, causes fears I think.  I like the idea of living together full circle, but it can be very very challenging.

      A friend of mine's father is now having his 99th birthday, lives alone, is sharp as a tack.  A couple 3 houses away from me are in their early 90's, he was in the Carter administration, just published a book of poems.  And nearly everyday, she uses her walker lightly and goes a total of 12-14 blocks to shop and errands.  Not Everyone is dropping.  Even my friend and ex-neighbor whose daughter made her move back to Japan to stay with another daughter's family, achieved her 94th birthday this year in Japan, where she gave birth on the spot in doorway as she and husband watched the US atom? bomb Nagasaki.  And That 'child', older than myself, now owns the house next door, the one that ate the sky.  Her husband, Greek, is in his mid 90s.

      I love having a neighborhood with babies, 3 year olds, teens, and 90 year olds, the whole range!  Seems as if it should be like this.  Love it.  But some stuff just cannot be feasibly done at home.  And that is sad. And difficult.  Once straightened out, not so bad.  Stressful at first!


  52. COUNTERPUNCH: The Biggest Heist in Human History
    Mike Whitney / Sept.30, 2016 [on the Fed & the economy]
    “… spending is weak, business investment is anemic, personal consumption is in the toilet and credit growth is kaput. … the economy has basically stopped breathing, been taken off the respirator and is being rushed  to the morgue for embalming before rigor mortis sets in. … the people who are assigned the task of managing the system either don’t know how the system works or have an ulterior motive for the policies they’re using.  So, which is it? Is the Fed a moron or a liar?  … “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result”.  … if they have an ulterior motive,  then what is it?  What are they trying to achieve? … if stock prices rise because … (The Fed) are gaming the system by printing up trillions of dollars and sticking it in the financial markets so their crooked friends can send their kids to Ivy League schools and drive around in Lamborghinis … Stocks are in record territory because the Fed’s relentless interventions have kept them elevated, which has propped up the insolvent banking system and generated gigantic profits for Wall Street. … who owns stocks and bonds? … The pretty rich, the very rich and the filthy rich.  These are the people who own stocks and who benefit from the Fed’s policies. … the Fed has a secret mandate to assist the profit-accumulation process for the Kleptocrat class of ivy league moochers. (Wall Street) It tells us that the Fed’s real job is implement the policies that best facilitate the upward distribution of wealth.  It tells us that the Fed’s so called “independence” is a complete and utter fraud and that if Janet Yellen or any of her meat-puppet-colleagues on the FOMC ever veered as much as a centimeter to the left of her corporate marching orders – they’d find themselves wrapped in plastic-sheeting and gasping for air at the bottom of the East River in a pair of cement booties.  … not only do the plutocrats own half of everything on planet earth– their share of the booty is actually increasing every year.   … the Fed is the most political institution in government. It IS the government, and it has an absolute stranglehold on the economy."

    1. Hi Susan, I have been giving alot of thought to this lately, and prior.  First off, I must say, that adage about doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result, is always equated with insanity, but I have known some shrinks who say that it could also be an attempt at mastery.  Trying again and again-to get it right!  Whatever and back to the Fed.

      I forever wondered why they exist.  I mean the government has to pay for the money it coins and prints, and we all know now that a penny costs more to make than it is worth, but besides paying them for money, we also have to pay taxes on that money-they tax the government to make it, so it seems quite the losing deal.  Theoretically, it is to prevent the government from going hog wild printing money and that seems to make a bit of sense But!?!  What I figure, is that this ties into inflation which has followed us 'forever'.  But, lately I'm thinking of the Fed as a stick shift in a car.  A kind of inflation control.  But, seems as if it is the very cause of inflation.  And therefore Wall Street and Hedge Funds too-and hedge funds always seem iffyest-but if one hid one's dollars, did not invest them, those dollars would be far less useful in worth over time.  I have a friend not even close to rich who has some stocks she is counting on for the rest of her old age.  When the markets crashed, my Md friend wondered out loud where to put his money, to grow it.  I went off on my thing of one does Not grow money, one grows vegetables, flowers, grass, kids, critters-Not money!!  But now I see that it is more or less necessary-given the Fed and inflation.   So, this was basically the same since the beginning of it all, huh?  The Fed being the gear shift, working with the government to slow things down, speed them up, shut them down-whatever suits the government at that time.  Thus forcing people to invest.  Or lose ground big time.  Just as with credit.  There was a time when credit was frowned upon, bad form.  Now it is almost absolutely necessary.  And a given, and if you don't have credit, its like what is the matter with you?  Are you an adult?!  Or, a dolt.  There was a time when credit was a bad thing.  There was a time when gambling was a bad thing, a moral problem, a sin.  Synn.

      The entire game is based on all this.  You are in or OUT.  It is designed to benefit the wealthy, while allowing others a bit of wiggle room, if lucky.  Like all our thinking, all our government, this is antiquated and stupid and nothing much new happens but for the inevitable.  Seems as if the government could not get away with what they do without the Fed's help.  One can blame the Fed, as the government has distanced itself legally from it, such that the government can float on top, like cream.  But in truth they are not separated and we need a whole new system, this one obviously insane.  The whole kit and kaboodle, insane. It is as bad as the lotto, worse, because this sort of gambling is required.  Who is up for reinventing the whole damn thing?

    2. In the October 2013 New York Times Review of Books, Gyorgy Schwartz (George Soros) wrote of the economy in his column that "the patient is on life support."  Didn't ANYONE read M.I.T.'s report titled Limits to Growth?  That came out in the late 60s and the findings were corroborated Marion King Hubbert's prediction some time in the 1940s (Hubbert's Curve) that some day, the oil wouldn't be flowing as freely out of the ground and there would simply be less of it, after blowing it all on two world wars, billions of cars, jet transportation that everyone seemingly "must" have in order to have happy little vacations and just get places, and an out-of-control military-industrial complex, a.k.a. "Peak Oil."  FYI:  Hubbert's Curve is applicable to all resources in consideration of discovery to depletion, hence Richard Heinberg's book titled Peak Everything.  What else did you expect?

    3. I saw this one on somebody’s page: Definition of stupid: Knowing the truth, seeing the truth, but still believing the lies.

    4. Hello Rachel! In my understanding, reasoning is a tool. It can be easily used for good or bad intent. You can see that clearly in “debate games” where it could be easily designed to suit certain intents, the flow of “proof and reasoning” that could persuade average persons to be stuck, confined in that reasoning structure.

      So in my understanding, looking only to those reasoning structure does not explain the deeper intent of the people designing the structures. Their intents of the design. The design doesn’t really matter, it can be changeable, modifiable.

      The video of Gotthard Base Tunnel ceremony on Wednesday, June 1 2016, Switzerland could display some persons relating to the structure and followers. You could see other short version of uncut videos focusing on the ceremony part, but here, I will focus on spraying part, which I could not find other persons pointing out.

      LIVE: World’s longest tunnel to open in Gotthard massif

      5:24:04 chemtrailing to themselves: watch the dissipation and the haze afterwards
      5:34:00 another sprayings, massive

      there are two part of the ceremony. One in the tunnel, one out of the tunnel.

      1:22:16 audiences of the ceremony
      1:45:56 first ceremony
      5:56:30 dancers and actors preparing for the ceremony
      5:57:53 second ceremony


    5. Rachel:  The problem you're noticing, the problem underlying all other problems, is the Infinite Economic Growth Paradigm.  Because the wealth of nations are their natural resources, there isn't any more money going into the bank when you've run through all of your natural resources that translate into dollars.  This is an immutable law of nature– no resources, nothing to bank on.  We've run out of road.  The only thing that can save us is a stable state economy and a population to match.  The Indians were the only people in this country who had a stable state economy. 

    6. @Yamakawa, and Dennie,  Yamakawa, I 'hear' you, but my effort to understand the machinations of the Federal Reserve here with our government was in part because that is something that cannot be modified or changed it seems, it is ingrained from way back when, and I'm trying to figure out how to start over from scratch!  And, I don't 'get' it! Thanks for the Swiss link, my friends there don't seem to get that!  Also, thank you for your statistics in Japan.  My best friend who works there and from there at her home in Hawaii, doesn't get that at all!  Says everything is just fine.  And too, I think you and I may be on the same page as I do think the bulk of geoengineering was not at first with regard to weather, but to further our bloated military's efforts.

      Dennie, I always want to argue the 'infinite growth' paradigm.  It is a made up thing.  But for the fact that what many think of as resources are oil, uranium, coal, metals, timber.  In that case, ridiculous!  And about time it is recognized as ridiculous.  Yes, of course Natives who managed to live here at least 15,000 years without destroying Anything!  But also, what about Bhutan?  A country who values its peoples' happiness above all else?  Insane, right?  But.  We took our resources and shot ourselves in the foot with them by monocropping and Big Ag, by ignoring age old farming techniques, by damming rivers, and using all bodies of water as toilets, as well as every poison known to man.  Not to mention a total lack of control of quality, as with vaccinations, foods, injecting aquifers with poisons, cutting every tree possible as our 'growth' seems dependent on building despite many places going empty and wanting, like Chinese ghost towns.  The basic definitions of growth and resources is what, part of what is wrong, just wrong.  I'm trying to imagine a different scenario and how it could work! 

    7. Hello Rachel! Going to a local shrine, I saw a tiny snake yesterday, trying to climb a vertical rock wall, and fell by the back 😉 Gosh, was I surprised at its UKEMI technique! and its endurance to pain, twisty ouch???

      Yes, recent installation of the FRB system seem to have initiated from the Jekyll Island nearly a hundred years ago. Considering the know-hows gained from the operations from Bank of England. They needed concentrated effort to install a newer refined version, with many obstructions, but with diligence, they succeeded. Nevertheless, artificial structures come and go.

      There are faint traces left in recent recorded history, but the tough truth is, that it is still possible to suppress society, even without the monetary system. The reverse is, benevolent society is possible even with the monetary system. So the intent behind the system is what determines the usage of the tools. Tools are refined and modified based on the underlying intent. The tools are “modified” mainly by malevolent intents recently. The system is replaceable with other design with the similar intent.

      The monetary system is based on approving the concept of “possession”, certified/backed by the belief onto “temporal authority”. Private property or state ownership are minute differences. It is a foolish concept that a ephemeral entity could “pretend to own” a part of the planet.

      Some native cultures understood that we are only “borrowing” a portion of the planet. We pass on to other persons, or return borrowed things to the planet when we leave.

  53. Dane, You have said many times, These Men and Women have worries of their Incomes, Pension's, and Families to speak out. So do all of you!!! So does Dan Pelletier from Didsbury Alberta who has filed the law suit in Canada against the Queen to STOP SRM Programs. There is a line that some will never cross, FOR MONEY or their MORALS!!! You give DVD's etc away,You help the public to make it to the Conference's. You have given up your families time. How much is one's Time worth? The bounty of Public appearances and Radio shows you've been on. Not to mention the financial cost that You and others have suffered greatly. Just to wake up the WORLD! Thank You all for persisting. Few would have had Hope for us to wake up over this length of time. Four years of knowing and acting and I never feel I am doing enough yet their are few in Alberta compared to the Millions you need to wake up in California.  Thank You Dane for shaking the World. You are the Heroes of our time. I Pray more will find it appealing to be on your side of this dire issue than contributing to the demise of OUR WORLD. Where money will be worthless! Unable to grow food. No clean Water to be found. Everything Sick or Dying. Will this be worth it? Thank You to all my Brother's and Sister's that have awoken to this Great Evil. It is Man's obligation to put back into the World at least the equivalent of what one takes out of it. The World is a dangerous place. Not because of the people who are Evil; But because of the people who don't do anything about it. The difference between a Winner and a Looser is the Winner will do what a Looser won't!

    1. Well said, Gail. This is our song, which we hear across the distances to connect and weave a web of grace.

    1. So, if I can read between the lines of Carana's announcement that we must make the shift to renewable energy, The Plan is to continue the aerosol spraying of the planet to make like "bearable," until the shift is accomplished and we're no longer burning stuff that makes it hotter on Earth– THEN "They" will finally quit the spraying– ?? WHO are "They?"  And WHO SAYS that "THEY" get to decide everything for us?

  54. My 132nd email to my contact list, titled "2 of many Options".

    1. a. The US now has at least 1,000 troops in at least 7 bases in Syria (not including US DoD contracted mercenaries, or NATO special forces ).  These troops were not requested by Syria and their bases are in the US/NATO rebel allies controlled areas. 

    The US/NATO backed rebels are now receiving modern anti aircraft missiles to attack Syrian and Russian aircraft and helicopters because "…they have the right to fight back".  

    These rebels continue to use innocent civilian hostages (i.e. not their own families) as human shields against the Syrian offensive.

    Tallal al-Barazi, the governor-general of Homs, recently said that "Non-participation of the UN representative in the reconciliation plans and supporting the Syrian-Syrian talks is unconstructive and surprising".

    b. Similarly, Turkey (a NATO member) is preparing to invade and grab about 2,000 sq km of Syrian land. 

    Should Syria decide to reclaim it's national boundaries – with Russian help (and China and Iran?), this will inevitably lead to confrontation with the US/NATO – unless the US withdraws its troops and Turkey is persuaded not to invade. 

    Western press will immediately announced any direct confrontation with the US/NATO member country as  Syrian/Russian aggression and an excuse for war.

    2. a. From a recent post by Sam Carana – (as usual, it is the truth but not the whole truth…)

    "Here's the danger: As decline of the snow and ice cover in the Arctic continues and as more methane gets released from the seafloor, temperatures will rise rapidly, triggering further feedbacks such as a rise of water vapor in the atmosphere. Keep in mind that what makes heat unbearable is a combination of high temperatures with high humidity levels. Furthermore, water vapor is a potent greenhouse gas that will further accelerate the temperature rise. Taken together, we are facing the possibility of a 10°C temperature rise within one decade. 

    We may well be on a trend that is rising even faster than the rapid temperature increases in 2016 may indicate. Indeed, a large part of global warming is currently masked by aerosols and, as we make progress with the necessary shift to clean energy, the full wrath of global warming looks set to become manifest soon.

    Risk is the product of probability and severity. The risk of a 10°C temperature rise is incalculably high. On the severity dimension, the impact of such a temperature rise is beyond catastrophic, i.e. we're talking about extinction of species at massive scale, including humans. On the probability dimension, this outcome appears to be inevitable if no comprehensive and effective action is taken.

    This danger assessment adds a third dimension, i.e. timescale. A 10°C temperature rise could eventuate within one decade and this also makes the danger imminent…"

    b. In para 3 of the first link below, Peter Wadhams states that there has been a 75% drop in Arctic sea ice in 50 years. Thus, assuming a linear rate of loss, all sea ice will therefore be gone in 16 years; but the rate of loss is exponential and the Arctic will lose it's ice well before 10 years have passed – the first "Blue Ocean Event" being highly likely next year.  http://e360.yale.edu/feature/as_arctic_ocean_ice_disappears_global_climate_impacts_intensify_wadhams/3037/     Self explanatory: http://www.climatechangenews.com/2016/09/26/scientists-too-frightened-to-tell-truth-on-climate-impacts/ 

    Some people are surprised at the level of mass die offs around the world – they shouldn't be, we are in an extinction event.  http://www.end-times-prophecy.org/animal-deaths-birds-fish-end-times.html 

    The finale will probably be a methane explosion:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KbnM1QpuwWI 

    3.  a. Now that the Autumn equinox has passed, we are back to the "Cloudy days and Clear Nights" routine – due to the tropospheric spraying programme…when will the general public have "…the right to fight back"?

    b. A remix of Hilary Clinton's "We came, we saw, he died" – referring to the killing of Muammar Gaddafi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqYJRc0TJkQ 

    1. Hi Andrew, I'm in S/W Scotland and am getting Royally p***ed off waking up to the same industrial grey sky every morning which either clears around midday or results in persistent on/off/on showers for hours.

      The aircraft spraying is obvious now but what may help is to identify where the ground based stations are located and who is involved in deliberately causing this menace (wind farm towers?). I'm convinced that even the most 'fast asleep' people will be none too pleased when they realize what is being done to them daily by the deluded fools and the liars for a pay cheque.

    2. Thanks Andrew. I got gas the other day and noticed the gas has a % of methane. Don’t know if this is a normal mix. Does anyone know? Looks like they’re using methane in gas fuel.

    3. Andrew, your posts and observations are always intelligent, funny, intimately perceptive and informative.  This one got me in many ways.  Thanks to the way you broke it down, much easier to reply-thanks!  So, under #1, b:"–unless the US withdraws its troops and Turkey is persuaded not to invade." !! Good one!  Good Lord my cynicism just keeps plunging, and this struck me as funny.  I mean it seems That unlikely and Unlike the US, not to mention our government's love of theater!  A'int gonna happen!  I'm sorry to say.  On the other hand, of course I am not privy to their playbook.  Endgame

      In #2, under b near the bottom: "The finale will probably be a methane explosion.  No!  Too quick, too fast.  I keep having this vision of nuclear plants going off like popcorn all over the world.  Please, that first!  That would of course mega ignite any methane anywhere, multiple explosions, multi ginormous fires.  Then, the roar as all the methane fire blends into one unholy inferno.  Wow.  A 4th of July to remember!  Except….

      And #3,a. :"…the right to fight back…" That reminded me of Paul Vonharnesh who constantly implored us: "People, you do not need to ask permission to live!"  We are under assault.  Absolute power corrupts absolutely.  We not only have the right to fight back, regardless of what we are told, we have the obligation.  The sane must voice sanity.  The poisoned must demand answers and responsibility taken.  Someone must be moral.  Honorable.  If we are the aware ones, we Must act.  If we all are doomed, then love all, relish this wonder of a time we live in and remember the past.  And for God's sake, die with honor, knowing you did all you could.  The younger ones will look to us, they will need us.

    1. renate, hello and wow, and no no no no no no!!!!!  My whole long life "made in China" has been a heads up.  This caps it for me with vaccines, so thanks for the horror show!  I am certain that this, and if this alone, was why 'they" want the TTP.  The only upside is that this issue we Can take on and are, and it will spread faster than any flu.  Dane is right.  We have to take this on.  All efforts should go here Now!  Mine will.  I'm still blown by how naive I was.  I still think that if done with sense and a good, non contaminated product, a vaccine-at times, for a specific threat in real time-would be good to have.  But non of it is any of that.  And who would ever trust it again?  Thank You!

  55. CHRIS HEDGES: Police Killings Won’t Stop /Sep 25, 2016
    "The corporate state, no matter how many protests take place in American cities over the murder of unarmed citizens, will put no restraints on the police or the organs of security and surveillance. It will not protect the victims of state violence. It will continue to grant broader powers and greater resources to militarized police departments and internal security forces such as Homeland Security. Force, along with the systems of indoctrination and propaganda, is the last prop that keeps the corporate elites in power. These elites will do nothing to diminish the mechanisms necessary for their control.  The corporate state, by pillaging the nation, has destroyed capitalism’s traditional forms of social control.  …. a public broadcasting system that gives a platform to those who are not in service to the elites … make possible the common good, or at least the perception of the common good.  Global capitalism, however, is not concerned with the cohesion of the nation-state. The relentless quest for profit trumps internal stability. Everything and everyone is pillaged and harvested for profit. Democracy is a mirage, a useful fiction to keep the population passive and compliant. Propaganda, including entertainment and spectacle, and coercion through state-administered surveillance and violence are the primary tools of governance.  Propaganda is … about appropriating the aspirations of the citizenry into the vocabulary of the power elite.   The liberal elites … treat the abuses of corporate oppression as if they were minor administrative defects rather than essential components of corporate power. … The corporate state is counting on counter-violence … Acts of violence directed against the state are used by the organs of state propaganda, including the corporate press, to foster a culture of fear … All criticism of excessive state violence, once these illusions dominate the society, will be condemned as disloyal and unpatriotic. The corporate state, until it is destroyed, will do what it is designed to do—kill with impunity.

    1. Wonderful post, Susan, though tragic and devastating. It really looks like the bad guys win this round. The "corporate state" has now got us surrounded on all sides and can confidently utter…. "Checkmate."

    2. And I thought I was too cynical Susan,  But while there are big grains of truth in what Hedges says here, we are not There yet.  And, this Is America, as in a huge, huge diverse nation chock full of individualists.  But, we can see a frame work being laid.  The militarism of our police forces is a huge mistake.  Because most police are lucky if they finished high school, and they do not have the training that military has.  "Little" people with big guns.  Not a good thing, but intimidating.  And yet another good reason not to counter with violence.  Does Hedges ever give pro-active advice?  He says: The corporate state, until it is destroyed,"–okay, how do we destroy it?

      I saw, on line, a lot of pictures of Monterey county last week that shocked me.  I had NO idea of all the oil rigs, all the ugliness there now. I do not get around as I once did.  On the very few occasions I do, I cannot handle the shock.  I find myself wanting people to send in ground photos.  We have the skies well documented.  But not the ground.  Time for that I think.  Would be even better to have before and after photos.  But I, for one, want to see more of, uh?, looking down.  Because it is so shocking, so extreme and ugly.  Corporations used to make people think of gas companies, flagship stores, logos, kind of ordinary stuff.  To visually see being "sucked dry" is another thing.  To see what all is no more.  To see the sheer ugliness of it all is as overwhelming as much as the skies are.  We should not neglect this in our efforts here.  In fact, it would be nice to chart and document it All.  On the ground photos with the offenders named, as well as their links, both here and abroad.  It is one thing to mention the vast numbers of dead trees in California, and another to see them stacked up everywhere possible.  As well as the end result of a mountain with no trees.  Such a ground map could also have air bases that all report-ones little known.  Then we could begin to connect the dots.  There is an iconic pride in this country and its wide open spaces.  Now, grown ugly, repulsive.

      It is maybe too easy to point out all that is wrong.  What would be right, other than pipe dreams?  Realistically, what Can we do?  How would we do it?  What gets put in place instead?  Because we all want a Total change, not minor tweaks.  How Do we take our land back, and how do we manage that if achieved?  Criticism is easy.  Sure, stop spraying is at the top of change, but there is so much more to it.  Few elections have made it so very clear what a sham our government is.  Almost everyone gets that.  But how to off that, and what goes in its place?  All the problems now derive from antiquated thinking.  We need a vision and a plan.  We need deep thought, new thinking, innovation and meaningful action.  It is half past late for this, but I'm tired of tilting at windmills.  We have here a lot of serious, educated thinkers.  Wise people.  People young and old.  The young deserve to know what this place Was like.  We can give them that.  They can give us new ideas.  And we need to liberate science.  Separate science from government.  So, lets call on scientists everywhere–they know all too well what they are up against.  They are chaffing at the bit.  Let us start identifying those who can help.  We need to make some smart moves and fast.  How?    Let's look for answers!  From the ground up!  

  56. I was in Verona, Italy recently and the spraying was absolutely over-the-top and in your face. For some reason I thought the Italian and European mind would be more sophisticated and cry out to stop this assault. Sadly, no, is the case. They are just as dumbed down if not worse. Honestly such a miniscule micro percentage of the population is even aware of this that I'm afraid the battle is lost. 

    1. It seems the spraying goes on all over the globe. I saw pics of the wonderful geothermal sites in Iceland and there were long streaks of chemtrails fully visible for everybody to see. And how about sporting events in Europe.

    2. It's a world-wide phenomenon.  They even have it in Nicaragua and Costa Rica.  Some have talked of moving there to get away from the chem trails but it's going on everywhere.

  57. Dane, I appreciate your dedication and passion to expose the truth.  Much gratitude for all your hard and relentless energy to push forward and expose the establishments evil agenda. 

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