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Dane Wigington

Waging world war while global ecological collapse goes exponential, what could go wrong? Stock markets are worried about their bottom line of profit, though sooner than almost any dare to imagine the next bite of food will be the biggest priority. From Fox News: "Deadly Bomb Cyclone Slams Europe". From Science Alert: "Extreme Storms Now Breach Worst Case Scenario". Droughts, deluges and dirty water, all are wreaking havoc on flora, fauna and people, climate intervention operations are further fueling the entire scenario. Is there still enough time to alter our current course before impact? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

Please check the 1 minute video below for a shocking capture of West Coast precipitation manipulation by frequency transmissions:















A post shared by Dane Wigington (@danewigington)


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22 Responses

  1. Whether it’s a catastrophic impact event or just the ongoing rapid disintegration of everything important, it seems doubtful at this point that our current course will change significantly before the whole enterprise hits absolute bottom. We’re already far down that road – there is no good scenario left.

    1. Hello Izzy:  Your speaking of 'rapid disintegration' – 

               15 minute cities = GAZA

      As for 'there is no good scenario left' – admittedly the entire world is at that point in one way or the other.  But, there CAN be good scenarios ahead if WE the PEOPLE stand together and fight for what we believe in and not submit to the wide-spread propaganda that numbs our brains into false situations that steer us to the stock yards of human destruction.  I, personally, am encouraged by the world-wide condemnation of the Israeli destruction of Gaza and the indiscriminate bombing which has killed over 10,000 (and counting) human lives and thousands injured and maimed for life. Not to mention the loss of their homes and country.  Perhaps there is hope for the world and that hope must not be abrogated by any means.  Whether we fight for  the right to breathe clean air,  to eat unadulterated healthy food, to not participate in any more useless wars and to follow the precept of Dr. Sweitzer's 'sanctity of life' –  We must not submit to the dictates of those in power who aim to crush our spirits and rob us of our freedoms.  At my age of 95, I hope to see a good world ahead of us, for evil cannot be condoned and will not be by brave and courageous human beings…and there are more of us than 'them.'

      What better example to follow than that of our host here on Geoengineering – Dane, whom I have been following for some years and who has given me the knowledge and courage to continue the fight, no matter how difficult it could be.  Thank you, Dane and Family.

      Thank you, Izzy, for your post.  Please do not give up.  


  2. I hope alot of people read this article and then watch The movie the Dimming.  

    Out of Control Warming, Warns Climate Scientist James Hansen 

    NOVEMBER 2, 2023 3:53 PM EDT

    James Hansen first warned Congress of the threat from climate change in 1988. Today, in a controversial new peer-reviewed paper published in Oxford Open Climate Change, he brings a new warning: Scientists are underestimating how fast the planet is warming. And the crisis will have to be met, in part, with geoengineering.

    “The authors are promoting the unprecedented, and potentially very dangerous, ‘geoengineeering’ gambit of attempting to manipulate our planetary environment,” Mann writes. “This desperate action is motivated by what I consider to be a fallacy, advanced by the article, that large-scale warming will be substantially greater than current-generation models project.” (Current models say that carbon dioxide emissions will warm the atmosphere a lot less compared to Hansen’s analysis.)


    James Hansen Calls for Geoengineering as a Climate Solution | TIME

  3. The high temperature for Wednesday is set at 98 degrees and a cold front is even supposed to come through around noon. So, if it arrives later than they predict. We will likely climb above one-hundred degrees. Before plummeting down to the forties at night.

    And more heavy rain is scheduled for Thursday. God, we just can't seem to ever get a break here. These roller coaster rides are becoming a true pain in the "you know what".

    Hot, then instantly to cold and flooding. Then back to heat and drought… when? What ever happened to those clear blue seventy degree days? I so miss those days when Nature wasn't being assaulted and oppressed constantly.

    1. August 5, 1996

      General Joseph W. Ashy, Commander-in-chief of the US Unified Space Command, and Commander-in-chief of NORAD

      We'll expand into these two missions (space control and space force application) because they will become increasingly important.  We will engage terrestrial targets someday – ships, airplanes, land targets – from space.  We will engage targets in space, from space.  And this command will engage quickly: {the missions} are already assigned, and we've written the concepts of operations.  We will engage re-entry vehicles in the medium of space with a ballistic missile defense system of North America.  It's politically sensitive, but it's going to happen.  Some people don't want to hear this, and it sure isn't in vogue…but – absolutely – we're going to fight in space.

      Eden, I just wanted to share this with you.  While your community is cooked at 120ºF, drought, flood, earthquake stricken, it is all for a glorious cause.  Yes, you may only get pennies on the dollar for your earthly American homes, and the wildlife exterminated, and multi-generational property confiscated, however, as you are driven off your land, you will have the consolation that it is for a worthy cause.  At this point in time, can there be anything more important than War in Space???  Our National Security depends on it!!!

      I keep waiting for the American sheep to wake up and figure out that our own military is attacking us.  Your terrestrial target has already been engaged.

    2. Crystal, that is some seriously heavy dialogue from General Ashy and it's amazing that you were able to find this bombshell report.

      This is alarming and it sounds like he is straight out campaigning for war!…" It's politically sensitive, but it's going to happen.  Some people don't want to hear this, and it sure isn't in vogue…but – absolutely – we're going to fight in space." Challenging other super powers to test their resolve in bringing conflict to the last known peaceful frontier. that humanity had left to explore.

      So, if they aren't holding anything back and openly admitting to a predetermined war in space, with missions already assigned. Why is it so hard for people to believe that our military has been waging war in the atmosphere for decades with climate weapons technology? It makes perfect sense to me that they would first master the control of any and all atmospheric parameters. Before moving up to the next level of weaponizing space. How can you not do one before the other?

      This glorious and worthy cause means that not only will our community be sacrificed. But I'm sure hundreds of other towns, settlements and possibly even tribal lands and endangered species protected lands will be swallowed up by this new space wars enterprise. I knew that Elon Musk wasn't simply using imminent domain legalities to evict hundreds of people from their homes, to build his ground based Texas Space Empire.

      His claim of a space tourism enterprise is and always has been a ruse. I have learned that Musk plans to launch over one-thousand rockets per year and will manufacture one rocket a day at his space city complex. That's not commercial Space Tourism. That's a Space Race Military Revolution. Using those (heavy lift – massive cargo bay) rockets to shuttle everything the military needs to basically construct bases in low Earth orbit.

      I am so ashamed of where the elites are taking the human race, and I wouldn't be surprised if God is literally hanging his head low and looking the other way in utter disgust. He created the universe for all species to exist in peace and harmony. But his Homo-Sapien children can't even live together on one tiny little world, without hatred and battles with each other taking center stage. The insane empire of conflict now wants to spread their addiction to war, out into space and all the other worlds. I guess the character of Darth Vader isn't based on fiction after all. 

  4. My dog has fleas for the first time ever, in my entire life.
    I have had dogs, until they died. This is the first time in 25 years.

    I am hearing this from many dog owners. Maybe it's local.

    This summer was actually quite bad for Horse/Deer flies. Lot's of flies.
    This is a more rural area of Canada. But you can see the trails from horizon to horizon.

    Could be perception. Because the front of the car is quite clean. (Maybe there is still less over-all) You couldn't stay in one place in the summer because the flies will eat you. There is not as much in the "big city." But I'm still seeing dragon flies and bees. Perhaps fewer bees this summer. I don't trust my perception of the past.

    Except the way the leafy trees act. They are turning black/brown and dying. There is no Autumn.

    The grapes here are franken-grapes. They're huge pear shaped and taste like water/nothing. I think they're from California!

  5. The Journal, a Dublin publication, reported that this year's potato crop is "  the worst in living memory," according to the Irish Farmer's Association. Sean Ryan of the National Potato Comission said that the remaining harvest is now a "salvage operation."

    The 2023 crop was planted late due to the poor spring weather conditions. Some areas have already exceeded normal yearly rain totals. 

    60% of the crop is yet to be harvested. Maturation was slow and the harvesting is about 6 weeks behind. Heavy rain is on the forecast for the already saturated fields.

    What a difference from what the one true God designed for man. He promised to give the former rain for planting and the latter rain for harvesting, [Deuteronomy 11:14, Joel 2:23.]  It was  just the right amount at just the right time.

    With weather warfare, Satan, the false god, uses extreme weather conditions to destroy what the soil is designed to produce. In spite of that, I believe that the one true God will remember how each of us  fought for a return of His original plan, the former rain and the latter rain. 

  6.  Sorry! Eden Lost to Insanity ; to hear about  the Land Grab in Your area. It is so very hard to bear for all of You or anyone being displaced or exiled from their homes and environs. Just Compensation is pure BS. Families and individuals have lots invested beyond the cost of real estate. First off many folks may be living on properties that previously belonged to their ancestors. The labor for clearing land and building homes in the past far out weighs many hourly costs that can be achieved with modern equipment, in a fraction of the time. The accumulated property taxes over the years is yet another investment to be taken into account. Repairs and renovations also are significant investments over the years . People who wish to maintain ownership to their ancestral properties and continue their legacy, bear the brunt of these land grabs. Even modern time property ownership by individuals are burdened with interest payments that can never be recouped. Like ancestral properties, significant building and renovation , include higher property taxes to be levied. Even at a healthy sum being offered in these times of inflated property and home costs, it is difficult to translate these compensations into equal valued real estate aesthetically or otherwise. The bottom line is property theft that has become legal by those of nefarious intentions. My heart goes out to You and all who suffer from these assaults on the Bill of Rights:  “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”. This is what our constitution supposedly guarantees. This particular right has been under assault for some time now. Where will it all end? Our constitution is suffering from mortal wounds that soon may become fatal. Consider; the Native Americans who did not own land but lived with it and migrated for their harvests. They also were displaced, denigrated, assimilated and impoverished. Casinos are the only revenge that can be notable

       Below are some interesting articles concerning a few examples of these land grabs and their resistance toward them. These are a fraction of the cases. With litigation some have won their cases but only a fraction have been successful.








    1. Watcher (and all), you in particular mentioned property taxes and only now do we understand why they went up significantly three years ago. As everyone saw their taxes increase by five times what they were originally paying (me included). Yet our home's appraised values dropped and we lost our protest cases in court, because the laws were changed to appraisals based on the closest school's cost and budgets to our district. We were only paying school taxes for the local small facility, but it closed and all the students here are now bussed to a mega-million dollar school in the nearest town.

      So, evidently those laws changed due to influence from the government and military trying to tax us off of our land. It all makes sense and other issues that arose must be related as well. Like our electric bills increasing by that very same percentage. State taxes increased substantially and especially on any mineral rights royalties paid to farmers and ranchers, from wells on their pastures. One example is a rancher receives about $75,000 a year in royalties and only paid $13,800 in taxes. But three years ago when everything else went up, he had to start paying $58,000 in Taxes! (Federal, state and county rates all insanely hiked up by our near future eviction subjugators.) 

      Once again, he lost his protest case in court and now we know why. That was how the government used proactive swindling to pressure the people of this community, in hopes of running us out before they resorted to serving us with imminent domain papers.

      I guess many of the tactics used by the government to force us from our land are exactly how they evicted the native Americans. Tried and true schemes that were destined to prevail in the courts system. 

      I have now paid more in property taxes than what the average home sells for in America, and when you add up the taxes over the last three generations. It probably comes to more than the value of a modest sized mansion in Beverly Hills, CA.

      Then as you mentioned. There are all of the renovations, reconstructions and repairs made from day one, when my family built this ranch in the early 1800's.

      Our hearts are broken by these turn of events, but we are so humbled by the outpouring of love and good will here at Geoengineering Watch. We all feel as though you are a part of our family community and wish the best for each of you. We are praying that everyone's efforts will eventually end this nightmare and keep others from going through what we are enduring right now. Ending climate intervention atrocities is foremost on our minds, even while we focus on planning our exodus.

  7. For those listening to this broadcast and The documentary, please consider, if you have not already, posting these links on social media. Media whether it's X or Twitter or whatever, to all your friends and contacts or however that works. I'm not on those platforms. It may help to increase the dissemination of information and fuel and even quicker global awakening.

    Up North Carolina State University graduate students in Earth science, Marine science and atmospheric science. Not one of them ever replied.

    Yes knock the dust off your sandals and keep moving on…

  8. It reached 88 degrees with 89% humidity and it's only going to get hotter as we go through the coming week. Had to fire up the AC again, because the wet bulb effect is steam cooking our homes.

    I placed a sheet of plywood on the ground by my back door, to keep from tracking mud into the house (from the 23 inches or rain we got in just one week). But now that it is starting to dry up with this "almost winter" heat, the grass is growing back and something strange is happening. The grass growing in direct sunlight is only about 1/4 inch high, and the grass under the plywood is over an inch high. And it is greener too, as the full-sun grass is more yellow than green.

    All my life it has been exactly the opposite. But now the grass prefers to hide from the sun. Gee, I wonder why that is? In heavily shaded areas of my property the grass is two to three inches tall. But areas in full sunlight can't seem to grow above 1/2 inch, and it acts like it is being stunted.

    But of course, all of the wildlife still avoids the sun as well. Even on days that only reach highs in the forties. I stood in the sun the other day, when it was only sixty degrees… and it felt more like ninety degrees! I guess that's why it feels like you're standing on the surface of Venus when it hits a hundred degrees.

    I remember when a hundred degrees only felt like a hundred degrees, and that was around 2010. Do I dare even stand in the sun when we reach 2030? If we even reach 2030?

    We used to get very cold winter weather in Texas that lasted for weeks or even months. In 1978 it got so cold, for so long, that all of the lakes froze over solid and you could drive across them. Now all we get are these tiny little cold snaps that lasts two to three days on average. And most of them are from chemical ice nucleation I'm sure.

    Read an article yesterday that said we are likely to pass 4 degrees C by the end of this decade. Wow! How did that one slip through the matrix cracks? Cause all those cone head experts out there keep saying we will only pass 2 degrees C by the end of the century. Personally, I think we will pass 5C by 2025. At the rate we are heating up now, and even that may be too optimistic.

  9. I have thought long and hard on just how I feel about the Matrix and Geoengineering, and this is what I have come up with.

    It feels like the entire world is on the verge of dying while in a drug induced coma, as the end of days draw near. The elites have somehow acquired power of attorney over the masses, and they are the ones making the decisions when it comes to the actions taken by a Matrix altered version of Hospice. 

    The governments, militaries and media of the world are all perched over the sickly bodies like a gang of vultures. Performing a vile form of critical care procedures, one after the other.

    The military industrial cult of conflict is holding a respirator over everyone’s face, pumping a toxic mixture of chemically laced radioactive aerosols deep into “our” lungs.

    The media is intravenously feeding a caustic and cancerous distraction diet of feel-good fluid that keeps them thinking happy thoughts. Keeping them barricaded to a waking world and lost in a false realm of Matrix euphoria.

    And all our branches of government, including those around the world who are loyal to U.S. conquest agendas, are forcing everyone to choke down their genetics lab created, biological warfare grade medications. Administering RNA eugenics vaccines and bathing “us” daily in a sludge pit of petroleum, liquid methane and refined coal septic water.

    While those of us who never slipped into the same coma as the matrix minions, are doing everything humanly possible to wake the population to the reality and gravity of the situation. But the Matrix Hospice Cult of Deception refuses to loosen their grip on a sleeping world society and feeds them lies through their IV lines. Convincing them not to let their programmed pseudo- conscience be awakened by what they perceive as nothing more than conspiracies.

    Maybe it's just me, but that seems to be the only logical analogy that makes sense, when it comes to understanding why Earth and humanity are racing towards Omnicide, faster than even we could have ever predicted. And without a miracle to free the world of this dark form of Hospice. The masses who are mostly “unknowingly” just waiting to die. Will never recover and be saved by a Salvation that we know as real, but always held beyond their grasp. By the elites who are hell bent on ending God’s miracle of life and divine creation, all in the name of un-contested power and ill-gotten fortune.

    Eden is truly lost if we can’t shake them out of their Matrix fueled comatose trance. Please wake up world. Your terminal illness is a sinister misdiagnosis and being treated by a fraudulent Hospice of Elites.

    1. That was beautifully written thank you  ,,may i barrow a piece and send it on ? thanks  Patrick in tumalo Oregon .

    2. Patrick in tumalo, I'm pleased that you desire to pass along a few words from the sum of my thoughts, on the whole dystopian matrix saga. Feel free to share any of my comments that Dane chooses to post here on his website.

      Truth is, I know that Earth itself needs no end of life Hospice care. Because it will ultimately recover in another million years or so. Humanity should not be on Hospice either. But if we continue to let climate intervention operations drive us to irreversible environmental chaos that leads to total biosphere collapse. Then we might as well just make the funeral arrangements now, and say our final goodbyes to the cradle of nature, and our missed chance at a worldwide spiritual awakening.

  10. NE OHIO 

    They defoliated the trees in 3 days this year.

    In years past they took longer.

    Some trees are holding onto their leaves.

    So, I'm guessing there will be another round.

    That suff makes me ill, yearly.

    They said we got a frost and a freeze 4 or 5 days later.

    Never happened.

    You talked @ the geese last episode.

    I saw 4 one time and 2 the next this year.

    Saw a few of them 3 years ago at dawn.

    Scrounging for food in a fast food parking lot.

    I think most that post hear remember when they flew 60 to formation.

    The flying insects are completely gone.

    Did not see one bee.

    Last year I got stung out side the local grocery.

    Worst part was, I was thrilled.

    There were just a few, though.

    This year we didn't even have house flies or white moths.

    A few gnats.

    Incidentally, that was my band's name in college.

    I just to keep sain.

    A song I wrote when I was with The Gnats.

    Take care ALL







  11. Once, many years ago when I was 10 years old, I got in trouble in school, (but not at home) for saying that the moronic and irritating television commercials were brainwashing. I was sent to the principal where I had to endure a stern and long winded lecture on the merits of the free enterprise system. I also felt that the duck and cover drills that  supposedly would protect us from nuclear explosions were retarded too.

  12. ‘Dangerous Deception’: Chemical Recycling Won’t Solve Plastic Pollution

    Processes that break plastic waste down into molecular building blocks with high heat or chemicals and convert them into new products are harmful to the environment and won’t help reduce plastic pollution, according to a new report by Beyond Plastics and the International Pollutants Elimination Network.

    Chemical recycling — an umbrella term used to describe processes that break plastic waste down into molecular building blocks with high heat or chemicals and convert them into new products — will not help reduce plastic pollution, but rather exacerbate environmental problems, according to a new report by nonprofit environmental advocacy groups Beyond Plastics and the International Pollutants Elimination Network (IPEN).

    The report comes just weeks before the UN Environment Programme meeting slated to take place in Nairobi in mid-November, where officials from countries worldwide will convene for a third round of negotiations to develop an international legally binding treaty to curb plastic pollution.

    Less than 10% of the 7 billion tons of plastic waste humans have generated has been recycled, according to the UN Environment Programme.

    That echoes U.S. trends: available U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) data showed that while the country generated 35.7 million tons of plastics in 2018, just three million tons, or 8.7%, were recycled.

    Some other accounts, such as a 2022 report from Beyond Plastics, found the U.S. plastic recycling rate is even lower — between 5% to 6%.

    The report also claimed chemical recycling to be “dangerous and dirty,” emitting toxic waste back into the environment along the process.

    According to the analysis, typical emissions from pyrolysis, one of the most prevalent methods used in chemical recycling that involves breaking plastics down with high heat, include carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, volatile organic compounds, chlorinated and brominated dioxins, furans and acid gasses.

    Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, also known as PFAS, “may also be a contaminant of concern in chemical recycling output, but little information is available on the subject,” the report pointed out.

    Furthermore, as part of the report, Beyond Plastics said it analyzed the 5-mile radius around each of the 11 chemical recycling plants using the EPA’s Environmental Justice Screening and Mapping Tool.
    … However, some opponents contend that chemical recycling is nothing more than an industry ploy to support the ongoing expansion of plastic production and a tactic to deflect environmental responsibilities.

    “It has been sold and hyped as a solution to the plastic pollution problem,” said Bell. “Unfortunately, chemical recycling does not play any significant role in addressing the plastic pollution issue.”


  13. From Lead Pipes to Toxic Runoff, the U.S. Water System Is Broken
    Contaminants like lead, chemicals and agricultural runoff are poisoning drinking water across the U.S., but especially in disadvantaged communities — and regulatory agencies are failing to protect them.

    The drinking water system in the U.S. is broken in all kinds of ways.
    Chronic underinvestment has left water infrastructure outdated and on the verge of collapse in many places across the country.

    For example, historic flooding last summer damaged operations at a water treatment plant in Jackson, Mississippi, leaving more than 150,000 people without safe drinking water for weeks.

    The event drew national attention to Jackson, a Black-majority city, and shed light on the water issues that residents there have been shouldering for decades (and continue to do so).

    Meanwhile, lead, per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances known as PFAS, industrial pollution and agricultural runoff are contaminating the drinking water for hundreds of millions of people — and many don’t even know it.


  14. Will Petrochemicals Continue To Drive Oil Demand?
    By Felicity Bradstock – Nov 03, 2023
        •    Petrochemical products, especially plastics, are a major contributor to global oil demand, with production expected to rise steeply by 2050.
        •    Grassroots campaigns and international philanthropy are actively working to halt petrochemical project expansions and raise policy awareness.
        •    Governments are implementing bans on single-use plastics and encouraging recycling, but broader actions are needed to tackle the overall production and consumption of petrochemicals.

    Petrochemicals have been driving oil demand in recent years but that could all change if new restrictions come into place to curb the production of plastics and other products. The global demand for petrochemicals has been gradually rising over the last two decades, as an increasing number of consumers spend on petrochemical-derived products. There are fears that the industry could continue to drive demand, keeping the world reliant on fossil fuels, long after we shift away from oil and gas for our energy needs unless policy change happens now.

    For several years, leading energy organisations have been saying that petrochemicals will likely lead oil demand for decades to come due to the huge global reliance on products that come from these chemicals. While countries worldwide are moving away from fossil fuels when it comes to fulfilling their energy needs, as many governments accelerate the rollout of renewable energy projects, something that’s proving harder to get away from is plastics and other petrochemical products.

    Petrochemicals go into the making of countless everyday items such as clothing, tyres, digital devices, packaging, fertilisers and detergents. By 2018, petrochemicals accounted for 12 percent of the global oil demand. Petrochemicals are viewed by the International Energy Agency (IEA) as an energy demand blind spot, often overlooked by policymakers. The IEA has long been concerned that the massive demand for petrochemicals seen in the Global North will be replicated in developing countries worldwide as they undergo industrialization.

    The global demand for plastics is being driven by growing populations and increasing GDP and wealth, meaning more disposable income for consumer goods. By 2025, plastic production is expected to rise above 600 million metric tonnes a year, which will increase to around double this figure by 2050. Over half of all the plastics produced worldwide so far were manufactured from the year 2000 onwards, contributing significantly to rising oil demand.


  15. Prescription Drug Use in U.S. Hits Record High of 6.3 Billion
    Though the figure is staggering, it appears to be getting worse for the next generation. U.S. girls born in 2019 may spend 60% of their lives on prescription drugs, while boys may spend 48%.
        •    Prescription drug use is at record highs, with about 19 prescriptions filled for every American in 2020, amounting to 6.3 billion prescriptions — and it’s getting worse.
        •    U.S. girls born in 2019 may spend 60% of their lives on prescription drugs, while boys may spend 48%.
        •    In modern medicine, drugs are designed to be taken for extended periods and, often, for the rest of a lifetime.
        •    For those born in 2019, women can expect to take prescription drugs for 47.54 years while men may take them for 36.84 years.
        •    By the age of 40, most U.S. men take prescription drugs; for women, however, this occurs by age 15.

    Prescription drug use is at record highs, with about 19 prescriptions filled for every American in 2020, amounting to 6.3 billion prescriptions.

    Though the figure is staggering, it appears to be getting worse for the next generation. U.S. girls born in 2019 may spend 60% of their lives on prescription drugs, while boys may spend 48%.
    Human life becoming increasingly medicalized
    Prescription drugs are already “the most common therapeutic intervention” worldwide, quite an accomplishment when you consider that modern prescription medications didn’t emerge until about the mid-20th century.
    The Penn State study noted:
    “With few exceptions, most commonly used drugs today were developed after 1950. Beta-blockers were discovered in the mid-1960s, and statins and calcium channel blockers were not introduced until the late 1980s. Our most frequently prescribed drugs are relatively new medical innovations that have quickly become widespread over a short time period.”

    Now, an estimated 85% of adults aged 60 and over take prescription drugs, as do 45.8% of all Americans.

    A number of factors are driving this high — and rising — rate of prescription drug use, according to the Penn State study, which was published in Demography:
        •    An aging population.
        •    Increased incidence of chronic disease.
        •    Medicalization, “when aspects of normal life become viewed as medical conditions to be treated by drugs and other therapies.”
        •    The ascendance of drugs to first-line treatment for an increasing number of medical conditions.
        •    Continued development of new drugs.
        •    Finding new uses for existing drugs.
        •    Institutional factors related to the healthcare and pharmaceutical industries.
        •    The trend toward medicalization has been “predominant” in the U.S., the team noted, with society expecting and demanding “a pill for every ill.”
     Insurance companies, Big Pharma contributed to the shift
    Big Pharma’s role in increased prescription drug use comes as no surprise as the industry with the most to gain financially.
    From 1997 to 2016, medical marketing rose to $29.9 billion, up from $17.7 billion, with prescription drug advertising as the driving force behind the increase.

    For instance, television advertisements for prescription drugs are illegal in most countries — but not in the U.S., where 80 such ads air, on average, every hour on Americans’ televisions.

    Prior to the 1980s, these types of direct-to-consumer ads were unheard of, even in the U.S., but within a few decades they became among the most common public health messages seen by Americans — and they work to increase drug sales.


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