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Dane Wigington

"Eclipse: Cloud Study Has Worrying Implications For Attempts At Climate Engineering", this is the title of a new science report from IFLscience.com. The IFL report further states, "Attempts to engineer the planet's climate could have the opposite effect to the one intended." What does this long overdue report officially confirm? That blocking the sun curtails the planet’s own cloud producing functions, AKA, the planet's own attempts to cool itself. Translation, the entire foundational premise for geoengineering "solar radiation management" operations is completely flawed. What are the true objectives and agendas behind "stratospheric aerosol injection" operations? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard.

Must view, THE DIMMING, our most comprehensive climate engineering documentary:​

For Geoengineering Watch awareness materials shown below, click the image to order.

      GW flyer packet 300   GeoengineeringWatch.org booklets, DVD

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20 Responses

  1. Watched you latest news report and it is indeed bad. What's happening was foretold would happen long ago. Man has brought these curses upon themselves.

  2. I am getting really tired of the Gulf of Mexico and other tropical atmospheric rivers turning into "snow storms" which are half rain, while the gutters fill with foam and the air smells like air-freshener.
    So normal! Point it out and you're called crazy.

    Today's sky was X's and lines all day, until white out. Super obvious. Nobody cares!

  3. The very day that I arrived here in South Dakota I went to work, learning everything there is to know about this farm, where eighteen people from three different families help to run this agricultural homestead. I honestly thought that the sun wouldn't feel as hot here as it did in Texas, but even on a sixty-degree day the skin under my thick clothing feels like it is burning and erupting in blisters. I have never felt such intense heat from the sunlight in all my life, as I have over the last seven years now.

    Everyone on this farm knows that the ozone is rapidly depleting, and that UV-B and UV-C are becoming very dangerous now. So, we take steps to shade crops and grow what we can in blacked-out nurseries and greenhouses. Using alternative grow lights that are more plant friendly.

    Now scientists are warning that Elon Musk and his Space-X Starlink satellites are destroying that same ozone layer, each time one falls back to Earth and burns up in the atmosphere. So far hundreds have done just that, and they plan to de-orbit another one hundred in the coming months. With many, many more expected to burn up and vaporize even more ozone protection over the next five years.

    When the satellites vaporize, they produce polar stratospheric clouds that also destroy the ozone layer. So, the scientific community is concerned that if no oversight is put in place, Musk will have free will to expose all of humanity to deadly UV radiation for generations to come.

    Go figure. The same Musk that partnered with Raytheon to place in orbit all their new space planes and extremely powerful nuclear weapons, and who kicked us out of our homes in Texas to make all of that happen. Is also going to help destroy the remaining 25% or so of what's left of the ozone layer.

    And the U.S. military is warning Russia over placing their own nuclear weapons in space. So, not only are their rockets and satellite killing satellites adding to the ever-increasing ozone depletion issues as well. You must figure that China and North Korea are up to the same shenanigans, and yet all the world's matrix media sources continue to report that the ozone layer has almost completely healed itself. 

    The snake is eating its own tail right out in plain sight. But people choose to wear blinders and act like nothing is wrong with this whole insanely laughable ozone conundrum. They even revel in all the space tourism publicity as well and don't even stop to think how it will (not could) eventually lead to the extinction of all life on Earth. 

    Humanity will likely be gone, but there will be plenty of satellites and nuclear weapons in orbit to booby trap this planet, ahead of any advanced space exploration by other intelligent species. Or rain down on any few surviving human and wildlife generations of the mass extinction event, a hundred or so years from now.

    Maybe people like Musk and unchecked militarized societies are the true definition of "The Great Filter". A filter that keeps on giving (or purging to be more precise), even after all life as we know it has vanished from this once miraculous world.

  4. Geoengineeering is constantly in the news on many websites.  The only problem is that they say we need to do it to slow down global warming etc.  None of these websites say that we have been doing it for many decades.

    I copied below one such article — the mean take away is being proposed. 

     Main point here The Dimming Movie and Lab tests do not lie.


    Global temperatures are currently increasing at a faster clip than at any time in the last 2 million years. This has fueled record-breaking heat waves, wildfires and droughts, and has also intensified weather patterns


    Heavy emissions of CO2 and other potent greenhouse gasses such as methane are responsible for the pronounced greenhouse effect afflicting our planet i.e. an increase in the amount of sunlight that the earth absorbs. To counter this, several methods have been proposed to reduce the amount of sunlight reaching the surface of the earth aka solar geoengineering.


  5. read this week's new scientist and in 2 separate articles was one about genetically altering pigs so they don't get disease microbiota from being overcrowded – i cannot describe how i feel about the way we misuse other animals – hurts my heart and head – and the other was about the black death in britain years ago – too many humans too close together!

    and it was separated –  the authors didn't seem to understand that if there are too many of one particular creature too close together then "nature"  reacts by reducing populations by disease or other things

    we, us humans, have spread so much and altered so much that nature continues to control us 

    even to the point of humans killing other humans – gaza – or slyly like fauci researching how to "gain-a-function" for virus's – and then (in cohorts with china) releasing it amongst human populations and of course, the greatest  disaster of all – the vile filth in the skies called geoengineering

    sweden was one of the few countries that did not react to covid in a paranoid way and they came out of that "game" looking like a sensible country – unlike the idiots that run things here

    if you believe in astrology or fate then "it" will all come to pass

    also found an interesting piece in an oldish mag called the british journal for the history of science march 1991 – page 123

    recommendation of a book entitled history and society within it a number of essays, mentioning the astrological lodge of london (which now appears defunct) many of the authors were high profile in the academic world like the british museum, british library, and other highly respected people in society

    with human fashion of everything coming and going with each successive generation hopefully many younger people will pick up this website and save us all but……

    each successive human generation, to me, appears to become more stupid

    born in 1949 i grew up amongst grown-ups who had never known a peaceful world and were expected to be responsible for themselves and their behaviour but also expected other people to help when needed – was it 700 nights over london and other major cities were blitzed by bombing – never knowing whether it was to be your last

    now we are being blitzed by filth from the skies but people have become so stupid they don't notice

    my generation seem worst – the arrogance of ignorance – on a self indulgent generation, so self obsessed.

    i have tried to talk to others but maybe if i was beautiful and upper class people would listen to me – but this time of year trying to keep warm and not too muddy from my very wet house and garden!!!

    never physically beautiful and certainly not upper class i do not waste my time making myself unhappy trying to talk to people about who and what the enemy is

    and the enemy is ignorance and inability to understand nature

    i have enough trouble trying to get medical people to understand the  problems i have, from an "accident" i had as a child, that left me thwarted physiologically and subsequently psychologically

    ah, the joy of being a crazy human in a crazy human world

    please look after yourselves – all you out there who have the ability to see things as they really are

    love to you all and thank you for reading this


  6. This weekend I have been painting rooms in my office. I had to go to Sherwin-Williams to get some paint yesterday. Before I left I gave the person at the register one of the cards for the documentary. He was appreciative. I also had to meet someone from DoorDash to pick up an order of dog food I had just ordered, one of the last bags of organic dog food this particular store had, and one that is being discontinued. Before we left, I gave him one of the cards too. He was also appreciative. These one-on-one interactions with materials from Dane are very helpful.

    State and federal agriculture departments, all elected officials, clergy, law enforcement, fire and rescue, and so many other groups would benefit from knowing about this documentary that Dane has produced. And about the website. Many universities have departments that specialize in marine biology, earth science, atmospheric science, and so forth. All of these departments post faculty and oftentimes even graduate student contact information that is publicly available on their university websites. I've emailed beaucoups of such people at NC State University. Not one of them has replied. Most of the meteorologists here will not respond to me in any way. Only one of them responded and that was probably 2 years ago. He was quite insulting . However, in his heart of hearts, he knows what's going on, and even if he doesn't look through all of them, his subconscious mind is well aware of this.

    Knock the dust off your sandals so to speak and keep moving on, planting seeds everywhere you go.

    I have had so, so many patients through the years who have found Dane's materials that I make available to them enlightening.

    Dane often asks, as he did twice during this broadcast, how people can be so unaware of what's going on. There are many forms of propaganda and broadcasting that manipulate the way that people think. Look up Project Mockingbird. In addition, remember that everyone around you and we ourselves are breathing in nanoparticle sized aluminum. Years ago, Dane interviewed Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt. You can still find this on his website. I contacted Dr. Klinghardt, years ago, and he told me his recommendations for dealing with this. For those who are new to this type of information, aluminum is a neurotoxin. So at a point in human history when people most need good cognitive function and good critical thinking skills, those are being systematically taken away from us by contaminated food, air and water.

    Look around you and pay attention to the behavior of people around you. The people seem to be acting like they did years ago? Or do many people seem to be in some sort of a brain fog? What do you think? Perhaps some of these things I've just mentioned are part of the answer.

    Please always be encouraged that you are on the right side of history. Do not give in to negative thinking, such as the erroneous thought that you cannot make a difference. You most certainly can. There is a great awakening happening in this world, And you have a part to play in this. The work of Dane is a very large part of that. You might also consider looking at some of the people who have interviewed Dane in recent years. Look at some of their work.

    You have a part in this play, so to speak. Again, the two most important days of your life are the day that you are born and the day that you realize why.

    Whatever happens to us personally, this temporary earthly experience is but a SPECK in our eternal existence. The idea of a fork in the star road, whether literal or figurative, is important. Things are happening very rapidly that will ensure that you will not be able to sit on the fence. You will have to pick a side.

    As Dane says, make every day count. You will have a very long time to ponder the consequences of your earthly choices. Make them count for the better.

    Look the storm in the eye.

    We were born for such times as these. Whether it's comfortable or not, we are here for a reason. Your being here at this point in the history of the universe is no accident.

    Do you what is right, join this fight if you have not already, and fulfill your destiny.

  7. I got word today that the Texas fires are now being compared to the Lahaina, Hawaii wildfires. Most news outlets aren't reporting on how horrific the situation became at one point.

    But those fires were burning at a rate of "One Acre Per Second" in and around residential neighborhoods. Most people barely got out with just the shirt on their backs and their pets, before entire homes burned to the ground in less than fifteen minutes, in some cases.

    An unimaginable tragedy and my heart goes out to my fellow Texans, because I know this record breaking ultra hot summer is also going to see even more fires, and devastation beyond all comprehension.

    I am one of the lucky ones in all of this, and I expect to see a massive exodus from that state, as the coming summers become too hot for human survival. Not to mention, more fires and inevitable Armageddon class droughts. Exactly what you would expect on a dying planet. With most still refusing to accept these facts. Except for those like myself, everyone here, and the victims of this latest firestorm.

    Who needs a world war? When you have this scale of catastrophes happening on every land mass, and extinction driven die-offs in the oceans. Like Dane says, "Just wait, it ain't bad yet." The worst is yet to come.

    We plan to stockpile some of our crops this year, in a doomsday vault of our own. So, I am learning the art of canning, dehydrating and pickling. I thought I already knew how, but boy am I a rookie.

    1. I'm  glad You are back for a visit Eden. I hope Your new home will be as a blessing to You and You will Bless  the Great Sioux people who you have arrived to partake in their community. It is so sad what some people have to endure these days.Soon many more will go down that perilous path. While they who serve to control, continue to try and exterminate us on all levels, do not even consider the repercussions on themselves or their own families. Greed and corruption serve as blinders to they who attempt to control and ultimately destroy. Eventually, even if they are safely tucked away in bunkers, they will ultimately fail in their mission. Everything that is done against God's creation will only bring forth destruction. Their own personal evolution without the knowledge and respect for God and creation, will come to dust and ashes for an eternity. This will be to their legacy, This is written signed and sealed in prophesy. Take heart and comfort that; in our deepest hour of despair, that is when God is closest to His own.

  8. With all the geopolitical events that happened in this world nowadays, they are usually multiple agendas being served at any given time and with any given event.  Don't forget the thousands of cattle that just burned to death this week in Texas. I believe that their precious souls are now with their Creator… our Creator. It would seem that the food supply is under attack. What do you think?

  9.  Battling wildfires isn't Brazil's only problem. Dengue Fever cases are sky rocketing. The 2024 number of reported cases, 364,000, is  a 400% increase in  the same time frame of 2023.

    In  2023, the UN World Mosquito Program released  millions of Aedes algysti mosquitos infected with Wolbachia. This was partly made possible by a $50 million dollar grant  from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. 

    Filling the skies with these mosquitos  was supposed to prevent Dengue transmission to humans according to Harvard Public Health. Strangely, the opposite has occurred. 

    None to worry, the  Dengue Vaccine is now available. The Brazilian government so far has jumped on purchasing 5 million doses from the Japanese company Takada. The vaccine name is Qdenga.

    The Brazilian government announced it will start vaccinating children 10 – 14 years old. This vaccine research has been helped by a $55 million dollar grant to the International Vaccine Institute from, you guessed it, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for vaccine research. 


    1. I killed a huge mosquito in my bedroom this past December. Mosquitoes in December  ? I still am smacking them in January and February  !  Crazy  !!

  10. and that is why you all need to identify plants from around where you live, bring them into your garden if not there already, and use native food to make you fit and healthy – tis all supplied seasonally by nature what your body needs

    used to eat buy yummy bread from a firm called cranks – hippies from the 1960's who opened the first vegetarian restaurant in london – the only on in the country – went there, eat there – wonderful stuff – opened my mind

    cannot buy the bread any more and was shocked when i tried to find out why – been bought out by nando's – yes the chicken shit people – who are a part of another large food org

    everything seems to be taken over by big org.s that are not close to people – going to hell in a hand basket

    watched telly s'morning – started talking about covid and these days everyone blames everyone else

    i rang the station and reminded them that we all have a responsibility to ourselves to keep ourselves safe and not depend upon "experts" who beleive they have the answers

    the older one gets, the easier it is to hear the nonsense that comes out of the mouths of "experts" (hahahaha and others)

    in these days of the internet there is no need (unless no computer) to be ignorant 

    we cannot, in all sincerity, blame others if we give up our responsibility – although being a peasant doesn't give me much credibility in my society 

    has always been aware of the nonsense of giving people other peoples land

    as an english peasant i am fully aware that i am not important – can hide away from most humans nonsense!!

    and i now understand why some people won't fight, like monks and others who would rather go on the fire than give up their morals for someone else – always thought it was crazy – but maybe i have just got used to being crazy – hahahaha

    love to all the wideawake club

  11. Took photos of a grid pattern sprayed over the ADK high peaks in NY state. Everyone just kept hiking as if this was normal. We need to stop geoengineering. It's turning the planet into a Superfund site.

  12. As Addictive as Cigarettes and Cocaine: How Big Food Hooks Consumers on Junk Food


    A growing body of research suggests big food brands are not only aware their chemically engineered products provoke overeating and addiction — they capitalize on it to drive sales, consciously harming health, according to U.S. Right to Know.

    In fact, a body of scientific research has emerged in recent years to show that some ultra-processed foods can be as addictive as cigarettes and cocaine.

    Several major food brands were once owned by the world’s largest tobacco companies. Evidence suggests the same tactics used to formulate and market cigarettes were used in the creation of food products.

    Finding the bliss point

    Manufacturers of ultra-processed foods often seek to find the most alluring combination of salt, sugar and fat in their products. This point of perfection is known as “the bliss point,” a term coined by American market researcher and food scientist Howard Moskowitz in the 1990s.

    … The bliss point triggers dopamine — a neurotransmitter in the brain that is responsible for feelings of pleasure and well-being — to spike, then crash. This brings about good feelings, then bad feelings and generates the craving for more of those good feelings.



    1. Thank you Susan for sharing this with everybody. It is so important to understand how dopamine works and what it is, if we are to understand better the full spectrum of our societal control. Two of the three men who invented the Facebook platform, both of whom will not let their children use Facebook, are on record in public videos talking about the fact that they had deliberately created that platform to generate hits of dopamine. Just another reason to unplug from the Matrix.

    2. In this late phase of our collective deconstruction, salt, sugar, and fat have become the new essential food groups.

      The results are walking around everywhere, plain to see.

    3. Thanks, Susan for another excellent post. And Jonathan, you are right in seeing addictive behaviors in general as a form of social control.. The controllers want a rat race. THEY want us staring down at our smart phones for hours on end. THEY want us performing the same meaningless activities day after day. THEY want us sitting there watching the Stupor Bowl and stuffing our faces with addictive crap.

  13. I was going through some old photo albums from about 20 to 30 years ago the other night. There was so many, many pictures in there that had been taken outdoors. There was not one hazy sky, not one chemical trail to be seen, with skies an intense, almost sapphire blue, with fluffy looking clouds so bright a shade of white as to almost hurt your eyes when you looked at them. 


    I emailed this week the entire North Carolina State legislature links to Dane's documentary and his video about the state of New Hampshire and what they have done in terms of introducing legislation to stop geoengineering.

    It took a couple days to copy and paste all those email addresses. You can do this too. I urge you, beg you, to do this in your respective states. I sent all of them together without using the BCC function. This way, they all know that everyone else knows that they have been put on notice about this information.

    The pen is mightier than the sword.

    Look the storm in the eye.

    Please be encouraged.

    We are here In this earthly experience for a mere speck of our eternal existence. Make this time count. Remember the fork in the star road.

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