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Dane Wigington

"Destruction more severe than nuclear war: What is weather warfare?", from WION news. "Hurricanes Are Now So Strong, Scientists Want To Introduce Category 6" Storms", from IFL Science. Question, are these two headlines connected? Inseparable? Biosphere collapse is here, the controllers are more desperate and dangerous than ever before. What cards will they play next? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below. 

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard.

Must view, THE DIMMING, our most comprehensive climate engineering documentary:​

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39 Responses

  1. Looking at the MMN this morning and the "spin" being put on various "things" going on is obvious. Just about every MMN report is edited to keep people from understanding what is happening with very few exceptions. The list of examples is long. One example is the report of an increase in lung cancers in people who do not smoke. Couldn't be from breathing totally polluted air could it? Another report tells of the dangers of natural gas stoves and how breathing the fumes causes respiratory issues. Couldn't be from breathing in toxic "nanoparticles" in the atmosphere being released from multiple aircraft could it? Nah, that's all conspiracy nonsense, right? Yeah, sure, right.

  2. Am now living in Oregon. Parked the RV. Have never seen the aerosol ops like the one I witnessed yesterday. Very wide, dense, and long "trails" visible in the morning around 7am. They stretched from the N to the S, horizon to horizon. As they drifted over moving to the E aircraft carried out more releases of the toxic "stuff" at high altitude. Sky was turned a milky white and microwaves were clearly visible. Someone showed me a video of a Canada goose on the ground next to a curb somewhere near Salem, OR. It was "sick". Media claims it was suffering from "bird flu". BULL! It was disoriented and head was bobbing back and forth. Would not try to fly off when someone approached it. Other geese were seen in various areas acting the same way. Geese fly at high altitudes when migrating. They fly in the toxic "stuff"!      

  3. "Major Shift in Global Climate Patterns "FEDERAL" Forecasters Say."

    NOAA and the NWS continue to claim that a La Nina shift will happen this summer, bringing much cooler conditions to New England, the Upper Midwest and into New York. Along with severe winter storms in that same region, and more snow and colder conditions for the Upper Northwest. While the entire southern half of the country will broil through late summer and early fall, then experience severe drought and a record warm winter. (Scheduled Climate Modifications)

    But what seriously boggles my mind is how they keep saying that the Pacific Ocean will begin to see cooler than average temperatures, and that is what triggers a La Nina pattern every few years or so.

    Yet they constantly point out that both the Pacific and Atlantic oceans are seeing record high surface temperatures being set every single month. Just like every single land mass "country and island" is seeing hotter and hotter temperatures every month as well.

    The entire planet is on the verge of boiling "except of course, the upper NE one-fourth of the U.S.", but the Pacific Ocean will begin to see cooler than normal temperatures within the next sixty days or so.

    How is that even possible? If it is setting record high temperatures each consecutive month. Which is it? Hotter or Cooler?

    You can literally find at least fifty different news articles on the internet, published over the last two years, that have this phrase in their body of text… "Record Warm Waters Around the World".

    The entire population of planet Earth knows that the Pacific Ocean is getting hotter by the day. All except for most of the population in America that is. We are constantly being lied to because that's how they cover up all the climate engineering operations by Raytheon and Lockheed.

    "The Big Lie"

    They use the term La Nina to hide a ramped-up chemical ice nucleation campaign scheduled for the upper NE one-fourth of this country, and 99% of Americans willfully without question accept that lie. As they go about their daily lives in their matrix induced comatose state. Being completely enthralled in the political theater of madness and waiting patiently for football season to start again.

    While the matrix media uses the term "Conspiracy Theorist" to keep people from researching anything considered to be on the "Fringe" of society. Labeling others like James Yoo who blew up his house in Virgina as a conspiracy theorist, to drive the point home that if you believe in things like climate engineering, you could end up just like him. Using real nutcases to scare the populous away from seeking out the truth behind covert geoengineering operations that are being carried out, right in plain sight of the entire world.

    They incorporate scare tactics like that, the political circus of insanity, reports of ever increasing gun violence, addiction to sports venues and soap operas, keeping people mesmerized by social media platforms like YouTube and X, constant disinformation campaigns in the news, and emphasizing just how cold it gets during a chemical ice nucleation "Illusion By Mirrors", to brainwash Americans into believing that Nature and La Nina are what's creating all of the weather around them.

    The Federal Government has literally mastered the art of public distraction, and can tell any lie that want to, without so much as a twitch from the average citizen in America.

    They are likely the ones who use professional instigators to rile up the crowds in protests across the country as well. Because it serves as just one more major distraction from the aerosol spraying in the skies that forms the illusion behind the nonsensical term La Nina.

  4. Really is amazing to read the way people carry on and talk about what is happening on earth as if the situation unfolding is going to be resolved. All "we" have to do "they" claim is to just get "them" to stop geoengineering. Mankind's "engineering" has led to the situation that is now unfolding because of man's rejection of God's laws and rules for living which have been violated for a very long time. The consequences of doing so, and continuing to do so, will not stop what is coming, period.  

    1. Yes, and what is more amazing is how oblivious people are to the obvious of what we see happening in our sky every day. 

      Here in Western Massachusetts, yesterday (June 13) was a beautiful summer day. The sky was clear until mid-afternoon when the planes started flying in their formation spewing their "Stratospheric Aerosol Injection" nanoparticles into the sky. Around 11:00 p.m. the jet traffic increased. By this morning a dense layer of insipid light gray opaque phlegm clouded the horizon. Yet in other areas the clouds turn a deep, steel gray. The air became unbearably humid and the temperature increased.

      Shortly after noon, we experienced torrential downpours. Tax dollars are now appropriated for emergency preparedness flooding. ' a

      Right now, here, at 1100' above sea level, the air is unbearably dense and as jets go over, the temperature oddly fluctuates. Meanwhile, more and more of our food now contains bioengineered ingredients. 

      People remark about the rain. Do they know about cloud seeding? Most of the time, they say they've heard of it. But the connection doesn't seem to occur to them. They're like deer blinded in the headlights when they're told what to *google.* 

      We need bumper stickers. The message needs to be STOP GEOENGINEERING BEFORE GEOENGINEERING STOPS US. 

      It will take an act of God to turn this around. That so many profiteer from this is, well, truly "deplorable." Hopefully, RFK, Jr., who is the only presidential candidate with the courage to expose this horror, will continue to do so. It truly is warfare beyond what Orwell or C.S. Lewis could have imagined. 


  5. More and more articles are being published that say having air conditioning is not enough any more, when it comes to the record temperatures being set daily around the world.

    I have been saying this for years, just like Dane has been saying things in regard to geoengineering that the experts have consistently denied, but are now finally admitting to them. Because the truth can no longer be hidden as the world becomes more like Venus with each passing year. I just can't understand why they never admit to climate engineering, when it too is so blatantly obvious. 

    Statistics show that heat related deaths are now beginning to take place in fully air conditioned homes and businesses. As those systems lose their cooling ability when the ambient temperature outside reaches a certain level. But it is the humidity factor that is the killer here.

    When record setting high temperatures are accompanied by extremely high relative humidity, current AC systems (including heat pumps) become useless and the human body can no longer cool itself. Especially with the elderly, infants, disabled and and those who are seriously health compromised. Not to mention people who live in structures that have been devastated by other climate disasters, and no longer have the insulation capabilities to keep them cool… even with AC.

    As the Earth gets even hotter with each passing year, millions of people will not be able to cool themselves with any type of AC or Evaporative cooling systems, and tens of thousands will succumb to the heat. Possibly even hundreds of thousands, leading to millions, and then billions as the planet becomes uninhabitable "quite possibly" within our children's lifetime. Or sooner.

    One article in particular mentions what's called a "Heat Katrina", or a mass casualty event. Especially if power grids fail and they use the example of a two-day blackout in Phoenix, where as many as 12,000 people could perish in just one single (isolated) event. Then you multiply that times a hundred if it happens across America.

    But if the grids fail for weeks on end, millions will die and we don't have the resources to deal with that many rotting corpses, or the Mad Max syndrome that follows.

    So, basically the collapse of civilization is just one record setting heat wave away, or one powerful solar storm away… and the subject of AC systems not helping suddenly becomes a mute point. 

    It's not if, but when this happens. Very few will be prepared to deal with such a catastrophe, much less survive it and find a safe place to live out their final days on a scorching planet that will become completely lifeless, by the end of this century.

    if we don't act now and stop the geoengineering blow torch from being used to cull the masses, and ultimately trigger a mass extinction event in the long run.

  6. Eden, had to write to you.  Just read on Yahoo news that a birth of a rare white buffalo portends better times according to the Lakota.  And a rare white buffalo was just born.  I hope you will cover  this in your next comment. I have faith that the legend is true.  Thank you.

  7. Does this not seem to be a reoccurring theme or "pattern" around the world?

    First Brazil experiences deadly floods. Now just a week later, Brazil's wetlands are being engulfed by wildfires. One of the most expansive wetlands on planet Earth has seen a 980% surge in those fires and experts are mystified as to why or how this is happening.

    It couldn't possibly be from highly combustible aerosol particulates being sprayed into the atmosphere, could it?

    Graphene is extremely combustible. Manganese is highly combustible, and sulfur is highly flammable. All three are listed in climate modification patents.

    In recent weeks, devastating and deadly wildfires have spread in Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Algeria, Tunisia and Canada. Now you can add the U.S. and Brazil to that list.

    What do they have in common? Geoengineering operations and heat domes. Or even both in most cases. Yet the experts are still stumped. They claim there is one key and elusive factor missing from the equation of how or why these fires are increasing around the planet.

    I guess none of them have looked up at they sky recently, have they? Or, are they being paid not to point out the obvious? But rather raise suspicions that nature is to blame, simply because of climate change.

    Once again, a reoccurring theme or pattern that can only be explained when you use the word…Insanity.

    One more point that needs to be made here. Strontium is also listed in climate modification patents and when it comes into contact with water, it becomes highly flammable. Wetlands? Water used by firefighter to put these wildfires out? 980% surge?

    1. I never mentioned this before but the GPS navigating system went out in my tractor as well, and it didn't recognize the grid pattern or the fields themselves that I had programmed into the computer. During that brilliant aurora triggered by a massive solar flare.

      That is why it's being repaired and I just got word today that it will likely take 60 to 90 days before they can get the computer GPS operating system up and running again. Because of the long backlog wait time for new chips. (mine eventually fried during the second massive solar storm)

      The tractor will not function on manual either as it just sits there in the field, waiting for commands to start plowing, planting, harvesting or any of the other eight different modes of operation. So basically, it is currently like Biden. The lights are on, but nobody's home. 

      Technology can be a real pain in the ars and we have decided to never again buy another GPS driven tractor. 

      Starting tomorrow I will be working on getting my (non GPS) back up tractor in prime working condition, because we have a huge harvest coming up and any hesitation can cost us "The Farm" literally. I will just have to spend a few hours extra each day now, to run things manually.

      I will be installing solar UV film protectant on the cab glass as well, since it has none right now. AC system is out too and I will be repairing that, but that is my specialty trade from back when my father owned his own AC and heating business.

  8. Northern CA valley locations are under an "Excessive Heat Warning" starting tomorrow and lasting several days. Southwest desert areas are also going to be in very hot. Temps are above the average high temps for this time of year all over the US western states. This warning expands on Wednesday. I said its going to get hotter in places that are already hot and it is. Not even into the hottest parts of the summer and its going to be a scorcher! 

  9. Am now staying at an RV park in Roseburg, OR. The weather here, where I spent my younger years, is cooler than in CA, but the sun's radiation is still more intense than it used to be. Morning is cool, but once the sun appears it rapidly heats up. Forecast was high to be 80F today but has been changed, now calling for 86F. Overcast right now though. Traveled thru central CA in the long valley heading north. Air quality was terrible all the way up to and in Redding, CA. 100F at noon and reached 106 to set a record high temp for the date. Traveled up I-5 and it was in the 90s all the way to Weed, where we stayed on the night of the 8th. After parking the RV trailer I had to hook up the electricity, water, and sewer lines. Got too hot in direct sunlight and had to go inside as I felt like I was going to pass out! Drank a lot of water and sat under the AC until I felt better.  A "freak" thunderstorm rapidly developed over the Salmon Mountains west of Weed and the area around there about 5pm. Lots of lightning and heavy rain over a relatively small area. Went from the 94F (a record high in Weed for the date) to 60F in a short time. Very humid too. Normal summers are no more. Its only going to get hotter in places that are already hot which is already happening. Mass migrations are underway to escape the heat. What happens when there is no place to escape to? You know the answer.     

  10. This from a friend of mine in India:

    "I live in Nagpur, Maharashtra and the temperature here in summer ranges between 42 C (107.6 F) to 48 C (118.4 F). This summer was the hottest here.

    A week ago in Delhi the maximum temperature recorded was 52.3 C (126.1 F)

    So yeah, the whole of India is experiencing a very severe heat wave condition.

    It's just too much heat and humidity."


  11. Dane:  It's in everyone's face.  When the weather man says "Clear Skies", they mean clear white.  I think they even photo shop pics on the news.  They purposely leave out as much of the sky as possible.  So you don't see, it.  You must never look up, or I'm blind!  You rarely see blue skies anymore.  I must be insane, ask your neighbors.


    1. For the last 5 springs the weather has been completely  engineered here in Eastern Kansas. It is engineered all the time, but until this year we rarely ever saw "blue skys". They were white out most of the time with 20,000 ft high thin clouds. These have not been cirrus  clods.The last 2 months has been abnormal  as blue sky's are predominate between the continual  bouts of "fake thunderstorms. Fake in the way of rain droplet  size and the incredible  physotic  lightening..

  12. True story.

    On May 5th, 1995 Dallas/Fort Worth was hit with a record hailstorm that produced grapefruit size hail.

    But in the hill country of Texas, our little community was also hit with a record hailstorm. Where every single leaf was stripped from the trees, and all of the motor homes left exposed looked like a massive block of Swiss cheese. All roofs were destroyed and skylights were completely blown out.

    Needless to say all the cars and trucks were totaled and there were five and six inch round holes in the ground everywhere. I personally found three hailstones over seven inches that didn't break in pieces, that landed in peat beds. But I didn't place them in my freezer. Because I wasn't trying to get my name in the record books.

    The people that owned the local thrift store just two blocks away 

  13. Thanks Dane for mentioning the allegations that the grandfather of George W Bush (Prescott Bush) had financial dealings with the Nazis in WW2. Biographer Kitty Kelly also makes note of these allegations in her book The Family.There is also a line in the George W Bullshit song that says his grandpa financed Hitler. If you want to hear the George W Bullshit song you might have to use the Bing search engine. Please don't construe my comments as favoring one side of the fake political divide. I went beyond that crap a long time ago. 

  14. Dear Rachael, 

    You were in the Carr Fire?   My God, I remember that horrible fire in 2018 in the summer near Whiskey Town that involved the whole area, including skipping over Sacramento River  into Redding area.  I am so heartbroken you lost your possessions and had to go through that damn fire… one of the largest in California.  To all of those who lost so much, I extend to you my sorrow with the hope none has to go through something that horrifying again.  I understand you not leaving the house in summer as I also have that fear.  I do not leave my little town up here off Highway 44 near Lassen during the summer to go into Redding or anywhere else.  I have animals and others to watch over and so, I store up on essentials right about this time, and depend on our local market for everything else.  Expensive, but, no alternative.

    I aso have an extra car in which I store my sentimental objects, and family necessities, etc. in case of needed departure.  I leave some room for the animals, but that;s about it.  We didn't have this fear years ago.  Climate, weather were different.  The temperatures  warm, sometimes hot,  But.trying to work out in the garden is impossible due to the brilliantly hot sun.  It is truly scary.  Everything is dry as a bone, watering doesn't help except for PGE profit, and hiring forest clearing is out of my reach.  I worry for the elderly and those who are immobile and have no ability to escape a conflagration, and everyone else, including the wild life who will perish.  Sorry for this long comment, but your being in that Carr Fire touched off the fear for all of us who must undergo what these bastards are doing with their constant and evil aerosol spraying of our world.  Rachael, thank you for your story, thank heaven you are alright.  Stay well.  We will endure.  

    To EJ Canary,

    My beautiful Santa Cruz mountains.   My hometown from 1939 to 1978…my grandparents' ranch in Scotts Valley off Granite Creek Road.  That was before Highway 17 was constructed.  We young kids used to play on the old highway because there would be only four or five cars going to San Jose over the old San Jose Highway.  (I am quite old, you see).  What an extraordinarily beautiful time that was in the green valley and mountains where we collected huge mushrooms to cook with garlic on our wood stove.  No worries about fire or anything else.  The old Frapwell Farm on the corner of Granite Creek and old highway to San Jose provided the few houses around with animal stock and other necessities for farm life.  It was heaven and we did not know it then that it would ever change.  Camp Evers was the closest store and we walked along the highway to get there.  No problem for young kids or anyone just out and about.  Depending on an old well which did not provide much water wasn't too worrisome, believe it or not because there were clean creeks and the beautiful beach just seven miles away.  We depended on that salty water for bathing and it was a helluva lot of fun.  Not many people on the wharf or sunning on the sand.  The casino was the greatest place on Earth according to us little ones who worshipped the merrygoround, and the beautiful little white ponies.  It's one of the only things still there, still going around and capturing the imaginations of people riding their horses to the music which made it so fun.   So many things have changed.  I guess it must be so.  But there must have been a different road to the 'progress' we see today, where one cannot leave their homes for fear of some cataclysm, where we cannot breathe the formerly clean (or cleaner) air without trepidation, where the food we eat is not endangering our lives with chemicals and generally modified.  We could all have been more alert rather than enjoying the gifts we were provided in my time without any thought as to the future of our country or world.  It was our fault.  We were negligent.  And now we pay.  I fear for the young ones now, who have not known better times, or will they ever?   But I still have hopes, as I leave, that there are many fighting for the lives of all of us. One such, our own host, Dane.  He introduced me via this extraordinary site to the dangers before us and activated us to move with urgency,  to NOT be negligent as my generation was.  Be active.  Protect your homes and family in the best ways you can.  And I do believe we will endure, we will see the light at the end of the tunnel.  There is hope, there are good people fighting for us and nature, in all of its greatness will survive in time.  

    Thank you, EJ Canary.  I hope you are enjoying the new Santa Cruz, but regret that you did not know the old one.  Stay well. Stay safe. Give the ponies at the beach a big hug for me. And I never got the silver ring until I was 30 years old.  

    ps. As I read over this long comment, my first thought was to delete it as boring and not really useful and silly, just memories from an old woman.  But then I thought,  if not appropriate, Dane would give it the axe, and I wouldn't blame him.  But, reading instances of a more simple life from someone still alive may motivate some to realize the changes in just a short time that can happen –  From Rachael's story of the Carr Fire Hell to EJ Canary's in once beautiful little town of Santa Cruz.  So, I leave it here.  

    Bless all of us, no matter where or who.  Keep the faith. 

    Thanks, Dane, for all you do and have done under the prevailing circumstances that would have beaten a lesser man.

  15. Thank you Mr. Wiginton for your leadership in these dire times.

    I am hard-at-work researching the weaponized weather heat source  penetrating our bodies and killing our planet 

    Exposure at UV-C wavelength (~281 nanometer), DNA chromosome structures take immediate damage.  Longer exposure creates more cellular damage.  When damage is repaired incorrectly, we can expect tumors, cancer and death.

    Exposure at INFRA-RED (1 millimeter to 750 nanometer), we feel heat.  When wet bulb temperature approaches our body temperature, we can expect heat exhaustion, heat stroke and death.

    NOAA GOES-East band 9, heat vectors Gulf of Mexico atmospheric moisture.  Heat ribbons appear relatively constant as day becomes night, over thousands of miles, over land and sea.

    My hypothesis: the weaponized weather system creates heat via molecular friction.  The molecule is in the aerosols/coal fly ash -or- the molecule is water and the weaponized weather system is an orbital magnetron array.

  16. While in Montana I presented The Dimming to over 380 members of various tribes and I can truly say without any doubt that every single Native American community in this country is 100% behind Dane, and the geoengineering elephant in the sky has ALWAYS been visible to them for decades upon decades.

    During the question and answer follow up, one question became a common theme shared by all.

    How is it that the entire Indigenous fold of America’s society can clearly see the engineered Climate Assaults and Weaponization of Weather, while the majority of the remaining 98% act completely clueless? Or suddenly become deaf, dumb and mute at the slightest hint of or mentioning the subject of geoengineering.

    The following are their words and thoughts they wrote down for me to share with the rest of the world.

    They feel like shadows on a wall and ghosts in the night when they try to open other people’s minds and eyes to what governments and militaries around the world are doing to the life essential four elements of Nature.

    They turn the soils of (Earth) sterile, so there can be no more bountiful crops. For what possible reason, other than to starve mankind into manageable numbers?

    They poison the sky spirit of (Air) and cause it to choke all living things. While summoning the dark energy of the wind to create chaos so evil that tornadoes and hurricanes take on a life of their own. For what purpose? To traumatize and kill the innocent and helpless in their quest of demonizing nature?

    They bend the will of (Fire) to scar mountain range sized wounds upon the land and replace people’s happy memories with death and destruction that shocks their world to the core in mere seconds. As their black winds sweep the towering blaze and black smoke over those who never get the chance to flee, and the firefighters become haunted by the fire tornadoes that appear to scream with a sinister laugh from beyond what can only be described as an infernal realm of the underworld. (Native Americans believe that the fires are the worst of all climate engineering atrocities, because when nature tries to heal the scars, it is only met with droughts and floods that follow soon after.)

    They have discovered the secrets to building dams and opening flood gates of (water “rain”) within Nature’s River systems in the sky. As they target foreign nations who refuse to bend to their will, with deadly droughts and floods, while poisoning all the oceans, seas, lakes, rivers and underground reservoirs, causing extinctions of aquatic life at blinding speeds, and dumping forever chemicals into the deepest realms of life-giving water below the surface of the Earth. Not even glaciers, sea ice, snow, rain, sleet or hail, are immune to the toxic fog from man’s attempt to conquer nature.

    The miracles of nature are what makes this planet unique and special in all the universes that the creator has designed. So, when those humans who lust for power turn nature upon itself and all of humanity. They are creating a cancer that spreads to other worlds, “if and when” we somehow miraculously find a way to colonize them, before this “One” Earth witnesses our ultimate demise.

    As proud members of many nations, within one nation, we urge humanity to find a way to get climate engineering to cease and desist. Before those “who are possessed” that print the cursed and sinful dollar that cripples’ societies and holds them hostage.

    “Uses all of nature and her four elements to bring us to our knees”, as the environment around us crushes and boils us from existence”. “The Indigenous Peoples of America”

    1. HI Eden

      Thank You for reaching out to our native Brothers and Sisters. “The Dimming” is a very powerful work that presents ample evidence even for those who are literally blind  and cannot actually see what is happening. Yet the other mind blinded ones who have not enough compassion to get out of their computerized celphones and even look up to the sky. So much information is out there on theW.W.Web, that it would be so easy to research for themselves. Alas! there is also so much entertainment trash there to soak up their minds with pure trash thinking.

      The Indigenous Peoples here in America only have known borders for only the last few centuries. Therefore it is not so surprising they are of one mind. Also the remaining world has it’s own Indigenous populations in hidden and forgotten clustered areas of all continents and remote Islands. All of these hunter gatherer agricultural forefathers existentialists  have enjoyed a nature based existence for ages. Unfortunately having been impoverished, stolen from, displaced, assimilated, stereotyped, mocked and most of all have become broken in spirit. These Great Peoples have suffered the most worldwide. It is they who should be the worlds wise spokesmen for what we all are facing now and into the future. The modernist populace who’s ancestors have enjoyed rape pillage and murder outset behaviors have now become consumers for multinational corporations and culpable for world wars, famine, crime and overall injustice to their own suicidal, kamikaze  lifestyle. They simply let the “great ones” the oligarch's the billionaire rulers of vying countries do our thinking for us. The general populace simply cannot survive alone or think for themselves. This is the crux of the difference between the indigenous and general indoctrinated populace.

      Early on It was wise to respect and listen to our elders. The youth today have not been taught as such and are without any reverence or use for elders. It would be well for mankind to listen and emulate to our planet elders rooted in natural living practices. This would be much more productive than to venerate and idolize film stars, athletes, celebrities, famous and wealthy worldly people as their role models.

      Life examples of the ones who have Wisdom, Kindness, Love and Compassion; should be the ones mankind gravitates to in order to survive and thrive on a Planet that was given to us by the "Great Creator"


    2. Dear Watcher,

      Thank you for your well-written, thoughtful and interesting comment.  Your perspective is so on the mark, so frankly expressed to make it important information that all of us must acknowledge and act upon.  Look forward to more of your expressive writings.  Best wishes.

  17. One of my neighbors trees went down last week, snapped in half in the engineered wind and basically shattered on the ground.  I know it took out at least one well established bird nest, and I hope those birds got out.  It did not hit my house or the neighbor's house and took out a bit of chain link fence that I will have to deal with at some point, along with the bird's nest.  Very sad day.  When I went out today to pick up a few more pieces of it, I could see that it was basically dying before it fell, of course.  Woodpeckers had been at it as well.  There is at least one still standing in the same condition as that tree, and I wonder when that and some of the others around it will come crashing down, shattering on the ground, showing how long they struggled to stay alive, to no avail, mostly due to the willful ignorance of the masses, as well as the psychotic nature of those who control the agenda.  I stand outside and listen to the birds who sound like they're mourning their former home, and cuss a blue streak at the freaks who kill with impunity.

    1. Hi, Jonathan,

      Coffee going up the roof – not to worry.  During WWII when we were rationed coffee to an impossibly insufficient amount, many used the old Italian method… if you can't win, try something else, so we planted chicory (chicoria) in our gardens and used the roots, dried as a substitute. (Grows wild in many areas). Not bad, and adding sugar a problem because that was also rationed.  Plus we were all told to use the coffee grounds twice or even three times rather than just once.   By the way, have you seen the rising costs of Hersheys unsweetened Cocoa?   Or if you want to feel pleased about your state, look at the cost of gasoline here in good old California. And it is about to increase soon.  Either the highest or second highest gasoline price in USA.  So, it goes.  Other rationed commodities during the war were shoes and gasoline of course.  Adults only allowed one pair of shoes per year while children allowed two. Shoes were made of leather in those days. Not the cheap plastic concoction made in China that is the norm today. And the military needed the leather for their boots, etc. Couldn't buy any of these products without using your ration tickets given to us in booklet form.  Though inconvenient, it was a small price to pay considering the deaths and destruction and starvation of the people directly involved in WWII.   One might stop to wonder why the hell did we destroy so much of our 'enemies' only to make friends with them a little later.  Now our allies, but the white crosses all over the world are still multiplying by the millions, as we make new 'enemies.'  Wars, as everyone knows solve nothing for those directly involved.  And we all are aware of who profits and who is sacrificed.  A cruel world that must be fixed – and damn soon. For millions, too late.

      Thank you, Jonathan, for your dedication to the cause.  Best wishes.



  18. Last week Val and Amy Castor, veteran storm troopers, excuse me, storm chasers were in Vigo Park, Texas  chasing a thunderstorm system. They are from Oklahoma City TV station KWTV. 

     It's a scary job but someone's gotta do it. Val said that several baseball sized hail hit their car. One even broke their windshield. Then, staring down the baseball sized hail, ignoring the broken windshield, the big payoff for their efforts:

     A giddy Val said that , "I could see it from probably 100 yards!" What was it, what did he see? It was hail the size of a pineapple!  It measured over 7 inches! Everything's bigger in Texas! It broke the previous Texas record of 6.4 inches spotted in Hondo in 2021. 

    Val said  "that's the biggest hail I've ever seen and I've been chasing storms for over 30 years." Before any celebrations, Val and Amy will have to wait. The size must be verified by a group of researchers including the state climatologist, according to Jordan Salem, a meteorologist  at the National Weather Service office in Lubbock. 

     Now I'm sure spotting a potential record sized hail is exciting to a storm chaser. I just wish the vaunted researchers would put the same passion of hail size verification into learning more about weather warfare and the reasons for insanely large hail. 



  19. Dane, one sentence in your intro above scares the bejeebers out of me, to wit: "the controllers are more desperate and dangerous than ever before."   Living in a highly forested area in Northern California, every  summer is a nightmare of wondering if and where the next forest fire will occur. We've been hit many times in the past few years and even thinking of moving is impossible for some of us, financially and otherwise.  So. we live with it and pray to whomever is in charge of this round ball on which we live for a safe summer not only for us mortals, but for the abundance of beauty nature has given us and the animal life that makes it worth the effort.  Now to your weekly newscast.  Hope there is some good news somewhere in the world you will cover.  I realize that is too much to ask.  Thanks.

    1. Virginia, 

      We are in the same boat, living in Northern California, summertime is the scariest part of the year. The fires have gotten so bad here that we are afraid to leave the house during the summer months because the possibility of a fire breaking out and us not being able to return home to save senior family members and animals is real. The spraying is nonstop, the UV rays more intense, the earth so dry and dead one spark is all it takes. We have already lost everything from my childhood to the Carr fire and thankful to still have our lives. I too hope that one day there will be something positive to report on but for now, thank you for keeping us informed on what's truly happening to our beautiful planet. – Rachael 

    2. I live in the Santa Cruz mountains of Northern California and I share your fears ever since 2020 when the "freak" lightening storms brought so much destruction. I too pray they spare us more devastation this year.

    3. You should have researched the Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 maps ahead of time,then you would have had the heads up as to where" They" don't want you all to live-

    4. Hi, Inresponsetoallthreeofyou….

      Good suggestions, but were those maps in existence 55 years ago when we bought our acreage?  Wish it were so, although I doubt we would have believed their relevancy at that date.  Thank you.

    5. Hi Virginia: Thank You for the heartfelt comments.

      It is, to all of You commenting here, thanks to Dane and His "Great Work" , I find like minded concerned people like Yourself Virginia that sincerely care about life and our environs. I am not educated beyond High School . I do read a lot, following my dad's footsteps who quit school and left the family farm at 16 to join the Military in WWII he fought both Japanese and German forces..He was highly decorated for saving many lives. That makes me so proud. Another source of pride in Him is that He was a voracious reader and self educated attaining knowledge beyond most of today college educated. He truly would pay attention to our cause here, if he were alive. He was of Native American heritage, a staunch environmentalist and animal rights activist. So it is He that I thank for any awareness and concern for our world I do poses. Both my dad and grandparents lived thru “The Great Depression”. As a young lad I listened to their stories and marveled over their sacrifices. There again wars, depressions are a byproduct of greedy behaviors by governments with no real concern going toward it's victims. Good limited means people seem always to bear the brunt. It is they who make all the sacrifices. Now it is our turn to tell these stories to the young, less they never learn because of a culture that is too preoccupied with a mindless artificial existence. We must tell all who would earnestly listen of where we have come from and where we are going to as mankind. Or it will be just another orchestrated dead end designed to control and impoverish the unwashed masses. They ultimately may face their doom unawares without any prior knowledge.

      Duly here: Geoengieering is on the front burner. I do believe it is of most importance to help our fellows become aware of these nefarious practices if they will give us an ear. Old-school cloud formations and weather is of a bygone era for most people under 20 even 30 years old. They may never see the difference between this modern manipulated weather and what we and our elders have experienced in the past. So it is, wih this, passing on stories, facts and lore; I take to heart as a mission to our younger ones and adults who may be inclined to listen. Sometimes with my delight, I find a young soul with a fertile mind or fellow contemporary that is all ears. This is a lovely thing, I do cherish. I hope it is never too late for wisdom and critical thinking to flow into our future generations to offset all other opposition  they will ultimately face.

      We must choose to live out our days as good examples, while forging on to help bring about a bright future.This just may be God's  plan we will become part of.




    6. Dear Watcher:

      "I am not educated beyond high school", you state in your comment.  How damn lucky for you, Watcher.  Some of the greatest minds have been self-educated, as you and your dear father were.  Your mastery of the English language and ability to express yourself is far superior to many 'college grads.'  It is not how many classes you took, but how much you were motivated and dedicated yourself to learning.  Bravo for you, Watcher.

      Coincidentally, an interesting site I frequent just today prefaced their main news by this quote, among others, and I can attest, as a former teacher, the validity of its message as to how it is applicable in modern education.

      " The aim of public education is not to spread enlightenment at all; it is simply to reduce as many individuals to the same safe level, to breed and train a standard citizenry, to down dissent and originality."   H.L. Mencken  

      Thank you, Watcher. 

    7. Virginia: I am in agreement with You. Education is merely "Indoctrination". In school, where I received a pretty decent well rounded education all mostly before the 8th grade that's when things became subtly different. I then became bored and restless wanting for more. Most of the subjects were skewed and watered down. I wanted to be an environmental engineer in high school. I could not find any subjects other than science or geography to support my quest. Ultimately I was accepted at University of N.H. to enter into their forestry program. Because of hating classroom existence, I thought I would take a year off. Well! that turned out to be 56 years. While learning the landscaping and building trades, later I became stuck indoors manufacturing. I never made more than $30,000 in my best year and that is only because of 60 hour workweeks. My dreams never came thru. I wished to have a family farm, some livestock and a couple of horses.Sending my kids to higher education was the only answer for me to at least give them the jump-start I missed. The rest of the story is; because of college loans and ever increasing cost's of living, I never had enough money saved to buy land, never mind build or buy a starter home. At least "Thank God" I have lived pleasantly rural. Life toward my 80's now seems as bright as a darkroom. All I have now is my thoughts to wrestle with. I am very fortunate to have an individual free thinking mind. As if that can change a troubled world. That is yet another pipe dream.

      Dane You have what I wished I had achieved  in my own lifetime.  That is to fearlessly embark on a mission that just may make a difference for our planet. Thru all the opposition You Dear Sir; are a Heroic and True Warrior.

      GOD BLESSES all who come here because of You Dane and your Great Work.

  20. Geoengineering is Population Control.  Humans are suppose to be the smartest species, but instead we are killing our Earth.

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