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Dane Wigington

The completely unprecedented Canadian wildfire incinerations are creating and feeding a massive solar radiation management "smoke apocalypse" that has covered the majority of the North American continent. Does this scenario serve primary stated objectives of climate engineering operations? The short answer is yes. On the other side of the world record shattering heat is fueling fires in Siberia. Sea ice in both polar regions is at record low levels with ocean temperatures escalating at blinding speed. Above it all, climate intervention operations are raging. What happens now? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard. 

Must view, THE DIMMING, our most comprehensive climate engineering documentary:​

For Geoengineering Watch awareness materials shown below, click the image to order.

      GW flyer packet 300   GeoengineeringWatch.org booklets, DVD

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27 Responses

  1. Temps in June for Bisbee, AZ are consistently in the mid 90s. Relative humidity around 20% with completely cloudless skys. It has been this way for the first ten years that I have lived here.  Doves were everywhere with their constant annoying cooing. June is also what I call "fly month",they hatch in droves.

    In the past 5 years all that has changed. 95% of the doves are gone, its eerily quiet. Aside from an occasional appearance the flys are nonexistant. Skys are clear at 6am and by noon are completely overcast, with relative humidity still around 20% and temps in the mid 90s. This is not normal.

    Monsoon season usually arrives the fourth of July. I'm betting that we're not going to have one. Because of the extremely thick aerosol layer and the dessicant effect, convection cannot occur, thunderstorms don't form. This with a relative humidity of 60-70%. The summer prevailing winds are from the southwest, but something strange happened last year where all monsoon rain events came from the southeast. The Gulf of Mexico. Who controls the weather, controls the world. 

    BTW I'm convinced that the number one goal of the geoengineers is depopulation at any cost. It directly affects their bottom line. What's a few billion people here and there.

    Thanks Dane for all your work.

  2. People are actually starting tto notice..I have had many say..The weather is so weird..I just am honest..They are spraying the skies..It's funny..most know it..They just look at me..dumbfounded..Like how can they do that….When you think about how can you think they wouldn't??..They control everything else..why not the weather?..They are insane with the desire to think they can be God..or else it is just insanity…I just can't believe people can just look at it and not..do something..And why is it not allowed to be talked about???Why???…Tell me Dane why is no one allowed to say anything????…They killed JFK because he didn't want war so why does it surprise me??? 

  3. “Spray Bug”

    I have a holistic healing practitioner (also aware of GEW!) in my family, who is reporting client symptoms that match my own:

    Flu-like respiratory/lung irritation/chills-fever/ coughing/heavy sinus-and a desire to sleep.

    It began last week with an increase in cases. I’ve spotted Climate Engineering ongoing this month and the Spraying seems to be shifting areas. I left the Central North Carolina area for Charlotte last week, returning home this week and there’s definitely correlation between areas being Sprayed and this “36-Hour Bronchial Flu”!

    This absolutely validates what Dane has been warning as to pathogens in the Spraying. You get fever/chills then respiratory and related. And it’s spreading rapidly regardless of having been near others or not! As my Mom used to say, “I’m so mad I could spit” – and if you do – you might cough out some of the white, creepy ‘plastic-glue-like’ substance!

    Thank You Dane!!! Please never stop keeping us informed!

    Randyl J

  4. The owner of our local New Hampshire farm store told me today that there will be no pitted fruits from the east coast this year because of 20 degree below weather last February. No peaches, nectarines and plums.

  5. I've found a new approach to introduce people to geoengineering. When I'm in a conversation and find myself stumbling for words to recall a certain event I'll say, " Excuse me, but my brain is being filled with aluminum",  I then make eye contact with an expressionless face and study their reaction. Either they question me or they move away from the conversation, plant a seed and move on as Dane says. Bravo to all here that are trying to better this ailing planet, we will be rewarded for our efforts.

  6. Most Canadian wildfire agencies have a "let it burn" strategy and have failed to learn the lessons of the "big blowup" in 1910.

    One firefighter  said the only thing  that will put many of these fires out is winter 5 months from now.

    Sounds like a long hot smokey summer.

    1. Sadly, Little does the firefighter understand that unless it is toxically  'engineered' it is unlikely that a Canadian 'winter' will come.

  7. To Geoff my condolences on wife. It's a trip with even that insect being grateful and dancing to you and giving you Thanks for 1 more day. Just like Davis dancing in his victory, what a trip heh heh…I water the birds in yard, sparrow, quail, dove, etc. I feed the little booger hummingbird with 2 feeders, most don't have a problem coming close, once in a while I'll get a flutter by ear, after years of this we don't swat something we are aware of how they operate. Watch dvd God of Wonders" good viewing with intellectuals on it not afraid to speak

  8. Hello to God's Warriors from Southwest, NM who are good stewards in the wellness of our World-Earth, Thanks to All here. We have been bombarded with SAG/SRM/SAI, as some of us call it for what it is Chemtrails. Our rain clouds being obliterated by these bunch of Lowlife in the form of a human being, I don't think so. They can feed their lies to some monkey who is to gullible to understand better and living in denial. Kudos I believe to you guys, thumbs up 2U. Of course the winds come mostly after their sprays with HAARP, WHAT ELSE? Over El Paso, Tx. and Juarez, Mx. these SOB'S are tearing it up. Vengeance is mine saith the Lord…His Spirit & Strength

  9. How Antibiotics Created the Industrial Chicken Industry — And Drug-Resistant Infections
    Antibiotic resistance is a vastly underestimated health threat — an estimated 23,000 Americans die each year from drug-resistant infections, including drug-resistant sexually transmitted diseases.

        •Antibiotic resistance is a vastly underestimated health threat; an estimated 23,000 Americans die each year from drug-resistant infections, including drug-resistant sexually transmitted diseases.
        •Agriculture plays a major role in this; in the U.S., four times as many antibiotics are used in livestock as are used in human medicine.
        •When animals are given antibiotics, it causes unnatural growth by altering their gut microbiome. In the process, some of those gut bacteria become antibiotic-resistant. Contaminated meat can then become a source of drug-resistant infections.
        •Historically, chickens were scrawny little birds that no one thought to consume as a primary meal on a regular basis. Antibiotics changed this, when it was discovered the drug made the birds grow twice as large, twice as fast.
        •Targeted breeding, creating a more full-breasted bird, and federal dietary guidelines called for reducing saturated fat found in beef-fueled consumption of chicken.


  10. I was checking this morning on the website of on the local news stations. They have a new chief meteorologist so I sent him links to the dimming and the article about wildfires serving the geo engineering agenda. The other one's blocked me after they realized what I was sending them over the past few years.


    This is something that people can easily do from home and their local communities, and who knows and what point that critical threshold of awareness will be crossed and they'll reach people who will be willing to take a stand and make a difference.

  11. No more countless varieties of birds stopping by during the day, hardly any insects of any kind, virtually no wasps or bees any more, the sky always wispy white-gray with clump clouds showing up to make for always partly to mostly cloudy skies. And the heat is building faster than i can remember – today right now it is at 100 degrees and this week ahead has us in the DFW area ranging from 99-105 degrees. And no rain for quite some time with forecasts saying rain is expected almost on a daily basis but it just clouds up and then dissipates. There's just an evil foreboding about all this planned destruction and not many are seeing it. I think they just Do Not want to see it or to believe things really can be this bad. Fires, drought, crop failings, animal populations shrinking,  bacteria taking over water systems and the gulf coasts – alarming what is going on. And nuclear war just a moment away every day.

    Staying the course with you Dane.



  12. I emailed Dr. David Keith to send him a link to the RFK Junior interview from the other day, also to let him know that his agenda is being more and more publicly exposed. He is now at the University of Chicago, and it's easy to look him up.


    A different note, for those who may be new to this subject, when Dane talks about the geo engineering particles being sprayed in the sky, and he mentions that they are desiccants, he is talking about the fact that they basically suck moisture out of the air and out of the ground. I have lots of plants, birds and other wild animals that I care for, and the bird baths and water bowls and the ground and which all the plants live that I'm watering, are so incredibly dry. It's so dry. In terms of the air, I can fill the bird bath up in the evening as the sun is setting, and much of that water will have evaporated by the next morning. It's incredible. The ground is so dry. It's crunchy under your feet. I'm also a gardener. I'm seeing problems with a lot of the plants not growing well this year. And I'll take very good care of my plants. So I just wanted to confirm two people who maybe new to this website that the things that Dane is talking about are absolutely true.

    1. Here in northern Nevada we have had record rains, severe thunderstorms, 8 inches of rain so far (over our yearly total already) We have a greenhouse and must water 2x a day, we have hung sheeting to ease the solar heating and the greenhouse is located on the north side of the house set onto concrete. so far, vegetable plants are doing well…

      I am watching the rising and setting of the sun, noting time and position….seems awfully bright, especially after chemtrails..

  13. A parable is a method of  teaching using a familiar concept  to illustrate  unfamiliar concepts. The parable of the sower and the seed, [Matthew 13: 3 – 23,]  is the record of Jesus explaining the 4 results of sharing the word of God to people. You may find this interesting  as you share information regarding the unfolding climate collapse with people.

    He uses the illustration of the sower. The sower sows the seeds and some of the seeds fall by the wayside and the birds snatch them up. Some fall on rocky places, some on the thorn patches and some on good soil.

    Jesus then explains the parable in relation to sharing God's word with people. The seeds by the wayside refers to those who hear but don't understand. One has to want to understand. Some don't. The evil one then snatches the seed away. 

    The seed on rocky places refers to those who are excited at first, but having "no root in themselves,"  hang around for awhile but then depart. The reason is tribulation, "thilipsis" in the Greek. In our vernacular, we can better understand it as mental pressure.  The thrill of the new information comes with the responsibility of knowing it and sharing it. They don't want to deal with that and depart.

    The third response is the thorns. Jesus explains that the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of  riches enters in and chokes the word. The worries of life include the bills they have to pay.  Their level of debt worries them. Those that have money are busy with the pursuit of the social status they desire. There's no time for climate collapse information during this pursuit of riches. 

    Finally, thankfully, the seed on the good soil produces much fruit,as much as a hundredfold. These spiritual truths Jesus taught his disciples are helpful to know when we share the information regarding geoengineering. Folks will fall into one of these 4 categories. Each day we stay committed we will continue to produce fruit in our lives.


    1. It is said that Jesus taught partly through parables. This is a very good parable. The illustrates the various level of receptivity people have to our collective message.

      This I went to go see my 94-year-old grandmother, who is in a skilled nursing facility. Also went to the supermarket. I use both of these locations to share cards and flyers from Dane.

      Every You're doing. And don't let them get you down. If you run across people who are not receptive to the collective message. Just knock the dust off your sandals just like Jesus taught his disciples, and move on.

      Dane likes to say that they are not gods, and we are not helpless.


  14. Dane mentioned the recent heat wave in Siberia. Siberia only hit 100 degrees for the first time in 2020. This past Wednesday the temperature topped 100 degrees in multiple locations with Baevo topping out at 103.3 F

  15. Dane mentioned the Gulf of Tonkin incident in this week's broadcast. The idea that North Vietnamese patrol boats would attack a much better armed U.S. destroyer in international waters is ridiculous to begin with. What would be the point? By the way, these false flag attacks are nothing new. In 1898 the U.S. battleship Maine exploded in Havana harbor killing 266 American sailors. At that time Cuba was a Spanish possession. U.S. newspapers led by the Hearst group used the incident to whip up war fever against Spain. As a result of the ensuing Spanish American War Puerto Rico remains a U.S. possession to this day. Later the explosion was revealed to be of internal (i.e. not Spanish caused) origin 



  16. It’s getting scary how much damage climate engineering is causing.  I have a lawn care business in NW PA, and I am outside a lot constantly looking at the damage to the trees ( fungus on several varieties of trees) and hardly any insects. I am telling customers there are no honey bees anywhere.

    Usually there are several honey bees daily on clover in the grass when I am mowing, but I haven’t seen any….. my customers are seeing this and asking me why?  I explain briefly about climate engineering etc so people are noticing the crazy weather patterns and lack of rain this early in the season as well.

    It’s so frustrating to see the constant chemtrails, and weather whiplash patterns, but we need to speak up and educate people because eventually it will get more obvious and people need to know the truth.

    1. I agree keep teaching and eventually people will see! Hang in there and may god bless you to have the strength to do this! Sending my love! God is good! 

  17. Japan Begins Secretly Releasing Irradiated Water From Fukushima Disaster Into The Ocean | ZeroHedge

    Tokyo Electric Power Company (better known as TEPCO) started releasing irradiated seawater from Monday afternoon into an underwater tunnel that has been built to release Fukushima nuclear contaminated water into the sea, Japan's public broadcaster NHK said on Tuesday.
    According to TEPCO, the tunnel will be filled with some 6,000 tons of seawater by around noon on Tuesday.

    The process, according to China Daily, was carried out "secretly" on Monday because Japan's unilateral decision of dumping more than 1.3 million metric tons of treated but still radioactive water into the ocean provoked consistent protests from neighboring countries, such as China, Pacific Island communities and civil society groups in the most affected prefectures such as Fukushima, Iwate and Miyagi.

    And instead of targeting what will be a tangible environmental catastrophe in just days, the hollow and hypocritical virtue signaling talking heads continue droning on about such meaningless drivel as ESG and global warming.

    Also, oddly enough, there has not been a peep about this clear and present ocean disaster from either the original Greta, or her new and improved for mass-consumption replacement, Sophia Kianni, who lately appears to be more focused on building up her scantily-clad, environmentally-fighting image than, well, fighting for the environment…


    1. Hi Susan,

      Firstly thank you – it's so good to have you back!

      A comment which a while back I would have considered rather silly: are we experiencing not 'Geoengineering' but actually the terminal phase of Terra-forming ?

      I am used to both technical and situational analysis, and this seems to be horribly plausible. My late wife who in the early part of her career, was a brilliant systems analyst came to this conclusion the year before she died. 

      If you spend decades collating the data and then step back,  an uncomfortable perspective is achieved; that of directed biocide…

      Either our species is irretrievably insane ab initio the first stone was used to batter and smash a skull – or as Charles Fort said; 'We are Property'…

      But wherever we look, there is denial, insanity, disintegration, war and chaos – and as Dane says, 'We are over the Cliff'… 

      But before the 'impact' I am trying to keep my wife's seedling wild birch and rowan trees alive – most are struggling, but have reached five to six feet tall – the rowans have flowered already! The wild birds (those few that are left)  are unafraid. I have not seen swallows now for four seasons, bar a handful migrating past in the white searing glare of the sun (on the rare occasions when the smothering blanket of chemical status lifts)…

      I  rescued a tiny beautiful iridescent wood wasp from the bird bath a while ago – once they were so common – it spent a long time dring out and then it started to preen its wings sitting upon my finger… It then made a 'dance' – first anti-clockwise and then  clockwise – it stopped, looked directly at me, turned and flew off… How can an insect communicate – yet it did… What have we lost? What have we destroyed? When I was a child the  wild places and even most gardens were alive with bees of all kinds, hover-flies, butterflies, moths, beetles and myriads of birds and their songs… When I was very, very young, my father awakened me to hear the glory that was the dawn chorus – and we lived just three miles from the center of Bristol where even the bomb sites and ruins were full of Life and song…

      I have a small family of young starlings in a line on my (open) window sill noisily demanding food – Massingham, way back in the 1930s was very fond of them and called them the ragamuffins of the bird world! We have a very old rescued parrot who sits on my shoulder and chatters away to them… While the Amazon burns and her wonderful, beautiful,  affectionate,  and intelligent kind are destroyed…

      Susan, Dane, what have we done?

      Geoff Hanham



    2. Thank you Geoff Hanham! Your love for Nature is inspiring. Sad days…



    VSF: I hope Ziggy won't mind me re-posting this, which he posted on GW back in January. Reading this liberated me from the endless conflicting opinions about the source of my allergy-asthma I contracted over a year ago. Thank you, Ziggy. You'll never know what your sharing this meant to an old lady.

    Ziggy says:
    January 1, 2023 at 5:34 am
    Last week my doctor said that all the allergy tests I had taken in early December, came back negative for reactions to anything in Nature. So, he said that my chronic sinus infections and severe allergies must be a result of exposure to pollution. But I reminded him that I am at least 150 miles from the nearest big city, and even the small town where his office is located, has to be at least 100 miles distant too. Plus, there are no industrial plants, large commercial sectors or even major highways near us. Nothing that would cause high levels of exposure on a daily basis.
    Then I said: "Could my issues be a result of breathing in toxic aerosols being sprayed by military and commercial airline planes… as part of the ongoing geoengineering operations in our skies?
    He gave me this weird look and said:  "Do you honestly believe that our government and military would purposely spray toxic materials in the sky, without our knowledge of such activities?"
    I said of course… "YES"
    He then flipped his computer screen around and opened a link from his favorites. Suddenly this website came up
    and he said:
    "Ziggy, that's exactly what is causing your sinus infections and allergies. But I can't tell my patients any of that, out of fear that they would report me and cause me to lose my practice."
    We literally sat in his office (for over and hour) and discussed all of the medical health issues that he is treating his patients for, in regards to their exposure and inhaling of so much toxic crap falling out of the sky. He has been following Dane and this website for over seven years now.
    Needless to say I made a new friend and ally in this fight to end Climate Engineering once and for all.


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