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Dane Wigington

"Meteorologists Have Never Seen Anything Like Hurricane Beryl" (from Scientific American). "Hurricane Beryl Is the Earliest Category 5 Storm in Recorded History" (from MSN). "Dangerous, record-breaking heat expected to continue spreading across U.S." (from CBS News).  "Record-setting heat will continue to torment millions of Americans this weekend" (from CNN). Question, is Hurricane Beryl now scheduled to be utilized as a moisture pump to cool down portions of the superheating US? Even in the far north conditions are beyond alarming: "Wildfires ravage Arctic Circle" (from MSN). Is firestorm smoke being used by the weather makers to temporarily, toxically and very destructively block the sun from the rapidly melting polar ice? Are the climate engineers truly this desperate? How long till impact? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard.

Must view, THE DIMMING, our most comprehensive climate engineering documentary:​

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73 Responses

    1. WHAAATT?!!..  This is unheard of.  How could this happen?           Absolutely frightening.

    2. Earth Angel:  It is not unheard of.  Water evaporates naturally in either hot or mild climates.  Even a swimming  pool will lose one or more inches of water per day.  There is a hell of a lot of water in our Lake Shasta and the evaporation will increase in this heat we are enduring for days on end, it seems.  

  1. Fire Weather Watch for the Sierra Mtns. From Mono Lake south was issued two days ago by the NWS. Today on the weather satellite images for the SW US there is a mass of water vapor moving up from the south causing clouds to "cover" over most of southern CA and those mountains now. Watch for fires, of course. 

    1. Red Flag Warning is effective from 7/13/2024, 4:00 AM through 7/14/2024, 7:00 PM

      Areas Affected: Surprise Valley California; Western Lassen, Eastern Plumas, and Eastern Sierra Counties; Greater Lake Tahoe and Truckee Area; Eastern Lassen County; Northern Sierra Front – Carson City/Douglas/Storey/Southern Washoe/Eastern Lyon/Far Southern Lassen Counties; West Humboldt Basin – Pershing County; Lahontan Basin – Churchill and Eastern Mineral Counties; Northern Washoe County (arcgis.com)

      A lot of water vapor moving up from the south is going to cause buildups of cells causing lightning storms, mainly dry lightning storms, in these areas according to the weather reports. Specifically in the afternoon hours Sat and Sun. Am staying with some friends near Bend, OR and the weather report on the local news says its unlikely any of this will occur in this area. Not holding my breath. Water vapor contains a lot of "dust" that is clearly visible on the GOES satellite images of the troposphere. How long can you hold your breath?


  2. UV radiation level here in the Rosburg, OR area is at "level 9", very high the weather service says. Lowered the tailgate on the pickup to get some stuff out, but forgot something in the apartment. Went in and came back out in about a minute. The tailgate was so hot I couldn't put my hand on it or sit on it! Had to put a towel on it in order to get on it. That was at 10am this morning BEFORE the UV was at level 9! 

  3. Those 800 Bases:  When they finished their Beautiful Vaccine and needed to distribute it to 190 countries; all at once, they were the only "entity" in existence big enough to pull that off.  Similar to that one, I'll be avoiding any more in the future like The Plague.

  4. Weather maps show the entire country is now experiencing extreme heat, with Mexico and Central America literally sizzling! I have NEVER seen a North American weather map with so much pink, red and purple before in my entire life.

    Yet 47% of Americans still believe we aren't experiencing any kind of climate crisis whatsoever. Are these people Brain dead or WHAT?!

    OK, I take that back. There's no doubt that they are brain dead, and Im guessing the matrix media is the flesh eating bacteria that ate their brains!    "my little tribute to George Carlin"

  5. Water vapor imagery is showing the nanoparticle permeated high pressure "heat dome" now moving slightly off the west coast slowly. The excessive heat it caused has dried everything out. Now comes the water vapor moving up from the southern subtropics. Chances of thunderstorms over western US and lightning caused fires increasing. Major thunderstorm activity over southern CA/AZ/Mexico border area right now. Fire weather watch has been issued for the southern half of the Sierra Mountains. Of course, the weather can be modulated any time, anywhere, for any purpose.

  6. Some years ago I read an report on how storms could be used as cover by UAV's to carry weapons designed to deliver an EMP at a specific target. Spectrum internet, phone, and TV outage in Texas is being blamed on storm Beryl which damaged "third party infrastructure". Need to consider all possibilities given what is going on in the world right now.

  7. Hey, Robert! Read your post and its good to hear from someone who knows something about Oregon. I lived in Oregon until about age 38. Used to be a great place to fish and hunt. Not anymore sorry to say. We all know the reasons why now, but back when I was much younger I wasn't aware of what was going on. I was led to believe and taught that our "way of life" was the right way to live. Now though, we and a lot of other people know differently, but there is no way to undo the damage done. There are many scientists who believe they can, but their solutions just make it worse. I put no faith in their works. My faith is in the promises of God, not their promises.

  8. I've been well aware that we've been lied to for quite a few years about a lot of "things". What few are aware of is the involvement of the "scientific community" in creating the scientific foundation that makes this possible. Back in 1927 a group of 29 scientists met in Brussels at the Fifth Solvay Conference to find solutions and discuss problems related to physics and chemistry. They were, at the time, the "brightest minds in the history of mankind". They were responsible for creating the foundation upon which the modern world was built. They were involved in developing knowledge based on quantum mechanics which later became the science of quantum physics. These "things" are based on "esoteric" knowledge! This knowledge is represented in the symbol of the apple with a bite out of it. To "eat" of this "fruit" is to use one's intellect to actively learn or gain "esoteric knowledge" in order to satisfy the earth-bound "passions" of the flesh, which is precisely what has gone on and is going on today in the modern world!

  9. Haven't commented for a while. I've been doing my job to get the word out , more importantly giving out info about Jesus. Best to know solid where you will spend eternity. Something has changed here in So. Cal. Big Sky Country, half way between San Diego & nastyville, L.A.. We have major smog now when the winds from the coast are still. The heat is sooo intense now. Even our barn cat is sneaking in through the dog door & helping herself to our house! She actually tried to leap into a hanging mirror thinking it was another room 😀

    I found this in God's Word, yes it is from Him to us… "They shall neither hunger anymore nor thirst anymore; the sun shall not strike them, nor any heat; for the Lamb who is in the midst of the throne will shepherd them and lead them to living fountains of water. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes."  Revelation 7:16-17

    1. The heat is more intense due to many things. Many have been discussed and brought to light on this website. Most, however, just keep on thinking everything is going to continue on as it always has. They're in for a very rude awakening. Am living in Roseburg, Oregon now and it feels hotter than ever here. Supposed to be a high of 93F today but its now up to 96F and its not even the hottest part of the day. Humidity is about 20%. Smoke from fires burning down south in northern CA and southern OR covers the sky overhead. Isn't good to breathe any of this because there are toxic elements in the smoke, but there's no way one can hold one's breath indefinitely.

    2.  The quote from Revelation is beautiful. Thank you Diana.  "And deliver us from evil, for Thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory. Now and forever". Amen. Jesus come.

  10. Last Sunday a fire broke out at the Douglas County Waste Disposal Site located on the West side of the South Umpqua River near Roseburg. Noticed the smoke of this fire and drove over to a place where I could see it. Unknown if this fire was set somehow, or ignited due to excessive heat which causes spontaneous combustion which sometimes happens in landfills. County and local fire departments responded and kept it from spreading any further than it did. Red Flag was ongoing when this incident occurred. Excessive heat can be generated by electrically charging nanoparticles which if hot enough will ignite and cause a fire. Fact.

    1. Brother Joe,

      You just contributed a link to a segment of one of Mr Carlin's best stand-up routines EVER. I memorized that (full) routine many years ago and I use his words to get people's attention when I talk about how our "Owners" control what you think, believe, and breathe into your lungs on a daily basis.

      I have never seen anyone be so completely spot on when trying to convince their audience (and the millions of people who watch his routines around the country) that they are only being fooled into thinking they are Free Americans who have control over their lives. Or how the education system serves the agendas of the elites and the "so called" scientific experts out there, are prime examples of his wisdom in regard to our dystopian world. Yes, many experts are merely motivational speakers hired by the elites to dumb-down Americans. But there are those who honestly believe the garbage that spews out of their own mouths, and the "Science Guy" is just one of them.

      When he talks about pensions that magically disappear the moment you try to collect on them, and how paying into Social Security your entire working life, doesn't guarantee that you will get a government benefit check. He was so unfortunately right.

      I only receive 28% of my SS benefits and they have yet to explain why I'm being robbed by the government. I know that I filed early, but the SS administration still gave me the amounts that I would receive for each year that I chose to apply for them, and I can't possibly live on these discriminatory benefits they choose to pay me.

      I never knew that George Carlin's words would come back to haunt me, but he was so veracious when he said that the government and our elected leaders "Do not care about us one bit."

      And the daily geoengineering crimes against humanity, just drives that point home with a vengeance. God Bless George Carlin and may he rest in peace. Here are some of his best quotes:

      "Don't just teach your children to read. Teach them to question what they read. Teach them to question everything."

      "We are a nation of sheep, and someone else owns the grass."

      "When you're born into this world, you're given a ticket to a freak show. If you're born in America, you're given a front row seat."

      "The IQ and life expectancy of the average American recently passed each other in opposite directions."

      "We have multiplied our possessions but reduced our values. We talk too much, love too seldom, and hate too often. We've learned how to make a living but not a life. We've added years to life, not life to years."

      "I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently, I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."

      And finally…   "The planet is fine. The people are f*cked." Dane and the entire Geoengineering Watch family have been saying this for years.


    2. Thank you Eden—

      I am really happy to see your posts on this blog and the whole geoengineering  watch family that comes here.

  11. This is former Pres. Donald Trump on the environment in the debate for President–

    So I want absolutely immaculate clean water, and I want absolutely clean air," Trump responded. "And we had it. We had H2O, we had the best numbers ever. And we did. We were using all forms of energy, all forms – everything. And yet, during my four years, I had the best environmental numbers ever – and my top environmental people gave me that statistic just before I walked on the stage. Actually, that is true."


    The Trump Administration Rolled Back More Than 100 Environmental Rules. Here’s the Full List. – The New York Times (nytimes.com)

    Both parties will not touch climate engineering— but the republicans will do more deregulation when it comes to the environment.

    Anyway,.  in the end both major parties in my opinion do not work for the american  people.

    George Carlin – It's A BIG Club & You Ain't In It!

    George Carlin – It's A BIG Club & You Ain't In It! (youtube.com)


    1. Who is the "…father of lies…"? Who is the "…prince of the power of the air…"? Those led by "…it…" are  many!

  12. Here in Roseburg, Oregon, where we're now living, the high temp is forecast to be 106F. Extreme heat warning has been issued by the NWS until 9pm today. It is now 70F this morning as I'm entering this info. Smoke from the "Shelly Incident", a wildfire in northern CA west of Weed in the Salmon Mountains, has trapped the heat in rather than letting it escape into the upper atmosphere. This fire continues to get bigger. Micro "wave" patterns clearly visible as the smoke moved to the north and east. Another wildfire is burning east of Eagle Point which is east of Medford, OR. named the "Salt Creek Incident". It too is putting out a lot of smoke that is blanketing southern OR. 2% containment on both fires which means its out of control. 3 more "Incidents" are also showing on the US Wildfire Activity Map on the ArcGIS maps, one in the Bogus Mountains northeast of Yreka, CA, and two others in southern OR. Odd straight line spotfire or hotspot patterns clearly visible. Telling it like I see it, which most don't.  

    1. Lance

      I recently spent a few days in central Oregon in the Crescent lake/Odell lake area. It was a family gathering and we rented a house (newer build) and quite large with huge beamed ceilings and crafted wood everywhere. There were houses going up everywhere, and I'm talking big expensive homes, not little cabins. Most likely these were secondary vacation homes, just seasonal for people with too much money. We thought we might have to cancel a week before on account of a fire near Lapine and I didn't want to be in the smoke. We vacationed a couple of years ago at Redfish Lake, Idaho and it was ruined from all the fires and smoke while we were there. The Crescent lake area where we stayed was surrounded with dead or dying Lodgepole pines and there were evacuation route signs posted to lead people out in case of fire, truly insane to build there. I also took my fishing gear and I got skunked. The lakes were beautiful but void of insects and the late evening bite which usually has fish jumping at that time of day was still with only a few rises. I quit fishing a few years ago (steelhead and salmon) for the same reason,no fish. We are going to sizzle today in Baker City- 105 degrees. May God help us all.

  13. Humanity Has Now Hit the Wall at Full Speed and it is "likely" Game Over.

    This winter in America is expected to be the "Hottest" ever on record and NOAA is blaming it on a coming La Nina. They claim that extreme heat waves will be more likely than ever during the winter months this year in the U.S. Because indications are that we are heading towards a Super La Nina.

    So, if anyone out their enjoys going to the beach on a 100 degree day, or should I say, on Christmas Day. Then you are in luck. Because Raytheon has now granted your wish, with their climate engineering insanity that has finally ushered in the Venus Syndrome… for the remainder of humanity's existence.

    Evidently we are THERE. We have now reached the point where the entire planet will remain as a year long Summer from Hell! With only a tiny few short lived cool-downs from chemical ice nucleation… if even that is possible now.

    When they say that heat waves will now be the norm in winter, you know that we are bread stuck in a toaster that will not pop up, and the plug is melted into the electrical wall outlet. 

    This has been happening frequently in the southern hemisphere, and now it looks like the entire planet is going to melt year round. Soon, everyone will be able to roast marshmallows while sitting in their front lawn, and you won't even need a fire.

    I'm sure that most of the winter heat waves will begin in the southern states, but will slowly move to encompass the northern states in just a few years time. Enjoy the coolness while you can.

    1. I remember watching a doctor who episode in the 1960's (BBC) so you guys probably never saw it. But it was about venus earth. 

      They the architects been wetting rheir pants on the idea for a very long time! 

  14. The last update I gave on Beryl was information provided by offshore gas and oil rig platform workers in the gulf (posted on social media sites), and people that my friend the physician knows who live inland on the west and southwest side of where Beryl moved ashore.

    They all gave specific numbers for wind speeds and wave heights or tidal surges, in contrast from the east and northeast side of Beryl, to the west and southwest side of the storm.

    But the National Hurricane Center and all other weather reporting agencies gave opposite numbers to make everyone believe that the drilling platforms were being hammered… and they weren't.

    I even found where they (The National Hurricane Center and Hurricane Prediction Center) photoshopped some U.S. satellite images to show towering thunderstorms in the locations of the drilling platforms. While European satellite images showed nothing at all in the those same locations. All time stamped at the exact same times, after I did the math for calculating the difference between time zones.

    I guess Raytheon forgot to cover all the bases and request that the European agencies doctor their satellite images as well. Or, they simply thought that no one would be able to figure out how they were manipulating weather sat images, to tell a completely different story, from what was really happening with hurricane Beryl.

    How many other tropical storms and hurricanes have they done this with through the years? And. What kind of agendas are they serviced to fulfill? Is it all being done for reasons of national security? Or, are they simply hiding highly advanced technology that enables them to Control the Weather?

    AND, repeat after me everyone…  to Control the World!

    1. The "power of the air" is being used to cause a lot of things to happen, and not just to control the weather.

  15. Shelly Fire west of Weed, CA, in the mountains is blowing up tonight! Fire can be seen from space on weather sat images. Was at 4,300 acres earlier today but it has gotten a lot bigger. Wind is blowing from the S which is blowing the smoke over the southern half of Oregon. Looked like a pyro-cumulus smoke plume visible on the north end of the fire. Updates on fires are slow to show up for some reason on government websites. They have eyes in the sky and can see precisely what's going on with these fires even at night. What started the fire? News reports usually always state the cause of the fire is "under investigation" yet the surveillance systems over head can see everything going on in real-time.

  16. The insurance industry is waging war on California's state government over home insurance rates. State Farm, California's largest insurer, is threatening to leave the state unless its Department of Insurance allows the company to raise home owners insurance rates for millions of residents. Competitors, Allstate and Farmers Direct, have made similar moves in recent months by limiting coverage in California or leaving the state entirely due to the governments insurance caps. Interesting isn't it. First the government incinerates the sate with its Climate Engineering Program then it puts a cap on the premiums for the disasters it created in the first place.

    State Farm and the others claim that climate change is causing more disasters that require rate hikes of 50% or more. A more accurate statement would be to replace "climate change" with "climate engineering".

    Maybe now would be a good time for the Geoengineeringwatch legal team to contact State Farm and set the record straight. Major lawsuits are also in order. Residents will either suffer massive rate hikes or be un insurable all caused by the out of control weather terrorist, our government.    


  17. feel so sorry for all the people affected by the hurricane

    and everyone and everything else that is going tits-up on this poor old earth that made us

    we truly are in a horror time where no-one knows!

    as wise old mum said "chaos rained and we all got wet"

  18.  Has anyone else noticed lots of white clover recently?                        While talking to some local farmer friends at our morning gathering in my area of mid southern NH, they asked me if i noticed an unusual amount of white clover in the freshly mowed hay crops and even the lawns. These farmers don't miss much and rely on lots of nature signs. This certainly appeared unusual to them. They asked me to "look around and see for yourself". Well! by golly ! I began noticing a lot around myself as well. I wondered if it is a sign of the PH changing. because of the weather modification ingredients. Considering the information I give them regularly about the chemtrails and weather modification, I thought they were baiting me. Then one guy asked me "Do you think they are seeding it from the sky like the other stuff You talk about"? I certainly hesitated to say yes but i admitted surely they will stop at nothing if it suits their needs. So i do ponder this new course of events.

  19. This is exactly what the political theater of the absurdity means to ALL Americans.

    The left accuses the right of trying to establish an Imperial leadership so that a dystopian society can be forged to gain complete control over the masses, and the right accuses the left of using climate change to scare everyone into unknowingly opening the door, for a dystopian society to give absolute control over the entire population to the leader of the government … who convinces the majority that they are really the leader of the people.

    It’s simply two sides of the same coin, and climate engineering will continue to be used no matter who gets elected in November. Because that is the most important tool in their arsenal of stealth weapons that guarantees we will ultimately become a Dystopian Society. And no one will ever know exactly how that happened.

    Because politics is just another form of hypnotism that makes you believe that you are a FREE Person, and you have a choice to elect the lesser of the two evils. But you have been placed in such a dumbed-down trance that you forget, even if your side wins, both sides are still Evil.

    1. This is why 3rd parties are left out of the debate.   

      The 2  party system does not allow 3rd parties in. 

       For example Ralph Nader ran on the green party in the year 2000–I saw him live down on wall street nyc–If he was allowed on to the debate stage both dems and reps would look like fools..  He was going after  corporate crime and actually stands for alot of good things.   On the issues you can look him up– He is still alive at 90.

  20. According to the news and other reports the Third World War is really heating up now, right along with the scorching heat. This is not coincidental. The types of weapons being used are not just physical bullets and bombs. They involve the use of the "power of the air". Tesla knew all about it as did others involved in using esoteric sciences!

  21. Thank You Again Dane 💜 and Everyone!!

    Absolutely Weird today 7/7 in Central NC. Days of 'Thunderstorm-looking' clouds but no actual rain or occasional small amounts / All with dessicants and ever-drying vegetation! Growing humidity really feels bad and nights aren't cooling. So we'll see what "Beryl Remnants" contribute. Completely overcast in white/gray humidity this afternoon!

    Going to post on You Tube where I always leave the WEB address here and mention 'Reader Comments' also. Plus, (one of You Dear Ones mentioned this also) – I'm getting here "ok" via "Duck Duck Go' Browser.

    Blessings All,


    1. To All in the GW audience,

      Randyl has a great idea. She realized that to post everything her does not reach the many people who only view the broadcasts on YouTube. There many, many people in the comment threads on YouTube who could benefit from the knowledge of this audience. Please consider…

    2. Truth right there! I am an activist trying to

      spread the word about Beryl as it comes to Vermont today. On the exact anniversary  anniversary of our flood a year huge flood last July10th.FEMA is buzzing all around for media presence.

      Coincidence? I think not.

    3. Thank You Jonathan ~ It's been very helpful to read your Eastern Carolina posts. You are the Best Friend of Your Area's Wildlife! Continuing cool down spraying here has possibly been responsible for increased bronchitis in anyone with a compromised immune system. My 85 year-old neighbor is aware of GEW and recovering from a week of bronchitis. She hasn't been with anyone else who has it. She just sits out on her porch frequently and observes the Geoengineering activities. I'm very proud of her!


  22. The overlapping national weather maps show absolutely nothing that would steer the remnants of Beryl to the east. I mean Nothing! No dip in the jet stream, no cold fronts, no overpowering easterly winds … nothing. But there is a trough between the high-pressure ridges over the western half of the country and the eastern half, which is exactly where the remnants should be traveling. Right up through the middle of the country and into the Dakotas. Yet it is taking a turn to the east and will break all the laws of meteorological sciences, by pushing the strong high-pressure ridge over the eastern half, further out into the Atlantic.

    We are talking about a weak low-pressure system (by the time it reaches the eastern states) literally overpowering a very strong high-pressure ridge, and that has never happened before climate engineering changed all the rules of weather science.

    The radar systems in Texas are all becoming extremely active and emitting so much more energy than even during regular thunderstorm outbreaks, right along the path of where Beryl is now projected to go. But most of the super intense "constant flow" beams are powering up along the westerly side of the path, and I'm guessing that is meant to diminish the advancing precipitation. While the even more powerful "wave form" beams along the eastern side of the path are designed to create an artificial low-pressure system (atmospheric river type of anomaly called a "COL") glide path for the remnants of Beryl to follow up and along the west side of the Appalachians, and eventually get as close to the upper east coast states as possible. 

    That is, if I am reading everything correctly and watching their slight-of-hand trickery, as it is happening in advance of Beryl's progress onto land. Just truly amazing how Beryl is somehow looping around all the offshore oil and gas drilling platforms in the gulf waters (and has not grown that much in intensity either as it travels over the warmest waters in the Atlantic). Because if it does grow to be more than a cat 1 storm, even by looping around, the out-flowing easterly bands of Beryl would still impact those rigs with 70 to 100mph winds and bash them with extremely high and powerful waves.

    But it isn't growing to be a cat. 2 or even a cat. 3 storm and that is very strange in and of itself. Because the energy is clearly still there, and the 88-degree waters are ripe for turning it into a monster. Because the warmest waters it encountered before reaching the gulf was only 85 degrees, but it still grew to be a category 5 hurricane then! Even with a slight wind shear and Saharan dust.

    There is no wind shear or Saharan dust to weaken it in the gulf though, so it makes no sense at all why it isn't strengthening more than it is right now. Unless you add in climate engineering technologies used to control hurricanes … into the Beryl equation. Manipulating tropical storms to weaken or strengthen them, depending on which agenda takes precedence at the time. Then once you break the storm's wild bucking stallion demeanor, you have complete control and can steer it wherever you so desire. 

    I guess they are saving their meanest storms for impacting the gulf coast from Louisiana to Florida now, and Beryl is simply a dry run to make sure they have everything in place to create Hurricanes this season that can shatter all the records, while they prove their resolve to all other military empires that use climate engineering, to be the true masters of the world's climate systems by the start of 2025.

    It's one thing to make your own hail, snow, rain and heat domes. But to create and control hurricanes, that makes you the king of the hill, and we are seeing that play out in real time, as this hurricane season and the Atlantic Ocean becomes their playground for showing off their weather warfare skills. Months long enduring extreme heat waves, and storm of the millennium hurricanes. What more do you need to strike terror in the hearts of man? Artificially created solar storms that fry all power grids around the world. Is that what’s coming next?

    1. Thank You Eden!!

      Absolutely perfect description! Sending this to family who are 'still not 'that interested' ~ in the Charlotte NC, "Land of Multitudes of Distractions"!


    2. Brother RandylJ1 and all, "One more observation of Beryl" … or should I say, Revelation.

      When you listen to the meteorologists updating the progress of Beryl, it helps to understand just exactly how they are manipulating its development from a tropical storm to a hurricane once again. Because they constantly talk about the "drier air" that only seems to be present on the south and east side of the storm.

      So, when you consider everything that Dane says about how desiccants are used in various climate engineering scenarios. Everything begins to make sense and you begin to see just exactly how they protect the oil and gas drilling platforms in the Gulf of Mexico. 

      Beryl isn't intensifying as much as it should be, because they are spraying those particular aerosols around the perimeter of the storm where it would normally produce the heaviest rains, and strongest severe thunderstorm winds on what they call the "inflow" side that feeds the convection currents and forms the eye wall at the center. 

      That area of the storm requires warm moist air at the surface of the water and cool dry air aloft to build the thunderstorms that spiral around and make it intensify into a hurricane. But the meteorologists at the National Hurricane Center talk about how the warm moist air is somehow being replaced with cooler and drier air that doesn't contrast with the similar drier air aloft, and that keeps the tropical depression from going beyond a simple storm, to that of a powerful hurricane.

      Beryl is only half a storm right now as it moves across the open "and extremely warm" waters and passes to the NW of all the oil and gas drilling platforms, because they don't want the south and east side of that storm to develop very strong thunderstorms that would impact those platforms. So basically, the east and south sides of Beryl are non-existent right now and I'm willing to bet that once it reaches a point where it no longer threatens the drilling rigs, it will be allowed to grow and intensify once again. (there is a huge swath of no storm activity at all over the area where all the oil and gas platforms are located on the satellite images)

      Which of course, in the long run, keeps the Texas coast from being hit with a powerful category 2 through 5 hurricane … Maybe. Because they could still try to create a very rapid intensification like what happened to the hurricane that hit Acapulco. But I doubt it, as they keep saying it won't have enough time to do that, (because they must keep it subdued for so long to protect the drilling rigs), and there isn't even a distinct eye forming yet.

      But it just looks so unnatural with massive storms around the NW to SW side of Beryl, and nothing around the NE to SE side. Which is exactly the opposite of what you would normally see in "naturally forming" tropical storms and hurricanes.

      Yet the people at the hurricane center don't even point out that fact, or even try to explain the anomalously cooler and drier air at the water's surface that is feeding into the storm right now. But if you consider the possibility of spraying desiccant aerosols and applying chemical ice nucleation to the open "cloud free" waters around the east and south side of Beryl. Then everything becomes so clear and obvious.

    3. Latest report.

      Drilling rigs closest to category one Beryl on the east and northeast side are experiencing wind gusts between 49 and 60mph. Rough seas with waves cresting at only 6 to 9 feet, but surging to 12 to 18 feet on the south side of the storm, and gusts up to 89mph.

      Some Texas inland locations, on the west and southwest side of Beryl seeing sustained winds of 80mph and gusts over 91mph with a few small tornadoes being observed by emergency response teams. Shoreline locations experiencing very high storm surge and flooding is expected.

      Beryl is now turning even further east than the cone of uncertainty showed just hours earlier and skirting the coastline as radar systems are firing up and beaming powerful energy at the center of rotation. Evidently steering the storm on a path that will cause it to impact from twelve to fifteen states, before moving into Canada later this week.

      So, if anyone lives slightly east of the original projected path, you will likely be impacted now. My concern is just how many tornadoes are going to be spawned in those areas that were seriously hit back in the Spring. Flooding could be an issue as well.

  23. More people are needed especially young people in their teens, 20s, 30s. 40s, etc to share this website.   All ages no exceptions.

     Alot of us in here are already seniors myself included and do not have the energy of a much younger person.

        This is very important– make your voice heard–each passing day does matter.  Get educated on the subject.   


     Pick up some info material from this website and begin sharing it with everyone.    This is not hard to do and creates conversations with complete strangers  family and friends etc.

    The future is in your hands- do something about it to make the world a better place to live .

    1. Ja mam 75 lat i jestem bardzo młoda, bo tak się czuję, wszystko zależy od kreacji Naszego Serca.

    2. Absolutely Joe. I am 53 and put as much effort as I possibly can into this daily. Sharing information far and wide. There was an old saying popular I think during the 60s, a little before my time, that said that you're either part of the solution or you're part of the problem. I reminded a friend of mine of that saying just the other day, when he sent me some pictures of the chemical trails like claw marks in the skies of New Jersey, but yet will not so far take the time and energy to order educational materials through the website and commit to sharing information. 

      There is no more room for apathy. 

      The weather of the planet has well as the geopolitics will soon get to the point that nobody, repeat, nobody will have the option of sitting on the fence. Everyone is going to have to pick a side. 

      They're either on the side of the problem or on the side of the solution. There is no middle ground. 

      It is an honor to march with you.

    3. Thank you Jonathan–

      -I read what you have to say on this blog and agree with you.

  24. Redding California hit an all time record high temperature of 119 degrees on Saturday. (KRCR).

    1. Sin City recorded an all time high temp at the airport there. 120F! Hell's hot and getting hotter!

  25. Just checking in. I always remind people (in the comments section on other "platforms"/sites) to go directly here, the main website, even if they have gotten a Global News Alert by way of email or through a share. This helps boost the message/info into "the algorithm" and thus help spread the word and reduce censorship. The more visitors to the main site, the better. NOTE: If you type in the site's address incorrectly, you will go to a mis- or dis- information site. This has happened to me by, for example, mistakenly typing an "s" where an "a" should be. Please, if you can, get the "awareness raising materials"–ESPECIALLY the "business card" size cards. You can hand them out to people, and/or just leave them in spots where people will find them. I do this, knowing that some will go unread, but some will be followed up on! Thank you, brother Dane. Love to all my brothers and sisters (including the non-human ones). "It ain't over til it's over." — Yogi Berra

    1. Jay Dee, 

      Thank you for being such an effective activist. I just ordered 500 more cards the other day and some of the 20 page booklets. I give them out to people almost every day. And they say that if life gives you a lemon, make lemonade. Think about it, everyone knows the weather is awful at this point. So it's not a threatening topic to bring up with people. And then you can say what you like about the card and give that out. I do this and find that more and more and more people are receptive compared to years ago. Because they know something's not right. 

      I'm reminded of the line from the Robert Frost poem, "And miles to go before I sleep, and miles to go before I sleep."

  26. For an entire week they said that remnants of Beryl would bring badly needed rain to central and north Texas, and also bring the temperatures down into the low eighties for six days straight. But suddenly that all changed this morning as they fired up the many NexRad radar systems, and began setting the stage for steering the rain core and energy of the tropical remnants much further east. Placing it on course to bring rain and cooler temps to the upper NE states later next week. 

    Now all that rain has been taken out of the forecast for that area of Texas, and the temps are going to be close to 100 degrees. With extremely high humidity provided by the outward westerly winds of Tropical Depression Beryl.

    Thanks to Raytheon changing the script overnight, my friends in Texas are now poised to endure heat index numbers pushing the 180 degree mark, instead of the cool break it had once promised.

    Because they chose to use the storm's tropical low pressure system for bringing rain and cooler temps to the upper NE one-fourth of the country. People are going to die from heat stroke in Texas and possibly even in Oklahoma now. And the middle of the country will not see that rain and cooler temps either, thanks to a change in the weather script.

    But of course, what do you expect from defense contractors that are used to making weapons that kill masses of people every day around the world? What's a few dozen more lives to them? Means nothing to them and that is just pure evil in my book. Do they plan to do this all hurricane season long? Just like how they steered Beryl out and around the oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico, before shifting it east once they were clear of the hurricane force winds and huge tidal waves. How many more hurricanes are going to be steered out and around them … and at the cost of how many more lives?

  27. I just uncovered the REAL reasons for the war in Ukraine, and as usual it has much (everything) to do with the U.S. Military Industrial Complex wanting to take control of even more natural resources, and not let them fall into the hands of the Russian Federation. They are willing to sacrifice the people of Ukraine and let Russian soldiers become cannon fodder to the testing of their newest and most deadly weapons on the battlefields. Because for them it is a win, win situation and in the end, they can just steal the resources by making Ukraine a member of NATO. While the elites “who own the defense contractors” make billions from weapons and ammunition purchases by our government (who then charges the taxpayers) which serves as a bonus to their war profiteering enterprise, and their overall conflicts for profit empire.

    Nobody has looked hard and serious at what lies under the soils of Ukraine, and what their highly advanced energy technologies have to offer, other than the elites who want to profit from their TRILLIONS of dollars of precious resources that have been kept hidden from the rest of the world. Especially when it comes to making any real sense of this war. Natural resources have not even once been mentioned in the matrix media news reports coming out of the war zone, But these findings should set the record straight once and for all.

    Their resources fall into three categories. Energy resources, metal ores, and non-metal ores. (And I bet you thought Ukraine was simply known as “The Breadbasket of Europe”, who also supplies two-thirds of the world’s sunflower meal.)

    Ukraine holds about 5% of the world’s mineral resources, with over 20,000 deposits of 194 known minerals, and many others that have yet to be discovered and explored. Ukraine has the world’s seventh largest and Europe’s 2nd largest coal reserves which are expected to last for over 500 years. Ukraine is estimated to hold over 1.1 trillion cubic meters of natural gas reserves, and those figures come from 2004. Exploration has uncovered many more deposits that can be added to their reserves, and that doesn’t include offshore drilling. It is also estimated to hold over 135 million tons of oil and 3.7 billion tons of shale oil.

    To put these numbers into perspective and illustrate why the military industrial complex is willing to instigate such a war to seize these resources. Ukraine holds over 10% of the world’s iron ore deposits and is in the top ten of the world’s largest manganese ore deposits. Ukraine’s titanium ore reserves are the largest in Europe and it also has the largest uranium deposits in the whole of Europe. Ukraine holds 20% of the world’s graphite deposits and ranks fifth in the world for mercury deposits.

    And finally, you have Ukraine’s energy technologies that are 2nd to none. Even though China believes they are the best, but they have to say that to keep their science and technology sectors motivated to generate engineering marvels that keep one of the world’s largest populations from suddenly going into total collapse.

    Is everyone finally starting to see the entire picture here? I know my eyes are suddenly wider open than they have been since the start of this war. If you just dig deep enough, the roots of all wars aren’t really that hard to find. But of course, you’ll never see these stats posted by the matrix media, just as they will never admit to ongoing geoengineering operations either.

    Ukraine is a virtual gold mine in the eyes of the military cult of conflict and speaking of gold. It is speculated that there is over 500,000 tons of lithium oxide in Ukraine’s eastern half of the country, which is over 5% of the world’s overall deposits. And where exactly are most of the war’s front lines located? You guessed it.

    And yes, Ukraine has gold too. They began mining one deposit where it is estimated to hold over fifty-five tons of gold, but it became inactive shortly after the start of the war. Now you “really” know why Russia is trying to annex parts of Ukraine and why some world leaders are trying to call this a war of economics fueled by greed. Attrition and war crimes are merely the side effects of such evil intentions born of that greed.

    The reason that Ukraine bombed the Crimea bridge and severely damaged it twice, wasn’t to stop the Russian military from advancing (which is what all media sources report in their disinformation campaign). It was to stop Russia from stealing its resources. According to UK intelligence sources, Russia is now using the Kerch bridge to transport stolen iron, coal, titanium, gold and lithium from its occupied territories. Because Russia is hastily constructing its own mines in Ukraine and depleting their resources to destroy their economy and keep NATO or America from gaining access to them. Destroying their grain silos achieves those same objectives. (Ukraine planted an explosive device on one of the trucks hauling Lithium to Russia, in the first strike on the Crimea bridge. The CC TV footage of that attack proves it, and that is why the explosion was so hot and powerful. As it literally melted the railroad bridge next to it and that fire burned for weeks.)

    That’s what this war is all about. Not protecting Ukraine’s Sovereignty or protecting its people from the horrors of Russia’s invasion. The American “shadow government’s resource hoarding empire” is only interested in gaining control of Ukraine’s resources and inviting them to join NATO, so they can build U.S. military bases and stockpile nuclear weapons in their country.

    It’s not about spreading democracy; it never has been with this war or any other. It’s all about building and maintaining an Empire, but they prefer to use the term super-power. Because it sounds less intimidating.

    One reference to the word Empire that we understand all too well at Geoengineering Watch, is again, and needs to be repeated often; “He who controls the weather (and the resources), controls the world.”

    The U.S. Army Corp of Engineers has moved everything needed to rebuild roads, and equipment required for the construction of mines (and to operate them), right along its borders to the NATO nations that are poised to move in overnight. Should Russia pull out and agree to a ceasefire or a settlement is reached to end the war.

    The U.S. Empire has become very good at these tactics and so has the Russian Empire. Ukraine's resources are merely the next trophy haul for one of them.


    1. Thank you for your effort and always enlighten comments brother Eden. Some people may know that Ukraine has some of the fertile topsoil in the world, which is in places about 10 ft thick. Most places don't have anything close to that. Whoever controls that could control a good deal of agriculture. If conditions are right to allow it. They're certainly not here in North Carolina. Not anymore.

    2. Old News Not Told to the Masses- Glad You posted this Eden because it's just another nasty plan brought to us by the U.N. We need to get out of it A.S.A.P. Without our $ in the U.S. It will begin to crumble if other nations follow suit.The world will be a better place without this as scripture States  "Get Out Of Her"

    3. Well at the rate of destruction currently happening to the Earth's biosphere and life forms- why can't the kooks/spooks running the military industrial crime machine understand that with all their meddling 500 yrs. worth of coal reserves (and all the rest) in Ukraine won't matter one bit when there's nothing left of life on Earth?         Evil has no sense of reason.

    4. someone told me that there are many american labs on the borders of ukraine with russia

      who knows

    5. No doubt Earth Angel,

      What remains of Ukraine's coal reserves will undoubtedly still be deep below the ground 500 years from now. But we won't even be around to worry about the consequences of it turning into toxic atmospheric emissions. Because the entire planet will have already been terraformed to become a giant crock pot, and our species will be nothing more than a boiling soup of organic carbon, flowing within the gaps of melting rocks and vaporizing on pools of molten magma. Thanks to the very same coal they bring out of the ground in the coming years, and humanity choosing not to do anything about exposing the climate engineering Angel of Death. 

      Sorry about using your bond to the name "Angel" in such a negative light. But we could all use a (Real) Earth Angel in this, our darkest hour. Not to say that you aren't real, but I think you catch my drift.                                       

  28. New report out by Newsweek. Scientists say that all groundwater will be too hot to drink by 2100.

    I seriously don’t know what planet they are talking about, because it is already too hot to drink in over thirty countries. The problem is that bacteria and fungus thrive at those temperatures. But even more worrisome is the fish die-off in those hot waters, and they keep using the 2100 mark that proves they are not in touch with reality. By 2100 waters around the world will be steaming and evaporating rapidly, as that is what happens in the early stages of the Venus Syndrome.

    Scientists also point out that we are now in the fourth global coral bleaching event, and it will likely be the last one, leading to the complete extermination of all coral around the world. Possibly disappearing completely by late 2026. All the fish will soon follow I’m sure, and then humanity follows suit.

    The entire planet is boiling right now as over 1,400 records for hottest temperature ever recorded occurred, and this all happened in a single 24-hour period. The only place that is really cold besides Antarctica is the southern tip of Australia, and you can tell they are using chemical ice nucleation to keep that region form sweltering too.

    I read a report today that says the oceans are currently experiencing a triple whammy. They are rapidly heating up at an alarming rate and becoming extremely acidic, while the dead zones that lack oxygen are also spreading faster than fires are burning forest land. The report points to scientific studies that claim by 2050 there will no longer be anything alive in the oceans, other than various forms of deadly bacteria. Scientists believe that mass die-offs will blanket every beach around the world with millions of tons of dead fish and other species, beginning in only the next few years!

    (It is already happening and, in the news, daily)

  29. Oregon is now installing meters on “Private” water wells to keep anyone from using (more than their fair share) of ground water to irrigate their gardens and especially small business farms. Even though you may own the land and all mineral rights, the government is now saying that you don’t own the water, and they can take that water from you to irrigate giant GMO farms any time they like. Even if they must use water tanker trucks to transport it to these mutant farms that receive federal funding every year anyway. Monsanto also receives millions in federal funds and their drought resistant crops grown by the GMO farmers are dying just like all other crops around the world. But the government continues to waste private water reserves on them, simply because these new laws give them that right.

    (Every time you go over your metered allotment of water. you are fined by the government. But if you go over too many times, the well is then confiscated by the government and you still pay the electric bill for them running the pump as they steal your water. Which eventually leads to your home being condemned because you no longer have fresh running water. Then they evict you as they use imminent domain to transfer your property over to the Bureau of Land Management.)  

    They were just beginning to initiate those same laws in Texas before I moved here to South Dakota, and right now there are thousands of lawsuits pending across the country for these same illegal actions by the government. Everyone here is keeping their fingers crossed that this farm still has a few years left before they try to do the same thing in this state. Because this is not a GMO farm, and it never will be. They will donate these 2,500 acres to a wildlife sanctuary organization before the government tries to give it to mutant crop growing “government cronies” farmers. Should it be forced out of business by stealing the water from the five wells that keep these crops growing “when it doesn’t rain”.

    This organic farm and other family (independent) or co-op farms could keep the food stocked on store shelves, but it looks like the government doesn’t want that. So, there must be some kind of agenda at play here, and it seems to point to forced starvation of the population soon. Maybe the government is trying to get everyone dependent on them for necessities like food and water (and eventually even shelter from the elements), to usher in the very world that George Orwell envisioned in the movie 1984.

  30. Interesting… I was looking up the study that concluded a 90% reduction in Atlantic Ocean phytoplankton today. It is almost impossible to find that article now. There are numerous articles that have now come up. If you do a search on this topic that state that that's not true. The misinformation minions have come out of the woodwork to keep people from knowing the truth yet again. 

    I too refuse to fly the American flag, like Dane. 

    I hope that everybody, especially people of faith, understand that the world we live in and in fact the universe, were established going to nothing short of a divine order. For anyone to act 180° opposite that fact, in other words, to oppose, the divine order of the universe, is spiritual blasphemy. 

    In our backyard garden, our corn was a complete loss. Not a single ear developed. In spite of our valiant efforts to water the corn, it didn't get more than about two and a half to three feet tall with no ears. We also planted okra. Okra originally came from Africa and is very heat tolerant. Not a chance this year. It cannot take the incredible ultraviolet radiation at this point. Few things can. 

    People who are new to this subject may or may not be aware that India stopped exporting rice last year. Someone I know who lives in India tell me that Delhi had temperatures over a hundred degrees the other day. That is not counting the heat index. 

    Like many native people, the Hopi elders we're in touch spiritually with their source, in a way that few People are today. I have seen the same thing in the people of the Lakota faith with whom I participate when I am able. These people are right. Their fingers are on the heart strings of the universe.

    Of course, every group of people will interpret things differently and use different language and different traditions to reach the Creator. That said, in the Lakota tradition, there is a fork in the Star Road.

    I forwarded today's broadcast to somebody I know who is in the military. I asked him to please share this. People in the military have to know the agenda for which they are truly working. 

    For people who are new to this subject, here in Eastern North Carolina, I can vouch for the destruction of agriculture. Tobacco is a little more tolerant of drought, heat and UV radiation, compared with corn. So are soybeans. I don't have much experience with peanuts but they may be as well. But the corn crop is almost a total loss. This is statewide. Imagine what this is going to do to grain use for not only human but for agricultural feed for livestock and poultry and so forth. The store shelves are not going to remain stocked as we are used to seeing them. 

    Make sure to do what you can so that you can help others- people, plants, in animals. So many are in such desperate need.

    1. Correction: And Delhi the other day The temperatures were well over 120°.

  31. Thank you Ben, worth sharing with folks in the military for sure…. We have to wake them the hell up.

  32. More  people need  to share the info on this website. We need all ages to step up to the plate  

    Dane thanks for all that you do 


  33. Located in SW Utah – They stopped spraying here about 3 weeks ago and blue skies have returned with occasional real clouds. The constant haze is also clearing and visibility improving. Temperatures have been running 5 to 15 degrees above normal. Don't know if this is related to Tennessee ban on spraying and they are cutting back on spraying in other areas – or what.

  34. Weather and Climate Modification

    Report of the Special Commission on Weather Modification

    National Science Foundation

    December 20, 1965


    Activities in Foreign Countries. (pages 47-48)

    “The achievement in artificial nucleation by Schaefer, Langmuir and Vonnegut in 1946-47 had repercussions throughout the world. Within a few years weather modification activities had been initiated in a number of countries. In its Third Annual Report on Weather Modification for FY 1961

    The National Science Foundation gave data on work underway in sixteen countries.' More than 100 research stations outside of the United States were reported as being engaged in weather modification work…..”

    ….. “Of particular importance in the work going on in foreign countries is that being carried forward in the Soviet Union. Faced with a number of serious problems created by a hostile natural environment affecting the economic welfare of the country, the Soviet Union has shown an active and intensive interest in the subjects of weather and climate modification. The delegation of the U.S. Weather Bureau which visited the Soviet Union in May, 1964, returning a similar visit to the United States by Soviet scientists earlier that year, was particularly impressed by the broad scope of the Soviet program and the large resources of manpower and funds that were being concentrated on weather modification and related activities.”

    Editor’s note: The year 1964 was in the midst of the “Cold War” in which the U.S. and the Soviet Union were portrayed in the U.S. as mortal enemies.

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