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Dane Wigington

The Major VAXXED screening and geoengineering awareness event in Northern California is almost here, momentum is growing rapidly. Though the denial of the general population on the dire vaccination and geoengineering issues is still deep, it is now breaking down. It is up to all of us to keep that process in motion and expanding. On the wider horizon, there has been another weather warfare slaughter of alpacas in Peru. The chemically engineered winter headline is simply a part of the power structure's ever more desperate attempts to mask the rapidly unfolding planetary meltdown (which climate engineering is exacerbating). Millions of birds are dead and dying from H-5 avian influenza in Iraq, while in the US safe drinking water standards are being all but abandoned by the very agencies tasked with protecting public health. An international report on crimes and criminology implicates females as being every bit as capable of perpetrating atrocities as men, so long as they have the same access to pulling the levers. The Turkish crackdown on their citizens and media is a harbinger of what is coming for us all if the current course is not completely altered. Mass attacks will continue as will the power structure's utilization of these attacks for continuing to lock down on society. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

The vast majority are still completely unaware of just how dire and immediate our collective reality is on countless fronts, but such denial will not be sustainable. What is the greatest and most immediate threat? Our planet is losing it's ability to support life with each passing day. There are countless anthropogenic sources of biosphere damage to our environment. This being said, if the population does not focus on the fight to expose and halt climate engineering above all other challenges, and if we do not make a complete course correction, very soon nothing else will matter. Help in the critical effort to sound the alarm while we still have some portion of Earth's life support systems left to salvage, every day counts.

97 Responses

  1. Once all the waters are poisoned, all the trees are dying ,an the animals are dying, the air is unsafe to breathe, only then you will realize you can't eat money.

  2. It's all about money, power and control. Physician's, Dentist's, Doctor's and the Pharmaceutical Industry, only care about the well being of their companies and themselves. It's like going to an auto dealership, having a high pressure car salesman, forcefully sell you every possible bell whistle and all extended unnecessary warranties. All they look at are the numbers, not the irreparable harm to human health and the planet.

  3.    The people who are involved in this evil ,wickedness ,corruption have a possibility to repent and so do the cowards who participate in this they have a moral responsibility to repent and come out in the open to confess what they where involved in or doing keep up the good work.

    remember to eat a healthy meal before the major Northern California event ,it's our voice not the elites who need to be herd.

    1. As the sun and heat become warmer and more uncomfortable, rather than cease with the deliberate causing of the planetary overheating, they curse the Creator, and continue to do more of the same.  The gods of science do not accept their infallibility.  

  4. Now let's all laugh.The EPA is going to investigate commercial plane contrail emissions probably proposing a regulation that will raise airline tickets even more.Now remember commercial contrails are short in length and dissipate in a few seconds.These are not chemtrails.Exempt from EPA scrutiny are military planes and private non commercial jets.G guess where the spray tanks will be placed. I feel I'm in a bad science fiction movie where the good guys don't win.Or breathe.

    1. I did laugh:-))). There are very very few genuine jet engine-created contrails.  The high bypass turbo jet engine has eleminated the classic water/ice condensation trail.  This sounds like a ruse to me.  Perhaps its a game to simply confuse the general public, though how much more confused can the suffering stand?

  5. Hi Dane:

    Here in Portugal people (and  MSM) are more "worried"  about talking /promoting /LIVING (and these people are suposed to be the mentally normal people .Really?) "Pokémon go"(the game) than to wake up for the reality (geoengineering above their heads or to get informed about vaccinations etc.)…What to do when we are surrounded by people like this ?(and this is not only children or teenagers ); when we are  living in a total Idiocracy.

    Here the temperatures are high near 40ºc or more in certain regions but it´s the kind of hot that seems more unbearable than years before .Year after year we can feel the days getting longer (even on winter ) and burning our skin more easaly and the temperatures are always under-reported ,MSM  favourite numbers for reporting temperatures seems to be in 20+ or at maximun  30ºC ,but what we feel/see is another  different thing . We seem to be living in a total controlled reality/society and if we say something about it people think we might have mental problems ,they look at us as crazy "tin foils wearing nuts" …I´m tired of the majoraty of people in this country and i feel isolated manytimes cause even when i talk to people that believe in what i say, in the end their choices also go to stupid things like  "POKEMON GO"  ,if you know what i mean …but i´m still with you Dane. take care with you!

  6. Dear all,
    Last Friday I spoke with the director of MIT Climate CoLab and shared everything I could with them, citing Dane as credible source information on the actor based reality we face. I'm working on the FibboNaki Project this weekend and should have it posted by Monday. Here's the summary so far and if you would like to contribute PLEASE do not hesitate to ask!
    The FibboNaki Project: Disarming The Silent Weapons
    Deprogramming the populace from social engineering using Pythagorean theorem, isocronic rhythms, and differential Hz to heal all of our planet from dis-ease. 
    With a pending scholarship from HeartMath.org, the intent of this proposal is to raise the vibrational frequencies of all life on this planet. The FibboNaki project is musical at heart, as we know within all societies, the cultural associations of music go much farther back than war. Our history is often our lyrics, even if they've been suppressed using devisive mechanisms of censorship. Voltaire once said "To learn who rules over you, simply find out whom you cannot criticize." 
    The Rothschild Khazarian Mafia military industrialized complex we live in is corrupted beyond fathomability. I could explain this all here, but rather I will cite the following credible sources that will allow you, dear reader, to come to your own conclusions. 
    (Citations needed)
    Dane Wigington, Geoengineeringwatch.org
    TW-SW 7905.1 Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars
    PSY/OPS Manual
    Dr. Preston James, Time to hunt down and capture the world's biggest terrorists. VeteransToday.com May 31, 2016
    et al.
    Actor based reality 
    13:20 Mayan calendar synchronization 
    Pythagorean theorem 
    Holistic realignment of homeostasis 
    Work as always in progress. 
    Love you all,
    Bwags on MIT Climate CoLab

  7. Since the big cloud was created, around midnight last week. The sky in Ventura county, has been all white. Hot & stuffy is the air. Even at the beach. No cool ocean breeze. We do have some fires in CA. Fires in Big Sur, in history normally do not send a cloud of smoke all the way to Southern  CA. Questionable at best? I also notice ear ringing, at times, as well. It affects  my eyes even more. 

    I read on a livestock post that a horse had become ill. They took a sample of it's mane, & had it tested. Sure enough the results were high aluminum levels. 

    Where can I get my long  hair tested?

    On another topic the pharma industry. Our water sport; Olympics in RIo, Brazil; will be held in sewer water.. Rio never clean up, like they said they would. In 2009. The spread of viral, & bacterial infections. could generate a whole lot of Vaxx industry. This might be the next health epidemic?  I guess only time will tell.

    1. The weather controllers are busy using aerosols and microwave super heating of the tropical storms arriving in tandem heading north into Southern California from Mexico.  The manipulation is so blatently obvious.  And these terrorists are spraying the Corado River basin to dry up the farmers.

  8. The second Soil-Not-Oil international conference will be held next weekend, August 5 and 6, 2016, at the Richmond Memorial Conference Center in Richmond, CA:  https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2016-soil-not-oil-international-conference-tickets-22559715717  Lots of great speakers from all over the world will be there speaking about what we can do to reduce carbon (permaculture, horticulture and organic farming) on Planet Earth.  We already have lots of great ideas and if we can just get That Monkey off our backs, stop It from suppressing all that good information and supporting agribusiness, we'd have a planet in healing mode.

    1. Three little guys showed up at my back kitchen door tonight, looking to see if there might be any crumbs left over from the cat food I put out this afternoon (dish got moved inside before dark).  Cat was growling and freaking at the back door, then I saw the three masked ones.  Their hopeful little masked faces looking quizzically back at me.  I flung open the door growling like a Dog Man and two took off but one tried to charge at me through the door which I quickly shut.  When I got the flashlight to go investigate, there they were, up in the Japanese elm, looking back down at me.  For all their fluffy baby-raccoon fur, they seemed a bit on the thin side.. What is there left for these poor innocent animals, our wildlife, to eat, with the water gone and they're not living with mom any longer this late in the year?  The A$$holes who've put Themselves "In Charge" of Planet Earth and their stoopid order-following Trained Flying Monkeys/Drone Joystick Jockeys wouldn't notice any of this and if they did, they Just. Do. Not. F()CKING. CARE– oh, nooooooo, they've got much bigger fish to fry– with their goddamned super-sonic Macho-Big-Balls Flying Machines (that might run out of oil any day now, OMG!!!!!!!! so better to kill everyone over there in Those Countries and steal the oil) or when not obsessed with following orders in order to get a buck, they're just like the people they've been commanded to kill, staring into their Holy Hell-Phones, dialing up The Devil, no doubt. 

    2. Hi dennie, i would feed the dear little creatures, they do not deserve to starve ,i do not like to see animals hungry through no fault of their own, we as people have much to answer for, do you think they would be in the position they are in if not for us.

  9. Let's face it, folks, we're living in hell now. I was outside today, 50 miles outside St. Louis, standing in the middle of vast soybean and corn fields. The UV blast was unbearable, even through a considerable array of disjointed clouds.  I'm not talking uncomfortable. I'm talking unbearable. Utterly and completely unlike ANYTHING I remember, going back maybe 5-10-15 years ago. I imagine myself a tree, having to stand with limbs and leaves outstretched to the sky, FROM MORN TIL NIGHT, somehow doing my best to figure out how to keep from being incinerated. How the f**k can anyone expect plants, crops, trees, bushes, grasses etc. to withstand such a pummeling, day after day, under drought/deluge and/or temperature/fallout/stress conditions………at this rate, our goose is cooked, isn't it? Hello? Sam Carana and Malcolm Light are not afraid to lay it (our cooked goose) out on the table. Neither is Guy McPherson. For whatever faults these fellows may have, and I can think of one or two, I am strongly inclined to agree with their worst case scenario forecasts for our future. Does this mean we all fold, quit our jobs, wander around the country getting stoned and drunk as often as possible? Maybe. But the DEPRAVITY which I see destroying this world seems to know no bounds. My words fail. I can't help but feel a deep, deep indescribable sadness drawing a curtain over my eyes as I go about my daily business realizing that it never had to end up this way. For all of us here who are experiencing similar feelings, we are just the Earth crying. 

    1. Hello Marc, yes, McPherson’s worst case scenario will come to be if we stay on this course, but what happens if the planet is finally freed from the climate engineering assault? This is what McPherson and his associates have not in any way addressed truthfully. This is the massive piece that is completely absent from their conclusions. This is what is is up to us to bring about, a complete exposure of climate engineering, and then we must bring it to a halt with a the then united populations around the world. 

    2. Marc,

      Many of the things you write I'm feeling and thinking those same things. I was out in the yard mowing and walking around yesterday and I thought those same thoughts about the intensity of the sun. Remember when the sun was our friend. When we use to take our shirts off and feel the warmth and energy of the sun and it felt good. Now it feels like a hot piece of steel is touching you. It feels like the burning sensation goes straight to the bone. It's almost a scary feeling. It's definitely not right.

      A week or so ago I grabbed a white porcelain coffee cup out of the front seat of my car and it felt like it could burn me. It was hot!

      I drove around the other day for fifteen or twenty minutes and tried to go all over town. I did not see any squirrels. None! I think all of our squirrels are gone. No mosquitos this year either. I can walk around in flip flops wearing shorts and no shirt at sunset in tall grass and not get bit by a mosquito.

      I feel that deep and utter sadness on a daily basis.


    3. Marc:  I totally feel the same way that you do.  It was so hot and nasty in the sun over in Lafayette, CA today around 2 p.m. you have to have a hat all the time after 10:00 a.m.  You could see the White Haze in front of Mt. Diablo in eastern Alameda County and after you get over San Pablo Ridge up behind Berkeley/Oakland, it's just an amazing sight, or used to be, that mountain, the northernmost of the Diablo Range, complete with desert-type species living there.  It is one of three landmarks used by California real estate in the range and township system of land measure.  Walnut creek is down at a lower elevation and the white haze was very visible.  You could see it, like smoke, hanging in the sky south towards Danville and Pleasanton– ughhh!  You can see the metals you're breathing and the signature H.A.A.R.P. wave patterns in the curtain of haze.  So all that eastern Pacific spraying drifts over the coast ranges and settles in the low areas.  I've heard Fresno's particularly bad..

      Dane:  Agreed.  Carana and McPherson have it HALF right.  It's almost like they want to see the goose cooked– let's face it, it's already cooking– so hot today at 6:30 still, you couldn't stand in your driveway because of the intensity of the UV even that late in the day. 

      I'd like to know why these "gurus" of "climate change" don't 'fess up to the TOTALITY of what's driving the overheating, then move to get the job done, like real men??

  10. My latest hive of bees is dying, birds are becoming rare in the Willamette Valley, up at daybreak and the sound of the birds is gone.

    Seagulls on the coast about 1/10th – the high tide no longer brings their food twice a day.

    And, the war continues, bombing in 7 countries – airwars,org

  11. I am glad this event was put together we need to expose the criminal medical industry and weather modification. The size of severity autism is is really not comprehendible and also the stupid cure suppression going on which is so insane quick analysis we have a more radioactive world (Fukushima and other radioactive pollution) which means more genetic mutations we have GMO's that don't decay so we cannot process them in our body that's not the ONLY reason GMOs are bad by the way we also have chemicals in our food ,unhealthy food and contaminated water    

    we have cancer going up and autism going up which covers all of the most common brain "disorders".The level of trouble we are in is of severity or level of panic really that's likely one reason why everything is being hidden from us ,they want to pacify us with a La la land reality and people want to submit because it feels good it's all about judging how the fruit/ food looks from the outside and if you are wondering why the people who have been negatively impacted by our wicked ways "the system" also submit its because of fear in some cases in others you just don't want to know you can make an impact because then you would feel obligated to stand up so they just mock themselves because it's easier.

  12. Dane,

    my friends and I are unable to travel to California on 8/5. Will there be a online presentation live?

    1. Hello TNG, no livestreaming from the event, but it will be posted online at a later date.

  13. I just discovered Jill Stein and have been listening to her, she sounds like someone I would vote for if I was American.  I wonder if others here have given her any thought.

    1. If the statistics are true then we're certainly looking at warfare of another kind:  First, drought the target nations in the Middle East that you want to take over and seize the oil, bringing the people to their knees; next, empty the lands out, starting with exporting the worst of their people, the criminal elements, to other nations that the United States wants to get under their boot but dare not openly invade, like.. Scotland, Wales, Ireland and England, and the Western European countries where more workers are needed to boost the GDP as dwindling populations of adults can no longer afford to raise children or just forgot to have kids in the first place.

  14. Another brilliant presentation, thankyou Dane.

    I do wish I could get along to the event but it's a long way from the UK!

    One day, I hope legal action will occur in the UK too. I swear the amount of spraying and HAARP activity has increased drastically here this last year. The sky often has a dirty brown tinge from the ethylene dibromide and I was "treated" to the sight of a chembow this last week. We have had a strange summer of burning heat, flash rainstorms, high winds and overcast mugginess at the flip of a coin! None of it is natural.

    And now they are making sure we all have our "rights" to high speed broadband, probably to cover up the increased use of EMFs for methane mitigation. How insanely ridiculous to call it "legal rights!" How about our legal right to uncontaminated air, water and food?

    1. Here Here L..Couldn't agree with you more! And Way to go on the Legal Team's filing the 60 day Notice! Read the entire thing. Beautiful workmanship. It looks very thoroughly researched and written. No nonsense. We mean business. You did us proud Team!

  15. A couple of weeks ago I posted that I'd seen the movie: Suffergettes.  These women in England felt that protesting was not enough and so committed acts of violence, no harm to persons, but to structures-things like breaking windows, or in one case blowing up a building.  So, I semi-advocated upping our game!  However, then I looked it all up.  It did not gain those women the vote, rather severe harm to them and to the movement.  In the US, the Suffergists took another tact.  They protested while also working with the law and they were successful.  So, I take back my suggestion implied.  Violence, just begets violence.

    Then, recently on PBS I saw 1971.  Which is the movie about 8 people who in '71 brought down J. Edgar Hoover's reign of terror, 50 years long.  It just stunned me as in this time period, which beings in '68, I too was very involved in multiple ways against the establishment.  I well remember the fear of the FBI.  Of Informants.  These were 8 friends who thought this through brilliantly.  The risk was extreme.  Everyone, even the government, all afraid of Hoover, and the ungodly power he held.  For so very long, that change seemed impossible.  These 8 people were just stunned that given how huge, how hopeless changing the system seemed, were stunned that they, "ordinary" people, and only 8 of them, did it and it worked and ended Hoover's terror.  Ended Hoover!  It gives a person hope!  This was not unlike Snowden but for there not being computers.  Just one of oh so many FBI offices without good security!  They planned it well, broke in, took All the files there, packed them in suitcases, took home, sorted, had copied, and mailed to newspapers and other outlets anonymously.  And done!  Just like that it was over, 50 years of fear, over.  The takeaway was if you feel it is too big, too enormous to change the government, the wrong bits, know that it can be done!  Very empowering.  And for me, one flashback after another since this was my whole life and still.  I've been active in anti stuff since the day I was born, so some say.  Most of these 8 quit then. Only two continued to be politically active against government crimes.  The book written about this is called: The Burglary.  I am still active and as I often say, I've been waiting for the revolution my whole life.  But now I am old and physically limited.  Still, I do try.  And have lived my whole life in this vein, turning my back on the "easy" way.  This site, along with other issues, means the world to me as well as its hopes for success.  Know that as big and unstoppable as the situation seems, it is Not hopeless!  So many I know will not go to this site, no matter what.  New tact for me is gonna be to copy various stuff Dane has amassed.  Documents, manifestos and the like, and leave them here and there and every where.  And hey, it took us Natives until 1978! to gain our "right" to practice our religion.  Until then, we risked all by doing so.  Real change does not happen overnight, or even decades.  But it does take foot soldiers.  And a "climate" of change.  Which there is now! 


    Electromagnetic Dominance and Deforestation
    Christopher Fontenot July 31, 2016
    Trees are an interface between the atmosphere and earth. This interface provides a natural and even distribution of electrical current flow between the electrical conduits we know as the Ionosphere (atmospheric currents) and Ground (Telluric currents). Control of the electromagnetic spectrum requires some understanding of this interface and the role that vegetation plays. …
    “Trees form the terrestrial interface with the atmosphere in forested regions. The electrical properties of trees may influence their response to atmospheric conditions and potentially lethal phenomena (e.g., lightning). … We hypothesized that electrical resistivity varies consistently among species and between growth forms. … quantified resistivity over a moisture gradient for wood blocks of four tree species. Resistivity varied predictably with stem diameter and differed among species and growth forms. Specifically, resistivity of trees was approximately 200% higher than resistivity of vines, and resistivity of conifers was 135% higher than that of hardwoods. … These results, in combination with interspecific differences observed among wood blocks, suggest that there is a phylogenetic basis for variation in resistivity that reflects differences in anatomy and physiology. Our review and empirical survey provide a framework for studying the ecological effects of lightning in the context of the electrical properties of trees.”
    …While control of the electromagnetic spectrum is in its infancy, the need to limit dissipation of electrical potential between ground and the atmosphere is a critical component. Discharge of stored energy must be restricted in order to accomplish a mission of full spectrum dominance. Through the use of man-made electromagnetic radiation, atmospheric perturbations can be restricted to those of desired consequence. Control of the Global Atmospheric Electrical Grid Circuit is the ‘jewel in the crown’ of modern science.

    [The ancient Vedic Sanskrit language terms the earth and the sky/atmosphere as one word: RODASI. The Seers, the wise who "see" understood what we have forgotten.]

  17. Ever since I started paying attention in March of this year, I've only seen blue skies a handful of times maximum, but I honestly want to say just once or twice…and it was all within the same 1 or 2 week span

  18. Michael B, clear blue skies west of Brisbane, but a milky haze. I think it drifts over from further out west?  We have been sick again.  I also get ringing in the ears, terrible sinus past couple of days, itchy skin, headaches, disturbed sleep & fatigue…the list goes on. The dog wont go outside & no ants, they disappeared.
    Yes certainly a grab for coal gas seam with no regard for the farmers. Agenda 21 in play.
    Yes, vaccines are poison yet the govt has forced parents to vaccinate or loose up to $15,000 in payments for their children. More bullshit on ABC news about that.
    Is there a link with the strange appearance of sink holes to geo engineering, Dane?
    Lastly I found a site that lists all the Mass Animal Deaths since 2011, it includes all creatures, its very depressing.

    Thank you Dane for all your amazing work…I hope it helps us here in Australia too.

    1. "ringing in the ears, terrible sinus headaches, disturbed sleep & fatigue…"

      Exact same symptoms here in NY State.  I am getting repeated sinus infections on a weekly schedule which corresponds to the weekly geoengineering.  The headaches are accompanied by piercing and often mind-bogglingly loud ear ringing.  I saw an ENT about it.  He said it was age related tinnitus.  I said how would age-related tinnitus appear then go away and then come back again — on a weekly basis?  I can only just meditate through it at this point.. peace

  19. Houston, Texas. Yesterday started out with blue skies and a few clouds that looked somewhat normal. By 5pm, a  large and dark Chem-Cloud rolled in and parked itself over the western sky just for sunset. Massive chem cloud was silvery looking on bottom. God help us. 

  20. Lots of reports of blue skies. However yesterday I witnessed a blue trail cutting across white clouds. 

  21. My 124th email to my contact list, titled '"War on Sunshine" declared:

    1.  In order to survive the rapid global warming, we do need a war-time attitude with the full involvement of the general public.  The covert "Uncontrolled Global Experiment", aka geoengineering and atmospheric spraying, which uses the excuse of "Don't Panic the Public" will never achieve our, or other life forms, survival on planet earth. 

    On 13 May 2014, the French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius told us "We have 500 days to avoid Climate Chaos".  That took us to the end of Sept 2015.

    We haven't avoided anything.

    On 7th April 2016, the former State Secretary of the German Defense Ministry Willy Wimmer told us:

    "Next year they (the Americans) will fight a War against sunshine".  The quote starts at @ 6.15 mins:


    They haven't waited until next year, "The Uncontrolled Global Experiment" was massively increased about 3 weeks ago.

    a.  The increased intensive spraying from aircraft is all too obvious for those who look up. Better prepare for the inevitable increase in serious health and respiratory problems, as we have no option but to breath in, drink and eat the sprayed toxic particles – probably still primarily Aluminium and Barium.

    b.  How can the sea ice area in the Central Arctic Basin have an impressive increase recently – when temperatures were at or above 0ºC.  Only intensive spraying for endothermic reactions could cause that "Refreeze the Arctic."

    c.  CERN can create 'clouds' without the need for massive atmospheric spraying – for short periods.  It was running on full power 2-3 weeks ago, and is currently building back up to full power:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZXMrMMdj2o

    d.  Has the sun disc been built sufficiently to have some effect?  Mounting evidence on Youtube. 

    e.  I am sure there are many more idiotic and disastrous schemes afoot. 


    2.  a.  Due to the increasing cloud cover, the UK government has issued new vitamin D recommendations "…to ensure that the majority of the UK population has satisfactory vitamin D".  

    b.  But, the clouds are heading to the poles – really?  http://www.wri.org/blog/2016/07/clouds-head-poles-time-prepare-food-and-water-shocks?utm_campaign=WRIAqueduct&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_medium=wri-page 

    c.  Sea temperatures in the Gulf of Mexico are hovering @ 30ºC.

    d.  July 30th, Arctic sea surface temperatures reached 17.7ºC

    e.  The Amazon and Boreal forests are burning. Area of smoke from Siberian wildfires now @ 434,000 sq km.


    f.  "The peak carbon dioxide measurement was 7750 ppm, while the methane reading was 375 ppm". http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3703458/The-Arctic-leaking-methane-200-times-faster-usual-Bizarre-gas-bubbles-create-trembling-tundras-speeding-global-warming.html  

    375 ppm of methane equals 375,000 ppb of methane. If the 375 ppm number for observed methane content is correct, the giant methane burp theory is probably happening right now, and quite likely global temperatures will rapidly increase, leading to an unliveable northern hemisphere within two years.

    g.  "No complex life-form can survive further +8.5 C in (the next) 10 years on our planet" 


    And they still decide to distract and hide the truth from the general public – so we can never be sufficiently prepared.

    Further info here:  https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/geoengineering-watch-global-alert-news-july-30-2016/

    1. Andrew:  Glad to see you posting stuff from Seemorerocks.  He was a contributor to the now-defunct collapsenet.com, started by Michael C. Ruppert, author of Crossing the Rubicon:  The Decline of the American Empire at the end of the Age of Oil, to whom he has devoted a page by publishing Jenna Orkin's biography of Mike, titled "Mike's Story."  This came out shortly after Mike committed suicide on the Tubbs Lane property where he was staying in Calistoga, CA (a mere 70 or so miles north of my digs in San Rafael, CA).  I wonder how much of that suicide was driven by his knowledge of escalating environmental destruction caused by industrial civilization's exponential growth and resultant resource depletion, out-of-control warming based in carbon fuels burning and nuclear catastrophe:  http://robinwestenra.blogspot.co.uk/p/blog-page_24.html

  22. My heart is at home in Peru and hearing again about the alpaca deaths is breaking it all over again.  Those poor animals and poor dedicated herders.  That's what comes of signing a "free trade" agreement with the US, which come with strings to NATO attached.  Shortly after the agreement was came into force in early 2009, a HAARP facility was built, and I began to see pictures of aerosol trails in what had been the bluest skies I'd ever, ever seen.  Here's a picture of skies above the 1540 Iglesia St. Lucas in Colan where we lived.


    It's hard not to be discouraged.  Even here at home in Alaska, my health is failing.  It's either too suffocatingly hot and dry and the once fresh air so stinky, or raining too much causing extreme body aches as the chemicals rain down.  And who can't see and feel the stripped ozone layer?

    But nearly everyone is so enthralled with summer!


    I keep writing and hope some will read and reply.  I'll give information to anyone who is skeptical or curious.

    1. Hello Bella, I live here in Alaska too — in Wasilla — where are you. I hear you my friend.  Each day as I drive around seeing the trees looking burnt on the tops, straggly bare branches, leaves already turning yellow on the birch, and many trees just falling over, it's pitiful, heartbreaking, and it makes me so damn mad that these criminals are destroying our environment.  I am also distressed that so many are oblivious to the changes in nature — how can they not notice — not SEE!  I just don't get it. These depressing grey clouds (artificially manufactured  as usual) are getting me down too, and also affect my joints. I'm 60 and have lived here in AK since 1970.  The changes are so obvious to me, so striking and awful.  I pray every day that some miraculous healing change might come.   

  23. Hi . Dane u r my hero !!! I myself have done everything can do to educate people what is going on . As for  the vaccines  I have know about this crime against humanity for 30 years and warned how bad they r ??? And still doing this today . When will there be DVD out so I can get my hands one UK . They spray more or less everyday where I live !! I take flyer everywhere tell everyone to … 

  24. I live on Vancouver Island and I haven't seen a single chemtrail in almost a week! My husband is a truck driver who's trip takes him from the southern tip of the island to the farthest northern tip and he doesn’t usually go more than a day without taking several pictures of the planes spraying up our beautiful blue sky. We have five children and it breaks my heart every time I see this happening.  I pray for more people to wake up and see what is going on and thank the Lord for every moment of clear skies and clean air for my children.   Thank you Dane, my the Lord bless you and keep you. 

    1. Hello Kimberly, spraying is still going on at some level in almost all locations, but in many cases it can be much more covert depending on atmospheric conditions and the level of the operation. Any bright trail you see behind a jet is in all likelyhood a sprayed dispersion, the short bright trails are especially prevelant  with the heat of summer. We have film footage of the shorter trails being turned on and off, this is not condensation. If your skies appear silvery white, especially looking toward sunrise or sunset, then the air is full of particulates. The horizon to horizon trails are only one aspect of the climate engineering insanity.

    2. Thanks for your response Dane. Can these people get anymore evil? I didn't want to hold my breath that they had actually stopped their wicked agenda. Also, I homeschool my children do to the harassment from the vaccine bullies in the public system up here in Canada. God bless you for your work in that area as well! 

  25. Thank you, again, Dane, for pointing out all of the 'red flags' that should be obvious, but apparently can't be seen by so many. Just saw a film online about building 7, and anyone who believes that crimes cannot be hidden in plain sight, should watch it. Title is 'Incontrovertible" by Tony Rooke. Brilliant. I like your ancient quotes from philosophers, also, Dane. Wisdom is timeless. A favorite of mine, from Chief Seattle "The earth does not belong to us, We belong to the earth."

  26. I have put you on the Prayer List of Self-Realization Fellowship, based in California (Paramahansa Yogananda).  Devoted monastics worldwide will be praying for you daily for several months.  It can only help to have a line of great Masters blessing your work…..  My heart goes out to you!

  27. hello Dane, thank you as always. What time is the event on Friday August 5? I live in Oakland and use to be a teacher here in Oakland California and plan to move to Vermont. I need to know what time to leave Oakland to Redding? I can publicly share the true effects as a former public teacher that children suffer from its beyond heartbreaking.

    1. Hello Carolyn, hope you can make the August 5th event, the momentum for the day is building very rapidly. FYI on the full event post and schedule https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/major-northern-california-vaxxedclimate-engineering-public-awareness-event/

    2. Try to see if you can get the event recorded ,unfortunately I won't be able to make it over there.
      Thank you for your hard work I don't know where we would be if you would have been silent like the rest.

  28. To Dane and ALL, "Random thoughts"……..

    I haven't heard anyone speak of the ringing in our ears lately. Have we become numb to it? I have NOT. However, I live a very quiet life, relatively speaking. Someone mentioned about how the highest temps of the day were obtained closer to Sun down than they used to be. I've noticed this for 4 years now. Many regions are reporting the decrease in the spraying of "our" skies. I think the cabal have improved the covertness of the spraying. The effects still remain in place. I've noticed lately, my thunder storms are being stolen. I see it with my own eyes now. It's in the millibar charts that are dictated by the HAARP weaponry. The evidence is in the sky. Who 'doesn't' like reading Marc's comments? That man has a way with words worth reading. Who doesn't get fired up and ready for the call after reading them? I'm glad to see you writing again Marc. What will happen when more than the venue will hold show up at the August 5th event? I can hardly wait to find out! (Dane, that VAXXED movie needs to go up for sale on DVD, Soon!). In my opinion, there is a whole lot of thunder that needs to be clapped to back up the legal proceedings we are all privy to in the notice recently filed by Dane and his legal teams. And may the lightening strike those responsible for the weather warfare assaults on the whole planet. May the sound of the thunder be music to those who choose to change their ways and promote a better life and better "everything". Skies the limit!(pun intended). Healing is a beautiful thing……..

    1. I experience that as well. On days that have obvious SRM activated with RF (ripples, herringbone, parallel lines, etc), I experience ringing/tones, 'seeming tinnitus'. The last two days in Brisbane, Australia there has been no obvious SRM and I have not experienced hearing the sounds as such. I know this is just anecdotal, but if enough people start mentioning what they experience, especially when in different regions on the globe, then we can be rightfully suspicious. I am suspicious now anyway. If RF can do that to the SRM, then why couldn't it be registered by our hearing capabilities? I shouldn't have tinnitus according to my last hearing test, but I do get those sounds when there are RF signatures overhead.

    2. Yes please I really want to see this video and any other that I can get my hands on, as I'm in England and can't get to these meetings ,I'm disabled with an illness that affects my nervous system ,muscles and tendons and other parts of my body ,I no longer going to get my 13 year old  vaccinated at all,if I have to pull him out of school so be it ,So please get the videos out there and I'll pass mine around for as many as I can that will watch it ,.God bless Dane ,you all for waking more and more of the  atrocities  that the elite are putting us through Karen 

  29. I have been using Print Shop (The) v. 23 to make flyers that I hand out to strangers in retail parking lots as I am parking my car and walking to and from my car. I don't ever stand outside the door to hand out flyers unless I am at the state Capitol or attending a political townhall meeting. This software is very user friendly and only costs $10.39 on Amazon. Don't bother to get the more expensive versions. I am making flyers only regarding geoengineering because if they visit this website they will learn about all the other important horrific news issues not being discussed in MSN.  I only hand out flyers on days when I can point to the sky and show them chemtrails as evidence. After asking them if I can give them some important information, About all I say is "If you don't believe this information, just look at the sky. See that line up there, they are spraying us with…,etc."  Also, for greater impact, I print in color and go to the public library where I can make copies for 50 cents each. You can import your actual chemtrail pictures from your computer files. 

  30. Thank you Dane for the broadcast–which I so wish could be heard earlier here!  I can only pick it up later in the day.  I really appreciated your comments on Rawanda.  Yes, I knew about it and followed it with horror and there is, of course, a movie!  All Africa was going to hell and this country did nothing.  Tens of thousands of children with no parents, no home.  No help from anywhere.  I also appreciated what you had to say about Pat Tillman.  What a loss, what an honorable young man.  What a crime!  His parents were just stellar!  Yes, of course, we are in quite a mess so very long in the making, brick by brick.  I did not used to get involved with politics.  But, tried an experiment in on line activism and yes it works.  To a degree.  But I am not a political wonk, though I'm getting close as now I know more than ever before.  A neighbor is very very upset I will not vote for Hillary whom she does not like but so fears Trump.  No way can I vote for Hillary, I know far too much about her and the Clintons and I have many axes to grind there.  Just can't do it.  So, I am writing in Bernie's name.  Last night on Bill Maher, Cornel West urged people to write in Jill Stein of the Green Party.  Oh how I would love a real Green Party whose priority was the health and well being of Earth!  But I gave my word and like you, I am serious about that, my word is my bond.  I am thrilled to hear so many others voice their multiple and good reasons against Hillary and the Clintons in general.  And to begin to demand a viable 3rd party, or more!  It appears the youth are more aware than I thought.  And care.  And act on it.  It does seem to me that many people are becoming more and more aware of all manner of things as well as geoengineering.  I'm giving out copies of Herndon's new paper on Coal Fly Ash, along with copies of GW's legal filings to all medical personnel I know, and that is quite a few!

  31. Thank you for another great show of connecting the dots.  Medical Industrial complex—vaccines and death by medicine –Drug and medical profits more important than person's health—15 Alternative doctors were found dead last year– suspcious since some were working on cures for cancer.  You are right about the presidential election–There are 3rd parties like green party and libertarian party and maybe more but not allowed on the debate stage w the 2 main parties.    War is a racket — written in 1935 by 4 star General Smedley Butler way back then.        Are you going to post this lawsuit on other geoengineering sites – I know several other ones that i visit.

                    Thank you again for all that you do–I hand out your Look Up flyer as much as I can — It is actually pretty easy to do. When I am going about my daily business — I will just ask someone if the weather is normal and then hand them a flyer.   

    1. Joseph L, Wow! That was a great link to post!!! As I read, it amazed me as to how history "keeps" repeating itself over and over when money bankers and industry get to have a say in the way a country is run. Chapters 4 and 5 were of the most importance to me. "We" need solutions and directions. Never would I have thought some of what we need would come from a Marine General…. "80" years go!! However, I will accept peace and truth from whomever offers it. So in that I note what an "awakened" General wrote 80 years go, I hear and read today in what Dane is trying to convey, "for the good of the many".

      Joseph L, I am forwarding this link to all I know. Thank you again.

  32. It's weird when suddenly clear skies are the norm. But they are here on the Oregon Coast and it's been that way for weeks. No planes and no spray. Wonderful!!! I'm set to leave Florence, OR on Wednesday and heading to Redding. A lot of people know where I'm going and why, but I can see that it's very confusing to them. Will be great to be able to talk about it when I get back. 

    1. No jets, no trails, but hot hot hot!  And very dry!  And not a cloud anywhere.  Has been like this for several weeks.  The forecast shows yet another five days of triple digits.  My shaded work porch today was 97F.  That says the temp outside is well over 100F.  No let up in sight.  I refuse to "cry uncle."

    2. Been pretty clear here today, the ubiquitous white haze quite gone but not all– I could actually see Mt. Diablo from Seaview Drive, just one ridege west of the southern face of San Pedro Mountain in San Rafael, CA, with a big view of the East Bay, Richmond-San Rafael bridge, Bay bridge, Oakland skyline and Alameda loading docks with southern Alameda County hills in the distance, down by Fremont and east to the hills above Del Valle reservoir I believe.  Pretty clear, almost no air crap– it was starting to feel like days of old before the shit constantly stayed in the sky.  How I long for clean air again– and how I long to see this planet absolutely RID of every single last entity that is for polluting our planet, allows it, goes along with those who do, or just doesn't care one way or another actually. 

    3. Dennie:  I know that view.  I can recall pristine views from Mt. Tam. all the way to the snow capped Sierras.  Yes, tis true!  I once had a wonderful old cabin up near the old pipeline Dipsea Trail near the Mt. Home Inn.  In these "golden years " my view was georgeous just a few years ago..  Again I Iive on a mountain, but now almost 200 miles north.  The view is not gorgeous any longer.  Mountains just across the valley are hazed out into silhouettes.  My 50+ mile view is down to a whiteout.  Breathe in breathe out.  

  33. Dane,

    You are so incredibly cognizant. I so regret I live 3000 miles from Redding. How I wish there was someone with your power on this coast. We need thousands of you. Love you Brother. Stay strong.

    1. wendy — I have seen one orb here over the Olympic Peninsula WA around sunset. It just sat there, did not move. Very weird. Sounds like you are in some EW electronic warfare military op, like me. I have heard that the Navy goes to the Indian tribes here and pays them off. So the Indians allow all the transmitters, etc. "Compensation" = bribery.

  34. Brisbane, Australia, 'clearer' skies yesterday and today. By 'clearer' I mean cloudless skies with no obvious SRM. I perceive it as a Proximity situation, Proximity in terms of time and distance. The horizons are still a dirty smile of smudge, indicating the lingering presence of particulates seen through the perspective where they are thickest to our line of view.

    I park my vehicle outside on the street and it is always building up a layer of stubborn black dirt. I do not work near industrial areas and this black dirt does not take long to build up after being removed. The roof of the house is also blackened out as are all the roofs that I can see everywhere. This has to be SRM fallout.

    In the New World Order agenda, Australia is to be (as it has been for a long time) just quarry for resources and chopped down and dug up. Fracking is being carried out in our agricultural and pastoral lands and thus destroying them. I theorise this has two aims: first, grab the gas and second, destroy the farm lands so that we cannot be food self sufficient. That way, we can be slaves for large corporations and rely on food imports from other poverty countries like China or South America.

    The legal file in the previous article mentions "sterilization" of lands. This has become one of the aims of the programs. It started off as a side effect, but I reason that if they know it is going to happen, it must be incorporated as a goal, since its prevention is contingent on not carrying out SRM. They are willing to let it happen. And then disaster capitalization happens, such as Monsanto's abiotic genes for all food plant species. Monsanto is definitely an arm of the New World Order and part of the power structures therein.

    Distractive, not informative, News prevails. Newspapers and TV are just entertainment and disinformation and they are increasing their efforts at this. Aesop: 'We hang the petty thieves and elect the great ones to Office." But our hope for salvation lies in the good that represents the bulk of us. Most would rally against this if they knew about it. As a species, we have to bank on our good attributes. Most people would march in the streets, like the Italians do, if they knew about it. We just have to help the unaware learn about this terrible crime. After it is stopped, then we can hold accountable those who deliberately perpetrated these programs, those who are to blame.

    1. Michel B, so many things you said resonated with me.  Like the build up of black "stuff" which is forever surprising us as one or another of us has a black smudge on face, just from bumping into something, or, looking out a window about chin level.  It is everywhere.  I have a new-it was-yellow garden umbrella, now black!  Flecks of black on everything it seems.  And also Monsanto.  For some time now, via retrospect and time lines, their hideous foods and huge push for that all began so very far back now, but fit with geoengineering, time line wise.  They new damn good and well exactly what was coming.  Every step of the way.  Good luck to you Down Under!

    2. Yes Michael B and Rachel R- here in the Santa Cruz area of  CA.  (and the bay area) I too have watched the accumulation of this black almost greasy "dirt" on all the cars (that arent washed constantly) so obviously we are breathing that in too along with the other chemicals. We have not had visible jets  for weeks now but as Dane mentions, it is more covert. We have the all white haze during the sunset then thick white  stuff blowing around.The biggest piece of evidence to me is the plant and animal life.All the Coastal Redwood trees have yellow and orange coloration, if not completely brown and dead.The only garden creature that actually seems to be flourishing while others are disappearing or gone is the lizard, we have tons on our property .The tomatoes that actually did show up have hard skins and have been on the vine for the last few months but are still green…very little "healthy " fruit on our trees.The speed at which this is happening is something I think about everyday- the rate of deterioration is much faster  than I would have ever imagined especially if I had been told this story 30 years ago , that this was our future. I am very thankful for all those that post, it is refreshing to read such concerned and loving words for the planet and humankind here when it seems like that has totally disappeared from life. Thanks Dane for your leadership.

  35. I want to help! I have a radio show and I talk about you all the time you are doing a great job and I am glad to see you have a lawsuit. Is this gone to far, can it be stopped without permanet damage?

    1. Hello Jan, something to consider, tthe weather modification programs and projects mentioned in the link from the “Express” are not geoengineering/climate engineering. These smaller scale programs are in general used as a “red herring”, a distraction from the primary issue.

  36. wake up Sheeple…..it may be too late, but try to do the right thing!! Jesus does not praise sitting on the couch!  "Occupy 'til I come".  We have many Cowboy Patriots sitting illegally in prisons:  (check out Rancher Lives Matter), one Hero was murdered.

    There is plenty we can do try try and restore Liberty!

    1. those cowboys are true heros for sure. the rancher who was killed  should never have been killed. we have true criminals running the government. we have to stand up in these battles. if not things will only get worst by the day.

  37. Thanks for all you do Sir. We are encouraged that soon you will have " a day in court" for all humanity. Please continue to notify us as this develops. A world wide prayer chain can be put forth on the very date legal action is taken.

    The greatest power is that of loving prayer for Father's creation, the earth and the people.



    George Spain 

  38. Dane thank you for all you do to try and wake up the population. i have been speaking out about vaccines for over 14 years. i am a retired nurse. and i have researched vaccines be for it was known to the public about what is in them. i also want to say thank you to all who were involved with the law suit  for california to get geongineering stopped. this could be the first domino to fall.  and they are lying about the uv rays level and the heat index level here in oklahoma. we have had electric storms with very little rain here for past 2 weeks.  i post daily on geoengineering and vaccines.  i am very concerned about the fires and electrical storms. i truly think this all is intentional.  again thank you. and i will keep posting and getting the word out as long as i have the breath to do so,

  39. I want to know how all these church leaders can remain mum. . .I get no response from any of them as they chose instead to name children's wings after children dying from the fallout. 

    Come Lord Jesus !

    1. One thing to remember if we are the generation that is going to see it all come down like its unfolding do not take the mark of the beast you won't hear about this from the pope I don't believe the pope is following God he is just as asleep and deceived as everyone else I risk being hated by saying what I say however we cannot and are actually told not in the bible to submit to the anti Christ /beast system/unrighteous don't take my word for it as I make mistakes you can varied it yourself and we will be hated for departing and not submitting the system that is built on a foundation of wickedness and evil I personally ask God to give me strength to resist the mark of the beast if I ever am forced to receive it as we continue on into worsening tribulation peace.

    2. @Dawnski:  Agreed.  I attend church and I do wonder why no one there has even one curious cell in their body about the horrid weather.  There is a priest, Caroline Fairless, devoted to deep ecology.  I want to ask if we can have her come some week, give workshops and preach.  We need to be much more on top of it as stewards of God's Creation. 

  40. Thank you for sounding the alarm on the medical industry as other issues of importance you did a good job.

    1. Thank you Dane, and for promoting this critical movie!  It has finally come to Toronto, Canada for one week!  I am sure this won't be the last time, hope your big event is a total success

    2. Free E T, Hello.  I want to ask  a question of you.  Which is, is anyone else in your genetic family in the autism spectrum?  The reason I ask is because some docs I know think autism is genetic.  Furthermore, they suggest that more and more autistic spectrum people are marrying and making babies, saying that accounts, at least in part, to the rise in autism and autism spectrums.  I can see a bit of truth to that, but not whole truth.  But, given how very much the population has risen in general, it is worth wondering about.  I have no idea what the rates of autism are world wide.  Does anyone here know that?  I have read of many people who are positive autism began after a shot.  I believe them as they describe it so well along with visual proof.  But then that begs the question if the shot did it, or triggered something latent?  This is going to be hard to parse out.  Now that we begin to know how very poisoned in general much, if not all, of our population is, due to so very many things from household cleaners to RAID, to all sorts of pesticides, such as the encephalopathy we discussed some months ago in the Yakima Valley, and now to our drinking water, tap water, and seemingly every single thing, it gets complicated.  The sheer number of poisons involved in non organic foods and Big Ag finds its way into everything.  Seems reasonable to think that at the least, these would affect a developing brain, not to mention gut balance.  I'm not saying some of this does not come down to vaccinations.  Only that our environment consists of one assault after another!  And of course, synergy, the combined effects of this and that potentiating the impact.  But, I never considered genetics as it always seems to be the One different kid.  What do you think?  The vaccination protocols have changed so very much since my daughter was born.  So I also wonder your age, in order to know what was the protocol then.  And at what age you were diagnosed, or better yet, when your parents noticed?

    3. Autism doesn't run in my family but I do have a vitamin D deficit gut bacteria problems I was chronically sick I had a sinus infection in which we had to get surgery and go all the way to Mexico to get medication because the healthcare didn't cover it I also had a stomach ulcer recently In which no exasperation I could have died from because I was loosing lots of blood and had a rapid heart rate I went on for years with the stomach ulcer and bleeding without knowing even then still chronic fatigue even today in fact but when it was really bad the ulcer I still went on for weeks because they wanted to blame it on anxiety and autism just that probable starved a couple more brain cells I didn't eat junk food but I always ate the same foods because that was the most affording thing to eat after all the above I have no doubt I am environmentally I'll I got all my vaccines which where many I remember I had social anxiety I was not interested in sports I had a video game addiction and I was always watching the weather for fun I do not have sensory issues I never felt overloaded with information I was always willing to know more information No effort none at all was but into a cure which makes me so upset and disappointed I stopped eating I was taken to a clinic got the diagnosis because when they talked to me I couldn't tell if they wanted me to repeat that they where saying or if they wanted me to answer and I wasn't with the program I didn't like what most typical people liked I was not ok however I was always sick severely sick it's not like I had autism but was healthy no I was always sick 24/7 now I am better I almost was going to be admitted out of the spectrum because I do not have any problems now. I want people to see a few things why was I always sick isn't autism just autism, why couldn't I just get a social anxiety diagnosis or something why did they come down on me so hard with this label I never had speech or sensory issue and I never was forgetful or had any other anomaly I was not disabled I just had bad health and different interests I did make eye contact and was social whenever I felt like it  , I never had meltdowns I never cried unless I was under 5 years  I was not healthy overall I didn't fit in but that is not a disability so my disability was that I was always sick and failed to be social with others that's it no repetitive movements or any of that kind of stuff I was not forgetful but I was somewhat confused and had blurry thoughts but that could be explained away by my colds gut bacteria problems heavy medication to treat my chronic cold like sicknesses ect I see this is complex I am doing fine if you ask me I should not even be in the ASD but once your in you will not be admitted out think I am a rare case by recovering many people lose there symptoms over the years and become scot free ever since I got rid of my colds ,was done with my vaccines I started recovering there is just so much to it I do support the cure I am against the acceptance which means everyone falls to there knees because you have a disability a lot of tax dollars go to you you are shoved into a small class with sick people which made it even harder to make friends and you are treated like a slave to be honest never mind I had to blow my nose every five minutes every day and sneeze and be given easy work and forced to finish it quickly I stand with the autism cure we need cure acceptance not suppression I do believe I was environmentally I'll I live in Sonoma county and they always sprayed us like rats over here ever since I was young but I thought they where contrails I ate a tone of GMO foods because organic was to expensive and everything was a mess I am not open to give my full name or age I am sorry my intention with this comment is to raise awareness autism does not run in my family I preach a cure  If they would have cured all my other illnesses I had vitamin D deficits and had bad blood health of they would have put me in big classes cured from everything else and not look under a magnifying glass to see what little error I would have had I would have been distinguishable and fine.   If we do not love the cure how are we going to get better I stand with the cure the word autism originally means one self how can I not be isolated when I have so much sickness in my I think this autism thing for the most part is staged maybe to hide that I am sick of other things or maybe it's an easy thing for a doctor to do instead of curing your other non mental health problems and they want you on permanent treatment that never ends and they want you holding signs saying accept me for being disabled and we are told we are like this and it's a tone of deception there is No significant differences in an autism brain and the too much wiring is caused by a lack of a hormone that prunes the cells which is triggered by environmental factors and can fade away with age I am the first person that stands with the cure to speak out it seems thank you for asking.Reading your comment yes we did use raid and other cleaning products very often. A lot of this ASD is made up or manipulated autism originally meant nothing more than having no friends now it means sensory issues also so I still have no friends because the people that I met are cowards and zombies and what ever else but I do talk to people and I do agree that having friends is a good thing it just isn't a disability not to have any I don't mean to justify autism autism is horrible it's three tally marks underneath schizophrenia in horribleness you can dye from autism I hope you benefited from this I like being around people instead of being alone most of the time by the way.
      I hope and believe there is a cure and prevention ,cure regardless of your age by the way lots of kids get false autism diagnosis because they don't have friends and parents pressure the doctors to give them autism those occasions exist I seen parents like that.

    4. I am sorry for the typos that I made I have a auto correct program and I am on Mobil and have a small keyboard I am sorry for all my ideas being mixed up I don't write like that I was just trying to make sure all the info was out there.

    5. One more… I forgot to add that I believe that autism as well as many other issues are due not only to vaccinations but to SRM heavy metals, pesticides, food additives, GMO's etc.  While here I should also mention that it bothers me when the spraying is referred to SRM because I see them spraying often at dusk and in the evening when the sun "radiating" isn't even an issue which proves to me that there are MANY agendas taking place and SRM / global-dimming is merely a cover.

  41. To all ,check out the bio warfare military response to outbreak in the arctic by Russia, via Zero Hedge. 95 degrees in the area, and I wonder what if any is the tie in to SRM/SAG if any, need some opinion, comments from those who know what could be going on, thanks.

    1. Outbreak: Russian Bio Warfare Troops Rushed To Arctic: “Dangerous Infection”  / Mac Slavo / July 29th, 2016
      … The claim that the Anthrax infection originated in nature sounds legitimate enough, but one can never discount the possibility of the involvement of state-sponsored or rogue assets, as has been noted in a recent release of U.S. government documents which expose widespread human experimentation programs utilizing chemical, biological and radiological weapons:  “…we have identified hundreds of radiological, chemical, and biological tests and experiments in which hundreds of thousands of people were used as test subjects. These tests and experiments often involved hazardous substances such as radiation, blister and nerve agents, biological agents, and lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD). In some cases, basic safeguards to protect people were either not in place or not followed. For example, some tests and experiments were conducted in secret; others involved the use of people without their knowledge or consent or their full knowledge of the risks involved.”

    2. Dust storm in Southern California, San Bernardino, Rancho Cucamonga areas. Unbelievable! But sadly so true.

  42. Comprehensive in depth look at Arctic Sea Ice 2016 July report, with multiple graphs, from SIPN, the Sea Ice Prediction Network: … This month the median pan-Arctic extent Outlook for September 2016 sea ice extent is 4.3 million square kilometers (essentially unchanged from June) with quartiles of 4.1 and 4.6 million square kilometers. If the median Outlook should agree with the observed estimate come September, this year would be the third lowest September in the satellite record. The spread in the Outlook contributions narrowed slightly from June to July, with an overall range this month of 3.6 to 5.2 million square kilometers. … A section on predicted spatial fields includes discussion on sea ice probability (SIP) submitted from 5 models. A section on current conditions shows the last two months are characterized by relatively normal atmospheric conditions over the Arctic Ocean, but warmer than normal conditions over the subpolar seas and land around the Arctic Ocean. Seasonal climate forecasts indicate continued above normal temperatures in the more southern regions, with especially high temperatures in the Kara and Barents seas.

  43. * First a heatwave hit Siberia. Then came the anthrax.
    Temperatures have soared in western Russia’s Yamal tundra this summer. Across Siberia, some provinces warmed an additional 10 degrees Fahrenheit beyond normal. In the fields, large bubbles of vegetation appeared above the melting permafrost — strange pockets of methane or, more likely, water. Record fires blazed through dry Russian grassland. In one of the more unusual symptoms of unseasonable warmth, long-dormant bacteria appear to be active. For the first time since 1941, anthrax struck western Siberia. Thirteen Yamal nomads were hospitalized, including four children… The bacteria took an even worse toll on wildlife, claiming some 1,500 reindeer since Sunday. [Scientists are floored by what’s happening in the Arctic right now]. According to NBC News, the outbreak is thought to stem from a reindeer carcass that died in the plague 75 years ago. As the old flesh thawed, the bacteria once again became active.

    1. Susan, this does make sense, but begs the question of what happened in 1941 that was similar, or?  Guess I could try to look it up but am trying to vet to post Kaiser's vaccination protocol. 

    2. or at least that's the propaganda.  Probably more likely that some ghouls went over there and sprayed anthrax around to kill the nomads, then blamed It All on long-ago frozen bacteria.. hmmmm…. anyone smell something rotten, other than a long-dead reindeer–???

  44. So excited to see the law suit is on it's way.  Amazing amount of work you've done.  Thank you so much on behalf of my family.

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